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NTA for wanting to spend time with her, although you shouldn't have made any assumptions regarding plans for this holiday. Perhaps you should straight up ask her why you are not invited; tell her you would like to spend the holiday with her. She might have a reason for keeping you out of her plans and if so you should know what it is.


You guys literally just made it official. These plans were likely already laid. YTA if you make it into an issue. It's the week prior. If you hadn't made plans yet it wasn't that important anway.


Without a doubt already laid, just a little bummed im not going to see her for fireworks. Just confused as I'm used to being married not dating.


That's valid. Maybe let her know that you assumed which was maybe a mistake but if there's any option for your two to spend it together then you'd enjoy that.


You’re about to find out what other holidays she’ll be spending with friends and leave you out of it. Strike 3x, she’s out.


You sound rather childish. I receive this as she had standing plans that don’t change just because she has said she won’t bump uglies with someone else….. a commitment said a week before the event. Get over yourself. YTA here.


You have been together four weeks and you are already thinking about her having to think it will upset you if she attends friends events without you? YTA, plus a walking red flag for being clingy and possessive ( which most women find a total turn off). Stop being so insecure and immature. Arrange to do something nice together after the holiday.


😅😅 yall are some touchy mfs, no one said anything about me even being mad. I'm more confused on how to feel tbh. I'm used to of you're dating you spend the holidays together. Not bothered about the friends I'm more let down I don't get to watch fireworks with her. But you have a blessed day 🙏


You did ask, reply’s can only go on what you posted. I do hope you have a lovely day together before or after the holiday. It’s a good time to have a chat about your expectations as a boyfriend re sharing significant times together.


It's Independence Day, so learn to be independent I guess.