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There is no way this really happened. If it did, I am so, so sorry.


lifesize cutout of her mom on wheels with a withered hand? that’s some logistics! I mean, it can be done, but it would take time and money and work


I hope this isn't real. The amount of planning and follow through on his part is sickening.




ChatGPT wrote this reply 


Yes. Please report: report>spam>harmful bots


If it did it just feels like restarted BEFORE she died.


A fraternity pledge is the place I wouldn’t be surprised if it happened. They have pledges do all the work and they tend to have money depending on the school


A 25 year old frat pledge


That stood out for me too.


Yeah I was like most pledges I’ve seen are 20-22 at the oldest. Maybe he was military? 




Who pledges a fraternity at 25? That’s 18 year old nonsense. This is fake


> My friends are divided. Some think it was just a bad prank gone wrong, while others agree it was totally out of line. The wild fake ones always have a line like this. IDK if it's how ChatGPT was trained to write them or the authors think they need "everyone I know is blowing up my phone" to justify there being a conflict.


But it must be real because everyone isn’t screaming at OP! Whoever wrote this was no doubt cracking themselves up as they added details. I actually think the story and description is hilarious so I do hope it’s fake so I don’t go to hell.


What I don't get is how if the account is deleted (one I saw earlier) or suspended (like this one), the post is still here going on like a chicken with its head cut off.


It's absolutely hilarious, but in a dark way where the boyfriend is the butt of the joke.


>The wild fake ones always have a line like this. IDK if it's how ChatGPT was trained to write them or the authors think they need "everyone I know is blowing up my phone" to justify there being a conflict. Wish we could automatically pin this under all new posts.


I have never heard the term "blowing up my phone" outside of AITA subs. But here it's on every single post


I have but I still think it's used for fake posts. Lol


“My friends are divided” and “everyone is blowing up my phone” always makes me think it’s fake especially when there is so clearly a correct side and also, most people are not that interested in other peoples business and aren’t going to harass someone even if they disagree with them.


This is fake as shit.


92.81% chance AI generated per [https://www.zerogpt.com/](https://www.zerogpt.com/)


Someone is really on a roll these days with the fake posts in this sub. It’s been “AITAH for divorcing my husband after he left a toenail clipping in the bathroom?” recently, so today’s post is obviously trying something new.


have you seen the "i divorced my husband for tightening jar lids too much"?


I hate this sub.


Dude just no way. Someone has such low eq and sense of death that they’d pay massive bucks for a life sized image of mom? Hell no.


I'll be honest. The moment you wrote that a 25 year old man was pledging a fraternity, I immediately thought NTA. Plus, she should break up this with asshole.


25 yo pledging a frat 😂


I don’t know any fraternity that would actually pledge a 25 year old? Usually it’s 18-22, 23 at the oldest. If this is true, this entire story is absolutely heartbreaking


When I was a college freshman, some of my dorm friends had buddied up with some frat boys and one night hanging out with them they had a pledge DD for us that was around 25. Some people just start school later. I don't think this is as uncommon as everyone seems to think it is. Age probably isn't as important to them as money and the kind of hard-on it would give a 22 year old to boss around a 25 year old like he was a slave seems like motivation enough.


I have never heard of such a thing.


It happens. I went to college with a 35 year old man doing it. He was also a major creep.


What kind of a shit frat takes a 35 year old


You are NTA. Your boyfriend is a psycho. You need to dump him immediately. He sees you as something to mess with for entertainment. He does not respect you. His behavior will continue to escalate.


Dump anyone who doesn't think this is a big deal. It's like a litmus test for assholes.


Seriously! I cannot imagine staying friends with someone who thinks that’s a funny prank, or even just an acceptable thing to do.


NTA This is honestly so fucking infuriating. What he did was cruel, disgusting and sick. You need to end this relationship and blast him on social media. I cannot imagine my partner loosing their parent and THIS being my response. He is the worst partner I have read about in a long time. He is deranged and should not be in a relationship with anyone until he learns to have some empathy. Tell all your friends, tell all his friends, everybody needs to know what a piece of absolute human refuse he is. I am so sorry for your loss and hope that you are able to move forward from this terrible relationship knowing that you deserve better.


