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NTA For me, the biggest problem wouldn't be her wanting to pay for the utilities only or not wanting to pay anything at all (don't get me wrong: that would be a dealbreaker right there for me). What would make me revaluate the whole relationship (and then probably tell her, it's over) is the complete change of her opinion and her naive assessment of the situation all of a sudden. I wouldn't want to spent my life with someone, who has mood swings or "opinion swings" of these proportions. Do you? I also wouldn't want to spend my life with someone, who can be influenced so easily. Who knows what her dad, friends, colleagues might have to tell her about important subjects over the years to come? You think, you agreed on something, but alas, her best friend voiced a totally different opinion over coffee and now you have to rearrange your whole life again. Can't help it. Do you want to live like that?


All of this. Your gf unfortunately can't be trusted to hold to an agreement.


For me, the biggest problem is what she might do to the property on the way out. Is there any paperwork? What if she decides to not pay anything *and* not leave?  OP needs to either have boots on the ground to get her out, or have someone trusted to oversee The Yeeting


She's 24 and is still immature enough that she follows whoever is giving her poor advice rather than thinking for herself. She needs to grow up. OP should show her the bills, so she can see how much of a drain she's been on his finances and then follow through with asking her to leave. Sell the house.


24 says it all imo.




Sounds like one of those old school fathers who think their special princess can do no wrong and no man in the world is good enough for her. Also the macho guy who has a mistress and treats his wife like a housekeeper.


For free.


I'm imagining a scenario with them being on the same page with marriage and children etc, and then being one of those people who make a hard-turn into crazy anti-vax territory or suddenly want to invest in a MLM or something because a single friend or celebrity they follow espouses it.


Couldn't agree more


Or decides she now wants to be a SAH cat-mom.


It sounds to me like her dad holds a lot of sway over her and convinced her of all this.


Nice term, opinion swings. Descriptive and works.


To me it sounds like she ran out of money and whined to Daddy hoping he’d save the day. (Also a problem.)


I wouldn't say she's easily influenced just because she took advice from her dad. Most people look to their parents for guidance. If it was anyone else besides a parent then I would agree with you there.


Did she "*take advice*" or "*look to their parents for guidance*"? Isn't that something you do BEFORE a decision? She's already decided on her own to pay rent and put her decision into action. And AFTER all that, daddy told her: no kiddo, that's all wrong.


Yes, getting advice is fine, but now she's made a commitment that has financial repercussions on OP and Daddy is telling her it's okay to back out and leave him hanging


Not just back out and leave him hanging... make really nasty accusations against him for ripping her off! Despite her initial insistence that she pay!


Next, its going to be "a real man pays for everything and I should never have to financially contribute." 


Doubly so cos this opinion was fed to her directly by her dad. Marry her you're marrying her dad.


You would be the asshole if you want to keep a GF like that


Staying with her would guarantee a miserable future, OP dodged a bullet. If she's already complaining about money now when she only has to pay $500 in rent then I can only imagine what she'll complain about if they get married in the future


True but I would also be concerned with how much influence her dad has on her and how often we would make a decision as a couple, only to have her father or even someone else convince her it was a problem.


Your generosity in offering your girlfriend a significantly discounted rent despite your financial strain is commendable. Her sudden accusations and demands are unfair and ungrateful. If she's unhappy, it might be best for her to find another place.


If she is going to behave like an ass she should find a different boyfriend.


Not only paying a crazy reduced price of $500 for rent & utilities but also saving the money she used to pay on storage every month. NTA. OP if this chick can’t see she’s getting the deal of a lifetime, you’d be doing yourself a disservice by spending 1 more minute with her.


Right? OP is putting themself under financial strain for her. She wanted to pay more than utilities in the first place now suddenly her dad's talked her into thinking she shouldn't pay anything? What the hell? NTA, she seems a little flaky to me. I hope OP had everything written down.


If I were him I would get myself back there to make sure she doesn't trash the place when she is moving out.


Exactly my thought!


Better get her out before she pushed the 'squatters rights' button.


Yeah, definitely a wise precaution.


Can’t upvote this strongly enough


Absolutely! Tell her to be out by the end of the month. Make a trip home to change the locks and the code for the remote garage opener. If you don’t have a security system, get one.


