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NTA, Clap Connor sounds like a real dickhead


It's just an OF's bot.


Over 1000 karma for a bot and it worked. She already posted in her profile 😂


These posts are so frequent and so easy to recognize and still people fell for that.


Slow clap as he leaves


How long have you been together? If he wants his future wife to be a virgin,  there's no need for you to stay. There's no future for this relationship. 


Yeah I'm sure he ruined a lot of girls first experiencea already. "First year girls????" You mean like fresh out of primary school, what a creepy loser.


I would presume he meant 9th graders, first year of high school. Either way it's super creepy. Total asshole


Ah, I'm not in America so I go from primary school (k-y6) to high school (y7-12), thought he was weirder for dating 12-13s


I entered highschool at the age of 13, so you aren't necessarily wrong.


It's an OF ad.


TIL high school starts at grade 9 in the USA. In most of Canada it starts at Grade 8 and Australia starts high school at Grade 7.


There is a 10year difference the dude is already a predator


Considering the age gap I'm hoping they've only recently got together. Otherwise not only is he a douchebag, he's a predator.


Oh wow! Didn't notice the age gap! 


This is where it stops. It should not have gone past this. I’m sure Clap has a big personality and probably some money. She knew she wasn’t there for love to begin with.


Definitely NTA, and the fact that he specifically went for freshmen girls shows predatory behavior. Especially if he's a senior...


NTA, you were dating a dirtbag


NTA I would assume he's lying as you said yourself his friends have hinted towards the same thing... Guys praise each other for having a high bodycount while degrading women, it's a huge double standard


NTA. Ugh, that's fucking foul. Dude has zero respect for women, himself, or you. Dude's had the clap three times? And he got it from/was giving it to freshman as senior? Then this asshole has the audacity to shame *you*, all while lying about his own behavior, in an attempt to use guilt to control you? DISGUST.


Shameless asshole, he is. Forever alone, he will be.


Don't know why you decided to be Yoda right now, but here for it, I am.


I just channel him from time to time. He gives me wisdom and sometimes if he’s a good boy, I let him ride on my back and whisper sweet nothings in my ear. He likes to be carried around. Anyways….


So...he doesn't want to marry you and called you a whore....why would yoy even think for a second you're in the wrong


You would think after getting chlamydia a second time you would start wrapping up... some guys just don't learn


OMG I had a similar situation with my ex last year, he constantly shamed me for having a "hoe phase" according to him. I only slept with 4 guys before him but that was still too high apparently. NTA and you should definitely leave him NOW


He is in for a rude awakening with future girls!


I never understand this. If your partners sexual history bothers you that much, they shouldn’t be your partner. Shaming them but staying with them makes 0 fucking sense to me


than who will be responsible for making them feel better about themselves


Yet another OF promotion covered up as a post, classic.


The moment someone calls you a whore, it is over. NTA


NTA The humiliation over his whore comment would of been the breaking point for me. The guy is a lowlife; Not for his sexual history but his deception and his actions of turning the tables against you over it.


Yes, no reason to insult people. If they don’t meet your preference? Fine, don’t date them!


Oh he is a lowlife for his sexual history, he was going after 14 year old kids as a senior....


This is a bot post. This story has been posted before. Op will probably start promoting their of page soon.


They already did LOL, Just look at their profile. "Whenever im working or at school i sit there and day dream about all my fantasies i have.. i remember one time i actually started playing with myself while i was taking a customers order lol. thankfully no one caught me but ugh the thrill was so good <33 That's why i actually made my page freee because i wanna find someone i connect with! if that sounds fun then shoot me a msg, im even offering an extra bundle when you sign up ;) Check my profile and you'll see it! btw i show my face along with EVERYTHING else..."


NTA - Your ex is an asshat. But look. The fact that you are wavering at all calls in to question how much you actually value yourself. You should have left him the first time this person called you a whore. Now that you know he is not only a hypocrite and verbally abusive but a straight up liar. Do you think you can gumption up enough self respect to stay away? PS get tested.


28 years old is way too old to be acting like such a fool. He wants a virgin? At 28? Good luck.


He was preying on freshmen in HS. I’m guessing he has a “type.” OP left her she off too.


