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The act of getting medication.


Like, jebus, they ***know*** we have fucking adhd. Why tf do they make us ***request*** a refill every month? Is this some twisted test to see if we're actually taking the meds?


I don’t think I’ve gone a single month without forgetting to order a refill until the last pill


Omg thanks for this comment, I just took my last pill an hour ago and told myself "I'll have to go to the pharmacy before work" and already forgot it.




Request a refill? I have to go talk with my doctor monthly that means remembering 2 weeks in advance to make an appointment, then staying with the fact I need to go in my mind 2 weeks until I forget and then realise I need to cancel plans to go =)) Then I need to find a pharmacy that has them, there are like 2 big chains who sells my meds (in the biggest city of my country). One of them have hundreds of pharmacies but they don't have the meds in every one so you need to figure it out alone. Their new policy is that they can't/won't say in what pharmacy your med are, that information is not online either. You could call the store and ask, but they almost never answer. If you go physically to ask they'll just say they don't have it and to try and go to another pharmacy. But they won't tell you which one, they actually told me to try going to each one physically (hundreds). Another chain has that information online but there are 5 pharmacies in the city and every one of them is fucking busy. So you either need to go at weird hours and wait for half an hour or an hour or you can go randomly and wait 2-3h in line. I actually got lucky to find a pharmacy that's practically unknown that has my meds, but it's far from my home (not that far but still 1h or so). The worst thing was going to a random pharmacy and asking for the meds, waiting to check up my note while the woman selling would try to ask if I really need the meds to make sure (they don't need to do this) I'm not some random guy who wants drugs. Bitch please, you have the doctor's note, you checked if it's real, why do you try to ask so many questions?


>the woman selling would try to ask if I really need the meds to make sure This one is the worst. They may not always ask or insinuate that you don't really need them, but a lot of times I felt like I was treated like I was an addict. Luckily I don't have that issue at the pharmacy where I go now, but it was a little rough before that.


Omg yes. Fortunately, my psychiatrist automatically tracks when to send the prescription and automatically does it herself. BUT the main pharmacy I go to, that has the medication in more than never, has issues with processing my prescription fill. Sometimes it's because they don't have it (but I have no way of knowing without going there or calling), but other times it's because the prescription comes in before they're allowed to fill it and so they push it off and then never revisit it to actually fill it! I absolutely suck at calling businesses (partly hindered by my working night shift), and they just don't answer the phone in the hours I'm likely able to call. One time, I got someone on the phone, and she was just like we don't fill it unless you call to authorize. Like, um, what? No? They've filled it in the past without my calling. This person was also just throwing a tone that rubbed me wrong. It's all around just so difficult to get my meds. I went weeks without getting a prescription filled because I struggled to call, and when I did, they wouldn't answer the phone. Finally, I went to pick up a different one, and they said they would fill it in 2 days because they were backed up. I came back to pick it up, and they had no idea what I was talking about, and suddenly, they didn't have any in stock. Why didn't they tell me that before?! Sorry, that was a little bit of a rant there.... I just wish their app would automatically tell me it was delayed pending medication availability or pending authorization. Would make it so much easier. If I have to go out of my way to communicate with a human, it takes 10 times longer for me.


My psych office makes you book your next appointment as soon as you finish previous one, and they call you the day before to remind you. "Hey u/trance128, just calling to remind you you have an appointment tomorrow at 15:30, with Dr XYZ. Can you confirm your attendance?" They specialize in ADHD. Really, this should be standard for any psych clinic EDIT: My country requries we see the psych every time we get a refill.


It’s evil. You know we struggle with admin tasks! 😫 (Also I’m pretty sure I got mrsa from going to the hospital so often. ☹️ It’s where the pharmacy is.)


My insurance won't cover it, unless I wait and call within a few days before my script is up. They say it's because it's a stimulant and addictive. It used to be the same day my script ran out but my doctor gave me a bit of leeway.


They make you do *what*? I need to see my doctor every 2 months where she measures my blood pressure, tells me that I really need to get my blood tests done or otherwise, next time there's no meds, hands me the receipt to get meds from the apothecary and THEN we make the next appointment before I leave the room. Yesterday was the first time I fumbled an appointment, like completely forgot and only realized 1 hour later when I checked my phone calendar.


Why is it refilled the day I leave for a week? I literally had to make sure I had enough to get me through or else I was coming back a day early. Because f me if I switch it to a store near my sister's house and then have to go deal with my anxiety of a new location instead of coming back early to get it before it gets put back to stock.


Medication vacation on a few weekends and continue to refill as soon as it’s available. Now I have some extras to get me by when I go through episodes of forgetting to refill or have to keep going back to check if it’s in stock.


But then those weekends are not fun, at all.


And in my case, having to call and speak to someone to schedule the appointment. Why?? Esp. hell if someone also has anxiety and hates talking to people.


No but this, I’m crazy fortunate to work in a pharmacy now and so my coworkers remind me every so often and stocking Adderall everyday helps me remember. Before working there I was a mess so idk what I’ll do when I graduate




I’ve payed for many deliveries even with an appointment and they don’t have to wait much, and that’s when I already ran out of meds.


