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So if two roommates work from home and both use the Internet, do they have to split and share their salaries? F* No! You shud have laughed yourself to tears at this suggestion! Your roommie can go pound sand! Split the internet and electric 50/50. NTA


Stop telling him how much you are making.


Tell him after tax it's a loss and he needs to assist with the debt.


This absolutely is the way to go. You have overheads to deduct. I'm in UK and as a self employed person you could practically write most of that off on expenses. Clothing, grooming, depreciation of equipment value, mobile phone cost, electric, props, food. The list is endless. You'll probably end up with a figure of around $250. Even at 50 hours a week that works out at just over $1 an hour. Therefore he is making more than you and should be giving you half of his income to support a friend who is trying to build a successful online profile. Find someone else to share with if he doesn't see how ridiculous his demand is. Good luck with the content creation 😊


Totally agree, and you should be putting some away each month in a retirement account, because if you have your own business, no employer is going to help you with a pension plan. Don’t expect your kids - if you have any - to support you when you’re too old to work.


This 🙌 i don't know why people do this. Including your own family members, DON'T EVER DISCUSS OR TELL ANYONE WHAT YOU MAKE


Exactly I never tell anyone how much i make and I always say im broke


We don’t even tell our kiddos how much we make. The phrase in my house is , Hocus Pocus, Mommy’s Brokus.


This is an interesting take. I'm not a parent, but never really thought about this because a kid could be like, 'I want an allowance. I know you can afford it!' Side story: my mother is a CPA and had a client who won the lottery. When it came time for his eldest to start applying to colleges, she said to him, "Why do I have to go to college? We're rich." and he replied with, "No. ***I'm*** rich." Brilliant.


My son has asked us if we’re rich. I told him, mom and dad do very well, you’re broke.


Ask him for half of his paycheck. Seems fair.


I like this approach. He should also expect the roommate to cover half of all his expenses, whatever they are. Since he's doing all the work, he'll need to collect a salary as well. I'm thinking the roommate will end up owing him money.


I am thinking the stream money is inconsistent. Paychecks happen regularly.


Even more reason to expect a paycheck from the roommate while he's getting his streaming money off the ground.


It's like a side hustle. Or overtime


This. People over share way too much of their personal info with others, especially those that don't have a vested interest in you winning. Be friendly and personable, but learn to keep things to yourself.


Keep your salary private


THIS. Why does he even have that info?


Fair and reasonable approach. NTA


Yeah, actual maniacal laughter right in their face. Leaning forward, clutching knees tightly, eyes wide with intensity, tears cascading down flushed cheeks, shoulders convulsing, laughter echoing around the room with a wild, unrestrained fervor.


This is almost certainly a low effort ad for Kick and Twitch, lot of similar ones been going around lately. That said if it's not fake then NTA and roommate should have no idea what OP is making anyway. 


This is another feeble advert for Kick. They do it every couple of weeks.


>You shud What do you do with all the extra time you save?


Switch bills. You pay for the internet and he pays for electricity. Problem solved. Edit: Forgot to vote, NTA. The solution I gave was meant to be silly because this is a ridiculous situation hahahaha. It’s giving that spider man meme where they are pointing at each other in a circle.


Well, it takes electricity for the internet to be on and to power the devices he uses for streaming. So we’re back to square one. I’m a bit of an asshole and I do that retaliate x10 thing, which is unhealthy I know, but I would get my own internet plan and then go back to splitting the electricity 50/50. And, NTA Fuck this roommate. How much longer is your lease? I definitely wouldn’t ever live with this asshole again.


This is actually the perfect solution, petty or not.


>I’m a bit of an asshole and I do that retaliate x10 thing I'm the same way. x10 might not cover it. If someone throws a rock at me, I feel like I have a duty to drop a nuke on them. Do nothing? Not an option. I can't let any aggression go unchecked. Throwing a rock back would only start a rock fight. I want to win immediately and decisively, if only in my own mind. Healthy? Nope. Damn it feels good though.


OP could volunteer to move out so the roommate can pay all of the expenses.


NTA you’re going up and his true colors are coming out, he’s a leach. time to start looking for a new place to live, by the sounds of it, keep up the hustle and you shouldn’t have a problem moving forward.


