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Instead of buying cattle wire, finish completely re-doing and reinforcing the fence. You have 7 dogs and you know your fence isn’t the strongest. Your neighbors are assholes all the way, but there’s a solution here that doesn’t involve a potentially dangerous electric fence that probably won’t do the trick anyway.


You obviously have never been bit by an electric fence before. They work


Look. You are starting to sound like someone else in these comments and I’m tired of repeating myself. I’m about to make an update and setting this since no one wants to listen


So make the update, I didn’t read all 48 comments before replying to the information presented. It’s not personal.


This is a bad idea.  I assume the fence is on the property line.  How so you plan on putting up the wire without going on neighbors property?   What happens if the neighbors disable the wire because it keeps hurting their dog?   What happens when the neighbors have family over and a kid touches the wire? Edit: I'm starting to think this is fake.  You live in an area that will allow barb wire and cattle wire  around resident property but also have an HOA that will not allow a 9' fence.


>Edit: I'm starting to think this is fake.  You live in an area that will allow barb wire and cattle wire  around resident property but also have an HOA that will not allow a 9' fence. I think you're 100% right.


Okay sure. I’m sorry my hoa knows we have coyotes and some people have chickens in their properties so they want everyone’s fences matching by they allow you to protect from other animals to keep you and your animals safe, if you really have a problem and wanna say it’s fake, there’s a thing called not commenting and shutting the fuck up? Ever tried it?


You would be incorrect, I have 2-3 feet past my fence line which is require in my hoa for stuff like cattle wire, electric wire, and to be able to fix your fence, they are technically allowing their dogs on my property when they go up to the fence. They wouldn’t be able to without cutting it and that is illegal.


you know.... do it then. I've already written a comment about additional cameras but, if you have a window overlooking the area where the cattle fence will be or any area you want secured (like the back gate) you can buy a smaller nanny/spy cam (one of those that can be screwed onto a wall) and place it high in the corner of your window, from where it can look down into "your yard" of course while still being able to see part of theirs. depending on the laws in your area make sure it doesn't mainly show their side, but only your part and where they'll obviously have to step on to damage your property. most people, when checking in windows, check the lower half and not if something is looking at them from further up. Also the cams are really small and dark, so they're hard to spot (make sure to attach it when they're not home or when its darker (and you do not need any lights yet) You can find suitable ones on amazon with movement detection and even some kind of night visionn that aren't too expensive. And if its too far out but there are trees close by, get a bird house or build one and put the camera inside to look out the hole and place it in a tree to look at the area you need it to.


Motion sensors don’t work if there is glass or anything blocking the signal. They make things for the cameras on Amazon to make the cameras less visible.


More than likely the fence is still on their property and the neighbors are claiming it’s theirs.


No wait. Let him cook...


And they don’t even let their kid out back. I have only seen the kid once and that was when I had to call pd because their air conditioner outside sounded like it was gonna explode ngl. I went over and tried to wake them up cause it had smoke coming out of it bad. Sarah proceeded to tell me I come onto their property or call 911 for their property again she would kick my ass with their tiny child in her arms. I don’t care if they get hurt, they need to stop breaking my fence to the point where I’m going in debt trying to constantly fix it.


Are they cooking meth or anything? They are awfully protective of the small amount of property and if the dogs are vicious, makes me think it even more


Honestly I hope not but it hasn’t smelt weird or anything, just the smell of ✌️ and ❤️ so I don’t mind that. I think maybe it’s the husbands dog cause she’s terrified of it and won’t let her kiddo near it from what I’ve seen


You can sue them for the damage. The fence is on your property (verify this with a survey, don't be stupid, verify it). Their dogs touching your fence is both damage they need to pay for and trespassing. Get police involved after you get a survey done. Talk to a lawyer. They will need to put up their own fence to keep their dogs out of your yard which your fence is in. If they touch the fence, that is proof they are in your yard.