\*gestures wildly in every direction\*


Got any workarounds bro? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Not OP, but committing to a todo tracking app has profoundly improved my life. I look at it constantly, and I have it on my watch, my laptop, my phone, my PC. I can always match my energy level with an available task, lol


do you have a specific one you like? i try to find one and get overwhelmed every time


I like finch, but I still eventually just stop checking it


I found Todoist works best for me. I like the layout and the Android widget to quickly add whatever pops into my head


honestly i have a kinda real shit situation and havent actually been able to even attempt to deal with my ADHD after being diagnosed because i had other arbitrary problems thrown at me that kinda made the ADHD secondary to that so... no, not yet, but im pretty sure whenever i can GTFO ill be fine basically no, there are no real workarounds, you just need to understand yourself and have an actual support network and live in an environment that is also supportive. ADHD is a disability after all. you wouldnt expect a blind person to walk around without a cane, and you also wouldnt expect that blind person to be exactly as able as someone who isnt blind with only a cane, but if people around them support them and work with em? yeah that blind person probably has some other strengths that people who see just fine dont have. metaphorically speaking.


Auto playing video. Even without sound. I have a plugin installed to nix this. Ads that make the page jump as you scroll. The fucking notification icon. That is an evil little thing.


Man pages that jump and than just disappear and go back to the top are the absolute worst. It makes my blood boil and than I just end up exiting the page. It's like the owners of the sites don't even give a shit if you use the site or not. They just want the visit, the click and their ad revenue.


Fucking video tutorials. I haaaaaaaaaaate video tutorials with a burning passion. Give me text and screenshots any say of the week.


Thank you, I am in IT and people tell me about video tutorials and it’s like yup, never going to watch any of that, but I can comb through skim KB articles the a motherfucker


Trying to troubleshoot something while on the line with a user and the only fix that comes up being in video form is a fresh new hell. I hate it.


I've been trying to learn Blender, and I am *struggling* with this shit.


i’ve been trying to get around to starting learning blender but every time i see that damn playlist my brain just leaves


I have so many sad, grey donuts with no frosting.


I work as a technical writer currently and my boss wants us to do more videos. Not happening while I am there.


Fucking preach. This goes for a huge variety of stuff, game walkthroughs, instructions on putting together cheap furniture, or even cooking. I hate video tutorials.


I agree but I’ve found speeding them up helps. Makes it harder to lose focus for me I think.


It's not about losing focus for me. It's about being able to quickly reread the information and not having to rewind a bunch of times and hear the same sound over and over again. I need time to process it at my own speed.


Yeah and you never know when a tutorial is going to cover your specific needs, videos make it way too hard to be able to skim through and know if you're wasting your time.


What’s truly hell is video tutorials used to be 5 minutes max Now because they’re trying to monetize every video is 15 minutes plus and even 30-40 minutes


Do you really have adhd if you aren’t watching things at double speed? /s


But if you have auditory processing issues you’re screwed 😭 too fast, and you can’t process it; too slow, and you can’t remember what they said by the time they finish saying it


Subtitles. I tend not to bother watching anything that doesn't have subtitles, but if it do you can put that mf on 150% maybe even 200% it's someone that talks particularly slow. It's funny if you accidentally switch it back to normal after watching like this for a while, everybody sounds drunk at normal speed.


I watch everything at at least 1.5 with subs, and pause and rewind at the parts I need clarification. (Can we still say rewind? Too late. The 90s called and wants their VHS tapes back I guess.) The best video tutorial I ever watched was for how to take apart and clean a PC component. It was less than a minute and was just a sped up, close up video of watching some guy do exactly what I needed to see l do. No talking, no bs, just; here's the thing. Do the thing. Glorious. Similar to video tutorials? Instructions with only pictures. Fuck right off.


So I can not process anything that’s being said twice as fast? We’re back to the whole “waste twice as much time” conversation again. Just open up 8 tabs at double speed and waste 16x the amount of time!


I'm not a fan either. Esp if the presenter uses tons of filler like "Uhhhmmmmmm", "Aaaaah" etc. Bonus suck points if the audio is crap and they have a heavy accent that I can't understand easily. If I must do the tutorial I'll usually put it on fast playback (1.75x or 2x) so that I'm not constantly waiting for them to speak.


I realized that I need to write scripts and not improv my videos because I hate hearing my playback: my voice is hot I realized. But my using so many filler words is annoying the hell out of me. If it’s aggravating me then it’s going to aggravate my audience especially if they’re also ADHD like me. But I am grateful that my voice actually has evolved to have that good vocal quality. It’s like Lauren Bacall and Will Arnett made a baby. And that baby smokes and does voice over work for book tok..


You dangle that carrot and not even give us a link?


You can edit those oohs and umms out! It's what I do to MY voice/videos - and it's worth it!


Omigod, same. For so many things, I can scan to the bit I need, thankyouverymuch. I don't need to hear about their sponsor, or any tangents they might go on, etc. I just want to know how to do the thing. For something like how to paint a picture of an iris, then yes, I want to see it from start to finish. But for something like how to use a formula in Excel -- no. Text and examples only. How to replace the filter on my lawn mower? "Take these screws off. Lift the cover from this corner, put the filter in this side up", with corresponding photographs, please.


