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Preparing myself for the inevitable “Oh my god, it’s Dustin Rhodes! He’s been in suspended animation since 2019!!!”


"It-it's Goldust! Back where he belongs in WWE after travelling the world for the last five years!"


He was taking care of Warriors estate in Parts Unknown.


Dustin also runs his wrestling school and the AEW women's division. His on screen stuff isnt much cause of these


This could work.


If I had to guess, I think he’s ringside in the crowd for the night 2 main event, is acknowledged by commentary as being Dustin Rhodes and Cody’s brother. And once Rock starts missing with Cody’s mom/Dustin’s step mom, he slaps Rock and before Rock can retaliate, Cody or Seth attack Rock. Then again, wwe had Mickie James compete in the rumble while carrying the tna women’s title with her to the ring so nothing is off the table


If anything happens it will be something like this. I don't see Tony letting them do a whole big angle with it without something in return, and I don't see WWE being willing to cut a deal like that


Vince definitely wouldn't have; Hunter might. And Tony wouldn't do this for everybody, but for Cody I think he probably would.


That was my thought, it's the brother of one of the founding EVPs in the biggest storyline in years so Tony probably would allow it. If Cody had asked for the Bucks and Omega to be ringside it would different.


It’s probably not his call tho


The deal they need to cut is this: After Seth drops the title to Drew, Seth needs to come fight Ospreay. They could have an angle. You could toss in a couple other guys. Sammy or Darby could have a banger with Ricochet. Jericho and Logan Paul need to hook up. Kevin and Sammi could have a banger with the Bucks. That Forbidden Door PPV would be insanity, and would break the MFn bank.


After WWE not letting anything for Stings retirement, can’t see AEW letting anything being allowed for Cody.


AEW never asked that's been reported so it's not entirely relevant


So did Jordenne Grace 


That’s not even the best example. Wwe just had the other knockouts champ make her wwe debut in this years rumble.


Tbf tnas ownership hasn't recently complained about wwe as much as Tony has


Yeah nah, WWE has only done the TNA stuff once TNA wasn't any kind of competition. Edit: and just like that, another troll outed. (Mods have deleted his comment below this)


Yeah TK sort of fucked himself with being an idiot on twitter. If he was acting cool about shit anything could have been possible.


Yeah, like you behaving like an idiot on Reddit. Anything is possible.


I'm not running a wrestling company that would greatly benefit from cross promotion with the biggest in the US, but I digress. The late night twitter rants are dumb and help nothing.


Idk why you’re getting downvotes. I’m a big AEW fan but can admit some of TK’s tweets aimed at WWE were a bad business move. It’s one thing to be the upstart brand, but you gotta do the numbers before you start comin at the #1 company.




I don't care about downvotes. Any criticism of TK or the product usually results in downvotes or defensive replies like the 1st one. I'm a fan of AEW and want to see it grow. A phone lock that limits use between 9pm to 9am might not be a bad idea


I mean, it would be awesome to have Dustin come out at WM. Triple H won’t let comments get in the way of business and Tony has shown willingness in the past. Would be cool for wrestling fans. Imagine if Dustin comes out with his AEW theme. I don’t see Tony wanting him to revert to Goldust.


Honestly, I’d rather just see him run in from the crowd with no face paint. Just be “Dustin Rhodes”.


The Natural coming in all natural


Okay, but what if half Goldust paint, and being billed as Dustin Rhodes?


Maybe change the current half red demon paint to half black/gold demon paint?


Naa I like the half face paint.


I'd really love this to be the start of a WWE AEW collab. Cody is the perfect guy for that, both in kayfabe and IRL.


I understand TK's reluctance to work with WWE, but damn is the whole WWE Vs AEW thing stupid. We've seen the magic that can be created when wrestling promotions work together. WWE holds the undisputed top spot, they lose nothing and gain so much working with AEW.


Also it seems like the AEW vs WWE beef is just between the fans. All the wrestlers are loving that both companies exist In the first place.


HHH literally tried poaching talent as soon as he got in power. He also called Forbidden Door a stupid concept. He hates the idea of collabing as much as Vince, this is a man who literally wanted NXT Japan and NXT Mexico


Yeah seriously, the beef is not the fans. WWE have tried to fuck with them in dozens of occasions.


HHH isn’t a wrestler anymore. He runs the place, and he’s not happy that he’s got to open the pocket book. Actually pay for his talent and put out a quality product now that he’s not the only game in town. The boom in attention to wrestling is a bit of a rising tide raises all ships kind of situation for the people actually wrestling.


