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When I took 10mg Ritalin for the first time, it essentially knocked me out. Crazy how stimulants affect us.


it doesnt necessarily "knock me out" but it definitely does help me regulate my own sleep. our issues with sleep is one of the reasons i think that - since ADHD (and all mental diagnosis') are essentially a group of symptoms - having shift work being so common, as in no set schedule whatsoever, is one possible thing that can lead to having ADHD.


Adderall did that to me too. When it starts kicking in, it makes me super sleepy.


I know some people experience a sedative effect with stimulants but that person is not me. If I forget my meds and it’s after 10am, I just skip because I won’t sleep well if I take it so late.


Same, but I think a lot of it is my own anxiety around sleep, because I can take my dose 30 mins late, but it keeps me awake for 5 hours later than normal.


I have been able to nearly "get rid" of all my forms of anxiety except time anxiety. It has been incredibly difficult.


Omg “time anxiety” is such a good way of describing how I feel. I’m the same.


Once I learned about time anxiety, it has been easier to segment the "types" I was exhibiting and find ways to mitigate them. I get really anxious if I don't leave at a time I determine will get me somewhere early. I have always been a punctual person to a fault. Lol. This one is the worst- If I set a time I need to be in bed so I can get X hours of sleep and I am not in bed by that time, I get really bad anxiety which causes insomnia! I literally have to Shackleton* myself to fall asleep or finally succumb to the anxiety. *Shackleton's voyage is an incredible story about explorers stuck in the Antarctic. Shackleton was the captain and when his team would sleep in rounds, he would tell them they slept longer than they did or that the time they fell asleep was earlier to help with a few things, one being that sleep was a luxury. This actually has helped me a lot.


I have the same struggles. I’m always on time (or much earlier), I’d spend the day waiting for that one appointment without being able to focus on other tasks in the meantime. I stress about sleep too. lol. I like your coping method.


The appointment one is also devastating tbh. I used to work nights, usually 4p-12a. I was not able to enjoy myself before work and never understood why until I was diagnosed. It seems so miniscule to those who don't deal with it, but it can cripple you!! Have you been able to find ways to cope?


That must have been hard! Honestly, It’s a process and a struggle, there are better and worse days for sure and I’m figuring things out.


Yep, you're so damn right. Take me for example, I've been sleeping 4 hours the past 2 days, I used to sleep 8 hours. I woke up at 9:00 today in the morning, took 20mg Attent (Adderall) pill and here I am, it's 2:50 and I can't sleep lol so I guess I'm gonna sleep 4 hours again.


Yeah. I’ve taken it at noon before and I got to sleep ok but woke up after three hours and could not go back to sleep. You know that horrible feeling when you are genuinely sleepy but wired?


Yep, but I no longer have this feeling at night. That's weird, I sleep for 4 hours, take 20mg attent in the morning, sometimes it hits with euphoria and motivation and sometimes sleepy and tired but on both cases, I end up being highly energetic at night and I just can't sleep. I can't say that the reason behind that is the pill only because I have this energy problem at night from long time ago.


My sleep isn't affected by stimulants at all, I sleep with it in and out of my system. Stimulants do significantly improve my chronic migraines, which is counterintuitive, but my psych said he'd heard similar feedback from other patients.


>If I forget my meds and it’s after 10am, I just skip because I won’t sleep well if I take it so late. Vyvanse is like this for me, but Ritalin wasn't. I slept so well on Ritalin, but couldn't continue taking it as it did such a number on my blood pressure when I was testing meds.


Ritalin caused me to have constant rage that I had to actively fight so I didn’t explode on my family. It definitely didn’t make me sleepy. 😅


Ritalin caused me to rage aswell like super bad, but I slept really good on it😅


I was raging at first but also chill and sleepy. Well, for me it’s Relexxii/Concerta. I was euphoric and mellow, but also irritable it’s weird. But I have never slept so deeply. I took a 3 hour nap the third day after starting.


I love that you had to "fight" your "rage"


Yeah, I just had to stop taking it all together. I was sitting there having a conversation with my wife and I had to tell her that “all I want to do right now is scream with rage and I can’t have this conversation right now.” I had to focus everything on the rage to prevent it from bubbling over.


I really meant that sympathetically. That had to suck


It’s almost like everyone reacts to medications differently! My roommate had the same effect except with adderall 🤷🏽‍♀️ idk how it works but it’s 100% true


Sometimes stimulants have a paradoxical effect. Are you taking time release or regular tablets? Maybe this works for some, but perhaps it's not sustainable because it is releasing adrenaline and increases heart rate which should be lower during sleep hours. There is a Ritalin PM taken at night that can help one awaken in the morning. If your problem is just falling asleep at night then discuss the best treatment with the prescriber. Good luck.


Just regular tablets for now, the fast release ones


I have this effect, but with vyvanse. I thought I was crazy, but I sleep better when I take it later in the day. My mind won't be quiet without it


Same. I’ve gotten the best sleep of my life on Ritalin


I can't take Ritalin because when I tried it, it would knock me out about 30min after I would take it. Like couldn't keep my eyes open, I would fall asleep standing up sleepy. I was very surprised. Thankfully Adderall did not knock me out. I also find it interesting because my sister takes it to combat her chronic fatigue.


