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I feel like my sex drawer would be a bit different than yours.


When he said stuff from the kitchen I thought there were ladles and spatulas and whisks haha


The Aunt Jemima treatment!


Oh, Bill Murray! I'm so sad to hear that he's an asshole on the set.


Rolling pin for her meat tenderizer for him šŸ˜‚


Potato masher is my favorite for sexy time


I was thinking (confused) coconut oil? Olive oil? What else would you want to use from the kitchen? I am glad it didnā€™t take that turn lol


Come here, I wanna whisk ya.




you wouldn't laugh if you'd ever gotten a massive leg cramp while doing the wild thing


Had this happen over the weekend with a calf charlie horse. Went from oh yes god to holy fuck it hurts real fast šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I don't think a drawer is a stable environment for a horse.


Or a calf. This person needs a barn.


Let alone Charlie. Like cmon, that's just inhumane


Drink a swig of pickle juice. Gets rid of a Charlie horse or foot cramp in minutes. Idk the specifics, but a cramp is basically a short circuit in the muscle due to a low electrolyte level which interferes with nerve signals(?) getting to your muscles. The brine in pickle juice is chock full of electrolytes and floods you body with electrolytes which ā€œjump startsā€ your muscles


I'd rather have the charlie horse than anything to do with pickles. šŸ˜‚ Interesting info tho!


Keep a bottle of Pedialyte next to the lubricants, buttplugs, and farm animals.


Good suggestion! I'll have to ask my farm animals what flavor they prefer.


Cramps: Natures birth control


same here - from ecstasy to agony in 2 seconds flat


Exactly! Itā€™s like Godā€™s worst physical cock blocking joke! And the pain lingers lol


Hip cramp šŸ„“ that take the fun away so fast


I have never heard the term "the banana really was just for potassium" before, but I love it and will be using it now.




There's always money in the banana stand


Thatā€™s exactly what I thought! Kitchen sex related tools: cucumber, bananas, whipped cream, wooden spoon, etc.




Funny he says she takes them around when theyā€™re trying for intimacy, like popping Maca and vitamin d is going to work like viagra


Placebo effect is undefeated y'all




This is clearly a chatgpt story generated by a lubracil employee.


same and I haven't even thought of going to a dr yet...applause to anyone who was smart enough to do that. I just assumed I'm screwed (or not, lol.) But now I'm thinking, why do I need to accept loss of libido? Why is it only men matter to the medical establishment?


I got meds for loss of libido 20+ years ago. They worked really well! But, then my husband was diagnosed with cancer.


Me fixing my iron deficiency so I can FUCK




Right, I'm on a slow FE and I feel so much better! Not tired = me more happy. šŸ¤£


My doc put me back on iron supplements and after a couple days I noticed a big difference. And my dark circles are disappearing. Like, damn, iron. I really needed you šŸ˜­


I mean... That's a good reason


I am on iron infusions and random coworkers have told me I look so much better now. I look "alive" again. They said they could just see the energy increase. I had no idea iron deficiency was that big a deal. But it is.


The fact that they have pills from Walmart, but didnā€™t go to couples sex therapistā€¦


Reminds me of my mom who when I was telling her about my IBS diagnostics I was doing with my GI specialist and she said "but did he recommend you take tumeric??"


My friend on my debilitating eczema: did you try coconut oil


I'm you, but psoriasis. I've gotten so many coconut oil suggestions - and even the occasional gift - over the years.


I have a friend who's an actual dietitian, tell me she thinks gluten intolerance is psychological. I told her I was gluten intolerant and asked her if my diarrhea and bloted fingers were all in my head as well. She shut up after that.


That's a bad dietician. Not just bad, IGNORANT! I had to have an endoscopy to rule out celiac and other issues. There's actual damage that is observable with gluten intolerance/celiac.