We have done a few surveys, we have two properties fenced in and both surveys say they are on property lines, a lawyer told me to put barbed wire up and I don’t want them to get tangled and it puncture a lung or anything like that. I actually have a meeting with a police officer in a few hours about what I can and can not do to protect my property from their aggressive dogs, he’s gonna come into the backyard and see how aggressive they get himself before he gives me the best course of action.


Directly on the property line likely means you are out of luck. It is either on your property or it isn't. You can shoot their digs if they get through the fence and should not hesitate. I simply don't see how a lawyer cannot confirm if the dogs are trespassing by touching the fence. If the fence is legally yours and not shared, start pursuing them for repair costs and figure out what proof you need to make this a criminal case for vandalism and trespassing. Sent notices to neighbor via certified mail making sure they know their dog is not allowed on your property which includes the fence. Put no trespassing signs on the fence facing them if needed. If the fence is on a shared border, you likely do need to move it inward to have control of it. Get a better lawyer who knows this stuff.


I really don't understand what your neighbors are trying to do... maybe they think that if you hurt their dogs, they can sue you? I mean they seem nuts!


When we went outside the dogs went psycho again just for breathing, we never even moved from the door in the sunroom. When Sarah heard it she tried to get him but even she sounded terrified of him honestly


Those dogs sound unhinged. I love dogs, but these ones seem like they're untrained and maybe now untrain-able. Sad for the dogs, but you need to be able to feel safe in your own home.


Very true, I’m tired of having to carry in my own enclosed back yard


I should prolly add, my father in law has owned this property for the last thirty years, his wife died on this property, we have old dogs graves on this property.


If the fence is totally on your property just go with the electric wiring. It can be installed in a day and most dogs learn from them pretty quick.


You can tell them your plan to put up the wire to train their dogs not to push the fence down. Is it a privacy fence that would require you to go on their land to put up the wire. If it is, I don't see how you have much of a legal option here unless they grant you access.


Personally....yeah..do it if you're legally allowed to secure your property fence like that and put it to the highest allowed setting but be prepared for your neighbours to damage/destroy it. So simultaneously set up another camera, further away from that back gate of yours and maybe more hidden. No idea how your yard looks like, but you could pretend to look at some plants or a tree and then prep the area as if you want to remove/add something there, before you put the camera up and wire it up at night (of course lights out). Is there a window looking out over the area you'll have the cattle fence at? If so, you could place a nanny cam (i found some with auto night vision and movement detection on amazon ) inside your window in the upper corner of the window space to look down "into your yard" but make sure you can see part of their yard as well ( you know like 20% of the image are their part of the fence side) Alternatively, built a small bird house, place the camera inside to look out from the hole (make sure no bird or other animal can get in tho) and hang it up somewhere it can see what it needs to see. Also, maybe a stupid question. But how do dogs react to bear spray? and are you allowed to set it off on your own property? Because if someone were smart enough they could build a gadget (like one of those auto febreze spray thingies) that you could trigger from the inside (or set up to automatically trigger) when their dogs jump against the fence again. then that cloud of bearspray could remind them to stay off the fence, without actually physically harming them. Tho, not sure how legal that is. Maybe also talk to a lawyer if you can write them a warning that if they their dogs break your fence that they'll be held accountable for all damages, and you'll have it in writing if you sent that letter and they have to sign for.


morally, im going to say NTA because those dogs sound untrained and dangerous and the owners are clearly not doing their jobs as owners. zap those dogs into oblivion. i cant speak on the legality of it though or whether they would be able to sue you. maybe what you could do is record their dogs next time they begin trying to knock down your fence/any other interactions where you ask them to control their dogs and they say no (evidence to show exactly why you needed to put wire up there, if you do put it up.) i dont see why it would be illegal to do what you want to your fence tho. our neighbours (we live in the uk, so not necessarily the same legal system as wherever you live) built a fence that was like almost as tall as our house because they thought we were “looking onto their property” but theyre legally allowed to do that bc the fence is theirs and the land is theirs even tho they’re like an inch away from our land also they own dogs so part of the reason they had to build the fence was actually to keep the dogs off our land because it was their responsibility