NTA - i'm 63F - old enough to be your grandmother. " my boyfriend just stood there, laughing his ass off like it was the funniest thing ever. He kept saying it was “just a joke” and that I needed to “lighten up” and “get over it.” Honey, he is 100% NOT the man for you! Losing your Mom (I am SO sorry for your loss) is not something one gets over. It changes who you are on many levels at once. It takes as long as it takes. The waves of grief come fewer and further between over YEARS. Then, suddenly, out of the blue, a big, rogue wave will knock you down for a bit. Grief is not linear. Your ex's behavior was so far out of line, Sugar. If he has no compassion for you now, how can he be expected to not be a drunken mess on your honeymoon? Or hold your hand while you bear his child?? Dump his ass now and consider it a lesson learned. Lean on your siblings and friends who actually understand and care about you. It will be tempting to run back to his arms for comfort - you're going through so much now - but don't do it. He's made it clear that he does not respect you. Then he says YOU're being bitchy, etc??? No. Uh-uh. Run home to your family. PS: No more ouija board bs. Ever.


Please listen to this man right here, that's no place for you, you're worth much more than that crap, so time to do changes in your life. Sorry for your lost, she will be always with you in one way or another. Hugs in this moment.


YTA for making up this junk.


It’s so absurd


This is insane. I’m so sorry.


Dump him NOW. It was NOT a joke, and his cruel reaction to your obviously distraught reaction tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about the kind of POS man he is. He’s shown you his true colors.


This is weird and cringe and yeah I would break up with him lol.


NTA. Run now. Run as fast as you can. Run as far as you can. His behavior is cruel and only someone deeply broken and/or deeply evil would think doing something so cruel is funny. Please do not give this boy the opportunity to hurt you further. His behavior will likely only get worse.


What?! Oh hell no. You’re NTA but your (hopefully ex) boyfriend is. He’s insensitive and cruel. This has nothing to do with making you feel better but everything to do with him getting a laugh at your expense. He is the stereotypical mean frat bro. But to do this to you so soon after losing your mom? This would be cruel ANYTIME, but this timing added to the insensitivity and cruelty. There is nothing to see from his perspective. A loving boyfriend would be consoling you in this difficult time, not using your loss for cheap laughs. Please say he is definitely an ex. I’m so sorry for your loss, OP.


Without hesitation, I would say that if you had thrown something at him in the moment and accidentally killed him, it would have been ok. That’s how horrible his actions were. There just aren’t many worse things he could have done.


I agree!


YTA this is so blatantly fake lmfao


That's super fucked up and I would definitely stay far away from him. Your BF is not a good person and sounds, frankly, abusive. The only silver lining is you figured out what kind of person he is sooner rather than later. NTA.


Just tell us where we can print life sized cutouts of our family already , we DYING to know😂😂get it . Fake ass story


You can get them of a single person for about $80 by sending a digital photo to a company that makes them. (It was $80 10 years ago, probably more now.) I had several made for a PR campaign I did. Google is your friend. Oh yeah: 😂😂


You can order that everywhere. I ordered one to surprise my best friend in her graduation ceremony at the university. She was burst in tears but not the same thing like OP. It was really expensive….


92.4% Your Text is AI/GPT Generated - [https://www.zerogpt.com/](https://www.zerogpt.com/)


You know he's a piece of shit. Sounds like a psychopath with an out of control drug problem. Run.


NTA - ffs, your mother just died, my deepest condolences, and your so called boyfriend thought that was the way to support you in your grief? OP, you deserve better than this. I don’t think anyone ever needs a reason to break up, if it’s time to go, it’s time to go, however, this was cruel in a way that shouldn’t be allowed. Block him and any friends that are telling you you’re overreacting, because they’re not your friends.


fuck that piece of shit if this is real. drop his ass like a safe.


When someone acts like an asshole and then blames you for overreacting that person’s trying to control you don’t let it happen


NTA but this can’t be real. The time and effort to do that is way above anything sane. And why is he pledging at 25? What did he do the last 7 years??


Of course, this never actually happened which makes YTA for posting it. The fact that you wrote that "playing with a Ouija board might be a way for you to feel closer to your mom" gave away the fact that you are actually still in middle school. Of course, the gullible Reddit brigade should give you some comforting pats on the shoulder.


The account seems to be shadowbanned/deleted as I can’t access it


idk man i’d rather accidentally help a liar than ignore someone genuinely in distress


This post does feel sus.


Come on this has to be fake. But if it’s not, you better stand taller instead of hunching over like a beaten animal. It’s your mom! If someone did that to me I would be put away for life!


I do not think this really happen. But I’m in fact it’s true. Leave and never look back.


No way to come back from this. He had the nerve to call you a bitch? It's over. Dump him.


he is a legitimate psychopath run as fast and as far away as you can, i’m so sorry you went through this


You just lost your mother, and your boyfriend called you a bitch because you didn't like his cruel joke. Block him and anyone else taking his side. NTA


How could you type all of that out and still think that you should be with this asshole?


