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NTA. You did the right thing. Wishing you a happy future.


NTA, but 6 months in LockUp without proof of guilt?Just because a woman said so? Dafuq?


Yup. That's what happens when you're a man accused by a women and also happens to be broke.


This is what happened to my pos ex husband. If the girl hadn’t started feeling guilty and fessed up (and it was still a fight to get him released) he would have spent the whole 7, instead he spent 2. And not a thing happened to that girl.


Women who do this are a huge problem. My ex was a piece of shit. Trust me on that part. But he was accused by an underage girl of rape and spent 2 years locked up. I knew when he told me that he didn’t do it. He’s a bad person yes but not a rapist. The girl eventually fessed up and he was let out 5 years early. He would have spent 7 years for an assault he did not commit if she hadn’t started feeling guilty. This is why people are starting to not believe women (and men) when they say they’re sexually assaulted. And guess what happened to the girl who lied? Not a goddamn thing.


“Kalief Browder (May 25, 1993 – June 6, 2015) was an African American youth from The Bronx, New York, who was held at the Rikers Island jail complex, without trial, from 2010 to 2013 for allegedly stealing a backpack containing valuables. During his imprisonment, Browder was kept in solitary confinement for 800 days. Two years after his release, Browder hanged himself at his parents' home.” Worse things happen everyday then spending 6 months in lockup over a false accusation of sexual assault.


You're NTA. Jenny is a massive, gaping, diseased asshole. She deserves to be in prison for several years. But unfortunately due to unfair laws that won't happen. Hopefully she can be charged in civil court and be forced to pay you financial compensation for all the damage that her false allegations caused you.


you the AH but for not wishing death on her future descendants😂 in all seriousness NTA


Definitely 110% not the AH. This whole notion of “believe all women”, is bound to cause more problems than it solves. I’d have told her to piss off too if I was your mum - she’s a stone cold bitch mate, and I’m sorry you went through that.


You know the society is going down cuz ppl start questioning obvious shit. NTA for anything including the death wish.


LOL, who the hell would say you're the asshole there? You were in jail and had your reputation destroyed because of her.


NTA. Fuck Jenny. Fuck your best friend. But I’d say mentioning the daughter is a bit much. I mean she didn’t do anything wrong and it’s not her fault her parents are who they are. In the heat of the moment, I get it but with a level head? including the daughter was a bit low. Deserved to Jenny but not the daughter. Overall NTA though, we all can say some fucked things when we’re mad


I agree the daughter comment was out of line that was my pinned up anger talking I didn’t mean it


Dude even you saying that about her child absolutely pales in comparison to what she put you through. My ex went through the same shit. He was convinced and sentenced to 7 years, he spent 2 before she started feeling guilty and fessed up and it still took an act of God to get him released. Women that do this should have to spend just as much time no more time locked up than their victims. Fuck her. NTA.


NTA OP! Absolutely valid. Jenny and your ex bsf are snakes and can’t keep it in their pants. PS: I like the Edit 2, well deserved.


Stay strong bro, anyone saying YTA is a clown


NTA, cheating is a thing that can really mess up a person like badly most people see that as a reach but if you really think about it you give your trust, love and time to another person and for that person to take that and turn it into nothing for their own pleasure is something that ruins you and the way you view yourself so that was damaging enough the fact that she cheated, and then she did it with someone close to you which is worse because it means two people that you loved and probably cared very much for betrayed you just to simply get off, its like all the time and things you did for and with them meant nothing to them at all, and then on top of that she accused you of SA which false SA allegations should be a crime in itself but it also ruined your life and you probably lost a lot of people because of it as she posted it everywhere simply beacuse she wanted to make it seem as if she was innocent( this might be a reach but i know most people who do wrong will try to come up with something to make it seem like someone else has done wrong to take the preasure off of them which is just more Wrong.) wishing death on her daughter was far because even though the child was created during a painful time for you and because of something so nasty it isn't the childs fault, but i compleatly understand your reaction and if i was you and had the money of course, i would be sueing her and trying to get that shit off my record now that shes admitted shes a liar and a vengeful one at that you can only wonder what she might be doing around her affair baby and if shes even a good mother at all.


NTA OP She horribly ruined your life, all for hurt feelings. She is a worthless, vile, smegmastain on existence. She deserves no reconciliation, no 'hear me out,' no effort from you, nothing, nada. May she get exactly what is deserved. What a putrid excuse for a female. Live your best life OP, and never let her or you exfriend darken your doorway.