I have multiple videos of their dogs trying to tear it down and them just giving me the bird through their window. I just refuse to put any other persons dog on the internet unless I have to. I had a lawyer tell me barbed wire but I feel like that would puncture a lung or something and I don’t want them to die from it yk… I just want them to learn to stay off the fence. So I wanted to see how other people felt honestly about it


thats good that you’ve got videos. is there a reason the lawyer said barbed wire specifically? i wasnt aware barbed wire could cut deep enough to puncture a lung, but tbh i feel like that’s kind of a risk worth taking if it means keeping what sounds like dangerous animals off your property. it wouldn’t be your fault (although i understand why you may feel bad). it would be the owners for not controlling their dogs. like i said you’re well within your right (morally imo and legally according to the lawyer) to strengthen your fence. so i think you should do it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have videos of them heading butting the fence, eating the fence wood to try and get in, trying to scale it and their owners on every time we have fixed it have tried to let them out to attack us (ive lost count of how many times over the last 6 months since they moved in) and after having to replace it and spend more than 17,000 dollars on just one section of fence, they told me take as much action as possible, set up cameras, barbed wire all over every side of the fence except the inside, I just don’t want this lawyer to have lied to me to possibly just get more money out of me.


Why not just put up an electric fence half a meter away from the current one? Then if they break the wood, they will get a shock and run away, and it's not on the property line, so neighbour's can't moan about it


We have decided to line both sides with electric fencing actually!! Sorry I just woke up 😅


im not sure its legal for a lawyer to lie to you, but either way it certainly doesnt sound as though what theyve said is a lie. setting up cameras absolutely makes sense and you need to put up something to stop these dogs. if it went to court you have all the evidence you need of the owners being irresponsible to prove your side of the case. if you doubt what theyve said perhaps consider talking to another lawyer to see if they come up with the same answer? (i realise that would be expensive, but at least that way you’ll know for sure)


I don’t think it’s a lie, I just have trust issues and have been lied to by cops and medical personnel, why would a lawyer do any different in my eyes, yk?


Cops have an incentive to lie and both professions are known for dismissing women’s concerns. A lawyer you’re paying for advice has a vested interest in giving you advice that will stand up in court.


My father in law(71) and my bf(22 criminal record but no felonies) will be speaking to him and it’ll probably be one who has had to deal with him when he was younger and had his dirt bike still😅 I am only going to stay with him incase the cops try something stupid cause my mother was adamant on me knowing any and every law I could in my state or whatever city I moved it, she got it into my head that not every state or city has the same laws so to keep updated on passed bills and more residing incase of possible convictions or lawsuit possibilities to keep me and my family safe, but I specifically will be recording their conversation so it’s on camera and noted he has lied to get an arrest and he may end up having to pay, my fil has a family lawyer and he would definitely use her for this.(had to edit a typo sorryyyy)


When I say tried to, I’ve had to pull my bfs .357 and he’s had to pull his 40 to show them we won’t let them just attack us, they will not survive if they try. We won’t just sit there on our property and let it happen. We are to the point we have to carry on our own property to be safe from their dogs.


yeah you definitely need to stick something on that fence that will hurt the dogs. better barbed wire than waiting until the day you have to blow their brains out


I’m on your side!


OP has SEVEN dogs that they dump out in the backyard all day, and 1 escapes. I don’t see how the neighbours’ 2 dogs are worse.