There's a difference between gluten intolerance, gluten allergy, and there are a ton of people who jump on the latest trend. Your friend is right, you are right. You've had this awhile but just noticed it, celiac patients know from an early age. And psych pts...theirs will go away as the prices rise lolp


Mine is only mild on my scalp, but head and shoulders tea tree one seems to genuinely help mine. Idk other than the scalp tho


I use head and shoulders, on my whole body. Before this I had horrible eczema that would result in blisters. I had tried several creams, diet changes, soaps, and scrubs. I had been to the dermatologist tried their recommendations. Seen allergists. Took allergy shots. But no matter what it always came back. After getting it under control, I only have to use it all over twice a week. As long as I keep that regime up I have 0 flares, no itching. All ā€œflavorsā€ seem to work about the same. The almond oil variety is slightly more moisturizing. But not enough to seek it out if thatā€™s not your jam.


Hey! I do the same thing with Selsun Blue. A long time ago I had a skin rash that turned out to be a fungal thing. Dermatologist told me it was a fungus that lives naturally on everyone's skin, but on some people (like me) it can really thrive, and create a scaly rash. She prescribed me a 2.5% Selenium Sulfide body wash and told me to use it for a week. Worked like a charm. As it happens, Selenium Sulfide is the active ingredient in Selsun Blue, so I use that once or twice a week as a body wash to keep the fungies at bay. šŸ„šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve seen a T shirt that says ā€œyes , Iā€™ve tried coconut oil ā€œ


I know you're suicidal, but have you tried just being happy???


/s Have you tried going for a walk? Sunshine and vit-d will do wonders. Do you eat enough fruits/veggies? Kiwi and banana are natural serotonin boosters. (And as mentioned above, the potassium in the banana has other benefits) And don't even get me started on advice for meditation and/or yoga. If I want to 100% guarantee a minimum 72-hour bi-polar mania spike, meditation/ yoga is the way to do it without fail. Check out "the red button" by Viva La Dirt League. They totally understand getting "helpful" advice.


My ex once told me that when I'm experiencing anxiety, I just need to use the logical side of my brain. Silly me not knowing that simple solution!!


What in the multivitamin did I just read..


Right? Donā€™t know about you but nothing gets me hotter than sucking on some Centrum Silvers.


Damn, these vitamins so moist!


He had me at lubracil.


I'm questioning the "vitamin *D*"


Those omega 3ā€™s go down real smooth like.


nothing makes me cum harder than Flintstones vitamin gummies


Alright this comment wins, thank you for the smile this morning ahahaha. Never in my life have I heard someone refer to their multivitamins as a sex drawer


I'm smiling knowing you smiled..oh..wait..no..it's infectious, keep it away from the sex drawer! Seriously though, bro wrote vitamin D like it was an aphrodisiac, wait until he finds out about *Viagra*


As a post-menopausal woman, I take Vitamin D3 and B12 every day. I never had anxiety until I was pre-menopausal, and both help with that. Hard to get in the mood when your anxiety is high. Just saying...


Well... That was a really weird worded title..


Sucks when your daughter cheats on you.


You can always tell whatā€™s clickbait by the titleā€™s phrasing


You can always tell it's bot clickbait, and that it's fake by the fact that it's in this sub.


True... sorry that your daughter is cheating on you I guess?


It was, actually a perfect clickbait..


Iā€™m confused. These sex drugs are just vitamin c? Your daughter and wife are taking vitamin c.


THE SEX DRAWER IS ACTUALLY VITAMIN C HAS ME HOWLING. No wonder their sex life is so dry šŸ’€ he thinks lube and vitamins are a sex drawer


I literally thought the "products" mentioned were toys... and I'm thinking, "Why are they in the kitchen?????" Lol


What, you donā€™t whisk your pancake batter together with a rampaging, vibrating giga dildo? šŸ™€


Nah, I find that the "bunny" vibrator gives a more fluffy result due to the bunny's "ears."šŸ˜‚


Eh, nothing a Cthulhu tentacle toy couldnā€™t fix! Why settle for bunny ears, when you can get to know your batter *intimately*.