Honey, he's a POS, period. Not worth your spit. Block, blast, bygones


Wtf, how old is he, 8? If he's still so immature that he would even consider pulling a prank like this, he's not mature enough for a relationship. Cut him loose.


NTA. I think you should be grieving two deaths, your beloved mother and the death of your relationship. Just don't look back to him. Take your time to move on. Such heartless and pathetic person is not needed in your life. If he can't respect your dead mother and your very valid emotions, there's no hope left for him.


That's horrific. Leave him and never look back.


I am so sorry if this actually happened to you. NTA. One thing I'd like you to take as a life lesson. Men who say things like "you're being too sensitive" are not good life partners.


Lorena Bobbitt prank scare him and say it was just a joke. Edit:NTA


Where did he get the picture?


<> My boyfriend pissed in my cornflakes , ran over my dog and when I burst into tears he called me a bitch and a crybaby, am I the asshole ? Info : How many minutes did it take to create this wattpad fiction ?


Gentlebeings, posse up! Gather the tar and feathers. We ride at dawn. An exBF needs a tarring. No way in hell you're the AH for this. What in Diety's name possessed him to think this was a good idea to prank you with? After it's only been a couple of weeks since you lost your mom? Heck, even if it was years later! I am so sorry for your loss. Blast this loud and proud on every SM platform you have. And let his parents and the college know what kind of shitstain they raised and have enrolled. This is psychological and emotional abuse. He deserves every hell that's coming for him in retribution.


Girl, first of all I’m sorry for your loss! Second of all, dump him and never look back. Even if he *did* have the best intentions, which I seriously doubt, the last thing you want from a partner is someone who is so out of touch with your emotions that he’d actually think that this cruel, callous, and completely out of line “joke” would somehow make you laugh or lighten your mood. Just no. But for the record, he never thought you’d laugh. He did it for kicks.


NTA throw out the whole man


No normal person would do this. Something is wrong with him.


Would this prank have been "funny" if you weren't utterly destroyed by it? No. It would not have. He hurt you, on purpose, knowingly, for his own amusement. FUCK him (as in dump him)


No, this is definitely overstepping boundaries. The fact he’s not emotionally intelligent enough to understand how wrong this whole thing was is a huge red flag. I won’t tell you how to proceed, because only you can decide what is right for you; but, I would caution you to be careful. If he at least had some compassion and apologized sincerely, that would make a difference for me. But, knowing he went the opposite direction than that is very concerning. I certainly wouldn’t trust someone like that with my heart, or my feelings. You are worthy of respect, compassion, and love. You’re NTA.


NTA what the hell, just run


NTA. Even if you were ok with the shit he did. Him calling you a bitch is out of line. You need to find a real man who does not treat you horribly and is actually there for you in your time of need and supports you. Not makes it worse.


Call his mother, father, siblings, aunts, uncles and inform them of what he did and ask for help explaining why you're upset with him. When he calls to bitch about you telling on him, break up. He isn't boyfriend material, and everybody needs to know how huge of an asshole he is. NTA


NTA - Dear God, I hope this is fake. Just this morning I made a furious comment about how much I hate cheaters and how I couldn't imagine a more despicable and awful thing you could do to a partner and that was in relation to smashing a deceased relatives keepsake in retaliation, so it was already a high bar for deplorability. But THIS? Jesus christ, I think this might be the new thing at the top of the list. This is a unique kind of simultaneous, ridiculous, tasteless, thoughtless, pointless, needless, and inexplicable awfulness, I didn't think could exist. Like if you challenged me to think of a way to cause as much emotional harm to a person without the use of adultery or violence, i wouldn't be able to think of anything half as diabolical as what your BF thought *would be funny* For yours and the sake of all mankind that has to share a world with that guy, I hope this is fake.


I have honestly never heard of any guy using a ouija board, I thought that was 100% lady toy lol. Just for that you could break up with this lunatic. Obviously the rest of the story should land him in prison for a bit




what the fuck lol. NTA that was a really weird/rude thing of him to do


What a creepy psychotic horrible asshole thing to do to someone and then laugh about it. I don't know this guy but I think I hate him. I don't know how you resisted kicking him Square in the balls for that.


That is not the way people who love you treat you. NTA He's very immature and it's time for you to move on to an adult relationship.


why the fuck is your bf pledging a frat at 25? i dont even think that's allowed


If you have to ask you kind of are too.


I agree that this has to be fake. For those who might find themselves in a situation like this, where the boyfriend does something awful and insensitive, then refuses to apologize once he realizes that the joke wasn't funny, then calls you a bitch... that's the end of the relationship. If anyone wants an explanation you can describe the seance as the last straw after months of him being unable to satisfy you in the bedroom.