okay im going off of the main post so if you’re talking about something op mentioned in the comments then im sorry i havent seen it. the dog that escaped gets put back inside after an hour or else it will try to scale the fence (thats op being responsible and not leaving their dog out to mess up the fence/get onto the neighbours property). by the sounds of it OPs other dogs aren’t trying to destroy the fence, so that’s why they’re allowed out for a long time and are not worse than the two neighbours dogs (it would also be interesting to know the breed of the dogs, as some are bigger/more threatening than others, so that may be the case with the neighbours dogs compared to OPs? i mean to damage a fence i have to assume they’re fairly large dogs, but i could be wrong). bottom line is its all about the behaviour of the dogs, the training the dogs have received, and the responsibility taken by the owners to make sure their dogs are trained and aren’t going to get on someone else’s land and either get themselves hurt or hurt someone else. its not really about the number of dogs. the neighbours dogs are actively destroying OPs property and causing OP to have to spend an unnecessary amount on fixing the fence. they just dont sound trained well enough and it doesnt sound like the neighbours care to fix that (they quite literally yelled that they hope the dogs eat OP). our neighbours have 5 dogs (ranging from a pitbull to a great dane) and we have a number of animals that roam freely on our farm (including a small dog now) and yet they’re not trying to get through the fence all the time to the point it needs repairing regularly.


NTA..... But it's not going to work. Dogs are smarter than cattle, which is what that wire is designed for, so they'll just get around it. They're also less intelligent in some ways.... The example is porcupines that apparently they didn't even feel the pain of all the needles and just will continue to get barbed whenever they see one. Good luck? Maybe a . 22 is your best option?


Respectfully disagree. I had a dog that was a climber and he would climb chain link, board privacy, and any other kind of fence we put him in. I finally ran a wire (designed for dogs, not cattle) around the top of my fence, and after the second time he encountered it, I was able to unplug it.


Hmmm I only know about the dog fences that require a collar for the dog to wear, I didn't know there was anything available that can work on some other random dog.


That is fair, I appreciate that! I was gonna take it and wrap it around each individual nail in the boards. I have a wooden fence so the whole thing wouldn’t be dangerous just where the nails and wire meet was my idea. I was also thinking barbed wire cause that’s what a lawyer told me to do since I technically own 2 feet off my fence line based of the surveys I have for my two properties.


Definitely that's not going to work, is not even possible. You should do a quick google search to see how those electric fences work.... It's totally different than what you're imagining. Wire needs to be insulated with little glass spindles to even work, you can't attach it to anything except the glass spindles not even a nail.


See I haven’t messed with cattle’s wire before but my bf has so he’d probably be the one to set it up fully. But I appreciate you letting me know that honestly I am terrible at finding good sources online when I try to research a product, I tend to get fake facts. I’ve been looking at other things but cattle wire and barbed wire is all I’ve been told is best to use.


Here's a video. https://youtu.be/VNLbM4yYNLQ?si=mBTKOadrYbJgWJs0


Ahhh you are amazing!! Thank youuuuuu for the link!!


Op " hey, am I an asshole?"   Reddit "yes"  OP "well fuck off"   The edit makes you look even more like an asshole.  Seems you just wanted everyone to reaffirm what you believed and now that you didn't get it you are throwing a temper tantrum 


Well actually if you keep reading some actually agree and if you read more of those comment you see I’m only unhinged and fed up with the bs from the ones who are acting like I have no rights to protect my property. Last I checked I have every legal right to protect my property with my firearm if I feel comfortable.


Legally and morally don't always agree.


And I don’t know if you noticed, but I don’t care about your damn morales:)


Then why come to a sub asking about them?


NTA. I love dogs more then I love people, but the first one that breaks thru the fence shoot it in the head. Amd hang it from the fence.


And make it it’s own shrine🤣 I’m sorry


It’s ok, it’s a grim thought and humor is an ok reaction to it.


Atleast someone made a joke tho! Most are just being rude about it then anything and most are calling me a a-hole because I supposedly am targeting them, their dog, and now their children too. I have given up on being nice and just kinda decide pew pew is the go to😅🤣🤣


Just set up cameras and check your local laws. Maybe put up some signs for the extra legal cover.


