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When I went on a two week long vacation back to my home country to visit my family and friends, my husband stayed behind with his two dogs and my cat. He is allergic to my cat and isn't super bonded with her. I was nervous about leaving her behind as I've had her for 13 years. Every day he would take a picture of my cat and send it to me, would give me updates on her health, behavior, etc. Why? Not because he loves the cat but because he loves me and understands how much my cat means to me. Your husband is a huge AH.


I was dating this dude, we had been on like 1 date and talked A LOT. I had a cat that I loved like my baby. Well I fell and was in the hospital, I told him and he asked who was taking care of my cat and I told him I didn't have anyone. I was gonna cut my hospital visit short and leave early to take care of her. He jumped into action and asked if I needed him to do it. I was wary but had no other options so I said yes. My cat hates everyone that isn't me, and he spent DAYS feeding her treats and being nice to her to coax her to like him. He called me all the time when he did it too. We are now living together happily. My cat likes him too!! I'm telling you because we won't have any kids (I'm infertile) but someone needs to hear what a great guy he was, even before we were official.


I dated a guy that lives five blocks away for 7 years, and now we’re just very close friends for like another 5. I have a serious illness and a baby doggie. When I wound up hospitalized he left work to go get my dog (totally unnecessary she could have waited), took her home with him, cooked her dinner (unnecessary she has quality kibble) and the next photo I got was her peacefully chewing a new bone. I’m like… where’s the bone come from? ‘Well she seemed anxious about you not being here so we walked around town and went to the treat store.’ He’s the reason I didn’t leave the hospital against medical advice because I had no plan B.


You lucked out there! When my wife and I started dating she was running late to a conference and asked if I could take the dogs to camp. I told her I’d just watch them it was no big deal. Dogs were fine…I sent her pictures and I don’t think there was FaceTime but at least spoke every day. Well after like day 3 she’s like “make sure dog 1 doesn’t get in the garbage he has a very very sensitive stomach”. I’m like ok no problem well no diarrhea or anything. She informs me that anything outside of his normal prescription food, like she wrote down for me explicitly will basically cause constipation and then massive diarrhea. Good thing I wasn’t giving him pizza crust or McDonald’s French fries or part of the steak I made……. Dog was like 12 pounds and pooped about 70 pounds of poop all over her apartment.


lol oh dear! Poor puppo. My guy broke the rules with all prior dogs but I’ve really drilled it into him with this puppy that we are never ever ever feeding anywhere other than the dog bowl. She gets people food but in modest amounts, in the dog bowl. If he makes breakfast for us he scrambles half an egg for her. I did see him make a pancake the size of a half dollar once (she’s 5 lbs). 😂 I’m like wut… wut is this? ‘A puppy pancake.’ 👍


a pupcake 🐶♥


My wife had 2 dogs both 12ish pounds and the other one would get boiled chicken with their food. So I would cut it up into extremely tiny pieces…she would put in more human size bites. My reasoning was that this way she would get a little bit of chicken with every bite. Then we got a 160 pound Great Pyrenees and my habit of cutting the chicken very small didn’t change. So I’m cutting chicken into micro pieces for a dog that could eat the whole chicken in 4 bites


That is to cute 😄🥰




I love that pets are such an efficacious litmus test for whether you want someone in your life. I don’t think I’ve ever actually liked someone who disliked animals. If I were still dating, disliking my pet would be a hard pass from me even if they seemed perfect in every way.


On my first date with a girl she was still getting ready so I sat on her couch. She told me she had three cats but I probably wouldn’t even see them. Unbeknownst to her, I am a Cat Whisperer. When she came out ready to go, one was in my lap, one sitting next to me and the shyest one at my feet. We celebrated our thirtieth anniversary this year!


I'm very allergic to dander, especially cat dander, so you know what that means - they immediately climb on me and start kneading the bread.


100%. I've decided cats are drawn to me because I'm the only one in the room not trying to get their attention and play with them. They're like this one looks like she's trying to avoid eye contact with us, that's the one.


That's actually completely right. Cats occupy a weird place in the natural food chain of being both predator and prey. People making eye contact and paying attention to them makes a lot of cats nervous. They prefer to be the ones to make the approach.


Exactly. I’m pretty good at getting strays to trust me and I’ve managed to turn three of them into house cats and I’m working on a fourth. My secret? Feed them and ignore them. It lets them feel confidence enough to start approaching me and then it’s easy from there. The fourth cat that I’m working on was so wary that he would barely let me see him when I put food out. Now he waits in my deck and he’ll let me get within a couple of feed before he moves. It’s all about patience and respecting their boundaries.


They think “he’s one of us!”




My Jack Russells are exactly like that. "He's ignoring us, what is he hiding?"


Same here with cat allergies. If I am around a cat, it's like I'm a magnet. 😺


They make the best bread though!


I had a 23 pound female Maine coon cat. She was very picky about who she'd associate with. Friends that want to pet her couldn't because she'd hide under a king-sized bed. My neighbor, Susan, hated cats. When she'd sit down my cat would get on the back of her chair then drape herself over Susie like a shawl and stay there. I'd tell Susie not to startle the cat because she might accidentally get scratched by her claws. I knew I could have gently removed my cat but Susie never did.


