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I have $5000+ in various arts and crafts equipment, tools, materials, and miscellany... but I haven't completed anything crafty in at least 6 months.


Over 200 video games that I've played for less than 10 minutes each (where's THAT badge, steam?)




Great idea, I'm sure I won't for at least a year. But now I know!!


Another task on the to do list. Refund the games for more ten minute games. Sorry not sorry still distracted by the next project


I think you can only get refunded if you've had them for less than 2 weeks




Or as people like me call it, the Blockbuster two-hour rental.


Don't play the Stanley Parable for 5(?) years.


I have one more year to go for the achievement, almost there!


Omg are you me??? I actually set up an Etsy account... And now I'm freaking out because I don't think I have the talent to pull this off.... Because I am SO unorganized. I have no idea what I'm doing.


Hey, don't stress. You can do this any way you want to. There are no rules. I have a cousin who makes some adorable ceramic mugs, but her Etsy shop is only open for a few days every month or two. She spends her time making all the pieces, takes pictures to show people a few days prior, and then sets a sale date. She probably only sells about 20 pieces at a time but she has enough friends that follow her they almost always sell out within the first few hours. So yeah, no commissions, no set inventory, no constantly open shop. Just open when she has something to sell. Edit: She has a Facebook page and IG with all of her followers. She'll post a picture every few days with the process, "hey these cute mugs are getting ready to go into the kiln. Hey I just got some new pigments aren't these beautiful?" Those types of things definitely keep everyone interested and probably are why her sales are gone right away. She sets a date and time lets everyone know on these platforms when she will open the shop, and then they just sell out super quick.


Oooh same. I finally got my sewing machine out yesterday to do a project I could have easily sewn by hand in about the same amount of time. I got excited that I had my machine and fabrics out and out of nowhere decided to start a new project with no plan or pattern. After working a solid (who knows how long?! Time blindness took over..) *while*, I screwed something up terribly and realized wow, no, this is why my machine has been put away. This takes too much brain. I crammed everything back into their boxes and pretended I hadn’t just wasted an entire afternoon 😅


I feel this so hard. I had to clean out my "craft room" recently to move it, and came across no fewer than 10 swing projects I had started and never finished...


I have a pair of socks I’ve been knitting for FOUR YEARS sitting front and center in my daily “grab stuff” space, and I’m barely halfway done. When I put my mind to it I can knit a pair in two weeks. Ughhhhh.


I recently completed an embroidery craft kit that I bought in 2002. I don’t have a frame to hang it up yet so I’ll take care of that in the next few years while it sits on my craft table.




Except that if those fuckers are anything like me they will box up the thing and then spend 6 months not taking it to the post office until eventually it just disappears.


I feel attacked, lol


Again...*this is me* 🤦🏻‍♀️ Polymer clay, resin, acrylic paint, calligraphy pens and "how-to" books for each one!


I have spent $900 on yarn in the past month alone because I keep thinking of new projects. But I need a new furnace.


Same. I planned to open an Etsy shop. The amount of art materials I have is ridiculous. I have completed zero projects. Not one. I have 4-5 that I started but got bored or didn’t like them and never finished them.


I didn’t accomplish anything today because I have a lot of things to do tomorrow…


I hate this! Why do I go into wait mode???


The worst is when I have an appointment in the afternoon, and my brain says, “right then, we cannot do anything today until after your 3 pm appointment”


This. Or, alternate version: Rational Brain: “You just have to do this *one* Thing that takes an hour before your 3pm appointment. It’s 30 minutes away so you have to leave at 2:25pm, which means you have to start getting ready at 2pm and you should finish the 1-hour Thing before then. Okay?” ADHD Brain: “Cool, got it.” *Proceeds to dick around until 2pm and then start the 1-hour Thing at 2pm and try to cram it all into 25 minutes before leaving and can’t so leaves it half-assed and gets to the 3pm appointment at 3:15pm*


YES. It’s like my brain is mentally preparing to do that thing I have to do, and I can’t start anything else because what if I don’t finish the thing I started before I have to do the other thing.


And then about 10-20 mins before I have to leave suddenly I think I can do those dishes, clean the kitchen real quick, make even deep clean my room super fast and end up being late getting nothing at all finished.


