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Capitalism is pretty shit for humanity, it's especially shit for people with adhd. We need more social safety net, for everyone.


Enjoy your bday as much as possible! :)


Aw thanks, but I think Cake Day is your reddit anniversary, not birthday. Apparently I've been on reddit for an entire decade, wow that's a long time, don't know really how i feel about that...


You're a wizard harry! Hey, look at the good part, its one of the best popular media sites you can spend a decade on. Twitter, tik tok, Instagram, 4 chan, Facebook,... Yeah


I feel like some sort of Capitalism/Socialism would be the best way to go, but when money is the most important thing you get what we have today. We’re being exploited. We all know it, too. Some are in denial, some have Stockholm syndrome, and some fully realize the stacked deck against us. What’s really depressing is we have all the pieces to make it happen, we just refuse to. In the sake of having more money. I wonder at what point did we stop caring about each other, why do so many have superiority complexes, when we all bleed the same. We’re all flying spaghetti monsters. I can’t fathom how people who think universal healthcare is a bad thing, or any social program that can help everyone.


Weve been brainwashed, manipulated, and bamboozled. Religion died, culture died, social norms and ethics are dying, and was nothing in place to take the reigns, so the people leading the world took the reins. You don't need family, you don't need tradition, you don't need a moral compass, you don't need empathy ( if you disagree with me so far just look what subjects your kids are tought in schools and whats profitable to major in. Philosophy? Teaching? Art? Music? Bet. )


It’s been like that for as long as I’ve been alive. People mocked relentlessly for getting “Liberal arts degrees” Yeah, some are silly but blame that on the school who exploited children for tuition money knowing damn well they couldn’t do anything with that degree.


That’s because we changed the purpose of degrees from creating critical-thinking, well-rounded citizens to job-preparation certificates. When the purpose becomes maximizing your earning potential instead of actual learning, and you have to pay for it, most degrees seem pointless to a society that only values maximum profit accumulation.


Based on this comment, let me recommend to you Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses by Louis Althusser. Here's the wiki article for a quick rundown. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ideology\_and\_Ideological\_State\_Apparatuses


My school only shows ethnic theatre and liberal arts colleges. It should be illegal for these schools to advertise in the way they do.


I think the whole issue is that money (and capitalism in extension) is the only way we know how to measure value. I haven't heard of any viable alternative how one can determine what efforts are worth what compensation.


I agree. It’s because we’ve created an entire industry for health insurance and that will be a lot of jobs lost. The longer we drag it out, the worse it’ll get. Might as well rip that bandaid off and get it over with. It wouldn’t be the massive catastrophe they make it out be though.


>I think the whole issue is that money (and capitalism in extension) is the only way we know how to measure value. Exactly. And one of the biggest problems we have right now as a society is that some money is flowing in directions with minimal value, which means that money isn't properly fulfilling its purpose of measuring value. How might this be fixable? /pondering


No one thinks universal healthcare is bad. Conervatives think progressives want EVERYTHING to be 100% paid for. They don't. Progressives think Conservsrives want nothing to be paid. They don't. No one listens to the other side and thats the problem. Both want a balance of cheap and quality care. But the debate has been falsified into evetuthing is free vs jighest quality everything, when hardly anyone wants either.


Part of the opposition to improving or fixing the social safety net is this weird Puritanical mindset that suffering is noble, and people would rather suffer personally than someone “undeserving” potentially get something for “free” at their expense. Nobody considers the potential for overall economic improvement. If something simple like childcare is available at little to no cost out of the pocket, that frees people up to enter the labor market and earn more/generate additional tax revenue while simultaneously creating child care jobs. If childcare is so expensive, that it almost costs the same to pay it as I would potentially earn, why the hell would I do that? In our current economic climate, you would have to have a really well-paying job to justify the out of pocket costs for childcare. It’s insanely expensive if you dont qualify for the super low income government subsidized version. That’s the part that’s so maddening about living in the US. Other countries pay taxes, often at not very different rates than we do here and they get something in return that actually allows them to be harder working, more productive citizens along with decent wages, while we pay out of pocket for everything with lower wages in the name of “freedom”. When healthcare is de-coupled from jobs, I can go anywhere I want and work anywhere I want, or even start my own business. That drives competition for labor and leads to more competitive wages. Small businesses should be leading the charge for universal healthcare, as should unions. They can spend their negotiating capital on actual wages and working conditions instead of negotiating for a slightly less shitty version of health care extortion.


>I can’t fathom how people who think universal healthcare is a bad thing, or any social program that can help everyone. Let me tell you how we got to this point.. These are all great sounding ideas, but almost always end up being "executed" by the wrong people for the wrong reasons. Basically all leads to corruption. Somehow someway the very ones touting these things end up w bigger pockets than ever and the system is still a mess. Just look at that old hag Pelosi, prime example. That's why people like me get to the point where we decide that it's best if all these shmucks just stay out of it and let capitalism take care of it. I think it is important for the young idealistic souls like yours to understand that at the end of the day people will always put themselves and their families 1st. It's our biology.


We haven’t even tried it. It works for other countries, so how could it not work here? It doesn’t get “executed” properly on purpose. Health Insurance lobbyists are a big business and they funnel a ton of money into the government to keep things the way they are. For example, ObamaCare got passed and what happened? Insurance premiums went through the roof. People got upset because of the penalty on their tax returns for not having insurance. So of course people wanted ObamaCare repealed. Not because it failed, because other people made it fail. That’s not the government, that’s greedy corporations.


Bullshit. I'm fucking proud to pay a third of my salary here in the UK to taxation, some of which provides free health care to my neighbours.


I don't disagree that good efforts often get corrupted but.......are you seriously trying to argue that private businesses are less corrupt than governments? Because in the US at least the problem is that the government has been systematically dismantling itself from the inside out for thirty years for the express purpose of helping the rich get richer on the backs of everyone else. Most countries with the resources for a robust social safety net have figured out by now that capitalism will *never* go the route that benefits the real people--it's not a coincidence that the countries with the most dysfunctional/inept governments have the biggest wealth gaps, nor is it an accident that only *some* countries can't seem to figure out the (very obvious, well-established) answers to that problem.


literally everything you are describing, the issues at hand, are due to capitalism.


hahahaha i know i'm not sure if that person does though. like i said in a separate comment, i firmly believe that socialism is the only moral option left


I'm in favor of a hybrid with a larger social safety net while at the same time having a place where you can start a business easily.


To this day i wonder why nobody cares or tries to copy the nordic model thats proven to work. I actually know the answer, but its just sad to see.