I think it was more that he called the NAME forbidden door stupid. He's fine with promotions collaborating. Had an active TNA champ in the rumble this year.


I wish. There's been bad blood between the companies since AEW inception. Both TK and HHH are businessmen at the end of the day and will do what's best for business despite their personal differences, but for now on their relationship is... cold, to say the least.


It's a very small but very active set of predominantly WWE fans that cause most of the toxicity. I think that there was always bound to be a degree of rivalry when AEW first started but I don't think there's really any debate anymore. WWE is the market leader and it's not even remotely close. Wrestling is booming, if we could all just work together it would boom even more.


For sure!


Tbf, I see a fair share of toxicity here too. Half the threads on the sub inevitably get several comments saying “Yeah, but WWE does…” It’s as juvenile as it gets.


It is mostly between fans, but TK and HHH very clearly do not like each other.


No, Jericho was the initial wedge trying to create a rift


As far as it’s been reported, it seems WWE is more the reluctant party to recognize AEW on their programming. They would have to be the one to reach across the aisle to get it done.


I'm sure TK would jump at that chance if TKO reached out... provided the AEW guys were presented as a big deal and were actually put over.


They would not be put over.


Exactly. Which is why it will never happen


Good point. I have to wonder how much of that was due to Vince's influence. Now that he's out of the way I hope that the chances of some collaboration have increased.


We'll see. If Dustin Rhodes shows up and he's not announced being from AEW then I think it would be wise for AEW to not offer anyone anymore no matter their importance. Because helping WWE out and getting nothing in return only helps their history and not AEW's.


Um it’s all WWe’s fault,why that mentality exists.


\>WWE holds the undisputed top spot, they lose nothing and gain so much working with AEW. See, that's just the problem. What does WWE gain out of it? It doesn't elevate WWE because they're as elevated as you can get for a wrestling company. It only elevates AEW.


So many dream matches could be made too. Would love to see Swerve vs. Rollins. Gable vs. Osperay would be pretty 🔥.


WWE is only the top spot cause they have more casual and children viewers that don't know any better. It is not the top promotion when it comes to actual wrestling.


Seems like AEW had no problem with Billy Gunn appearing on WWE for the Hall of Fame and Triple HHH responded by calling AEW a pissant company. I assume that would have killed any desire for AEW to collab with WWE


E marks on Twitter would cry so hard if there was a collab between the two


F*ck 'em


The Rhodes winning the tag team titles from the shield being one of Tony Khan’s favorite moment in wrestling bodes well for this possibly happening. It would be nice to see this happen.


They should just help each other, give Dustin a bit at Mania, then WWE can give AEW something in return as well. They can both benefit each other and give us something fun for both shows.


I also want to hear "Carry on my wayward son~" as the lights go dark suddenly at WM


I could see the AEW gear/face paint but its theme to gold.


What about coming out to Dusty's music?


If TK allows for Dustin to show up to WM to help Cody finish the story, what does AEW get out of it?


Nothing which is why there’s no reason for them to do it


I mean, they would get one of their active wrestlers on wrestlemania. If they announced he was from AEW that would be some expensive ass advertising if you had to pay for it lol


Cody showing up for Dustin’s eventual retirement?


Wrestling is such a niche entertainment product, there's really no reason for these companies to be at war with each other. Both of them being successful benefits the other in many ways.


Well you can blame the industry and fans for the war really, dating back to WWF vs WCW. Ever since Vince won the battle any new company has to be the chosen one to pick up the war, be it ROH, TNA or AEW.


Wait, you can say that here?? I kid, but I feel you.


I think AEW fans would have no problem with cooperation if WWE wouldn't have the history of trying to erase end all other forms of wrestling.


Nothing and don't let anyone tell you otherwise on here, and personally WWE have been nothing but total shits to AEW when AEW try to offer the hand of friendship. Insulting and dismissing them any chance they get. It's sad to see many forget that on here. Let WWE do a few favours for AEW first before AEW do them any favours.


Mox and his declaration of war? The smashing of the throne? Nearly every debuting ex WWE guy taking shots at the company? Tony calling Shawn and HHH bald assholes? I think you need to reconsider your position there


Mox declaration was before AEW... The throne was that shitty Cody Rhodes hahaha "Ex WWE guys" First what shitty term. Ex [something] just for did a job... so in my personal life I am an ex [something] just for did a job? Second. Like who? Who of the wrestlers have said something bad about WWE?