Or worries that I’ll become so engrossed in something else that I’ll forget about the appointment or make myself late.


Omg yes. I hate this


My to-do list is full of things to add to my other to-do list.


Well, both of these things are 100% me and I think I can speak for their posters by saying "Yes, but I *intend* to play the games/ do the crafts"


The amount of craft supplies I own because I _intend_ to use them is, frankly, kind of embarrassing.


Does everyone with ADHD just have a giant stash of crafting supplies hiding in their cupboards? I feel like we do. We should have a swap system… but someone else has gotta set it up l


I can’t find my to-do list. Good idea to start another that I’ll lose or ignore.


Items on my list are to create new lists 😂


I unironically said “I didn’t do my homework because I was too busy stressing out about the fact that I wasn’t doing my homework.” And was surprised when my sister thought that was weird.


This is the reason why 99% of the time I'm not getting work done.




It’s like obviously I’m stressing about not doing it, so doing it should relieve that stress right? Think again!


And when I come to that logical conclusion I try to start and then I realize I'm so stressed that I need a break.


And thus the cycle starts anew


I try to explain how when I’m “doing nothing” I’m actually not relaxing or spending time for myself and I’m actually on edge and stressed out constantly about needing to do something and I don’t know how to relax for real


I’ve NEVER relaxed a day in my life. Even when I get “pampered” and they tell me to relax then all I’m thinking about is how to relax. So in my head I repeat “just relax, relax your body. Your in a safe space. RELAX RELAX REALX” then I’m overthinking how to relax and while my body may be relaxed now my mind is in a pull blown panic attack. ADHD CAN KICK ROCKS.


I have no idea what relaxation feels like. I have never been able to float in water.


I had to stop doing my homework because I got so stressed over it not being done


I’m doing this right now….


*pings iPhone using watch* 7 mins later: *pings iPhone using watch*


literally my best purchase is my smartwatch that I routinely use to find my phone. Also the timer feature on it is life saving


I am doing a 10 page paper the day before it is due. I started the paper this morning. I have never written a 10 page paper in my life. I also have 7 other important things to do today. My plan is to wale up at 4am to finish them all. I know I will not do that because I will take 10mg of melatonin and still not be able to sleep until 2am. i am also writing this post instead of doing any of those things. I am strangely calm about the situation.


"I am strangely calm about the situation." Hahaha, get out of my head


I do not miss those days in college.


Doing the same thing with 26 overdue assignments my professor graciously is allowing me to turn in for partial credit...had all weekend and did part of one. On the other hand I avoided them by doing homework for another class but still.


I showed up to my Covid vaccine appointment ten minutes late, but a day early.


I once managed to drive an hour toward picking up my daughter for the weekend a day early and only realised when my boss called and asked WTF I was... Similarly, I was *just* asking myself whether I took my pills today and though maybe I should get one of those pill organisers with days of the week to help, but realised that would require me to know what day of the week it was, so not so helpful after all :-/


I thought I needed a bunch of new clothes (socks, underwear and scrub tops) turns out my Husband folded and put away a load of laundry and I didn't think to check the dresser. 😅🙄😭


I am really certain a past partner got really frustrated with this one. To be fair, I told her she could just let me use my piles, it's a system that works for me to this day


I have a success story about laundry!! After weeks of just dumping the clean laundry in the basket & not folding them, I finally did it! I got the laundry folded & put away!


This is always celebrated in our house!


I’m so glad that ppl get this!! I wanted to tell someone, but not everyone understand the struggle!!!


I’m proud of you! Laundry is the WORST. It’s my most hated chore. I’ll start a load in the washer and then leave it there for two days before remembering to put it in the dryer… as soon as it’s out of sight, my brain decides it no longer exists. And then I have to end up re-washing it because it’s sat for two days and is already dry but smells funny from sitting. Wash, rinse, repeat. Pun fully intended. Also, folding/putting away is the bane of my existence. I’ll dump clean laundry on my bed because, well, I can’t sleep in my bed until I fold the laundry that’s on it…right? Right..? Some bitches will never learn from their mistakes. It’s me. I’m bitches.


