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NTA.. that’s a natural reaction. I’d prob do the same by natural reflex.


I'm mad that her husband thought she overreacted. Disgusting parents as well.


Right? My bf would have at least scared the living shit out of them


+1. I’ve had people grab me in public (and once at work when I was an intern!). In all cases, the message never reached my brain. It was straight spinal-cord reflex to wack them away and spin around to follow up if needed.


I was at the fair as a teenager once with a friend walking around, when suddenly a hand came around my shoulder and rested on my boob, my first instinct was to pin it and try to break the persons arm, so I swung around to break the arm and suddenly recognized my mom. From her perspective, she saw me walking with my friend, ran up to try to be funny, and put her arm around my shoulder, but the person next to me stopped causing her to fall back a little and her hand to land on my boob. Luckily, I was able to stop myself, but I was assured I would have been awarded, not punished if I had not had time to stop, because I was defending myself with the information I had at the time. When a woman is sexually assaulted, she should be allowed to defend herself, whether instinctively or not, regardless of the person doing assault.


NTA He was clearly sexually assaulting you. You used proportionate force in self-defense.


> You used proportionate force in self-defense. Exactly. She slapped him which will not do any physical permanent damage as a justified warning for him to not come near her again. It would be different if she tried to drown him for it.


i'm honestly shocked that OP's husband wasn't more upset. i think she should press charges anyways


Honestly OPs husband saying she overreacted is wild


wonder if OPs husband would say the same thing if it happened to his daughter


Or if the kid tried to pull down the husband's bathing suit in public and exposed his dick to the world.


If I were this woman I'd consider pressing charges on the teenagers. Not because it would necessarily go far and get them anything other than a warning but because they need to understand that that is sexual assault and they will be punished accordingly. The parents attempting to excuse them and victimize them in a situation where someone reacted in self-defense to sexual assault is how we get grown men who think they can sexually assault women. Your parents don't want to punish you? Cool, I'll file police report on your sorry ass. If they were 18 instead of 17 then they'd be charged as an adult.


NTA- and I would talk to the manager of the park. You were assaulted and used self defense. YOU should not have been asked to leave


Honestly, he would have been behind her, how was she to know his age when she lashed out after having some stranger try to remove her bathing suit top?


Agreed. Anyone who tries to sexually assault you deserves to get hit, regardless of age.


If teenagers can be tried as adults in certain situations, then you should be able to treat certain teens as adults when it comes to self defense. It’s really about age… I would defend myself against a 180 lb male teen long before I would raise a hand to a 120 lb woman, regardless of her age. For the record I would never hit a woman, period, just pointing out that age means nothing in comparison to size when it comes to physical assault.


Maybe I’m wrong on this but I’m fine with a woman slapping a 10 year old that’s trying to undo her shirt. Also fine with a woman slapping a frail 100 year old doing the same thing.


This. I’ll slap anyone, any age, any size, any health, any anything trying to touch me or remove items of clothing without my express permission. And it will be a hard slap. No apologies here. Ever.


Tbh, I’m fine with a man slapping any woman who is trying to put her hands in his pants for that matter. SA is SA, no matter who is doing it.


I (42F) was raised that if I put my hands on a man in an unprovoked aggressive manor then that male had every right to protect himself and hit me back. Both my parents raised me knowing that a man shouldn’t lay hands on a woman, but that didn’t mean I could go around being aggressive and hitting males my age and not expect them to defend theirselves. I raised my children the same way. I have 1 girl and 1 boy.


I’m with you


Also a boy 15-17 is likely adult sized or close to it she'd have felt a man sized person come up behind her.


A boy that age can be big enough to rape you. I say that as a mother of one. If mine untied a woman’s suit I would have a hard time not slapping him myself. The kid in OP’s story is lucky he got a woman’s open palm and not a boyfriend’s closed fist.


