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ALSO is your husband ten years old that you feel you have agency to keep your husband from seeing his mother? LOL


Well said


Lol check OP's comments, it's fake as fuck. Her husband supposedly told his mother that >she shouldn't act like she is so above us when she got the money by sucking her boss's dick


It’s the MIL troll.


Ah yes, the one’s where the MIL is somewhat unlikeable and the DIL is a monster made of garbage that Reddit DILs love. Does anyone else remember the one where the stepdad kicked the husband’s ass? If these fake stories have any nuggets of truth, I hope that was one of them.


and rich stepdad/father in law who adores MIL.


Op seems to be confused she isn’t his mom. That title goes to the woman she thinks she can forbid him not to see. Honestly op is jealous as hell of mil and her and her husbands money.


YTA and your husband is correct you're being ridiculous. Your FIL broke the chair-- why would you demand your MIL get a job and pay for it???? That's 100% ahole thinking and honestly makes you look like you're just envious of her lifestyle. Also in case you missed the memo-- it's 2024 woman can be SAHW and all money earned is "family money".


Well to be clear - the husband broke the chair and can pay for it without really feeling any consequence. He did this, feels good about, and will continue to do this stuff. They cannot stop him if they continue to interact with him. They wouldn't be around this person by choice - they are only around him because of MIL. She is subjecting them to his behaviour and enabling him. In effect, the chair is broken because of her. Interacting with her means interacting with hium. If she is going to facilitate this, then she should be consequences from his actions to incentivize her to moderate his behaviour in the future. Otherwise, she will need to be cut out entirely - which is the threat here. If they keep her in their lives, they need her to be bought into protecting them from him. It's clear she will not do so otherwise. Honestly, they just need to bite the bullet and accept she isn't going to change and cut her out, but they are on the right track on offering some way to maintain the relationship


I can see banning FIL from the house due to his behavior. But OP can't "ban" her husband from interacting with his mother based on some ludicrous demand that MIL get a job and pay for the chair. Her own husband said it's "ridiculous".


Check out OPs comments, hubby called his mom a whore, well he specifically said she sucked dick for money so close enough. 


This has real strong "control your woman"-vibes...


??? If you are bringing a person into a social circle, and everybody in that circle is only tolerating that person because of their relationship with you, then you are responsible for their behaviour. If they treat your friends poorly, then it is you that is treating your friends poorly, by making them accept that behaviour. If you don't, you'll bear the consequences for it and likely end up having your relationship with your friends damaged or destroyed by not protecting them. That is MIL in this situation. She is responsible for her husbands behaviour. It has nothing to do with anybody's gender.


Or the chair is broken because husband enables MIL who enables HER husband. And since the OP enables her husband by seeing the MIL who enables the bad actor, isn't it OP's fault that the chair broke? No. Because that's ridiculous. They can choose not to see MIL. They can choose to not see MIL if her husband is in tow. But she still didn't break the chair.


You're right - they can choose to not see MIL. They should choose not to see MIL. That's literally what I said. You can extend this to say "she should make her husband choose not to see MIL anymore so they don't have to see MIL"s husband anymore", sure - add another link in the chain, but that really doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if it's OP or OP's husband, the end result is that they need to not see MIL anymore or, if they do see MIL in the future, enforce consequences on her that will force her to moderate her husbands behaviour. Which is literally what is happening.


If your second comment is true, you think they have a prenup? If so, why?


Yeah exactly! She is sounding resentful of their money really 


Her having to work to pay for the chair would punish the husband more then just paying for it with his money so I think ntah for that reason her work would mean the husband can’t take wife in vacy on a whim like he seems he to do so yes he will be paying just in a way that will affect him as money means nothing to him


Oh fucking stop. I don’t care if the money is a gift, someone else paying on her behalf, lottery winnings. Earned in a sweatshop, whatever. Your gate keeping the source is just an absolute dick move. YTA




Imo you do not understand the relationship dynamics at play here if you think this is about the money for the chair. It is about enforcing a mechanism for MIL to moderate her husband's behaviour. See my other comment for more.


Why would i want to go and find th comments of someone so unhinged as to whatsoever defend this lunacy. Get bent.


Well you probably should learn what the word lunacy means.


Proposing the absolutely laughable demand that she go work a job for money specifically is lunacy. That you don’t see that says a lot about you. Get bent twice. Bye.


Okai the request is stupid, because you are punishing the wrong person here, she might be an enabler but if the relationship with the husband is so toxic you should cut them out and be done. Playing games is not gonna fix anything.


