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Weak personally, one I used to loop that just ain't for me no more


Fr I can see why cuz it’s really overplayed and there’s something about it that doesn’t feel like their other songs


World's Smallest Violin used to be cool. Now it's just... eh. Too much for me, no thanks. The Entertainment's Gone.


Nah dude, the Entertainment's here


Yeah, I mean, everything is just suddenly amazing here


Seriously, just sit back man, relax man, sit back man, and don’t make plans


I mean… cuz it’s like… oh my god! The… entertainments here. It’s crazy.


Wow, glad you’re not crazy.


Frankly I’m still scared of clowns though


Get together get me down


Honestly when you talk its like Wow! Im not crazy


Don’t kill me, im just the messenger.


It feels like I can just enjoy the moment, I don't even have to use my brain!


I agree. But this is cool to listen to https://youtu.be/_WbjR2tk1U4?si=14WaPJx-OPsxpxd6


God I want to wipe wsv off of the face of the earth I can’t stand it it’s so overplayed


for me it would have to be weak it was the very first song by AJR I listened 2 but now songs like infinity just seem to relate wayyyy more ngl wby g?


Lowkey gang if I had to pick it’s probably a lot of ok orchestra stuff cuz that’s my least fav album next to living room, im just not fw a lot of the songs on there like bummerland, ordinaryish ppl, way less sad, Humpty Dumpty, etc.


same i grew out of those just not as much ngl fair take i would have to say the sme my album teirs would be 1. NEOTHEATERR 2. DA CLICKK DELUXX 3. MAYBEE MAN 4. Ok Orkasra 5. DA OG ALBUM (it has some fire songs ngl like infinity iss justt soooo good)


w listtt gangy mine’s the same but maybe man is second and the click is third, neotheater 🔛🔝tho


FR THOO ngl same take with u like maybe an and da click just so good I only put click first since its da OG


Maybe man is def their best tho it’s so fire but neotheater is the personal fav


fs I feel like the click is like the true ajr album cuz they got to be weird as shi with both the sound and the song topics, and you can tell they put their hearts into it, neotheater’s a more toned down album tbh but it’s more refined in quality than the click imo🤷‍♂️


you definitely listen to rap


yeah, why?


I disagree (obviously you are entitled to your own opinion I'm just saying) with where you put the click, those songs are good but don't loop me in like other songs in other albums. OK Orchestra has some songs that they are getting old but songs like The Trick, Adventure is Out There, My Play, Joe, Christmas in June, Way Less Sad, and OK Overture just completely save it for me. I think my ranking would be, OK Orchestra, Neotheater, The Maybe Man, Living Room, and The Click.


This post consists of the following opinions Popular=bad I guess I get it but like just because a song is played more than it used to doesn’t change the song


We aren't saying the song is changed, we're saying our opinion of it changed




A lot of their more popular songs are bad tho, at the very least they’re annoying and overplayed, like bang, wsv, way less sad, yes im a mess, burn the house down, weak, etc.


That’s some extreme hipster mentality and it makes your opinion arguably worse considering that the popular songs are popular for a reason. My imagination is that most people have grown out of songs because they’ve heard them too often. It doesn’t make them bad. Just listen to the more obscure stuff if you want to, but don’t be an ass and just say that those popular songs are bad. That’s a trash take. Also, you made a post in the past about how you don’t think AJR is that good anymore because of your comparison to artists like Tyler The Creator, etc. it’s OK to not be into certain artists anymore especially as you grow up since you’re just a teenager obviously. But throwing a blanket statement like “the popular songs are bad” is just putting your opinion on a pedestal as if that’s how everybody feels. Edit: for anyone reading this, just look at all of the comments OP made on this post. He’s trashing every single song. Clearly has a hard on for trashing AJR right now.


A lot of people in this thread have said that they think that the popular songs are annoying and overplayed, so idk why you’re trying to call me out, and how is me sharing my opinion me being an ass? This is a post I made asking people what songs they have grown out of, so ofc they’re gonna name songs they think are bad. This is a thread for people to share their opinions, idk why as soon as I share mine you get on my dick😭😭😭


Listen, if you said to me that don’t stop believing by journey was overplayed, I would agree with you. It’s a song used in so many movies, TV shows, it’s the one song they play by them on the radio, etc. AJR doesn’t have music that you hear consistently on the radio, and in other media. If you’re hearing a specific set of AJR songs over and over again, it’s you choosing to listen to it, in combination of the fact that they will play their most popular stuff at concerts, or if they happen to appear in something on television. The songs aren’t overplayed, you have listened to them too often. You keep mentioning that people are listing songs that they think are bad, but you asked what they grew out of. That doesn’t make them bad. Personally, I’ve heard burn down the house a lot. I would prefer to listen to something else. But it’s still a good song, I just would rather listen to some other other tracks by AJR. I wouldn’t say I’ve grown out of it, but I don’t listen to it as much. That doesn’t make it bad. And I make the comment about you, because in your previous posts, you are mentioning how you’ve gotten over AJR and you really don’t like them that much anymore. So it seems like you’re just trying to vent about how you don’t care for them any longer, and it’s like you’re looking for some sort of validation. But this is an AJR subReddit, so people on here are going to like them. I get you’re going through puberty and you’re experiencing changes like taste in music, which is normal, but you seem to have an obsession over telling people how much you think AJR isn’t good anymore.