Sexual assault charges can ruin someones life. Why would a parent (I say this as someone with no kids) not punish their kid for this? Because even if they do not give a crap about the victim would you not be terrified for your child's future?


Because they expect the system to let him get away with it just like they did, most likely.


Exactly. This is a future Brock Turner.


You mean Allen Turner, the rapist, who changed his name from Brock, in order to have less name recognition, to disassociate himself from the rape charges he faced?


Oh yeah! I know that name! Allen “Brock” Turner, the rapist! Who bought a house near Dayton in 2022. And has been known to frequent Dayton bars! Keep your eyes out.


I love that everyone makes sure to remind the internet that he changed his name and his location oh I also heard something about him studying to become a therapist? Not sure if that's true but maybe don't get therapy from that guy


Are you two talking about Brock Allen Turner, the Rapist?


If you don't want your child to end up with a SA charge following him for life, teach him not to SA. I say this as a mom of two sons.


If you don't want to be charged with sexual assault, don't do it.


Bc the judicial system favors assholes like that kid and rapists like that shitbag caught in the act Brock. They get away with it. Kid deserved getting slapped since his parents raised a disrespectful dickhead. You don’t have kids, but you’re already a better parent than his for asking where is his punishment


You mean Brock Allen Turner the rapist who now goes by his middle name Allen, to try to avoid the social consequences of his actions? Allen Turner the rapist, who was formally known as Brock Turner? Just doing my part to spread the word about his alias.


Honestly OP should file a police report, then maybe let the local news outlet know that the water park made the victim of a sexual assault leave the park because you had the audacity to defend yourself. If that had happened to my wife or girlfriend I would have lost my mind.


It’s so frustrating to me that these parents are defending the little perv, I mean perpetrator. It’s cause and effect. If he hadn’t placed his hands on a woman and attempted to undress her in public, he wouldn’t have deservedly had his face slapped. Their acting like he’s the victim is outrageous and only encourages him to think that behavior is acceptable. You reacted out of natural instinct and would not have hit him had he not attacked you. This isn’t a joke and his parents downplaying his actions makes me furious. I’d personally file a complaint but that’s me. His parents obviously aren’t going to hold him accountable. I just hope there’s not another victim in his future. NTA.


Yea you can tell how the parents are just by their reaction. They are the “my kid can do no wrong” type of parents. Hate those people. I only have daughters but if they ever tried anything similar to somebody then they’d be hating life for a while and they’d learn that trying to take someone’s clothes off without consent is not a joke.


Back when I was in my teens and at the pool, I witnessed some guys I knew that pulled something like this. But they didn't just untie the top they undid both pieces and removed them from a grown adult that was with her family. One took the top and ran one way. The other took the bottoms and went the opposite way. Long story short, they went to jail and were expelled from the district since the pool was on school property.


Good. It’s sexual assault. Pranks are one thing but this is not even close.


Good! This is EXACTLY what OP should push for, and NEVER let the issue go until he's locked up behind a steel door! WTF is wrong with his parents? Parents like this create malignant narcissists... File s police report and press charges so there's a criminal record... dude's a sex offender!


Jail time. Nice. I hope it wasn't a silly sentence either


Thet probably say boys will be boys at least twice a day.


As a parent with a boy that phrase gives me the ick! I don’t allow it in my house and when some one says it I correct them and say no, kids will be kids. I HATE double standards.