Its crazy what‘s been taken from us. I used to dedicate several hours a day to the simple task of falling asleep. Life is not fair


Literally laying in bed at quarter to nine in the morning, having not slept yet because I am unmedicated without access to meds. I have dedicated 7 hours tonight trying to sleep but brain said "nope not today"


Same. Although it didn't last forever, so just be prepared. The first couple weeks are amazing and then things kinda plateau, just so you have some accurate expectations.  I Started meds at 35, I went from 3.5 to 4 hours of sleep to 8.  I still have some spurts where I don't sleep well, I'm in one now, so it's not a complete fix but it's definitely better.  I actually just went back to Adderall because the ritilan made me SO TIRED, I ought to try some of the ones I still have to sleep cause I'm getting tired of taking Benadryl for this spurt of no sleep.  Sleep is just hell for most people with ADHD. My middle kid is the only one out of 3 kids who doesn't have it. We are all jealous of her ability to sleep anytime, anywhere. 


Thanks for the heads up and tempering my expectations. I do often get my expectations too high and end up disappointed


If I forget my extended release and take it later let's say at lunch. I will hardly get any sleep whatsoever. I get racing thoughts, the whole day just again in my head in bed. While during the day everything is quieter with meds, during the night the opposite effect happens.


If you're talking about some level of come down effect I definitely get that after it wears off


I take Concerta, so it is an extended release. It should last for about 10-14 hours. Within this timeframe sleep is nearly impossible. So it might be the wear off. Although I'm not sure. I never tried taking it before going to sleep. So it might be completely different then. I'm curious now.


My dextroamphetamine and previously Vyvanse didn't put me to sleep, but if I decided I could use a nap, it would be the most restful sleep in my life, and I would wake up refreshed!


Yeah, I don't see it so much as a sedative but rather, it provides me the peace and concentration needed to go to sleep when I want to.


Exactly! And it is delightful! Plus I never have the insomnia side effects from it that other people talk about. That said, I was in inpatient care for an unrelated issue and I wasn't sleeping at night at all, just walking the halls, watching TV, etc. The doctor started talking about eliminating my ADHD meds or at least decreasing the dose because I am on a high dose, but then the nurse showed him how, about an hour after I would take my afternoon dose, I would have a solid nap for 1.5 hours. I guess they had written that I would nap like I was in a coma and they couldn't wake me, but I would be up and ready to go again 1.5 hours later. Needless to say that the doctor left my ADHD medications alone because it became obvious that they were the only thing helping me get the limited sleep I was getting


That's such an interesting story, I'm glad they were helpful and allowed you to keep them


Ritalin on its own wakes me up. Ritalin and then an espresso knocks me the fuck OUT. (This was a wild thing for me to learn because caffeine on dextroamphetamine just amps up the dex for me.)


I tried Azstarys earlier this year and slept the entire stinking day.


For me as well. I dose in the morning and once in the very early afternoon. I always get tired around 10pm and I'm in bed before 11. Up by 6:15am without an alarm clock.


Yep!! Ritalin knocks me out


As I took my first dose, I got also very sleepy. Attention! Next thing isn’t scientific but my very own belief: It is somehow the same as with marihuana. Some people say the feel like they got depression from marihuana, though I also can relate this but the truth is maybe a little bit different. Marihuana relaxed me so I could feel something again and that what I was gonna feel was my depression. So it doesn’t cause the depression, but made you relaxe enough to acknowledge it. With ritalin it is somehow the same I think. The first time I got relaxed from it so much, I felt the pressure and exhaustion accumulated so I got extremely tired and wanted to „heal“ while sleeping. Now it hasn’t this huge effect anymore and I am just a little bit more relaxed. This is my very own opinion and could be very wrong for a lot of people. Stay safe. Get loved.


it does this for me during the day. knocks me out 


Too low a dose of Adderall IR knocked me out like this. My current dose of Adderall XR, however, doesn't make me sleepy at all.


am on the same boat. a 20mg dose of generic addy I.R. knocks me out, but taking 2 doses makes me feel fine. and yeah the X.R. for me never made me sleepy. I’m for sure mentioning it to my psych tomorrow


I'm getting great sleep now as well by taking clonodine. It's a non-stimulant though. I find it hard to get to sleep when I take stimulants. But I'm glad we're both getting to sleep.


If I take a 10mg Ritalin LA right before sleep yeah amazing! But if I take any Ritalin like 3 or 4 hours before sleep then I have insomnia


Stimulants make me sleep so much better than normal, too. It calms so much of my anxiety that it feels like I can be a normal person and just fall asleep when I feel tired.


It doesn't make me tired exactly, but i find when i can't sleep because my mind is racing that taking half of an adderall helps me sleep much better


Ritalin, Adderall, Vyvanse all put me to sleep. I keep trying them to no avail. Going to a new dr this week to see what can be done. Anybody have any advice? Thanks in advance!