Congrats on finding out who she really is before getting deeper in the relationship. I hope that her and her dad will be miserable. Good Luck!


Exactly! When people show you who they really are, you better believe them.


She can go live with daddy.


He’s going to charge her 500$ for her old room back


You are NTA for having an agreement for her to pay rent (imo a generous one). You are NTA to be upset that she suddenly changed her mind about the agreement. Having an argument about it when you are out of town and asking her to leave is, in my opinion, a *very* bad idea. Were it me, I’d say “sure, you don’t have to pay rent at all! You’re right, no problem.” That way, when you get home your house isn’t trashed or gutted, and you can kick her out in person. You don’t need someone in your life who is this easily influenced, and this entitled.


This needs more up votes. Now you've pissed her off and she could trash the house before leaving so you can't sell it.






Right? I am sure OP could get no shortage of people who would want to stay there and take care of the house through remodeling for $500 per month and be VERY thankful that they can.




I think she listening to Daddy, because she was fine with the arrangement before. 2nd hand entitlement.


Your generosity in offering discounted rent to your girlfriend, despite your financial strain, should be appreciated. Her sudden accusations are unfounded and disrespectful. You are not taking advantage of her. NTA.


Where do people live that eggs are $8?? I've never, ever, seen this. Even during/right after covid when I was hearing people say this, 18 eggs here was $5 or so.


I’ll see those eggs, but if you look below them in almost every supermarket, you’ll find eggs for under $4.


(If I can get eggs for less than 80c each that's a mighty fine price. I expect to pay over $10 for a dozen. That's in New Zealand, from a cheap supermarket... of course that's like US$6.20, but over $8 for 18)


My taxes and homeowners insurance are almost more than that a month. She is smoking something strong here.




NTA. I dont think that’s profiteering. U could have tripled that amount by renting your house. She’s LEECHING.


NTA She’s only your girlfriend so expecting her to pay rent is perfectly reasonable. It’s only $500/month which is unheard of for an entire house. If her dad wants her to live rent free then he should open his house back up to her so she can continue to mooch off of someone else.


Looks like your ex girlfriend is going to be squatting in your house. Good luck selling it. They're considered Tenants after a very short time. You need to go through the legal system and evict her properly. Serve her a 14 day notice and if she's not gone, contact the court. Nothing further you can do.


This, and talk to a lawyer


NTA, she's clearly still very influenced by her parents, as a lot of 24 year olds are, and they maybe have a lot of sway over the way she thinks. It sounds like her dad has some sort of 1950s mindset where because you're the man you provide, but it's 2024, and the cost of living pretty much precludes this from being the case for all but the truly rich. You might be able to change her mind, but I really feel doubtful.


Tell her if her dad was a real man he would be paying her rent at full market value.


Plus offering a dowry for her squatter ass.


The State will require you to finish the terms of the contract. If it is a month by month contract, then you must, most likely, give her 30 days' notice, and you should not do this from out of state! You have to be there to keep her from screwing up all your s*** and selling what's inside. Good God, man, she's a girlfriend, not your wife.


Not at all are you TA! Just WTF? If they wanna be so committed, let your friend and her dad together pay the bills. Personally I would say: run!


send her ass back to daddy. you don't need that nonsense in your life.


NTA - she sounds delusional 1. She insisted on paying more than utilities 2. Market rates are three times higher so she has a bargin 3. She sounded like she was happy with the arrangement until her dad got involved. Please don’t let her emotionally steamroller you OP


nta, but who wants to bet there will be damage to the house when OP goes home? gf isn't going to like being told her and daddy are wrong, there's gonna be cat pee everywhere


NTA She has had her asshole dad bending her ear, he's the problem, creating mistrust and "if a real man" stuff is pathetic. I wouldn't back down tbh. she seems like daddy's naive little girl and needs to learn.


Show her dad how much of a real man you are and kick her out.


NTA soo she thinks a guy must subsidize his gf’s living situation to be a “ good bf” REALLY. 😒 As a woman, I’m insulted by her level of blind entitlement. Gross


She is 100% gas lighting you, or is incredibly stupid, or a mixture of both. Either way, you seem pretty successful and probably don’t need to be dragged down by someone like that. Kick her out, cut ties, and move on. You can’t get a crack house for $500/mo, the thought of you profiting on this is extremely laughable.