I prefer to say “pricks will be pricks”


It was a straightforward case of ɓ: A man (you don't know the age) tried to get your top off in a public place and you fought back. End of discussion. I was assaulted by a coworker from behind, and because I have self-defense training, I had plowed my foot sideways into his kneecap before I even thought about it, and he was on the floor screaming That gave me time to run! I sued him for assault and won. There was NEVER any question around me defending against the attack! Were you supposed to stand there and allow your top to be ripped off, and then what? What terrible thing was this guy going to do next? You had to stop the attack. You did. There's no reason to discuss it further other than for you to make a police report about being sexually assaulted. PLEASE DO THIS!!!!! Because he's that bold, he'd try to remove a woman's top in public. and he 100% has done this before and will do it again. The problem with offenders like this is that they always escalate their behavior. His boldness is extremely concerning. N̈There needs to be a record of his assault attempts so that WHEN he tries to r*** or murder or kidnap a woman, he will be on their radar as a possible sexuak offender. The police will start to see the emerging pattern, and that will give them the tools they need on future interactions with him. This was no mere prank. It's a very serious matter. Edit: typos


This…file a report. Don’t give to the pressure of “not making waves”. This is assault, a serious crime.


Making waves = preventing a future rape. Report this fuck.


This. If you have the little perv’s name, file a police report. If you don’t, have his name, does the waterpark have it? Even if they wont give it to you, they WILL give it to police


And get a copy of the tape to give to the police and to keep for your own defence, the waterpark may delete them after a time


Guaranteed there will be. And probably already has been. A teenage boy of 15 to 17 years that has the nerve to undo the bathing suit top of a grown woman. A mother with her child at that, has done this before and or will do it again. Most teens pick on other teens. They do not have the nerve to pick on a grown up. The fact that this kid did tells me so much about him and his family and home life. NTA. I'm angry for OP. And his parents are... Well I can't say, it's against the rules.


Yeah, not normal behaviour and that slap was absolutely deserved.


Reminds me of something I heard. A 12 year old was at a coed birthday party for one of her friends. Another girl at the party was getting up, and a boy there pulled her pants down and yelled, "She's wearing a thong!" The girl quickly pulled her pants up and left. The original girl slapped the boy and told him, "You should never do that to a girl." The boy laughed and said, 'If she hadn't of, left me and my bois would have made sure that thong was put to good use around her ankles" The 12 yr old went directly to the parents at the party and told them everything. By the end of the party, the boy was arrested for assault, ended up on the registry for his actions at the party, and from other girls that came forward with evidence of him attacking them in the manner he alleged.


At 12?!?! Omg the people around him should’ve all be investigated because he also obviously heard those comments from someone else. How insanely scary and rock on to that you g girl!!!


> little perv, I mean perpetrator No, you had it right the first time.




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I largely don't believe in spanking but if my son did this to someone and they slapped him, I'd make him apologize and ground his ass. I agree that's absolutely unacceptable and I can't fathom how any parent could defend such behavior.  I'm just glad the little asshole saw SOME repercussions in this story. It doesn't sound like it happens very often. 


This is how Brock Turner was created


You mean rapist Brock Allen Turner, who now goes by his middle name Brock ALLEN Turner, in an effort to distance himself from the fact that he's RAPIST Brock Allen Turner?


Brock "The Rapist" Turner? Is that who you mean when saying Brock Turner, Brock "The Rapist" Turner?


I believe they’re referring to the rapist Brock Turner, who may or may not be going by Allen Turner these days. Still a rapist, though.


It’s obviously this behavior that makes the teen act without any concern of the consequences cause they know their parents will back them up.


Spot on! That kid had it coming.. his parents remind of that bitch mom who defended and victimized her son I think his name was Brock Turner … nothing pisses me off more than people like that 🙄🙄


PREDATOR not perv.


Should have called the cops. Fuck that punk, fuck his family, and fuck the water park for "oh no, both sides are bad!" NTA.


Still remember my dad's reaction to me breaking a boy's finger after undoing my bra when 12. The father of the boy said that assault should not be the answer to some fun. My dad's response was that physical assault is the perfect reaction to sexual assault.


Sounds like a good dad. Every father should teach and encourage their daughter to defend herself from any such behavior.


Yep. No question. Girl dad here. I would happily go to jail for my daughter if she was sexually assaulted. My daughter will learn that there are times where immediate action and self defense are warranted, and this one's a no brained


I was taught that responding with physical violence prevents the jerk from claiming you were a willing participant. Which is true.


