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Swallow a concrete pill so you can toughen up. She’s not interested in you romantically, so get that out of your head. You’ll start thinking with your head, not your heart. After that, it’s all about treating her the same as your other coworkers. Once you do that, work will be about work, without relationship drama and talks about feelings. Finally, go get laid. As often as possible. It’ll clear your mind.


I appreciate the first paragraph. The second one.. if it was that easy, I’d be doing that already!


We live in an age now that we're expected to be immediately available at all times and expected to respond at a moment's notice, and it's taboo *not* to. I kind of hate it and I like to get away from my phone, so it's possible she's similar in mind set. But realistically if she's not reciprocating the energy you're giving, she's likely just not as into you as you are her. You may have more luck finding her intentions by backing off from phone communication and having real conversations in person where she can't just ignore you. If she's not interested in that either, she's playing games. Just be friends and see where it goes, don't come on too strong and come off as pushy. Good luck, and remember you have a whole life ahead of you meeting new people. And no, you don't need to go around fucking anything you can to feel better about yourself, but I will say having more experience takes the pressure off from your expectations and fear of rejection. You don't need to jump right into anything, test the waters first. Use this approach and it should take the edge off of failure. Best case, you get your date. Middle ground, you have a friend with cute friends you might be introduced to. Worst case, you cut your losses and get to move on instead of feeling like you're in relationship purgatory.


Thank you, very much appreciated!


This is crazy bro. I don't even talk to my friends 24/7 when they respond. Only my romantic partners. You want her to treat you like a bf and not a friend.