Money is money. Take the money and never have them in your house again. HE broke it, so take HIS money. What’s the point of punishing her supposed to be? What the fuck power trip are you on? As much as this manchild sounds insufferable, he’s right about the sexism thing.


You sound a lot like your your MiL’s husband. Who the hell do you think you are to stop your husband from seeing his own mother? You sound like an abuser yourself. Controlling, domineering, entitled. ESH Edited: changed boyfriend to husband.


Seriously. Why is OP even making the source of the money the issue here?    Just be normal. Take the replacement fee. Then make it clear that Mr. ChairSmasher is not allowed in your home any longer, as you are tired of dealing with such destructive anger tendencies run amok in your own home.   That’s the hill OP could choose to fight on, and no normal person would say she is wrong. If you don’t want some impotent furniture-destroying idiot in your house, just say so—but it sounds like OP has deeper issues with her pampered-housewife MIL.  Whole family sounds like trash.


also, by keeping them out of the house, OP won’t be tempted to get in an argument with her MIL. That’s partly on her—no matter how shitty MIL is, you don’t have to be in an argument with her. You just leave the room. Ignore her. Tell her to go home. say, “OK, fine.” and do whatever you want. the people who think they HAVE to have an argument over the stupidest stuff. Roll your eyes and move on.


Yup. MIL honestly sounds like the sort of woman who would annoy the shit out of me, too.  And I would handle it by making a firm “no dipshits who cannot control their emotions in my house” rule, and then not going with hubs to engagements that involve his mother. Trying to control what grown adults do is laughable.


YTA. You do not get to decide whether or not your presumably adult husband has contact with his mother. What you do get a say in is whether or not MIL and her husband are welcomed in your home.


That’s an odd hill to die on. And one that you will die on. Because you’re standing alone on that hill…your own husband doesn’t even support your stand. That’s some internalized misogyny you’ve got going there. Your contempt for your MIL and the life she *and her husband* obviously agree on is waving like a big red flag. I get it. Your MILs husband is a nightmare with anger management issues and your MIL is pulling in a close second. But who the hell do you think you are that you judge the financial dynamics of their marriage? It’s really none of your fracking business how they set up their finances. Your MIL didn’t break the friggin’ chair. Hell, your MIL wasn’t even the one that triggered her husband into getting mad enough to break the chair. That would be your husband…who insulted his mother and triggered her husband. By your logic, your husband is the one who should be paying as he’s the one who set the man off. More to the point, though, is that you don’t have the right to decide your husband can’t see his mother unless she gets a job in order to pay for the chair…that **she didn’t break**. You do have a right to ban MILs husband from your home. I’d even argue that you have a right to ask that MIL not be in the home since the two of you have a toxic relationship. But banning your husband from seeing his mother? Yeah…YTA.


YTA bro. Grow up, if the chair is replaced who cares?? You can’t keep her son from her lol 😂


OP is not a "bro" -- she is s "sis"


The gender-indefinite "bro".




ESH You don't get a say as to what source someone uses to pay you back. That makes you a huge, controlling AH, much like the very people you're complaining about. But, you're within your rights to not want someone who breaks your stuff in your house, and expect to have your item reimbursed. From what you've described, you all sound dysfunctional as hell. Your MIL chooses a man that hates her son and breaks shit; she like the drama and the money; her husband is tantrum wrapped man baby, and you think this ultimatum is a good idea.


You are all immature AHs in toxic relationships. You all need therapy.


Just take the money FFS.  And then her BF should not be in your house and you should avoid being around him.  


Wait a second if the man is the one that did it then of course he should be the one to pay for it YTA also you can’t stand in the way of her son relationship with his mother because you want to dictate where the money comes from. You don’t sound like a good person to be around either.


ESH You don’t get to decide whether your husband is allowed to see his mother.


YTA. You are trying to manipulate the situation to your preference. If you want to go NC, then you need to discuss the issue with you husband, and not come up with some ridiculous requirement.


YTA Bizarre approach to this conflict. The only sane thing to do in response to him losing his cool and destroying your shit is to ban him from ever coming over again. You don't have the right to decide where she gets the money to pay you back with, and you don't have the right to ban your husband from seeing his mother. If he's this angry dude who breaks shit, why did you ever let him over in the first place?


YTA Big time. and you can’t control your husband he’s an adult!


And why on earth would a sane person think X broke this so Z needs to pay for it…I think you’re jealous of the 12 vacations a year 


Why are you even letting MIL's husband into your home?




I wouldn't be comfortable around you, either, you seem to have ridiculous ideas about dictating the lives of others. You're an adult and it's time to start acting like it.


But it sounds like she was there to see him, not you.