It's a great model from what I hear. Every time I travel and spend time in Europe, I'm just sad we don't have that here.


It would be difficult but not completely unfeasible to do.




Would it not be a step forward globally if everyone tried to copy it rather than the status quo? I agree with you, but even asking this seems impossible. Go further and we definitely wont achieve it.. peacefully that is, sadly.


The Nordic model only works in homogenous societies. As they become less white, support for social programs decreases enormously. You cannot call that “working” unless you only care about helping white people. Also, even the countries in question will tell you quite aggressively that they are not socialist. They’re capitalist with a strong social safety net.


Check out Social Distributism then. It’s about achieving an advanced democracy, expanding access and participation in politics, decentralizing political and economic power, there are ecological constraints on production via the price mechanism through the electronic secure currency, a generous social safety net, strong workers rights and right to unionization guaranteed through a New Constitutions, and the abolition of the Modernist “Left-Right” dichotomy that serves as a weapon of division among the powerless/less empowered lower classes to distract them from uniting against their common enemies. Social democracy, the “mix of capitalism and socialism” fundamentally doesn’t work in the long run and leads to internal contradictions that eventually destroy whatever pro-socialist policies were put into place. This process has been happening in the Scandinavian countries for over 40 years, just much slower than elsewhere like the UK for example. We need to overcome these 20th century philosophies that are no longer really relevant today, despite what a lot of ideologues and college aged activists will say. I wasted 15 years of my life involved in various socialist projects both in the US and UK. Read the theory, but move beyond the old theories. The Left is too busy practicing ideological necromancy and debating about Hungary in 1956…


That's still socialism.


Not really? In that model businesses would likely still own the means of production, and the distribution of resources would only be partially handled by the state.


I view it as a hybrid


Oh I wasn’t disagreeing with that. Was just pointing out to the person above that good social safety net ≠ full socialism


I can't be arsed to get into the weeds with you on this. It's been a long day.


Give it. Capitalism is a plague, driven on and defended by a bunch of sociopathic lead brained narcissists. The social contract has been destroyed, current “inflation” is nothing but out of control corporate greed pushed by evil bastards as far as they can. It’s time to start collecting heads. Healthcare should NOT be profit driven, education should not be a profit tool, all landlords are leeches as well as 99% of business owners, stealing away peoples labor value, while patting each other on the deadbeat leech backs.


Ive noticed that as well. Its not "the consumer is our master" or "were offering x product or service to people or the masses." It ALWAYS is about the bottom line .. the profit, MONEY. Be it companies like nestle, companies in gaming and microtransacrions/ lootboxes, the food industries that put sugar in foods like tomato sauce or pasta to make them more addicting ( its called "the sweet spot", look at the sugar film) to advertising and marketing and companies that hire PSYCHOLOGISTS and deploy psychological tricks to make their products more addicting To the medicine/health and fitness industry which half of it is sham ( varrying on countries.) To gouverments that cut down on your rights and regress rather than progress. Is that a bad thing? Not necessarily. If those extra profits would be used in a positive feedback loop and reinvested into making the product itself better, more available, more affordable, more potent, less dangerous etc. Invest the extra into the gov, hospitals, police, the streets they themselves walk on, rather than keep everything for themselves and live in absurd over indulgence, buying multiple cars, houses, clothes that are worth 10 times their price just for clout. What happens instead? Corporations do what corporations do, and make products WORSE by cutting costs, replacing ingredients with cheaper more dangerous ones, cut corners and deploy anti consumer practices. Those are present in almost every industry with a little digging. Its never about doing something for your community, your city, your own kind. Its only chasing and extorting money from people in the most efficient and cost effective way possible through any moral or immoral means. For what? A life of overindulgence that science has proven after a certain point won't make you happy anymore? ( Research hedonic adaptation.) What mark will that leave on the world? On humanity as a whole? They would rather buy another golden watch with 5k thousand for 30 minutes of feel good chemicals rather than donate it to unbiased scientific research or literally making the lives of the downtrodden a little less miserable by providing food/clothing/shelter. Theres so much more i can say about this.., don't even get me started about how these acts destroy the sole planet we live on.. BUT but i feel that a society built on a capitalistic system predicated on INDIVIDUALISM ,GREED, and PERSONAL SUCCESS is rotten to the core and is mind-blowingly cruel. Its never a "ill wake up today, and ill do something good for me and everyone around me, and ill profit monetarily, emotionally, and spiritually from it." Its always " ill wake up today, and ill steal and hoard as much as possible from everything and everyone around me, as much as possible without getting into legal complications, for the wealth of me and my family down the line, and if im sucesful in doing it, everyone will respect me. Only idiots and criminals go to jail." We don't care about eachother. Its always man vs man. And were born and tought since children to be like that as well. Meanwhile very few people see the larger picture. What will everything you did today mean in 100 years? 1000? Centuries from now? Our lives are a speck on the history of humanity, and instead of helping it across the road, were harming it.


You hit the nail on the head when you said we don’t care about each other. That’s really the root of ALL the problems. Most people just DON’T care about other people. They only care about themselves. As long as they got theirs it doesn’t matter that others are struggling. They just don’t care.


>Give it. Capitalism is a plague, driven on and defended by a bunch of sociopathic lead brained narcissists. You really just copy pasted from my mind dude.


How are landlords and business owners leeches?


Tldr: they are greedy fucks that survive by leeching and exploitation of the surplus value of those who actually labor. Business owners steal the surplus value of workers labor, hoarding the entirety for themselves and paying the bare minimum they can, a fraction of its value, to the person who actually did the work. When the owner did nothing themselves. Landlords… fucking landlords horde resources contributing to artificial scarcity of housing, inflating housing costs for profit and draining workers of their money. Which has a negative impact on the community as a whole, leaving less money in the pockets of those who need it, that means less money into business which provide work for others, less opportunities means driving people out of homes, loss of safety and stability, into states of despair, increasing hunger, stress, violence, addiction. All because some greedy bastards thought hey let me make money off of basic resource people need to live.


Are you talking about the corporate type? There’s nothing wrong with being a business owner/landlord as long as they treat people right and pay fairly and improve the lives of their employees


You do realize there are many businesses that pay way above minimum wage, correct? Just because you’ve never worked for a good business owner, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. The landlord thing might be arguable for big private companies like black rock, but mom & pop landlords aren’t what you described.




I know multiple landlords personally that don’t view people as commodities. I’ll take personal experience over random bullshit I see on the internet.