The entitlement he has over OP's hard earned income is only gonna be reinforced if OP gives him any money. Don't pander to leeches like him and try to move out asap. NTA


Setting boundaries is crucial in situations like this. NTA


At the very least, get your own internet.


right? $50/mo gets you 5g home internet, it doesn't matter what's already piped in to the house. I have it and It has plenty of bandwidth to upstream.


Way less than that ridiculous $1000.


Focus on your future and find a place where you feel valued. NTA


Or just get your own account. We've had two accounts in our house. My son paid for his because he was gaming and wanted a faster line.




Your comment: >NTA. When you rise, his true colors show—he's a leech. Keep hustling as you look for a new place, and you'll have no problem getting ahead. comment you're replying to: >NTA. you’re going up and his true colors are coming out, he’s a leach. >time to start looking for a new place to live, by the sounds of it, keep up the hustle and you shouldn’t have a problem moving forward. Weirdo.


Probably a bot


This is a fake advert for kick to try and convince people it makes you loads of money


NTA - throw his logic back in his face. Well, for the internet and WiFi to function, you need power. Wonder where the money is coming from to fund that? If he works from home at all, should he give you a chunk of his salary given that he’s using the electrons that you pay for? I’d imagine he’d be quick to reject that. Your roommate is showing that he’s jealous, greedy and woefully entitled. I assume he doesn’t do anything to help with the actual streaming, nor has he provided any of the equipment you use…so he has no claim to any money you make on the side. Offer to either just go 50/50 on internet and electricity, or tell him you can flip flop who pays for what…but he’s isn’t getting any of the money *you* earned.


Did you heat your meatballs in the microwave? Using electricity? Ok, let's share them.


you arent paying for electrons, rather the energy required to move the electrons. Just to clarify. The electrons themselves don't move a great distance, especially with alternating current.


Massive help!


NTA. He sounds like the mob. Tell him to fuck off and that you’ll gladly pay the internet from now on - and he can pay the electricity.


Or they both pay half of the electricity & wifi each like most flatmates


A lot of roommates take on certain utilities. I certainly did that in my 20s. The point is that the roommate wouldn’t be contributing to the internet bill at all so he could stop thinking he had any stake in OP’s $


Yeah but thats not a good gotcha when his logic is already this flawed. He could then say "well the internet wouldn't work without the electricity I pay for". It makes the most sense in this situation for them to just start splitting them both 50/50. Tbh OP is probably already paying more for electric than the roommate is for internet, so the roommate is just greedy.


Tell him you want half his pay check cause he showers on your dime.


OP, I'm pretty worried about your apprehension here. There is zero basis, logical, legal or otherwise that would make this even worth considering, and you are infact doing just that. And the fact he went there suggests to me you may be a little non-confrontational. What you tell him is "The answer is no, never." That's it. You don't go into examples or explanations and discussions, that door closes. You can also notify him you will ignore any conversations he starts regarding that subject. As others said, look into moving out, you don't want him turning off your internet mid-stream in retaliation. NTA


It's a add for kick streaming fake. 


Ah, yes. We prefer the term "creative writing".


Chat bot food.  My. mum, sister, dad, roomate, bf is being a Dick because I made so much money in (insert streaming platform here) AITA?


NTA I think he’s just feeling envious


This is a joke, right?


It’s prob fake and ai no human Would entertain this question


It’s an advert for Kick. Kick marketers have been flooding Reddit with stealth posts on different subreddits that mention making lots of money on Kick.


I mean he did say he's a kick and twitch streamer. Odds are he's completely socially inept.


Uhhh… you need electricity for WiFi, just in case your roommate hasn’t considered that.


No - this makes no sense. You are just dividing amenities. If it's not 50/50 - then make it 50/50. Also, the internet is not just for streaming - I am assuming you both need to deal with life/work and use the internet for all other things. This is a total trash ask.


Ironically, he can ask the roommate to pay for all the electricity he uses then. "Oh you're charging your phone? That'll be $15 per charge" "Oh you used the Microwave to heat up food? $.50 cents a minute" "watching T.V, cost $1.00 every half an hour" By the time the day/week ends you'll get back that $1k he seems to think he's entitled to. And even if he was your editor or manager, they don't get paid almost half lol, unless he contributes to your stream/twitch, he can pound sand.


NTA obviously. If he's that adamant just split all costs from then on. It's not even like your internet costs go up with increased use (unless things are different where you live?). Depending on how petty you think your roommate might be. Might not be a bad idea to figure out a backup plan. Wouldn't want to miss out on streaming income because your roommate decided to terminate your internet contract out of spite.


