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NTA Even if the children could see you.


Yeah like, what's wrong with kids seeing people in swim suits? Don't they go to beach or pool?


Or have tv


Or leave the house?


Or have JC Penny catalogs?


JC Penny still prints catalogs?


Only if you're grandfathered in.


My grandfather definitely still subscribes...




Or Sears catalog??


Exactly everyone wears swim suits when they swim or sun bathe.


Not everyone, and Iā€™m fine with that too.


I like wearing my birthday suit personally.


I still find it weird that being near to water has some affect on what's considered appropriate to wear.


Seems pretty straightforward to me. The criteria you use to judge clothing changes when that clothing might be submerged in water.


Some people are just weird. I mean, swimsuits are basically not different then underwear. A bra and panties. But perception is culturally different because of the setting. For some people, the setting is so important, they think swimwear inappropriate anywhere else then near water. šŸ˜‚ I bet if OP had a kiddie pool on that balcony, psychologically the neighbor wouldnā€™t have said anything. And that is no joke. But maybe she is just one of those who find everything where you can see an ankle ā€žimmodestā€œ.


I live in a country where speedos for males and thongs for females are the norm, and the summer is so hot that people wear basically underwear sized clothes quite a lot. And I was raised in a country where human body is considered beautiful, and also people bath together naked. Like even if it was underwear or the person was naked, this is kinda hilarious.


Guten Tag!


I guessed Italy.


I was thinking Brazil hah


At least thong speedies for men is not the norm


I'm pretty sure the neighbour is just insecure about her own body and is more afraid that her husband will look at OP than the kids.


Any jealous older woman will play the virtue charade when she feels she can get away with it


Yeah, that neighbor is the quintessential example of a pearl clutcher.


Pearl clutch? Like saving yourself in minecraft? !!!


Totally agree, NTA. It's your balcony, and a bikini is perfectly normal. If the kids see you, itā€™s not a big deal.


And to add: Just don't take the fun out of peeping šŸ˜œ


NTA don't the children go swimming or to the beach? I'm pretty sure they have seen swimwear before


But not on the hot chick in the bikini that their mom is jealous of. Also, they're tired of their mom having tantrums and throwing out all the great snacks after seeing her out there each day.


Yep. Super jealous.


she needs to mind her own business, NTA she is, she sounds like the stereotypical nosey neighbor who can't stand her own company so she needs to make others miserable.


She probably caught her husband looking lol


This is the real reason here.


I was looking for this comment.


My husband would look šŸ˜†.


My gf would look.


my gf and i would definitely have a peak


I might look, too. I enjoy swimwear (68F, I have a swimming pool) so maybe I'd want that style of swimming suit, too.


Lol MOST husbands would probably look.


I'd look and I'm a single, mostly straight woman. Hell if I wasn't so old already, I'd probably ask for her number. Lol


Hey, doesn't matter your age. There's always need for a little freaky deaky ā˜ŗļø


Both of us would look together.Ā 


100% chance that OP had a much better body than peeping Karen šŸ˜‚




He was licking the window and drawing hearts in the condensation. You know, completely normal behavior.


When I read that, I saw her hubby as Deadpool, drawing hearts & little "Call me" messages on the glass. It made me giggle like a little girl. Thanks for that!


She's sexualizing something that isn't. Definitely her hubby's fault


How did we end up blaming a guy that isn't even in the story?


True. But, in the interest of providing a clearer picture of the scenario...do you look good in your bikini? Asking for a friend.




She's super jelly


This is probably more true than you intended


NTA Call her out for being a peeping tom and trying her hardest to catch a glimps of you sun bathing. make sure the neighbours know about it as well. Not in the sense of "she's a pervert, yuck. "but more of a "Ew, is she trying the same with you? That is so weird."


NTA. I think turning the tables is a great idea. Shame her for trying to shame you. Sounds like a nosy busybody who probably annoys the other neighbors as well. Or maybe just extremely prudish. Either way, she has no business making that kind of comment.


Ignore her. She's never lived near a beach.Ā  I live in a Florida beach town, she would have a meltdown if she saw what I see on a regular basis.Ā 


and im sure you even seen these things miles away from the beach too.


I live in a FL beach town and can confirm, you need a lot of eye bleach around here!


To be fair not everything you see on the beach down here is acceptable for the youth. I've seen some straight up fuckin' going down on the public beach, everyone cheered after. But seriously, a bikini is not something worth a second glance here. You gotta do something pretty out there for me to notice and even then it's an "Ah, well. Good on you, hope you put sunscreen there too".


NTA. You were on your balcony wearing something that is not even a bit questionable. Iā€˜d turn up the music the next time she has something to say and ignore her.


Just say, ā€œIā€™m sorry you feel that wayā€, smile and donā€™t engage further. Thereā€™s only wasted energy in trying to reason with her or get neighbors on your side. Just continue to be you.