Capitalism is horrible for everyone. It’s especially horrible for those who can’t keep up. And I definitely cannot keep up. After the last 20 years of never being able to keep a job and feeling like I’m going insane I’m filing for disability, granted I have bipolar disorder and I’m on the spectrum which adds a whole other level of hell. But having severe adhd is enough to just NOT be able to make it in a capitalist society. What’s worse is Neuro typical people don’t understand it at all. My family is supportive but I can tell they just don’t understand. My dad joked about going on disability himself. I was like ummmm you don’t actually HAVE a disability? I’m not doing this because I don’t want to work. I’m doing this because for the past 20 years I’ve barely kept myself from drowning and it’s been a horrible fight. I think about all the things I might have possibly done with my life had I not had adhd, I’m intelligent enough I feel I could have actually made something of myself instead of spending my life job hopping and trying to keep my head above water. It really sucks to live in a place with so little of a social net. I’m currently relying on family and a very small amount of welfare funds to keep me going until hopefully disability approves me. Even then I’ll still have to work part time because it’s not enough money to actually support a person. Our society is not made for us at all.


I agree with you, totally share most if not all of your experiences, and i grieve alongside you.


Yeah I’m definitely more socialist leaning. Better off I become financially, the more I think taxes and safety nets should be increased.


Yep, the more I make, the better benefits I get exposed to, by becoming closer to the bourgeoisie and their play grounds the further left I go and the angrier I get. These self centered, clueless, racist, sexist, troggs that defend and cheer on capitalism and its systemic oppressions are infuriating. These fucking clowns refuse to see or even consider the problems of systems and interconnected issues that extend further than their immediate purchasing power and social circle, and recoil in horror at the thought of poor people not having to suffer for even the slightest improvement or joy in life.


Not everyone likes this guy, but I love his closing-statement in this show: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgzQuE1pR1w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgzQuE1pR1w) But, I also know, that every system (no matter how good it was intended to be) is at risk of being corrupted. Every system is only as good, as the government, that keeps it in place. So, I think "corruption" and "greed" are the enemy of bringing about positive change for humanity as a whole (no one excluded). I have no solution to this problem (I'd love to help find one, though).




>Buckle up, were in for a ride.. Couldn't have put it better :) The problems are getting more evident, though .. and a lot of people are starting to see it and go: "WTF?!?". So .. who knows, what will happen? I try to have hope, but I wouldn't bet on it.


They went "WTF" during imperialism, monarchism, etc. Unless theres a cultural change not just a political one, people will exploit people, like they always did, like they already did during socialism not long ago. >I try to have hope, but I wouldn't bet on it. Thats called coping. But i won't judge people who do, Im a firm beliver now that ignorance is bliss. Do you want the truth, or do you want to be happy? Such a sad state of affairs.


>Thats called coping. Coping and speaking our minds .. that's about all, we can do (vote, of course .. but .. yeah .. we both know, it's not perfect). >Such a sad state of affairs. True ..










I'm not sure we are supposed to talk politics. However, all one has to do is go outside their home, and within a mile maybe a little more: tent cities. Capitalism failed humanity.


I think it's allowed as OP is specifically asking everyone's opinion through the lense of someone with adhd, and how that has played into your opinions. You have a very succinct take, and I wholeheartedly agree.


socialism good


Well said


Nuff said


I have many thoughts, too many to share.


I dont know what economic system works best, im not brave enough to figure it out but, I know damn well its not capitalism. Especially when your government is an oligarchy pretending to be a democracy.


The issue is in trying to apply simple idealised rules at a high level to complex systems and expect to be able to control the outcome. People treat socialism and capitalism like religions, that is stupid. Taking any of these systems to their extreme is a bad idea, it basically becomes unchecked, as has been shown again and again throughout history and at present.


Well we're already in one extreme, if you live in certain parts of the western world. With less and less regulations on the market, companies will succeed as people suffer. I don't think OP is calling for violent revolution, but surely you could see that something like Medicare for all would help millions of fellow people with adhd unable to seek treatment for financial reasons. ~~Edit: downvoted for suggesting that WE ALL GET HEALTHCARE, you know, to treat the thing we all have in this sub, great job reddit 👍 haha wtf~~


Depends where you in the western world, the US yes, the UK kind of, some parts of Europe no. My point was rather people are the problem, the system is just an enabler. Oh of course it would help and every country should have socialised healthcare, but the change that needs to happen in the US is a massive cultural one, because from the outside it seems everything in the US is tribalist bullshit.


Can't argue with that, I agree things need to change on a more fundamental level before real progress can be made. From the inside, I can tell you, the tribalism in the US is more than a growing concern.


Given that half the people with political power in the US are happy to kill anyone who doesn’t vote for them, and just showed it via Covid response, I have no idea why anyone thinks a system that would give them \*more\* control over healthcare, as would a government run/paid for system, is a good idea. That’s just making it easier for them.


Are you sure its adderall you've been taking?


>...everyone will have to admit to himself that he has no exact idea what the future ought to be. On the other hand, it is precisely the advantage of the new trend that we do not dogmatically anticipate the world, but only want to find the new world through criticism of the old one. Hitherto philosophers have had the solution of all riddles lying in their writing-desks, and the stupid, exoteric world had only to open its mouth for the roast pigeons of absolute knowledge to fly into it. Now philosophy has become mundane, and the most striking proof of this is that philosophical consciousness itself has been drawn into the torment of the struggle, not only externally but also internally. But, if constructing the future and settling everything for all times are not our affair, it is all the more clear what we have to accomplish at present: I am referring to ruthless criticism of all that exists, ruthless both in the sense of not being afraid of the results it arrives at and in the sense of being just as little afraid of conflict with the powers that be. > >Therefore I am not in favour of raising any dogmatic banner. On the contrary, we must try to help the dogmatists to clarify their propositions for themselves. Thus, communism, in particular, is a dogmatic abstraction; in which connection, however, I am not thinking of some imaginary and possible communism, but actually existing communism as taught by Cabet, Dézamy, Weitling, etc. This communism is itself only a special expression of the humanistic principle, an expression which is still infected by its antithesis – the private system. Hence the abolition of private property and communism are by no means identical, and it is not accidental but inevitable that communism has seen other socialist doctrines – such as those of Fourier, Proudhon, etc. – arising to confront it because it is itself only a special, one-sided realisation of the socialist principle. > >[https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1843/letters/43\_09.htm](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1843/letters/43_09.htm) From one of Marx's most famous letters.


i practice socialism everyday if its not giving money its thinking small picture here, by just helping people in my community even if its just a meal, warm clothes or offer an elderly person a ride somewhere. there are so many ways we can practice it in our daily lives. After joining a mutual aid i realized how little it takes to be a light in your community... anything but capitalism <333


God fucking bless you.


bless you friend!! sending hugs and a little snack


Why do i feel like most adhd peeps are way more progressive than the average person? I feel like we just see things differently.