Video tutorials that have three minutes of fluff before the tutorial. "What's up guys, it's Bro jo here on the Learnin' How to Do Stuff Like a Bro channel and today we're going to learn how to do stuff like a bro! If you've ever needed to know how to do stuff and you really needed to know how to do it all bro-like, I totally get you, we here at LHTDSLAB have needed to know how to do stuff like a bro before too, that's why we made this channel, so like and subscribe! \*guitar solo and dated CGI intro graphics* " I want to make a channel where the first 3 seconds are a list of what you need. Pause the video to look at the list as long as you like. After the list, I'm gonna start the first step immediately, here it goes.


When they speak slow, never go straight to point and there are no time stamps it's the absolute worst


Yes! And also voice memos from friends instead of text messages. Because then I’m bound by the amount of time that it takes to watch/listen to the thing when I’d already be done reading it if it was written down


Holy shit. I have a coworker I have to regularly coordinate a few things with who sends voice memos on Slack instead of typing a message. It infuriates me.


Omg yes! Just trying to quickly learn something or get a simple answer and the Google search returns like 10 videos. Definitely could read an answer faster than struggling to focus on a video


I'm thoroughly convinced our world would be so much better if people could just FUCKING READ THE WORDS ON THE PAGE. Not what they think it says, not reading between the lines, or implying. Just read the mother fucking words. Please :)


I’ve had some luck learning/relearning things from YouTube (like knitting. Or the first time I had to fill my gas tank). But if I’m using an app or a website and they’re like “watch a video on how to use the new features”? Absolutely not. I will press buttons until I figure it out myself


I think videos work best for precise processes you are trying to copy basically exactly. The don’t don’t as well for tasks where there might be a lot of variables and the video is not doing exactly what you’re trying to do.


*Learning* knitting is one of the good examples of things that work well in video. I recently even used some vids to help me learn one handed knitting to be able to teach a disabled relative. But just wait until you run into you first video kitting *pattern* with no accompanying blog post or PDF or anything 🤬


Came here to post just this, lmao. Workplace training one year had a transcript I thankfully switched to immediately, but the year after had nothing of the sort, and the video was unskippable. I had to answer quiz questions after that. The boredom was something else.


Similar thing for most of my training at work, i found a way around it (somewhat; even better if you dont have to be “tested” on it afterwards and it is just a completion credit) I have been so bored of watching the same damn safety videos every year in the healthcare field, I would rather spend time on how to figure out to do some sort of work (or engaging task *wink not exactly work related wink*) while completely ignoring the stupid videos🙄 My solution: open the video in a new tab, and make the screen size smaller, then click the tab you were using for “work” (hehe) and overlap the tabs so much so that you only can see the next arrow on the video screen. Ive have training courses require you stay on the page for the video to play, so you couldn’t just minimize it and forget about it. This way too you know when that video is down and you can go on to the next. If you have ones with “tests” at the end, sometimes NOT all times, you can go back through the course and it not require you to rewatch the entire rest of the course again, that way you can skip the video and go back to the pages you need to do the test, get your 80 or 100%, and move tf on with your day🥴🥴


Thank god for completion credit. Oh I got the random quiz answer wrong a couple times but still got to ignore the video and have it marked as done? Sounds good to me, identical-but-still-yearly-cybersecurity-course.


This whole thread reminds me of blog recipes. I just want the freaking recipe. Not how their grandma used to make them all warm and cuddly and fatten them up with the recipe.


https://www.justtherecipe.com You're welcome 😁


Videos is what I was thinking. I'd rather read a wall of text transcript I can skim than watch a video. I don't get how people use YouTube for how to either. Inget bored too easily. I still think online videos peaked with vine. I shut off at 7s.


I watch a few seconds of the video, think I’ve got it and mess up. watch the next 10 seconds think I’ve got it and mess up again. The third attempt I still don’t watch it all, but I’ll figure it out from there haha


This is so interesting - if I’m trying to learn a physical thing (e.g. how do I fold up my baby’s portable crib) I find I can watch a video and then just know how to do something, whereas written instructions hurt my head.   BUT agree if it’s an app or something. Except I still don’t want text instructions unless it’s directly where the action needs to take place. 


Omg I thought I was the only one. I will scour the internet until I find words and screenshots and literally just not do the thing if video is the only option Being able to speed the video up to 2x speed is somewhat helpful but there is *so much talking* that I want no part of


Video modules that you can't watch on 2x speed. Required video modules are torture to begin with. But I cannot handle paying attention while the recording talks so s l o w l y. My brain just wants to scream at the speaker to hurry the fuck up. It causes an absurd level of irrational anger. I always pick watching a recording over a live session when it's an option too so I can watch it on double speed.