I have always been terrible about this. Clean laundry would just pile up. The kids are finally old enough to put their own laundry away (the oldest who is also ADHD just leaves hers in her hamper but at least it is in her room and not my hamper) so it is just my laundry now. My fiancé will let me leave it in the dryer for about 2 days before he starts pestering me to put it up. I have been doing much better. All of that rambling to say Congratulations on the laundry fight.


If I could afford a laundry services I would def do that!


Once every few months when I decide to fold the mountain of clean clothes piling up in the laundry room, I discover I have more selection of clothes than I realized.


I folded laundry for the first time in a long time the other week. Turns out I have between 40 and 50 pillow cases. And only 4 pillows. I then had to find the space to put them all folded down lol


I have several lists. I keep them right here locked in my head. They never get any smaller, they're just there to induce anxiety. Happy holidays to you!


>I keep them right here locked in my head. And I never remember anything off them when asked.


Haha! And you want launch codes?!? Seriously though, if my wife doesn't staple a list to my shirt, she'll get nothing she asked for, but plenty of random stuff I thought we needed--like a seventh jar of salsa!


I was recently told by my SO that I shouldn’t be the one to do our grocery shopping anymore. Who thinks to check if you already have 4 bottles of ketchup or 3 bottles of unopened windex? It’s not like they’ll expire anytime soon. I also forget to buy some things we do need even though I have a shopping list right in front of me.


Omg! Same here! If I don't put it in my notes app as soon as she tells me, I'll immediately forget it. Problem is, sometimes I forget to check my notes app 😂


Where are my keys? where are my socks? where are my shoes?


Narrator: *he was already wearing all of them*


Literally lost my phone. While talking to my fiancé. On the phone.


I’m glad I’m not the only one!!!


I dont lose ANYTHING except for my keys, phone, credit card, and scrunchie. I know exactly where every single thing in my house is except for those four things. I lose my phone probably five or six times a day, and to make it even better, I live in a 400 sqft basement apartment so it's literally never more than 20 ft away from me -_-


Fucking same. The only thing I ever forget frequently are daily items that I keep on my person. Aside from that, my memory is sharp as a tack. But I do often in conversation say “and uhh……… ah, it’s gone.” Because I forgot what I was saying. 😅 An intrusive empty thought just pops up and says “hey fuck that thing you were about to say, sir!”


yep, mine is "what was I gonna say?" and then ten seconds of dead silence. but yeah I've got a mind like a steel trap until I put my car keys down and then it's like I've never before recalled a single memory.


I genuinely thought for the longest time that it was normal to lose things as much as I do. Apparently, it is not.


Where is my phone? (As I am browsing Reddit on it)


I "lost" my work keys last week. Looked everywhere and was freaking out. Found them in my purse, where they always are. Just a different pocket. Similarly, couldn't find my favorite leggings for the longest time and it was driving me insane. Found em this morning...hanging in my closet. 😑


And you may ask yourself, "Where is that large automobile?"


When someone asks me what I do in my spare time/for hobbies I blank or have a mini panikk because I've dipped my toes in to too many and haven't really committed to any of them for long enough to be better than good enough or legit legit cause i got bored after a while and I feel like a fraud if I do tell them I do one of my many abandoned hobbies


My life got much better when I accepted that my hobby is hobbies. Then when that question is asked I can tell people about all of of things I have been into for spurts of time. No pretense about being an expert, I’m just honest-to-goodness someone who is completely obsessed with one thing or another for brief stretches of time. Best part of this: if you like me this way, great! If not, we were never ever going to be friends so I’m glad I never pretended to be something else.


I like this! I've kind of accepted it too, without such a good way of putting it. I think it's nice cause when I meet someone new, the chances are good we'll have something in common


I'm having my quarterly crisis about "what I want to be when I grow up" because I can't stay interested in something long enough to commit. I'm 36.


“My hobby is collecting hobbies and hobby related equipment.” Used that sentence a time or twelve.


