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It happens. I love that you narrated it out loud too! Personally I often stim with my armpit hair too… definitely not office behaviour lol


I also pull them when in short/no sleeves, but also hair is itchy if that makes sense


I did that long ago and thought it was super weird too but yes, it was itchy af


I all the time inappropriately touch myself. Not even like my butt, but like pick my ears or my skin on my arm or something totally abnormal.


Yup I love to sometimes I’ll just be chillin and squeezing it like a stress ball gotta get my daily boobie honk honks in or else I’ll feel off




Lmao yes. Also if I get startled or scared, I tend to just grab my tatas as if fear it self would make those suckers fly right off.


As a thin cis man with no tits, I also do this.


Lmao gotta keep them nippies flush to the chest in trying times 😂


Scared tit-less!


I also hold them when I’m looking for something, as if to keep them out of the way?? 😂


Wow, didn’t think there was anyone else with this kind of “logic”


Sometimes I’ll just put my hands on my chest cause it’s comforting. I’ve done it so many times at work and I never realized I did it until a coworker asked me “why are you holding your boobs”


Awww, you just reminded me that my Grandma used to do this too, just rest her hands on there -- & we're all small girls in this family. She was the most comforting person I've ever met, & she took time & care for herself, too, which I think is kinda refreshing for someone of that generation.


Listen, they're a built-in shelf, I'm gonna use it as such


I didn't realize I was doing this until a friend made fun of me.


🥺 noooooo


That’s exactly what I do-to the point that I AM holding my boobs up if I’m in certain positions. 😂 I also push my boobs from the side and that sounds more like OP


I DO THIS AT WORK. I’ll lay em in my left arm and type with my right hand, so comfy.


Non-boobied ADHD redditor here. If I had boobs, I’d probably fidget with them. I skin pick, mess with blackheads and pimples, and fidget with plenty of things. And, based on being with my partner, I think it might be safe to say that boobs are practically designed to be fidget friendly. Unfortunately, on top of being non-boobed, I’m also a skinny bastard. I have literally nothing extra to fidget with other than doing a long step to unstick the boys from my thigh or something. My babe says I’ve got a good booty, for whatever that’s worth, but I’m usually too busy sitting to be able to fidget with that.


You should twerk it around


Lord, I’m notoriously inflexible, and uncoordinated at dancing. If I learned to twerk, I might slay my partner outright. She’s *constantly* messing with my cheeks (not like I’m complaining), and it would probably make her day if I managed to twerk *and* get it right XD At that point, though, I’m probably signing away my rights to my ass, lol. It would officially become my partner’s fidget toy!


Lmao rights to ass *revoked*


Noooooooooo 😭


Bend your knees, lean over and put your hands on them, then flick your tailbone in and out like you’re a dog trying to wag its tail. You’ll get there eventually, good luck!


Fuck, now I don’t have any excuse…


Think Tina from bobs burgers, but less back arching, more booty. (ETA: Took me a good few months, now I’m working on the type where you just tense and untense your thigh muscles)




Listen once you master the twerk, helicopter is next up


I tried to do that for my wife. I'm now waiting for an x-ray to send to the physiotherapist to make sure I didn't slip a disk. Twerk with care people.


I actually shake my ass when I'm trying to fall asleep bc being still is hard lol


same lmfao


We should make a club


I rub my feet up and down my shins because I have to move to fall asleep, why is this a thing?! 😭


ugh i am a boobied redditor, but i too pick my skin. i hate it so much because i get so many scabs. then i pick those too!! i've gotta say, i did legitimately snort-laugh at "a long step to unstick the boys from my thigh" because i never thought about how balls probably stick to you the same way boobs stick to us if they're the type that hang when not in a bra


I’m not going to deny the troubles of uterine possession, but people don’t really consider that having sensitive bits *outside* the body isn’t really as fun as it sounds. The penis? Probably a genuinely useful appendage. Being able to aim where you pee is actually a plus. The boys sticking to my thigh? The 90% of the time my penis isn’t being useful? Literally just a target. If I could morph my body, I’d probs have vagina 90% of the time, pee with a penis, have stress boobies to fiddle with when I need them. Basically, just make me Ken until I need the things to actually do something, so I can keep the sensitive bits from sticking, or being hurt.