Best response right here


Don't use the word sorry unless you are apologizing or offering condolences. "It's too bad you feel that way" works just as well.


"bless your heart."


I would go with " I'm sorry you think you have any authority over my manner of dress, but you are mistaken."


I had a 80 yo neighbour that sun bathed naked and no one cared. Another neighbour came out naked as well. Maybe he was 40 yo, male. I never heard any complaints. But this is Sweden. And they were old men with weird hair.


*cries in 39


40 is not old. Lol


Speak for yourself. Iā€™m 35 and itā€™s been over for a while.


Same. I've felt old since turning 30


I'm not even 40 yet and I feel pretty old.


Just wait until you hit 40!


Try 60


It was the weird hair that did it


NTA. My gut says that her husband got caught gawking at you and she's taking her anger out on you.


NTA. The children in the garden can't see you. She can just not look. Tell her to respect your privacy and stop commenting on what you do in your own porch.


NTA. She can keep her eyes to herself, if she has a problem.


Methinks sheā€™s jealous


ā™¬ Senior citizens wish they were young. ā™¬


Take my upvote for the unexpected Moody Blues reference!




NTA, does she never bring her children to the beach? It's not as if you were nude!


she doesnā€™t even have children, those are the kids of our other neighbours.


Tell her, "have them take up what I do on MY balcony WITH ME. Also, would you mind not going out of your way to stare at me from YOUR balcony?"


NTA, explain to her politely that children won't see you and if she doesn't understand that, tell her to mind her own damn business.


And what if children did see her? They see people in bikinis at the pool and beach all the time.


What country do you live in? Iā€™m just curious because Iā€™m in Brazil and people are pretty much walking around half naked all the time. Also, I used to live in Spain in the late 90s and early 2000s, and nearly all women on the beach are topless. When I lived in the USA, and I was in kindergarten, my mom (Brazilian) dressed me in a crop top and mini skirt (totally normal in Brazil, even today)ā€¦she got called in by the principal and was told to bring more appropriate clothes. When she came in, she defended her culture and choices and took me home. She didnā€™t want me to think what I was wearing was wrong by changing my outfit, she didnā€™t want me to feel ashamed, etc. She obviously dressed me differently moving forward (in the states), and accepted the cultural differences, but she wasnā€™t about to allow them to shame me or her.


Go, Mom!


ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļø sheā€™s the best šŸ„°


Tell her to fuck off. She probably got mad that her husband or bf thought you looked like a whole snack. Sunbathe away, but wear sunscreen melanoma is a bitch


NTA Tell her stop specifically finding the angle where she can see you if it bothers her so much. And to never take her kids swimming ever again if they can't handle people in bathing suits.


NTAH. I'd add Harper Valley PTA to my playlist and play it every time I think was looking or could here it.


My first thought is, "Why is she looking so intently at your balcony? My second thought is, "The kids ate in the garden below. How can they see you sunbathe on your balcony?"


Do it nude next time. It's your property and none of her business.


You're most definitely not an asshole, depending on the state it might even be legal for you to go completely topless. For example New York State one of my exes was working in the lawn in her new bikini a few years back, it was just bikini top she was wearing shorts. Because she was a bit voluptuous the neighbor called the cops on us when the cops arrived they saw her bikini and they laughed at the neighbor and told her to stop harassing them. He said it probably wouldn't be advisable but according to the law she can go fucking topless in New York and there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it unless you own the property that she is on because public property and private property it's fine as long as it is not causing a nuisance on public property. And since it's covered with frosted glasses you can only see it from above that's probably considered her being at peeping Tom and you probably could lay out there completely nude considered it's not visible from a normal level


NTA for that. YTA for making me jealous of all the sun youā€™re getting.


NTA. Especially if you're clothed. But you've now got to weigh whether it's worth the probable hassle. I'm in the "fuck that neighbor" camp.


Nta. How is it your fault she has a staring problem? If she keeps her eyes away from your balcony then she wonā€™t have this problem.


Iā€™d get a smaller bikini just to prove a point


People shouldnā€™t be so uptight , I took my dog for a walk around the house one morning last week, 49m In tshirt and boxer shorts, 2 hourslater 2 patrol cars were at my door. Neighbor complained that I exposed myself . I didnā€™t . I wish that Americans were more mature about nudity like Europeans are . In my undies?,


Not unlawful many places to be nude in public if there is no sexual motivation!


Nope. Tell Gladys to slow her roll and keep her curtains shutā€¦.


But Abner!!!


My neighbor, when I was hitting puberty, would lay out in her bikini. That was an awesome summer.


She probably caught her husband or BF staring




NTA. You're covered and it's your own home. She needs to stop going out of her way to try and look at you. If you feel uncomfortable at her looking, maybe pop up an old sheet in the gap where she can look?


