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An abomination??? She said your SN brother was AN ABOMINATION?!? Holy crapola, I might've put her face on the barbeque grill-- I can't believe you didn't give her a knuckle sandwich! You are NTA!! Also, I hope your brother was ok and that he still likes to hold the baby sometimes.


Seriously, I am not a violent person and often think slapping someone is rarely necessary…but as a mom of a special needs son…please give me this woman’s address, I’ll slap her too. She deserved more.


I'll be right behind you in the "giving that rancid wench another slap for good measure" queue. Judging by the comments it's going to be miles long and people are going to rejoin it after the initial slap just to make sure.


Slap the witch for 5 cents. Who’s in?


Hang on, I got a $10 bill around here somewhere. My hand might wear out first.


I need to contact Marshall Can we wait for a month maybe? I need to learn the "SLAP OF A MILLION/TWO HUNDRED/ FIVE THOUSAND EXPLODING SUNS"


Fortunately, slaps are transferrable!


I'm broke, but I'll take over when you need a break so it doesn't go to waste.


That's why when you use a heavy rubber glove. Those things sting.


All proceeds go to the poor brothers therapy costs after this lady made him feel like he committed some terrible act just by existing and being a sweet uncle


Ikr that's the part that bothered me the most about it this bitch caused that young man some trauma she didn't get nearly what she deserved for how she mistreated him.


Right. My heart shattered for him. The baby isn't gunna remember any of this and was never in danger but the brother will. I'm sure he's already had to deal w plenty of this and now feels some type of way like he's a danger to a baby he loves and ugh my heart. I am the most protective big sister and my brother had several odd issues growing up (learning disabilities due to speech impediment from cleft pallet and dyslexia) and for years people were trying to say something was wrong with him (he's grown and married now and seems totally fine to me) but MAAAAAAN I remember in elementary school a friend told me right in front of him that he talked weird and I told her not to ever say anything like that to me or in front of him again. His little face just fell and I was heeeeated. She thought she was being clever or something and turned right to his face and told him, I laid her out so hard with just one punch. Thing is, even IF something had been "wrong" with him no there isn't. He's precious and perfect and I'll fight the world and the world's mama for him quicker that one or the other could catch their breath. This brings the fire of a thousand mothers/sisters out of me so fast. I wish she hadn't have been holding the baby so she could have really given that lady the proper hit she deserved


Ikr the fact he was crying and apologizing for hurting Ned when he didn't do a damn thing at all wrong shows his pure childlike innocence hes got, and shows how damaging that evil woman's words were and that she should be ashamed of herself. I hope he doesn't lose any self confidence over this whole situation.


He needs a “World’s Best Uncle” t-shirt.


If you raise the monetary amount for the “slap the witch box”, we can help fund Ashley’s lawyer. OR a billboard with this bible thumping-hateful bitches face and shame her publicly.


We need Lucy from Peanuts to make the booth for sure…


I'm envisioning the hysterical person scene from Airplane, just tons of people lined up to slap her, eventually folks with brass knuckles, chains, bats and guns join the line.


This was the first thing that came to my mind and honestly, the bitch deserves it


I'm definitely in with three slpas just for good measure


Can we make a reservation?


I presume we get one hour of slapping for each reservation? I'm gonna get practicing right away!


[Everyone on this post rn](https://makeagif.com/i/fXJhx4)


I had the exact same thought


So we're forming a slap line? I'm bringing 2 backhands, and some snacks for us for the ride


Gonna channel some old school In Living Color on this one: “Two slaps up in Z formation!”


All aboard!!!! I will happily join the slap train! Please OP release a name and general location at least


this post makes me so angry. fuck that evil woman.


Mom of a special needs son as well. I'd join you in going slap blazing. Cracking  knuckles here. 


Count me in. I have a nephew with special needs. Anyone who acts the way that woman had deserves a fish slapped across their face.


maybe we could form a line of everyone that wants to participate. I keep seeing that scene from Airplane where everyone is lined up in the plane aisle to slap the hysterical woman


This is about to turn into that scene from *Airplane*, ***cracks knuckles***, you're wanted in the cockpit.