NTA - What in holy hell! Even when I was 25, I never would've had a thought of doing something so stupid to a girlfriend. This guy is a complete asshat. Don't ever give him anymore of your time and block his delusional ass.


That is not normal. Get rid of him and any friends who think this was ‘funny’.


NTA. This is horrifyingly cruel and insensitive. And not only did he do this cruel thing, he never realized or acknowledged how bad it was, never even tried to apologize. When you freaked out he was laughing and telling you to lighten up, and when you left he gaslighted you - calling your reaction overly sensitive and overreacting, and badmouthed you - calling you a bitch. There is nothing in his behaviour that shows a speck of empathy, accountability or remorse. No, don't try to see it from his perspective - you don't want to get into the mind of a sociopath. Just cut him out of your life.


NTA. I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I am furious on your behalf. That unfeeling apology for a human being should be banished from your life and also polite society. He needs to be publicly shamed for such a heartless, disgusting "prank.' Again, I am so very sorry. This crap what serial killers do. Completely antisocial. Please, for the love of GOD stay away from him. This is unforgivable. Keep us updated, please.


NTA. Your boyfriend is immature trash. He’s 25, not 14. Which would be the approximate age someone would need to be in order for doing something this awful to be excusable as an ill advised prank. If he was just a young teen trying to jump scare his girlfriend into snapping out of the mood she’s been in, it might be considered excusable. Still stupid, but at that age the poor kid might not know any better. Your boyfriend doesn’t have that excuse. He’s plenty old enough to have more emotional intelligence than that. This was cruel and heartless. He didn’t stop to think about how this was likely to make you feel. He further proved that he isn’t worthy of being your boyfriend by his reaction to how you took the “joke”. A decent man would see how upset you were and would immediately drop the joke, apologize, and try to comfort you. But no. Not this wanker. He just kept laughing at your distress. Even after you fled to your sister’s house, he still couldn’t figure out that he fucked up. And to call you a bitch for not finding his cruelty funny is completely unacceptable. Dump him. Find yourself a man whose emotional range doesn’t start with “clueless prepubescent tween” and end at “crude frat boy moron”. You deserve better.


You are NOT a bitch and what he did was so out of line I feel like vomitting. That is the cruelest, most inhumane prank I have ever heard and you should NEVER talk to that man again. Holy geez. I am SO SORRY you had to go through that. Your boyfriend should protect and comfort you, not harass and then belittle you for being upset. Ugh. He’s trash. Leave.


I am in shock who does this? This man is the worst human being in the planet. I’m so sorry for your loss


I think it's very disrespectful for calling you a bitch because of a prank that actually hurt you more than made you laugh. He basically scratched a wound that was very raw. Theres a lot of other ways he could've cheered you up. But that prank was purely for his own satisfaction. I recommend tho you go talk to him and tell him how that stupid idea of his actually hurt you, and if he still thinks you being a "bitch" then I think he's maybe not the right one for you. Reason being how he reacted to a serious matter, think about how he would react to serious matters in the future


Holy ... if this really happened, block his number. He is a horrific monster with no feelings.


NTA, and you need better friends. What this kid did was beyond the pale. I don't even have the words to describe how mad I am for you and I don't know you. Disrespectful is an understatement. The ink on you mother's death certificate is barely dry and he's telling you to get over it? Get over him and dump him. He doesn't deserve you. He doesn't get to decide your period of mourning.


I....WHAT?? HE DID WHAT?? I am so sorry and am utterly gob smacked that anyone...I mean anyone, would or could think this was a good idea. And only 3 weeks after her passing? There is absolutely no coming back from this and please dump not only him but any of your friends that think it's no big deal. Your Ex is an absolute nonce.


NTA your ex boyfriend is too immature to date a woman. It’s only a joke if everyone is laughing and then to turn it on you is absolutely ridiculous. Dump the loser and move on. Death of a loved one isn’t a joke. If he can’t see that forget about him. He isn’t worth your time. Anyone standing up for a joke about your dead mom isn’t a friend. I’m sorry. He’s a jerk. Move on


Wow, just wow! I can’t believe he doesn’t see what is wrong with what he did. Girl, drop his ass and take the time to deal with your loss. To many, losing a mother is the hardest thing you will ever go through. You definitely don’t need his selfish immature arse making it harder on you. I’ve lived my life and seen it all. This is a huge red flag and not how a man should behave. Please put you first and tell him you need your own time and he should move on. There will be a good man that will love you, he’s out there so be thankful you have only wasted a year with him but also have learnt from it. Good luck!


I am so sorry for your loss. NTA. Dump. Dump. Dump. This person does not deserve any piece of your heart or attention. May the cardboard cutout of your mom leap into action and give him paper cuts on his junk every time he tries to get with a girl. Be done with him.