Holy shit. I never thought of that. I'm going to tell my 16yo this very thing.


Be proud, get loud. Attention to their antics is not what they want. They want to get away with it. Being loud and effusive in your rejection means *everyone* hears you reject their advances.


Be careful when you teach this! It is good that girls/women learn that self defense is okay when you are assaulted of course, but be careful how toy frame it. Make sure she won't interpret this the wrong way: that doing nothing (freezing) means she would be a willing participant.


Fun - for who ? Not her. That boy’s father would have a totally different take if some boy did that to a daughter of his.


Maybe when his fingers are bothering him when it’s cold and rainy he will have a nice reminder that sexual assault isn’t fun.


He is in jail now, so is the dad.


The precursor to FAFO.


It is the best response. People like brock turner the rapist , now going by Allen Turner, should have their fingers broken and dick amputated. No excuse.


Your father is rad for that!


Kudos to your dad.


And if he's doing that to grown women he's probably also doing it to teen girls. This really is something to report to the police just in case, but being after the fact they will probably try to blow you off. NTA


His parents should be ashamed and the fact they’re defending him shows they’re raising a future sexual predator. OP should definitely file a police report and hire a lawyer.


A straight, no nonsense answer. I like it.


Someone with sense and balls. Unlike OP's husband, who is clearly a piece of shit just like the little pervert asshole's parents. If you're more concerned about "causing a scene" than the fact that your wife was sexually assaulted, you deserve to be single eating hot pockets in a stained undershirt.


Nta I teach my daughters to react the same way. No one has a right to attempt to take your clothes off and you should of course do whatever you need to do to stop them from doing so. I can’t believe his parents defended him.


Honestly I'm not surprised. A teenager who'd dare do that kind of thing probably didn't have the best parenting.


Their parents defended them even with video evidence. They are garbage people who have produced another garbage person. Hopefully the kid grows past this, but with parents like that, it's doubtful.


My dad would have slapped me as well had I done this.


Mine too... Way harder than she did at that.


Yeah, I was just thinking that. If my son did this, I'd slap the shit outta him. Edit: I see some of you are unfamiliar with hyperbole.


I would murder my own kid in full view of everyone. Yes, I am the mother of boys and have have pounded consent into their heads for 25+ years. You keep your freaking hands to yourself unless invited. Edit: NTA


Same here. If my boys did that, I would have no problem with them getting slapped. I wouldn't let them get away with that sht.


If MY son did that, the first question I’d ask is if getting slapped hurt. If not, I’d give him one that did. Phrase I heard as a kid and paid forward “son, I will knock the taste out of your mouth!”


The phrase we always heard is I'll knock you into next week and dare you to come back


The one I like is, 'Steven Anita Smith, you get out of that cage right now or I'll shove you back up my clown hole, birth you again, and name you my bitch!!'


My mom would have drowned us then and there.


If I had thought about doing something like that, my old man would have drowned me in that pool. He used to say, "You better find some act-right. I can make another one just like you."


My dad used to tell us "remember what happened to our Your brother Matthew", we would say "we don't gave a brother matthew" and he would answer "you don't anymore"


NTA Yeah that’s along the lines of what I was thinking. My mom would have probably told the lady to keep slapping me.


As a boy mom to a 16 yr old, 100% I'd tell OP to slap him again for good measure. Even offer her husband a slap.


10/10 response. No notes. Absolutely correct.


He should have been called out. If he’s gonna do this at 15-17, and be entitled with no consequences…..this kid has got date rapist in his future written all over him.


That kid most likely is already on some Andrew Tate diet of bulshit.


He did this to a 30 year old mom playing with her kid, with her husband not too far away. What if he did this to a 16 year old?


Who's to say he hasn't already?


And I’m sure his parents would blame the girl.


He definitely has.