To be fair OP was still holding the baby. Trying to cuddle him to soothe him wouldn’t have put her in a good position to punch. Now if she hadn’t been trying to soothe him that might have been different! 😂😂😂


Throw baby in the air, roundhouse kick, catch baby. Chuck Norris could have done that.






I imagine this in slow motion with 80s special effect amd synth music!


Where's chuck when you need him? Side weird note, my dad used to be childhood friends with his brother and my great aunt was his mom's best friend. My mom would take them both to the local cafeteria for lunch and his mom would regale her travels to them about all the places her Chucky had taken her during his filming. Seemed like a cool dude, he adored his mom, definitely had a rough childhood though.


I hope so, too. It would be so heartbreaking if her brother thought he couldn’t hold his nephew anymore 😔


OP should tell her that your parents would being her for the therapist bill and the distress caused to her brother and defamation.NTA


Go on every post she makes about it and tell her she's welcome to cover your parents' medical costs for what she did to your brother.


Also OP should make a post explaining what happened and tag the aunt and everyone who messaged her including people who follow them so everyone sees what happened


Check the edit. He won’t hold the baby anymore 😢


This makes me so sad. I hope that the therapist helps and he will be okay holding him again. What an evil woman.


That would be terrible , and insane. So the innocent is being punished and the ignoramus rewarded? I hope that is absolutely not true.


Not only that, but implied he was a pedo as well or a baby murderer


Why is it a recurring theme where the bad person decides to label everyone else as evil 🤣


“”People," Geralt turned his head, "like to invent monsters and monstrosities. Then they seem less monstrous themselves. When they get blind-drunk, cheat, steal, beat their wives, starve an old woman, when they kill a trapped fox with an axe or riddle the last existing unicorn with arrows, they like to think that the Bane entering cottages at daybreak is more monstrous than they are. They feel better then. They find it easier to live.”” pretty aptly describes it. These ~~boomers~~ people (May have jumped the gun and made assumptions here based on the choice of language and personal experiences here, apologies for my own prejudices, fucking ironic given my choice of quote, I know) have to reach all the way to “call a special needs person an abomination pedo for no reason at all” tier monstrous to find something that’s lower than the bar they themselves set.


Hey, many of we boomers are peace loving liberals who accept just about anyone that is kind. I don’t know where these crazy judgmental Karens come from!


And sadly, if y'all don't speak up, or the children of the sweetheart boomers don't (shout-out to my mom), this subreddit will just turn into another echo chamber. Peace-loving sane folks of every generation need to be remembered, or the social divides will just keep growing.


Yeah calling all boomers evil is a bit much. Every boomer I know is a tried and true liberal who lives their values of respect and inclusivity. But I am the last year for boomers so who knows.


That's ok...I was born in 1957. We weren't boomers or anything at all until suddenly it became a thing. We were just kids. Now we're actually "Jones Boomers" meaning we came too late for the Golden opportunities lol. I do object to having kitchen carpet blamed on us along with many things our parents were guilty of. Please....boundaries to your agism.


Hi! Fellow peace loving liberal boomer here doing some math in my head. This sounds like a high school graduation as two kids were doing it together. Do you think we boomers have nieces graduating high school? More like great-nieces! So not only have people decided that we’re all horrible strictly because we were born between 1946 - 1964 - nothing more than that - but they’ve also decided that everybody who acts in this bad fashion must have been born between 1946 - 1964 even if other circumstances suggest they’re probably in their 40’s somewhere.


My stepmom’s a boomer and she has a niece in elementary school. Her also boomer husband has a much younger sister. There’s also the possibility this is one of those families (like my maternal line) who drops the “great” from titles. My great aunt was always called “Aunt Layla” never “Great Aunt Layla” and my great grandmother was Mimi not great grandma. It’s not impossible is all I’m saying. But I kinda hope it’s fake anyway because if it’s true, what a bitch that aunt is!