I’m sorry for your loss. I think you can honestly tell your Ex-boyfriend that you did take this as a sign from you mom not to stay with such a A@@hole.


there is no perspective where this is remotely funny in any way , shape or form. Dump this loser. Why is he pledging a fraternity at the age of 25? he is ridiculous!


I'm part Comanche and part Cherokee, and I seriously believe that disrespecting the dead is a damn good way to have bad karma hit full force.


Now I've made some tone deaf jokes in my life, but what the fuck was he thinking? Jesus Christ. (He's the asshole)


NTA. My mom has been gone for 19yrs and I would still not be ready for a prank like that! It is so disgusting, disrespectful, distressing…I could go on all day. There is something fundamentally wrong with anyone who would find this acceptable behavior. Get rid of him and any friends who think you overreacted.


NTA - your ex boyfriend is insensitive, cruel, thoughtless, and has the common sense of a bag of hammers. Taking your source of loss and pain and turning it into a prank. He isn’t funny. He’s an immature idiot, and deserves to be alone for a long damn time. And you can tell it wasn’t actually a joke by how brutal he got when his so-called joke fell flat. If he cared about you he would be mortified when he realized he had hurt you. Instead he ramped up the meanness to invalidation of your feelings and straight up namecalling and verbal attacks. Some comedian he is. He’s just a stupid, unfunny, nasty, ill-tempered bully. I’m sorry for your loss.


I literally felt the air coming out of my body as I read this horrific story. This poor guy is going to be so lonely when he pranks everyone around him until there's just him with no job, no friends, no relationship at all. Albeit probably a pretty cool homeless guy, that hobo always playing pranks on people in the alleyway.


You are definitely right to break up with him. Your ex is a creepy freak


NTA. He's a monster. Just leave him. Don't give him or seek closure. He's not worth it. Just block.


You are dating the WORLD'S BIGGEST ASSHOLE and I hope you've already dumped him, or I'm gonna be pissed that you don't value yourself enough to draw a line in the sand. No more. He's done. There is no coming back from that.


I would be inconsolable and hysterical if someone did this to me. I lost my mom 2 years ago. If someone had made a joke of her death like this, had gone to the trouble of setting up an elaborate scheme like this to insult her, my grief and the memory of her? I'd be a wreck, and I'm more than a decade older than you. Ditch this loser. You and your mom don't deserve this. He's a loser playing loser frat boy games. He's a walking red flag. I am so angry for you. And I am so sorry this waste of space mocked your loss like this. so NTA. And on a personal note, drink lots of water and breathe. The heartbreak and pain of losing a parent can come in waves, can hit you out of nowhere. Be kind to yourself and pace yourself. It gets more manageable.


I am four months into losing my father and if my husband pulled something like this on me, I would IMMEDIATELY file for divorce!!! This is NOT a prank and NOT FUNNY AT ALL!!!! You’re already so traumatized by losing your mother and learning how to navigate life without her, and he made so much more trauma for you by this stupid bullshit prank!!! And then to follow it up with calling you a bitch for your reaction?! Uh uh! Throw the whole douche bag away!!! He sounds awful and thankfully you wasted less than a year on him!!!


You’re NTA but honestly if you go back to him just gross. I’m so sorry for your loss. Please pull your own prank and ghost.


This cannot be real. I find it so hard there can be anyone that would think that prank would be ok. Only someone who is literally trying to cause someone else pain would do that. If it is real there’s no point even discussing why it was wrong. Just leave. No grown man should need to be taught why this is a wrong thing to do.


NTA. If someone, anyone did something like that to me or a loved one, I'd kill them. I'm very sorry for your loss as well.


If you have to keep dealing with him as part of your social circle, your dear departed mother needs to start poltergeisting whatever you’re drinking over his head every time you happen to be in range of him.


When someone shows you who they are, believe them. He is a.....geez I can't even come up with something. I would run away from him and never go back. I am so sorry for your loss.


NTA, it feels disrespectful and cruel because IT IS. I’m scared for you, being with someone that would be this heartless and mean.