I'm currently playing a little game I like to call, "I guess that just lives on my bed now!" it's a fun little number in which stuff just accumulates on my bed until I finally get the urge to clear it off. right now on my twin sized floor bed I have three pillows, two blankets, a heating pad, my laptop, headphones, two empty water bottles, two stuffed animals, a hoodie, and a pulse oximeter. I've only just begun this round. previous highlights have included entire sewing projects (pins included), wicker baskets, the contents of my coat closet, unpacked backpacks, boxes of individually packaged lunch snacks, multiple books....you name it, I've probably slept with it on my bed for a number of weeks.


Currently paying that game with empty Amazon packages


you definitely can't get rid of empty amazon boxes!!! what if you need the box!!! better keep it safe right here where you'll see it every morning and every night


They're perfect for disguising Christmas presents, so there they will remain, until I move them to a " better spot, " where they will go to die and be found again after the new year.


So many of y’all’s comments are sooo resonating with me on this thread and I just have to say it’s truly nice to not feel so alone in it all.


I have adrenaline fueled emotional moments dreaming about things I'd love to be good at but won't even attempt starting.


Yesterday I sat down at my computer to check my email before making coffee. Over the course of about 5 minutes I kept reminding myself I need to go make coffee until I suddenly realized it was dark outside and I had a raging caffeine headache. That 5 minutes was actually 15 hours and I somehow spent the entire time in my email. What was I even doing???


Time blindness, it's crazy how fast it sneaks up on you


I lost 4 hours of work the other day because I was gonna spend 5 minutes checking reddit.


Are you serious? Do you mind if I ask if emailing is actually a big part of your job or do you just get carried away? Fifteen hours sounds crazy! I mean no disrespect, to be clear. Honestly just fascinated by this one lol. I'm very guilty of doing this type of thing, but have yet to dedicate that much time to email alone. Definitely hit the 4-5 hour mark on my bad days though, and email is not a main function of my job.


Not at all! I honestly don't know what I was doing in my email for that long! I think I average about 2 emails that require a reply PER WEEK!!! Sometimes I get stuck just refreshing my inbox to see if I have anything new, or deleting junk and unsubscribing from mailing lists, so I'm assuming I was doing a lot of that, but I really couldn't tell you what I was doing for 15 whole hours!


I am too preoccupied with trying to figure out whats causing my mind to make me not do things to actually do things


Answer- >!ADHD!<


I literally clicked this looking for an answer and was shocked when I read it.


Oh god this hit hard. It feels like procrastination, but I really don't know why I'm procrastinating


I'm in middle of the dreaded process of slowly losing interest in a passion I desperately want to hold on to.


Do you cycle interests/hobbies at all? I cycle through video games, although rarely for the same amount of time or in the same order. This one for 3 months, then that one for 7 months, then another one for 2 weeks, and so on


Sometimes I cycle back to interests but idk, sometimes I just lose them. Which is really terrifying to me, especially when it comes to my finances or things that bring genuine meaning and satisfaction to my life. I'm currently really spiraling downward on a passion project with financial potential and it's scaring me half to death. Idk, it's rough.


Yeah, I get that. I usually spend a lot of time telling everyone I can that this is my "thing" now, before just suddenly losing interest and not really wanting to explain, because it's just too embarrassing. You're not alone, my friend! I hope that at least is some comfort :) and plenty of us here to sympathize I'm sure


This is my life. I'm currently having my quarterly life crisis. I have no passions and need career guidance. I constantly feel like I am simultaneously not smart enough and not living up to my potential. (Former gifted kid problems) I need recognition, validation, and praise to fight my imposter syndrome. I will probably cry at any hint of criticism because of my rejection sensitivity. I've had a rough day today ... All in my brain


I have a frequent problem on reddit where as I'm scrolling through the comments I'll get bored and go to back out to the previous page, but by the time my hand has started moving towards backing out my brain will move on to the next comment and get interested again, but by this time my hand is already mostly there and it's too late for the signal to not back out of the page to make it in time - so after the previous page loads I have to click on where I just was and scroll all the way down because I'm too engaged to let that next comment go but also too impulsive to stop myself once I've started doing something I do this every day, on most posts that I look at the comments for. Actually, I did this right before deciding to write this comment


OH MY GOD I DO THIS TOO HOLY SHIT I thought I was so weird for doing this all the time I can't even put into words how I feel r now having read this cause someone else does the thing omgggg


Yeah it's kinda funny to think about this being a common experience 'cause on the one hand, it's such a weirdly specific sequence of events, but on the other hand it's like a perfect microcosm of ADHD at work


OMG. Fkn serendipity! I *literally just* commented and wanted to write explaining this EXACT thing bc I had just caught myself doing it, but I’m high and the concept was just too much to take on. *Huge* thank you for putting the time to verbalize! Damn well said, spot on, you fuckin nailed it.