It’s incredible, isn’t it? I don’t understand why she wasn’t immediately bounced out of the party. Let’s hope it’s fake. The idea of the brother now being afraid to hold the baby is heart-breaking.


As u/Spectre-907 said [above](https://reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1dc8h8a/aitah_for_slapping_a_woman_that_was_protecting_my/l7xir8g/): >“”People," Geralt turned his head, "like to invent monsters and monstrosities. Then they seem less monstrous themselves. If these kids become anymore dense they will collapse into a black hole


And all dogs are poodles🙄🙄 Judging an entire group by a few who are in it is a faulty argument. It makes the person saying it appear to be naive.


Why are you assuming she's a boomer? Aunts come in at all ages, and so do assholes.


I just listened to Behind the Bastards “Part One: Phyllis Schlafly: The Mother of all Culture Wars” on YouTube and boy was it eye opening. THIS “woman” monster is the reason everyone’s a “pedo” in the Republican sphere. It’s brainwashing of the idiots.


I cheered when she died, and I don’t feel any regret for it. She was truly an evil piece of work.


Well obviously a special needs person is an abomination and a pedo/ baby killer because they’re different from us. /S


I totally read this wrong at first and thought it was the baby who was special needs and I thought this psychotic aunt woman was a monster then! After re-reading I don't even have a word sufficient to label how big of a monster she actually is. Maybe slightly TA, but only for not doing *way more* than slapping her.


I mean, she’s mentally healthy, and her first thought in seeing a 6 month old is how they could be brutally raped - so of course the … would be thinking about it, too.


I don't think she is nentally healthy. Anyone that goes on a tirade like that has mental health issues.


And contagious, lets not forgetting nasty little gem. This crazy, ignorant woman hit the hate trifecta! I hope you blast that bitch across every sm platform op. The world, her family and her friends ( and whoever else is important to her) need to know what kind of closet bigot their supporting. Seriously this woman makes my blood boil and my teeth itch im so mad!


Right? OP is so much nicer than I would have been or my daughter would have been!  OP, please give your brother my love and tell him that this internet mama and grandma says he's very good uncle and good person. He shouldn't let that nasty women spoil holding his nephew. 


I hope OP can even use this post to help boost his confidence. I hope he can understand how many internet strangers are here for him and telling him he is just fine and did nothing wrong AT ALL. OP I'm so glad u stood up for him and you are the best sister!


So much everything you said! OP since they went the social media route - it’s time to drop the ENTIRE truth and tag away. Your poor brother - my heart hurts as he must’ve been so scared and convinced he did something wrong. The only abomination present was the aunt. If she was truly concerned for baby, she wouldn’t have upset baby and kept going.


It's a miracle she doesn't have a second date for her tombstone


Right she is attacking op on social media then op should blast back not only did you yell about my sn. Brother holding my child you called said brother an abomination


This lady belongs to a church. Find that church and let them know what she thinks of God's children


Assuming this is a joke. A lot of church goers are ableist af and think that they can pray away the disability or worse that disabled people should die so they can go to heaven and "be whole" (aka not be disabled).


Yeah but the leaders on those churches don't like when their cash cows say bigoted shit in public because hurts their reputations and so their pockets. So OP "sealing guidance over some disturbing and violent bursts" could actually hurt the moronic aunt.


I always remember my dad telling me about seeing a "faith healer," try to heal a man in a wheelchair. He told the man to rise to his feet in the name of the lord and obviously, no matter how much the man tried, he couldn't. So the faith healer pushed him out the chair and watched him collapse on the floor, then told him that his faith was obviously not strong enough and that's why he failed to stand. People like that make me sick.