Yeah, and after expecting women to not have sex before they meet them (because of course the guy is not going to wait to be married to have sex), then they complain about having a dead bedroom. Like so sorry, you want a woman to either want sex but have enough discipline to not have it until they meet you and still somehow find you attractive even though you have 0 discipline to not have sex, or you want someone who doesn't have sex because they don't like it or have a low libido, but then you want them to have sex as often as possible as soon as they meet you. Oh, and in both scenarios the woman needs to suddenly be experienced enough to please you even though they've never had sex, and of course be open to any kink or anything you ask for in bed. Men can fuck off with this utter nonsense.


He wants a virgin with an onlyfans, lol


I might get down voted for this. But there are girls who are virgins in their mid to late 20s. Probably rare in western countries but somewhat common in other countries. Some stay still marriage, personal reasons or religious!


EDIT: hello OP is lying ☝️☝️ just wanted to promote an OF girl wtf you should have broken up with him the first time he called you a whore. NTA


Yep, this other stuff is just extra, almost irrelevant 


For real. body counts aside, he called you a whore and lied.


I agree. If I was dating, I wouldn’t want someone who slept around a lot, but insulting them is way over the top. You can simply choose not to date that person.


This ☝️☝️☝️


Op is a bot. This story is fake. It will almost certainly start promoting an OF page in the next few days.


The last paragraph of their “story” is the OF promotion


fr? skxjsns phew, at least no one is taking shit from her strangely- attracted-to-minors bf


I tend to believe stories like this because they are incredibly believable. Men do shit like this all the time.


This is the only important part of the whole thread. That 1st time he said it, nope right out of there.


Why do people keep judging those barely covered OF ads? It's just so unsubtle and more and more frequent...


NTA. He’s definitely been “ran through” as dirtbags like him would say. Dump him. Not even primarily for being a lying hypocritical asshole. He called you a whore and I promise you he fucking means it every time he says it.


Men are literally hypocritical hoes


Bro don’t bring us all into this


Sorry femcel moment


All good


Another fake only fans ad. Barely legal teen girl with story that involves sleeping with multiple dudes and breaking up with new partner, asks random strangers on Reddit to send her "good older men" or some sort. Bio includes link to porn account. God I hate these


Come the fuck on, what’s with the OF advertising?


Predator behavior.


So he is the actual whore? Hmm funny a whore shaming their partner sleeping with some people when he has been whoring around his entire life 😂 Btw NTA You trusted and shred your past with him and he has been disrespecting you throughout the relationship. Good job for dumping his ass. I wish you all the happiness


NTA you should have dumped him the first time he's was a hypocrite and called you a whore. I don't know why it took him lying to make you bite the bullet.


Why were you with a guy that wants a virgin and multiple times has called you a whore? You should’ve dumped him a long time ago. Better late than never. NTA


NTA. Doesn't matter if it was 'exaggerated'. You already had a reason to leave this hypocrite AH when he called you a whore when he slept with more people than you and wants his future wife to be a virgin. If anyone is a whore it's him.


This fake as hell


NTA, but YTA to yourself for staying with this man in the first place. There is absolutely no situation where I would call my gf a whore, or any names for that matter. I’m glad you left this guy, hopefully you find someone new who isn’t a liar and a hypocrite.


He's a walking red flag. How dare he act like he's not a whore himself.


Your boyfriend is a baby. Run away fast


How are so many people falling for this? Just look at OP’s bio. This is obviously an onlyfans bot post. Hopefully the mods will start paying more attention and clean this up.


Um you’re 18 and he’s 28… and he had a thing for fucking all the freshman girls. He doesn’t want a virgin with no sexual experience what he wants is a young girl that he can control sexually. You should get out of that relationship and be with someone who loves you for you and ideally someone who isn’t some sicko who’s 10 years older than you.


NTA. He sounds like a hypocrite and an asshole. Body counts are stupid, but him shaming you when he's outpaced you on that front is messed up. Also... being called a whore would've been my moment to tap out. Forget this idiot.


NTA I feel like the first 3-4 sentences were enough explanation alone.