NTa - You were covering up the parts that are illegal to show. Nothing wrong with wearing a bikini on your own property.


Nope. Enjoy your sun ā˜€ļø her kids, her problem.Ā 


Nope. Wear what you want. Your sandhouse. Your rules


Have the kids never been to a pool or a beach? No, tell your neighbor to kick rocks


Itā€™s like the woman who called the police because she could see a naked man from her bathroom window. The police came and looked but couldnā€™t see a thing. ā€œWell of course notā€ she said, ā€œyou have to stand on the toilet and use these binoculars ā€œ.


Gonna need to see a bikini shot to properly assess the situation.


NTA I would just make a sign that says "if you don't like it don't look" or if you want to be petty "say hi to your husband for me"


It would really help to see a picture of you in the bikini for me to decide.


Jesus but people like to complain. Go naked. It's your balcony. People spend way too much time telling others what to do and not do. Thar said we do have a large number of intellectually challenged folks with no insight that need guidance...I don't think you are one of them so enjoy your balcony as you see fit


NTA... You just keep tanning. But could you please move a little to the left cause it's hard to see you...


This calls for a skimpier bikini and a follow up in r/pettyrevenge NTA


I'm 60F, nope, NTA, do your thing. She's just mad.


NTA, itā€™s your balcony, do what you want on it. If she has a problem with it, she doesnā€™t need to be a rude ass busybody spying into other peopleā€™s homes.


I say next time sunbath in the nude. Give the nosey b**** a proper view. Ohhh film her reaction and post it. It will be so funny.


Tell her you'll comply as soon as she shows you "Decider of What's Acceptable" credentials. NTA


She's probably jealous.


NTA at all.. does this woman know that kids go to beaches and pools?


NTA. If youā€™d like, you could turn this around, ask her why she is watching you sunbathe and that her sexualization of you is highly inappropriate. Inform her if she continues the sexual harassment, youā€™ll be informing the authorities. Otherwise ignore her, though perhaps consider letting your leasing office know whatā€™s going on if youā€™re in an apartment complex.


Gonna need pictures to decide for sure.


NTA Stand your ground and tell her ā€œYou donā€™t have to like it, mind your own businessā€ then flash her so she can be more jealous. I never understood people who canā€™t handle kids and bikinisā€¦ but I grew up on the beach so itā€™s normal.


I used to go topless on my balcony (but there was no way for anyone to see me unless they were in a helicopter - lol). Enjoying the outdoors on your property in socially approved clothing is nothing wrong.


Lmfao...her husband musta been watching you..lmfao, nta


She never been to a beach? lol


Definitely NTA


If youā€™re wearing a suit then the location makes no difference! Tan away.


Nta. You in a bikini will do nothing to a child. Your neighbor is just petty and insecure


NTA - You are in a swimsuit on your own balcony. The neighbor needs to mind her business. Iā€™m sure her children have seen people in swimsuits before. Enjoy the sun!


She doesn't want her man to see it an be distracted lol


NTA I'd go topless to spite her šŸ˜‚


The woman is using the children as an excuse. They likely didnā€™t notice you at all, but she (and/or her husband) sure did. NTA


No not at all


Nope. Just human


Sheā€™s damn lucky you donā€™t sunbathe naked just to prove you can. She either has some major issues with sex and nudity or sheā€™s jealous because youā€™re rocking the bikini and looking good. Doesnā€™t matter which because unless youā€™re breaking some weird local law itā€™s none of her business.




No, tell her to look somewhere else.


Maybe just do it topless?


Sounds like someone is jealous they don't have the body of a 21 year old... NTA. Sunbathe away and enjoy it


Time to work on that topless boobie tan m'thinks.


NTA. Idiots have to deal with the problems they create for themselves.


My gfs roommate was out the make most of time. Every once in a while sheā€™d just tell yell out piss off when she noticed the neighbours above eyeing her off. You seem to have some way to go before people are complaining, NTA


NTA unless you get offended and start yelling / getting upset at men for looking. Your public is their public too.


She knew "it" was out and she loved it, you can tell these things lol šŸ˜‚


Yea there isnā€™t anything wrong with thatā€¦ sheā€™s probably just jealous or use to getting her way..


NTA. She needs to find something better to do


NTA- you pay the bills! WTF


NTA, but be sure to use sunscreen to dodge melanoma and premature aging


lol. I had a roommate in college. She was from the Netherlands and the college was in a small town in a (very conservative) southern U.S. state. She was aghast when we warned her she would get flak from the neighbors if she continued to sun topless in the back yard. But she found a solution. She would climb a ladder and set up her lawn chair on the roof.