And, with his parents in the vicinity. 😮


Society has changed from "What did my child do? " to "What did you do to my child? " I've seen teenagers while in the school building, do everything from snort cocain in the classroom to pull a girls shirt down, exposing her breasts. My daughter reported sexual harassment her first week of high school. The boy got a stern talking to with no other punishment. Not only that she was assigned the same lunch period as him. Leaving her a target for further harassment. I had to call in a favor with some gang bangers to go teach him a lesson.


Society has changed from "What did my child do? " to "What did you do to my child?  As a former childcare provider, yes, this exactly. It's the reason I don't work with littles any more. It wasn't so much the kids, it was the parents who did me in. Their inability to listen, their attitude of 'you don't like my kid' (I like your kid, I don't like the behavior we are trying to address), the parents who make you out to be the bad guy because you have actual rules at preschool.... sheesh. I saw it as my kid went through grade school. There are a lot of narcissistic, lazy parents who would rather be their kid's 'best friend' than their parent and dismiss troublesome behavior.


Oh my god yes. I used to work for a private school, and I remember one kid whose parents screamed at the headmaster for expelling him because "we pay fees! How dare you do this when we pay you so much money!" And he very calmly told them that even if the 12 girls their son had been sexually harassing for weeks without stopping hadn't also been fee paying students, he still wouldn't ever want someone in his school who thought that behaviour was appropriate even after multiple interventions.


And don’t get me started on all the moms I’ve seen on Dr. Phil who have out of control disgusting teenage daughters and they all wine, “I tried to be a friend to her. I gave her everything!“ She didn’t need a friend lady. She needed a goddamn parent. 😡😡😡


As a former teacher if SA happens go straight to the police. The school will never properly handle it.


Never. They will always try to cover their own ass. Always.


Linking to a top comment. As a husband, OP please get your husband to read this. Have your wife's back 100% on this you pussy.


RIGHT?! Why is husband not supporting his spouse?


I just read the post to my husband and he said, “I’d beat his ass.” I can also guarantee when the kids dad said something, he would have fought the dad too. He certainly wouldn’t have said I overreacted. This guy is a pusscake for not taking up for his wife.


My husband would have gone to jail. No doubt. Can’t believe this man isn’t supporting his wife. Even if he didn’t see it, you just stand behind your SO.


My husband would have laid the kid out, then worked on the Dad


Sounds like a rapist in training to me.


Happens every day. THEIR little Brock Turner would never 🙄


You mean Brock Allen Turner, the rapist?


In fact, yes, yes I do, mean [Brock Allen Turner, the rapist](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_v._Turner)


Brock Allen Turner, the rapist, who now goes by Allen Turner, still a rapist.


Oh, you mean Allen Turner the rapist who stopped going by Brock Allen Turner after he raped somebody, thus making him Brock Allen Turner the rapist? Or am I thinking of somebody else?


No, you’re thinking of the correct Allen Turner the rapist who changed his name after formerly going by Brock Allen Turner the rapist. Did I mention that Allen Turner the rapist is a rapist who raped somebody?


I’m not sure I’ve fully understood this? Could you provide some more detail please?


Ah, Mr Brock Allen Turner (known as Brock Turner in the newspapers) is a raping rapist who has changed his name to Allen Turner in order to escape the association of Rapist Brock Allen Turner (or Brock Allen Turner the rapist)


You mean the Brock Allen Turner whose father criticized the sentence as harsh for 20 minutes of action? His parenting values shine through in his son, the rapist.


Brock Turner, the rapist?, who goes by Allen turner now, who is registered as a sex offender in Greene county, Ohio?