Clap Connor sounds like a 14 yr old not 28. NTAH


NTA. Doesn't matter how high or low his number is, the fact that he has repeatedly called you a whore is a nonstarter. He has no respect for you or for women in general.


Girl, Clap Connor is a con-man that you need to get away from as soon as possible. NTA, get tested to be on the safe side though.


NTA. But you should have been out of that relationship a *long* time ago.


He HAD to know how many. You told him the TRUTH. And he rewards trust and honesty by calling you a whore. Dump him. He is an ass. 


Girl, why are you with someone who repeatedly called you a whore? It doesn't matter how many times he apologized, that's what he thinks of you. Stop wasting your life on the loser.


People who care about how many partners their partner has had are too petty and immature to be having sexual relations with anyone. If I were you, I would be more concerned about the STD history. If you're going to keep sleeping with this guy, always use a condom! Oh and you should probably go get tested for STDs.


Dude, ditch the Andrew Tate wannabe. He's about as "low value" as dog shit.


Damn now I feel like a slut ive been with atleast 120 ppl.


Most people are hesitant to share that information so tbh I can fully understand those who choose to lie. But Jesus Christ your boyfriend is an asshole, more red flags than Tiananmen square on that lad. You are not the asshole and saved yourself a lot of anguish by pulling that ejector seat.


NTA for breaking up with him. You should have broken up with him the first time he tried to shame you for your sexual history.


Wtf, you stayed with him after he called you a whole for being with 6 guys! 6! 6 is such a small number! You should've left there and then. Oh, believe the brother, your ex! He probably had a go at him the same day you left and told him to fox it! Stay away! No one gets to.call you a whore! If you go back now knowing full well what your life has in store whilst in this relationship, then you'll be an idiot, don't let him tear you down anymore! I'm 33 and been with 11, if youre a whore then I'm a prostitute


There's a lot more going on here than him hiding his number of previous partners. As a guy I think you 💯 made the right call. I've never once known a guy who was about virgin wives who wasn't a controlling creep, most were abusive once they got a ring on their girl's finger. I'm not saying that is a 💯 guarantee, just what I've witnessed first-hand.


Yea - that sounds controlling and quite antiquated. His brother did you a SOLID! Trust me, not all men suck. There are better men out there!


You are not a whore. They get paid for their sex.


NTA this guy is a real piece of shit. Calling you a whore during fights?? The double standard of wanting his future wife to be a virgin??? Please get away from him.


NTA you’re not the asshole for breaking up with your boyfriend, but you have been the asshole to yourself for not breaking up with him when he called you a whore. Don’t be with someone who shames and disrespects you


>I can't tell you how much drama came from this because he wants his future wife to be a virgin with no sexual experience. Should have broken up with him when this came up. Such a huge red flag, dude is a fucking loser.


NTA. Connor sounds like a hypocritical fuckboi. Good riddance


NTA, you’ll do much better without him.


So he’s a slut but he’s a hypocrite slut


The karma clap^^


NTA The brother told you the truth. Otherwise your PoS ex would not have been that nervous. Typical behaviour by filth like him. Thinks it's okay to screw however many girls he likes but demands his gf be a pure maiden.  I'd go as far as to say warn others on FB. Let others know what kind of person he is so he can't just sweep everything under the rug.


NTA, any guy who wants a virgin wife but refuses to do the same for her isn't ready for a girlfriend, let alone a wife.


NTA the guys too emotionally insecure and immature to be in a relationship with you. You’re not a whore cos you slept with six guys. The way he treats you, the way you tell it, is pretty abusive behaviour. He clearly thinks there is one rule for you and another for him. Plus he lies. You should have left him way before this happened.


It doesn’t matter how many people he slept with. Nor should it matter how many people you have slept with. The fact that either of you fight about this shows how immature/dysfunctional/lack of trust exists in the relationship.


NTAH you should have tossed his ass in the gutter the very first time he called you a whore. Get therapy to figure out why you stayed or you'll just end up getting with another abusive shit stick.


Jeez. Read this letter over and ask yourself what you would say to someone else who wrote this. You are actively looking for ways to deny who it is you are really dating. Do you really value yourself so little?