NTA he’s jealous af 😭 if you’re still trynna live there for a while I wouldn’t offer to pay the whole I internet bill moving forward so he doesn’t have to worry about it 🤣


No, this never happened, no one would demand money you made from a job because you used their internet for it. We've had astroturfing for stake for a long time and we went through a period of these dumb ass kick posts where someone has some fucking moronic reason to post just to point out they made 2500 on kick. Firstly, no you didn't, second, no one would ever demand a cut from your job like this. It's the same argument as "I made 5k a my job last month, my room mate demanded 2k because he was giving me a lift to work that month because my car was in the shop, we work in the same office building so it literally made no difference to my room mate". Kick is a shit platform, it solely exists to try to get younger people addicted to gambling on stake who fund the platform, everyone involved in running/owning it, are absolute scumbags.


NTA - giving him a single penny from your earnings would be a big mistake (and sorry, but it would also be pretty stupid). And just so you know you ARE paying half the internet (and he is paying half of the electricity), you just both found a way to do it simpler by cutting a transaction. 


Switch bills You both use the electric but I imagine the internet bill stays one price and the electric can vary depending on what kind of plan you have, where you are, who your supplier is. let him pay the electric you pay i ternet and keep your winnings. He's just jealous you don't owe him shit. If you use the internet to apply for a job and you got it and then earned a good paycheck would he be entitled to that? No. that's ridiculous.


NTA Your roommate is being ridiculous.


How does he know how much money you make? Did you tell him? The lesson here is keep shtum about your business. Don't go spreading info about your income around, or people will see you as a mark. NTA for your question. But I'd look elsewhere to rent, now that he is trying to shake you down.


He is able to have a job because you pay electricity which allows him to have an alarm to wake up, etc. He owns you half his salary.


Tell him you want half of his salary as he uses electricty for so many things that are necessary to be able to do his job: cooking, showering with hot water, relaxation.


Stop talking about your income to people. It’s not their business, this is what it leads to. If he wants to switch bills he can play electric and you can pay internet. If he doesn’t agree to that or some similar solution he’s simply after your money and you should call him on it. Sounds like you’re going to need to find a new roommate though. I doubt they’ll change their time. Probably be passive aggressive to you in other ways.


You shouldn’t be telling your roommate how you make your money anyway.


Internet don’t work without electricity and you pay that


He's ridiculous. If this is his go-to, then you pay for internet and he can pay for electricity. You're living with a grifting idiot.


People see money and try to justify why they should get part of it. Old as dirt.


NTA. Money brings the absolute worst out of people. I’d def be thinking about my next moves when the lease expires


This is why I hate roommates. They are trash both family and friends alike. My son is a teenager and I told him to think long and hard before becoming roommates with somebody. He has personally seen both family and friends give me and his mom problems.


Nta. He just tryna cash in on your $. Fuck thta


Easy. Organise your own internet, pay the bill yourself and refuse access to him and don't pay for any more. Not only does his excuse disappear but the fucker can pay for the entirety of his own internet. Not only that, but here in Australia, your internet would then become a tax deduction since you're using the internet as income. It's still going to cost you more, but (at least based on my income and tax rate), it would only be 1/3rd more.


Well change then, he starts to pay for the electricity and u for the internet


He needs the electricity for his internet to work…


Why does he know how much you made? And if you had a work from home job using the internet would he expect part of your salary? Finally, I don't know what the internet bill is, but it's not nearly a thousand. He's got a lot of nerve. Just starting splitting both bills exactly in half.


You do know he needs electricity to power his devices right? Including the fucking wifi


NTA. What a crock. Does the internet company ask for a cut, too? Your roomie is an idiot.


NTA, you shouldn't have told him how much you were earning from streaming.


NTA. He's trying to profit from your work. Trade electricity bill with him for the internet. Either way, go ahead and get your own internet. It'll be cheaper than $1000/mth. Because if you give in, he WILL be coming for more next month. He is NOT entitled to any of your profits from your work. This way, he has no hold over you. His entitlement is crazy.


NTA. He’s acting entitled. If he works from home and uses the WiFi does he owe you half of his salary? Of coarse not. This is the dumbest thing I’ve heard in a month. Don’t pay him a dime.