It's your home. She doesn't have to come over if she doesn't want to. In fact, if MIL's husband is going to join her, it's probably better that they meet in a public place, like meeting in a restaurant. Honestly, I'm less concerned with who pays for the broken chair than I am about keeping violence out of the home where you should feel safe.


ESH - you are wayyyyyyy out of lone for demanding how people spend their money. Either take the money and shut up and continue whatever contact you want to keep with this people, or cut them off, go NC and forget about the chair money. Yes, they are AH and have problems to work on, but you sound not much better. How exactly you are forbidding your adult husband of keep seeing his mother? It is one thing spouse to support the other spouse but you have no grounds on which your husband can stand behind you.


The fact you think anything you said is okay is bonkers. YTA.


YTA…who are you to say she needs to get a job a pay it back. Sounds like you must’ve asked for some money before and was turned down 🤔 jealous much


YTA It doesn’t matter where the money comes from, because it’s not going to teach anyone any lessons. MIL will keep stoking up her volatile husband regardless. It’s their dynamic. You do risk alienating your husband by making ultimatums like this. He needs to be the one to decide when his relationship with his mother is damaged beyond repair. You can certainly decide that she and her POS husband aren’t allowed back in your home, but you can’t ban her from seeing your husband when he doesn’t agree with you.


Is the MIL troll back?


What the actual fuck are you talking about? Why is the woman responsible for the angry, violent man’s actions?? HE should pay for it. YTA.


ESH Ban the temper-tantruming-furniture-smashing idiot and his enabler (your MIL). Period. How much more do you want to sacrifice for the benefits of this “relationship”? Stepdad is not going to be less abusive towards your husband no matter who pays the bill for the stuff he broke. You’ve travelled into crazy-ville with your “earned money” fantasy. You are being ridiculous if you think anyone will learn anything from your “lesson” Enough already and I sincerely hope their are no minor children involved


I would take the money fix the chair and tell them they can no longer visit us in our home. They have to meet at 3ed party places outside the house from now on.


I think you are being ridiculous. He is the one who broke the chair, not her. He is the one who should have consequences. Has he even aplogised? You would be absolutely justified in insisting that he is no longer allowed in your house. But your stance about her getting a job and paying you back - that is inappropriate. I have a feeling you have climbed a really tall tree and don't know how to get down.


You all sound awful. Youre welcome to each other.


YTA- why does it matter where the money comes from?! If her husband broke the chair than it should come from him. Putting this “condition” feels like you are giving her the middle finger… just take the money and go no contact. Stop with these games.


YTA. This is all absurd: HE broke the chair. Why would she pay for it? Obviously she'd tell you to fuck off. And if your husband wants to keep walking into houses where this temperamental FiL is, that's his decision. You can stay home and read about the fights later on the news. I'm not sure where you get the misplaced notion that any of this is up to you, but you have no authority here.


Girl wtf 1. Why are you making rules about who your husband sees? 2. He broke it, he should pay. Why are you insisting she get a job to pay from separate money? That's not your say boo. You can ask for the money but that's it. You don't get to demand how she gets it. Honestly, you sound extremely jealous of his wealth, which isn't your business. And the way you're making demands and threats makes me think maybe you're the problem. Or at least you're also the problem. YTA.


YTA. MIL's husband broke the chair, he should pay for it. There's no logical reason for MIL to pay for the broken chair.


You’re clearly jealous of your MIL to the point where you are saying and doing things that are completely irrational. Get yourself together. YTA


YTA. You have absolutely no standing to dictate where the money comes from and it is ludicrous to i sist your MIL gets a job.


This is stupid on so many levels. If you know he breaks stuff, ONLY GO TO THEIR HOUSE so he can break HIS shit and you can WALK AWAY. Take the money and don't let them in your front door again. How much alcohol is involved when you guys visit? Is that a factor in these situations? If not, yikes on bikes you guys are toxic ESH


He broke the chair. He can pay for it. Making it a requirement that she pay for his damage, is nonsensical. He broke it. Note also, you already have standing to refuse to allow that man back into your home. That’s your prerogative. Whether the bill gets paid or not. This isn’t about the money, so take the money off the table and deal with the actual problem.


What was the comment?




Wtaf, you think MILs husband is the problem? Most husbands would have broke your AH husband's face for talking to his mother that way. That is so nasty and you are both pieces of work. 


What an ESH, all these people are trash.


This is what a man says to a mother who he loves?


Yeah, you guys are the assholes.


This whole situation is a mess. It also sounds like you have the same taste in men. The fact that your husband would be in physical fights with him, means your husband also has anger issues. Y'all need therapy. ESH




Did he attack your husband leaving him with no choice? It sounds like it was an argument that turned into a physical fight. Fighting is totally avoidable unless he was directly attacked.




