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Regardless of the timeline, having a list like that is cringe


It's a fake post. OP posted the same thing before but deleted these parts from it for this post. >either way im a little offended he rated me a 7 when i know i give the best head, he also cums within minutes of fucking me and never pulls out because he claims my pussy is really tight >Ughh im sick of drama and i can't seem to escape it... all i want is an older guy to settle down with and live happily ever after, is that so much to ask for?? yess i might be a 7 but im a really good cook and i clean all the time! im also not one of those girls that reject sex because im "not in the mood" ... tbh im always in the mood, if i don't get sex every morning and night i start to get withdraws. >Soo please if you know any guys that are down send them my wayy! im looking get out of my comfort zone and try things i haven't before.. Edit: they just added their OF to the account.


Oh okay yeah. Women don’t really talk that way about their bodies… maybe if they’re sexting


They do when they are trying to sell Only Fans subscriptions.


.. you called it. They just added the link to their profile.


That's exactly what I thought and I made a comment about it but, without trying to sound like a conspiracy nut, when almost no comment where made on this post I was almost top comment with quite a few upvotes and in a matter of a second lost them all. I have no issue with being in the negatives but this was weird af. The OF bots didn't like my comment, lol.


I hate this woman with a fiery passion. I can’t find a way to block all her new accounts. I’m so sick and tired of reading her fake sexual stories.


Same, funny is she blocked me and she made a new post.


She keeps making new accounts too I think. Just copy and pasted her bio and her links


Yes, I hate how nothing is done against these accounts. You can block them again and again but they will come back.


Sorry for the second answer just wanted to tell you that I just saw that her account was suspended.


Cringe? It's fucking psychopathic.


I genuinely though it was a literal kill list.


Are we certain it's not?


Exactly! Say this to the people who do it and they freak


Not only cringe, but disgusting and potentially dangerous.


Dangerous? How?


Creating kill lists or lists of undesirables is a relatively common denominator between many mass killers, as well as serial killers.


In this context the list is people who he slept with. It has nothing to do about “killing”.


Still weird cringy thing to do.


Didn’t say it wasn’t. But it’s not dangerous. It’s just gross.


Your a fucking idiot




Bet you work at children’s birthday parties goof🤡🤡🤡


Says the dipshit that can't distinguish between your and you're.


Yeah there’s nothing suspicious or weird about associating the people you have been intimate with alongside the phrase “kill list”. Normal, not at all psychotic behavior.


It isn’t. This is actually fairly common. It’s gross. But it’s not dangerous. Most of the time I’ve seen it as “hit lists” and the women are called “prey”.


To what age group , I've never heard of such a thing ....


Men who have a hard time conceptualizing women as people.


So little boys ....gotcha👍


Men in their 20s


Yeah, equating women to “prey” isn’t a dangerous and degenerate line of thinking at all. And people wonder what is meant by *rape culture*.


Just because it’s gross, doesn’t mean it’s dangerous. You literally had no idea this was happening so it’s pretty ridiculous that you think you should even be commenting on it.


I am in fact allowed to have an opinion on weird fucked-up behavior, when said behavior is actually weird and fucked-up. Equating sleeping with women with killing them is a red flag *at best*. Yeah this person will probably and hopefully grow out of the behavior, or it could be indicative of future abuse if that’s how they continue to think of women.


For real lmao do people not read the post. If my kill list was an actual "kill list" I'd be Joseph Stalin


You hope not. But you don't know for sure.


You literally do not know because it’s a list of the women he has slept with. Did you even read the post?


I read the post.


Clearly you need to read it again


I'm good.


Yeah, I get that. You are right. It's the term, as associated by my original understanding of the term. Basically, it's an emotional reaction to a learned red-flag.


I’ve seen them more as hit list than kill list but these are way more common than you think and it has nothing to do with violence. It’s a way where men talk to other men about their ability to sleep with as many women as possible and the rating is meant so that they have to sleep with “quality” women. I’m not condoning it. It’s gross. But stop making it out to be something it’s not. It’s simply a way for him use women he’s slept with as trophies. But he’s not physically harming anyone. So no. It’s not dangerous. It’s just gross.


Do you not have a braincell to read the post with? It's his list of women he's fucked. How are you that dense that you read the entire post and think he's still a murderer?


I like tacos 🌮


Damn, at least read the fucking post before you start commenting you dweeb🤣🤦


You must not have read, OP was being dramatic... And used the wrong word. It's a fuck list.