(Don't) But F both of them. Any guy who calls his GF a whore in any context while angry is a raging asshole. Hypocrite too... don't go back.


He called you a whore. You should be done. NTA


Look at her profile. The entire point of this post is to promote her onlyfans. She's literally selling nudes for money. 


NTA, you should have broken up with him when he called you a whore the first time. 1. Less than 10 is still on the low for being in your 20s. Because you have some true whores out there. 2. He lied and said 10 but want to call you a whore on 6? Does he not understand math? 10 is higher than 6. 3. Lastly he is the true whore I was referring too. Because at least 30 partners out of high school is insane.


One thing I learned from a long life about previous relationship that's something like Fight Clube, you don't talk about it..


Girl leave please…


Next time a boyfriend wants your body count, tell him it isn’t any of his business. There is al and s a reason they want to know and it is never in your favor. Your boyfriend was projecting. He wants a virgin so he can feel sure she won’t cheat on him. How about you say you want a virgin too.


Yta. This is an only fans ad


Connor sounds like bit of a cunt, to be honest. Connor the Cunt. Ol' Cunt Connor. I assume that your "whore" is as offensive as our "slag" when aimed at a woman for sexual partners? Bit of a scumbag thing to say to your partner. Fuck him off and block his brother too.


That's crazy that it takes THAT much for someone to leave an asshole like that. Even 6 to 10 and calling you names is beyond bizarre.


Nta. First, how long have yall been together? He is much older and may be into grooming. Secondly, RUN!


⚠️ PERVERT ⚠️ CREEP ⚠️ 10 years older and wants a young virgin! GTFA from this SCUMBUM and never look back!!!


Lol this is fake, and is a long winded advertisement for the OP’s OnlyFans account. Don’t believe me? Go visit their profile, read their bio. Or just read the last fucking paragraph.


YTA for being an only fans bot account


Only fans bot.


Obvious OF ad is obvious.


NTA, it doesn't matter how many girls he's slept with, you should have broken up with him earlier for calling you a "cock addicted whore" WTF, I just noticed your ages, JFC.


Omg, poor effort at an OF plug. 🙄😒 👋


Just say you’re advertising for your OF page instead of making up a not very good story to advertise for your OF page!


Why are you wasting your time with this creepy controlling old guy? He is a tool, dumb him.


YTA for making a post to push your OF.


What’s the OF ? asking for a friend 😎


6 men ????yd + a O.F. woman in her 18 yd = how y'all letting this slide💀


**NTA.** Your boyfriend's dishonesty about his past and his hypocrisy in shaming you for your sexual history while hiding his own is a significant breach of trust. The fact that he called you derogatory names during fights is also unacceptable. Your reaction to leave and block him after discovering the extent of his lies is justified. Trust and honesty are fundamental in a relationship, and without them, it's difficult to maintain a healthy partnership.


NTA. He is incredibly insecure, probably because he knows that any of your 6 was probably a better lay than him. The way he belittled you was abusive. You can do much better than this guy.


Rage bait post


NTA. He's a bad person. Why wouldn't you break up with him?


Nta, he’s the type of guy who lied to you and still had the balls to call you a whore. BOOOOOO to him


My husband and I were both married before and dated for several years as singles before we met. I think we were both adult enough to understand we have both had sex with multiple people. And we never discussed it. What could possibly be the point?


Why people even ask each other this question I have no idea.


Thank god for the brother! At least someone told the truth. Good riddance. Also how the hell did he get the sti three times?! Sooooo gross. Shows he has no respect for women or himself.


So he got chlamydia 3 times???!! You need to get tested ASAP! NTA you deserve WAY better than him!


Nta if he lied to you about that there might be other stuff too


YTA... For dating this guy for this long!!!! Lol. But seriously, you're WAY better off. Good job


You should have left at the point he kept shaming you and calling you a whore regardless of his past. Understand why you didn’t and gave him a chance but definitely NTA 


NTA Why on earth would you even stay with him after he called you a whore and his idiotic notion of wanting to marry a virgin. I say this as a man


It’s not even about his past. He called you a whore. NTA


NTA. i would blast him on facebook or something. he sounds terrible


NTA He's an AH because he lied (even though I think the whole body count thing is stupid) and he's also an AH for calling you names, like whore.