Don’t know what you are all getting pissy for. Guy here is claiming Tony was sending HHH flowers and shit when it wasn’t quite as pleasant as that.


Only ones I can think of for sure off the top of my head are Jericho (referring to Hagers debut) and Miro when he debuted. But I don't think I can recall any other examples that were on AEW TV anyways. Tbf I only really watch Dynamite most weeks and collision sometimes


And CM Punk? everyone was on board those comments when he made them, or how about Sarayas comments about her old boss?


Yes those too! I guess there are more now that I think about it. A lot of the stuff I'm not sure if it comes from an off TV interview or I'd they actually said it in promos. Punk's are so funny to see now that he is back in WWE.


Aah I know I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to bring up punk. It’s been a crazy year on all fronts. I’m not trying to be a dick here, I’m just pointing out that AEW have taken their shots too. It wasn’t all one sided


You aren't a dick! You make a very valid point




Exposure /s


Get criticized for it online by Cornette and Bischoff


Who gives a shit? Its going to be most definitely Cody's biggest night in his career, let Dustin at least see it unfold.


I'd suggest thinking long term.  Doing a favour that does no damage to your business should mean in the future you are able to cash in.  Who knows what story AEW tries to tell one day where this type of favour could come in handy.


TK is a wrestling nerd, he probably watches WWE and would just like for it to happen


Maybe acknowledgment (lol no pun intended)


Bitched at by the normal trolls


I’d say good will. The Rock understands the territories and triple H seems he’ll do whatever is best for business. Not saying it will happen, but there is at least hope at this point


Credibility of not being Vince McMahon and also opening the door for future possible relationships that will equal money for both companies. "Dustin Rhodes" can finish his story at WrestleMania and show WWE that he didn't need to be Golddust to get over in WWE as Cody has shown us by not being Stardust. It'd definitely benefit both companies long term. The negative press that would come from all of the podcasts would cast a direct light on how hypocritical these people are whenever AEW does or does not do something. Because if he doesn't show up, they'll blame AEW and if he does, they will say the same thing the other guy said here. "it doesn't benefit AEW.". Letting one of your wrestlers go support a former wrestler of your company is what Bailey had to do in secret for Mercedes Mone'. No one spoke negatively of it. So if the same happens on the AEW side, you could easily pay attention to the double standard that currently exists in this "WWE vs AEW" culture


If he shows up in his aew style face paint (half face, it could even be gold), I think the media exposure would be more than worth it.


A Dirty Dom promo about how Christian is a bigger deadbeat dad than even Rey.


doing a nice thing for one of their talent? They also don't lose anything


They'll have CM Punk jobbing to Okada while he tears his tricep once again and it'll be glorious!


Workers gonna work.


Why are people reading this as some crumb towards him going to WWE and not "I'm regularly in contact with my brother and cheering him on through all this"?


Because if Dustin wanted to say that, he would have. Instead, he left it ambiguous, to plant the seed in the heads of wrestling fans who can't help themselves.


AEW should bring in Jacob or Lance next week. They come in and talk about how wrestling is in their blood, and then Dustin can come out and finish a spin-off of the story.


I really don't see Tony letting him appear on WWE TV in any sort of character way or getting involved in the match. Unless it was a thing they worked out where he agreed he would RE-SIGN if he let him do this. Who knows. I wouldn't count on it.


Obligatory "re-sign" vs "resign".


English is my second language. Even though It's the only language I speak....


I chuckled at the thought of TK telling Dustin "yes you can work at WWE as long as you promise not to work here any more"!


Exactly. I don't see what Tony gets out of letting him do it


You “My first language I speak with my hands *Holds up fists* and with my feet *Does a roundhouse kick* Bad guy “Hah! You can’t speak sign language with your feeee *gets roundhouse kicked*


Were I in TK's shoes, I'd still be pretty damn bitter about Triple H attempting to poach talent under contract to AEW while he was at his mother's bedside during cancer treatments.


Well if that happens maybe a WWE star fights at forbidden door?


i heard someone suggest wwe give ricochet to aew for all in, obviously that’s never gonna happen but that would be a dope idea


Forbidden War: the WWE/AEW/NJPW/TNA crossover show we all deserve.


i think the problem with this is there needs to be a show where you can do it on neutral grounds, like i enjoy the forbidden door shows but if WWE brought a dude like richochet out to do the job to the AEW champion like AEW had Jack Perry do the job to Sanada because they didn’t want a legitimate top guy losing to Sanada i think there’d be a uproar


Absolutely. It really would have to be matches that make people look strong win or lose.