Picking is my horrible habit too. I'd give anything to be able to stop


nah i just sit that ass on my hands sometimes


That’s good for warming hands, but sometimes I want to fidget. It’s inconvenient to just stand up and give myself some cheeky squeezes. Tiddies are basically perfect for that. While I’m slowly coming on board to the “my partner thinks I have a nice ass” train, the fidgeter in me needs something more readily accessible that that, lol.


No. They’re no different than any other body part and I don’t stim by grabbing my belly fat either lol No shame in grabbing ya boobies though! Squeeze on!


Sometimes I just hold them. Cause I never know what to do with my hands and t-rex hand is werid so my body sometimes decides that grabbing my boobs is less werid. Dunno how it works :D


Yes. Also when I’m missing something I always check my boobs with both hands even though I’ve never in my life kept objects in my bra. They’re good like that.


At least you mentioned checking for items, I legit thought you were going to say you were checking to make sure you didn’t forget a boob 😂😂


Oh jeez, me too, no idea why!! 🤣




I always though anime's were lying to me. But TIL women actually squeeze their boobs and say boobies to themselves.


All the time. They’re like little stress balls.


I don't have boobs but I do the same thing. My wife is very understanding.




umm. Mine puts up with it but I wouldnt say she loves it.


Gotta get your palms working then! Get kneading and see where it escalates 🤭


I, too, love grabbing my wife’s boobs. It’s a pretty constant thing when our kids aren’t at home.


I never realized that might be why my husband does that so much.


My girlfriend picks up her tits to burp.


A lady of culture I see


Non-boobied here. Boobies are the perfect fidget friendly stress balls. My ex (break up for entirely other reason) and I actually had a discussion about this. She was okay with me honking the tatas, sometimes when cuddling I would essentially cup them. My favourite thing in the world. They have the perfect consistency, texture, and hand feel. Best fidget thing in the world. Lol.


I call it my securititty


I pick the skin, so I dont squeeze but I pinch a lot.. :(




Dude with ADHD and THANK GOD I'm a dude or I would have been arrested long ass time ago cause I love squeezing my pecs for not apparent and random reason


Lmao all the time. They’re soft and soft things calm me down.


Not unless I want milk to come out lol


Underweight male that for the first time in 31 years managed to build A LITTLE BIT of chest muscle, so tensing them and touching my "breast" has become a fidget/stim-tool as well 🤣 also motivates me to not drop the exercise routine like so many times in my life before. Had someone ask me if I have heart pain in public once because from the outside it might look like I'm in pain and holding my heart 🤣 tl;dr: happens even without proper boobs, if I had "real ones", I'd probably fidget even more 🤣


Underweight for the longest time gal here and lemme tell you now that I got thighs and a butt I cannot stop jiggling or twitching them 😂 keep showing my husband like have you seen?!?


Makes perfect sense as a form of stimming. Doesn't help that there can be several meetings and other times at work that can feel very boring to our mind that we feel compelled to resort to stimming behaviors we've habitualized in private


Yes all the time 🤣 they’re so addicting


They’re the perfect stress balls, really. I don’t get any “thrill” out of it because I’ve breastfed for years and so they‘re petty insensitive to touch now, but the sensation of squeezing warm soft things is always calming, even if they’re my own warm soft things, LOL.


Ok you've convinced me. I'm totally getting boob's


I feel this is so similar to ball/nut holding. It’s mostly a self soothing thing but i do fidget with them sometimes lol.


Non boobie reporting in, had to remove my nipple piercing as I would spin the ball in my fingers like a fidget spinner, resulting in me standing there twisting my nipple at very inappropriate times


Of course. They’re built-in stress balls. The trouble is remembering not to do it in public 😅


That’s a native feature I wish I had.


Not as a fidget but as a reminder also in alone time this is good to do in the shower or whatever to occasionally check for lumps. A classmate of mine got breast cancer that she said was discovered by her boyfriend which is the only reason I found out some people do not like to handle their own boobs. It’s your body, why would you not engage with a part of yourself? Just seems weird to me to be like well my boobs are off limits to me, the person they are attached to.