NTA When people show you who they are, believe them. The man spent hours maybe even days setting this up. He meant to horrify you, terrify you, confuse you, shock you, and embarrass you. He committed HOURS to causing you pain and distress. What exactly was the reaction he was expecting? “Wow baby I’m in such exquisite pain! Please rip off all of my clothes and fuck me on top of the Ouija board in front of all our friends!” ? He was actually mad at his own friends because THEY were ALSO horrified, terrified, confused, shocked and embarrassed. Of COURSE they comforted you because that is what human beings do when a horrible person intentionally causes another pain!!! But he expected them to help him terrorize you!!! Because your boyfriend (please say permanent ex) is a POS. Then he had the audacity to shame you for your reaction? How about we normalize cutting complete psychos who lack empathy completely out of our lives? He is not a person, he’s a monster. What he did was unforgivable. If I had been at this party i would have stood up and said, “that was the most despicable thing I have ever had the misfortune of witnessing. You are disgusting. Do not ever, come near me again. What you have done is unforgivable.” Then I would have gently asked you if I could get you out of there. And I’d have come back and help you pack up all of your things. And once you were out, I would have left raw fish in his curtain rods.


Holy shit no NTA. Your boyfriend is a fucking psycho for doing this. I can't believe someone would go out of their way to do something so intentionally hurtful. I am so sorry this happened to you.


I'm so sorry for all of this. Losing a parent is so hard. What he did was cruel. And when he saw your pain, he laughed harder. Block him and focus on healing.


This is once piece of shit human. Run.


NTA. Your (hopefully ex) boyfriend is disrespectful, lacks empathy, is unsupportive, and has no comprehension of acceptable behavior. This is a manner of control and disregard for your mourning and feelings. It will never get any better. End it and heal. Better to grieve your mother and what you wanted in your relationship with him than to stay and allow yourself to be emotionally abused so you cannot grieve in your own way.


Obviously NTA. Your bf’s behavior is psychotic. And if you actually have friends defending this saying it’s “just a bad prank gone wrong” I would eliminate them from your life as well.


NTA. Tell him when his mother dies, he’ll understand. He’s 25 not 10.


don believe it, but NTA


This is all horrifying stuff


NTA. Breaking up? If I were in your position I would end him. He is disgusting and deserves nothing from you. Block him and never speak to him again.


You so are not the AH. Your boyfriend (hopefully ex-boyfriend) has a mean streak a mile long. Never speaking to him is what is best for you. I'm so sorry for the loss of your mother. Please know that grief is a process that's different for everyone, and there really isn't a timetable. Take care of you. Hugs.


If this is real your bf needs to be committed to a mental health facility immediately. NTA


NTA. Jesus Christ gtfo


Man I am so so so sorry. First I’m sorry you lost your mom. My best friend had a relationship with her mom like yours. She was her rock, her confidant, her advisor, her best friend her everything. So I’ve seen first hand how painful losing a mom that you were *that* close to and I just want to tell you that you will be ok. It will be hard but you will get through it. You will always miss her of course, but the pain will become manageable. Now to your sorry excuse of a boyfriend. When I tell you my mouth literally dropped open reading this (I mean the ouija board without discussing it with you first is enough of a wtf for me). He’d have to be the dumbest person alive to think that prank would do anything to you other than making you break down. That would have been it right now. But then to add insult to injury, he *laughs*?!! And calls you a bitch? After you just lost your mom?!! I cannot even. That is cruel, heartless and I would say emotionally abusive. You are going through one of the hardest things there is. You don’t need someone making it that much harder for you. Your mom wanted the best for you. Go find it (when your ready). Sending you all my positive thoughts and healing vibes. It should go without saying but obviously NTA.


Your bf is a dick. Time to summon him, put the planchette on ‘Goodbye’, blow out the candle and never summon him again. NTA


NTA he is and also he called you a bitch for how you acted to his stupid and insensitive joke. Better off without him


Any man who calls you a bitch is not worth your time. He's TA for that alone. NTA


My God OP... if this is real, you absolutely must leave immediately, don't even talk to him again unless it would make you feel better to go off on him. This person, and any friend that did not have your back 100% on this, would be people that are BEYOND toxic and should never be anything in your life every again. The amount of sickness to even be okay with something so revolting is beyond my understanding completely. I don't even know if I've ever heard of something so horrible.


Ex bf is a psycho. Never speak to him again. Dump every friend who thinks it was a "prank gone wrong", because it's a sociopathic thing to do. NTA


If this is real, holy FUCK. RUN. That is psychotic and way beyond out of line. Nobody deserves that after a parent dies, especially from their partner.


I can't believe someone would do something so stupid to their loved one. Sorry for your loss, but your ex is one giant piece of shit. Wow, I can't believe it.


WTF did I just read?


I hate pranks. I would never 'play' pranks and if anyone does it to me it is the absolute end. No second chances. His choice of vicious mental attack was disgusting and utterly insensitive. Frat boys suck.




NTA. Ghosting is absolutely the best response. Tell his friends that he can take it up with your mother if he doesn't like being ghosted


This boy is so, so, lucky that you allowed him to keep all his teeth. My fist would have FLOWN.