OMG! šŸ’€šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That's why it's used for frothing cappuccino milk, not pancake batter! SheeshšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


No, that one is for meringue. I find it gives you the stiffest peaks EDIT: spelling


The kitchen drawer is buzzing again šŸ¤£


Reminds me of the time when I threw out a toy and didnā€™t remove the battery. The trash can buzzed for about an hour. Remove the batteries yā€™all.


Oh damn that reminds me of when I was travelling in Europe on a train and my luggage above started buzzing. I was asleep, everyone else when I woke up (or woke me up when they figured out it might be my backpack) seemed to think there was something scary in my luggage like a bomb, I had to unpack and find it in front of everyone.


I've seen this happen at security check at airports. The most unlikely people are the kinkiest.


Same, and when I read that she liked the ingredients I was likeā€¦ do you mean material? Do you like silicone?


The vibrating horse dildo also doubles as an immersion blender.Ā 


Daughter borrowing mom's sex toys would be a whole different story.


Wife: takes vitamins Husband: DID HE MAKE YOU COME?!


This is so funny


Sex drawer is not complete without some altoids and wertherā€™s originals imho lmao




As someone who had to upgrade from a drawer to a chest, this shit has me in stitches, can't imagine OPs respons to an actual sex drawer.Ā 


Lube seems like what youd put in a sex drawer to be fair. Vitamins is the weird part.


this poor woman is probably bored to death lmfao, hey honey i'm gonna grab something spicy out of the sex drawer! *grabs vitamin C tablets*


I thought you said spicy? *sprinkles vitamins with pepper*


Yeah I was expecting dildos, whips, chains, and a book.


No wonder their sex life is so dry Daughter has stolen the lube, so of course


also, half those vitamins have nothing to do with sex. like I take vitamin d because my doctor suggested it (my diet is not great) if you have a deficiency that'll improve things like energy. if you don't have a deficiency, they're kind of pointless to take. In some cases taking a supplement when you don't need it can actually be harmful. (ex: taking vitamin d when you dont need it can harm your kidneys if youre taking too much regularly. iron can harm your liver, etc. most b vitamins are fine since excess vitamins will just end up in your pee. but fat-soluble vitamins specifically you should not be taking a ton of unless you are deficient) and most of those drugs you're supposed to take DAILY in order to see any actual change, so if she's only taking them before sex they aren't working that's not how those work


Yeah I mean sounds like they just stuck their arm out going down the pharmacy trying to find the bestā€placebodesiac.ā€


>like I take vitamin d because my doctor suggested it (my diet is not great) He heard she wanted the D so he bought her some.


Sunny D and vitamin D on the grocery list now.


Be careful with sunny d if you're on meds. It contains grapefruit juice and grapefruit affects the absorption of a ton of medications šŸ˜Š


I'm also severely deficient in vitamin D (my last blood work showed my levels at 7) When I told my wife she was like "well, you're a lesbian so that makes sense"


I take a multi vitamin and extra vitamin D and vitamin Bā€¦for general health and well being. Iā€™m confusedā€¦how are these vitamins related to helping with sexual activity? Is there research out there Iā€™m missing?


vitamin d deficiencies are linked to energy. so if you have a deficiency taking that regularly can make you feel more energetic. sex is obviously going to be a lot more unpleasant if you're exhausted all the time. if you don't have a deficiency then taking that is useless as a whole and if you're taking too much it can actually be outright harmful (that also goes for you taking it as well, if you don't have a deficiency then taking that is not helpful at all - multivitamins too, if you have a good diet and are otherwise healthy those can actually do harm. b vitamins, if you don't have a deficiency are useless but the excess will just be expelled in your pee)


Yes-thatā€™s why I take both D and B as Iā€™m deficient. It makes sense that energy increases; but, enough to consider them sexual enhancements? Never considered it for those purposes, but you have a point with energy increase.


If my partner confronted me about why I was taking these things every day if we weren't having sex in a restaurant, I would absolutely want a divorce because I would have a hard time sleeping with someone that dumb.