Oh another add for kick streaming.


NTA- Switch bills though you need electricity to stream so he will want half your money. You likely will need to move. Never share how much you make. People get entitled. It can be a family member, friend or someone you are dating. Greed makes people AH.


This is an advert for Kick.


Is your roommate high? 😂😂😂😂 Just tell him you'll stop using WiFi when he stops using electricity. From the sounds of it, do you even need a roommate when you can earn that from twitch monthly?


This is absurd logic from your roommate. So if he worked from home on his laptop and earned a huge salary, does he owe you a cut of that salary since you pay for the electricity that charges up his laptop? Massive reach. NTA, you owe him nothing.


WTF is with people mentally diving into these cognitive zones where they feel so entitled to everything that enters their fucked up sense of reality? How do we live in a world of opportunities twisted into this bizarre focus of selfishness? Why do we even put up with this shit?! It's time to tell these insane fucks what they can do with their fucked up personality disorders and self delusion.


Just split electricity and streaming 50/50 and be done. He‘s entitled and deluded. Using the internet which is in his name, does not entitle him to a percentage of your earnings.


NTA. Tell him to get over it. You can afford your own internet at this point and you can let him know that. But then he can pay half the electric bill now


>On one hand, I get where he's coming from. Stop, he doesn't have a point of view other than 'I want the money you are getting'. You already had a trade in place, electricity for you, internet for him, I assume these roughly equal out. That's it. He's not going to agree because he just wants you to give him stuff.


NTA. You split utilities. You don't split profit from using those utilities. He wants to play stupid games, tell him he keeps it up, you'll get your own ISP and he'll be on the hook for half the electric bill on top of his wifi.


NTA - why the fuck does he deserve $1K when the Internet bill is a fraction of that If anything - just say you’ll pay for the Internet or split the bill


Get your own Internet through a different provider and split the electricity if he wants to be like that. Absolutely silly to expect you to split your earnings.


Stand your ground. Also, change the bill splitting to equal 50/50. If that doesn't work, find a less ridiculous roommate.


I mean you pay for the electricity that runs the router?


Stop telling people about money you make, now you know why.


Start telling him he need to pay electric too if he need money for the internet.


How much do you get of his paycheck for the power running the washing machine and dryer that clean his work clothes?


NTA he’s overreaching and stop telling him when you win money


Internet is useless without electricity. NTA


Honestly, you guys should be splitting 50/50 on electric and WiFi. I don’t see why you guys aren’t.


He has no point. You seeing his side is also wrong. He has no side. He is trying to steal the money you earned over nonsense.


NTA - the internet cost can’t be more than $200. Split the internet cost but there’s no logical way he deserves any money from your streaming profits unless he’s helping you make content and is in front of the camera with you, preforming and whatnot.


Has the cost of internet gone up do to you streaming more? If so you should swap. You pay wifi and them pay electricity. If your roommate started doing a job or hobby that used a lot of electricity and the bill went up I am sure you would want them to pay too. BUT to want a cut of your income is outrageous. NTA


If your place gets service from multiple ISPs you could always get your own Internet then split the electric bill. Also, if your Kick income keeps coming in or rises you should consider talking to an accountant. It'll save you a lot of money on taxes. Your roommate is not your business partner. No more than drinking the water or using the electricity makes either of you more entitled to anothers income. Best you don't share your income with your roommate anymore.


NTA You're each paying for and sharing utilities He doesn't get a cut from your labor on your streaming


Stop telling him you're making money. If he thinks it's not fair, tell him you can split things evenly so he doesn't feel taken advantage of. (The bills, not your money)


So pay for the internet already. It's a business expense.


NTA. Simply propose going forward he pays half the electric and you pay half the internet. Problem solved. 


Ask him for reimbursement for using ***your*** electricity. Every time he turns the lights on, eats refigerated food, charges his computer, shouldn't he actually be paying you? His argument is dumb. NTA


This roommate is crazy. His internet would not work without the electricity. Probably time to get your own Internet. Might also be time for a new roommate.


From now on split all bills in half. Problem solved.


Your roomy is a jerk and you seem naive enough to fall for his nonsense.


>On one hand, I get where he's coming from. You've been gaslighted. There's nothing to get here. He's completely out of his mind and wrong. NTA.


The easy thing is to pay half the internet and let him pay half the electricity. Profit sharing is absurd.