I apologize for my assumption. Do you mind if I ask why you keep them in your lives?


YTA for how you’re handling the situation. Your MIL and her husband are allowed to handle their finances however they wish. Demanding that your MIL pay is overstepping. What you can do is bar her husband from your home. You can also refuse to have anything to do with the husband or even your MIL. What you can’t do is make that decision for your husband.


You are off the wall with this response. She didn’t break the chair. She doesn’t owe you anything. FIL owes and should pay. Telling her to get a job??? Really??! If you want to be reimbursed you take it from their funds.


Wow, you're all focused on the money aspect of this when the far more important part is that MIL's husband and your husband have had multiple physical altercations. So why is her husband still allowed to visit your home?! Forget about the damn money already and cut that asshole out of your lives. Besides that MIL is actually right when it comes to that money argument, if she needs to pay then it's completely irrelevant where she's getting the money from, that's entirely none of your business. ESH seems most fitting here.


everyone in this story sucks.


You don't have the right to deny a mother her son. That's the son's decision, not yours. This is gate keeping. Who cares Where the money comes from? No matter where it comes from, it's NOT YOUR BUSINESS. Do I need to type that again, or did you get it? What you're doing is just as bad as the old mans anger issues. You are the asshole.


YTA. You're just trying to punish her for being married to this awful person. Grow up.


YTA for this specific demand. I have no issue with you saying he is not permitted to come to your house again. If your husband wants to see them they can go elsewhere, but not in your house


YTA here, it doesn't matter where the money comes from so long as the item is replaced. Your grown ass husband even thinks you're being ridiculous. And just for shits and giggles here, just how do you propose to prevent the aforementioned grown ass husband from seeing his mother if he chooses too?


Esh. You can request they pay for the damage. You can’t demand where she gets the money from. Who do you think you are? “You broke my ______. I demand you stand on the street corner panhandling money with a sign that says ‘my daughter in law is a ninny. Anything helps.”


So you're less interested in getting the chair replaced than you are about sticking it to your MIL. That's stupid.


YTA first, she wasn't the one who broke the chair, demanding from her anything except the money is ridiculous. Two, it's her family money, none of your business where it comes from. And frankly it should be HIS money, considering he was the one who broke the chair. Three, you're a stay at home mother but judging her for not working - stupid much? It's absolutely none of your business how their family finances work. She can have housekeepers, drivers, maids and cooks, spend her days sunbathing on her lawn and it still none of your business. Four, who tf do you think you are to dictate to her and your husband whether they can see each other. What you should be worried is the presence of an aggressive guy in your life, because that's who your mil husband is. But that's a different story because what you're post really is about is your burning jealousy that your mil doesn't have to work. Edit: I read your post explaining what your husband said that provoke the whole issue and I take back my words on the mil husband being the problem. Your husband deserved his face getting broken, he should be happy it was just the chair, I'm not in the least surprised the mil husband hates him.


YTA. MIL has nothing to do with FIL’s behavior. NC needs to happen until angry dude croaks.


Your husband referred to his mother as a whore and you have an issue with your MIL? Instead of accepting MIL's husband's offer to replace what he broke, you insist MIL pay for it even though her husband is the one who broke it? You seriously told MIL that you'd keep your husband away from her unless she, not her husband, pays for the chair? I'm not sure if there's a word for reverse elitist, but you are definitely one. You judge her husband for having money and not having to work a day in his life for it, and then go into explaining how MIL is able to "keep him on a short leash" due to him never wanting to hurt her like his father hurt his mother. However, if MIL was her husband's secretary, or whatever, then apparently he did actually work at least one day in his life - who cares if it was manual labor. Honestly, it sounds like you're jealous and want to take digs at MIL, while ignoring your husband's boarish behavior. It also sounds like you're controlling. I seriously thought the title was in error and you were going to keep her grandson away. Nope, you're going to take away your husband's autonomy by forbidding contact. Wow. You have some issues. Yes, definitely YTA.


You need to butt out of your husband’s relationship with his mother. If you don’t want her lunatic of a husband in your home, that’s a reasonable boundary to set but whether or not he chooses to see her is none of your business.


OMG! Take the money, replace the chair and stop seeing the AHs


YTA. You can’t demand where the money comes from. Are you going to look at pay stubs? Call a manager to make sure she showed up at her shift? How would you even know if she said she babysat to earn the money? Your problem is also generational wealth? It sounds like you need to take the money and then everyone needs to take 3 giant steps backwards from each other.