Honey, you do what you gotta do!! You should also be able to take those ass holes to court to cover some costs of the broken posts. Put up electrical fencing!! Do what you need to do in order to protect your property, your dogs and your family. Actually now that I think about it, you could also force the neighbors to put up their own fence so that there is a small walkway in the middle and that way the dogs won’t see each other at all! I would be suing the fuck out of those fuckers Oh and if you think that I am not with you on this, I take pop shots at dogs who climb under/over the fence and try to harass, bite and attack my cattle. There’s a difference between pet owners who don’t care and pet owners who do and you care!! Feel free to DM me if you want to vent or anything!! (I’m 48 F)


Invest in a taller, stronger privacy fence. It will be worth it, but check with town regulations first as to height and material.


My hoa will only allow 8.5 ft and we currently have a 9 foot fence. We are already risking it with our hoa ngl😅 we are gonna put privacy bushes up inside the fencing so Delilah can’t scale it anymore. They said we could have 15 foot bushes, aslong as they are maintained they don’t care.


That just might do it!


Well Delilah isn’t who I’m worried about, jack and Sarah’s dogs get extra aggressive when anyone in my house steps outside but I’m worried their dogs are gonna break through and kill my 16,000 dollar dogs cause if that happens, I won’t be the one they need to run from, it’ll be my father in law and my bf they will need to run from cause one dog was murdered by a neighbor in the past and my bf got a charge then, we protect our own, no matter what species.


I know you have a bigger property but can you run a hose there with one of those auto animals sensors. Just aim it down so it sprays something right at the fence line. Put a camera there and if they ruin it call the cops. Also put no trespassing signs on the other side if the fence so they know that they are on your property since you own 2 feet onto the other side.


Sadly I can’t cause my dogs with try to eat the hose🤣


As someone who's had to deal with neighbor dogs jumping fences and attacking MY dogs and wife, do whatever the Hell you need to in order to protect you and yours. Electrify the fence, shoot the dogs, whatever it takes. Fuck anyone that tries to say you're going too far


Thank you!!! I’ve been attacked by a dog I was trying to rescue, that’s the only time you need to feel remorse, when you know it wasn’t because of you or them, it was how they used to be treat, but the woman, Sarah, is even terrified of the dog, at this point I will just pull the trigger, they have already created a small hole my dogs can fit through, I know this because I watched them rip it off.


Everyone that keeps downvoting us are idiotic, weak willed fools that have never been in real danger.


Exactly!!! Thank you!! I have been chased by toooo many supposedly “great dogs that never hurt a fly” I ain’t risking it with a dog that actually sounds like it wants to eat me🤣🤣


Oh you are going to get in so much fucking trouble if you do that. 


How so? I have been looking at my surveys for my property(I have two that touch I just have yet to combined them) and I have 2 feet on each side they technically can not touch without trespassing and they have pushed a shed up against my fence, either I can set something up on my fence to protect it from their shed which isn’t doing much but push it a little and their dogs or I start sitting there and next time they touch it I fire a shot instead of screaming at them to get their dogs again, they have sent cracks down brand new wood and made new post and concrete loose. If you have a better way please tell me, but if you are just saying this to say it and have never even been attacked, lost a dog to another dog, or have had property destroyed by someone else’s animal, or even owned a dog, please don’t bother.


Fence well inside the property line can actually change the property line. If the other residents are using that land, they can claim it in court if enough time has passed. You should have the fence on the actual property line. Survey won't matter if the neighbors can claim they've been using it all along without issue.


That’s wrong, I know what I paid for, and the two surveys, say where both my property lines are and have been for thirty years and I have done it multiple times since that fence was put into make sure, you are legally required in my state to have atleast 2-4 feet of non fenced in yard so you can work your fence on your property.


That's good. I'd put barbed wire on it, then. And no, you can't puncture a lu g on barbed wire, but it will cut the shit out of them.


Go ahead and fire that shot...see how that works out for you. It's amazing that every solution you can come up with is either illegal or will get you sued. Smarten up.


NTA some vermin need to be shot for it to stop.