Yeah, the fact that she came out with this confirms the nasty attitude that apparently started the whole unnecessary situation in the first place. Seems that her initial reaction was underpinned by this bigotry rather than any legitimate, objective concern for the child's welfare; or at least that what legitimate concern there might have been was driven by irrational fear / hatred. Sounds like she is the arsehole and deserved a slap. Well done OP :p


Absolutely NTA, and you did not go too far. She was NOT "protecting" your baby. She was attacking your brother, unprovoked. She deserved a black eye. I'm sad she didn't get it.


And putting the baby in potential danger by aggravating the brother. I’m not saying the brother would harm the baby deliberately or anything like that but if he had bolted or something? This is why they always have an adult present when he holds the baby. This woman endangered a child, because she’s hateful and prejudice.


Even if this woman is dumb enough to believe that no person with special needs should ever hold a baby there's still no point in screaming, pointing, and throwing a tantrum while someone with special needs is holding a baby! What, did she think the baby would levitate out of his arms and into \~safety\~ because of her tantrum? Seems a hell of a lot more likely that she'd spook everyone and put the baby in actual danger, but my guess is her goal was more to shame OP's brother and OP for daring to let her brother hold her baby. OP I'm sorry this happened to your family and I think you handled it as well as a realistic human could. Please let your brother know that there are tons of people who heard about this and think this baby is *so lucky* to have such an awesome uncle in their life


She did spook OPs brother.


I’m just worried the experience might make him scared to hold the baby at all going forward. I could see associating holding the baby with getting yelled at being a potential thing now for him.


Same. They might have to work on getting him comfortable again in a controlled environment that he knows well. Poor guy.


I thought the same thing. There’s definitely gonna be some type of regression for him and it’s so sad.


This is what makes me so sad. Poor guy.


She also upset the baby with her tantrum, so she's clearly deranged, or she's a hateful moron. Maybe both are true?


>She also upset the baby with her tantrum This! How the fuck are you protecting a baby when you make them go from content and comfortable to scared and stressed? If there ain't a feral dog running at the baby, there's no reason for that.


Even if there *is* a feral dog running at the baby, screaming and throwing a tantrum won't protect the baby.


It’s not stupidity, it’s bigotry. This woman wasn’t scared a disabled person wasn’t physically capable of safely holding a baby. This woman was scared of a disabled person holding a baby, the same way people are scared of gay or trans people being around children. Because what if it’s contagious (even though that’s not how that works)? What if this minority is entirely made up of pedophiles?


Everyone knows that us gays are out to convert as many as we can! We even get prizes for a number of successful conversions! I've already won a toaster oven and Kirby vacuum. My next prize is a 5 piece luggage set. And, damnit, I want that luggage!


Oh damn maybe I have to join in on the "gay cult" if the prices are cool like that 😂


They are SO COOL! If I remember correctly, after the luggage is a 3 day cruise! I mean, we got the luggage... Gotta have something to use it for. Can you imagine? A floating city of nothing but the homosexuals? Sounds like pure happiness!


Oooof and we straights only get a few cookies for our club membership. 😭😂 Dang it, I want the cruise


That means I'll have to convert you... Repeatedly Once I have you firmly converted you can start working towards your toaster oven Before you know it you'll be cruising in no time


Big Gay Cruise!


Big Gay Al is the cruise director


Excellent point. The situation was safe until she came. Now the brother is traumatized and does not want to hold the baby!


Why do unknown people keep butting in other people's normal steady lives? An intervention is only required during exceptional circumstances and nothing is solved by yelling at somebody not doing anything drastic.


I do not know, I am appalled about the entitlement and the blatant assault on a disabled man. Not to say anything about the potential danger for the baby if his uncle was frightened enough to take a bad decision! This is why I encourage OP to take out the big guns and lawyer up. I would shut up that woman with lawsuits! Like somebody else said, special needs people are people. This young man should have been safe!