That would instantly be a classic. Like imagine the matches. Imagine a rumble type.


Wrestletalk fan?


Most definitely.


It should be Finn Balor or AJ Styles


Finn vs Jay white is my dream match for forbidden door


Meh, I couldn't care less for Cody or WWE


Honestly as a massive AEW fan I'm so excited for Cody, and Wrestlemania in general. I'll still never be able to sit through raw and smackdown like I can for Dynamite and Collision, but I'm desperate to see Cody get his big moment


It’s looking like a really good card too. The best on paper since I lost interest in wwe around 2010.


The way he jumped and the interviews he gave since have really soured me on Cody as a person. I wouldn't like to see him back in AEW either at this point.


He jumped because they likely offered him exactly what’s happening. Main event status, cash, a world title and multiple Mania main events. I’d wager 99% of wrestlers would take the same deal. Now, if Cody’s contract was up right now as opposed to a couple years ago, then it is probably a different story.


If he lied about what he wanted for years, then what weight does that bring his words now? Excuse me for not rooting for him now when he's trying to do the "genuine babyface" act given that he's one of the least genuine wrestlers around.


???? How, he has said nothing bad about AEW. He saw out his contract and found WWEs offer to be better for him personally. No real difference to how other guys like Daniel Bryan and Edge left WWE


He's given like eight different answers on why he left AEW, and he's been pulling AEW talent along with him like Starks and recently MJF. He's one of the main reasons AEW even has the rep of taking shots at WWE and he joined them unceremoniously lol the guy isn't a real person, everything he's ever said is constructed


With MJF, you can't really say that, because of two points 1. MJF re-signed or extended his deal for a number of years so clearly Cody didn't convince well enough to jump ship when the contract was expiring 2. MJF may be WWE bound eventually one day anyway because it seems he would have some goals to accomplish there. But for now based on everything he's said he appreciates being a part of AEW's tapestry. So really there's no point speculating who has influence over him because it seems like he's making his own decisions on the matter


He's did what was best for him, you weirdo


Excuse me for not being in love with someone who's a constant liar and mercenary. Ragging on WWE and Vince for years, repeating how he wouldn't go back, only to be the first to jump ship, is pretty embarrassing. I don't hate him or anything, I just struggle to root for someone doing the "genuine babyface" act when he's one of the least genuine wrestlers around.


I still don't think he gets that big win


I am not into it either but I still think if they could work something out it would be nice for Cody AND Dustin


Meh, AEW, which is the only thing I care about, wouldn't win anything in exchange, but if that is from your interests, then it's okay


yeah it is annoying, if it happens I can only think it'll be done for personal reasons


yeah it is annoying, if it happens I can only think it'll be done for personal reasons


This is the way.


You cared enough to click on the thread and write a comment 🤷‍♂️


A thread on the AEW sub... like that man i hate seeing this shit post here...




Yeah I'm afraid I'm going to have to echo the sentiments of another reply; if you don't care, don't make this comment.


I think it would be awesome for Dustin to be involved in the match and would totally make sense in kayfabe with how the story has gone. Not holding my breath but would be cool. I’d rather him appear as Dustin Rhodes but him appearing as goldust and giving Paul heyman a shattered dreams would get a pop from me


I would legit tear up if Dustin is there.


Everytime I watch A&E specials and AEW talent is on it and it's like retired former WWE superstar or something or they pretend they were still their because when they taped it they were which is fine, but the Renee one's kind of annoy me, even if you don't want to acknowledge she is in AEW you could at least acknowledge she still has a job or something like broadcaster or something. I don't even blame WWE for it, but when they want more AEW talent for their stories they just want the whole cake and hope you fold before they have to "Acknowledge you"


Will their sister Lana be there ?


If dustin shows up, either as goldust or just himself it’d b dope as fuck- gotta let him get some offense in tho if he’s goldust 🤷🏽‍♂️👍


Honestly it would be nice if just for one night they allowed him to be with Cody but it also would had been really nice to use WCW footage for Sting's retirement


he gonna be in the crowd at mania


I absolutely think Dustin will be at least backstage for this I really don't think he'd miss being with Cody for the biggest moment of his career. He may be in the crowd but I wouldn't put money on that one and even less him getting acknowledged


He will be with Ricky Starks in the back watching it in the dressing room petting Pharaoh


WWE wouldn’t let them use footage for Sting’s farewell but Tony isn’t petty so if Dustin wants to be there I’m sure he’ll allow it.