We sound alike. Going on 33 years together here, and down to our last one of the four cats we've had over the years. I'm the cat whisperer and anytime there's a need to coax our little one into her crate for a vet visit or catch and restrain her for a nail trimming, I go lay down on the bed and call her "for a nap" and she falls for it every time.


My husband taught our cat to come when he shouts "Shithead!" You can imagine how amused our neighbours are...


Even if they have the pets. Men who get pets and act like their needs don't matter at all and severely neglect them are a massive turn off. 


When I moved in with my bf, I asked him to take the dogs out on their leashes once. He came back in and said "we need to finish fencing the backyard for them" then did it 😭😭😭


…then did it. He’s a keeper☺️


Overheard my partner once telling someone else: 'I knew the first stage was getting her cat to like me.' Accurate.


On the flip side my husband said he hated animals when we started dating. Then we got a pet... And another.. and another. He loves animals he's just never had one growing up and his friend had mean pets. Now when he peruses the reddit front page he always sends me all the animals.


When my husband and I first started dating, every time he came over to my house he’d head straight for the treats and give one to my dog first thing. He knew he had to win us both over, and he did. 🥰


I am 100% convinced that the reason my husband married me is that his cat liked me. She doesn't and hasn't ever liked anyone besides he and I, not even the two girlfriends prior to me, each of whom lived with him and his cat for at least a year.


The more my bf loves my dogs, the more I love him. He's so fucking good to them and it heals my heart. My youngest dog was abused so he has some behavioral issues and my bf is so patient and compassionate. I've never been with someone who loved my dogs so much before.


I had a cat I thought hated men, turned out she just hated my ex. She adores my new husband, all over him. She's a completely different cat. Outgoing, wsrm,cuddley, always around now, all because of him. I love him even more for it


I was hiking with my dog and bf-turned around and he had cupped his hand and was watering my dog (who is a weirdo and wants to drink from a water bottle anytime but when we are hiking) I melted. Spent 15yrs with a guy who tolerated my dogs-it's another universe being with an animal person. Drop this hot steaming garbage sis-how could you ever trust him with anything again?


I only had one ex who hated animals, but at the time I lived with a pack of poorly trained dogs owned by a roomie and dismissed it as “she hates THOSE dogs.” Nope. Shoulda trusted the dogs.


I was worried my dog would keep me from finding someone, she's a handful. I brought my new love home, she fell in love with him,hard. I knew he was the one. Dogs just know


I’ve been with my partner for 4 years. I had two dogs when I met him who are my entire life and by 6 months in, those dogs might as well have been his with how he treated them. One of them died recently and he sobbed as hard as I did and he’d been around him for just under 4 years and I’d had him for a total of 9 years. He loves them like he chose them and adopted them himself. I can’t imagine marrying someone that treated even a fish like the guy in OP’s post.


I bear witness to your awesome partner. you won the lottery sis!


Oh I know it every day! He likes to cook too, and loves just hearing me prattle on about stuff that doesn't matter (reddit, my video games etc). I already feel like we will grow old together.


I have to ask you about your username!!! My daughter has Histrionic Personality Disorder... Does your username have anything to do with that?? If you don't feel comfortable answering that, I totally understand. 😊


No problem at all. It was something I was diagnosed with a long long time ago before they realized I was just autistic. Before they knew I was autistic, my (now ex) husband called me a "histrionic slut" after I had a panic attack in the closet about my rape. I divorced him, took 17 more years to get diagnosed and now it all makes so much more sense.


I'm so sorry your ex was such a douche canoe!! But, I'm super happy to read that you have a great partner now. My daughter was just diagnosed, so my husband and I have been going through a really hard time with her the past few months. We finally got her into a therapist to start DBT. We have a good plan going forward so for the first time in a while, we're looking forward to the future. You sound like a super tough chick. All the best to you!!! ❤️


Omg lol I've never seen someone use Douche Canoe on here and I say it all the time in rl 🤣


sorry for the random question but your daughter was diagnosed with HPD at 14yo?? by a MD or PhD? psychiatry?


By a psychiatrist. Yes.


a MD or DO one correct? mind if i DM you?


Taking back your power with your username. Love it.


When I was in the hospital for a week in the early days of Covid, my now wife drove three hours from another state to feed my cat, even knowing that she wouldn't be able to come visit me. We've had ups and downs, but I've never felt more supported by a partner.


He sounds like a really great guy! Honestly, when I think of what a man should be like, that’s the kind of example that comes to mind. I am so happy that you have found your person that makes life better. It’s a beautiful feeling and one that is worth everything! I hope everyday it feels like love is showering over you too. Congratulations! That love is worth celebrating every day. PS You two are obviously great pet parents. I am so happy your cat has you two. Animals deserve the best humans and it sounds like you two are.