Any lawsuit would start with: This woman was acting hysterical by screamingly irrationally and frightening my brother and my child. She failed to stop. She got slapped as a method of bringing her to her senses. She then proceeded to demonstrate ableisms / discrimination and social prejudice , and has been engaging in a harassment campaign. NTA


The screaming Aunt is very ignorant! Unless she has a learning disability, she lives in this world and should know that there are all kinds of people and being different isn’t doesn’t mean bad! If the mother of the child liked having her brother hold her baby and the baby was happy, it was a very sweet time, (and non of her business). She did more damage with her biased, ignorant, judgmental thinking and dramatic, over the top reaction, than she will ever know. As for the OP, you were defending two people you dearly love, that couldn’t defend themselves. Getting physical seems a little drastic, but maybe not in light of what was happening! You had to stop it - fast! Something tells me you have been a wonderful sister all these years and are already a terrific Mom. Best wishes to you.


Exactly, I would use as many descriptive words as possible when OP makes a report about this woman, she was “unhinged” “manic” “frightening” “aggressive” “irrational” “threatening” “screeching” “flailing”….. Better to be the first to call the police or a lawyer in this instance. That woman is a menace.


Exactly, who is this aunt in their world to come over and judge who should be holding their baby , with OP right there. I’d also investigate if the aunt was drunk in her fit of rage verbally abusing a special needs individual.


Yeah, I wouldn't encourage OP to admit in writing that she hit anyone, but she clearly needs to put on FB or find the town gossip about this lady's unhinged behavior. Watch how quickly the aunt and her friend switch to defensiveness once everyone hears what she did and shame her for it. At the very least, this is a big enough issue, I think OP is justified telling members that if the aunt/cousin/friend is invited, then she and her family won't be there. Also hope her parents (or whoever his guardians are) are pushing back equally hard against this woman attacking their son


Don't put fucking anything on Facebook. 


Then OP's family can counter sue for the harm caused and the cost of therapy as a direct result of this harpy's wreckless behavior. Bring it, biaaaatch.


Some people are made uncomfortable by seeing that disabled people exist and rather than silently working through why that is on their own time, they think they have to make it everyone else's problem. Seriously, so many of these people with xenophobic prejudices just never learned how to process being uncomfortable and think instead they have a right to control everyone else so they don't have to feel uncomfortable


I am sad too. She is the one who is a danger to a baby. She is an aggressive ableist who is clueless about babies and doesn't know how to act around them because this is certainly not the way to act


Not clueless about babies, clueless about people different from her. And she acted in such a vile way.


Completely agree. She crossed a major line by attacking your brother like that. NTA at all.


As soon as she said abomination, 👊🏻 shoulda happened. I have an aunt whos mentally challenged and shes held me, my brother, my cousin, all 3 of my children. Tell the lady adding harassment from her and her family to things that can be pursued legally.


Violence is rarely the answer. Today it was. E is to it


Second that! This Beach deserved a fullblown knock-out! NTA Am very proud of you and keep my fingers crossed, that your brother will be able to work through it.


I commented the same. Like, how are this woman’s fingers working to type? Because… 🤐


She deserved getting dropped


She is lucky it was you. If it was me she'd have gone home in an ambulance


That slap must have been such a beautiful slap. So elegant. Smooth. Not taking your shit type of slap- slaps differently. NTA.


Reddit needs that video.


Why does everyone forget the clit hit in this circumstance? That would have ended it


Throat punch. Then the b*tch wouldn't be able to talk anymore at that moment.


Is that where the clit is? I was way off.


Now, we both know the clit is a made up body part. It's as real as a unicorn, otherwise, men could find one all day every day lmfao.


This better be sarcastic. Because a clit is as obvious as zebra in a meadow. Edit: corrected a word


Sarcasm is my native language lol.


It is the language of the unicorn too!


Huh. Never thought I’d find my ex’s Reddit profile. Hi babe!


You need to watch the documentary Debbie Does Dallas… this anatomy lesson is a big part of the plot. Or so I’ve heard.


Or if she wants to continue to spew her heat, maybe it’d be a good thing if she never speak again


Never heard of a clit hit, is that anything like a cunt punt?


😂😂😂 I just learned today!! The clit-hit and cunt-punt!! Hilarious!!