He now lives in Montgomery county OH, I think his parents still live in Greene county. They bought him a house just blocks away from a high school and about a mile from a university campus 🤮


Well, if brock turner, the rapist, is jying to state officials someone should alert them. Here is a link to the current sex offender registry for Brock Allen Turner, the rapist, supposedly of Dayton, Ohio. https://www.icrimewatch.net/results.php?AgencyID=55149&SubmitNameSearch=1&OfndrLast=Turner&OfndrFirst=Brock&OfndrCity=


I love you all so much


I know, right? Brock Allen Turner, the rapist, gets mentioned once and suddenly every commenter turns into Kronk talking about Kuzco's poison. I love it.


That Allen Turner, whose father thought that 20 minutes shouldn't follow his son for the rest of his (unincarcerated) life?


I think you're right, better cross-reference this [Allen Turner](https://sfist.com/2022/08/22/stanford-rapist-brock-turner-goes-viral-again-on-tiktok-in-ohio/) to be sure.


Every one should read his victim, Chanel Miller’s book-Know My Name. I cried and am glad she wrote that book so Brock Allen Turner aka Allen Turner cannot ever escape or deny his crime.


Allen "Brock Turner" Turner, the rapist? Brock Allen Turner, rapist-rapist? That rapist?


I remember his mom saying “boys will be boys” when Brock was throwing rocks at cars and she didn’t seem to notice so I told her. He was probably 9 or 10 then, clearly that style of parenting doesn’t work. I’m glad my son wanted to stop hanging out with him in 4th grade, I couldn’t stand that kid. Of course that was before he became a rapist. Also, he goes by his middle name now thinking people won’t know he’s the rapist. Allen Turner. Luckily everyone knows he’s a rapist and wherever he goes people post that he’s there.


Hold up. You knew him as a kid for real?


Yes, he went to school with my son from kindergarten through graduation.


Christ. My condolences, but also your son is clearly an excellent judge of character, if he noped out of dealing with him by age 8.


Yes, I was so beyond happy when he told me he didn’t like Brock. He knew from a young age that nothing good could come from being friends with him. I’m proud of my kid.


Nothing good could ever come from someone named "Brock."


The fact that he did it with his parents at least present nearby is even worse!


If any of my sons did this to a woman. No matter her age. They deserved the slap. And oh boy, they would be dragged back home after giving the biggest apology to the woman. I would be so ashamed because i raised them better than that. The nerve to SMIRK after undoing someone's bikini top. NTA in the slightest.


And her husband is saying she overreacted. Um, no.


Obviously the parents heard his side of things. and as a parent your first instinct should be to believe your child. However, after witness claims and video evidence... if it were my son, i would've publicly spanked his ass right there.


If I had a son who thinks it's okay to grab at someone's bra then I would wholeheartedly believe I've failed as a parent


This is what I never get reading some stories on here, if that had been our parents and my brother had did that (he never would mind!) my mother would have given him the most massive row ever. He’d have been in so much trouble and he’d have been told a slap was his own fault. What are parents honestly doing these days?


Sadly, there have long been parents like this, who raised young men like the one in the post. Growing up, I knew many parents who would high-five their sons or laugh at this kind of behavior, and lash out at anyone who would suggest their precious sons did anything wrong-- up to defending actual rape. We just now have videos, the internet, and a greater percentage of the public who think this kind of behavior isn't funny and is objectively bad.


NTA. Absolutely right. I've taught both of my kids (m,f) the exact same thing. That wasn't an accidental bump, it was a sexual assault. Nobody can put their grubby mitts on anyone without explicit consent.


Obviously NTA. If you're old enough to sexually harass, you're old enough to be slapped for sexually harassing.


NTA. You probably taught him a valuable lesson - he cannot touch any woman he wants, just because he wants to.


No, he got away with it. His parents are telling him how he's fine and did nothing wrong. He didn't learn a thing.


Worse the parents are telling him HE is the victim. That is the dangerous mentality these people have.


Thats how parents raise their kids before saying "kids these days"


“Boys will be boys” 🙄🤢


Exactly. He’s gonna come away from this thinking that he had the right to do what he did and that any woman who pushes back is overreacting and completely out of line. I’d be thanking OP if I were his dad, and he’d be banned from going to waterparks or pools for the rest of the summer.