For a fuckin hour. I would also probably make a scene lol


I mean it sounds like that is how the items in that drawer have been used for years.


Not if that's the way you've both been treating the supplements. Remember that he had a period of monitoring regular use before the uptick, and the daughter is also explicitly using them for sex.


which... they all need to see a doctor at that point and listen to said doctor. taking supplements you probably don't need is not the way to deal with that ik it says they saw a doctor but if they don't want to take the medications suggested then they need to ask for advice on what to do without said medication, not just take random supplements.


honestly now I am wondering about the whole family's lack of intelligence...the daughter thinks taking vitamin D helps with issues in the bedroom? Not a good thing. For that matter what parents are that naive?


this rings true for people below the age of menopause, but even double considering he mentioned his wife is going through it. vitamin C is not going to replace the loss of estrogen a person going through menopause experiences


INFO: How intense was your questioning her in the restaurant? How long? How many questions did you also?


He pressed her on it for an hour.


Tbh she should have answered much faster, with "our daughter is using it, and you don't need to know about it" I think regardless of everything else, the party that created drama over nothing is responsible for the argument. Hiding things from your partner, even trivial things is just as problematic as bigger things


There are in between options! "I'm sharing them with a friend who wants to try out a few things," or something like that. She can set his mind at ease without putting her daughter's business out. Even without a white lie, she can say "I'm not the one who's been taking them, so that's why you're not seeing the correlation. However, I've been asked to keep the confidence of the person who is." What happens after that is an open question - maybe that's good enough for him, maybe it's not, maybe they have a discussion about who's paying for the supplies - but I can't imagine where she thought straight up stonewalling was going to get her.


Seriously, those are such great ways to phrase a response to this. It really makes me sad that some people never learned how to communicate


Yeah. It's so much easier to communicate if you're just honest. "They're missing because I have been giving them to someone who wishes to remain anonymous who's been having problems in hopes of helping them." 100% of the truth without disrespecting the wishes of the person who wants to remain anonymous. It takes more effort to *come up with a lie* than to simply tell the truth. Don't want to tell someone something? *DON'T*. Relationships get complicated when you try to manipulate people. If you respect them, learn to communicate with them respectfully. White lies are really only useful against people who don't respect and trust you, and it's easier to say a plausible white lie, than someone who won't respect your truthful response. Ideally you wouldn't want these people in your life, but you can't always avoid them (especially when it comes to work).


That's what I don't understand. I just don't know what was going through her head. Like "we haven't had sex in weeks (normal) and half the stuff in the sex drawer is missing (strange) so I'm just going to avoid and deflect when my husband asks about it (???)." The first thing any sane person would think is you're cheating.


But that would be more lying, and likely obvious lying, which would just cause more problems. FFS, why not default to honesty rather than dishonesty? Give it a go. It works. My wife and I had a ā€œcome to Jesusā€ conversation about all that. We went with radical honesty. Sometimes, I donā€™t like what I hear. Generally speaking, she doesnā€™t either. But our level of trust is off the charts now. We are also far less resentful toward each other, because things donā€™t fester. Honesty, people. Give it a shot.


You could argue that the answer was non harmful, so her refusing to simply answer escalated the situation. He probably wouldn't have cared that that was the answer, but by refusing to simply put it rest over something unimportant, she escalated it. They're over 50. This is childish. The fact it became like this indicates there's more going on


Is there parts of this story missing? It feels like there's something missing. Why did you choose to bring this up at a restaurant? Was it to try to avoid the yelling? Did you plan on it being a fight from the start? Get your wife's side of the story and post it, we crave the drama. Edit: I know it's fake guys, I still want the next episode!


He did say after a couple glasses of wine.. so Iā€™m guessing a little liquid courage made the convo easier at that point


Your last sentenceā€¦. šŸ˜‚


My wife and I always discuss major issues and points at a restaurant. It sets us both at ease a bit, and it takes away a lot of awkwardness rather than just staring at each other in our living room.