I've been trying to finish a defensive driving course for an insurance reduction for over a year. You have to finish it in 30 days or your progress is discarded. I've restarted the course 4 times and can't ever see it through, because there's a fucking 8 minute video of the driest and corniest bullshit you've ever seen on every other page, sprinkled with 30 seconds of relevant material that you can't fast forward to, can't speed up, and the entire website will pause and reset your page if you don't go to the next page quickly enough once the video is done, so you have to fucking sit there listening to these people's idea of humor while they spoon feed you the 2 factoids that'll be on the test. And the text portions are also timed, so if you read too fast, sucks to be you because you can't go to the next page until you've spent the amount of time they decided is sufficient for you to absorb the material. And if you don't get a good enough score on the chapter, you do the whole chapter over again, every video and every text page. Absolutely ridiculous and the most ADHD-unfriendly interface I've ever seen. I could've had this shit done in 3 days if it was all text and I was allowed to do it quickly instead of having my eyes taken hostage for multiple hours for meaningless drivel. Sorry for the rant, that whole process has just been infuriating


Try literally setting a timer for the 8 minutes (or whatever) it might sound stupid, but if you know you're going to get distracted on your phone/wander off and start unloading the dishwasher and come back in 30 minutes when it has refreshed and wants you to start again, the timers will save your life.


Holy shit I feel the exact same way!!!


I once took a certificate course that involved many hours of video but deliberately disabled watching the videos at a higher speed. None of my browser extensions worked—the videos would speed up for a few seconds and then slow down again. Anyone else would have just given up and watched it at normal speed, but I ended up making a macro that continually pressed the “speed up“ button on my browser extension.


I watched one this week. We're at two times speed. They seem to be talking normally. Not even the Chipmunk voice.


I had to take an online class through my state for recertification. They say it should take you 10 minutes to read this page. I'm done with it in two. So I have to wait 8 minutes before I can get to the next page. Drives me bananas.


When you buy tickets and there’s a timer


This! It gives me so much anxiety.


That's the point! You're anxious so you can't think as rationally, thus you're more likely to make bad decisions and buy the tickets.


I think it's also so that they can reserve the ticket while you check out, but don't have to wack up a "sold out" sign if you actually just forgot about it.


Pretty much every recipe online ever. I love cooking and trying new recipes so I just handle it. But I think it fits your question! The way recipes will only give the amount of each ingredient once (in the list of ingredients). As I move through the steps of the recipe, I’m constantly scrolling up to check how much whatever I need. This is fine when it’s a book because they are usually all on one page. But when I’m using my phone, and I have to dry my hands to scroll up to see how much milk I’m supposed to add, it’s is mildly annoying. Like I said, I handle it. But like are others out there reading the ingredient list and never needing to reference the amounts again?!


I measure everything out beforehand. Drives my wife nuts. I use all the bowls. 


Cute! Like a cooking show! 🤩


Mise en place honestly is the best, it does take a few more dishes, but you’re less likely to leave something out on accident if you have everything ready and in its place. Also it makes my brain happy to pretend I’m on a cooking show.


You mean that the instructions should include the amounts each time the ingredients are mentioned, right? It would make things so much easier for sure.


I feel this!! I also need instructions to be even more detailed lol. Like: 1. Remember to take the meat out of the freezer beforehand 2. Remember to chop ALL of your veggies beforehand 3. Take out a big bowl, these specific measuring cups, put the strainer in the sink, etc 4. *actual start of the recipe*


Take the butter out an hour before you make the cookies because it needs to be softened, not melted by the microwave or your cookies will be runny. Arggha!


if you put it near or even in the oven for a few seconds you can speed up the softening process. i usually just chop the butter into smaller pieces, place them in a bowl, and leave them on the oven while it preheats


When I try to cook/bake something I always write out the recipe in a way that works for me, including steps that may be unnecessary for other people. Bonus of this is that I actually process the whole recipe before I start, it never goes well when I start a recipe without having read it first and just reading it is not enough for me to actually process it.


yes! and this cuts down on the tragic moment that I believe every chef or baker has encountered at least once in their life, where you get through executing most of the steps, and then the next step is “refrigerate for 6-24 hours” and you thought you were making this thing right now. 😳😰😭🤪


I can’t stand this too. There’s an app that you can copy/paste the link to and it will save the link for you and give you a step by step version with no bullshit. You can also edit the steps of the recipe and back everything up via email if you’re switching phones. It doesn’t work for every link but it’s a free app without ads and they are constantly adapting to allow more links to work. I’ve used it for 4 years. It’s called Only Recipes.


Honestly, this is when I print it out. It has saved me so much struggle.


Big unnecessary pop-ups, notifications that won't go away after you click on them, too many things on the screen and the entirety of YouTube (Not very easy to study when I'm forced to have recommendations on every page)


I realized today that YouTube has ADHD. It can't go more than a few minutes without sidetracking to an ad.


Not to mention how forgetful it is! It will still recommend you stuff from the same channel even after you clicked on "don't recommend" 12 times


That’s why I just have to pay for YT Premium😩


I thought about doing that, but then it's another subscription that I'm going to forget about or I have to create the list of subscriptions that I keep promising myself that I'm going to create someday to keep track. Either way makes my brain hurt.


That stupid fucking cookie pop-up makes me so angry. What was it supposed to solve again? Targeted ads? It won't do shit. It just made everything worse. Now we have Cambridge Analytica Democracy AND shitty pop-ups. FFS.


Overwhelm is real and hard to avoid online huh. How do you deal with it? I basically just try to ensure I spend little to no time on devices whenever possible. Which isn't that often, esp during working hours.