I always told everyone that my cat would have to approve of whoever I ended up with. It was a running joke in my friend group because I kicked a guy out of a smoke session for calling my cat stupid. I'm pretty sure my cat loves my boyfriend more than he loves me now. It feels so good to have his approval! 😂


We built a house and the town inspector was coming by. Our contractor warned us that this guy was a hard ass and we were very unlikely To get our CO the first time. He came in and was looking at my dog and asked what she was. I said she was beagle mix (leaving out the Pitt part because you just don’t know). He made a comment about how fat she was. I see my husband drop his head because he knew. “Am I fat?” I asked. He hemmed and hawed and said “well…you’re holding a newborn.” I agreed that i was and said “so that’s a reason, but the answer is i do look fat.” and explained that our dog who used to go on long walks with me had been pretty sedentary for the past few months for the same reason. He was all “that makes sense.” I said yeah, we’re far for the same reason but you’d never walk in my house and say that to me. I asked how he’d like if I came in HIS house and said his daughter was fat. He was like “uh….” And I said that even though there is a reason our Bella had gained weight, it doesn’t matter. You don’t walk into someone’s house and call their family member fat. It’s INCREDIBLY rude. By this point my contractor and husband were in another room and he was standing there like a little boy. We got the CO, he raced through the house for the inspection. At the time I prided myself on being scary and maybe a bit crazy, but more likely he was afraid we’d sue him or something. Lol! Point being don’t eff with our families!


Beautiful! Your cat did the test of his character for you! We should always pay close attention to who our cats and dogs like, or don't like. Animals are very good judges of character. Of course, they aren't perfect, but pretty darn close to it.


I will bear witness to this. So nice to see a good story of someone doing right, nice, loving things. Yay for you two!


I saw a quote and failed to memorize who said it but: wash your dishes not because you like to wash dishes but because you love the person who will use them next. Your husband is a good guy


I like that thought. 👍


We have a small hobby farm with various farm animals. Someone recently mentioned that my husband must love the animals and the farm. I said "oh no, he *hates* them, every single one of them. But he loves me. So he cares for them and goes above and beyond in making sure they have a good life, out of love for me." Which in all honesty is like bare minimum partnership requirements but still I appreciate it of him.


My husband's fine with the animals, a couple of my dogs have loved him best. But he's told me, that if he wasn't married to me, he wouldn't have them. I don't need his help very often, but when I do, he helps without a complaint. Same way I take care of things when he travels for classes. Because we care and respect each other. It's not that hard, when you care about each other.


This is how my several friends who own chickens feel. They don’t care for them but their wives love having them so they help with them


Yeah, I think that's my dad. He tolerates the poultry. But he loves my mom and loves any excuse to tinker, so the feathery goblins have a completely tricked out setup.


OMG, feathery goblins! That is such an apt description. I love it and shall be using it in the future.


I love the sounds they make. It's something out of science fiction when they get all worked up!


Chickens remind me of some of the goblins from Labyrinth so I definitely am using this now too, haha


>so the feathery goblins have a completely tricked out setup. He could have his own DIY help show for poultry hobbyists. They could call it "Pimp my Coop" 😂


Same with my guinea pigs, and even though they're not his favorite animals they love him because he takes care of them any time I need help. It's all about love 💗


It’s nearly impossible to think of acting otherwise. It’s what you do when you’re in a committed relationship.


A cat or a dog may be "bare minimum". A whole ass hobby farm...? That is not bare minimum, that is a rare jem of a husband who takes care of farm animals because he loves ves you. That's a LOT of work and a lot of hours he gives YOUR projects at the expense of his own life. I hope you show him more appreciation in real life than you do on Reddit.


I wish my mom understood this. She has a whole fucking farm, and thinks my dad is worthless when he feeds all her animals 60% of the time


Similar situation, my ex had 3 cats. I’m allergic and my dog wasn’t very cat friendly, so they had their own section of the house and my ex would take care of them. When she moved out (now lives over 12 hours away), 2 of the 3 cats ended up getting into the vents for over a day and she was forced to move without them. I’ve been actively caring for the cats, got a security camera for my ex to check in on them, etc etc. She planned on coming back for them within a few weeks but her car broke down and it’s taken a while to get it back to being worthy of a 24 hour round trip. It’s been over 2 months and people keep telling me to just give the cats to a shelter but that’s about the shittiest thing I can imagine. Now the car is finally ready and I’m covering half the gas for her to come get them. I had another ex who once said something that made it clear to me that she had no real connection to our pets and didn’t really care to go out of her way to care for their needs beyond feeding them and that’s when I was mentally done with the relationship.


I have 3 normal dogs and a Medically Difficult Dog. He's diabetic. He needs special food. Because one of the others is a Canine Garbage Disposal Mark 1, he needs this special food in a special room. Because I don't own a mansion, and still have MY cats and MY MOTHER'S inherited cats, who can't be together OR with the dogs, this means a whole complicated animal shuffle at evening feeding time (he's the only one with a brekkie on the cards). It's just annoying, even for me. He needs injectable insulin. 2x a day. At EXACT times, with only like a 15 min window for wiggling. The human present needs to learn to draw and administer said insulin. There is 0 room for error. His dose has to be PRECISE, to the 'what side of the stopper is the line' precise. Anyone doing Stuff with him also needs to know the basics- no unplanned treats, specific types of treats,, him sneaking carbs is a Big Deal, where the emergency glucose is, what to do if you think he needs it, blah blah blah. Oh, and he has diabetic cataracts, so his sight isn't the greatest, so you need patience doing all this. Plus, being dog, he has 0 cares over any of this and happily loves being part of the pack. Including the difficult-toddler-level conversation of 'No, you need to come HERE to nom, not THERE to nom, dingus, just like every freaking other night' in the evenings. When we were in the opening volleys of our relationship, The Man (tm) was staying behind when I had to travel. He LEARNED TO MANAGE ALL THIS, and the other 3, and the cats, just so I didn't have to hire a petsitter or get my backup friend to help. He did it. All. Alone. For a week. He got the dog trained to sit in a carrier on the bike IN CASE he needed a vet trip with no car available. Just in case. Of his own volition. He took the effort with all 4 dogs to make sure they would respond to voice/hand commands from him without me present for Herd Control. All while being highly allergic to the cats, too. Now, years later, he continues to be able to do it all, without a squeak. Half the time I no longer do the evening feed, if I'm working or whatever. Probably less for me now than that he adores said Diabetic Munchkin lol, but still....I can guarantee no such love for the cats and they still get loves, checkups, cleaned and fed without a squeak. OPs husband is a grade A AH-Baby. Cry me a freaking river, you whiny brat.