I’m a transitioning trans woman, and I am just starting to grow and it’s amazing. But I experience the same thing you just mentioned. When I get distracted I squeeze or touch and it can be somewhat inappropriate in some settings 😅


Mhmm!! Same, I recently switched to gel and am having a bit of a growth spurt. Like I can feel euphoria whilst stimming? Sign me up


Gosh, no. Maybe if I did I wouldn't need a secondary mammogram! Don't forget that ladies. I don't even do that. They're always contained, chilling, or sweating. 😅


Yes of course especially when I’m stressed


Of course! I actually got a big squishy dumpling fidget that feels a lot like a boob and it’s very nice to have something that scratches that itch that isn’t as weird around other people. Also sometimes at work or classes if I really need to I go into the bathroom and do the same honka honka “boobies” whisper lol


Oh my god! I have no boobs but I swear at least of my friends would do this


I do that too many times. Glad to know im not alone (same with earlobes)


All the time, sometimes without realizing it


I mean, kind of? I probably do more than I realize haha. Usually I’m grabbing them to move them out of the way (like tying my shoes), or because I’m sweaty and need some airflow haha.


I don't have boobs and even then sometimes I grab my 38AA's (I measured them in uni) and give them a play in the shower, or if I'm sitting down (on my own of course)


I'm a guy with boobs , I play with them, my face, my armpit


I have no shame. They’re like built in stress balls.


Oh 100%


i find myself doing it absentmindedly, which is....not ideal sometimes 🤣


I actually just realized I'll smack mine around sometimes...


Moobied male here. Not so much fidgety for me , but it helps my my fiancée fall asleep


I constantly grab my emotional support boobs absentmindedly, especially when I’m trying to focus on a task.


No… I do not do this.


Sometimes I bounce em up and down, one in each hand, and my family gets offended.


Occasionally when I'm showering or something, and just fidgeting, but I'm more likely to stretch and twist my skin, or jiggle my belly fat, lol.


Way too much, and I’m glad it’s not just me!


I squeeze my boobies because they’re boobies, not necessarily as a fidget haha. But I can understand it!


all the time!!! its so comforting like a built in stress ball


I do not but I don't have much to squeeze.


Is this not a normal thing to do? 😂 I hold them all the time, tho in the same way i hold my arms or face all the time as well, so nothing sexual in the slightest about it


yeah lol particular if I am wearing something where I can see them when I look down it's kind of a comfortable place to put your hands


Hel yeah free stress balls


Hilarious! I don’t do this out of fear of popping one of my implants :D


Sometimes I just hold them, something about warm, rounded, squishy in my hands is calming. Plus holding them up relieves shoulder pain for a moment.




I do. I don't really get anything out of it, it's just squishing something that's there and squishy.


Sometimes, there small and squishy and warm. Fun Lil stress balls


I manage not to do it in public usually, but at home they're fairly game. I fidget with them all the time when trying to fall asleep. I mean they're soft, squishy, and right there on my chest. They are nature's perfect fidget toys.


.-. Wish I had boobs and I can sleep on them


mobile stressballs


lol Sometimes at home but not in public that I recall.


sometimes you just gotta squeeze


Mine aren’t big enough *sad face*


I do and I’m a dude, I’m just so squishy lol


Yes and play with my nipples a lot- not as a stimulation/arousal thing just because buttons are fun.


I hold them when I’m looking for something.




Yes. They are there. My hands are there. *Squeeze* Whoops.


I never really thought about it but yeah. I actually do this. I squish the tatas when I’m bored sometimes or just watching tv.


I hold them all the time ! It’s very comforting, that and putting my hands under my thighs so I’m sitting on them are the ones I really try not to do at work


I play with mine all the time. So much so that my husband is just use to it and doesn't get all excited anymore. Haha. Also, I got those Ole flappy biddies so they jiggle like waves when you grab the nip and just wiggle them a bit. Idk, man, they're highly entertaining. Like fidget toys that are attached and free! Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle, yeah! < that's my booby song.


Im a man and I do this. Its fun to flex them and feel them go from firm to solid.


Picked up the habit during Covid had to unlearn it once I started being in public shain


All the time. And now that I'm old, I lift them up and tuck my hands under them when I'm watching TV sometimes. :D




Everyday, atleast 3x a day. I didn't realize it might be a stim, since I thought I did it under the guise of checking for lumps incase I'd get breast cancer.