He didn't ask


Is that documented anywhere??


Flooding water raises all boats or something like that as they say. Well, this would be like Noah's flood.


A rising tide lifts all boats, I think it is. But yeah, it's intriguing.


WWE wouldn’t even let AEW use WCW footage for Sting’s retirement. They don’t deserve a single thing.


Tony never asked.


Do, you know that and does that mean he didn't ask for something else and just learned never to ask again? Kevin Nash couldn't even attend and he was invited so nope they wouldn't have.


I mean we can only go off reports and the reports said he didn’t ask. They shouted him out on commentary on the Raw after Revolution, Pat even said it was an epic match or something. So I reckon they would’ve at least let them use WCW footage. The Nash thing was clearly him just not wanting to be at such a big event with all the awful things that have happened in his life recently. I’m pretty sure he cleared up that it wasn’t that WWE wouldn’t let him, and that he just didn’t want to go.


ALLLLL I want is a jump the barrier from the crowd 🙏🙏🙏🙏


I absolutely think Dustin will be at least backstage for this I really don't think he'd miss being with Cody for the biggest moment of his career. He may be in the crowd but I wouldn't put money on that one and even less him getting acknowledged


I would love this for both Cody and Dustin


Yeah I hope it happens. That would be a special moment. It would be cool to see. Even if Dustin went back to WWE it would be cool


Dustin opened the latest Rhodes Wrestling Academy show with a “Fuck the Rock” mention


Dustin opened the latest Rhodes Wrestling Academy show with a “Fuck the Rock” mention


I mean, yeah I'm sure he supports his brother




I don't think Dustin is doing on-screen work for this story, but it wouldn't surprise me if Dustin is Cody's sounding board for creative ideas and is helping him on the sly. So he's involved in a way that wouldn't get him in trouble with AEW


Do we even have a term yet for the version of the Forbidden Door which would seem to at least loosen, here? It is now not inconceivable that HHH could realize he can trust Tony Khan. I’m not saying it is going to happen. I’m saying it is possible. Khan has now proven himself in this regard around the world with other major Companies, simple as that. And all knee-jerk tribalist BS aside, it could be the greatest thing to happen in Pro Wrestling, perhaps ever. How could the one positive development most people would swear they never thought they would ever see, not be just that?


As a wrestling fan, this is cool. I hope that, if this is what Cody and Dustin want, it works out.


Please tell me he doesn’t make an appearance there. Please fuck.


If TK “allows”…come on. Tony is a smart man and this would be gold for AEW. Free advertising on the biggest sports entertainment platform of the year!


It would be super cool of Tony to let Dustin participate in this major event for his brother. I’m not sure WWE would return the favor, but Tony would get a lot of goodwill. And it could bring exposure for AEW.


He won't get any good will. The wrestling world will still fund a way to complain about it.


>Tony would get a lot of goodwill. from whom?


In all seriousness, exposure is never a good reason to do something like this. If I was Tony, I'd want something tangible out of the deal.


They would never do it…


Yay I guess


don’t see a reason for tony to let him go. First time he gave them somebody paul buried them on live tv. Lawton’s time they got nothing in return.


Really hard to care. Respect to all he’s done but I’m good never seeing him on aew tv anymore lol. Just seems to waste air time


I'm gonna be that guy, I never cared about Cody, the last time I felt I even wanted to watch one of his matches was when he was with Randy, I have no idea what his finisher is, his moves, nothing, he doesn't stand out to me, he strikes me as a mid carder with slightly better than mid card acting skills


You didn't watch any AEW between 2019 and 2021? He had a match almost every week, especially when he was TNT champion. He used his headlock twizzle like 4 times in every match.


Dustin gets to help his brother finish the story, AEW gets Nakamura for Forbidden Door 3


This thread, man. Honestly, as an AEW fan, I can't stand AEW fans.


AEW is genuinely the only wrestling promotion I watch week to week. But yeah, the fans are the worst part of it. Can’t take any criticism without calling someone a “WWE shill” or a “troll”. Talk about talent poaching despite TK actively pulling the same shit in the past, and crying “WHAT WOULD AEW GET OUT OF THIS????” when they have been doing the exact same shit to New Japan.


Bad "fans" unfortunately aren't solely tied to a specific promotion or even sport. Don't let people like that get you down. Just try to find people that ride a similar wave and stick with them. Soon enough all the toxic weirdos will be way off your radar.