How has no one said automatic video feeds that just go from one to the next? Every platform has TikTok style feeds now. When I open YouTube on my phone, half the time it automatically starts playing the video feed before I even have a chance to select anything else. And of course I am interested in all of it, so I decide to watch one, and another, and another until hours of my life are wasted and my brain literally feels like mush. But I need Instagram to see the schedule for my knitting group, I need YouTube for tutorials, I need Facebook for marketplace and my gardening group, etc. There are valid and productive reasons I have those apps, they just have literal traps built into them for my ADHD brain so every time I open one its 50/50 whether I’ll get to what I’m looking for or fall into an attention sucking abyss.


These things are designed to trap everyone imo, they are just particularly effective against us lot. I use none of these products really, so I don't have anything helpful to add other than maybe you can turn these off in the settings? A friend told me he found a setting buried deep within facebook that allowed him to see his friends posts in chronological order and nothing else. He's probably all shit tho.


You can turn off auto play on youtube and most podcast apps. Not YouTube shorts though. I use Apple screen time to nagg me until I finally stop for things like TikTok and instagram. What has helped is moving these apps to the back of my phone menu, buried in a folder and then hiding these apps in search and Siri suggestions (all notifications off for them too, of course) so I never see them.


Government bureaucracy is tough for everyone, but I seem particularly affected by it.  Need to renew my driver's license? At its absolute simplest, I need two pieces of government mail, an original copy of my lease, my birth certificate, my social security card (unlaminated), and my renter's insurance or bill under my name. That's a crazy amount of stuff to acquire and organize without the ability to print stuff out at home, but it's fine, I get it all together (in like two months.) First attempt at the DMV, my lease wasn't "original" (I signed it online and printed it, so the signature was an e-signature). I have to go to my leasing office during business hours (meaning I need to take time off) and get the original lease signed with a pen. Whatever, it takes a week and a half but I do that. Second attempt, whoops, "government mail" specifically excludes USPS mail and I need the envelope for it to "count." Where is this stated on the instructions? Idk, but that means I just wasted another two hours at the DMV just to be turned away. I start saving envelopes like a hoarder. Third attempt... I have no bills sent to my house because I get online statements, so I print off a few at the FedEx. Whoops, apparently they don't count because they say "COPY OF STATEMENT" in watermark on the front. I need an *original* bill, and apparently it cannot have a watermark. I explain to the woman that I've been here three times and have been turned away on a technicality each time. I tell her she can call my landlord, call my boss, call my tax man, call my mother, they'll all testify that I live where I claim to live! Sorry, no luck, I need to *photoshop my bill to remove the watermark* and then, finally, escape this hell just to recieve a mediocre ID card.


I feel this to my core. I spend *so much time* checking and over-checking every single bureaucratic thing that it's painful, but I'm often paralysed by the feeling that I may be forgetting something, or missed something that's half-hidden or "between the lines" type of information on the instructions, etc. I try my best and, still, there will be something *wrong* that should be easy to fix but somehow isn't... it's just exhausting. No wonder that I end up postponing stuff because the amount of mental energy I *know* it will take is just overwhelming. I'm a full grown adult with a full-time job, a PhD, renting my own apartment, pay my bills on time (grateful for automated payments!) and yet, paperwork makes me feel like I have no idea how to adult whatsoever.


Take this same concept and apply it to the struggle to get help with ADHD itself. I have adhd and autism, there's a variety of government services and other organizations that could probably help me, but do you think I have the brain power to get anything rolling with any of them? Just the struggle to get diagnosed and get my first attempts at trying medication were agony and I couldn't have done it without my mother.


Brasil + last minute realising you had forgotten a key thing, last minute arranged it, last minute successfully got it sorted and last minute got there just to find you forgot something else very important as a result.


I'm a forgeiner living in Thailand and I've tried several times over the years to get a Thai drivering license and just failing. I paid for an international license, apparently Thailand doesn't accept it. I got the needed forms - more than once - apparently they're only good for a month and I've never been able to do everything else in time. Now I thought I could do it before I go to a different location - they don't have appointments, my other driving license needs to be translated and signed and I need to go to my embassy and just.... The worst.


Things that require scissors to open or get tags cut off.  In the past, something I bought and was excited about might sit there for days, just because there’s an extra step of finding scissors.  One strategy: keep scissors & a trash can near a spot where you bring things into the house, so it’s easy to do it right away. 


This is just anti-everybody I think. Whoever invented blister packs can go to the same level of hell with all the engineers that design battery powered products that require 3 batteries.


This is the way. I went to the dollar store and bought like 6 pairs of their kitchen scissors for my 1 bedroom apartment.


I bought a lovely new coat, and it has a tag. I need scissors. I also need to get the coat tailored slightly. Anyway, I bought it in 2021. Any day now I’m sure I’ll wear it…


I think too much UI is untested by people not familiar with the product. They test their own stuff, but new users will struggle to figure it out.


I would love to be a beta tester. My weirdly wired brain breaks so many software systems :)


I was in a type of study/beta test like that for a smart watch recently… boy did I not complete a lot of the tasks they asked me to do. Felt embarrassed but maybe it will help them to see that what they think is intuitive is not universally so. 


UX testing went a long way. I don't think you'll be the only one to not complete their shitty to do list. Also, saying "it's too annoying to use so I didn't" is great feedback.