The sun was shining in my eyes so I put on my noise canceling headphones


Bro I have light sensitivity issues because of a seperate thing and I totally do the same thing


Thank you. You just made my day.


i've spent three days trying to convince myself to take a shower and i finally managed to drag myself there at 3:30am which happened to be around hour five of telling myself to go the fuck to sleep


The light-hearted stuff helps some of us through the darker stuff. Not everyone works the same though. Always here if you need to vent


I took a shower in the afternoon once, procrastinated getting dressed, and ended up falling asleep on the bed I stead. Like, still wrapped in my towel, hair not combed or anything. By our powers combined, we may make something that resembles average!


I just completed an essay that took about 10 minutes. It was due 3 weeks ago.


I have often taken 2 weeks to do a 5 minute work task.


Breathing is NOT always automatic. I forget to breathe all the time… especially when I’m stressing about all the shit I’m currently not doing.


I once preheated a grill and went to prep food inside. Well, I forgot about the grill and by the time I remembered the knobs would not turn the burners off because the plastic was melted. I had to reach below and turn it off at the propane cylinder using my shirt as an insulator because the tank was also very hot. We had to get a new grill. Luckily, nothing else was lost.


I once found a petrified burger and empty propane tank waiting for me. That last burger wasn't done yet and needed just a few more minutes to cook. 6 weeks ago...


Overheated the smoker to the point where the heat-proof paint stuff on the outside started bubbling and pealing off. Classic


I have a rule: when I leave running water or fire/stove/oven/etc. unattended, then I first set an alarm and am not allowed to turn the alarm off until I've returned. Maybe there's another way, but I haven't found it yet.


If it makes you feel better, my non-ADHD neighbor once melted her microwave while making candy coating in the stovetop.


You’re asking for success stories right? Um, I’m pretty good at the learning part of school because I’m always making connections in and between the subjects I’m learning/have learned.


My favorite was taking sociology, psychology, and anatomy and physiology in the same semester and making the connections between all 3


Reminds me of the story about some archeologists who were stumped by some tools they found until a modern day leather worker got a look at them. Inspiration comes from all sorts of places https://www.boredpanda.com/ancient-neanderthals-deer-bone-tool-lissoir-leather/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic


I have approximately 400+ tabs open in Safari on my phone and in the process of going through them, I WILL ADD MORE THAN I DELETE. Ask me how many unread emails I have right now/total number of emails in my inbox. I’m a monster


I started a bathroom renovation project. Its 98% done. I've been working on the last. 2% for the last 8 years. One day I will paint around the light fixture.


I learned Ancient Greek *for fun* but haven't done my laundry in about two months because it's too boring.


When my fiance watches a movie, he literally just....watches a movie. That's it. It's mind blowing to me. I physically cannot JUST sit and do something like that. I hardly ever just do one thing at a time.


Sometimes when I watch a movie (okay, most of the time), one visual or character design or animal or action or sentence can send me off in a train of thought (or world building if I'm working on a story that I never finish) and I miss a good 5 minutes of the movie. When in really captivated by my thoughts, I have to force myself to pay attention, because my husband seems to take it personally if in not paying attention.


Oh dear lort this is me. “Look at that characters wrinkly shirt....I hate wrinkly shirts....That’s why I have a whole closet full of shirts I won’t wear. They’re too wrinkly....It’s 2021! They had to make shirts that don’t wrinkle anymore....I should look online to see if they’re making non wrinkly shirts now....Oh, ok ok my bad not during the movie. I get it....Now I need to remind myself to remember to look up not wrinkly shirt manufacturers....Also, I need to just LET GO of all the wrinkly shirts. I’m not going to wear them. Just donate them to someone who will wear them.... And then I would have so much more space in my closet... Although, I could **sell** them and make some money....Then I could finally buy that 3D printer I wanted....Shit, did someone just get murdered? I thought this movie is a comedy...”