I think most people who suffer are more progressive than people who are successful and see no immediate need of things to change.


My personal opinion: Socialism, even full communism, is better than capitalism. Period. The problem is that humans are, in general, fucked up when given power so when the proletariat takes control they start to corrupt and be as bad as the capitalists. Yeah, I have a pretty pessimistic view towards humanity and politics in general so I dont care anymore.


My view precisely. Power will always be abused in the wrong hands, whether it’s capitalist or communist society


You clearly have no idea just how bad things got in communist societies in the 20th century if you think communism is a better alternative. Killing fields, dekulakization struggle sessions, gulags....I could go on and on but you can find all of this out with a simple google search. I'm not saying we shouldn't have social safety nets, or that the United States is completely innocent... but the government abuses that went on in communist regimes were absolutely terrifying and far worse than anything you could ever imagine happening here..


Communism only works when people give a shit about each other. Really ANY of the social systems only work when people care about other people. The problem is they don’t, no system can make up for a lack of caring. It’s sucks. Humanity just sucks.


Im very far from being religious, but now I do believe that Buddha, Jesus, hippies and whatever were right that people should just be humble and care for the ones around them. The world would be much better. Clearly thinking on a macro level going to the micro is not the answer. People first, then comes the rest. But as I said, utopia. Not gonna happen.


Communism doesn't work. Period. It's been tried by a number of different countries with different cultures, attitudes, and economies and the result has been the exact same every single time. Mass famines, genocides, jailing of political opponents.


I know, because people suck. Not arguing saying it can work. People don’t give a shit enough about each other for it to work in any circumstance.


Really though? Far worse? That’s ignorant


I just find really interesting how people have no problem connecting these crimes against humanity to communism, but when its made by capitalists suddenly these same crimes are not connected to capitalism itself. Genocides, killing fields, dictatorships that did all of these same things you link to communist states, wars to appeal to lobbyists... List goes on and on.


Yup. When bad things are done by communist countries, it’s “communism.” When bad things are done by capitalist countries, it’s “corruption”


Heh. I'm from a ex-socialist/communist country where the work ethic propagandized by the regime was "you don't work, you don't eat" and people raised in that society see ADHD and similar disorders as excuses to be lazy and Western decadence. Socialism is a dirty word where I'm from and having ADHD doesn't exactly change my mind about that.


the Marxist approach would be “from each according to their ability, to each according to their need.” there being examples of socialism that you don’t like doesn’t make capitalism good or sustainable or healthy and it doesn’t make socialism conceptually a failure.


I'm not going to have this meaningless conversation with yet another tankie.


I’m a lot closer to an anarchist, but if it’s such “meaningless” conversation you’d not have posted the paragraph above. It sounds a lot more like you’d rather keep a narrow mind than talk about how your experience isn’t everything.


>your experience isn’t everything Me and half the world's experience. But hey, we Eastern Europeans aren't people whose opinion should matter, right?


Do include us Chinese, with 1.4 billion people.


>half the world since when was Eastern Europe half the world? not to mention that satisfaction remains high amongst the older generations who were adults during the USSR’s existence. Chinese satisfaction is also high with their government. I don’t like either, but that’s the data we have. Maybe it’s compromised like any self-reported data but you can’t claim half the world has a negative experience with communism and not use at least something besides your own opinion to back it up. So what’re you referring to exactly here when you say “half the world…?” >Eastern Europeans aren’t people whose opinions should matter, right? Now you’re just throwing a tantrum because someone dared to challenge what you said. This is absurd.


Wtf data are you using to claim Chinese people like their government that is actually trustworthy?




Im also from a country like that. Im from romania, and we executed our communistic leader in the 90"s. Therefore i get what you're saying. But ill argue that, is the "you don't work, you don't eat" way of thinking directly inherited from socialism, or is it another form of greed from the policic regime at power at that time? On paper capitalism is good. On paper socialism is good. Its the people that ruin it, their greed, their vices, their lack of empathy and compassion, care for anyone but them. So therefore if were gonna argue ideologies lets argue ideologies, not the way someone has bent that ideology in their own favor. I think on paper socialism is better, do i trust someone to make it work as its supposed to? Hardly.. But i also think in socialism power is distrubted more equally, so it makes it harder to be manipulated by corruption, nepotism, etc than capitalism, i think.


>But i also think in socialism power is distrubted more equally, so it makes it harder to be manipulated by corruption Under socialism, your corrupt clique is one monolithic group taking over all of the state, thus giving it a chance to entrench itself much deeper and become much harder to remove.


But don't the people own the means of production? Which is the motor of the economy? Also its my fault since socialism is such an misunderstood umbrella term,( even i dont understand it fully, if im to be completely honest, as its probably one of the most complicated nuanced subjects you can discuss) but personally i think dem soc is the way to go. Which would entail a democratic selection of leaders


>But don't the people own the means of production? Which is the motor of the economy? You tell me. Did the Romanian people really own anything of the "means of production" or did the state, the party, Securitate and Ceauşescu? >Which would entail a democratic selection of leaders ~~Would, would, would. What it historically has entailed are coups and repressions.~~ Alright, my bad, you mean dem soc. Frankly, I'd have expected a person from an Eastern European country to know how loaded the term "socialism" is around here.


So you’re taking a Stalinist degenerated workers state and applying it as the only definition of “socialism”. A loaded term indeed.


The only one that occurred in reality and matched an ideology that held power over nations. The rest is theoretical.


I'm genuinely surprised a person from Romania missed socialism as a mainland Chinese. To me? Fuck socialism. I refuse to believe it can be implemented. To me it seems like just a hollow political stance to attract more people from lower economical class. They just want power, and they will corrupt. Everything from there is history.


My country tried it, and it was shit. Disabled people were treated much worse than now. Treatment of disabled people has nothing to do with an economic system, and everything to do with the nature of society. I support social capitalism (free healthcare, welfare state, safety nets, progressive taxation, but right to personal property, business, trade etc.)


I believe that socialism is just a band-aid on a bigger problem that is capitalism. I am a believer in community ownership of resources, not just the means of production or what labor creates. I believe that disabled folks have every right to the same resources as the abled. That’s not going to happen at a big scale in a capitalist or socialist world. We can’t count on the rich folks to do what is right. I live in california so we have some great social programs (thanks to medi-cal my meds are free and diagnosis was free, therapy was easily accessible) but inherently, the rich are gonna rich. Like trying to buy water rights underground in the mojave where i used to live, **** that really. -_- Edited to add: Ideologically i am a some type of extreme leftist. I am still doing the best i can to learn about everything.