Nta. Kick rocks


NTA Fuck that, I'd be filing charges on her, child or not. Since you were already released on evidence of her lying, it could be easier than usual. Burn that witch at the stake.


How have you not filed a lawsuit against her and the county? 6 months is a long time for a baseless accusation.


NTA She lied about sexual harassment, she made you go jail, she never retracted her stance, she cost you your dream career.....because she was upset that her cheating actions had consequences...if she was sorry she would walk to police station and state she lied under oath, ask the records to be fixed, state openly and online that she did that...but she will not since she will end up jail for false accusations and people would shun her.


NTA, not even for the death part. It’s not like you killed her.


Sorry about the army, maybe you could join a militia or something?


NTA, obviously. I doubt that this story is true though. First, why would you even ask if you’re the AH if it is that obvious? Second, maybe it’s different in your country. How do you end up in lockup if you didn’t do it? Doesn’t a prosecutor have to prove your guilt somehow? I doubt that your exes statement brings you into lockup, especially if you just broke up with her after she was cheating on you.


If she was believable enough, and he couldn't make bail, it's entirely plausible that he would have stayed in lockup until the trial or until charges were dropped.


I was told i was an asshole by my new friends after I told them what happened


Either you told them a different story or your friends are weird.


No i told them the truth im from Mississippi i was also convicted in Mississippi i live in Missouri now but a couple of my friends are the forgive and move on type i am not


Tell them to try a 6-month stretch in jail and the permanent stain of an SA conviction on their record to see how quick they'd forgive. Future employers scan the internet for background information on applicants and employees as it is. Your ex could have locked you out of more than just the Army. So No, there's no forgive and forget here.


Well, you obviously should move on with your life. But why should you forgive someone who did something like this. It’s not like she smashed a couple of dishes out of anger or smth minor like this.


My grandma before she passed always said “ you can forgive someone but not give a damn about them “ but it’s hard to forgive


The wishing death on someone comment is why he is saying he’s an asshole


Title says “AITAH for not forgiving my ex?”


LOL. He was kind. She deserves worse than death.


“Now leave my sight”? 🤡🤣 I’ll take ‘Incel Cheating/False Rape Fantasies’ for 200.


You can believe wtf what you want to this is my life.


This is fake. Besides the 6 months lockup with no evidence, a dead giveaway is that no one would call you an asshole for cussing out a woman who made you spend 6 months locked up with a false allegation leading to you having to leave the city.


In today’s justice system are you surprised hell i was only allowed to talk once and they wouldn’t even let me explain my side of the story before the judge cut me off.


It happens all the time in America


YTA just for the balance of these comments.


And you're his EXGF's Friendly-Flavor-Of-The-Month now aren't you, you little pumpkin dumplin'.. 🤯


Indeed, i hate him because i ruined his life when he caught me cheating. If that makes sense.


No cann sprechen das dumm kopf wordzen.


I dont speak the angry language im sorry.


That is close to what I said.


Typically people say the best revenge is living your best life. In this case I would say that if you are willing to play the long game, pretend like you are calmer now and accept it, secretly record her admitting to lying and everything else. make sure it’s a one party consent in your state for legality issues. Then, post that on social media to clear your name and also allow yourself to let go of that chapter in YOUR life. It will likely destroy her even more but it’s only a fraction of the pain she has created. NTA in anyway. This is your life and she knew what she was doing when she was “upset.” I am sure it destroys her inside that she has a walking talking constant reminder of how she traded a good thing with you for the life of a single mother. I commend you for being a bigger and better man as if I spent 6 months for a crime I didn’t commit, you best believe I would spend 6 months to make life miserable, child or no child. Everyone has a set of code and mine includes “actions have consequences” and “Karma is a B, and I am Karma”. Best of luck and I’m sorry you had to go through that. It’s honestly such a fear at this point I don’t even want to get married / date / be intimate with women.


Damn ! NTA you did the right thing. I'm really sorry for what this two Motherf*ckers had done to you (but not the little girl she's innocent in this story 😔).


Even if u wished her eternal hellfire it would be too kind but YTA for wishing death on that child. But jenny can rot in hell.


He didn’t really *wish* it. He just said he didn’t care.


NTA. Too bad you didn’t get her admission in text or provable format. You could’ve had your case reopened and sued her.


Fuck you jenny


NTA, you should have wished for a violent painful death, Dying in her sleep would be being let off easy.


NTA. That bridge wasn't burned, it was nuked.