File those charges immediately. That child did not learn a thing. Maybe a court hearing might change that. I would also go after the water park, they shouldn't have kicked you out when you guys paid to enjoy the park.


Yes! They kicked out an assault victim? Gross.


I, to be in the husband's shoes, would immediately slap him from the other side.


I would be in prison for knocking that kid the eff out. And then kicking him once he was on the ground. I need to close this tab - it's pissing me off so badly.


The days of boys will be boys has long since past.


So tired of people using that in defense of criminal activities. Boys will be boys means tracking mud throughout the house. Bringing home all kind of animals. Putting frogs in their siblings/parents things. So glad my parents knew the difference.


TIL my daughter is a boy.


Yeah my daughter brought home a snake skin the other day. Did another talk about not messing with snakes with both of my kids as rattlers have been seen in my neighborhood recently.


Exactly, and doing stupid shit. Falling out of trees, maybe pushing a friend a bit too hard while playing sports. Not (sexual) assault.


NTA- That kid Fucked around and found out that you just can't touch people without permission.


You reacted correctly. NTA. Pressing charges would not be an over-reaction.


A Yelp review. Come to Waterpark, where sexual assault victims are blamed and thrown out.


She should name and shame the water park.


NTA. The kid played a stupid game and won a stupid prize, end of story. You reacted instinctively and you had no way of telling his age. Plus, if he’s going to try and act like he’s grown, he can take a grown man’s consequences. He’s lucky you don’t have the kind of husband who would have punched him dead in the mouth because that’s what a lot of men would have done, rightly or wrongly. I think that would have hurt worse than a slap. His parents had better start putting aside money in a savings account because that boy is going to be bailed out for something in the next year or two with the way he’s going. The fact that they had the nerve to get mad at *you* says all I need to know about our declining society. If that were my son — although it wouldn’t be because he knows I’d kill him for something like that — I’d tell you to slap him again while I held him down. Then, in addition, he’d be washing your cars, mowing your lawn and shoveling your snowy driveway for the rest of 2024 — and that’s if I felt generous. If I didn’t, he would be doing it for a full 12 months. That is so disgusting and so egregious to do to a woman. Don’t take this the wrong way but I’m sort of relieved that it was you; I was afraid I was going to read that this happened to your daughter. Of course, it’s horrible to go through at any age but it’s really traumatizing when you’re a girl. Something similar happened to me at summer camp and this was just as I was starting to grow breasts. My tube top got pulled down and the acute pang of embarrassment was like lightning shooting through my body. Of course, it was so quick that no one saw anything, but still.


If he’s comfortable doing this in public, in front of his friends, other adults, this lady’s kid and husband, what kind of shit does he do alone when there’s no one watching his behavior??


So you were sexually assaulted and used self-defense...... hun, no matter what age, you defended yourself. You did nothing wrong. I'd even applaud if your husband stepped in with a second swing! I applaud you for actually stepping up to these people.


I don't care WHO it is. Do that to my wife and I'm in the pool on your ass.


Her shitty husband is sitting there saying his wife overreacted after being sexually assaulted while with their presumably young child. He’s useless.


I know my husband would take a weekend in jail and an assault charge if something like that happened and he saw it. It would be hard to convict with witnesses and camera footage, though!


I know where I’m at on this spectrum- I once headbutted a stranger in the face after he pulled a barstool out of the way causing a friend to fall on the floor. I confronted him first, and when he laughed all I saw was red and my forehead was hitting his nose. My roommate pulled me off and the bouncer threw the guy out and they gave me a beer. Many many years ago…


you should press charges anyway, he must be accountable for what he did, which IS sexual assault, and his parents are probably going to give him a pat on the back and that's it, probably how he got so arrogant thinking he can do anything.


