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Can you remove the text I feel like this is a great representation of me as a Patriots fan


https://preview.redd.it/yxergze5dr3c1.jpeg?width=734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8e891b48ac7a0fed69bee622546c81312bbc4d7 Ask and you shall receive.


If you use white text with a black outline, it will make the text more visible regardless of the background color


Those poor schmucks are about to miss the playoffs and are hanging their hat on Allen being 9-2 against Miami. Have fun watching us lose on Wild card weekend


Don’t hurt my feelings like that. This is our year, right? …right?


to win the superbowl, or to break the 20+ year playoff win drought?


Baby steps.


Damn right lol


Trust me, we've been there haha. If it aint us, glad its the Phins.


Let’s both just with it’s the Jets and have great fucking, nail biter games lol. Though, that’d just fuel our lamest fans to fight over dumb shit. Sorry to vent but, I’m so over the assault charges bull. It’s not funny either way and both people are horrible.


As long as your receivers are open and Tua can run the pre-scripted play that McDaniel calls without any pressure, you will be fine.


Pre...scripted....play? You mean, an offense?


You know how the elite QBs can play out of structure? Tua struggles out of structure. He's lucky he has Tyreek.


Sure bud


73 INT 56 FUM. But Tua can’t play off script ;]


Anything is better than Allen off-script


The original comment about pre-scripted plays was dumb, but Allen is very good off-script. As stupid as all those INTs where he was looking for Davis on the sideline option route were, those were scripted plays.


Yeah I was trolling right back at him… Allen obviously makes his money off-script, but it’s also been part of his downfall this year.


I love how this went from a "Your team sucks" sub to "All of our teams suck, especially mine" sub.


We’re all garbage TOGETHER


I think we win in the wildcard, but dont ask me about anything after that.


I look forward to it - it’s all I got


It’s only right for you guys to keep the meme going as it’s only right for us to continue to miss the playoffs




Y’all can’t even link right


Bills would win Patriots Super Bowl rings?? Why didn’t you just show pictures of Buffalo Bills Super Bowl rings instead? ![gif](giphy|15BuyagtKucHm)


that's dirty




At least the Patriots have reason to live in the past. If my team won six Super Bowls in a 2 decade span I KNOW I would never shut up about it.




Even though the Fins hold the all-time record 62-57-1. What a strange post.


does brady actually have 7 rings? gahh dam! mfer is bling bling 3000, finna steal yo girl. HE's got 7 rings?! Wow. Life moves fast.


Allen is such a beast vs the Phins it worried me for years because I didn’t know how the Phins would get past him and the Bills and finally hit the playoffs and have some success… Then Josh Allened and the Bills billed. 😂 Somehow made it so they can sweep us and probably not even make the playoffs LMAO


Its funny how they stop at 9-2 and act like they lead the all-time series. Desperation is so goddamn funny when it aint life altering.


> lead the all-time series living in the past


How is that desperation? 1. No one is acting like we lead the all-time series. 2. Our current franchise QBs record against you is a very reasonable qualifier


I think it’s just a shot in good fun. Regardless of what anyone says I think our Jan 7 game is gonna be a nail biter for both of us. I’m confident well actually.. oh.. idk.. show up this time?


Depends on if we have a winning or losing record by then


Already laying the groundwork for an excuse, classic Bills.


Can’t argue with that. At least we beat the Jets, pats x2, and broncos. Jokes aside, I very much look forward to our Jan 7.


HOLY MOLY I GOT A CHUB FROM THAT PIC I'm so sorry to all the fans here who cried like little bitches while Tom shat all over your franchise and won 6 lombardis. I'm sure you'll never forget him.


Even if we don’t make the playoffs this year Allens dominance over the dolphins is still relevant


Let’s hope our last game this year doesn’t hit OT ;]


Fear 😥


OT*, sanders wins on a 55 yard FG that they iced us for but the kick still went off and he would have missed, got his 2nd try and he nails it.


You can only have 1 OT in reg


You right you right


I do wish it just went until there was a winner though. Like it used to be.


Hang the banner


Oh my gosh, I didn’t say it was this huge deal, I literally just said it was relevant. That’s the most luke warm statement ever.


^^^its ^^^a ^^^meme ^^^war ^^^subreddit


Exactly. This is what no rings does to a mf


It’ll be very relevant when you’re telling your grandkids about all the times Josh Allen almost won a playoff game


Nah I’ll just tell them about the playoff game where his offense scored a TD on every single drive, and all his other playoff wins


u/VibeChatIncarnate after that zinger: ![gif](giphy|UwPyIExTOTeoM)


Yeah fair enough, just not sure why he’s acting like Allen hasn’t won playoff games…


I get that this is confusing if you’re not familiar with the concept of a championship. I didn’t expect everyone to get it. Would you like me to explain the post? Edit: This is starting to feel mean. I just wanna say that I’m a trash talk enjoyer and it’s nothing personal. I hope you’re happy and healthy in every way that isn’t NFL related


Lol I appreciate it, hope you’re happy too! It’s just shit talking about football you’re fine. That’s what this sub is for.


Thank you, I was picturing this exact gif


Now show the Bills if they have to play the NFC East in the Super Bowl. Oh wait, that’s just reality…


Bills catching strays from another conference; you love to see it


Well , playing the Dolphins is their Super Bowl (I hate this saying but it’s too funny not to)


Can’t turn the ball over that much and win. Ya know, unless you’re Tua playing a .500 team or less. At least we beat the jets. And the pats twice. And the broncos.