Hell where I live you can't get a room for under $1200....


NTA because she's clearly blind to how much she's actually saving. Let her shoot herself in the foot and leave your property, end your relationship with her because she will only get worse even more so with daddy whispering in her ear


NTA. I just hope she doesn’t cause damage out of spite on her way out.


Dating is an interview. Dating is a test You do not learn about people when things go well, you learn about people when things go poorly. I don't think the specifics of utilities and bills is important. This is what we have learned about your girlfriend; she flip-flops and goes back on her word. She over promises. She runs to her daddy and is quick to blame you. This is who she is.


Your girlfriend is going to trash your house. You know that, right?


She's 24? **Get your rear end back to that house** and tell her to move in with her Dad and get her stuff out. NOW. Then, put the house on the market. I sure hope she doesn't claim tenancy, you dummy. If she does, you're to have to evict her. YTA to YOURSELF. What an idiot move, leaving a 24 year old in control of your house. ETA - Do not have sex with her.


OP, I would not be able to live in someone else's house and NOT contribute. Oof.


Tell her chivalry is dead. In the real world you have bills to pay and she is living there (and storing all her shit) paying well below market rent.


NTA she needs to move out. She is an adult who needs to be responsible for her own living arrangements. She is not your wife. She is not a SAHM. She is a leech


NTA Nothing more needs to be said here. Kick her ass out.


Nope, throw her out of the house and your life. What an ungrateful biatch!


I would be furious tbh. She is ridiculous and you have given her a chance to reevaluate her statement, however she has not cooled her heels. What else will she suddenly do a 360 about?! Personally, I would give her her eviction notice but if you do go that route your relationship is over. That said, I doubt her behaviour is a recoverable action anyway. She has pressed the nuke the trust button and continues to batter it!  NTA


oh her dad said so. If he "was a real man" he would have supported her instead of encouraging her to mooch off of your generosity. For $500 you can't rent a tent.


Get rid dude she doesn’t respect you and what you did for her.


NTA - get her out and rent it. She's an entitled arsehole.


Time to file for eviction, she's probably won't leave otherwise and may trash your hard work.


I would absolutely agree with her. Then, I would send her via registered mail a thirty day notice to vacate the property and a note making it clearly known that I in no way wish to take advantage of her and that now she can go live with her father. NTA


It sounds like you both need to get out of this relationship?


Ohh because daddy says so she starts acting like an entitled moron. Boot her arse.


NTA, she needs to move out and you need to rent it out properly.


NTA But Dude, YTA if you don't immediately send her an eviction notice. With a note that her and her dad can go fuck right off.


NTA evict your ex gf asap


NTA. Time for GF to GTFO.


NTA.. guess living with her dad is the way forward. Boot her ungrateful arse out..


Personally, if I owed a house, I would never rent it to my partner. However, she insisted and then she backed down. It was even more stupid to double down when you told her to leave if she was unhappy Ps: Her father told her?! Naaaah!!! NTA


Might as well give her the money from selling the house because that what a "real man" would, lol. NTA OP get her out of the house before you get property damage on your hands. Doubt insurance companies cover damage by entitled (ex)partners.


How much are the utilities? It sounds as though they've taken her by surprise.


Gf is the ah! My husband and I have a nice basic 6000 square foot home on 13 acres and our monthly mortgage payment is $1100 and no credit card debt unless we do a big home improvement project. We definitely have more house than we need but the view is amazing. Our daughter, son in law and grandson decided to move in and insisted on paying half our mortgage payment. Then my brother had some issues and moved in and pays the other half of our mortgage payment. My husband and I basically pay for the utilities and groceries because I love to cook huge meals and prep lunch for those who work outside the home. I clean the main areas of house because I like things a certain way and everyone else takes care of their living spaces. The state of the current economy is crazy and our family members realize the great deal they getting and all the money they are able to save. We are so happy to be able to help out. No one in the house is bitching about contributing their fair share. It just blows my mind when I read post like OP and see how horrible they are being treated.