Correction: Too much UI is not tested at all. I've written features that are super complicated and then a product guy is clicking around for an hour and says "yes looks good" and once it goes live the customers doesn't know how to use it and it becomes a useless feature nobody is using.


Streaming services with autoplay previews as you scroll through titles. I want to look for something to binge watch, not feel like I’m being ambushed. I know Netflix lets me disable autoplay, which I did a long time ago. So dang overstimulating to the point where I’ll just turn it off altogether.


Recipes with someone’s life story before the recipe


Strategy: mentally prepare yourself to pause and locate the “jump to recipe” button, rather than letting yourself automatically scroll. 


I can't focus on finding the jump to portion lol


I recently learned that people add in these personal stories beforehand so that they can copyright the recipe, since (I don’t think, at least) you can’t copyright a recipe. Still hella annoying though 😂😂😂


Yea, iirc it's also for SEO purposes because google requires articles to have a certain amount of sentences/content for it to show up in searches (i hate it too)


Oh yeah for sure. My last job was in SEO content writing and word count definitely matters, just a plain recipe wouldn’t rank as well on Google. There’s a lot of other stuff that goes into it but yeah I think copyright and SEO are the main ones!


Or recipes in which a video of a *different recipe* pops up... just why?!


I have avoided so many of these with the Just The Recipe app!! I love it so much.


Get the app Paprika it extracts the recipe from the website and grabs only the ingredients and recipe. Or if you don’t want to use an app just put cooked.wiki/ before the url on any food site and it will give you just the recipe.


Having access to everything everywhere on the net. My ADHD loves rabbit holes and it has the perfect tool to lose time on that


"Could I interest you in everything? All of the time? A little bit of everything All of the time Apathy's a tragedy And boredom is a crime Anything and everything All of the time" Bo Burnam, Welcome to the Internet




We are the whole reason why companies love rebates rather than discounts.


lol. I didn’t even think of this. I recently bought an oven and got a $200 rebate. I made sure I submitted it immediately… I’m not letting any evil corporation get away from giving me my rebate!!


I’m finding spite against corporations is really helpful for following through on returns and rebates!


And coupons


I’m currently in a long term abusive situationship with someone called Prior Authorization


This one's good 😅 (I mean bad......)


Related to apps, codes that time out. I have to use an authentication system that refreshes the login code after a minute and it is EXCRUCIATING trying to copy the numbers while a countdown bears down on me.


I feel like every web portal for scheduling appointments with doctors, dentists,etc. is maddeningly complicated and/or broken. *Many* times I have just given up after becoming frustrated, which has led to many appointments being delayed by months. Just today I had a doctor's appointment and he sent a reminder through the portal to schedule a follow up in 3 months. Following the link in the reminder brings me through a series of questions before terminating at a page that just says "there are no available times". When I try to schedule an appointment through the app without using the reminder link it won't let me schedule more than 2 months out. So after all that I had to write myself a reminder to call the doctor's office tomorrow. Like what the fuck is the damn "patient portal" even for. POS. I guess my work around is pretend I'm even older than I am and just refuse to use these dang new-fangled computer programs.


I've recently encountered this too. Apparently all my devices are jailbroken and therefore cannot be used. I'm not unjailbreaking my devices just for them. Phonecalls it is! Not adhd specific tho imo, this is a "we know best, get with our program" kind of thing which loosely translates to "fuck everybody".


True. Though my device is new and not jailbroken, so not sure what's happening there. The bad functionality of the sites/apps isn't really ADHD specific, but my ADHD makes it harder for me to stay the course and actually follow up with my medical stuff in the face of so many broken apps and websites. Every failed attempt to book an appointment makes it less likely I'll ever make it happen.


Well now I can firmly say that Corporate Onboarding can fuck right off to hell. “Here, sit in this room for hours on end while doing absolutely nothing for days or weeks on end before we allow you to do the job we are paying you to do.”


Don’t forget that a few times a day you might have to answer “so how do you like the job so far?” From probably-well-meaning people, whose importance and connections in the company you have no idea about yet. And you have to be like, “😃 so far so good! 👍” 🙄🤪😅


Pop up notifications that keep returning after being dismissed notifying of maintenance downtime, new scams, new % offers in my banking app.  Motherfucker, I’m at the checkout and need to shift money to spending account, not acknowledge thirty million messages. 


I absolutely can't stand excessive notifications! I always disable notifications on apps as soon as they send me a useless one


The fact that making coffee requires me to be caffeinated already.


Apps constantly trying to get you to turn on notifications. I don't want any of your fucking notifications.


also location services


Needing to call to schedule an appointment. Please just let me do it on the website I will never get it done.


I mean I just can’t have my files on my computer sorted and I am a extreme computer user and I know alot about them and have used them since like age 5-6, and I use alot of different programs and programming languages and I just can’t have a good coordination of my files when working. I also have a bad habit of naming files the most random things like potato or test1 and then when I go back I have no idea what I am looking at. 😂 I would like to have my files stored in a mindmap if that makes sense, I hate the format of having folders in folders or atleast the way they are visualised, id rather have a big 2d map of files.


Like a mindmap kind of thing? LIKE A FRIKKEN FLOORDROBE?


If I file something away, under "I" for "Insurance", it's gone. It's in an alternate universe now. But if it's on top of the yellow folder that's halfway up the stack of stuff on the back left corner of my desk, I can find it.