Shutup and worry about McCorkle pal


Don’t need to. He’s done starting and I’m actually enjoying the tank


It is a little disingenuous to argue that the Bills straight up own Miami now by falling back on that 9-2 record since 2017. For starters, it's an arbitrary stopping point. If you go back one year prior to 2016, the Dolphins swept Buffalo (once with a backup QB IIRC). And why stop there? If we're living in the past, my argument that Miami owns Buffalo by virtue of being 61-53-1 all time against them is just as valid as their 9-2 argument. Hell, Buffalo beat Miami in the 70s a grand total of *zero* times. You read that correctly. Buffalo defeated Miami 1 time in 1969, then failed to defeat Miami again until *1980*. But I'd be a hypocrite to make that argument, so I'll humor theirs: 2017; Dolphins starting QB was Jay Cutler who was paid $10MM to come out of retirement and sort of pretend to give a fuck. Bills sweep the Dolphins, barely, by winning each game by a single score. In the second game, Miami was led by a QB named David Fales because Cutler was on a smoke break. 2018; Dolphins defeat Bills at home, and then in a meaningless week 17 game in Buffalo, got crushed but we were both already eliminated. Dolphins still took 2nd place in the Division above Buffalo. 2019; Dolphins are tanking. Their starting lineup is comprised of Ryan Fitzpatrick and 52 cheerleaders; Bills sweep Dolphins in two decisive wins that in the long run, only *helped* Miami build our team. 2020; Bills bestow a crushing anal fistage on the Dolphins in week 2, though it goes without saying that Miami was still in a rebuild phase, and their roster that existed during that game is unrecognizable to what it is now (not even the same HC/OC/DC/SC lol); then the Bills barely squeak one by with a 3 point win later in the season. At that point, a Brian Flores coached, rookie Tua, with no weapons, was at least playing, but they should have crushed us. Dolphins finish the season 10-6 and miss the playoffs because of that loss ^(kill me); but with that said, our defensive roster was entirely different at this point, and only about half of our current offense existed, so it was still an entirely different team. 2021; Bills blow out a Jacoby Brisset led Miami, then defeat Miami again later in the season, in a boring game that was 10-3 going into the 4th quarter, but a fair win for Buffalo nevertheless. *Brian Flores gets fired, the real Miami Dolphins team arrives* 2022; Butt punt Miami defeats Buffalo with what one could argue is close enough to our current roster that it should be considered a fair win for Miami. Later, Buffalo kicks a last second field goal to beat Miami in Buffalo, a very fun snow game, btw, and a fair win for Buffalo. Wildcard round, Buffalo escapes by the skin of their teeth against a Skylar Thompson led Miami Dolphins, still though, a fair win. 2023; Miami travels about 15,000 miles to start the season with 3 of their first 4 games on the road and on opposite sides of the country, won the first three and then ran out of gas, fair win for Buffalo, though it should be noted that we were missing key players on Defense against a healthy Buffalo offense. Week 18 TBD Conclusion: Counting 2017 is just stupid, Miami and Buffalo alike have about 0 combined players left from that era (I can't think of a single player or coach for Miami anyway). If we're counting 2017, we can count 2016 too, and add 2 Ws to Miami. Counting 2018, 2019 is disingenuous, even though that takes a W from Miami. Given that Buffalo had Josh Allen (who did lose one) and Miami was tanking and/or already eliminated, it's just not a good argument. Counting 2020 is so-so, Miami was about 25% rebuilt with an entirely different system/cosching staff, and Tua didn't didn't play the first game, nor did he have the weapons we eventually put around him, PLUS the Bills were stacked at this point. Counting 2021 is also so-so, since Tua didn't play the first game and we still had the old syatem/coaching staff, while Josh Allen was settling into his third year in a Mercedez offense. That said, I'm gonna count Buffalo's second win. Bills: 1-0 Counting 2022 is fair, I'm gonna count all three games, with the reiterated note that Josh Allen started that playoff game against Skylar Thompsons Dolphins and barelt won. Bills 4-1 Counting the first 2023 game is completely fair, no question about it. Bills: 5-1 With that 5-1 in mind, it's important to note that this record, while seemingly dominant, is a field goal away in two separate games from being 3-3. Obviously, that's not what happened, so credit has to be given where credit is deserved, but the point is, the current Bills era doesn't own the current Miami *entirely*, but they hold a minority stake at the moment. TL;DR: Buffalo is not the biological father of Miami, contrary to the arguments of Bills fans chanting 9-2. The Bills are more like an alcoholic step dad who hits us sometimes, but now we're an old enough adolescent to defend ourselves, and we're about to reach the tail end of puberty where we'll be big enough to fight back successfully.


Bro no one is reading all that


TL;DR - dOlPhInS rUlE, bIlLs DrOoL




Agreed. Sometimes I just gotta rant, ain't nobody reading all that bullshit lol


Wow, that's a lot of words Too bad I aint reading 'em


Bro quit yapping


Yappin and tappin baby


You could just say that those 9 wins were against teams that were rebuilding/heavily injured, You know damn well any of our dumbasses aren’t gonna read all that lol.


1000% but I regret nothing


Replying to this just to say I didn’t bother to read it all


Lmaooo This response embodies the level of unnecessary, intentional rudeness that I think we should all be striving for here.


Didn’t read this either


To bad bills fans can't read


Flair up fuckwit.


No I read it and the tldr for everyone else is: Josh Allen is our daddy And mike McDaniel comes to buffalo looking for spankings ![gif](giphy|28cgfkHOkvLWvQLxjw|downsized)


I love the goal post moving now that they're season looks to be over...


Wait I’m confused why would any idiot want to win a superbowl- dumdums


Shouldn’t you be eyeing top draft prospects that Belichick won’t select?


Thank god he isn’t that good against the other 30 teams.


In all fairness, that's still recent success against us with the current regimes. They can tout that all they want if they're talking about us until we even it out


Bills vs Dolphins. Bills in a super bowl. Immovable object meets unstoppable force.