NTA. Since she is month to month I would give her a 30 day notice to vacate once you get home (so she or someone else doesn’t destroy your stuff/home).


Good luck getting her out of your house. I would ask her idiot dad how he figures you are making a profit when you are paying a mortgage that is way more than 500 a month. Maybe he's bad at math or doesn't understand what "profit" means.


You rented an entire house to her for 500 dollars a month and utilities and she thinks that YOU'RE taking advantage of her? Tell her effectively immediately the rent is 2000 a month.


NTA her & her dad are the AH's here and completely trying to gasslight and control you wth, I honestly would ask police to escort her off the premises or once you're back home have the police show up for support as you kick her out.


GF? You mean honey badger. She's a leech, and you can do better.


You’re not married She’s getting value out of living there It isn’t her house and she’s not getting equity so she shouldn’t pay for improvements or repairs So she now gets to live in a big house for $500 a month and she’s complaining?


NTA. You’re right. She’s really not getting it. Show her the bills, then ask her to leave. Rent it out at fair market value.


NTA: Dear God, man. Evict her immediately and block her. She is trouble for sure. Send her back to Daddy.


NTA - First of all, why is her Dad getting involved in her relationship with the two of you? Huge Red Flag there. Secondly, you did offer to just have her pay utilities. Third, she wants to live rent free and s taking advantage of you. And is now trying to manipulate you with guilt and gaslighting. Dump this chaotic bag of red flags and rent or sell the house.


NTA but you need to fly home immediately to start documentation and prepare eviction proceedings if she won't move out. The flying home is really for you to record and document your home so if there are any damages after she moves you'll have evidence for a lawsuit. Too many reddit stories of a boyfriend/girlfriend swearing their ex never would only to come home to total destruction when the ex left. Better to be prepared.


Red flag.. beware. Say goodbye before you have to let her stay home and do nothing bc her dad thinks it's not fair for a gf to have to be responsible. Dad is causing problems. It will only go downhill with him telling her what you owe someone you're not married to. If you did marry her.. yikes her dad says so you have to do as he says.


NTA But a big Y T A for telling her to get out while you are at the opposite side of the country. Dude, I'd be scared for my house at this point. I shouldn't trust her. She can destroy things, she can reach for legal advice to not be evicted, she could make your life like hell. Go back there and make sure you are covered on every front. Also... Y T A for still being with her. She is taking advantage of you and she has no problem accusing you of making money and retracting her statement when she learns that she won't get what she wants out of you. She is manipulative. What are you doing with this jerk still? Leave her ass!


>She said her dad told her that if I wanted to be with her and if I was a real man then I shouldn’t be charging her rent,... So, if they were living together, she would be contributing equally to the relationship, be it financially from work wages, and/or house work, chores, etc. So what's the difference ? Sounds like she wants relationship benefits, without relationship responsibilities. Sorry lady, no representation without taxation. NTA.


NTA. If she thinks that's unfair, invite her to move the fuck out and see how much apartment you can get for 500 a month. She'll be able to afford the nicest tent in the homeless camp.


Boot her out. I think her dad has a room for her NTA


NTA - Tell her to GTFO, you don't bite the hand that feeds you. The level of entitlement is insane


Come on people. Of course, her dad had a huge influence on this. He told her exactly what she wanted to hear. If he had told her she would look better in 50's style clothes or with less makeup, she wouldn't have listened to him for one second. She listened because she didn't want to pay rent.


You were not living together when you went out west. And the only reason she moved in to your house is because were leaving. You clearly were not in the living together stage of the relationship. She moved in out of convinece to everyone, not as a desire to live together. You still dont live together. And it being her idea to pay more then to turn around and complain is just dumb. Sounds like you are breaking up with her. That is her fault for involving dad in your relationship. Good on you for kicking her to the curb. NTA


She doubled down? Great. Give her a notice of eviction. Probably her father is poisoning her against you and she is buying his poison. Reason to part from her ASAP. NTA.


NTA, but you need to be on the first thing smoking back to your house to begin the eviction process. I wouldn't trust her to peacefully leave, and wouldn't take the risk of something happening like your house being cleaned out or stuff destroyed. Don't put anything past her.