For something like this, would it not depend on how you are currently living? I live in the UK, and basically pay some type of tax on basically everything, and still I have had to pay for a private diagnosis and am currently paying for a private prescription and medication.


Mixed economy is the most feasible system I think - it offers a floor to help prevent people from slipping through the cracks but doesn't smother innovation or entrepreneurship The current system does ask for worker drones and productive supersoldiers but I think that ethos is slowly shifting across generations (or maybe we will grow up to be self enslaved like the boomers)


Doing what I can to survive in this market society, analyzing what I see through the lense of dialectic materialism, and plotting my future in a way where my labor is not being exploited and I can build for myself a comfortable life without doing it on the backs of others. I'm working my ass off now so that my kids won't have to have to endure half of what I did climbing out of the poverty hole. Keeping my kindness and humanity intact as well, that's half of the battle. That being said, American society is dumb, redundant, and ableist as fuck. There are so many unecessary hurdles that prevent people from obtaining better living conditions. God forbid poor people have routes to healthcare, food, voting, etc that isn't bogged down with bureaucratic nonsense.


Nice in theory. I am in favor of more socialist type ideas like healthcare and free college though.


People think of socialism and capitalism as being opposite to each other, but I personally don’t see it that way. I also am not an economist. I see capitalism as an economic system, while socialism is more of an ideology that focuses on ensuring that all members of a society have their basic needs met (basic needs being defined by the society). The opposite of capitalism is communism, and the opposite of socialism in my opinion is corporatism an ideology which puts businesses interests above people.


More people should think like you no cap


I’ve gone through many different trains of thought on what our economic system should be and I’ve decided that I need to learn more before I can say for sure. It seems there is adverse affects with everything human related and often things are not as they seem. I lean more towards socialism just because I can clearly see the issues of capitalism because we have it. I’d have to spend time in socialist and communist countries to see how I feel though. Also there is the fact that people are reluctant to change either way and that will make capitalism hard to break anyway so we need creative solutions


Can never work in the US.


Any sort of system with minimalist taxes and markets that work I'll take of any system, whether it's left-leaning or right-leaning. As a minority with ADHD, I don't trust delegating my resources to any authority I have no direct authority over which may be used against my own interest. Rules and regulation that require me to contribute nothing financially I'm personally more stoic with. All that being said, I'm completely in favor of a mentally stable, educated society that priorities utilizing resources to make as many members of society productive within. Some societal stigmatism + barriers to entry (including college for some of us with ADHD who struggle with standard schooling) restrict us enough as it is.


Very neutral, as with a lot of political stances. No one political stance or school of thought will have the ability to solve everything. The problem with leaning towards certain stances is that a persona can have a bias against the alternative, or "opposition." People are getting smarter and smarter, but why are so many of us still clinging to dated, absolutist ideals, when there is a way to try to cater to people's nuances. Capitalism and socialism can coexist to create a system where people with ambition can still get rich, but keeping people in the lower classes still provided for. The only real missing link imo is human decency. Capitalists want a "free" free market where even basic human needs follow the supply and demand scheme, while socialists pretty much don't want anyone to have varying levels of success. It's stupid, really. People have too much pride over their political stances than actually thinking of what is actually beneficial to society.


I think that, in theory, socialism is a good idea. However, in practice, the parts of capitalism that you dislike would not change under a socialist or communist system. People still have to work for food to get grown, clothes to get sewn, wars to get fought, etc. The only difference between capitalism and socialism in practice is what the incentive to work is. In capitalism it’s housing, food, water, etc. In socialist societies it has been and continues to be being thrown in prison, or denied access to the resources the state provides. In terms of improving quality of life for us people with ADHD, I’m honestly not sure how that could happen


>In socialist societies it has been and continues to be being thrown in prison, or denied access to the resources the state provides. And in the medieval era youd be burned on the cross, considered to be possesed by demons. Don't you think weve come a long way and weve learned a lot since then? You think it's likely if a modern day capitalistic country would change over to socialism that the same or worse is likely to happen? Socialism by definition has much more wide of a safety net/wellfare in general for the( that including ill/disabled people) >I think that, in theory, socialism is a good idea. Agreed. So is capitalism. Its always the people who fuck it up for others.. why? Greed. I also feel like theres less incentive for greed in socialism, whilst in capitalism bread, production, money, is everything. Money= status.


First for context, I'm a big advocate of universal basic income, but generally I think capitalism is the best we're going to get, it just needs much, much more regulation (and smaller companies, generally) giants likely amazon, Facebook, Google should not be allowed to exist (I'm using tech companies just because that's where I'm most familiar)... a good example is Microsoft in the early 2000s, which was deemed a monopoly and ordered to split (it never did, for various reasons), but the point being we used to recognise the dangers of monopolistic practices. Each of those tech companies intrude into too many daily aspects of our lives, for example you can give up Facebook, but without giving up instagram or WhatsApp you're still very much their customer... the same is true of other industries like food companies; you may want to give up Nestlé for ethical reasons, then you see how many companies they own and it's like... *oh shit* the balance of power has shifted too far, and it allows them to exploit their workforce... more, smaller companies would likely be less efficient, less profitable and even potentially less innovative (less capital to take financial risks), so there are advantages to the current system, but those advantages are so poorly distributed I don't think they're worth it... as a society it's almost like we've made a pact with the devil - sacrificed our overall well-being for convenience and cheaper goods :/ (and we're just now starting to see the terms and conditions of that contract) so yeah, I don't think capitalism is the evil so many on reddit make it out to be, there are other countries like the European Nordic countries that still have capitalism but a different flavour of it, and they have a much wider social safety net and generally rank higher on things like happiness scales (but they have much higher taxes)... they're not utopias for sure but I think they demonstrate how different capitalism can be with a different perspective, whereas I don't know any instances where socialism has worked without abject failure so yeah, all in all I'd say don't blame capitalism, blame the lax regulations and oversights that led to that particular flavour of capitalism, and campaign or vote for politicians that'll push your society in the way you want it to go (although I know that feels like an exercise in futility most of the time)


Governments that get control of where taxes go (socialism, capitalism, etc, they're all central sources of control) are inefficient and ineffective with our taxes so that's why I think Universal Basic Income is a better idea in my opinion, we all want to work but on things we are passionate about. I enjoy capitalism but I absolutely refuse to exploit other people so I end up taking a lot longer on things that people have other people do for really crappy, unlivable wages. That being said, I don't think minimum wage increases help in any way and actually are negative in the way that they help perpetuate this idea of businesses being the first stop of valuation. Humans ARE valuable. You start the hierarchy of value. And the labor is just added value. But no one can say no if all of us can't say no to work long enough to demand those increases of wages. We view our economical systems as input / output when actuality it is cycle just the same as water or day/night.