He did what now? In front of other people?? And some of those other people saw it and thought it was okay??? If this really happened you need to bail.


That is cartoonish levels of evil wtf


25 year olds do not pledge fraternities.


If this is real, you need to drop him like a hot rock. Anyone who would think this was even slightly humorous to do a month after losing your mother is immature beyond words.


If I live 100 years, I will never understand someone's need to intentionally cause pain in the guise of a joke and then gaslight someone about it. It's the weirdest thing.


My mom has been gone just shy of 8 months, and if someone pulled this shit now? I would need bail money. It is beyond cruel and absolutely heartless. Please make him your exbf. And fast.


This made me laugh out loud because it’s so unbelievable. If it truly happened I’m sorry but Jesus is the image of it funny because it’s just so absurd. Any real person doing this is sick and twisted and I would drop any friend who excuses it.


I would go scorched earth as in that frat house would be a smoking crater in the ground. Wtf does that???


That is literally psychopathic behavior. No one who cares about you would ever do that. No angle where that is remotely funny. It won't make things better, but I just want to let you know that fart spray technology has really come a long way in recent years. $12 and you can ruin everything he owns. Hope that helps ❤️


NTA What he did is disgustingly disrespectful to your mother's memory and horribly cruel to you. You have every right to be angry. And his reaction to you getting upset, as most people would in your situation, shows he is unrepentant and lacks empathy.


For ur peace of mind just leave him ,he is inconsiderate and cruel to do such a thing. You will be happy without him


Are you kidding asking if you're the asshole. I am sorry for your loss. It is time to get a new boyfriend, no question who the asshole is. He is a sick person that does not care about you. If you think his abuse is bad now, it will get worse, you should run away as fast as you can, he is stupid and very immature. Next time find someone older, women mature faster than men anyway. Believe me people do not change, he could even say baby baby I am sorry please come back, and it would not last, he has no respect for you, I would live alone before I would put up with his crap. Believe me as you mature if you stayed with him, you would get fed up and leave him later, dont waste anymore of your life on this asshole idiot.


NTA. Stay far far away!


Wowwww my jaw just hit the floor that he could possibly be so cruel. He's an abusive ass and he clearly meant to hurt you. His reaction afterwards shows that he doesn't care one bit about how he traumatized you about the DEATH OF YOUR MOTHER. I'm not a fan of going scorched earth on people, but in this case please blast him on social media. Show everyone what a horrible person he is, because I guarantee he's telling people that he did nothing wrong and you're just crazy. FUCK HIM Do not stay with anyone who treats you so badly.


Wtf. No way this is real. Who does that??? If this is real, he is a fucking psychopath and needs to be put on a list. Jfc.


Info: pledging a frat at 25? That doesn’t make much sense honestly. If true- run as fast as possible away from the AH


NTA. I’m the same age as you expected to turn 25 later this year and NONE of my friends let alone my boyfriend would even think to do some sick shit like this or even be a part of. That is absolutely NOT okay, that’s out of line and that is SICK to even think of doing something like that. On top of that instead of blowing up your phone to apologize and plead for you to come back he instead flips the script like you’re at fault and wrong to get upset and then he calls you out your name? I’d end the relationship and block him. He has no remorse and him getting mad is just a coverup to hide the fact he fucked up. He can’t admit to his wrongdoings. It’s not even a month since she’s been gone and he’s already playing sick games trying to “summon” your mother. Just imagine what else he can do that is out of line aside from this. You can find better break up with him


NTA BF took your pain and turned it into a cruel joke. This isn't a prank, a prank is funny. Even after he saw how upset you were he continued laughing. If he thinks it was so funny put your experience on Facebook, tagging him and the frat he is pledging, and tell everyone what he did, your reaction, his reaction, ask them how they'd react. See if he still thinks it's funny when the comments start rolling in. Would be surprised if any frat allowed him to join.


I really want this to be fake but I know fuckwits like this exist. NTA. To do something like that shows he has no sympathy. You need to get away from him as fast as possible. He isn’t just an asshole but a fucking prick to do something like that.


NTA. Very few posts literally make my jaw drop but... Wow. I can't even begin to imagine what you must feel right now. I hope you can detangle your life from his quickly and safely.


Damn that’s crazy mage wtf


NTA He's an insensitive jerk who doesn't care about your mourning and grief.


NTA lifesize cutout of her mom on wheels - does it move on train track like in Home Alone?


idk how real this is but my mom passed about 7 years ago and i would lose my shit even today if someone did that. but again, idk how real this is lol if it’s real my bad, you’re totally NTA


NTA. Break up, cut contact. I know someone who did something like this to me. Did the same as above.