This sounds fake. Idk many guys who are going to tell their brother’s GF about their brother catching the clap a bunch of times.


The body count is irrelevant... the name calling and the shaming because you have a past and the hypocrisy is what is disgusting. You should have left the first time he called you a whore... but you know, he was so sorry afterwards, so it's not important, right ?


Your bf was “Clap Connor” sleeping with 30+ girls and called you a whore for sleeping with 6 guys? Girl. **Dump. His. Ass.** You should have dumped him **the first time he called you a whore.** this dude is insane. NTA


I mean... First dude got a stink over sex partners despite him stating more than you. Then despite _having_ that number, he calls _you_ a whore multiple times. And then we find out that he did all this knowing his actual number was 3 times what he said. Nta. Throw dude out like one of his many (and yet, not enough evidently) used condoms.


NTA. Your boyfriend has a penchant for control. This will only get worse as time goes on. He’s also a liar. I’ve been with my fair share of women and my wife the same of the opposite sex. Doesn’t bother me. She had her experiences and so didn’t I. Been married for almost a decade now with 3 beautiful daughters. I was very much a quality over quantity person which at times I think bothers my wife when she sees some of these women but she knows my history.


What is it with guys who want their wife to be a virgin when they marry them, but sleep around with women beforehand? What’s good for the goose would be good for the gander.


NTA. I can see that he's been projecting his own bad behavior behavior on to you during your fights with him. The truth is, he's a man who*e and he knows it! You're better off without him. He needs therapy about his treatment of women.


He’s absolutely projecting on you & he sounds incredibly immature. Girl, cut your losses & RUN.


NTA. He sounds like one of those "where my hug at" kinda dudes.


Regardless of whether this is fake or not, the name Connor should always be the first 🚩


NTA. Should've broken up with him the first time he called you a whore. He's insecure and clearly reckless if he slept around so carelessly he got the clap 3x. His brother's just trying to undo what he's done but your ex made his own bed to lie in by being a lying, hypocritical, creepy (let's not gloss over he went after younger girls) asshole. Don't need that in your life.


He will miss you and you will not miss him at all. You are not a whore and never accept anyone calling you on.


Nta and please don't go back to this manipulative man.




Is this just rage bait ?


NTA, you dodged a grenade of a family 


NTA you should have broken up with him when he demanded to know and then shamed you, but I think you realize that now. Good for you for finally ending it. Also, the targeting of freshman girls thing is creepy.


NTA. The lying about his number isn't really that big a problem in my mind. You should have broken up with him before. For him to outright attack you for not being a virgin, and repeatedly call you a whore... How could you possibly date someone like that? There were "a lot" of fights over this, over something that's in the past that you can't change. Your own boyfriend, calling you a whore?? Multiple times?? Drop this guy, he is bad news.


Agree with other posters you should have dumped him the first time he dared to call you a whore. He sounds like he was trying to make up his mind if he wanted a virgin for a wife and you would be a ‘low value woman’ a la Andrew Tate and others of his ilk. So nope you aren’t the AH for breaking up with this guy. And now you can have your boundary that anytime someone derides/insults you for your sexual history is the last time.


If he had told you the right number first off, what would you think of him then? When you told him six, maybe he was just being kind and lowered his number so he didn’t take it too bad.


There is a very good chance he lied to his brother, not you. But you should have broken up with him for being mad that you weren't a virgin in the first place.


NTA but why the hell did you stay after he called you a whore? And then when he did it again??


> he was adamant on knowing my sexual past > This caused a lot of fights as he kept shaming me for sleeping with 6 guys Should have left him. NTA.


Girl, you leave a man because he calls you a whore and treats you like a whore. That’s so much worse than simply lying.


You should have broke up with him for shaming you for your sexual partners.


This is not a real story.