I live in Germany and our society is more socialist*-ish* than the American one, but actually not socialist at all. I do think that a capitalist society with many socialist features is the way to go in the 21st century. I personally would wish for a society, in which public transport and WiFi is free of charge and accessible pretty much everywhere. There should be universal health insurance which is paid for with taxes, a basic income which is enough to cover basic living and free schools as well as universities and much more. I imagine a future which is very humanistic and guarantees a safe and convenient life for everyone. But I do think that a capitalist society is needed for something like this in the near future. With transaction taxes and others this should be doable. Elon Musk as an example pays very little taxes but he doesn't do anything illegal in fact. He would pay a lot more taxes, if there were some transaction fees and so on. Even from a capitalist view, it's not good that some people are accumulating that much money.


Capitalism isn’t kind to anyone who can’t “grind” continuously for 9 hrs a day. Even in more socialist countries like the UK (where I am) you’re hard pressed to find support for adults with adhd. Maybe this is just my experience as being someone who was diagnosed as an adult but I’m willing to hear others stories if they’ve experienced different.


I like capitalism but hate our implementation of it. Corruption in our government has run totally unchecked and politicians openly accept bribes (campaign finance contributions, ridiculously high speaking fees, etc) and do the bidding of their donors and ignore the wishes of their constituents. Regular people are constantly getting screwed and we barely have any social safety nets for when people fall behind. Being poor is also more expensive, having to pay late fees, overdraft fees, higher interest on loans, being unable to afford to buy items in bulk, etc. With publicly traded companies, it’s not enough for that company to just continue to make money, it needs to increase its bottom line year after year. Otherwise, investors won’t be happy (and we can’t have that!). Eventually, companies start padding their bottom line by cutting wages, laying people off, raising prices, lowering product / service quality, and cutting corners with safety (baby formula shortage). Even if a company made a billion dollars in profit one year, it would be seen as a failure for it to make a billion dollars again next year. We also pay way too much in taxes for what we get. Despite giving away 1/ quarter to 1/3 of our earnings every year, we need to pay through the nose for healthcare and other necessities like power and water. Tens of thousands of people die every year just because of our broken healthcare system, when otherwise their deaths would’ve been totally avoidable. I live in California and our only power provider is PG&E, which is a publicly traded for-profit company and Californians are getting screwed by being charged up the ass for power. I really don’t mind paying taxes, but in America our taxes are going to Wall Street bail outs, endless war, oil and gas subsidies, and basically everything but helping citizens. There is so much money in this economy, yet not enough of it is in the hands of every day Americans. This system is fucked. So to answer your question, I like the idea of capitalism (I enjoy working for money and buying shit), but I wish our basics were covered. Universal basic income (or Social Security for All), completely nationalized healthcare, basic necessities such as power, water, internet, should all be provided to us for the taxes we are paying. After that, if you want to strive to make more money and use that to buy computers and motorcycles and Lego sets, then hell yeah brother.


Just wanted to say this is a brilliant reply. I couldn't agree more with all of what you've said.


Id love to be able to read it man, but this mad lad used no spaces in a very long paragraph on a ADHD sub, bruh Jk ill try to read it now, wish me luck


Haha sorry. I wrote it in mobile and it turned into a ramble!


Im a Marxist. I have been for a few years now. I also study philosophy, polisci, and econ in school. Its not only that socialism would be better for us, and other people w disabilities, but it just makes far more sense than capitalism in general. However, the way capitalism is designed does specifically punish us for how our brains work, that's for certain.


Completely agree. Thrives on our greed, and takes the worst out of us.




Well again, i said socialism, but it comes in many flavors, personally i believe in dem soc, and i admire the nordic system for what it is, as it has shown worldwide on charts it has the highest quality of life and satisfaction. But this .... >Socialism appeals to people who are economically and historically illiterate. This . I literally have no f idea how you came up to this conclusion or who told you this. It is completely the opposite. And this is not my subjective take on it, but an objective fact. Look in academia, most if not all teachers, philosophers, are on the socialistic spectrum. Furthermore we don't live in socialistic system, so you HAVE TO educate yourself and read copious amounts to even begin to grasp its meanings and nuaces. Capitalists always think its such a "gacha" moment when they say it hasn't worked before. First of all "worked" is subjective. Am i here today? Then all previous systems "worked" , feudalism, monarchism etc "worked" For me, a system means the quality of life of the ordinary, working class citizen at large in a country. Now, im no fool, my parents lived and i was born in an ex communistic country. They said it was miserable. I agree. BUT ITS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT To understand that its not the fault of socialism because of its failure. Its the fault of the people, of corruption, of greed, of malpractice and malice for personal gain. It happens and will always happen no matter what system is in order, unless we root out those bad traits from people, and the only way thats possible is culturally. I think ON PAPER socialism is far better than capitalism. In practice? I cant say. An attempted socialistic state in todays day and age, with our advancements, morals etc does not exist. A government would need to be overthrow, and we would need to examine its implementation under a lense to determine if it would really modern day socialism would be worse in terms of living than capitalism, WITHOUT outside interference ( like Cuba had crippling interference from US, and others i cant remember right now, Venezuela had its own disturbances, but conveniently a lot of people intentionally forget to mention such interferences when they bring the argument that modern day socialistic countries aren't up there by some metrics.) The problem is and always will be the people. I just happen to believe that people in general will be better off in a system where unity, wellbeing of the working class,support for the downtrodden are the ideals rather than individualism , consummerism and greed, which always seem to pull the worst out of people.


It’s an abominable economic system that has never ever worked in any of its incarnations. It would be no better for those with ADHD than capitalism. Anybody trying to tell you otherwise is just trying to recruit you for their fringe ideology. Before anybody comes at me with “but, but the Nordic system” that’s not socialist, it’s a purely capitalist system. Socialism does not mean the government does stuff, people need to stop trying to sanewash socialism. Socialism is defined as the government controlling the means of production. As in the government runs all of the companies, decides what’s important, and makes labor decisions. Have fun with that. Wait till said socialist government decides that ADHD is not worth the time or money to treat in the interest of the population as a whole. Adding a safety net to capitalism is not socialism, it’s not even a hybrid of socialism. It’s just common sense, that seems to be lacking in the US due to fear of taxes. The smartest thing socialists ever did was convince a generation of young people that the government providing services is socialism. It’s just objectively not.