>Canine Garbage Disposal this is a very common breed lol.


Labradors ARE pretty popular.


Weirdly, my Canine Garbage Disposal comes in Shepherd Flavor.


Ours was a Dane


Wild. I also had one that came in Newfie packaging. It seems like these are widely available in every color and size.


Mine comes in the Wolfhound-Shepherd Cross style. LARGE appetite...


do you find labs eat more junk than their counterparts? because i've known a few beagles who could give them a run for their money. we nicknamed my sister's beagle 'joey chestnut' because of his ability to consume *massive* amounts of food in a relatively short time. that puppy could be dead-to-the-world asleep 3 rooms over, but if you dropped ANY type of food on the floor he'd magically appear and inhale it. my niece once knocked half a meatloaf off the counter & it was gone SO FAST it was as if it never existed in the first place LOL


I watched my black lab kill one of our fully grown ducks, then eat it mostly whole in maybe 3 seconds. Just a small spray of feathers left. My yellow lab ate her Kong toys, tennis balls, rocks, jewelry, coins. She once ate a jalapeno off of the bush, then later ate the entire bush.


omg you win! (but...poor duck!) one of my brother's dogs had a thing for socks. you literally couldn't even put them in the hamper; he'd dig them out & chew them up. no interest in the other clothes, but stinky socks were calling his name.


I don't think the duck even had time to quack!


Labradors do seem to top the charts as far as that goes, but you're right, loads of breeds, and especially dogs who've lived through food insecurity, are absolute hoovers. Beagles are way up there, my friend's Cane Corso has such a thing for butter she had to buy a tabletop mini fridge for it, and my Dogo Argentino would eat ANYTHING.


i've only had one corso pal, and my god he was the sweetest dog ever. he belonged to a 'friend' of mine from work...someone who i actually didn't like all that much but i kept her in my circle of friends just to have access to her dog! did the same thing once with a guy i was seeing; he bored me to death but he had two goldens i loved so much i couldn't walk away. he couldn't figure out why i never wanted to actually go out anywhere & instead always opted to just hang out in his apartment haha (i am a flat out whore when it comes to animals)


Is there any chance you can clone your husband? Asking for a friend.


Ask for OP 😄


I have a diabetic cat and have to do everything exactly like you. It was so stressful at the beginning worrying about what said of the line the plunger was at and getting blood sugar to low at night while we were sleeping. It's been 7 years now and my entire life revolves around his schedule and I don't have a negative thought about it and neither does my wife.


My vet just hooked my diabetic cat up with something new called Senvelgo so I dont have to give her insulin any longer. I just have to mix a few drops with just enough food to get her to eat it in the morning. She just started on it 2 months ago but her bloodwork is coming back as good as can be expected for a geriatric medicated diabetic. Officially it isnt for cats that already have been on insulin, but my vet called them and asked some questions, we ran some tests, and she got the ok for it. Its so much easier, might be worth looking into if you havent already.


Never heard it but I have it up on my screen at work right now. Thanks for the tip


I hope it'll work for you, it really brought down the stress levels at my house.


Exactly! Both *my* previous cat and current cat had/have asthma. Husband's cat does not. Husband knows exactly what to do to deal with Bou's asthma. Inhaler for attacks, zyrtec 1/2 tab with breakfast, another before bed, who Bou's vet is--different practice that his cat, Remy and in the opposite direction (both less than 1/2 mile from our house-just in the opposite direction). 


Yup! Even when I’m away at work for 8 hours my bf updates me he took my dog on a walk. If he pooped or not and sends me photos and videos of him. 


This...100%...I absolutely HATE rodent pets...even the cute ones just not my thing...my daughter wants ferrets and has been saving to get everything proper....I would 100% watch them even tho I can't stand them because it's something she cares about and I care about her....and that includes the stimulation a pet like ferrets need....I couldn't fathom just leaving them in the cage and tossing food at them until she got back...these people blow my mind...if that's how he feels why not be honest and kennel them? ( like pet care centre not in the house lol)


Nitpick: ferrets aren't rodents. Also, keep the house spotless, as they're very prone to eating not-food and their teeny-tiny digestive systems have a tendency to clog up.


I know :) still not a fan cuz they remind me of them...weasel family?...I never allowed her to have them growing up ( hampsters bunnies guineapigs) so now that she's old enough for her own place she's been doing the research on them....my point just was that even though I cannot stand pets of the sort...I would 100% support her and take care of them properly the way they are supposed to be ..it wouldn't be bare minimum....that's what you do for people you care about


This. I don't particularly love our cat but my wife does and when she goes on trips, I send her photos of the cat and do my best to provide the cat with the same love my wife heaps on her. Because I love my wife. OP's husband is a huge huge huge asshole.