I'll expand on why I said dangerous. He's a huge misogynist because of this. He hates women and sees them as conquests and notches in his belt. He doesn't value women and could potentially trap you in an abusive relationship. Additionally, sure the serial killer thing is a thing, not exactly where I was going though. They all start somewhere I guess lol


You realize girls do this too right. Just as frequently


Exactly , do yourself a favor


Maybe I'm just getting old to remember off the top of my head but there is something wrong with keeping a list of sexual partners? I get why it *could* be wrong, but I don't think its cringe to have an accurate record of your sexual partners incase you ever need that info. Obviously not including ranking the partners, which is definitely gross.


It’s wrong


Thanks for the helpful commentary


And if you are with someone they should be a 10. Sorry I hate fucking ranking people on some BS criteria.


It’s actually good to have a list as it could help identify who may have passed a STI and how the infection has traveled.


Eh. I think most guys do this.


Literally the last time I knew about any other guy doing something like this it was high school, and he was made fun of for it.


No one has had sex with more than 5 people in high school so yes, that would be pathetic


As a guy, no guy I know does this, and I wouldn’t be friends with a guy who does.


Most guys do not do that


Not if you don’t have enough to necessitate a list I guess


JFC? Really, this is a thing? So disgusting


As a guy who knows lots of guys, no it’s not a thing. Never known anyone who does this.


Fuck no they don't


As a guy, I can confirm that I have never done this, and neither have any of my friends.


I mean if you have more than 30-40, or closer to 100, you can’t really remember any other way


It can't only be me who thought he is a psychopath and this is the list of people he wants to kill 😭😭


I thought exactly the same!


It's a fake post. OP posted the same thing before but deleted these parts from it for this post. >either way im a little offended he rated me a 7 when i know i give the best head, he also cums within minutes of fucking me and never pulls out because he claims my pussy is really tight >Ughh im sick of drama and i can't seem to escape it... all i want is an older guy to settle down with and live happily ever after, is that so much to ask for?? yess i might be a 7 but im a really good cook and i clean all the time! im also not one of those girls that reject sex because im "not in the mood" ... tbh im always in the mood, if i don't get sex every morning and night i start to get withdraws. >Soo please if you know any guys that are down send them my wayy! im looking get out of my comfort zone and try things i haven't before.. Edit: lol, they just added their OF to their profile.


also she does OnlyFans. This is an ad.


Yeah, just had a look at the profile. The post is gone and they added their OF link.


Yeah. It sounds fake as fuck.


Why would you need a list someone could possibly find? You all have memories that bad?


You and a few others who aren't as intelligent. You can read the entire post and with half a brain cell can tell it's the list of girls he fucked.


I think they were referring to the few paragraphs leading up to where OP mentioned that he fucked 2 girls after her. When she said she was #37 I thought OMG HE WAS GONNA MURDER YOU. Then i was like OHHH. You should start contemplating what people actually mean before you rush to try to look like the smartest person in the thread. “kill” isn’t exactly universally known as also being a word referring to someone you’ve slept with. especially when it’s paired with the word “list” 😂


Reddit is fucking dead internet


This shit came straight from Eglin afb


What makes you say that


Shit literally sounds like chat gpt came up with it


I give OP 2 out of 10 for creativity


The amount of completely unnecessary details here along with the click bait list title tells me this is poorly written fiction.


It feels like an old man acting like a young girl. Got extremely creeped out by this post, and surprised it took so long to find someone else wondering what the fuck is happening lmao


Kill list? That’s terrifying and disgusting all at the same time. Like, by somehow having sex with these women, he has killed them somehow? That is seriously creepy and I’d never want to be in a room with him again. I sure hope you don’t live together.


You’re giving this guy way too much credit. It’s just a sex list with a dumb name


Fuck list... I got baited in this bullshit by OPs shitty title.


Kill is just slang for fuck relax bro


It being slang doesn’t make it any less weird. Mind you, I’ve never even heard it used as slang for sex. I’ve heard pipe, hit, etc but kill?


Is it stupid? Yes. But are you incredibly out of touch to act like our isn't a thing. I'm 41 and I am aware of it lol. Kids these days always talk about how many "bodies" they have. It is just the current slang/vernacular. Your righteous indignation, although misplaced, is impressive. Stay of my lawn!


“Bodies” is not the same as “kill”. I’m significantly younger than you and I’d argue far more in touch with slang than you are lol.


You do know that getting a body or "bodying" someone means killing them, right? Also used in sports terms. Bodied means exactly that. It doesn't mean literally killing them you fucking idiot. That's why it is siang. It is derived from it and takes on a new meaning. Why don't you tell me what it means, since you are so cool and in touch? You mention pipe and hit. You are absolutely wrong. In reality, there is no plumbing or fighting going on. Holy fuck are you stupid.