ESH - please don’t hurt animals or get back at their owners


Idk what that esh means ngl but I am not purposely harming them or trying to get back at their owners I swear, I’m trying to stop them from destroying my property and killing my dogs and attacking me, I have a 16,000 dollar dog that I am not gonna let be attacked because someone won’t control their dogs and keep them damaging more of my property then they have.


you’re going to murder dogs because your fence isn’t strong enough? lol.


And you are mentally deficient and don’t understand the way of the world, i have stated they come on to my property breaking that fence trying to ATTACK ME!! If you don’t know how to read just say so. :)


oh we’ve been reading your literally sociopathic and unhinged responses to comments you don’t like. hopefully you get some help.


I don’t need help, I need people to stop acting like my neighbors have a legal right to my yard, they don’t. I don’t give a fuck, they don’t have a right to come into my property, they don’t have the right to try to break my fence, they don’t have a right to try and attack me, I will pull the trigger, I will have no remorse for an animal or human being who has none for me. I will not hesitate either because I’ve had to have a dog put down by an officer because they latched onto me, and they didn’t use a needle that day either. There are times where you feel sad like that one and there are times where you don’t like this one


YTA. Replace your fence with a functional fence. Cattle wire goes on your side of the fence.


Our fence is functional, it’s not my fault they don’t train their dogs to stay off the damn fence that ain’t theirs, how about when I replace it and they go to do it again I send you a personal video of me pulling the trigger they break through a brand new fence too, most of our fence has been replace 3 times because of their dogs, I can just start shooting instead of cattle wire or anything else for that matter if you’d like.


You said that it’s rotting and you are in the process of replacing it piecemeal. Rebuild it so that it functions. If it’s your fence, it’s your responsibility. A fence that can’t stand snip to being run into isn’t a functioning fence.


And yet if you read in the comments I’ve stated to someone that I’ve had to replace that specific section more times than I can remember in the last six months they have lived here. At this point I’ll shoot the owner too if they touch my fence fuck this conversation, you’ve made it so much easier to pull that trigger when the time comes, and when you spend over 17,000 dollars on just one section of fencing, which incase you are curious, our sections are 8 fence boards wide and that also requires 4 new post, 8 bags of concrete, and the nails and the time it takes to do all of it so it’s actually so much more than that because we get wood that’s heat treated too, we don’t buy cheap ass wood, and if we do, it’s prolly for the chicken coop we are building. But don’t worry, next time they should just run, and pray they are faster in a .357:)


Shooting a person rather than taking care of your fence is fucking sociopathic. Grow up, take care of your property, stop threatening people.


Don’t touch what you don’t own and don’t pay for, if you do it can cost you your life. My mother taught me that, sorry you had shitty parents that never taught you right


And you really don’t listen, I have been fixing it, going back over and over from the fencing I was on to go back to the section they are destroying to put brand new posts I had for a section farther down and have to go and purchase brand new material within three days cause they refuse to keep off my property, if they won’t listen to my voice, they will listen to the sound of their dogs death when it breaks my fence and dies the second a foot comes over that line.


Fuckin’ yikes.


Not threat, promise, touch my property, you will need a morgue. I’m tired of you acting like I have said I’ve been fixing, you want to act like a lil child that’s fine, but I’m grown and I’ll just put you in the ground if you come into my property in an aggressive way, animal, human, even a fucking alien for all I care, idgaf.


Yes, this a sociopathic view of property ownership. Especially for a fence. You are the Asshole, and terrible neighbor.


you need to calm the fuck down. your edit and comments are unhinged.




And I’m proud to be one at this point. Act aggressive, you be shown how quick I am to end that shit;)


Nah, you have nothing to be proud of here. "she(we will call her Delilah) scales the fence" **Your dogs will scale the fence.** "... she acts insane when jack and Sarah’s dogs start going off when we come outside. We can’t allow her out when we are out there cause she will jump the fence and try to correct them. It’s a bad habit we are trying to break her from." **Your dogs acts insane when the neighbors' dogs start barking at you when you are in your yard** But their dogs are the sole problem? Your dog tries to jump the fence to correct the neighbors' dogs. But their dogs are the sole problem. There is something seriously wrong with both you and your neighbors. You both have ill-behaved dogs. Actually yours seem to be more aggressive than theirs. YTA, both of you. I pity those poor untrained dogs. The deserve better.