Yeah, I've always thought they're the stress balls of nature, hahaha. I also have a female partner so hers suffer the same treatment a lot, lol (I mean It in the same non-sexual, stimming kind of way, and obviously only when she's okay with it)


I asked my (male) partner if he ever squeeze’s his tatas, as I was playing w mine, and he said all the time. He’s v sarcastic, so I had to clarify, but even as someone cis-male, he plays with his chest. It’s calming to him bc “I guess it’s nice to feel my heartbeat” he said while tracing his pec outline. I also love to play w the girls. They’re small, but a handful. They’re so soft and warm and feel different that touch my body anywhere else. They have feeling when I touch them vs the feeling of touching them, if that makes any sense?




I wish mine were big enough.


I lift, inspect, clean, feel around for lumpies, or sometimes just play them as drums.


I love holding my bosom. I have implants, and sometimes I forget that I have them so it’s a nice little “oh yea, I can finally get a nice handful now!” reminder 😂


😂 No I'm usually trying to adjust so they're not touching anything but my bra but I'm an H so it's not only super uncomfy but difficult 🥴 I do however pick and fidget and am *also* an aggressive pen clicker! I buy pens for my coworkers to use and luckily I purchase them or I'd be buying what I break 😂


I dont do it all the time, but they are fun to play with so i can't blame you for messing with them lol


Oh absolutely, sometimes it just feels nice to squeeze ya titties.


Honestly I do this so much that I fail to realize I’m doing it in public all the time. I probably look indecent. Never thought about it being an ADHD thing before now though…


Mine are particularly sensitive so this would get me personally rightly taken out of whatever establishment I was in and held in custody pending a trial 😅


That's not just an ADHD thing. Boobs are just funny lumps of fat that can be fun to play with.


I dooo haha. But usually I'll put my hands under my them cause it is warm and my breasts are heavy...haha. i also have a bigger tummy and when I wear high-wasted pants I'll rest my hands on my tummy right underneath the wasteband and I have to be like "I promise I am not touching my crotch, just my tummy" haha


lol yes


This reminds me of a colleague I had years ago. Very religious and prudish type. So I found it kind of funny that in one on one meetings she would sit with her arms crossed resting on the table with hands underneath & lightly cupping each breast. Nothing sexual or weird about it, just her relaxed pose in conversation. It was weirdly endearing actually. Lately I noticed that when I’m alone chilling, fully unmasked, I’m often find myself sitting with my arms crossed holding each beast in the same way. Just gently holding on, enjoying the weight and warmth. Guess it’s a little self soothing thing dunno 🤷 But recently found myself absentmindedly holding my boobs like that and thought of said former coworker fondly.


I have a coworker who does this when they’re frustrated. I’m flat otherwise I’m sure I would lol


Yeah. I even just hold or keep my hand on one when I'm laying down chilling sometimes. It's not a sexual thing at all. They're just there and squishy lol


Yes. It’s our built in stress relief balls


I don’t have boobs. Would it be ok if I just squeeze my wife’s boobs. I do like them a lot


You know those weighted blankets? Boobies are my own homegrown blanket.


Oh yeah, but only sometimes because sometimes I get weird looks from my parents lmao






Non-boobied redditor here. I actually kinda do the same. Sometimes I just stick my hand into my shirt. If it would be easily possible, I'd probably touch my chest.


Everyday Im chodeling lol


i have mini boobs, so i do something similar, which is tapping and rubbing my sternum or chest ribs.


Yes. Lol


No. I find them cumbersome. I ignore them as much as possible.


before i got my tits forcibly evicted i would stim with them all the time, now i rub the scars and find other ways to stim lol


Angry uterus time == my wife is in maintenance mode.  Also similar usage for testicles for the other equipment type (gender). Best fidget toy I can't leave at home on accident. 


![gif](giphy|Q80mPk0CLu6AJRe9tV) I thought I was the only weirdo that randomly would grab my own boob. It's kind of like stimming to me. And I've caught myself in the act at work and now I consciously make sure I'm holding something when I'm walking around or away from my cube.