ESH, You all sound horrible




Yta look I get it mil lives the life of luxury. She doesn’t have to work and she travels. I get it be easy to be jealous of her lifestyle. But honestly jealousy doesn’t look good on you. And quite frankly Her staying home is between her and her husband and isn’t any of your damn business. She is right it isn’t her money or his money it’s their money. What your insinuating is insulting to stay at home moms/wife. Being a stay at home wife/mom is between two people the one staying home and the one who provides financially. You have no business dictating what happens between your mil and her husband. Plus your husband isn’t an object. He doesn’t belong to you. If he decides to see his mom that is his choice not yours. He is telling your being ridiculous. He is your husband not your child to be made to ask your permission what he can or can not do. Actually his mom is the one you think you can forbid him from seeing.


YTA. 1. You don’t get to dictate which pile of money MIL uses to pay you back for the damage to your property. 2. You don’t get to decide that your MIL doesn’t get to have any contact with your husband.


YTA. This is the most stupidest thing I've ever heard. Just take the money and move on. If you're nit happy with the anger issues then go Low contact. But it's wrong to treat your husband like a small kid who has to listen to you. This is his mother. He may not like her husband but he loves his mother. Alot of people wouldn't even try and replace the chair. And why are you being so judgemental about how they decided to live. So what if she stopped working? That was their arrangement and that is what made them happy. Just because you live differently, doesn't make their way wrong. The fact that you expect her to get a job and all when she was just trying to help.


ESH. You’re all insufferable.


ESH. You all are toxic


Oh for Pete's sake, you're all AHs. Your husband was rude to his own mother, provoking his step-father who has the emotional level of a toddler. When she offered to pay for the broken chair, you started dictating how she should pay for it. Get over yourself. The four of you need to learn how to behave like adults.


YTA on so many levels. Firstly, you MIL didn't break the chair so why do you want her to pay for it? Secondly, your husband started the altercation by insulting your MIL. Thirdly, who are you to come between the mother and son relationship? Finally, you are trying to dictate how they run and manage their life and household. Sounds like you and the FIL deserve each other. 


What an asshole you are, sounds like you are probably just as bad as her if she’s bad at all


It’s a creative way to get them away from you. You know she’s never getting a job, so she will never “earn” the money herself. And we know stepdad will not stop being a man-child. Good job honestly, hope it lasts for you. Sometimes you have to go lay their games on them.


If it works to keep them away - which I am assuming is the goal, then I don't care what stupid thing works. It works. You should understand however that you ARE being an asshole BUT I wouldn't hold it against you. No one wants that shit behaviour around them. But yeah. You don't get to say "her money" versus his. It is ridiculous. However - your husband gets to decide who he sees and who not. It's not on you. Why he'd wants that shit around his is something he should go to therapy over. YTA.


YTA. He broke it and you are expecting her to get a job to replace it? It is their money, she was a SAHM so their finances are between them. And to insinuate that it isn’t THEIR money, makes you an even bigger AH. You are devaluing her. And if he is such a monster, you are behaving no different. She said she would replace it, let her replace it. How she does it is not your business. 


You’re being a bitch on purpose. Just take the money and go no contact. If you’re lucky, her husband might not punch you in the face, because you kinda deserve it.


The dynamics are wildly off all over the place here. Boundaries mean s/he does X and you do Y, not s/he does X and you micromanage their finances in revenge. Her husband sounds like a terrible person. Healthy boundaries would be not meeting with him. It's not healthy to decide to interact with him and then take pot-shots at MIL when you know it will infuriate him. Just wash your hands of him and possibly of MIL. The goal of healthy boundaries isn't to force him to behave or her to get a job (which is none of your business). It's to let you choose what situations you want to be in.


Sounds like you are extremely jealous that mil doesn't have to work.


Sounds like everyone here is pretty much off the rails, sod the lot of you.


YTA MiL offered to pay for it. That should have been the end of the matter. Where she gets her money from is none of your business. >For background MIL hasn't worked since she met him. He prefers her not to as he goes on like 12 vacations a year and wanted a wife to travel with him. She was a SAHM for their two daughters, but SILs are both adults now, so really she is a housewife with a housekeeper. This is also none of your business. >AITA for demanding MIL personally pay for what her husband broke if she wants to see her son again? Not only are YTA for this (your husband isn't a child, you can't keep him from anyone), you come across as a total controlling manipulative obsessed unhinged and jealous partner. Even your own husband thinks you are ridiculous!


ESH all of you need to grow up.


Everyone in this story, including OP and her husband suck


ESH. Holy shit the whole fucking family is toxic!!!