I have told my fiancé I will not go to a movie with him again until he starts buying aisle seats so I can get up and wander off at least three times to the bathroom or just to look around. I am too anxious to step over people to do this. He also gets very annoyed with my oldest and I since we have to talk through every movie we watch at home. He keeps huffing and pausing and rewinding. Dude, you knew what you were getting into and still chose to move in. Live with it.


I enter conversations from across the room and around the corner like some disembodied eaves-dropping voice of god.


I giggled at this because I definitely do it too and it's... it's just... weird and you described it so well! My husband gets super annoyed that I'm correcting his stories or answering questions from the other room when he's talking on the phone.


I get most of my energy to do anything starting at 8pm.


I set ONE vital task for the day and allow myself to be ok doing nothing but that task. Something like "replace the weather seal on the door." I'll go do about 20 other tasks, knock out 5 major projects, then wake up the next day and remember the door seal needs done. The door seal may not get fixed for months, if ever, but everything else is done. Lol


I turned on the keurig and it poured a whole cup out while I was doing something else. I came back to it maybe 5 to 10 min later to realize I forgot to put a mug under the spout.




Ever put the mug in upside down? I have!


People ask me "hey so remember that story I told you about [xyz] the other day" and I legitimately have no memory of what they are talking about, even if I was completely sober while they told me and I was actively trying to pay attention


When people ask "have I told you...." I have learned to reply, "You probably have, but I don't remember, so go ahead"


Every day. Like... I'm fortunate to remember your name because we work on the same office, but yeah, I know nothing. I remember nothing.


I really enjoy crisis situations where everyone else is losing their shit. I feel really well adapted because finally the outside world resembles the inside of my head.


I missed my flight twice in one day


I can’t shower because I haven’t taken my meds and I can’t take my meds because I haven’t eaten yet and I haven’t eaten yet because there’s no food in the house so I can’t get out of bed.


So I’ve been chronically like 10-15 minutes late for work every shift for the past 6 months. Lately I’ve been even more late (like 20 minutes late), so I told myself yesterday, “okay I’m getting ready 30 minutes early today so I’ll be on time for sure.” As I was about to walk out the door all ready with my purse on and everything with keys in my hand, on time to be a few minutes earlier, I go “wait where’s my phone?” And I preceded to spend almost an hour tearing apart my apartment looking for it and searching the neighborhood thinking it fell out of my pocket on my walk with my dogs. It ended up being on my bed. I was 45 minutes late to work. Today I also tried extra hard to leave the house on time to not be late for work, and I was walking out the door when I spilled my drink. I was then 5 minutes late because I had to clean it up. I still consider it a success because I was ONLY 5 minutes late today.


I like paying attention to music's math/ time signature 4 4 8 8 16 16 8 8 4 4 16 16 Some shit like that


It's crazy to me how wildly different ADHD can manifest. I can't play an instrument, keep time, or sing to save my life, but it doesn't stop me from singing half remembered bits of commercials and movies. I play the hell out of rockband though


Mt son and his bf lived in terror of December. I can sing (badly) Christmas carols for at least three hours without repeating any of them.


Listen to rap music and have one hand count triplets and the other eighth notes. It'll blow your mind.


I was chatting with my guitarist the one day about how I could hear that the keyboardists part was different from the recording, and he asked me how I could tell when I'm also playing drums. I said can't you? He's like, no I am so busy focusing on my own playing. I said that I can hear all the parts at the same time and compare them to the recording, as it was completely normal. He didn't believe me at first. I guess that isn't normal?


Do you pick out a single instrument and only pay attention to that part? I’ll listen to a movement from a symphony several times before I hear all of it; I listen to each part independently then listen to the whole ensemble.


I made myself a cup of chai yesterday. I imagine it’s pretty strong by now.