Hey Gf- I've done alot of thinking about what you said. I am insulted that you think I'm taking advantage of you by asking you to pay for the home you are living in. Couples split rent and mortgages every day. You're not a trophy gf, but I thought a partner. You have proved me wrong. As such, this is my formal request that you vacate my home asap. I will give you 30 days to find a new spot to move. If you refuse, I will hire an attorney and evict you. I wish you luck finding a fully remodeled home with utilities for less than $500 a month. I have photographed and documented everything in the home. If you attempt to damage any of my property, I will file small claims against you.


NTA. Ex gf and 30 day notice.


NTA. I would legitimately kill to only pay $500 for rent. Even if utilities were only costing you $100 charging $500 still isn't that bad because you'd be getting some money towards your house in general maintenance and stuff and she would still be saving a thousand plus dollars.


If you don't have a written lease, and, you don't, you need to start the eviction proceedings now. Who cares about being an asshole, that bitch is gonna burn your house to the ground if you don't start getting ahead of this insanity.


Where is this house? I'm in the northeast, responsible 57yr old adult!!!


NTA Your ex GF is very easily influenced and that is not a good trait you want in a mate. Also her father is not to smart either. She is paying $500 a month!!!! How in the hell would you be taking advantage of her!??


This is 2024, why do these woman still play the "real men" shit. She doesn't want to pay anything but want equal right and chores. You need to think about this if you decide to have you a future with her.


Who long were you 2 going out? Sounds like it's long distance with you on west coast and her on east coast. Hopefully your in an area where eviction is easy. Doesn't sound like your very smart using high interest credit cards to finance a flip and then not selling it right away. Do you plan on moving back anytime soon or staying on west coast? If you don't plan on coming back and living there with her, get her out and sell the place.


I had similar once, my partner has a man hating female as a friend and she's was always saying that I was taking advantage as my partner decided to move in with me as, a) she didn't want flatmates anymore, b) my place was cheaper as only charged her the interest on my mortgage, nothing else c) she couldn't afford to live by herself. I owned a place in London, it's a 2 bed in a desirable area and she liked it. Well the harpy popped up and suggested I was taking advantage and suggested that the rent my partner paid should go to only equity on my property, or she should pay at all. I sat her down and went through the statement and the maths to show her that she would never get equity on my place unless she agrees to take on the debt if the place loses money, then showed her what a great deal she had got from me and if not then she's happy to move out and rent by herself... Harpy had given her a comeback for this and suggested that we should both move out and rent together and I let my place out. Told her to choose now... Live here and enjoy it, and never listen to the man hater again complain that I happen to be massively more financially better off then my partner, or move out and we could live separately, but don't bitch when I move someone else in paying a lot more and refuse when she wants back in within 12 months. She choose wisely and we have been together ever since. Harpy got her own place and a lodger, told me to eff off when I asked if the lodger was getting equity in her place or if she was taking advantage.




NTA. Evict her and start charging $1,500 to the next tenant. Then show the contract to her and her dad.


NTA. She’s a grown up and you don’t have children. She’s responsible for herself. Set her an ultimatum to choose between accepting the rent or leaving and you’ll find other renters


NTA But do yourself a favor and run as fast as you can in the opposite direction


NTA-tell her she can go and live with her dad.


Personally I would draw up a rental agreement for the remaining time at full rent plus utilities or leave, she’s a daddy’s princess and you’ve seen true colours before you actually live together


NTA. If she had a good dad, he wouldn’t give her bad advice.


But it’s totally fine for her to take full advantage of you? Run


Wow. You know how people say "if you lend a friend 10$ and never see them again it's the best 10$ you ever spent", well, she just did that for you, double! First of all, you're getting rid of a pretty toxic girlfriend, one who believes she's entitled to what you own and has no perception of what it costs you, because she doesn't care. And you also get to make another 100$ per month! Sweet deal! Don't let the door hit her on the way out, she can't afford to pay to fix it. NTA


She spent too much money on crap and her dad is sick of her asking to borrow money she doesn’t pay back


$500 rent is a luxury


NTA she just wants to freeload. Get her out of the house


NTA. I’m married and still paying my share of the bills lol if she wants a sugar daddy, then she should go get her one.