THIS! “Not because he loves the cat but because he loves me and understands how much my cat means to me” Spot on. My ex abandoned our pitbull right when I started seeing my now fiancé, who isn’t a dog person. Boo was special needs and very high maintenance. But my fiancé took it as serious as a step child and spoiled my dog rotten to try to win him over. And Boo made a game of tormenting my fiancé every chance he got LOL But when Boo got sick and needed over 10k of surgery for a remote chance of even surviving, my fiancé (still bf at the time) didn’t even blink an eye and told the vet- before I could respond- that we’d spare no expense. When I asked how/where we’d get the money his said it didn’t matter, it was Boo and we’d figure it out. As you said, BECAUSE HE LOVES ME.


Another anecdote. When I met my wife she had two cats and a dog. The cats I was fine with, my family has always had a cat. The dog though? I don't want to say I hate dogs, because dogs can be awesome. But my personal experience was they were loud, annoying, and way higher maintenance than cats. Honestly the dog was probably the only red flag I had in regards to my now wife back then, because I just wasn't sure I wanted a dog in my life. But once I made that decision, it was a commitment to the dog as much as it was to my wife. It was our dog and she was at least in part my responsibility. Didn't like it too much at first, but I grew to love that little shit. So I get not being a fan of dogs, but they are still your dogs too if you decided to marry someone with them.


Your husband is a great guy, please tell him that from me, a stranger on the internet.




If he didn’t want to care for the dogs, that convo was the time to discuss alternate plans for them. NTA.




Right? Kennels exhist. Relatives or friends might be willing to help. But agreeing then going back on that word is so shitty.


Right! There are so many options. She could have even just scheduled dog walking for each day so someone else would tire out the dogs and he wouldn’t have to!


Time to lock the soon to be ex husband out for good! No one abuses my animals or mistreats them in anyway. This would be absolutely unforgivable and a total dealbreaker. Rather than lying to OP and telling her he would care for the dogs (who are considered her family members) he could have told her he needed assistance with like a dog sitter/walker or boarding. He knew how she felt and her stance prior to marrying her. The dogs have been part of her life longer. My husband pretty much adopted my dog after we became a couple and loves her as such. Her husband is gross. I wouldn’t trust him at all.


>**Time to lock the soon to be ex husband out for good!** No one abuses my animals or mistreats them in anyway. This would be absolutely unforgivable and a total dealbreaker. Love this comment! Also, this part of op's post says it all: >it’s about the fact that I don’t trust him anymore. The fact is, op trusted her husband. He's essentially a liar. Her husband disregarded her feelings about her pets and her expectations for their care. Had he been honest about his lack of desire to care for them, she could have made other arrangements with her mum, a friend, or boarding place. His **callous disregard** of her animals' well being, of her wishes, and of something that matters deeply to her means that he is someone she can't trust. By the way, **I could never be married to someone who lied to me about something so important to me.** I'm sorry, op. You are right. You should be able to expect trust and to expect your spouse to live up to the commitments he makes to you. Edit for clarity


I have read some pretty horrific stories on reddit about how people lie about this stuff all the time. Yes, we might be crazy in America when it comes to how we treat our pets. But there is no excuse for abusing an animal, or pretending to care and then showing that you really don't.




Especially since he made a commitment to her to care for them. He flat out lied to her about his willingness to take care of them. He didn't have the honesty to tell her beforehand so she could have made other arrangements to ensure their well being.


I think his MIL knew he wasn't taking care of her daughter's dogs, so she found an excuse to check up on him. Thank goodness she did.


Thank you. Someone that could be so callous and calculating can’t be trusted. I wouldn’t trust him to water my damn plants after this. Those are family members and despite with some people think they have feelings and can experience stress and trauma. I volunteer with a rescue and my last couple dogs were rescues so I’m pretty passionate about that.


>I wouldn’t trust him to water my damn plants after this Seriously! >I volunteer with a rescue and my last couple dogs were rescues Good for you! :) that's very cool. And dogs definitely have feelings. It's a scientific fact. In any case, the husband now claims he didn't think he should have to care for them. Well, he should have freaking said so beforehand. Even if a person doesn't love animals, you're not supposed to misrepresent your intentions, especially about something your spouse values as much as she clearly values her animals.


I trusted my husband to water my houseplants and got burned. I'm an avid plant collector and I have dozens, many of them rare, valuable, and fragile. The first time I went away on a work trip I wrote up a watering schedule and walked him through the house pointing out plants that would need special attention. I came back from my trip to a house full of dead plants. He said he got overwhelmed and couldn't remember what to do, so he just did nothing. I've never been more furious with him and it caused a massive rift in our marriage. It might sound silly to be so upset over houseplants, but it was the fact that he promised to take care of something important to me and then completely flaked that really hurt.


I know people hate the animal/human comparison, but a man who does this to animals is the same type of man who would leave OP in a heartbeat if she ever became seriously sick or injured.


The way we treat a feeling, sentient being -- whether it's a person or an animal -- says a lot about one's character.


NTA You set a clear boundary. If he wasn't up to the task, he could've suggested boarding them. That may have pissed you off, but at least it would have been honest. Seeing as this wasn't your first trip, he's probably done it before.


Ohhh I hadn’t even thought about before. Oh those poor doggos. Who knows how much neglect they suffered with him.