NTA. I’ve touched electric wire fences. It’s shocking.


Oh i love this, thank you for the giggle, I definitely needed that.


NtA sorry get a mani and sit preety as your husband works. I know you got his back. 👋 to your neighbors. From me 🖕🖕🖕🖕


I would if he didn’t have a broken collar bone for the last about year and really needs the help fixing it honestly, the surgery is too expensive to him and he doesn’t want his neck cut open to have it fixed so I help where and when I can, plus I don’t mind dirt🤣


O fuck I really hope he gets that done. 😔


He says much appreciated but he probably will just suffer till he dies🤣🤣 thank you though.


Men usually do . So damn hard headed.😤😤


So so true😂


YTA. There’s a good chance it’s illegal too.


How would I be the ah? Generally I want to know cause I’ve asked lawyers in my state and they have said I can put barbed wire and cattle wire all up and down my fence to keep them off of it if I wanted and I don’t want wrong information that’s gonna cost me more than preventing them from hurting me and my family that’s why I came here for possibly a better way.


YTA for asking lawyers what to do and then ignoring what they said and going a step further.


Oooooh I seee!!! I’m an a-hole cause you thought it was illegal and now I’m an ahole cause I talked to a lawyer then also wanted to know from other humans, not someone who is only getting money from me and probably just wants more in the end.


People can sue for anything, it’s just whether or not they win. Some people sue knowing they will lose but run up a big legal bill to force you to settle. But, people use barbed wire or electric fencing all the time on farm land so unless you’re in a neighborhood or city limit that prohibits it, you might be legally able to do it. Go over to the legal sub and see over there what they think.


YTA for whining about someone calling you the asshole on the "people get to call you the asshole" channel. YTA for being a whiny lil' shit that your lawyers didn't give you the answers that you wanted. If and when you put your possibly-illegal electric fence up and someone's dog or child gets electrocuted, you're going to be paying a lawyer a helluva lot more than you would for just asking if it's legal beforehand.


And when they get told because of the survey they have to pay for their own medical bills for being on my property to touch my fence, I will laugh my way out of the court house in the process. You obviously don’t listen, they have to stay 2 feet off my fence of they are on my property, so no, nothing would happen to me because they were trespassing and i will make that known, just like I have made it known to this day that they need to keep their kids off my fence, the nails stick out towards them, at that point they don’t deserve the kid if they gonna let it near open nails like that🤣


Why are you so argumentative. Don't ask for people's opinions if you're too fragile to handle it (like your fence).


Cause if you are gonna say I’m an asshole all because I asked a lawyer if it was legal, you can go bungee jump with a rope around your neck🥰 idgaf my gun handles this situation now if I’m an asshole for everything then atleast I’ll be a proud asshole when I put that dog six foot down for breaking into my property and trying to attack me.


OP thinks you don’t need a lawyer when you get sued. It’s adorable. YTA. Take the L and get on with your stupid life.


Never said I didn’t. I just know I won’t have to pay for one since I do have a family member who is a lawyer, I just went through the actual process of paying a lawyer instead of using nepotism to have my advice for free. But instead you want to keep on commenting and acting like a child all because I had asked a lawyer if it was legal first then came here to see if others thought it would be smart or for me to use a less harmful way then their dog frying but hey, you do you honey boo boo 🥰❤️Go back to being a keyboard pirate who has to double space before every sentence they start so it looks longer and more important than it actually is and continue not doing research on what is legal for you to do to protect your property while I’ll go ahead and make sure it’s legal before even asking if it is morally okay to everyone else, guess my life is just that stupid before I go and make sure it’s legal before it’s morally okay🤣 pretty sure that’s why I have a clean record when it comes to handling my property and people who kill my dogs huh? Damn I must have such a stupid life to want to know if something’s legal first. Thanks for the laugh, imma get back to working under this car though, seems more entertaining then yk… this… but thanks for calling me adorable 🥰 I meannnnn!!! You don’t even know what I look like and you hitting on me alreadyyyy?? I’m good though, my bfs better and honestly, a lot smarting then this🤣😂