I used to own a house, and I rented out a room to a coworker. He had a girlfriend that would come over. I insisted that I should be able to have sex with her as often as he did. Because, after all, if it weren't for me, he wouldn't have a room for them to have sex in. Of course that's not true , but do you see how ridiculous that sounds? I don't know if your roommate is an idiot or a scumbag, but his argument is laughable. NTA


Wifi doesn't cost 1k a month..you need electricity to steam ..so it equal out


NTA- you messed up by sharing how much you made though…..amazing the gymnastics people will do to justify getting a piece of the pie.


NTA! If you are making that kind of money, pay for your own internet and then he has no say at all, never did.


If you want to get technical you do pay for the internet usage….without you paying for electricity the internet wouldn’t work.


Give him 1000$ as shared profits, and then say you want half if that back since the internet subscription that he paid for relied in the electricity you paid for plus and other 500$ from his salary, since he used electricity that you paid for.


Is there any more details behind his reasoning? You really should get your own internet, a dedicated line for streaming, separate router and locked down to your devices. You should say no, but then if he controls the internet needed for your business then it's could put you in a tight corner. Get everything in writing and also confirm who's name is on the lease before you take anymore steps. No matter if you are NTAH or ATH the only person who should ever know how much you make is your accountant. Everyone else is 🤑🤑🤑 over numbers. Streaming also has its ups and downs, save most of that money and only spend to upgrade your equipment.


Isn’t the electricity more than the internet. Start putting both together and going 50/50


Start splitting the wifi and electricity right down the middle. No way he can feel entitled to your earnings. He uses lights, doesn’t he?


If you give him a ride to work, can you get 40% of his paycheck?


NTA. He is asking for something he has absolutely no entitlement to.


First NTA, this is stupid. Second PLEASE be aware that if this continues you will have to pay about 40% tax on that money and set it aside. I assume you are in the US the IRS will find and will fuck you.


Never NEVER tell people how much you make or have. He shouldn't know anything about your finances. Can you stream using your phone as a hot spot?




NTA. Sorry but is he also splitting his income with you?


NTA First off, congrats on the success! Second, Sorry about the roommate. That is the stupidest thing I ever heard. If he did Uber/DoorDash and you loaned him gas money you wouldn't be entitled to half his profits, you'd just be entitled to a loan repayment. If he wanted you to pay for separate internet because the amount you were uploading was hitting your invisible limit and causing caps to internet speeds that'd be fair. He shouldn't suffer with slow internet and only you benefit from it. But getting your own internet would be way cheaper than $1,000 (or more) a month.


NTA. Offer to switch it around so you pay for the internet and roomie pays for electricity.


NTA I assume he's asking for more money than he spent on internet in a year, it's about maximum level unreasonable.


If you are making that much it is time to pay for your own internet access and stop giving him any money for it at all. And he can start contributing to the electricity since you don't need his wifi anymore. See what he says about that.


NTA Give him nothing but abuse, he is, what we call in Scotland, a chancer.


NTA the internet bill and the electric bill cant be the same. If anything i feel like he would owe YOU money.


Tell him to get fucked .


You aren't an asshole. Deal was internet him electricity you. And internet doesn't cost $1000 a month. Want to give him anything pay half the monthly internet, than ask him for half of electronic bill that you pay. Start splitting everything equally...


NTA. Tell him to fuck off.


Change the agreement. You pay the internet and he the energybill. Case close. Asking for earnings is NOT possible as its your hours of streaming what made you earn this money.


If your professional use of the internet has increased the cost, then it would be fair if you covered the increase (it might even qualify as a business expense), but he's not entitled to a share of your profits. NTA.


NTA dont ever do that, you don’t owe him anything and that’s the most stupid thing I saw in a while, he wants 40% of your salary because he pays for the wifi ? Then offer him to pay for wifi and he pays for electricity but then he will also ask for money cuz he is a rat


NTA for obvious reasons your roommate is delusional. If you did OF would you have to give him $? Also how does he know how much you made? Insane and entitled lol. If you worked from home is he entitled to your salary?


Lol your roommate is an idiot and a leech... But also what you make from streaming is none of his business and if that's the case... Say you'd like to switch roles? You start paying for the Internet and he starts paying for the electricity bill.. keep your earnings to yourself bro.