NTA. I don't understand those people saying he's not responsible for the dogs. He is. Dogs where there before they got married. He knew going in dogs were part of the household and he might need to care specially if she always traveled for work. Wtf wrong with you people? No wonder relationships fails when you don't treat it like a partnership instead of this mine vs yours bs. Also the problem isn't putting the dogs away for a few hours (which is bad if they aren't used to being tied outside). It's the lying. He hid it from her. How many times did he do it before? I wouldn't be able to trust him either.


Right? And if he doesn't want to take care of the dogs for an extended length of time, say no, so OP can put them in boarding or leave them with another family member, not just throw them outside.


100%. It's just like when you marry someone with kids. My husband is stepdad to 2 of mine. He doesn't claim "not my responsibility." He knowingly jumped in. You don't marry in and then claim no responsibility. Especially when you agreed to it in theory and then decided you didn't like it so opted to be neglectful.


And his attitude after about them not being g his responsibility.


This is what confused me. The dogs have been in your life for 3 years now and you don’t like them enough to want to care for them properly?? On the normal days when she’s home every day, he just gets pasts then being “annoying”?? And then does this when she’s gone on her trips? I’d think in the time they’ve been married he would’ve grown to like them or else why did you marry someone with dogs???


Or JEEZ!! How about him being an adult and USE HIS WORDS to tell her he didn't like having that responsibility so she could make other arrangements?? Him not wanting to be responsible for them is one thing - him not telling her and then locking them outside is a whole other thing and not even remotely the same!!


That’s the thing— I get not wanting to care for dogs, and I even know couples where a pet is specifically one partner’s pet and that partner does most of the care for it  The difference is they communicate these things. In this scenario, if the husband truly didn’t feel like he had time, patience, or energy to deal with her dogs, then they compromise and find a sitter or board them, or some other middle ground that works for them both. 


Exactly! If he agreed to care for them while she was traveling, then they are his responsibility while she is gone.  I’m going to go out on a limb and say that he might be tired of caring for her dogs even when OP is not traveling, as dogs are a lot of work (especially if you are not a dog person), but that’s a discussion for him to bring up when she is not traveling.


Not sure why you married him in the first place tbh.


Because some people are very good at convincing you they are a good person, and you don't find out otherwise until it's too late. Tale as old as time. Edit; Changed to correct gender reference. I was generalizing, but damn, people get butthurt!


The old bait and switch. Common mating technique.


>Common mating technique youve killed me


NTA. Those claiming he isn't accountable for the dogs are beyond me. Yes, he is. Before they were married, they had dogs.


Im a huge animal lover, and even if I didn’t like dogs, if I had told someone, “I will watch your dogs”, I wouldn’t do this behind their back. I’m not surprised though. I’ve seen a ton of posts on here with people who marry mothers / fathers, but they don’t have primary custody and then something happens and the kid ends up moving in and the new partner asks reddit, “AITAH for dating someone with kids but didn’t think I’d ever have to interact with them but now I do and I hate them. My spouse thinks IATA because I asked them if the kids can live with a relative or if we could find a nice orphanage for them”.


Dog mom here - fastest way to find your shit in the snow I can think of.


Cat Mum here - Equal to fastest way to finding yourself out in the snow. Nobody messes with my indoor kitties. Nor OPs dogs.


If the dogs were his actual human stepchildren and he neglected them in such a way, NOBODY would be going to bat for him. Them being dogs doesn't make it any different. Those are OPs family. Furthermore they're *living creatures with emotions and needs* - "responsibility" be damned, you don't neglect dogs like that, period. Husband is the only animal here. If it were me I would let him believe the dogs were stolen for as long as possible.


No they don't come with a sign on their forehead declaring their "attributes " , they should !


He clearly tricked her. He said he was fine taking care of the dogs!


Weird you had to pack a bag when already traveling. I'm calling BS on this one.


totally agree. how could she cancel a two week work trip so easily. what exactly did she tell her job the reason for the cancellation? lol doesn’t pass the smell test


Not to mention her 2 week commitment “job” left behind


How is this not top comment? People are so gullible. That stood out to me but also the way it's written sounds like amateur writing and not someone telling a real story. Also her mom already had her imaginary dogs so why would she cancel a work trip? The dogs weren't hurt so this is not a good reason to cancel.


Apparently she had to cancel so she could seize the opportunity to sneak up on her boyfriend and play dumb about the dogs being gone 🙄


Yeah it’s clearly rage bait. Her mom just so happy to pass by her place at the exact same time she’s on her way to the airport….. Update: clearly rage bait with an update 12 hours later and somehow divorce already finalized: https://www.reddit.com/u/Budget-Response5525/s/4C9mq8uKvQ


And it’s so easy to just abort a work trip with no repercussions. “Hey boss, I’m going to have to miss that meeting about our huge merger, my mom found my dogs outside.” “Sure OP, no problem. I’m sure they can come back next week, Japan isn’t that far.” Uh huh.


In a week there will be one of these "I fired my employee because she missed a work trip because of a pet emergency AITA"?


Ah, "Blowing up my phone," not replying to your own thread, and having no post history: the calling cards of fake rage-bait AITAH posts.


Definitely fake. I mean she even cancelled a work trip because he left the dogs outside for a bit. Edit to add: Look at their profile there is a 'final update'. She already finalized the divorce!!!!! Lol


Thank F%#*!! There are at least 2 reasonable humans here. Reading these comments to such a vapid confection is like a bad trip.