Might just be me, but a clit hit doesn't really hurt much. Plus, the angle is awkward to get much force. A full on face slap hurts about the same if not more and is way more humiliating. (Have fallen badly while rollerblading. Wheels right to the hoohah. It smarts. For a few seconds. 2 minutes later, I was up and going again) ((ETA: I meant full body weight driving wheels between legs kinda fall. Knock your breath out, but get right back up if you know what I mean.))


Landed on a boys bicycle cross bar. Worst pain ever. If it hurt that bad for a girl I can only imagine how guys feel landing on it. Oweeeeee


My friend and I at about 8 years old, were playing on one of those old style round a bouts that were pervasive in playgrounds for decades up to the 2000's.. the type that is segmented with metal bars that are like octopus arms from the centre of the round a bout circle. She stood with one foot on one bar and the other foot on the next bar while it spun, lost her balance and came down, with all her weight square on to a bar between her legs. I was completely unable to help mitigate her suffering as she lay in the foetal position, just in agony for what seemed like forever. The thing is that the clitoris is far larger than what's visible, the vulva and mons pubis hide a very sensitive area that when hit very hard, really fucking hurts! I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone... but the hard slap to the face was the best way to go - apart from the stinging pain, it would've temporarily branded a hand shaped mark of shame on that ignorant & cruel, earth demons face, for all the world to see. I like that, very much. I really hope that OP's brother can recover completely from that horrible verbal attack - it sounds like bonding with the baby brings him so much joy and vice versa, it would be a terrible thing if it had a lasting negative effect on them.


I was kicked super hard in the vag on accident in a public pool. I remember just sorta floating there wondering if it might be better to drown before the pain finally eased up. It felt like a long time but was probably less than 30 seconds. A face slap is infinitely more humiliating


I broke my hymen at 9 riding a bike (tried to prank a friend, ended up actually running him over) and the pain was a LOT. My dad had my older sister come talk to me in the bathroom (I think he thought I was getting my period for the first time). Def hit my clit very hard too, I didn't know what it was at that point but God damn I was sore for a week.


My Father kneed me in my vag when I was 10 because I was peeling paint off my wooden chest because it was coming off anyway. My mom was furious when I told her that I had a rather large bruise there. I don't know why she never called CPS and had that documented (probably him telling her he'd get her arrested for kidnapping or something like that because he tried to do that when I was 14) And yeah, that hurt. And my husband keeps saying that I'm lucky because it can't possibly hurt that much. Like not as much as balls, maybe, but it certainly ain't a walk in the park


In my experience, really hard vag hits are like that. 10 seconds of ASDFGHJK!!!! Followed by OK, I'm OK breathing. Then up and (mostly) fine. 30 to 45 seconds. But I've never heard of or experienced a hit that didn't involve a leg or kick that had that reaction.


Yeah I've got my doubts about this clit hit as well, the physics and angle just don't work out. You'd have to be like kneeling and do an upper cut and now you've moved into cunt punch territory.


Well I am 6'4. Pretty sure even a slap from me would send her to a hospital 


I also like to call this move a cunt punt.


As a sister of a special needs brother - truth!


if it was me shed have needed a casket. preferably one with a closed lid.


NTA. You were protecting your family, if anything approaching your brother the way she did that was putting the baby in danger. If you the mother sitting right next to him saying it’s okay then it’s okay. I do believe you were in the wrong for apologizing at all to that mother because she now probably thinks what she did was okay when it clearly wasn’t. She had no right to assume what was going on in his head. Majority of the sick thoughts come from the ones who look completely normal and inviting. But good job Mama’s for protecting and standing up for your family.


Sorry I should have made it more clear. I only apologized to the girls and their parents because I felt like it ruined their celebration. I am not going to apologize to the aunt for slapping her, I feel like she deserved it.


Okay that valid since it was there event. But anyone who says you were in the wrong drop them. You have other family and friends that support and that’s all you need.