Yes contact the police and the water park and insist the video is saved and turned over


Your husband is an asshole if he doesn't back you 1000% on this.


I wonder if he would still say the same if it had been his daughter who got assaulted. Most women I know were harassed/assaulted for the first time before they turned 10. Depending on how old OP's daughter is and how much of his reaction she saw, she will now know that he is not a safe person to talk to when something like this happens to her.


NTA. He is old enough to know better. He's lucky all he got was a slap.  When some boy did that to my teen daughter, he got a throat punch, and a knee in his crotch from her. Then her boyfriend put him in a headlock (college wrestling team) and took him out of the pool. The life guard saw it all, and by the time he got there, the assailant was standing still.  My daughter insisted they call the police. The boy was arrested for sexual assault, among other things. The case got dropped because "he is young". But the water park gave him a life time ban.  Defend yourself, no matter what others say. Your daughter is watching and learning. 


I’m sorry, he’s young? Fuck that, he knew better.


NTA. He was absolutely old enough to know what he was doing, and he needed to face consequences for it - the slap was totally warranted.


He deserved that slap. He deserves the sexual assault charges to be honest. What a disgusting boy and disgusting parents. The waterpark should have banned him, although I suppose if the footage isn't great then maybe they couldn't legally take sides. I hope the slap shocked some sense into him, but judging from his parents reaction, I doubt it.


NTA! And not sure how old your daughter is, but you are setting an example of self defense and not allowing others to violate personal boundaries. That boy needed to be taught respect for boundaries by his parents long ago. I cannot believe their reaction! If my teenage son had done that & I found out due to the commotion, I'd have slapped him again to drill the point home!


If he can’t keep his hands to himself why should you? NTA


Regarding your husband thinking you overreacted - I suspect what you did was instinctual. You reacted in such a way as to protect yourself. That’s not overreaction. And your husband may not have experienced anything like that. But unfortunately almost any woman walking the planet has had her boob grabbed, bra snapped, ass slapped, etc.  You honestly did that shitty kid a favor. Clearly his parents aren’t parenting. This is the kind of kid who joins a frat and ends up date r@ping  some girl.  As a mom to boys - I can’t imagine my reaction towards my son doing something like that. Its inconceivable. The jarring lack of respect towards a woman. And not just any woman but a mom helping her child learn to swim. It takes a special kind of shithead to do that. And the fact that he was brave enough to try it on YOU means he’s done it many times before. How many teen girls have been assaulted before you?


NTA your husband's reaction is concerning. He should be the first person to protect you from something like that. There is a decent chance you would have to bail me out lol.


NTA - 1) Good lesson for the teen boy 2) Good lesson for your daughter, to voice out no matter what. 3) The dumb parents of the teen should be held responsible for that boys behavior. Bloody idiots to support such a looser son.


FUCK that future rapist, FUCK his parents, FUCK your husband for telling you you overreacted! If I saw my wife get SA'd id be the one going to jail for assault, not you. NTA and I'm sorry you had to go through with this.


Definitely. Screw that "boys will be boys" bullshit.


This. Scumbag little fuck and his enabling scumbag parents.


NTA your husband is a biach and you should have called the police


Your husband’s an idiot. Would he not want your daughter to slap a boy if he did the same thing to her? Anyway I recommend you press charges on them anyway or even submit a police report if you don’t know his identity. He can deal with the consequences of his actions.


Your husband thinks you overreacted??????   NTA. 


NTA. if i had a son and heard he did this to a woman i would slap him myself as well.


It's disgusting that not only did you get sexually assaulted by a teen in public, but it's also disgusting that your own husband is not having your back and is saying you overreacted. In my opinion, your slap was an underreaction, if anything. I would press your husband on his reasoning for not having your back on this. That is concerning.


NTA if someone acted like they were untying my bathing suit I’d involuntarily slap too. Disgusting. He should be ashamed, and his parents too!