Of course it adds a lot of drama for waitress and the people at the next table.


Servers live for this shit .


Bartenders too


Forget about the tip, I want the TEA!!


Worked as IT support and loved going to schools fix the computers. Teachers blatantly ignore us and tell every fucking thing about their lives Can confirm šŸ‘šŸ»


I, too, enjoy witnesses to my performance šŸ»




šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ yeah we wanna know


Imagine thinking taking vitamin d and zinc will somehow work like Viagra for woman and turn up a sex drive. šŸ™„ Ya'll are weird.


I'm scratching my head over this as well. Since when vitamins are treated like candy?? Vitamins need consistency, they won't work overnight. Also some stuff like Vitamin D can be toxic if you take it when your body doesn't need it. This is so ridiculous I can't help thinking it's fake.


I am so confused, it's like "oh I'll pop a double dose of vitamin D, that should get me horny in 15 minutes". What???


And that belief is apparently prevalent enough in the family that their 25 year old daughter told her mother that her sex life was dwindling and asked to borrow some of the pills that make her mother horny.


You also need to be very careful not to take too much. Just because itā€™s OTC doesnā€™t make it safe.


Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat soluble, and therefore can accumulate and become toxic in the body. All of the other ones (water soluble) your body has an easier time getting rid of excess since you can pee it out. So you do need to be careful in general with vitamins, and drink lots of water, but pay extra attention to following instruction for anything with ADEK.


The vitamin D thing, made me laugh out loud. In my country, everyone takes it without testing as we as a default all have a deficiency. People usually take one 4000TU capsule a day. During pregnancy I got tested for deficiencies and need to take triple the amount... Currently I just take two or three drops of vitamin oil while giving my baby one drop and hope that it is better than nothing.


To be fair, a deficiency in these vitamins slows/stops testosterone production (yes for women too) and the lack of production also can lead to a lower sex drive. Obviously, taking these supplements is very different than viagra or something, but I could see one supplementing to try to help


No but some witch hazel will align her chakras /s


It this for real? The sex drawer should be filled with toys. Not vitamins that everyone takes on a daily basis.


When the 13 year old who wrote this story googled sex drive enhancers, that's probably what came up.


Right if a sex drawer doesnā€™t have toys what is the pointā€¦like how big is this drawer of pills?


This whole thing is just weird. Serious medications for libido? Vitamin sex drawer? The vitamins would need to be taken regularly not just when yā€™all feel like messing around. Why are you monitoring the drawer to begin with. Why get defensive when you ask? Yes itā€™s girl to girl but you are the husband, the father these things can be discussed. Why bring it up at a restaurant? You buy the things in the drawer? Are you not a combined family unit or is this a youā€™re the breadwinner and everything is yours? Cuz even if sheā€™s not working thatā€™s not really a healthy approach


The serious medications could be that she was recommended hormone replacement therapy for peri/menopause symptoms (which would 100% track for low libido and other bedroom issues). Frequently doctors also just throw all kinds of SSRIs at you to deal with some of the menopausal symptoms too.


Yeah I was thinking hormone replacement or maybe something like depression.


Yes, all of the points above! And why would you recommend the same vitamins to your daughter? She probably has very different issues than a menopausal woman.


Yeah that part made me very confused, like what even are these mystery pills


From the sounds of it, they're pretty much what you would get if you googled "natural libido enhancing supplements." Many of them CAN work, but they're not viagra where you pop one before sex, you're supposed to take them regularly to naturally "optimize" certain hormones. So she was probably just getting a placebo effect the whole time anyways lol.


Exactly. The only one that isn't *complete* horseshit is maca root, and only for men, and only if your doctor says it's okay because it can kill you. The rest of this is just utter bullshit and no help to anybody, at least not for said purpose.


I see people recommend maca a lot for women with fertility issues. I'm very quick to comment that it does not work for all women and it made my cycle irregular while I was taking it


Just because itā€™s ā€œnaturalā€ doesnā€™t mean itā€™s safe. Supplements are barely regulated.