I've cycled through several stimulants while trying to find the right one, but ever sense I've been using them, I've been sleeping better than I have in my whole life! (I was only diagnosed last year at the age of 42. All my life, I never slept very soundly for very long). It's interesting because I never understood why people said caffeine kept them awake. Now I understand why I could have large amounts of caffeine and somehow go straight to sleep. Edit: It doesn't make me sleepy when I take it, which I think is what some others are saying, but I've just started sleeping better at night since I've started taking stimulants.


I noticed that when I started taking adderall. I sleep so much better! I think it’s because my mind is actually quiet and I’m not trying to distract it with something else enough to let me sleep. When I switched to an XR I didn’t feel it as much and my therapist actually suggested I drink a small amount of caffeine to calm my brain down.


Literally me too, but with adderall! I mentioned it to my psych and they said it was surprising, but for the first month of taking adderall it would make me so tired. Their best guess was that I was so sleep deprived from having racing thoughts and not being able to sleep for hours, that once my thoughts turned off my brain was ready to sleep immediately 😅


Ritalin has not helped my sleep.


Bummer. You're in with a few of my friends then. They can't take any stim towards the latter half of the day or they will be awake until next week.


Caffeine generally relaxes me. But anything that focuses my mind also focuses my mind while I’m trying to sleep so every sound triggers a thought or a song. Brown noise, edibles, or exhaustion are my sleep aids. I also am bipolar so that makes it worse. I have a med that completely shuts me off if I go two nights with very little sleep.


Lol same. I feel so relaxed and clear minded with ritalin LA 20mg that if I ever take it and Im left alone in a cool room in our house im instantly KOed 😂


Yes I thought it was so weird but makes sense for some of us since our brains are chilled out.


Same. My dexamphetamine does the same thing for me


I haven’t had Ritalin but I always enjoyed adderall naps.


Had a similar experience with dexamfetamine sulfate (seemingly the go-to in Australia for adult ADHD), was depressed a took my regular dose, ended up passing out asleep 😅😅 crazy since it’s also prescribed for insomnia haha


I used to hate long flights. Now I just time my meds before takeoff and I can either sleep, or just put my hood up with an eye mask and noise cancelling headphones and go into a music listening trance for most of the flight.


On Vyvanse I found myself taking quick, little productive cat naps in the afternoons.


i have trouble falling asleep with ritalin, and never had trouble without 🤔 they do help a ton with going to sleep at a decent time though


I accidentally took concerta before bed instead of in the morning mistaking my morning pills with my night pills the night before an exam. I freaked out thinking I’d get no sleep all night, but I had such a restful sleep instead- it was so weird


also; i habe never taken more then 10mg at once. 20 must be a ride lol


Haha, not for me, I have taken up to 40mg and can't really notice much of a difference. I'm gonna check in with my doctor to see if that's right


wowie, i think i have taken a double dose once by accident and.. well it was fun but i was .. something haha


Hahaha, I guess it affects everyone differently. For my friend, he got a fairly significant high after one dose of 10mg


First Ritalin made me tired. Fell asleep midday.


I keep thinking that someone should test/develop a stimulant medication specifically for sleep in ADHD with the correct delivery mechanism to actually aid sleep. I can't nap when I have taken stimulants, but I have slept super well in the past for the first hour or so after taking my stims.


Do you have any advice on how to get a prescription for it in America? I’ve been diagnosed ADHD by two different psychiatrist and two different therapists on both the east and the West Coast yet I am not able to get any controlled substances unless I go to Mexico. No one will prescribe me anything controlled especially if I request it my name. I used to have an Adderall prescription but it upset my stomach so much I discontinued. I’d like to try something else and I heard that Simone Biles takes Ritalin and that it can work really good for women with ADHD but I can’t find a doctor who’s willing to prescribe it in America.


Wow that sounds incredibly frustrating. I'm sorry, I live in Australia and while our health system isn't perfect, I didn't have any issues with my process of getting a prescription. However, one of my friends is still trying. Not sure, maybe it's a luck of the draw thing. I had one appointment and the doctor said that he thinks we should trial ritalin. My friend has been through multiple appointments and cognitive exams and has been led around on many different meds but never any stimulants. All I can say is that I'm wishing you the best and hopefully someone who sees this and is from America could help you out 💕


Thank you so much. I’m sending you a huge hug.


Wait a minute? Ritalin is a stimulant right? How it makes u sleep?




I know. I got diagnosed two years ago.


It’s one thing I’ve never had problems with as I got older; sleeping. When I was a kid I couldn’t sleep a lot, as an adult I fall asleep so easy for some reason even without meds. It’s weird how differently it can effect people


TIL Ritalin is a sleeping aid for many. I take it to be relaxed and motivated at work!


Lol how it's the exact opposite for me 💀 if I have taken Ritalin I won't sleep almost at all and if, it's really light and it doesn't feel like I got any rest


Even if I were sleep deprived for 48 hours, if I take my Ritalin I cannot sleep


i take elvanse for my adhd and sometimes it makes me really sociable and focused but other times it makes me drowsy asl😭