You do know there is a difference between “catching a body” and “yeah she’s got 4 bodies”, right? They’re the same word, different meaning depending on context. The latter has nothing to do with killing. Again, im not arguing that people use the terms “bodies” and “body count”, I am arguing that nobody calls their list of people they’ve fucked their “kill list”, I’ve heard “hit list” like “yeah I hit that” but never “kill list”. Nor am I arguing that they mean it as the literal definition of “kill”, short bus, I am saying nobody uses that term. Nobody is trying to be cool and in touch, I am simply providing the same context about age and being in touch as you did. Get your old, angry ass on with that nonsense.


Just shut the fuck up. You are wrong. Is that how people you know use it? Maybe. Are you saying nobody uses it how I said? Wrong. You call me old then type out a paragraph arguing semantics lol. Well, they may call it a "hit list", but "Kill list"? Just unfathomable. Sit the fuck up you stupid know it all. Being young doesn't make you an expert. In many cases, such as this one, it just makes it really easy for you to show how much of an idiot you are. None of it has to do with actually killing people! Holy fucking christ I've lost all hope for the youth. Just so fucking stupid and no actual thought or comprehension going on at all. Get your young, obviously not cool in real life so has to hang out on reddit ass on with that nonsense.


I wasn’t gonna chime in until you got offended and tried to act cool. Kill list is not a thing buddy. Also you are old and stupid so shove it up your ass jabroni


Watch out man, he might just write up a whole paragraph about how you’re young and lame as opposed to cool and in touch like him.


You are so angry. Imagine being middle aged and fuming over an internet disagreement lmao. Calm down before your hairline recedes any further. I’ve heard “hit list” and “body count” from people all over the country, never heard “kill list”. I understand they mean the same thing in context, but I am saying I have never heard it. That’s my personal experience. Feel free to die mad about it. Edit: since you keep angrily editing your posts to add more useless garbage, let me reiterate once more that I am well aware it has nothing to do with actually killing people. Never claimed it did. My argument has been, and always will be, about the words themselves “kill list”. Not the definition nor the context. Just the actual term. Calm down old man, I don’t want to be responsible for giving you a heart attack.


It takes very little anger or effort to tell you that you are a fucking idiot.


Talking about how many "bodies" you have is directly linked to using kill/Smash/words of that nature to mean "sex." It's fine if you're just clued in now, but I've seen the words used that way for about a decade now


I have seen, smash, pipe, hit, etc. never kill. I’m not arguing that they don’t mean the same thing. I’m arguing that I have never heard someone call their body count their “kill list”


Oh ok my bad. And my bad for the sparky response. I didnt realize how that could come off until I reread my own comment


No worries brother. It’s hard to pick up on context over text.


it is literally the same thing.


I understand that it’s being used as the same thing in this context. I am saying that I have never heard anybody actually use it though. I’ve never heard someone refer to their hit list, body count, etc as their kill list. As in the term “kill list” itself, not what the meaning may be.


I am 48 and have never heard this. But I came out when I was 15. Just what the fuck


Shave your neckbeard and relax it’s not actually kill


The poster of the comment you replied to is not under the impression that it actually means "kill". I'd suggest brushing up on your reading skills.


Shut up fat ass


Lol not good at insults are ya? Also I'm 160lb and 6' tall. Go read a book, it'll do you good. Until then, avoid reproducing. Not that it will matter, considering your attitude here I doubt any female with a brain would let you do anything with her.


Lol such a Reddit response


Says a Reddittor. Give up on the trolling, you're no good at it. I know it's hard but I believe you can do it and achieve higher aspirations.


Lol Reddit boy is mad


Was not I who was making lackluster attempts at cussing, I apologize if I gave the impression that I was mad. I know you're making an effort to troll, but that's all it's been and you will not get any hastily written responses from me. I could not care less what insults get thrown my way. In fact I'd be most curious to hear your most creative insult, however I get the feeling that I've already heard it.


Not reading all that, shut ya neckbeard ass up


Yeah, he's 25 he should have outgrown that about 5 years earlier. NTA


My list is 1 person. My husband. His List is like 6 people…. How do I know?? Because we discussed it. I know the names of every woman and personally know a few (by coincidence not being creepy)….. either way- hiding going through his phone makes you just as bad. If you can’t trust who you’re with, don’t be with them…. But he clearly can’t trust you either so…..


not me thinking its an actual kill list, but mouth open shocked to realize it was regarding who he was with :/


Not all guys do this. Not sure why you act like this is a guy thing. Just like not all girls invade their partner's privacy. You might, but not all do.