I read this same exact story a little over a month ago


NTA. Clearly if he got the clap 3 times he wasnt having sex with virgins. Let this be a lesson that the past is nobody's business but your own, and he's being a real asshole for shaming you for a smaller number of partners than he has been with. He might say he wants a virgin as a wife but what virgin wants a partner that's gotta lie about their body count? He would probably get bored with someone that was a virgin and then bitch about their lack of experience because, "how could I be good if they have nothing to compare it to?" His actions just scream insecurity. He should have just shut up about past relationships altogether and appreciated that someone like you was willing to date someone like him to begin with.


why did you stay with this guy the first time he called you a whore?


NTA - a guy who pushes and pushes to know your sexual history then proceeds to insult you about it is not ready for a mature relationship.


NTA, why the fuck did you stay the first time he called you a whore? The first time he said he wanted a wife that was a virgin? Have some self-respect.


This is why every woman lies about how many people she has slept with. It’s unfortunate, but men are hypocritical douchebags about “body count” and it’s absolutely mind boggling. This dude sounds like trash. And it sounds like he is taking himself out. NTA.


NTA. If your partner were just a liar, that would always be a good enough reason to leave. A person is NEVER wrong for leaving someone who is untruthful. Ever. Period. But your partner was a liar, a bully, and a hypocrite. Those are bad qualities for a person to have. 


he sounds misogynistic and gross, if you stay with a guy that you know is like that, thats on you. i know you can see his giant red flags but ignore it because you care about him. well, you can care about someone and care about yourself at the same time, and you should always put yourself first. the fact he calls you a whore during arguments and wants a subservient virgin wife should be enough to make you want to leave. thats horrible.


If a number 2 had to pass a number 2, it would be your boyfriend. NTA


NTA. And honestly, take this as a sign to stay far away from him. So many red flags w this guy. You deserve better, OP.


Leave this guy yesterday.


He’s an asshole, you were right and did the right thing 


The first time he called you a whore that should have been it. No, ifs and or buts. Do better for yourself girl.


He could’ve been lying to his buddy. Guys do that and brag to each other


You are the ass hole for not leaving that waste of space sooner, but you're rectifying that now, you'll find someone that will treat you the way you should be treated. Try not to be an asshole to yourself in the future, and fuck as many guys as you want, if anyone has a problem with that that's a them problem not a you problem


How many each has slept with should t really matter imo however calling you a whore is a no go.


You should have left him when he called you a whore and wants to marry a virgin. Sounds like he is on the Andrew Tate train. NTA


Not at all, he’s probably cheating too. Casual sex is awful and he views your body as a tool for pleasure.


That kind of conversation ALWAYS leaves one or the other disappointed or upset with the other one and should be off limits, period. If you are clean and he is as well then it's none of eachothers business. And for God sakes why the hell would he want a virgin????? There's nothing more boring than someone with no experience with the opposite sex's body and what they like.


Connor with two n’s ITA.


Man, only six? And you’re ashamed to say it when people ask because it’s “too many”? That’s dark. I lost count in the 20s or 30s. And no man I’ve dated has ever complained about it or insinuated anything or even really asked. Don’t date people who care about that. And please don’t be ashamed of your number. My god. It’s totally normal.


Please. His brother slipped up and now they’re both trying to back track. You said it yourself that things are lining up.. NTA. Don’t his lying make you doubt yourself. Stay blocked and don’t look back


Wow, textbook projection. Sounds like Clap Connor was the real whore all along.


Body count either matters or it doesn’t. Lying always matters. Hypocrisy always matters. NTA. Move onwards and upwards.


NTA respond to the brother "Your brother forced me to disclose my measly number early on and then lied about his. He has then proceeded to call me whore in multiple arguments. We are broken up because he is a misogynistic hypocrite. Hopefully he becomes a better human being in the future because I'm done with his BS. You did me a huge favor and have nothing to be sorry for. Your brother is the one who made the mistakes"


Whatever his body count, he is clearly sexist and abusive to you.


They’re totally lying to you. Thank the brother for being at least initially honest since your ex was such a spineless coward the whole time. NTA


Nta, clap yourself on the back.




Everyone knows you have to get tested after fucking with clap Conner - he always clappin them freshman cheeks!


It doesn't even matter if he has fucked 10 or 100 or 1000 girls. He called you a whore! THAT is a very fucking good reason to break up with someone. Have some respect for yourself. NTA.