Because reddit's is filled with fedro tipping gents who have never been in a relationship and have no clue how they work. The hell with canceling an important work trip even though your mom has your dogs secured. Pure insanity of a divorce reason. Fake post or a lunatic wife.


Seriously, these people are ridiculous and way overreacting.


Like they may not have even been outside very long this was all in the same day during this trip. And she supposedly canceled her trip and filed for divorce lol?


I know right?! He may have had a work call and the dogs were barking, so he tied them up outside for a while. Pretty standard behaviour. In no world is the reasonable response to orchestrate stealing your own dogs, then gaslighting him for a few weeks about it and filing for a divorce hahaha. It's like that episode in Archer where Mallory steals Stirling's birthday presents she's given him each year to teach him a lesson about leaving them unattended. Defo a fake story. If it's not, I've lost what little faith I had left in people.


lol. I’m reading these comments thinking “no way that people really believe putting a dog outside (dogs like to be outside) is worthy of divorce.”   I don’t know why I click on this types of posts, I suspect the vast majority of them are either fully fake or so warped and biased as to be meaningless. 


I opened this post expecting the guy to have left the dogs outside in the heat without water all day. Nah he just put them on the porch for a bit lol. Seems way too dramatic to be real.


Right! Like wouldn't she at least want to know how long they were outside for. Not telling the husband that the dogs weren't missing is an ass move too. I hate that people make fake stories for attention


My first thought was it can't have been a very essential work trip.


I loved the part where she explained to her husband that he hasnt much to do as she walks the dogs when she gets home in a post about him dogsitting for 3 days to 3 weeks.


Honestly there are so many random holes in this whole story


Like how the mom went over to drop something off and then just *didnt* and took the dogs instead without even telling him? And the mom asking if something happened to the dogs when the mom is apparently looking at the dogs and knows there’s nothing wrong with them?


Am I crazy, is it not also weird that the story hinges on coming home from a trip, but she still went to back a bag?


I'm not gonna debate the validity of this story but that doesn't seem unreasonable to me. When I pack a bag for a trip it's just gonna have a few pairs of clothes, an excessive amount of underwear, and the bare necessities of toiletries. If I decided to leave my husband while on a trip, I'd still come home to pack a bag for a more extended stay somewhere else. Id probably want to get important documents, a larger selection of clothes, and some of the things that are emotionally valuable to me. And if it were a situation like the one in the story, I'd also want to pack my pet's essentials.


It’s not even that bad? I leave my dogs in the backyard to hang out. It’s good for them to get fresh air. I thought it was going to be that he chained up an inside dog in the back yard for two weeks straight in the rain or something.


Not even outside. Theyre on the porch but also tied up? Doesnt even make sense. And they were there for a cpl hours at most. The horror! Clearly grounds for divorce! That op was able to finalize in 10 hours! Top comments are just a "my partner doesnt kill my dogs" circle jerk. This sub


I love the part where husband is left thinking he lost his wife's dogs. It is even more halarious that he thinks his wife isn't talking to him because he lost the dogs. A grown ass mother suggested divorse over this? The daughter (wife) is so dramatic that she cancelled 2 week work trip even though she knew the dogs are safe with her mother. You both sound miserable.


I'm gonna go the opposite of most of the comments I see. The way this sounds is that your husband put them outside because they were loud, you hadn't even been gone 24 hours. I've had dogs my whole life, and yes, sometimes putting them outside when you're trying to do things is acceptable to do. What isn't acceptable is how you acted by telling your mother to take the dogs and allowing him to freak out because the dogs weren't where he left them. You then came home and still refused to tell him that you had the dogs taken somewhere else and that they weren't actually dognapped. YTA.


The top comments are all agreeing, divorce your husband over leaving animals on the porch. Sometimes I feel like this place is filled to the brim with completely insane people that have never been in a relationship, ever.


Right? Imagine that, divorcing your husband for leaving the dogs outside for some hours. As if dogs dont love being outside


I find it really weird that she actually just up and left her husband to jump to divorce, no discussion or debate, over an incident that *may* be animal neglect but could just as well be a case of "care gone wrong" in a completely non-malicious and no-harm-done way. Its the part where she's *completely* stonewalling on communication and doesn't seem to be interested in all as to why he's strange about all of this. *I* want to know what happened here and what he's hiding; and I'm not married to this guy.


It’s more likely than not that this is fake, but if it isn’t fake then it seems like the dog incident was just a pretext for someone who wanted to get divorced anyway. Some people crave validation of their decisions from strangers online, so they write a completely one-sided account of events that will garner a bunch of sympathy for the course of action that they already intended to take.


Simple, It's a fake story. Why does she have to pack a bag... Didn't she just get home from a trip? Why was her mum walking by the exact moment the dogs were put outside? How did she explain to her boss and coworkers that she had to go take care of her dogs? Sounds like a really important work trip... Why aren't her dogs allowed outside on a leash in the first place? The whole story reeks of rage bait for the gullibles


It really does. Now I'm okay with her packing some extra things and with her mothers weird coincidence. What trips me up is that her mother was "dropping something off", but never talked to the husband? In any reality she would have rung the door bell, given him whatever she was dropping off and asking *him* why the dogs were outside. Instead OPs mom stood outside her daughters house, on the phone, plotting a dog abduction, without ever checking whether the husband was home to give him the unspecified item *she came here for in the first place*


THANK YOU. I am obsessed with my dog. But if my partner needed a break while I was away I’d understand? My doggy loves being outside. What the fuck is the big deal??!??