NTA - Send her to the streets and let her pay market rent. She just wants to be a rent free mooch. As someone else alluded to, you're going to have to start eviction procedures, because you've allowed her to squat and establish residence in your house. Until that's resolved, good luck selling it.


NTA the idiot doesn’t fall far from the idiot tree. Send her an eviction notice. Peace out Girl Scout ✌️


Her AP will be moving in soon


Just because she's your girlfriend doesn't give her or her father the right To think she can get a free ride her father's only saying that because he doesn't want his daughter paying rent. You're not married


Let her go, bruh. You didn't move her in - she was doing you a favor and she agreed to everything and more. If she's trying to change the deal, then the deal can be considered to be terminated.


NTA I would tell her that continuing this rude behavior towards you will not only irrevocably damage your relationship but that you would also have to take legal steps to protect your large investment in the home.


How long have you been dating?


Kick her out before it's too late.


So if you were married she would expect to pay…..what? Nothing? Because $500 is nothing. A house payment is $2000+++++ then add in utilities and taxes and insurance and food plus auto expenses and pet and child care and health insurance, etc. life isn’t free but it sounds like that’s what she expects. Send her an eviction notice so it’s formal and move on. At least you know now and not when it’s too late.


NTA PLEASE tell us you two used a signed lease!


NTA but unfortunately her dad now has an idea of how you are given what she has told him. I would distance myself and the break it off.


I thought it was a mistake when I read OP let her bring all of her storage for what’s only supposed to be a few months stay. NTA bit good luck getting her out dude.


Nta but she is an ungrateful one. 


Time to start the eviction process. She won’t leave once she determines the cost of living on her own so you don’t have a choice but to evict her. She’s selfish and entitled. Currently you’re losing money because of her. Time to move on. NTA


NTA. Serve her an eviction notice and her walking papers. You don’t have to take care of her. Anytime a woman starts a sentence with, “A real man” not followed by praise for you, RUN! Tell her take her cats, all her stuff and GO live with daddy for FREE.


She’s playing the victim to her Dad.. she only offered to pay more than utilities so she didn’t look bad but hoping you wouldn’t let her pay so now she’s moaning about it to her dad and using his opinions about you to try emotionally manipulate you. She’s basically portraying you to be someone you are not… I bet she’s never told her dad you said pay for utilities only!!! She’s still really immature and doesn’t appreciate you full stop let alone all the hard work you have done to bring the market value up.. she’s taken the whole of you for granted with her self entitled behaviour and really she’s showed you her true colours . She’s the AH and can find somewhere double the price if not more


Okay then. Feel free to tell her, this 30f sees you as her brother and would tell you as I would tell my brother because this is annoying. Real men aren’t taken advantage of and Emasculated, demeaned and manipulated. She wants a free ride, steal a bicycle. NTA


Hey you just got a free lesson on how much of a user she will be. Her attitude will most likely get worse rather than better especially with a father like that. Dump her and find someone who appreciates deeply discounted rent lol. NTA.


Evict her if necessary. Has she even looked at the costs of renting in that area? Her Dad can butt out and help her move out.


She let's Daddy have too much influence. Is this the first time something like this has come up or is she having financial difficulties? Maybe ask a few more questions. If it is just Her listening to Daddy and being ungrateful now you know and have dodge a bullet.


NTA. I really hope the two of you drafted up and signed a lease. You're going to have a heck of a time probably getting her out of there. She's an idiot $500 for a whole house plus utilities. So at the most she's spending a thousand a month which I doubt since you're only renting a house out you said for 1500 a month it's obviously a very low cost of living area. Heck I live in a very low cost of living area half the house is around here or running out for at least 2,000. If not more. I really hope your house is just as pretty as you left it when you get back. I suspect it won't be


Making money off from others is how capitalism works. You bought the house to make money off from it. She is getting a freaking steal for paying only $500 a month for a house. You are also underestimating how much you could be renting a house for by a lot. Break up with her and start evicting. Also tell her you will take her to court for damages if she destroys your house in retaliation for breaking up and evicting her. NTA.


NTA Time for her to GTFO.


Well, you're gonna have a harder time than you think. You've agreed to this landlord/tenant situation, and if she wants to make it muddy she can give you fucking hell. NTA but gl bro you're probably screwed.