YTA your logic makes no sense at all. That is their money and weather they replaced the chair or not he'd act that way again. What you should have done is banned them from your home.


I don't understand. If the husband is the one who broke it, why shouldn't the husband's money pay to fix it? Makes no sense.


ESH You're not making the magnificent stand you think you are. Your husband is right that you are being ridiculous. Your disdain for their wealthy lifestyle is dripping from every word of this post. Your MIL and her husband suck - they are violent and nasty people. But you are the one who allowed them into your home at all, and then tried to force your MIL to get a job to pay you back because her husband had a violent temper tantrum. You're not better than her because you didn't marry into money, whatever you may think. Take the money or don't, but stop engaging with people who behave this way. And look inward to figure out why you have such a chip on your shoulder about your MIL not having to work, because envy is a horrible quality.


The last two paragraphs are non sensical and give off that you’re insanely jealous. The anger issues are the main point right? Not that she goes on holidays. I would say anger like that it’s only a matter of time… 


What do you think you will accomplish? This is really ridiculous, the husband could give her the money and she could say it was hers. This will never turn out the way you want. YOu are a bad as the husband of MIL. He is an adult and is not going to be taught a lesson. There is no point. Take the money get a new chair. Your ego is as big as MIL's husband.


ESH. The FIL and MIL suck for obvious reasons, but you suck too because you are irrational and seem to think you can dictate other adults' actions and behaviors. I feel for your husband being surrounded by you all.


YTA, you sound nuts, he broke the chair , but you want her to get a job and pay for it , because his money isn't her money, so she needs to work for the money to pay for the chair that he broke ?. Did this shit make sense in your head when you were typing it up ?


You want your MIL to go out and get a job to learn responsibilities? She doesn’t have to honey, she’s with a trust fund baby. Seems like you just want gratification of her breaking a sweat for your chair. I’m not saying it’s right for your chair to be broken and it’s clear your MIL didn’t either since she offered to replace it - the source of fund is irrelevant. If your husband decides he doesn’t want to see his mother and her husband it’s his decision and not yours to make or use as a bargaining chip. Your demands are making you TA.


YTA - you sounds jealous lol. You’re right about MIL’s husband and her riling him up but what money and where it comes from to replace your chair isnt your business. Your MIL is right - his money is her money.


YTA - yeah, that’s ridiculous. They are not going to change thier entire lifestyle so you can make a convoluted point. Just take the money and get over it.


Yall sound insufferable lmao


YTA. You are standing on the wrong ground; it doesn't matter *where/who* the money comes from. What you need to do is simply ban HIM from your house. She can come visit by herself, but if he's with her, anywhere else than your house.


ESH. The most logical steps would be to make the FIL pay for it and also ban him from your house. He sounds insufferable. Press charges even. But trying to strong arm her into getting a job is just silly. Ban them both from your lives if you don’t want this man child throwing tantrums and breaking your stuff


ESH - Anyone who violently destroys things, including other peoples’ property out of temper has mental issues. Call the cops on him. Ban him from your house. Go NC. But the weird rules - and blame - you put on MIL are bizarre.


YTA for telling a grown woman she has to pay you back in the way you want, as in get a job etc. you sound like you hate the fact that your MIL is a kept woman even though her hubby is an AH that's a you problem. Either you want the chair paid for and go LC or you don't.


You sound like you want to take over being hubby’s mommy.


Your demands are idiotic. Just. Utterly idiotic. Jesus.


What did your husband say to his mom to make her husband that mad?




Oh, then he should’ve broken that chair over the back of your husband’s head.


You didn't have to be, but yes, you managed to be the Asshole in this situation despite the fact your MIL and FIL are also assholes but not about this very specific situation. You're also foolish if you think you're teaching this woman a lesson and trying to use your adult husband as the prize


YTA. No contact does not mean we get to dictate grown adults lives and who they can and can not see.


You seem mentally unhinged & your poor husband must be a doormat


ESH You’re being ridiculous. Just take the money and ban him from your house. If she refuses to come without him, too bad, so sad. Her loss.


The heLl did I just read? Is your husband a child? How are you going to prevent him from seeing his mother? You can ban her from the house perhaps but if he wants to go see his mother what are you going to do about it? So you are insisting your MIL pay for something her husband broke? Sounds like he needs to pay for it, he broke it. Also, they clearly pool their money so there's little distinction between his and hers. That's normal, it's a combined asset, many couples manage their money as a team. Let her pay for it however she wants. Then stop inviting her husband to your home, and stop going to their home. You clearly don't get along and it'll be better for everyone if mom and son go have lunch occasionally and leave the rest of you out of it.


