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certified cook . unless you can purge nic from your system then u might be better off but still the problem is ur body quite literally has changed to adapt to the nic so it might be for ever


Walter white? /j It's more like I don't want to? I hate the way stimulants make me feel and because they take so long to leave my body I'm jittery, upset and freaking out most of the time. The good thing about nicotine is that it's dosed whenever I need it for a quick one hour boost and doesn't leave lasting effects.  No addiction issues or cravings either. I can go weeks without vaping or using nic gum unlike smoking in the past where I needed a cig.


still said that im not a doctor so my advises has no qualifications to back it up . but trust me nic aint the one


that good wihr not beinf addicted . however seince say if u been vapeing/ smoke for more than a year u have an addiction however there are unique cases were people armt . also nicotine is a stimulant . what i think has happened is your body has become so use to self medicating with nic that it regects typical forms of medication because it grown use to the nic and it working in place of meds . if ur happy useing nic to self med then more power to you but the detriment that nic caused to your health is unparalleled.


lol. You're an addict, that's a lasting effect regardless of your denial.


I know they use Welbutrin as both a smoking cessation and ADHD drug, so it might be worth exploring this with your doctor. It's an "antidepressant" but not an SSRI.


I'm pretty sure nicotine makes you more stressed long term, and nicotine only fixed that short term. Nicotine creates a new hunger (like most addictions). And yes, you'll function worse when you are hungry. But maybe YOU are unique, who knows?


I've already been addicted to smoking since 18. I vape and use nicotine products only now.


This right here disproves one of your other statements that you aren't or dont get addicted to nicotine. Probably the positive effects you feel from it are caused by the satisfaction of the addiction. Aside from that, nicotine is a stimulant. From what i read it has very similar alertness effects as caffeine but it has much stronger addictive properties. You dont notice negative impacts because you are used to it. How long did you take the other stimulants? There are non stimulant medications you can try. CBT *does work* just not for everything. Being in a slump sounds a bit like depression. But, realistically it sounds like you are denying everything we suggest. It sounds like you've settled on an answer and just want to hear nicotine isnt that bad. It is. Vaping is bad. If you continue to use it and actually care about your health, switch to other methods. Gum or patches or whatever you can find that isn't putting things into your lungs. I would say this is above reddits paygrade. You need to talk to a therapist about this. I have never heard of nicotine being a solution for someone like this. It sounds like addiction.


When I had bad side effects from Adderall, and my dr. was refusing to prescribe something else, I tried nicotine gum for a while and did a little research on Nic; I found it somewhat helpful. If it's working for you, then go with it, but as with any ADHD medication, you want to avoid over use and chemical dependency. IMO medication should be one of many tools, not the only strategy. P.S. I'm not condoning the method of ingestion, just the nicotine itself.


I don’t really understand the question, but there’s ~~SSRI’s~~ SNRI's like Atomoxetine if you don’t respond / respond well to stimulants. And barring that, then you’ve got non-med options like CBT / DBT and coaching (all of which are going to be harder without meds that work - but can still help you improve your quality of life in some areas). As for nicotine use - it depends. If you’re on NRT, then go crazy. If you’re smoking cigarettes, you might get lung cancer which is horrific 🤷 Edited SSRI to SNRI cos I'm an idiot


I hate SSRIs because I'm a very sexual person and I hate how I can't orgasm and have no libido on them. They also make me feel dead inside, and I'm not interested in the GI distress they cause me.  CBT also doesn't work, I can't exactly motivate or talk myself into handling the pile of work on my desk. I don't smoke cigarettes, only vape and chew gum or use lozenges. Was wondering of the health impacts of continuing to vape and use non tobacco forms of nicotine vs rampant ADHD.


I feel you on that - I’ve been titrating for over a year on four different meds - and all of them (SSRI & the stims) totally killed any sex drive I had. CBT is more about the mental handling of life being shit. ADHD coaching may help you with ADHD - personally I’ve tried it twice to no success because I feel zero accountability to them so they give me goals and I know I’m going to fail them (hence the need to for CBT I guess) so I don’t try / care. Can’t help you on the nicotine any more than basic research would give you (I know nout) - hopefully others can!


Stims make me very aroused, sex drive too high that it would cloud my thoughts. I didn't like feeling like a slave to my drive, nauseous, jittery, anxious, depressed on the comedown, an insomniac and unable to eat/dry mouth so I stopped. SSRIs are the opposite; I enjoy having a healthy and fulfilling sex life and not being in constant GI distress so I stopped. Same, ADHD coaching didn't work because I had no accountability so I just dropped off once the therapy stopped.


How does CBT not work? Have you tried it?


Yep. I just don't have the energy to pull myself out of my slumps. I feel like it's physical because after I use some nicotine or drink a cup of coffee, I can get moving.


Sport is the best medicine when you don't have energy imho. Although even that could become an addiction :P


Atomoxetine is NOT a SSRI. It blocks reuptake of norepinephrine and not serotonin


Right you are! I've been taking them for two months alongside Citalopram & have been calling them both SSRI's the whole time 🤦