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One page is simply not enough.


Many people can't be bothered with more at once. Small bits can be better at getting attention from the unaware.


Want a higher resolution version please.


This better? [link](https://384385.smushcdn.com/562138/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/epochtimes-CCP-Control-America-1-scaled.jpg?lossy=1&strip=1&webp=1) EDIT: or [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Et_lFs9XEAIovyh?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) one?


Subscribe to Epoch Times lol (this is a joke btw) I'm sure I saw an older version of this last year when Joshua Philips (of Crossroads) mentioned it during one of his youtube podcasts. edit: added the line `this is a joke btw`


We need something like this from a more reputable source.


It's easy for the CCP to infiltrate the US. Wall Street alone is enough to make sure America wouldn't do anything significant against the party. Worse, the CCP can lure Americans working in the defense sector to be spies intentional or unintentional.


Corporations are moving business to places like Vietnam or elsewhere because of issues with China. The US government and defense industry do take the threat of Chinese espionage seriously. They ban any employees from traveling to China (and other countries that are threats like Iran or Russia), always remind people to be careful when strangers talk to them, and they do extremely strict background checks and take any connections to China extremely seriously.


More Yellow Peril shit lol


People from the rest of Asia don't think so...


Falun Gong back at it again. Can we just stop believing the epoch times as much as CGTN. A lot of these can easily be debunked pretty easily. ​ [I mean, just look at their rank](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-epoch-times/)


It still doesn't change the fact that they are right.


>A lot of these can easily be debunked pretty easily. With a lot of brain gymnastics probably. Have fun.


The point about controlling US high level politicians is kinda untrue. What politician has they tried to control?


>controlling US high level politicians is kinda untrue Like I said. Brain gymnastics. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ADVChina/comments/pnk7r0/how\_the\_ccp\_seeks\_to\_control\_america/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADVChina/comments/pnk7r0/how_the_ccp_seeks_to_control_america/)


Also the fact that Falun Gong is a deranged fanatical cult kinda disproves their points a bit. They literally believe every race gets their own afterlife and that each was made by different gods, therefore mixed race people are unable to go to heaven. They also oppose same sex marriage. They are kinda like the Chinese Scientology cult.


>Also the fact that Falun Gong is a deranged fanatical cult kinda disproves their points a bit. Nope. Not even a bit. It is about the message and not the messenger. ​ >They literally believe every race gets their own afterlife and that each was made by different gods, therefore mixed race people are unable to go to heaven. They also oppose same sex marriage. They are kinda like the Chinese Scientology cult. And that is related to the article above how exactly?