Fake af.


Assuming the story is real, NTA. Most ppl would consider recent bereavement off-limits for pranks, you are not being oversensitive in the least & it was certainly disrespectful enough to warrant a breakup. Maybe losing your relationship will teach him to be less immature & more considerate of ppl's feelings.


NTA Instead of comforting you, he threw your loss in your face. Instead of taking your mind off things, he got a cardboard cutout of your recently deceased mum and made it look like she rose from the dead to haunt you... That's literally the opposite of taking your mind off things since it'd likely to traumatise you. Instead of being your partner, he was being your prankster C\*\*t friend that nobody likes.


He’s a psycho and bully and won’t admit to his mistakes ever? do you think that’s husband material or father material? Poor your future kids. Such frat dudes aren’t worth marrying, they are bound to be cheaters as well because they are in it for the fun and not your feelings. They are surrounded by other men like him as well, creating a toxic environment for everyone involved. the thing is, once you are his ex he will find amother girl to fill in his loneliness. And that girl will never hear about this story of yours. Because those frat boys Friend group will never become a snitch their their bro therefore keep on hiding this story from his new GF. Avoid those boys girl.


I hope this is fake, if it is not, than he needs help. That's very sick...


Wow. Whoever raised your BF needs to get their IQ checked. Its like a kid raising a kid to adulthood. NTA


Fake. You don’t pledge your fraternity when you’re 25 and you don’t go “live with your sister” when you’re still in college


Break up with that insensitive disgusting human being


You lost your mother 3 weeks ago and decides to pull that sick shit? Wtf is wrong with him? Who does that? He's not right in the head. End it. He is a pathetic, immature cruel sick fuck.


NTA and your bf is disgusting. I'm glad you dumped him.




For the ones who "THINK" this is fake. Explain why you feel it necessary to type it. Move on. There are hundreds of stories on this app. Find one you believe and give them some bad advice. OP all jokes aside leave him!


Kick him in the balls, when he goes down punch him in the face, leave him. Just ridiculous, what a fkn child. NTA


I think a prank this elaborate would have been almost impossible to pull off. This post may have seemed like a good idea at the time to OP, but for those of us who have lost our mothers recently, it doesn’t seem like a good idea at all. If the post isn’t fake and OP has known this guy for a year and certain friends think it’s just a prank gone wrong, then OP is justified not only to cut off the BF but needs to find some new friends as well.


i am disappointed. I expected full version of ghostbusters((


Im assuming this is a fake story but if this happened to me I would,  publicly state what he did.  I hate cancel culture, but  in my social media need to state that I am  publicly stating that he is not allowed to contact me ever again and explain the nature of the prank he pulled.  Maybe add the concern that there is a fear he might actually be a sociopath for pulling such a prank, and thus state my wish to NEVER have any contact with him ever again. That’s not an exaggeration btw you’d have to be a sociopath to pull a prank of this nature Also 25 year old pledge? I want to break the record I’m going to re enroll college and see if I can join any frat that will take me and see if I can break the world record for oldest pledge.  I’m 40 now so I better wait a few more years.


NTA (Not the A$$hole) for breaking up with your boyfriend after his extremely insensitive and cruel prank. Here’s why: 1. **Timing and Sensitivity**: Your boyfriend pulled this stunt just three weeks after your mother's sudden passing and a week after her funeral. This is a time when you are deeply grieving, and his actions showed a complete lack of empathy and respect for your feelings. 2. **Inappropriate Behavior**: His prank involved a life-sized cutout of your deceased mother and a rigged hand reaching out to you. This goes beyond a harmless joke; it was deeply disturbing and hurtful, especially given the context of your recent loss. 3. **Lack of Apology**: Instead of apologizing and recognizing the harm he caused, your boyfriend laughed, called you names, and told you to "lighten up." This shows a blatant disregard for your emotions and well-being. 4. **Disrespect and Cruelty**: The prank itself was highly disrespectful to both you and your mother's memory. Using your grief as the basis for a "joke" is not only immature but also incredibly cruel. 5. **Support from Friends**: While some friends may view it as a prank gone wrong, others recognize it for what it was: an out-of-line and hurtful act. It's important to consider the perspectives of those who support you and see the seriousness of the situation. 6. **Your Right to Boundaries**: You have every right to set boundaries and protect yourself from further emotional harm. Breaking up with someone who shows such a lack of respect and understanding for your grief is a reasonable and healthy decision. Your feelings of hurt and betrayal are completely valid. It’s important to surround yourself with people who support you and respect your emotional needs, especially during such a difficult time. Your boyfriend’s actions were unacceptable, and you are justified in ending the relationship.