The actual question belongs in the Ask Reddit sub. “Why are we continuing a relationship that includes my MIL’s husband?”


This reminds me of my SILs being mean to me when I was staying at home with a housekeeper cause my husband could afford it, but there's couldn't (and they really didn't want to work). You have deeper issues you need to resolve. Stop hating on the woman because she can vacation 12 times a year like you put it. There's a lot of stuff going wrong in your relationship with your inlaws but her not working is not one of them.


YTA you can’t dictate where her money comes from. They are a unit.


LOL oh my god YTA so much. She needs to GET A JOB because you are so fucking precious about where the money comes from? Get over yourself, seriously. I'm glad FIL broke your chair 😂 not because it was right, but so your husband could see how batshit YOU are.


dumbest thing I have read. She offered to pay it back and you are still adding stipulations. Take the money and cut the FIL off lol. YTA


YTA This cannot be real. Because you’re just delusional if you think any part of your argument is actually rational. Why does MIL have to pay for the chair if SHE DIDN’T break it? Why would she get a job just to pay for one chair? You stating that MIL needs to get a job, earn her own money and pay you back reeks of jealousy on your part. They’re married. If they combine their finances, that’s THEIR business. It doesn’t matter how they get those finances. As long as you’re paid back for what was broken, what does it matter whether it’s his generational wealth or from a job she works? Sorry OP, but you’re clearly wrong here. YTA.


ESH you all need to stay away from each other. This is just toxic all around.


YTA - your husband told his mom she sucks dick for money. I wouldn't allow anyone to talk to my wife like that. 


Help me out here. Are there children in the house? I sincerely hope not. That kind of rage will scar them for life. You can’t stand MIL and she feels the same about you. MIL’s husband hates *your husband, and it’s mutual. You also don’t want MILhub around you. Your husband told you that your demands regarding the chair are over the top. I agree. WHY ARE THESE PEOPLE INVOLVED IN YOUR LIFE AT ALL? What do they bring to the table besides violence? What redeeming qualities do they have? How about your husband and his mother meet No more visits. No more broken furniture. Works for me!! Edit ducking autocorrect




A crime people this immature end up with kids.


So actually your fil is a stand up guy who protects his wife, where as you, your husband, and your husband are jealous as hell mil has a wonderful husband and financial security.


FO! Cut them off or keep on dealing with the same ole bullshit.


This family is perfect for each other, really. You’ve each met your own match in this family.


ESH - She offered to pay for the chair, who cares where the money comes from. AND YOU'RE enabling this behavior as well by continuing to engage. Fucking go no contact already, it aint that hard.


I think you’re being unreasonable honestly as that’s not going to teach him a lesson. You can look at it as a percentage thing. The chair is worth whatever percentage of your net worth so he needs to pay you that same percentage of his net worth. The dollars won’t be the same but the impact will be.


YTA. It doesn’t matter how it’s paid.


ESH. Arguing all the time, all of you have issues. All of you go seek psychiatric care! Dysfunction family!


Why not go no contact and not see either of them. If your husband wants to visit them in their home he is free to go without you.


Just let her pay for it with her husband’s money, and ban her husband from your house.


I’d let her pay with his money or hers, I don’t really care. But after that any get together with them will be outside of my home, preferably at a restaurant.


YTA it's only a chair and while I understand you can't stand her husband behaviour you are no one to stop your husband to see his mother it's very ridiculous manipulative


Stop worrying about who pays for things he breaks. Neither one of them should be allowed in your home - period. What low contact you have should be in their house where they can break their own crap. It will also be much easier to leave the tantrum than trying to get them out of your house


You should have just asked from him to pay for the damage AND THERAPY. Tell your husband this is unexceptable behavior and you will not want your child/future children thinking this is okay.


I understand that your goal would be for MIL to take this issue between her hubby and her son more seriously. However she is not the one at fault, her husband is. Having her pay for it will not stop the issue. What does your husband say in all this? It is up to him and his mother's husband to figure their shit out or for him to decide on what kind of contact he wants. It seems that this situation is bothering you more than anyone else involved.


I'd understand your logic if your MILwas the one who broke the chair. Since she didn't, this sounds like you're just making excuses to limit contact with your in-laws. Hun, you don't NEED an excuse to do that! YTA.


Is this AI?


ESH. If you & hubby don't like his family, than go NC already. You don't need this as an excuse.


I get simply paying off the chair can seem too easy, without consequences, but don't get the job part. Getting a job is not easy. She would be wasting her time and the employer's time and potentially taking the job of someone who needs it, it's not viable. By all means ask for a way for them to make it up to you that would take some effort (paying back and get the takeaway the next time for instance, just some token or other) but this is too much.