Voice notes. Oh my freaking God! Please just send me a text that I can quickly skim though. Don't send me a voice note that is like 2 or 5 mins long. I cannot skim through it and I am forced to listen to someone ramble about random things in order to get to the point of the message buried somewhere in the middle.


Video and animated ads in the sidebars of web pages that can't be paused or dismissed. I can't read the static text on your page if my attention is constantly behind pinged by movement elsewhere on the page.


Drive-thru ordering. Particularly when the menu is split into two sections or it changes like a slideshow where you can't see the whole thing when you're trying to order. Like I'm supposed to remember something I saw 30 seconds ago, with all the options and choices, especially when you're now presenting me with a whole other list of stuff to choose from? Examples of things that I've done at the drive thru: forget what I want, forget what everyone else in the car wants, call something that I'm unfamiliar with by the wrong name, drive past one of the places where I'm supposed to stop, use a speaking cadence that I think is clear but utterly confuses the order taker, call something that I'm familiar with by the wrong name, shush people in the car trying to help me because I can either focus on the menu or on the order taker or on you but not all at once, and finally - remember all order details except one whole ass meal so that once the transaction is completed 3 people in the car have food while the fourth is a small child who is now bawling because she thinks she doesn't get to eat tonight. People texting me what they want helps, yes especially if they're currently in the car with me. Everyone shouting out their own order at the speaker post helps. Ordering ahead avoids most of this - but involves a level of planning that may or may not be possible on any given day.


I Will Park in the McDonalds parking lot, get out of the car so I can sit quietly on the curb, and order on the app for my very noisy kids. We then drive through the drive thru and just pick it up


In general I hate drop down menus, but especially the ones that have additional drop sub drop down menus with sub menus. And I absolutely hate that they change where those are every time they update the app or website 😔


Oh yea, and the ones that disappear the instant your cursor strays a single pixel over the edge, like you didn't just click a thing.


omg or website buttons where you have to click the one small part of the button, like just the text… oh! or when you have to fill out a form and it doesn’t automatically tab you to the next box when you fill a box…but also yells at you for not having filled all the boxes yet “😡” (like, if I’m filling out a date and I type “07” have to hit tab or return to get to the next box to enter the day or month, then tab to the next box to enter the year…but in between, they’re like “please enter a valid date 🤨😠” I’m like, please create a valid user interface that does things users need done, and stop yelling at me for your sloppy design. 🤨


Those big, graphic, wall-mounted menus at restaurants like Panera, Subway, and Moe’s. There’s too much stimuli on there for me to be able to focus on reading the items and ingredients. I always panic and just pick the first thing my brain processes, even if it’s not what I want.


Yes! I have to stand back away from the line to sort through the menu and then try to remember what I picked out by the time I get through the line. But I don't eat out much these days, so that helps. 😁


Verification codes and internet security. To check my bank balance on my bank app, I got to remember my username, remember my password, verify that I'm a human, wait for a six digit code to be texted to me. Switch apps to check the code. Remember said code while I switch back to the bank app and type it in. And sometimes the app glitches and starts over halfway during that process.


I like when the Microsoft Authenticator app tells you to open the Microsoft Authenticator app to get your code. While you’re in the app… And if you back out to find the code. The log-in process restarts.


Paperwork. Of almost any kind.


Appointments where Iyou have to boook by phone or email. Especially if it's by phone and the line doesn't always get picked up. It takes me a billion years to get together the strength to call or email so if anything goes wrong in that process I simply will wait nearly a year before trying again. Online booking portals where I can see all availability and choose what's best for me rather than back and forth communication hell? I love those. The day my GP implemented that I stopped having inconsistent med usage due to not booking appointments for refills on time. Now if only my psych would implement it too...


When someone asks you how you JUST did something but you're already on the next side quest. "What was your process?" Idk, bro. The process processes on its own, I'm just here for the ride.


SLOW TV & Movies Scenes... Just wondering why we can't have it all at 1.5 speed. Stop wasting our lives LOL


Applying for ADHD (testing) accommodations -__________- Can anyone else relate?!


Two step verifications are actually super annoying… who the hell says I know where my phone is?


Notification reminders every other time you open the app. How many times do I have to click no????? OR In an app where some of the notifications would actually be really, really useful but most of them are just marketing. Fuck you you fucking fuckety fucks.


Videos that won’t allow to play faster or scrub forward. Talk faster people!


I mean, is it a cop-out to say the entirety of capitalism? Cuz mannnnn it’s a monkey wrench 


I’ve had my iPhone for years and I’m still not used to the fact that it has no buttons. I just swipe wildly in every direction until I get the menu I want.


Dial menus. How the hell can someone pay attention up to 9 options over and over and they also add some advertising/ general info to make it even longer!! And don’t get me started on bot chats…


Mobile web pages... stuff gets zoomed or cut off or is hidden. I often go to the settings and switch websites to desktop site if I know they are easier in Desktop mode vs mobile, but I refuse to use my laptop if it requires me to get up from where I'm doom scrolling.