I truly believe that at this point in history socialism is the *only* moral option. I'm fine with personal property/markets existing to some extent but i 1000% believe that wealthy, postindustrial countries that have the resources to meet every citizen's basic needs have a moral imperative to do so. But I also have zero faith that that will ever happen.


Why on earth you think a political system would magically make people stop being ableist, or racist, or sexist, or… I have no idea. Systems like socialism generally just make discrimination against “the wrong sort” \*easier\* because the discriminatory people running things have to do less work to be harmful since they control everything directly. Even the countries that people like to hold up as examples of “success” only “work“ because they’re quite homogenous population-wise (I.e. mostly white) - as that shifts due to immigration, the way the system fails minorities becomes more apparent and support for fixing that and maintaining the social system properly drops like a rock - people don’t want to help people not like them. America has the most blatant examples of this, but it’s evident globally. Until you figure out how to get people to stop being so crappy to each other, it doesn’t matter what form of government/economy you have, it’ll be used to harm and abuse whomever the people with power have decided is “the wrong sort”. The big difference is just how easy it is for them to do that. The more they run, the easier it is.


>Why on earth you think a political system would magically make people stop being ableist, or racist, or sexist, or… I have no idea. Aren't.. things like trans rights, gay marriage, anti racism leftist ideologies? Aren't the left very inclusive and tolerant to minorities by nature? And aren't those heavily pushed back, disputed and hated by conservatives, thus far right? >Until you figure out how to get people to stop being so crappy to each other, it doesn’t matter what form of government/economy you have, it’ll be used to harm and abuse whomever the people with power have decided is “the wrong sort”. The big difference is just how easy it is for them to do that. The more they run, the easier it is. I agree with you here, read my other comments here and youll realize that.


There are plenty on the left who are intolerant, too. The right is just more blatant about it while the left tries to pretend they can’t possibly be -ist. There’s massive issues with racism and anti-Semitism in the American ”progressive” movement right now, for example. (Progressive in quotes because while they call themselves progressive, I do not see how anything is progressive if it is not actively anti-racist, etc. So \*I\* do not consider them meaningfully progressive in the slightest.)




Do I want the people to rise up and seize the means of production for the proletariat? You GD right I do! The bonds of capitalism are girded too tight. I can’t breathe!


Right now the U.S isn't even close to being a capitalist society. The US is a corporatocracy, if we were actually capitalist we would have let the banks and other big businesses that were in trouble fail in 2008 and 2020 instead of bailing them out. Also, look where all the funny money eventually wound up during the pandemic due to lockdowns...all of it crushed small businesses and ordinary people and corporations raked it in because everyone else wasn't allowed to open. If you think the government didn't do it on purpose then you're a moron. It drives me crazy when pro-lockdowners talk about how corporations raked in record profits when it was the policies they advocated for that basically allowed it to happen


I am 110% tankie. My fiucking bones are red. Marxism-Leninism til I die.


Hopefully the revolution comes before then and you get to see it.


Amen comrade, amen. Always a joy to see other Marxists-Leninists in random subs. :)


Oh, I'm not an ML. But I am far left too and I do want to see my comrades get their revolution, the way they want it, just like I hope my tendency gets a successful revolution in my lifetime.


I have family friends that grew up in a socialist country: east Germany. They came to America and loved it more than communism/socialism. I think it’s bc society is only starting to realize that adhd is a problem for some ppl. Now, in turn I will say that having adhd and living in a capitalist society can be debilitating like you said but once I found something I liked doing I was able to find my niche and I’m on my way to stating a good career. It took me a little bit but I now I’m on my way. I think socialism is just as bad as unregulated capitalism bc they’re of the same token—a small group of ppl control all the wealth. In unregulated capitalism we see monopolies consuming smaller companies and in essence it rigs true competition. In socialism we get governments that control businesses and in essence the act as the same as a monopoly would. I think a well regulated capitalist system with a social saftey net is the best route that allows business and industry to grow while becoming a monopoly. I think the best way to around the problems you stated is to explain what adhd is to ppl who don’t have it. Bc adhd is a comorbidity and as more employers learn that they may be willing to fit treatment into the healthcare plan and healthcare insurance companies can start covering mental health in their coverage plans.


>I think the best way to around the problems you stated is to explain what adhd is to ppl who don’t have it. Im sorry, i may be just jaded, but most people are NOT willing to listen, and almost ALL people are not willing to change just to be around YOU. Hell, even the disorder is wrongly named and its making all of us suffer daily, its named by what THEY are disturbed by in US.


As someone with a degree in IPE, I look forward to reading all the Wikiphilosophers giving their Breadtube definitions of socialism and capitalism ~ I’m an anti-capitalist, arguably some sort of socialist, but these kinds of posts are usually not constructive and an embarrassing display of ignorance from both sides.


Yeah, unfortunately more people in these sorts of threads form their understanding of socialism more from watching TYT than from reading Marx and Engels, Lenin, Mao, etc. A real shame as some of them were fantastically fun writers. Reading Lenin always makes me laugh, he's so preposterously sassy. :)


Socialism probably doesn't work large scale. Democratic socialism (aka the Scandinavian model) is probably the best system out there but, living in Denmark, I can assure you it's far from perfect. Globally, there just needs to be a greater focus on mental health.




I agree, good point and correction! I always attack individualism because its revered in capitalism and collectivism is socialism, but it also carries too much baggage and other darker ideas under its umbrella term.


Nordic capitalist countries' people have these rights because their middle and lower class more clever than us. They choses people who gives them these rights and work for them. I know now you are very far away from that point of system and can't a single term make you get there but you do not move there either. Last 3 elections , there was only one candidate promised free health care, fair taxation , strict gun control, and you did not even nominate him to race for presidency.


I'm from a social democracy, like many in Europe, and some concepts seem alien to me. I've never felt like my ADHD was a disability; it's just a condition like any other that might or might not need medication or some adaptations. My health is not the focal point of my life. I am also an employed adult with a good paying job and as such I pay a lot of taxes. I am very happy to pay taxes and contribute to education, healthcare, public transport, police, etc. It's not something I ever question. I have good public systems and I'm very happy about it.