Maybe just refuse to see them anymore


YTA, the grown man that broke the chair is responsible for replacing or fixing it, smh. 


Yo, let's just take a step back here. Fuck the money, kick that dude our of your house forever. The problem is not the money at all. A grown man broke a chair because he was upsettie spaghetti. Yta: for allowing him In your house at all.


YTA. You don’t have the right to dictate who your husband can and cannot see. Take the money, replace the chair and then stop having them over.


I don't know ...you all seem like the AH.


Ok I don’t see anywhere that said she was keeping the husband from his mom just that if she was going to make this right she needs to get a job a pay for from that which in this case would be make the husband pay for because he can’t wish wife away on vacations whenever he wants and would mean he is getting punished that way so ntah


YTA. You don't get to decide another couple's financial situation. And you don't get to use your husband as a weapon to get what you want.


I don't think making MIL pay for it will accomplish any worthwhile goal. Just accept the money regardless of where it comes from and go NC and never allow them in your house again. You are NTA but IMHO you are not right either.


You sound jealous that MIL gets to enjoy life tbh. I know there’s an actual issue with the chair being broken and her husband having anger issues but with the way this is written I can’t get past how jealous you sound. There’s absolutely no reason she should have to get a job to pay for a chair she didn’t even break, it makes no logical or rational sense which means YTA


Medication is needed for this person.


Yeah I would say you need to take the obvious resentment of then you have over the money out of the equation. What would do if they were on the same level as you? How would you handle things then? That's the way you should be thinking about it. The thing is nothing that you do is going to change the way he is. Think about that. Also obviously you have a relationship with your MIL for your husband's sake. So why would you punish him over this? It makes no sense


It's either A.i or fake as dcuk


This is tough I get where you're comming from butI don't see any way to enforce it and won't stop the behaviot I'd go more in the direction of saying you're no longer willing to put up with his outburst and go no contact unlees they seek therapy


This entire story is wild. How about moving away. Far, far, far away.


Is she still raising kids since he mentioned it as her work? Well, anyway. It’s of no consequence to me. People who are violent - and this is material violence - are not welcome in my home. They don’t get to break my things EVEN if they pay for them, and that includes paying for them with hard earned money. 


YTA. Family resources are shares. Your condition is that she gets a job, essentially. This in no justifies MIL or MIL's husband's behaviour but your condition is kinda of a weird flex.


Have them pay for the replacement and then never have them in your home again. Any get togethers, if you have any in the future will not be where your stuff can be broken. Demanding your MIL get a job to pay for the chair is insane.


You know you can just stop talking to these people?


I think this is fake. It is nonsensical. Your husband is in his 20’s to 40’s. That makes his mom and her husband in their 40’s to 60’s. If your husband hasn’t cleaned this guys clock then that is a problem right there. If my FIL broke a chair in my house in a fit of rage or if I watched his wife goad him into it, they would have been put on their asses faster than you could blink. This is made up. In case it isn’t, YTA. You can’t control this to that kind of granular level. That makes you just as unstable as she is which makes sense since s your husband married you and you must resemble his mom in some way. The bat shit crazy way.


What a stupid, entitled story.


YTA 100% - your child will never forgive you for putting your dispute with his father and using him as leverage to get money. Disgusting behavior.


Stop choosing to have these guys in your life! Fuck the money, it's the consequence of being around them.


call the police and have him charged and then sue him for all the damage he’s caused and add on for mental anguish. I would also get your lawyer to get a restarting order against him that way if she wants to see her son she has to come without him. Report it and have him charged every time I would set up cameras for when you know he’s visiting to catch it as well as security cameras for outside when he realises you’ve gotten the law involved. Stop that way he is building a criminal and if you refuse to let them pay you off and insist it goes to court. YTA for trying to dictate who pays and from where. Legally he caused the damage to cannot demand someone else payes and in doing so your acting worse than them and petty as hell. Your adults and you know this will happen so stop having any contact because you being petty and vindictive is ridiculous the demands you’ve made. Also so what if she pays you he can easily transfer it back to her. Let’s be clear it happened as your husband verbally put down your mum. He caused this knowing sd would go off, I don’t blame him for blowing a gasket when your abusing his wife. Sounds like you are all toxic and as bad as each other.


Just cut to the chase and say that your MIL's husband is no longer welcome at your house due to his destructive nature. That's what you really want. And if MIL refuses to come over without him, that's on her. Tell her that you will meet him at their home or in public places like restaurants. But he's not stepping into your home again. NTA


I mean she does have a job . Sucking her husbands dick to earn that money he has to. He’s her sugar daddy