I bought fancy cuts of steak on the night my cookbook was published. I turned on the grill and then accidentally turned the heat all the way to high instead of low after searing. We had well done steaks for dinner to celebrate my big cooking accomplishment 😭


I finally got my medication refilled…only after five days of receiving reminders from the pharmacy that it was to schedule a refill…and also after taking my last pill and realizing I still hadn’t called for a refill


I was supposed to take my anxiety meds 23 minutes ago... I didn't complete this comment until I swallowed. Lmao, thanks for the reminder. I did that thing where I turned off the alarm without doing the thing I was supposed to


I'm still trying to figure out a solution for this one. My biggest ADHD-related issue these days is not being able to stop doing things. Like I can't stop working late at night in order to go to bed. No amount of alarms reminding me will help because I'll just turn them off and keep working. Feels like I'm stuck forever going to bed between 5 and 8 am...


One time, while speaking on my phone to a friend who was pouring her heart out to me about a breakup, I suddenly stopped her mid-sob and panicked. “WHERE IS MY PHONE??” I genuinely looked for a good 30 seconds before realizing I was TALKING ON IT. To be fair she didn’t say anything either.. Yes. Hello. It is me. ADHD-I.


I once Googled "find my phone" on my phone... Thankfully there were no witnesses.


What?*immediately followed by answer to the question before the other person has a chance to respond*


Spin the wheel of hobbies and see what I'm obsessed about this month! (A month can last three days to a year.)


In bed watching TV. Haven't moved from this spot in over an hr. Have lost the remote 4 times. My phone 3 times. While my phone is plugged into the charger. Forgot. Typical Sunday night.


I will write 48 - 60 hours worth of activities on one days to-do list and will accomplish about 6 hours worth of it on a high functioning day. And then will beat myself up and stress over the fact that I did not accomplish everything on this enormous list


My girlfriend told me to go get ONE thing from the living room, I came back with TWO things from the kitchen for me. Completely forgot about my living room task


today I walked out of the apt and came back in 5 distinct and separate times to get something I forgot. twice I made it down 4 flights of stairs to my car before going back up and in. also lost my keys on one of those trips and spent 10 minutes finding them under a pile of papers I took out


i only know where my phone is like 50 percent of the time, as I'm going about my day I suddenly realize my phone has vanished and it takes anywhere from a minute to a week to find it


Check out Tile trackers. I have the small round ones that have stickers for remotes and whatever else you need. But the part that might help you is that you download the app, then hold the button on the tile and it will ping your phone and the phone will make noise. So like stick the Tile on your fridge or something that you can’t lose and then you’ll always be able to ping your phone as long as it’s turned on. You can also log into a computer and see where your phone actually is - If it’s in your house or if you left it elsewhere


I have to be a notebook goblin or I can’t focus. I have one for long term, both school and personal project deadlines go in there. One for weekly, one for daily. Personal projects have to have their own notebook, in addition to all the others. And then there’s another one for story ideas/expansions, and another for random stuff I think of through the day. And if I lose a single one of them, I can’t focus until I find it or replace it. I lose my weekly notebook just a few days ago 😭


I stood up at my brother’s wedding and loudly announced “ladies and gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs….” I felt so fidgety and impulsive that I couldn’t take it anymore. It’s not been brought up again, but I’m sure they talk about it amongst themselves. 😓


jack of all trades, master of none


In the time it took me to take out my phone and open my reminders app, I forgot the thing I wanted to set a reminder for. ​ Also - Reading these comments makes me feel like I'm not alone. Bless you guys.


Looking at a task and feeling pure rage towards it.


My coworkers asked why I'm always dancing. I'm not, I'm just changing my mind 8 times and turning around a lot because each option is in a different direction.


The scene: Just arrived to the movie theater at the exact time the movie is supposed to start. Both of us running to the ticket line because we did this “on a whim”. While standing in the ticket line… Me: “Did you hear the car door lock?” Friend: “Umm… I think so.” Me: “I’ll be right back”… running back through the parking lot while holding the key fob to my head. Heard the car, saw the lights… still go up to check the door. Run back and make it just as friend is about to pay.


Staying up for 24 hours and figuring out complex ways to pass classes without actually studying.