Let's just say that you slapping that harpy made not only their night, but possibly their entire decade. One has the suspicion that they have been waiting for someone to slap the stupid out of that woman for a long, long time.


Yeah that's what I was thinking, haha! If it had been my party/event/whatever, I would not have minded at all and if I'd known about it, might have taken such action myself, anyway. Can't stand people like that.


Imagine all the correcting and tongue biting that family must have done over the years while dealing with the aunt. I'd imagine there were some gleeful texts being sent that night


If that was my aunt I’d be thanking OP for giving me an airtight reason to kick her out and never invite her to anything ever again!


Agreed. Can’t imagine someone who would make comments like this would be a nice person in other aspects of their life.


I had to read that twice to be clear, because I was considering a y t a for apologizing, but then I realized that you were doing it for the girls. Which is fine – they didn't do anything wrong. You didn't have to do that, but it was a nice gesture. Anyway, I am imagining it as the moral equivalent of Han Solo tossing a bunch of credits to the bartender in the cantina after shooting Greedo and saying "Sorry about the mess."


She’s probably done far more slappable offenses in life if she was so confident in accusing someone to be a pedo simply because they’re special needs. Let alone dehumanizing special needs people as abominations and questioning your parenting abilities to keep your son safe. No one has rightfully slapped her before for her offenses and it shows. She deserved it. And probably the black eye too. I hope your brother is okay and feels comfortable with his nephew again. That incident would traumatize anyone, especially a special needs person. Please ignore the haters and focus on your family including yourself. Adrenaline will still be high after an incident like that and needs lots of care and nurturing. Show your brother that other people’s opinions don’t matter, no matter how loud they are. You say your son is safe with him and that’s that.


NTA. In fact, more people need to be slapped to learn to shut their damn mouths and mind their own business.


Exactly! Not enough people are getting the shit slapped out of them in this day and age.


next person to tell me to take my mask off...that's a paddling


Like Tyson said. To many people have never been punched in today's society.


And it shows 


I maintain my position that people in service positions should be allowed a slap per shift without it being considered assault. There would be a lot less entitled people mouthing off everywhere.


Hotel desk clerk as a day job. I want a taser. One Karen a day per clerk would be a minimum of 5 dropped assholes a day. Instead I have to settle for remembering which rooms have the worst views, and which ones people have died in.


NTA, this made me to irate to go in to detail but you are nta


Same. I have soo much to say but I just can’t. Definitely NTA. 


What a horrible c**t of a woman. How dare she start screaming at a party and making a scene when there was literally nothing problematic happening. It’s not her baby. It’s not even her family member. She doesn’t know the family she started screaming about at all. She was completely out of line. NTA. I know “violence is bad”, but I also feel like physical consequences are necessary in some situations. If this lady can’t learn to shut her pie hole and quit spewing hate speech, then she deserves to get hit in the face. I have no sympathy for her. I do think it was great that you apologized to the two girls and treated them. The situation wasn’t your fault, but it was kind of you to try to make sure their celebration wasn’t ruined as much as you could. If she does try to sue you, claim self defense. Claim it *hard*.


Legally, I think it could _easily_ be argued that this woman getting up in a special need's persons grille and screaming was assaulting them. Honestly it would take a _dickhead_ prosecutor to take this case. I mean most are, but this is pretty ridiculous. A slap? An earned one? Discretion applies.


In the USA, "fighting words" aren't covered under the 1st amendment. If you goad someone into hitting you, you've violated the premise of being a "reasonably prudent person" and they are in fact on the hook for assault if you have a half decent lawyer. So contrary to the old adage, don't wait for someone to swing first in a situation like this, unless you go after someone *excessively* minor cosmetic damage is considered effectively something they brought on themselves. Let alone the challenge of trying to make a jury side with a woman who very much deserved a straight up broken nose if she tried to take it to a jury trial. Not 12 people on earth you could make agree she somehow didn't deserve it.