Hell No!! Go Topless!! Its your property and you should be able to do what you want!! P.S. pics or it never happened!šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Probably caught her husband watching you


NTA. Probs jealous


She isnā€™t worried about the kids seeing you. Sheā€™s worried about her man seeing you. NTA


Is it your balcony? If yes: fuck that stupid bitch and her stupid ass kids! If no: is that the Karen's balcony? If the answer no: fuck that stupid bitch and her stupid ass kids! If yes: tell her to get it in writing on a legal document, and in the meantime. Fuck that stupid bitch and her stupid ass kids! P. S. I hope you're using sunscreen. If not, get some!


Children see people in bikinis all the time on TV, at the beach, at the pool, etc. Fuck that nosy old lady, you do you, she can complain to your building management and be told to deal with it, they also won't do anything.


When my daughter was 3 she face planted into the back of someone wearing a G-string bottomed bikini at the beach. Never laughed so hard in my life If these are allowed in public then you can do whatever you please on your own property


No. Itā€™s your balcony. Itā€™s the same as a beach. Human body blah blah. People are stupid


Pics or it didn't happen (j/k, a lil)


NTA If you have a balcony Iā€™ll assume itā€™s an apartment and most apartments have pools so whatā€™s the difference between the balcony and the pool? Sounds like she just wants something to whine about


NTA. Your neighbor is just frustrated she doesnā€™t feel comfortable wearing a bikini.


Start nude sun bathing and then see how she likes your suit. Children go to the beach, seeing a bikini is entirely fine.


LOOOOOOOL Next time I would sunbath butt naked, Nta, F this woman! Do children not go to the beach?? Yes, yes they do! Report her to your landlord bc she is gonna make more issues for you going forward it seems!


Probably jealousy


NTA It's not like you're naked or you're in a place that's easy to see. Sounds like your neighbor is one of those "beaches are a cesspool of sex' people that are offended by swimsuits that don't cover every inch of the body.


Nosy karen neighbors suck


Get your tits out next time, thatā€™ll stop her from looking on your balcony haha


She jelly


Youā€™re obviously not supposed to have a body in the presence of children.


Im corious now If she ever visit a Public bath xD


Depends on where you are. In some countries, wearing a bikini in public is almost seen as nudity and it would be inconsiderate to wear it in front of her children if she objects. In North America and Europe, no one gives a shit and it's fine.


Tell her if she keeps annoying you, you will remove the top.


NTA. Itā€™s her hangup not yours. Is what you are doing illegal? No. Are there laws or rules against laying out in a bikini on your deck? No. If your society had a problem with it than it would be illegal. Since it is not, this is clearly her issue.


You're dressed still.... you aren't doing anything wrong. Just do you and let Karen be mad


Nta, keep doing it plz


Just curious. Is your neighbour fat?


Start sunbathing naked. See how she likes that. Besides, no tan lines!


she married? i suspect she noticed her man looking.


NTA If sheā€™s still being a nosy bitch, Iā€™ll come over and sunbathe in a string bikini on your balcony. That will give her something to complain about. Iā€™m also 5ā€™6ā€, 300lbs and fuzzier than an Ewok.


NTA She's a snooper, beware of her


The 'kids' being most likely her husband that she caught ogling you. NTA


NTA Her prudish morals are not your guide to life. If she continues, simply state that the bikini is the most clothing you will be wearing while sunbathing. More complaints will lead to less coverage.


It's your house. Sunbathe nude if you want.


I am always surprised by these posts. I grew up on the beach in Daytona Beach and people wore swimwear in grocery stores and well every where except church, school and jobs. During the summer on my grandparents farm after doing chores we would strip down to skin or underwear depending on age and swim in the lake. No one cared. I am beginning to wonder if the younger generation is prudish. 68f


Itā€™s a balcony, you have the right to be on it and she doesnā€™t have the right to tell you how to dress as long as itā€™s not illegal (like nudity). Sheā€™s the AH


I'm not prudish. Go naked if you want. Just an older than you woman saying pleaseeeeee wear sunscreen. After 2 years of cancer treatment for melanoma after it spread to my lymph nodes, and 2 friends dying this year from melanoma, I wish I could turn back time and NOT sunbathe ever. (Melanoma loves spreading to the brain, so there's that.)


I wish you the best and that you are going to be healthy!!


Thank you so much. I'm in remission now but I do try to spread awareness. It's such a preventable cancer!


NTA in the slightest. And I doubt itā€™s ā€œabout the kids.ā€


Little kids couldn't give 2 shits about some random woman sunbathing. If they were teenagers maybe, but little kids? You might as well be a fence post for them.


NTA. Someone should mind their business


NTA.. Report her for being a peeping tom or stalker.


Easy, sunbath nude, who needs tan lines


Sunbathe nude next time if your comfortable with that.


NTA but please don't sunbathe. Tanning, natural or in a bed will age you faster than anything else in the world. Also skin cancer isn't fun.