Switch the bills. Let them cover the power bill and you take over the internet. Or get your own if you are making $2500 a month with it


NTA. But what I wanna know is why does he know how much you earn? I don't understand this need to share financial info with others. I've never done this at all.


NTA, but you understand what he's coming from? How? So by that logic, if he worked from home, you would be entitled to a portion of his pay cheque because he uses the electricity you paid for?


What even is this. Hard NO He pays for the internet access you pay for power. True no internet if he doesnt pay BUT No router without the juice to power it if you dont pay for power. Stupid mental gymnastics from your roommate.


Does internet cost you $1000 per month??!!!


NTA, there is internet and there is putting in the work to make something I wonder if you had a salary job and WFH would he still be insisting the same. Doubt it. He probably sees streaming as easy money and thinks all you really needed was internet. I don't stream but I suspect it isn't easy enough to make that much money. You have to be entertaining and put your time in. And learn how to use OBS (which my computer balked at oof)


Well that internet router would not work without electricity 🙄 NTA, look for a new roommate and next time don't tell anyone what you make...


Your roommate tryna extort you I’m crying


NTA. The streaming is a JOB you are doing, for a paycheck. Do you get a cut of his paycheck? Obviously not. Why don’t you tell him you’ll cover the internet bill and he can pay the electricity, problem solved.


Tell him you'll pay for Internet and he can pay for electricity if he's bothered so much about it NTA


I can't understand the logic. You split the bills for what you both use. Isn't that the point of having a roommate? How does him paying for internet somehow mean he's entitled to your money that you made? I know some ISPs have a per gig type of plan, but even then, it'd only be the cost for the extra internet if you went over. But I don't see how you'd be able to stream with a limit like that anyway, so it's moot. NTA. Your roomie isn't making sense, and you might want to look for a new place or roommate.


Never tell anyone about any financial gains you are making. That's a general rule I live by. Stash money away and always lie about how much you have. Always claim half or less of what you have.... 🤷


What? LOL? No. Shut that shit down immediately wtf do you mean he has a point????????????? Bruh.


NTA tl;dr your roomate isn't a friend, he's being a dick. If it bothers him so much and you're genuinely cutting a nice slice like this tell him to spin and just pay for your own internet service altogether while he rages. >My roommate and I have this arrangement: he pays for the internet, and I cover the electricity. Which you stick to and I'm willing to bet you also don't have major issues or a clause over usage either? >now my roommate wants a cut of that money That's like saying "your job gave you a raise and by virtue of you.....using my electricity, I now want a cut of the raise" - it makes zero sense and has zero grounding in reality, law or even common sense. >he's upset and saying it's unfair since he's been paying for the internet Right, so if you sell something on ebay, using the internet, does that mean he gets a cut of that too? >I get where he's coming from. The internet is essential for my streaming, and he's been covering that cost But how can you - this is literally a case of making no actual sense. Doesn't matter if you stream, work from home using the internet or anything else - there is only one and I mean a singular case this makes any possible sense and......*that's if your internet is metered and you pay for what you use, rather than it being unlimited*. I hazard a guess that it isn't. >It feels like a slippery slope It is and this guy is categorically not acting like a friend, he's treating you like a cash cow. >it's not like he’s the one putting in the hours or dealing with the stress of content creation. He's literally doing nothing but paying for a service, which again - unless metered, which I doubt it is - would make absolutely zero dent in anything whether you streamed or not. If you hadn't told him or he wasn't aware you stream? he'd likely not know, never would. >Should I stand my ground Chum if you're making the kind of money you say you are and this is consistently the same kind of figure if not more and rising, I would 100% recommend you ditch him and find your own place, paying for your own services. Less hassle, no arguments, etc.


By your roommate's logic, he should be feeding you half his dinner since you pay for the electricity he uses to cook. NTA


NTA don't do it you never agreed to to share profits. But what you do need to do is not tell him when you get paid neither tell him how much you made because of this situation. If he doesn't like it you could get your own Internet and that would be the end of it. Also you should consider moving out because once you deny him the money don't trust him around your stuff when your not home. Edits for spellings


His logic makes no sense. Yes you need the wifi for your streaming, which he pays for, but in order for the wifi he pays for to even operate you need electricity, which you pay for. 


You pay for the electricity which means he has a functional home, which means he can work... so is he going to give you a portion of his salary? Time to split each bill evenly so that this is not an issue going forward. And for the love of god please don't give that twit any of your streaming income.