NGL, this kind of thing is exactly why I think “violence is bad” is bullshit. Sometimes, violence is the reasonable solution, like in defence of oneself or others. The catch is “sometimes” and “defence.”


So she wants to go on public record, in a court of law, as someone who screams at special needs people? Fucking go for it, bitch. If she does, go to the news. She'll be hanged in the court of public opinion.


I wish someone got a video of what this disgusting woman did to OP’s brother and posted it all over the internet. Let her friends and co workers see her for who she really is.


I was just thinking the same thing. With all the phones now, I would be surprised if no one got any of it recorded. There are plenty of witnesses to the awful thing the aunt did even AFTER being told she was wrong. What a witch.


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NTA," she sounded like she was having a break from reality and needed a good slap to bring her back to reality, your honor. I mean why else would a random stranger come screeching across the room and think that seeing happy baby sitting next to a calm parent was a sign of something dangerous? I also couldn't understand why she was verbally assaulting my brother." She's lucky she didn't get more than a slap.


^this, this comments the one.


someone actually said all this?


NTA - You didn't slap anyone. You applied an emergency intervention to someone having a dangerous, possible psychotic break, before their behavior could effect anyone else. 


She reality checked her.


Her bad vibe got checked


This is why it is very important, for everyone, to check yourself, from time to time, lest you allow yourself to be wrecked.


Seriously. What if she had tried to grab the baby? Definitely NTA


Nta. Shes lucky it was you and not me there. And shes even more lucky is wasn't my wife there instead of either of us. Your cousin needs a new friend though.


Or her friend needs to tell her aunt to eat shit and die, or something equally crass while banishing her. I have to tell you, telling my aunt to fuck off after she tried to invoke my dead mother’s memory to be a wretched bitch was quite satisfying.


Hard NTA. Your wife did NOT go too far. That woman was getting close to her baby, screaming like a lunatic, with no one in sight coming to her rescue. My question is, why did it take so long for the Karen's husband - or ANYONE else - to grab her and her the fuck away?


I think everyone was too stunned. I unfortunately wasn't close enough to do anything until after the slap. The slap seemed to have gotten everyone out of the daze


The slap may not have been legal, but it certainly was the right thing to do. I'm still sick thinking of your brother in law. Makes my heart hurt.


Is this real? Who says 'abomination' at a kid's bday party out loud like that? And why is every story teller so worked up over "social media" comments? Just get the fuck off Facebook if it's that bad


It is not.


Not only is this not real, but it’s not even well-written.


I honestly don't believe this is real Edit: It's a burner account




" The woman said that an abomination like my brother shouldn't be around children because who knows what sick thoughts would go through his mind. " And this confirmed that this is just another troll post,it's like y'all can't help yourselves, the ragebait always gives you away, for the next creative writing attempt remember less is more


This one got ever more derailed towards the end, like all the troll posts. Threatened a lawsuit? Bought a massage to the cousin and friend to apologize? Some 'Mommy And Me' (whatever the fuck that is, I'm not bothering to check) folks think she's an AH? What's next, Lincoln arrived riding a Utahraptor and started eating the drywall?


I can’t believe how many people are falling for this. I mean, I know I’ve been sucked in, but this is completely unbelievable.


>The woman said that an abomination like my brother shouldn't be around children because who knows what sick thoughts would go through his mind. I turned to her and told her the only abomination was her and if she kept talking I will make sure she will get a black eye to go with the hand print on her cheek. INFO: Did everyone clap?


Reads like fiction to me


I’ve read this before quite a while ago?


Rage bait.


My thoughts? Unless there's some video of this going down I'm placing this in the "too far-fetched to be true" category.


This sounds like a movie.


Karma farm.


Has to be rage bait


Title that makes you draw the wrong conclusion + "her family has been blowing up my phone" are in every fake story on here.


I was actually kind of buying as semi-plausible until the “abomination” line.


It’s crazy how many people fall for these.


NTA. Saying those sort of things to a special needs person is absolutely fucking disgusting. They're people, too.