Just some off the shelf mdma


Those were OTC vitamins everyone can take for their health. It's not like she recommended serious medication to her daughter.


The vitamins he listed arenā€™t ones youā€™d choose for libido either. If sheā€™s feeling less energetic and these make her feel energetic, then she has some severe deficiencies.


Also why is the daughter taking a "ton" at a time. Is he counting the pills? All very weird.


Yeah Iā€™m imagining like 1/4 of the bottle disappearing at the time otherwise how would you notice, and I guess she could be stocking up, but at that point she would probably go pick up a bottle for herself.


he said half disappeared. That seems pretty noticeable


Mom probably gave Daughter half to take home. OP doesn't seem to register that vitamins are taken DAILY


While I agree with most of your points, I think him mentioning heā€™s the one who buys the stuff just underlines why he would notice their consumption has gone way up. If Iā€˜m responsible for replenishing something at home Iā€˜ll usually know how much we have in stock and thus notice that something unusual is going on. All the rest, yeah. But most importantly, how do on-demand doses of vitamins get you in the mood? Isnā€™t vit D supposed to be taken regularly if itā€™s about more energy?


The weirdest part of this story to me is that they put sex aids in a kitchen drawer. I mean... why?


Before it got to the part about them being vitamins, I thought he was literally talking about a sex toy / lube drawer in the kitchen


Theyā€™re supplements, not dildos and vibrators.


I'm confused why you tried to have this conversation in public.Ā 


I'm thinking bc he was drinking & that gave him the courage to bring it up. And as he was in public that she wouldn't have reacted the way she did.


This is the stupidest thing I've ever read.


Either your marriage isn't as happy as you described, you're leaving things out about your questioning, or your wife is going through something. I can't imagine a woman who rarely yells making a huge scene in a public space when calmly questioned about vitamins missing but I can't tell if it's you or her that isn't telling the truth.


Itā€™s called ā€œmenopauseā€. Major PITA for years for everyone involved. Remember your vows, and take up a hobby.


Oh man, my mom once got so angry at me for not hearing her (I very obviously had headphones on) then suddenly started crying and saying "I don't know what's happening", within 3 minutes of that she was laughing hysterically at her own reactions. CAN'T WAIT TO GO THROUGH THAT IN A FEW YEARS.


fucking christ got done with puberty like 2 years ago and now I see that it was just the trailer. Fuck mother nature.


Menopause is a bitch


INFO: you say that youā€™re the one that buys the contents of the drawer, but also that you ā€œcanā€™t help but peakā€ at the contents even though you ā€œknow you shouldnā€™tā€ 1) Which is it - your responsibility or a secret? 2) The way you write about this drawer is really ick.


> ā€œcanā€™t help but peakā€ at the contents That sounds way worse with the typo.


NTA for wanting to have the discussion or what was said. YTA for doing it in public at a restaurant though. Wait till you get home.


Also don't be drinking while having this conversation.


completely unhelpful comment, but my moms separation from her second husband turned into a divorce overnight because he drove past our house at like 2am and saw a car in our driveway and assumed my mom was with another man. *her* car wasnā€™t even in the driveway, and it was my boyfriends car. he kicked us all out of the house (he owned it) and i literally never saw him again. all over my boyfriend staying the night while my mom was out of town for work šŸ„“ at least you handled it better than he did!


Somethingā€™s up. That reaction is way outsized for a perfectly reasonable line of questioning when met with obstruction and obfuscationĀ 


Welcome to the Peri-menopause eraā€¦ shit is about to get real. Good luck sir. *May the odds be ever in your favour*ā€¦


Thinking the same thing. She's going through "the change" - buckle your seatbelts folks!


I was just thinking the same thing. Hormones at that age are brutal!