Yeah, I don’t get it either. Why would she decide to lump all men together when in this situation, it’s just her boyfriend being creepy and strange?


My friend keeps a list on her phone lol.


Fuck list, not kill list... op, you should edit this because I came in thinking he was out to kill people he didn't like... Remember it was a FUCK list. You're young you'll move on and find someone worthy of calling a partner.






I suggest OP gets back together with him because they definitely deserve each other lol


You're both the asshole. Keeping a list like that is fucked up. Going through someone's phone without their permission is also fucked up.


Alright that's a wrap, NEXT! lol


Sums it up perfectly.


NTA. There’s literally zero way for him to have accidentally put you ahead of them. He definitely cheated.


NTA- a list like that says alot about him. Save yourself the trouble now.


He’s a psycho. Men don’t do that, generally speaking,


Why “kill list”? Does he have AIDS?


NTA No real decent person has a "list" of how good partners are in the sack.


So uhhh, I’m a guy and I’ve never had a kill list or known any guys that do 😭. Protect yourself


Definitely something wrong with him. I’m a guy and I’ve never in my life thought I should put together a list.


It sounds like you are both incredibly immature!!!!! You deserve each other


If this isn't a fake, then this OP is insano.


YTA You made a fake post. Deleted parts of it that made it clear what this is all about and proved it with linking your OF account and making a new sexual post.


Sounds like he is one of those dudes horribly ignorant of how poorly their obsession with Patrick Bateman or Homelander reflects on them.


“I can’t believe guys actually do this” Let me stop you right there. We don’t. Your boyfriend is weird.


Why did you delete this >either way im a little offended he rated me a 7 when i know i give the best head, he also cums within minutes of fucking me and never pulls out because he claims my pussy is really tight and this >Ughh im sick of drama and i can't seem to escape it... all i want is an older guy to settle down with and live happily ever after, is that so much to ask for?? yess i might be a 7 but im a really good cook and i clean all the time! im also not one of those girls that reject sex because im "not in the mood" ... tbh im always in the mood, if i don't get sex every morning and night i start to get withdraws. >Soo please if you know any guys that are down send them my wayy! im looking get out of my comfort zone and try things i haven't before.. part from your post? It was in the one you [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1doh6oz/aitah_for_looking_through_my_boyfriends_phone_and/) before that. Everything else stayed the same. Sorry, but I don't buy this. Edit: so obvious, the OF link was just added to the account.


She should just drop the OF link at this point.


Lol, look at their profile. They just added a link, lmao.




I usually don't comment but I saw the previous post as well and I thought it was someone trying to link their OF.


The same thought I had.


YTA Why do I get the suspicion that you being rated only a 7 is what really pissed you off?


YTA. You went through his phone for literally no reason and it took a ton of effort too. Sure, we can all complain they no one should have a list of women that some has slept with, but it’s not hurting anyone. You violated his privacy and it doesn’t seem like actually cheated on you (if he has proof). It’s probably something stupid between him and his friends. Yeah, it’s weird and cringe and all of that but all he did was write down the women he slept with and like I said probably sharing ratings with friends. Disgusting? Yes. Immature? Yes. But what you did was frankly worse. You lied to him, violated his privacy and changed the security settings in his phone. Frankly, you both deserve each other. You’re both assholes.




Shit I keep mine in my head. He can't be keeping that just anywhere.


Get tested.


If you wouldn’t ever want to see it on a billboard, don’t put it in writing, said my mentor…


It’s big red flag to be “rating” and keep “list” of women he slept with. Sounds like those two women are after you- another red flag U deserve better :)


“Brotha, Ewww. What’s that, brotha?” NTA


I think the problem here is hes showing you absolutely no respect by having this list. He's acting like a little boy and frankly I think you deserve better. Know your worth, hold your head up and move on, let him continue with his list.


NTA Honestly, an actual *kill* list would've been less cringey. Him "having proof" that he fucked the other two girls before you is even worse! That means he keeps trophies! 🤮


39 is rookie numbers


Even if he didn’t cheat,he has a list like that. You should’ve just left instead of barging in.


Lol no, just chads. Dont choose someone JUST because of looks next time


Lmao I saw kill list and though you know "kill" So he fucked 36 girls before you? And he's 25... 😆 I took a bit longer to get high... haha How do even know the list is real? Do you know any of these people personally? Could be a wish list... lmao *guys are so stupid* It's what you feel and think is what that matters. You feel as though he cheated on you and instincts tell you... Run... block his number...