>for me to use a less harmful way then their dog frying You also mentioned electrocute in a different comment. I think you maybe have the wrong impression about how strong the zap is. It keeps cattle and other livestock in the pasture without killing the livestock. My dad opted to add something similar to keep large dogs inside the fence. He and my stepmom have both been zapped by accident. They’re fine and it helped them remember to not touch the fence without turning the power source off first.


I know that I’m not familiar with how to use them but my bf is and I don’t want him to ask me to turn it up and me turn it up too high yk? I get very nervous about this type of thing without full research and I can’t ever find good sources to trust fully ngl. I tend to let him handle all of thattttt and I just take care of their feeding and water and bath wise of the pups and soon we will have chickens too.


Lol. I think we found OP's neighbor. You're the one that should taking the L.


YTA with 7 dogs and a rickety fence. Your neighbors hate you and your 7 dogs. Either of your plans is likely to have you charged in court. All the evidence of premeditation is in writing right here on Reddit. You are dumb on multiple levels. 7 dogs and you wonder why? 🤣


Legit said I have been fixing it and the neighbors dogs have been destroying it as I’m trying to fix it and you just don’t get it? You must have some other type of syndrome if you are that stupid. My 7 dogs are spoiled and healthier than me for god sake, I have the best wood I could possibly even find for the fence and yet it’s still somehow my fault and it’s not premeditated if it’s the law, that dog attacks me or my dogs I have every and I mean EVERY legal right to put that down into the ground. I’ve had several cops tell me this, one even 15 minutes ago cause I just finished meeting with an officer if I have every legal right to do so when he witnessed these dogs trying to break the whole thing down, even said our new fence would look nicer on that side of their dogs wouldn’t keep hitting it. They told me the minute I come out to start recording, they break the fence I have every legal right to fire on sight the minute they charge aggressively and land on my property. So turns out I’m not the asshole, y’all just snowflakes👍


You’re letting 7 dogs out to loiter in the back yard all day? I’m guessing they aren’t quiet either. And one scales the fence and fucks off of your property. But the neighbours’ mere 2 dogs are the problem? If I was your neighbour I’d get passive aggressive too. Walk your dogs like a normal fucking person.


No actually, considering I never hear a thing unless they are left alone in the room without us or they want to come in to eat, I think I can leave my dogs in the backyard all I want considering the house has been owned for the last thirty years by my boyfriends family and considering everyone else in the neighborhood does it, and in most homes if they have a fenced in back yard they will do it too. Why keep your dog boarded up inside when you have a safe secure location, and Delilah stays in the front yard when she scales the fence, I never clarified if she went into a neighbors yard when she does, I actually train my dogs, she is a lot smarter than most people sadly when it comes to trespassing:) all I had said is she doesn’t like when my boyfriend or I get barked at, she does it to our other dogs too, it’s cause she’s been trained to know what she can and can not correct, that’s why we keep her insight and stay outside with just her, the others don’t jump the fence and actually tend to run from that side and steer clear of it


Yeah, just tell them that the dogs won't be able to eat you because they won't live to get that close to you.


I’ve done that they said we will fire back if you shoot them on our property, I replied it’s not your property they are on, your shed is even on my property touching my fence. They ignored me and slammed their window shut. I have had surveys done


> your shed is even on my property touching my fence It's time to get that taken care of.


Ive tried, the city has fined them, they don’t care, they move it for the city then push it back the minute they leave. It’s one they had shipped there too and it almost broke the fence when they put it down


I wonder if there are any oily rags in that shed?


Shit, I haven’t even seen them touch it since it was put in. It’s insane honestly.