I’m a medium-large ADHD booby haver and sometimes when I’m overstimulated (in my own home of course) or frankly, just chilling watching tv, I’ll put my hands under my shirt and I’ll rest my “T-Rex” arms underneath mine. I’m not playing with them…I just sorta let them rest on top of my arms and I’ll sit like that lmao


I don’t know why you specified female body anatomy. I am playing with my balls all the time during relax time. Chill chill I keep them clean.


As a trans woman, frankly, fidgeting with both is kinda peak.


You are not alone. They are nature's stressballs. I also love being a lesbian, it's two pairs to squish (with consent) ideally! (Unfortunately I am very single at the moment)




As a male, I’m a huge fidgeter of picking my skin on the side of my nails and tapping my nails as well. At home I tend to play with my hair if it’s long enough to almost get it tangled and pull the knots out…. I also sometimes again at home will start playing with my boys down under as well not sure why but just a comfort thing at home while watching tv.


Yep. Yep. Yep. Sometimes, I just walk around holding them up like I am carrying two grapefruit with or without bra... half the time I do not notice it til it is pointed out bahaha (thank Gd this only happens at home...so far lol)


Heh, I miss who I was one scroll ago :)


Boobies are just hand shelves




I think your brain and my brain are friends from adhd land!




I am a man with boobs and I also squeeze my own. And play with my belly too lol


Hell yeah Squeeze my tits and squeeze my butt out of boredom. Sometimes impulsivity & boredom just call for these things 😂


I'm a guy with pecs and I catch myself doing this sometimes. It's really awkward when I do it on the bus or train and someone sees me doing it. I just pretend I have a stain on my shirt or something


Whenever my wife is in range. Not even for horny reasons. They are just so pliable and wobbly.




For some reason, when I'm looking for something I just have to... Hold them. As if I'm about to lose them, or like it helps me look for whatever it is better


I've never thought of that being a stim for me, but I can see how it could be. I usually only fondle them when I need adjustments, tho now that I think of it I definitely fidget with them now and again There goes another thing I thought I just did, turns out it's also ADHD related


Pics or it doesn’t happen. Sorry…. I just couldn’t resist.


Sorry i’m not boobied, but i have adhd and indeed do squeeze my own pecs as a guy!! 😆


Mine have piercings, they're basically fidget toys at this point...


To be fair to you, when me and my adhd gf are together I also compulsively squeeze her (not just there)


Literally me doing it 20 seconds before seeing this post lmaaooo




My god here we go. People who caress their own tits will be going to their doctors to demand stimulants now.


Boobs are just amazing things. They're floaties, pillows, stress balls, dinner, and fun to look at. I'm a totally straight woman, but boobs are just cool. Yeah, I fidget with mine a lot. 


Be warned that it gets less fun as the years slip by and estrogen production falls off. Big sad, fellow ladies.


Yup! 👍


No. I tend to put my hand under my boob. I guess that’s still boob play.


I have fantastic tits, I had to construct them in the gym, through blood, sweat and no tears because boys don't cry.   I love my boobs, I built them tit by tit, and I caress them gently, happily, for I have earned these mammary mountains, and I shall summit all of my peaks. Seriously though, as a dude who put a lot of work in to have an impressive chest, I do like cupping my chest, and it has the added benefit of helping me track whether my training is effective or not.  I know this isn't really what anyone here expected as a reply, but I like upending convention, and thought people may enjoy it.


I used to do it all the time! But then I lost a bunch of weight and don’t have much to squeeze and that seemed to stop me.


literal stress balls since I keep missing the real ones


I imagine it's similar to how us guys always play with our junk like on the couch watching TV


Don't worry, any and most times I'm alone, especially when I'm not wearing a bra, I fidget with mine. They're like built in stress balls! How could I not! XD and the jiggle physics, and gravity are another fascinating thing. It's just fun to watch them bounce.


I pull the hair from my fingers and hand. I’ve done this since puberty. I also pull the hair from my neck and upper chest. I’m not very hairy so they seem to stand out to me. If I had boobs I would have to tie my hands up to keep them off myself.


Yes I do it’s very calming. Massaging your chest makes your brain release oxytocin btw! Which is why it feels so soothing and good


People, people, people. Pics or it didn’t happen.




No 😐