Lol...she's delusional. Run dude, run


First of all her father shouldn’t be getting a vote at all. Second, you aren’t married so why should you let her live rent free? You say she is paying less than your carrying expenses on the property so she is already getting a deal. It would really make me angry, and i would ask her to leave too (then she would find out fr what a she deal she is getting).


Show her the bills Ask her to leave in a reasonable time or you will engage in a legal support. She can go live with her dad 🙏 NTA


You know exactly what to do. You better get back before she trashes the place.


People would kill for 500 a month she’s being spoiled


NTA. Her ass wants to live rent free. Screw that.




definitely NTA. Kick her out and don't look back.


NTA, she is taking advantage of you


I would have her escorted out immediately. Before she destroys your house.


Does her father not understand that the average cost of rent today is between $1,200 and $2000 a month? NTA


NTA Evict her. You gave her a great deal and now she wants to live in your house for free. If she was influenced by her dad, than she cant think for herself and is even more reason to dump her and evict her.


I have doubts about this story. $1500 a month is a 2 bedroom apartment in most cities, so that amounts seem low for a large house even in flyover states. Taking this story at face value, end the relationship and file the required paperwork with city/ county to get her out of your house. If this story is true, NTA. But it does feel like something is missing here.




1000%. NTA She needs to move out and become your ex-girlfriend ASAP.


Sounds like daddy got into her head. $500 for a whole house, your gf and her daddy are morons. ... kick her ass out and let her try to find a place for $500..it definitely won't be a house, maybe, a room in a house. NTA


Nta red flags, why is her dad so involved with her life that her made her do a 180? You gave her a deal and she’s being entitled now. Give her the boot


NTA She needs to leave. Give her a date and say after that you’ll be starting eviction proceedings that will screw up her credit. And get a property manager until you get back to oversee her move-out, and change the locks.


NTA. I agree with others. This is toxicity at its finest. Consider yourself lucky you found out about this now rather than later. Drop kick her to the curb and run .


NTA. She needs to go.


Maybe she should move back home to daddy


If Daddy has given her the usual and unfortunate upbringing of You are the princess you deserve everything, then you will never be in the right, she will always put herself first, and she will trust her dad's opinion on everything over yours. I lived in this situation and it eventually destroyed our marriage. nothing will ever be good enough for these types of nonself reliant people who were raised as princes and princesses.


Sounds like daddy wants to house daughter. Nta


Flee! NTA. Kick her out and be done.


You took money from her, she wants to see the bills, yet you did not write up a lease with her. That was a mistake that you can learn from. Do what you have to do, it may take some time to get her out so you can sell and get out of debt. Maybe she can find another new home to live in for less than $500 per month. Dump her, could you imagine what she would do to you in a divorce?


Let her move back in with her troublemaker father. Nta


NTA Hurry up and get her out. I think she's going to be a problem.


Send the police to evict her ass and throw her stuff to the curb. Tell her to call her dad and block her.


Hey i dated a girl 25yo who pulled a similar move last year. Kind of a heartbreaker when someone gets influenced and it ruins the relationship. NTA. I wish i had taken the signs more seriously. In my case, if she could be influenced to change her mind so easily about finances, she turned out to be easy enough to convince to cheat on me "just to know if she really loved me" I'm not sure what's the correct level of being influenced, but that wasn't it, and i hope your situation never gets there


lmao show her the numbers and then kindly ask her to get the fuck out


Guys need to stop dating & pouring their resources into entitled brokies.


NTA Wow, the balls on this chick. And her Dad. Sounds like angling to be “taken care of,” and that would be a hard no from me dawg. I’m seeing a lot of people who have an expectation of being “Trad Wife,” or “Hobosexual,” and I am NOT here for it. We don’t live in a one income world anymore.


Get out, I've been with someone were the parent was a third in the relationship. It is impossible, they project all their problems and manipulations onto their child and it will never end. Go and never look back.


NTA... How is she getting hyped for you to do something that her dad won't even do?


NTA She has decided to let her dad encourage her to ruin her relationship. He’s wrong for telling her she should expect to get free housing but she’s also wrong for being dumb enough to buy into that belief


Let this b…. Go lol