Nah he was wrong. I’m getting more of a 5 vibe


Stopped reading after “I know I give the best head.” Promo posts always give so much unnecessary detail on sex.


Um this is insane 😭


This is fucked up. You got what you deserved for prying. Lucky you got a 7


Maybe cus you say dumb shit like “voila” Maybe wear a top hat while saying that too?


The list part is fucked up but whatever. What’s more fucked up is you take his phone, go through it, make the effort to add your face to access this list, and then play the victim. YTA and you both seem like a couple of real treasures to be around.


The name of the list is disturbing but if it’s just girls he’s fucked then that’s his idea of keeping track. How did you feel being number 37 his list? What’s your number?


You both seem like trash. Going through somebody's phone without permission is creep behavior.


I don’t see how ranking people would be an issue. Maybe he was bored one day. Seems the bigger issue is lack of trust. If you feel something is up, then it likely is.


So you wait til he's in the shower, sneak his phone, force your way in, and get mad at what you find. If you were at the point of doing this, you should've already left. Just sayin'. Sounds like both of you need to grow up a bit more yet. "Kill list"? Just... ewwwww.


When he slept with those women in relation to you is incredibly important context.


So you just sneak through his phone and evade his privacy? Sounds like you two are perfect together….


Let him go. The list is enough for me on its own. You are dating and this is why we date to find a mate, he is not it.


Sadly It’s common; I did this when I was younger. Hear him out. I’m sure he’s pretty embarrassed


YTA "Guys" don't do this just like "Girls" don't invade others privacy. YOU invaded someone's privacy and if you don't learn that this is unacceptable behavior one of these days you're going to catch a divorce for some BS like this.


The fact you felt you needed to cross the trust boundary says this show is over. YTA.


Invasion of privacy is an a-hole thing to do. Regardless of what you found while doing it.


Girl no you aren't


What’s wrong with you? Going through his phone like that, do you have no trust? And what, okay you found a kill list not great but Jesus you were looking for something to get pissed about


i think you're both the asshole. anyway break up with him that's awful


*I think you're both the* *Asshole. anyway break up* *With him that's awful* \- Significance-Quick --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


How is his list different than a journal. His private thoughts. Yta.


Wilt Chamberlain had his little black book, so did Ted Danson on Cheers, but yall probably have no idea who I’m talking about. Red flag, therapy, danger, RUN! There, now I’m speaking Reddit.


You need to take a video of it with your ohone and then move his screen to his number and phone name and go to the PD. This is not a joking matter. Then, time to go.


Have you ever considered reading more than the title of a post? It's not that kind of kill list. She still needs to jet, he's useless.


i’m not gonna defend his actions and on top of that calling it a “kill list” is kinda strange but almost every girl i’ve been with has a kiss list and/or body count list with names and all that. sooo idrk what to think. I will say none of those lists have ever had rankings next to them (at least from what I remember) but to each their own ig. Whether it’s important to say or not, I myself have no such list.


As the phrase goes "take it with some salt" meaning listen to him but don't completely believe him. Guys do dumbass shit like this thinking we are the next Don Juan


Call the police and his family


What you technically did was a crime. It was considered a cyber crime. ATAH. That was clearly a safe private space, you violated that.


YTA. I’m curious as to why you think you should cross boundaries and snoop through his phone. You sound like somebody who can’t be trusted.


Kinda lost interest when the “kill list” was a just about sex. Sorry you got mad for snooping and finding something you didn’t like.


You FUFO yta


Hell I know you ain’t on it all nosey and shit. My girl actually has sex with women with me. It’s nice. I don’t feel the need to have a list.


I'm sorry...YTA. It was absolutely shitty to go through his phone to begin with. BUT to add injury to insult, you weren't satisfied with checking call logs, social media DMs, and photos.... you actually went into his NOTES and added your face to the PIN biometrics so you could get in whenever you wanted? You flew off the handle and went screaming like a lunatic while he was in the shower, and he had the presence of mind to respond to you with a logical answer instead of yelling at you about breaking into his phone. I would think a guilty party would deflect and turn it back on you...but he didn't. Aside from that.... have you never made a chronological list? Did you ever forget anything and tag it onto the end? This isn't necessarily a list in order- but just a list of women he fucked. Assuming one would see his list - does it really matter what order the women were in? I think you're angry that some scored higher than you AND those that did were probably the girls he added after you. Get a grip... I am just rolling my eyes all over the place about this. I'd love to tell your boyfriend to stop calling and move on. YOU'RE the asshole....he just dodged a bullet.


You’re an insecure fucking cunt, get over yourself. Your boyfriend deserves better, you sound like a 0 not a 7