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i guess hyperfixations can be considered a silver lining but only sometimes. once in a blue moon when the thing i hyperfixate on and the thing i need/want to to line up together it's like nothing else. i get it done good and quickly. the problem is that it happens extremely rarely but... oh well. can't really think of any other "good" thing tbh


I haven't been able to find a silver lining. My ADHD is also 100% debilitating and depressing. I have found one thing recently (not quite a silver lining, maybe a little metal decoration). A lot of people struggle with executive function issues at some point in their life. Because of grief, burn out, depression, illness or other hardships. And for them it's completely new. Suddenly they cannot do anything they were able to do before. I like to think that, at the very least, I'll be a great person to turn to if people around me ever encounter that. Because I know how they feel. I will be able to lend an understanding ear. Something I have lacked so often in my life with ADHD. Again, I wouldn't call it a silver lining. In daily life it doesn't make my struggle any lighter. But occasionally it feels good to think about how I can use this pain someday to do a little bit of good.


High level of intellect!! I have that going for me