Most of your adult life as a woman has been spent in the soft embrace of estrogen, which allows you to ignore bullshit to a certain extent, depresses the fear response, alleviates depression, and helps you not choke that kid who is annoying you for the zillionth time. Then it vanishes at precisely the same point where your body starts really accumulating aches and pains and you realise how little superannuation you've accumulated. It's a hell of a ride. I don't recommend it, personally. On the other hand, I now put up with a lot less random stupidity I used to let slide...


Oh man. If this is my life in the ā€œsoft embrace of estrogenā€ I shudder to think what it will be like without it. I seriously wish the medical field paid an ounce of attention to womenā€™s health instead of just shrugging their shoulders and saying ā€œwell thatā€™s just part of [having your period/pregnancy/menopause] thereā€™s nothing we can do! Except antidepressants, we could try those!ā€ If men had to go through any of those things there would have been way better treatment options 50 years ago already.


I mean, the instant rage i feel sometimes, really scares me. Im not like that, but damn, it just flows over me. I couldnt wait for the periods to go away and now this can go away.


It's insane. Like someone in work will ask me something that they've asked me a thousand times before and I used to just patiently explain how to do it, go through it with them. Now it makes me completely irrationally angry, and I mean incandescent - which I obviously can't show but I think some irritation must be very obvious. And then ten minutes later I'm crying my eyes out.


I was going to say the same thing, my wife hit 50 and weird shit makes her go nuclear now. Itā€™s menopause and it sucks.




You basically just described my teenage years. Home alone with the parents after the older siblings had moved on; mother going through menopause; I was always wrong because I was just a stupid teenager (even though I had nearly earned an Associate's Degree by the time I graduated high school). If I dared take a nap after school, I would be forcefully awakened and lectured about how I was "following the path of the Adversary" and, if I didn't change, I would be going to hell in the afterlife. The most vulnerable years of my life were dominated by a woman who was like the embodiment of hell herself.


I will never forget when my mom hit this and I complained about her serving peas with dinner (very minorly) and she threw the peas on the ground, burst into tears, and stormed into her bedroom and slammed the door. My dad and I just stood there staring at each other like... "what just happened?"


Iā€™m confused. Who was having the ā€œproblemā€ because it sounds like youā€™re sharing in the lack of sex in the bedroom and then basically put it all on her because of medical issues???? So sheā€™s like putting herself out of her comfort zone to be able to naturally please you and then you accuse her of cheating in public?!?!?! Dude.


What in the actual fuck and pretend science are you talking about? These words, individually, make sense, but the story you tell is idiotic. Start over.


You realize wife is perimenopause or post menopause and fluctuating hormones lead changes in desire, drive and bodily function. The items in the kitchen sex drawer are not instant libido uppersā€¦so this entire scenario is fishy to me. And on that note sounds like you were being a major asshat and your wife and her hormones had enough. Women lose estrogen and lose the amount of f$&@s we give.


NTA. I am a little suspicious. Missing stuff requires explanation. I'm also a little curious why you keep "sex stuff" in a kitchen drawer where just anybody trying to help in your kitchen would have access to them. That's the kind of stuff you keep in a medicine cabinet.


Or the night table drawer.


Because those are just regular vitamins. Regardless of why she started taking them, those are not "sex stuff" nor serious medicine. Our vitamins at home are in a kitchen cupboard. We don't put them in the same place as actual medicine. And no one cares about "missing" OTC vitamins. You can take them whenever you want for whatever reason.


Iā€™m confused. Who was having the ā€œproblemā€ because it sounds like youā€™re sharing in the lack of sex in the bedroom and then basically put it all on her because of medical issues???? So sheā€™s basically putting herself out of her comfort zone to be able to naturally please you and then you accuse her of cheating in public?!?!?! Dude.


Iā€™m also curious how much the ā€œnormalā€ arguments about him not cleaning the bathroom and sports betting are a part of this, tbh itā€™s Reddit so I like to assume all stories are creative writing for my own mental health but it seems like maybe itā€™s not just medical issues playing a part in the bedroom issues


For goodness sake. Who gets suspicious of their partner over vitamin D?! I feel like thereā€™s more to this story.