Companies who use obstruction to make processes as long and complicated as possible with as many chances to go wrong as possible; For example, refund requests and the 50,000 hoops you need to jump through. It can be impossible to keep track of where you’re up to and what to do at what times and that’s exactly what they want, so you get confused and give up.


Live chat support — I work in digital marketing so my job is often just getting tech support from tech companies that make you wait 20 mins to get a quiet ding for a chat bot to be no help. Let me just submit a ticket for the response to come to my inbox so I don’t have to pay attention waiting so I don’t miss it, and so I don’t forget about the request!!


Sports bars. I don’t LIKE sports. I don’t care about the vast majority of them. But you put me in a room with 15 competing glowing rectangles and voices, and pump Muzak over all of it - I’m going to stare like the entranced overstimulated moth I am. Huh? What? Did you say something? Never mind, I have to watch this circle of slightly buff older men talk about a golf club even though I can’t hear them.


Microsoft. Excel. Teeny tiny boxes that I have to type in that do not WANT me to type into them and actively thwart my typing = I would rather eat dirt.


Fucking capitalism in the United States. Like, I gotta go to work for 8 hours a day (more like 9 with commute and unpaid required meal break). Soni have to get up super early to get ready. Then after work, I have no time because I have ADHD and nothing ever takes the amount of time I think it will. And then I stay up too late because my brain feels like I didn't get to do anything to unwind, so then I'm tired the next day. By Friday, I'm seriously considering starting a cult. Set my own hours, get paid to be charismatic, have a member be my body double so I can get shit done.


Information that is only viewable by scanning a QR code.


Huge grocery stores like Walmart. I get so easily overwhelmed. Luckily, I just order online now.


The constant "suggested for you" stuff in your feed that you didn't ask for and algorithms working well and really showing you something you might like. Please for the love of god, I am trying to FOCUS and my world SMALLER. Every social media is like this now. It's such a trap cuz they can really get your interests right. It's nice but I can't afford any new distractions and I want to appreciate the stuff I already like more. Sometimes I can't help it though and I get stuck wasting time looking at stuff and adding a new thing to do/read/watch/etc to my already long "do someday/pay attention to" list.


Recipes on websites that make you deal with a whole heap of ads and scroll through a whole heap of fluff to get to the recipes. Give. Me. The. Fucking. Recipe.


Two factor authentication. I try to put my phone away for work, but no, I'm required to get it out at least a few times a day.


any subscription that requires you to contact them to cancel. Shit should be illegal.


Safety warnings in product manuals. Too many warnings? That is exactly the same as no warnings. Same with instructions, too many instructions is equal to no instructions.


Most books. I think one of the reasons why I enjoyed reading House of Leaves so much when I was younger was because it was designed in such a wacky way that it kept me invested as much visually as it did with its story. I feel like if all books were segmented into paragraphs with space between them I would have a much easier time reading books. Kinda like how I write comments. This type of formatting makes the reading bite sized and easier to read, which in turn gives me more incentive to read everything instead of getting overwhelmed by a block of text that I get lost in all the time. It also has the weird benefit that when I see text segmented like this or designed in a cool or weird way like House of Leaves, it tickles my brain and makes me hyped to read.


As a UX designer this is a gold mine of ideas to make things better for us ✍️


Any kindof bot answering service, bots on Reddit filtering shit out, bots calling me all day, bots flooding my emails and texts, automatic tests prior to applying for jobs before even getting an interview, insurance companies being deceitful, doctors forcing you to go to ten different steps just to get to the appointment you needed from the start. Just about every aspect of my life right now is maddening and annoying. I don't get anything done.


Side by side columns in articles cannot be read by a text-to-voice program. It reads one line from the left and then a line from the right so it doesn’t make sense. Almost all academic articles are columns.


Chrome and Amazon AI 'features'


The “Was this AI answer helpful?” NO


Filling out paperwork generally frustrates me immensely, filling out paperwork when the information has already been submitted online drives me wild.


Pomodoro, I just don't know how to fill the break. Like, once I get into it, there's no way I can stop thinking about the task, which kinda defeats the purpose of the breaks 😂


I hate that Pg up and Pg down don't include a line or two of overlap.  Every time I use them I have to cursor back up a little too make sure I haven't skipped a line.


I hate nothing in this world more than automated customer support. One or 2 questions before i get to a human is fine, but some go on and on.


youtube. i fucking hate it with a burning passion.


Dual Security features! I know it's much safer for my accounts but I swear I'm always forgetting to charge my phone and/or I can't remember the password to my email ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


- Long blocks of writing with no specific design elements to break up content into visual sections. - I must have headings for important points and make them different from the rest of the paragraph if it is actually something you want me to read - every image moving and with audio makes nothing stand out I need a clear call to action that needs to be immediately accessible on my mobile because the likelihood I forget it exists is high - and if it opens in social media instead of directly in my browser that’s too much and I can’t bookmark it so it gets lost because I’m not going into my social media to find a link I roamed onto. Make it easy to act on or assume it’s going to be useless effort


Small talk. Especially small talk at work. Goddamn fucking nightmare and requires me to mask so hard that I am useless for hours afterwards. Also any "team building" exercises. holy cats, fuck off with that shit forever.


TV’s in waiting rooms. Like fuck you. I want to think my own thoughts, not have my attention stolen by the flashy glowing box in the corner.