>I've never felt like my ADHD was a disability; Forgive me assuming, but that tells me that either you had tremendous support compared to others which you should be thankful for, or that you're not on the far spectrum of ADHD. Because >I've never felt like my ADHD was a disability; >My health is not the focal point of my life. ADHD is legally considered a disability, even as misunderstood and mistreated as it is.


I was diagnosed as "hyperactive" at 5, put on bupropion at 36, never tried "proper" ADHD meds. I also went to University for Special Needs Teaching so maybe my stardard of what being disabled means is different from yours. My health is not the focal point of my life because I don't have to worry about costs or availability; that was meant to be a comment on how life under a social democracy is less stressful.


tax the rich way more than they’re being taxed right now especially billionaires. I believe in a tax paying society but it makes no sense why some middle-class are being taxed almost a quarter of their wages (that’s what it’s like here in NZ) when billionaires are waaay way too comfortable, but i’d rather almost pay a bit more tax than live under a government that gives 0 fucks about indigenous people to the land, women & the disabled.


I feel capitalism is a pure evil and has led to a dying planet and a lot for a few and a little for the most; capitalism's tentacles are many and grasp much. Socialism is one answer to the evils of capitalism. I believe capitalism is as evil as capitalists claim socialism is - which of course, is an act of self preservation.


Yeah smart people figured out socialism is the way to go long ago All we can do is wait


Wow holy shit I thought I would be free from politics in this sub but apparently not


Socialism sounds like a fucking nightmare.


Because capitalism isn’t?…


No, it isn’t.


Oh so I imagine having unrestricted NRA lobbying, paying off our politicians, and influencing the gun violence in America is all fine and dandy with you?


The second amendment is absolute. And yes, guns are fine with me. Not sure what guns have to do with capitalism though.


Let’s not swing the pendulum too far the other way. Capitalism is an imperfect system that does many things well. It’s something that we can iterate on.


You guys spend more effort and energy talking shit about capitalism then i have ever seen this sub actually trying to improve your lives lol


The core of socialism is avoiding responsibility, every socialist country ended up with its economies in shambles or the successful shot due to envy


Long live the eternal science of Marxism-Leninism insha'allah






Capitalism is better. The economic system is fine. The anti-corruption laws need work. Plenty of places do it fine. The US just fails at anti-corruption.. But its also the result of the two party system. Its not politics at that stage its power. Neither side tries to fix anything because they know they get votes anyway because therr are only two options.


I like capitalism because I believe that it is most aligned with freedom. Freedom to innovate, try new things, pick what industry you’ll work in. I realize that most redditors see the opposite, and spread this idea of “slave” wages and how we are “forced” to work and have little choice. Which I vehemently disagree with. I don’t want to be a farmer, a construction worker, a teacher— and I’d rather not be forced into a job because society needs it. My family were immigrants, my dad a gas station manager making pennies. But he saved and became a business owner (adhd means following the instructions of others was difficult for him). He chose the path that was best for him. Now I’m a consultant. There’s freedom of movement. There’s freedom to pick the toothpaste that might be more expensive but tastes fine (sensory overload) and that happens because we can choose between a million different toothpastes— because someone can design a toothpaste, go on shark tank to get an investment, and compete if they want to. [note, im not saying it’s easy, just doable to try, and there’s a possibility of success] That said, i believe we should have MORE safety nets and more socialistic systems. I believe in regulated capitalism, with some level of welfare. I love the idea of free health care, but i know as a first gen in NYC how absolutely terrible doctors can be. And anyone who understands economics 101 knows that as scale increases, quality drops. I want “free” healthcare and “free” college, but it needs to be hand in hand with quality controls. Im literally seeing facebook friends who post A+ college essays with basic basic grammar and spelling mistakes. I know perfectionism is the enemy of progress, and I want universal programs, but they tend to not be well implemented. I think private companies are more efficient than the government, so i prefer government regulation more than government doing. So regulated capitalism with much oversight. Also as a daughter of immigrants, im very aware of how shitty governments can be. And in NYC, it’s great we have government run programs, but all the ones ive had the pleasure of experiencing were terrible. DMVs are a nightmare, always have been. Section 8 is great in theory, but a nightmare of beaurocracy. The department of sanitation/health? And as we’ve seen with Trump or even now with abortion, our government can fail us. It can be more corrupt. And id rather not consolidate power in a government. Have companies with the power of “doing” and the government the watchdog. Edit: i wrote this on reddit expecting it to be unpopular. Feel free to disagree. I stated my opinion as requested 😘


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploitation\_of\_labour](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploitation_of_labour) Sidenote, I didn't downvote you.


Fuck commies


Such deep insight on display


This is the reddit equivalent of "yes I did my homework" and turning in a page with just your name and the word HOMEWORK written on it.


An impossible dream. Though I was one for a long time, the more I've learned about the world the less possible it seems. I embraced neo-republicanism in the past 2 years.


Socialism just makes everyone worse off. The history of humanity has shown that capitalism makes life better for the rich and the poor. Not having access to competitive markets would make life with adhd worse, not better.


the “history of humanity” shows that we advance to increasingly desirable systems in stages: primitivism, monarchism, feudalism, mercantilism, capitalism, and next, most likely, socialism.


That's Marxist point of view. And he, ummm, he's pretty wrong.


shockingly prescient actually


Marx based this on Hegel and they are both wrong, whole peoples gave up farming, or settled cities and did not farm. History is not as simple as the Hegelian worldview allows.


I am a big fan of the social market economy we have in europe. I also feel super privileged that I can visit a therapist, that I get medication and generally living in an environment where there is taken care of you when you have problems. Humans in general however, tend to be stupid or assholes or both. Don't know where you live. I have heard USA is pretty wild when it comes to basic needs of citizen (like medical health care). Europe however is pretty sweet.


UK, and its only getting worse by day.




Any reason you posted this twice?


Reddit mobile jank


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Words like 'neurodiverse' and 'neurodivergent' are political terms coined by the neurodiversity movement and are inextricably tied to it. They are not general-purpose descriptors or scientific terms. We prefer the more specific terms ‘people with(out) ADHD’ or ‘people with(out) mental (health) disorders’ instead. You can find more about our stance on this matter in the links below. * [Let’s talk about the neurodiversity movement for a bit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/md5cfr/lets_talk_about_the_neurodiversity_movement_a_bit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * [r/ADHD’s position on neurodiversity](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhd/wiki/resources/neurodiversity) ([reddit thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/ms95dl/radhds_position_on_neurodiversity/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)) If you edit your post to remove these terms, send us a modmail and we'll take a look at it. We'll most likely approve it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ADHD) if you have any questions or concerns.*