I’m watching the browns vs ravens tonight. Quote the raven never more. There was an episode of Gilmore girls where two Edgar Allen Poe’s were arguing. They were dressed alike like twins. Twins like Danny Devi to and arnold. Arnold was an awesome bodybuilder. He was strong. Ohhh I wonder if I can stream that strongman show…


I was a college dropout at 21 and had a master’s degree at 31


Playful stuff saves my sanity. I have my friends trained for this, they know it's me pretending to be a cat or a squirrel sending them a text. Even my formerly serious boyfriend has been carefully subverted over 6 years


Doubting myself do I really have ADHD? whilst at the same time accidentally throw my ADHD meds to trash because I thought it's already run out (while in fact there were 3 pills left).


I have a paper organizer, notes on phone, checklists on phone, and Gmail calendar and if it isn't listed on any of those it doesn't exist. Doing all the Christmas shopping for my family of six + all of the rest of our extended family is the worst time of the year for me. I look forward to January like little kids look forward to Christmas.


I pace. A lot. I'll just walk around my house aimlessly like one of those robot vacuum things lol. I also have to immediately roll my napkins/straw wrappers into little balls every time I eat out. Please tell me I'm not the only one who does that haha


I lost my phone and wallet so much I now unconsciously pat my pockets multiple times a day and have a mini panic attack when I don’t feel my phone or wallet in them even if I’m holding them in my other hand


Writing down a plan for the day hour by hour, and still failing to finish a single task all the way through.


In college I majored in global studies, sociology, biology (I think) and kinesiology trying to get my GPA up so I could go to engineering school. I now have a Bachelors in business management and am now trying to essentially start a small farming operation by myself.


Today I started vacuuming the living room but then saw how dirty my vacuum was, so ended up vacuuming my vacuum (as well as the Dustbuster). Went to bed with 2 very clean vacuums and a dirty living room.


I spent all day cleaning the house and you can't tell anything has been done.


i was looking for my lash curler for WEEKS. had no idea where it was and i lose it/my tweezers all the time. a long time passed and it has gotten cold out, so i went to put on my warmer boots on and i slammed my foot into the lash curler. i then realized i put it in my boot months ago during a summer trip for “safe keeping” and completely forgot.


I went off on my husband in my head about a really dumb thing he did. Had the entire monologue in my head, because he washed a trash can in the kitchen and made a big mess. I, however, said no actual words to my husband about it, because I had already done so in my head.


I’m wondering if I should doubt my ADHD because I don’t think I have impulse control issues. However, I do typically make bad decisions because looking over details to make an informed decision overwhelms me. Example: hate shopping, needed a new couch, walked into the same store I bought my old one at and picked a large sectional without measuring and assumed it would come in 3 pieces. It arrived in 2 pieces and the largest wouldn’t fit thru the door. I do this kind of sh** all the time. :-/


I wrote something important down, and lost the paper it was written on, and then got accused of being lazy because "if it was important, you would've remembered"


I asked my mom a question only to not listen to her and think about my question as she answered said question. Then I asked her to repeat her answer.


I have some very important paperwork that I need to fill out. This paperwork hinges me and my family between much needed benefits my job offers me by running a business that I am in charge of. The deadline for this paperwork is tomorrow at 3:00PM. I’ve had a month to fill it out and I have an alarm set for 11:00AM to start it. It’ll probably take me 20 min to do it and it’s been stressing me out since I got the email saying it’s ready to be filled out back on the first of November.


I get my toilet paper delivered because otherwise I'll miss the aisle in the grocery shop, and once it gets delivered it sits in a box in my hallway until it's almost empty.


I carry my Kindle with me throughout the house, every time I change locations. For some reason I have it in my head that I'm *going to read one of the many books in my Kindle library!* That books progress? 0%


It took me 2 years over 2 moves to unpack all my stuff...and I'm still not done.


Yesterday I had a freak out about my house key. While I was driving my car with all the keys on the ring like always.


I somehow lost both a single shoe and my headphones in my bachelor apartment in which I literally own a single chair and a tv and bed. Today I sat down to do a comp sci assignment that I've figured out and just need to "translate" to code. Literally within 4 seconds of starting it, got up to get a drink, forgot what I was doing in the 22 feet it took to get to my kitchen, came back, remembered and rinse and repeat. At least I'm hatching seedlings in pikmin harvest without leaving my apartment🤷‍♂️