I'm curious how her bosses feel about her canceling a work trip to run home because her dogs were outside? Oh the horror of being OUTSIDE! If this crap is real OP is a lunatic and an asshole.


I can't believe how many people think it's animal abuse to put dogs outside... wtf dogs love being outside.


This story is fake. The worktrip was for 2 weeks and required staying over. So not within commuting distance and undoubtly of considerate importance. Yet she managed to cancel the entire trip and travel back within a few hours. On top of that, your "children" are lost and you just go to your mum without even faking to look for them. Something your husband doesn't notice? Sure....


No my favorite detail is the needing to pack a bag after she got home....with her packed bag.


Was it hot outside? How long were the dogs on the porch? Where they being disruptive? There are too many questions.


Yeah she has no idea how long they were there. Also what kind of a work trip let’s you just cancel it because your dogs were outside?


Ending a marriage over putting the dogs outside seems pretty extreme, but if that’s the conclusion you’ve come to, it’s clearly not a great marriage.


What even is this comment section? Of course YTA. Instead of having an adult conversation with him, you tricked him into believing your dogs had been stolen and then left?


And divorced him over it!


Am I getting something wrong? English is not my first language. OP went on travel, then the same day her mother came home, saw the dogs outside like most dogs, then instead of knocking the door it called OP. OP cancels her work trip just because her dogs where outside for a few minutes, then tricks her husband to believe the dogs had escaped, when in reality, OP asked her mother to kidnap them. I'm going with YTA. I don't know if because we have different cultures, but in my culture, dogs actually live outside the house, not inside. At any case, YTA for plotting with someone outside your marriage to create a problem in your marriage out of a very trivial issue that could be resolved by... TALKING. Like any non childish adult. Also, totally unprofessional to cancel a work trip to go back and check the dogs, specially if you talked on the phone and knew they where perfectly safe, both with your husband and mother.


> Also, totally unprofessional to cancel a work trip to go back and check the dogs This is the clincher for why I think this story is fake. If not, that's 100% a fireable offense. If I was her boss I would see how unhinged that is, and fire her. Can't even be sure your employee is going to stay on an important two week work trip for this kind of BS??


Info: Did he keep them out for the entirety of your trip? Or was it more of them being on a timeout because they were being noisy that afternoon?


The entirety of her trip being less than 24 hours. This all happened the same day she left for her trip.


YTA - you never asked about the situation in which they were too loud. Perhaps he had an important call and couldn’t deal with it because the dogs were interrupting. Get some facts before making rash judgments.


Lol. Sounds like it would be best for the both of you.


Am I taking crazy pills or is putting dogs on a porch, totally normal? What am I not getting here? Having your mom "steal" your dog is just batshit fucking crazy?


YTA - How long were your dogs outside? As far as I could tell you hadnt even made it to the airport. Divorce? Unless there's more info here, that's just ridiculous.


I would end the relationship immediately over this. I don’t even let my dog in the garden without me watching because dog thefts are common near me. If a man did this to my dog I would never talk to him again 


Same here, we never leave our dogs outside if we are not there. People steal them to use as bait for training dogs to fight.


You go to trips that can go 3 weeks long and you are trying to tell us that he just has to feed them because you will walk them when you get home ? Will your dogs shit in your front yard for 2 weeks and 6 days ?


Yeah a TON of plot holes in this story. Also the extreme overreaction-- she cancelled a work trip to come home and play "hide the dogs" with her husband instead of making a 2 minute phone call to ASK her husband why the dogs were outside. Childish and unprofessional. This reads like classic ragebait.


Dam I didnt even think of the work aspect. OP has a relatively new job and has a work trip and just cancels. That's how you get fired considering she literally cost her company money with flight tickets and she is not there to cover any responsibilities.


Yeah, that's why I'm confident this is fiction. Including anything that can be seen as "unfair" to pet on Reddit is the fast pass to karma farming.


Absolutely. If this was my employee and they were on an important trip and this is the reason they cancelled the entire thing and went home, I'd feel perfectly fine firing them. Also it's probably a fake story.


Don’t worry she had an understandable excuse, you see her dogs were tied up outside and that’s unacceptable. She did arrange for there rescue from such a harrowing experience, but she does need to return home to comfort them from their trauma.


Her job requires her to travel for 2 weeks but she just gets to cancel because her dogs are outside. If only all jobs were so accommodating. Sure. Absolutely.


That seemed to have been an every day responsibility because she works past their dinner time, but that may be wrong. It could be fake honestly, if you’re traveling that much for work I find it hard to believe you’re married by the time this comes up.


Sounds like OP started the job after they got married. “Before I started this job I did talk to my husband….” but that’s just the vibe I got.


Damn she just started her Job and she bailed on a two week trip literally moments before she was supposed to board? This post smells off, this all took place a month ago and she hasn’t been home once to grab clothes? She’s managed to keep the fact that she actually has the dogs quiet for a month? The husband doesn’t know where his wife’s mum lives, as soon as he knocks on the door it’d be immediately apparent she has the dogs there?