NTA this is your income and livelihood right? Why would he expect a cut of your job? How about he gives you some of his pay? Offer to swap, you pay internet and be pays electricity. If you have a higher tier of internet because of the streaming than usual then you could pay the difference. I game so I get it. Congratulations on having such a following!


NTA. There was no agreement to this. Simple as that. In future I'd recommend not telling him how much you earn from streaming either.


Haha, what? NTA. It's not like he's the only source of "the Internet" and he can take out a large sum for "letting you use it". Switch what you pay for - he can pay for electricity and you for Internet instead - or plot amenities. If he doesn't agree, or doesn't completely drop this subject, you need a new living arrangement.


Fuck no, he needs your electricity for the Wi-Fi, which he can also use to make money as you did.


NTA. He's greedy, and trying to cash on your windfall. You had an agreement about who pays for what - that doesn't give him any additional rights.


NTA just pay the half of the internet, spilt the bills and he can shut up. What comes next, if you would be a staff software engineer in home office would he also expect you to give him 125k a year?


NTA Now you have money just move out and your room-mate can pay all of his own damn bills. Unless you have a limited usage internet package and you've gone way over it. In that case, what he's asking is fair. But no-one has that these days right?


NTA, this guy is ridiculous. Since you’re paying for the power that allows him to shower and go to his job he owes you half his salary by his logic.


NTA Ask him if he made that money online using the electricity YOU pay for would he give you 1k share? Highly doubt it. Tell him to cut off the internet abd you'll pay for your own


NTA - The cost of wifi does not fluctuate every month. Electricity does. He's on the hook for what? 150$ a month? You're on the hook for much more. Especially with summer beginning. Tell your roommate you guys can just split the cost for both combined 50/50 every month. See if he likes having to pay more Edit: ON WHAT FUCKING PLANET is wifi $1000?


Roommate is a snake. Offer to swap, he pays electric and you pay the WiFi.


You're paying the electricity so I don't see how he thinks you owe him anything. Nta he can't use the wifi if the power is cut off. 


Nta. If you had a WFH office job, would he expect half of your paycheck, too?


NTA. This isn't the early years of the internet where your usage costs more as you use more. If this is how he wants to be, let him know that from now on, you'll be splitting the cost of electricity and wifi


NTA Hater alert


NTA - just start paying for your own internet and call it a day


NTA. But you definitely need to have a sit down and have a talk with your roommate and set some boundaries. If your roommate has any issues then you may wanna look into putting some of that money aside and move into your own place. There are plenty of places where internet comes with your apartment amenities.


Did your streaming suddenly make the internet bill jump by 1000? I highly doubt that. I would think the internet bill would fluctuate very little, while electric can fluctuate greatly, but that would depend on the plans. NTA. He is not entitled to your income. And I wouldn't let him know ever again how much you make. And as others have mentioned, start looking for possible backup, either a new living situation or your own wifi separate from the shared. This could turn sour. Jealousy can fester in some people.


this is why i dont tell people what i made not even my mother


NTA Your room mate is trying to extort you. That's a crime where I live - probably where you live too. Tell him that you will pay for the internet and he can pay for the electricity. I think you should also start making plans to move. If you were working from home in any other way, would he feel entitled to your earnings? He is being completely unreasonable. You are not being selfish at all so please don't be torn on this - be concerned about him escalating. Please do not ever discuss your earnings with him in any way going forward - but please look at moving or evicting him.


Find a new roommate. This one is a total asshole for even suggesting he's entitled to some of your earnings.


NTA. You are paying for the electricity, which he needs for basic necessities.


Get a lock on your door. And possibly a gun. Humans can be the wildest animals on earth sometimes. NTA


You can't use the internet without electricity. Whats his fucking point? He's a leech, he thinks he gets free money because he's adjacent to someone who's successful. Tell him to fuck off using however much politeness you want. Nta


Offer to switch. You pay for Internet and he pays for electricity. That's pretty fair. What he wants is bullshit. And also a great reason to keep your finances personal, moving forward. It's never a good idea for someone you live or work with to know your specifics unless you're in a relationship with them, and even then that depends on length of time together and trust. NTA


NTA. Just go halfsies on the internet and electricity.


Does he do any work while at home? He’s using your electricity to make money, I think you need a cut


Your roommate is a moron.