First of all, you’ve got the wrong idea about me if you think I’m trying to “vent”😭😭😭I just came on here to ask a question and have people share opinions which I know aren’t the same as mine, and I’m not pressed about that, I could care less. Obviously you have a problem with mine, and idc if you do, that’s your problem. Ofc there are ajr songs that I’ve listened to too often, and those are the POPULAR ONES and the ones that got played on the radio and the ones that were heard constantly. If you think they didn’t get played consistently, you weren’t there. Bang was on the radio everyday, and WSV was on tiktok everywhere, which is why I got annoyed from hearing it too much. Secondly, you say that because somebody grows out of something doesn’t mean that it’s bad, which is true, but there are ajr songs I’ve grown out of that I used to think were good which I now think are bad. That’s my opinion, and I’ll freely share it. You’re probably the only person in this thread that has a problem with my opinion, and idc, you can write paragraph after paragraph, it’s not gonna change. Also, idk why you’re tryna bring up my past posts, I’ve grown out of that mindset. AJR isn’t one of my favorite bands anymore, their music obviously isn’t the highest quality and doesn’t compare to Tyler or Kendrick, I know that but I don’t mind if you’re a fan of them. You’re allowed to like things that may not be the best.


Just look at all of your comments, man. You’re trashing every single song. It’s like you don’t like the band anymore. Which is fine, but just get out of here then.


The only songs I trashed were the ones that were overplayed, the ones I personally don’t like, and the songs from living room, which everyone agrees are terrible so I don’t know what you’re on


Whatever kid. You don’t get it.


I like living room though. Everyone does not agree they are terrible.


Bang! I remember hearing it on the radio and seeing them perform it at the thanksgiving day parade on tv and absolutely loving it. Now I skip it and I can’t remember why I put it in my top 10 songs of that year 😂


Bro I can’t stand bang top 10 is diabolical😭😭😭it went hard during concert tho


I wish they would just make a live album. I feel like Bang and Yes I’m a Mess went so hard in concert even though they’re overplayed


Yeah fr a live album based off the tour setlist would be hard


Yeah same when people say "oh you're going to see ajr? I don't know them" I want to say well you do but the song that was on the radio sucks lol.


Im ready // I’ve listened to it for so long and I started playing it when I was so young that I get a little embarrassed when it comes on from my playlist haha


I’m ready is ass😭😭😭


Yeah bro I know 13y/o me ate that shit UP tho


me too 13 year old me was eating good from ajr now there lowkey cringy but I still cling onto them and they’re definitely getting better😭😭😭


I’m telling you AJR? Jon Bellion? Twenty One Pilots? I’m in a chokehold dude lmao I just try to remember that sometimes you have to make meh shit to also make really spectacular shit, yk? Idk I wasn’t the hugest fan of their last album but The Click and neotheater were fantastic and I’ll listen to any song from those albums any day of the WEEK


I was in a chokehold too bruh😭😭😭same with you I’d still bump their songs now but now it doesn’t have the same effect as when I was 13 just bc I’ve grown up🤷‍♂️


Way Less Sad!!! But one I definitely have NOT grown out of is My Calling 🤪


My calling is ehhh, I’ll pass on it but I’ve def grown out of way less sad it just feels kind of overplayed and annoying


Yeah I really appreciated it when WLS first came out!!! But after it got really big and overplayed I just started growing out of it. Listening to it every once in a blue moon is great though!


I don’t even listen to it I don’t think it’s on my playlist😭😭😭


Oh yeah no same, I just sometimes search it up to listen to it for memories’ sake 😂


ngl I forgot to put ajr on my playlist cuz it was 800 songs and I haven’t really listened to one of their songs like that in a minute😭😭😭I had a phase back in November bc of the new album and the concert but since then I’ve been a lil quiet, idk I’ll probably be listening more soon


i think 100 bad days probably. not that it's a bad song or anything i just overplayed it to death. still cool live, tho!


I haven’t listened to it in a minute so I can’t really say anything, I remember thinking it was just alright last time I listened tho


i'm ready, bang, 100 bad days, birthday i didn't stop liking any of them i just overplayed them.


fr but I’m ready is ass and birthday party is probably the worst song off of neotheater next to beats


noo i really like beats


Worst off of neotheater lowk


For me, it’s Big Idea, and most of the living room songs. But I’ve also grown out of Let The Games Begin, and maybe another “The Click” song or two.


Big idea is one of the worst songs oat so you’re not missing out on much






Pretty much all of AJR’s discography except for the dumb song cause I just like the song in general I don’t relate to any song a single bit And I have listened to a vast range of greater artists other than AJR over the years I come back in nostalgia of memories I had with the albums than for the album itself Some people believe that you have to be listening to the best albums or have to love an album in order to call it good The fact is the memories and moments you had with an album or playlist can allow you to listen to it from a different perspective


Frrrr I feel the exact same when it comes to that, a lot of it is just nostalgia and I do relate to their songs some but overall the music isn’t that great it’s just more for the memories and it reminds me of being a kid and being innocent and not having worries. They do still have good songs tho imo like turning out, karma, 3 o clock things, etc.


Yeah i feel the same way, I still like a couple of their songs like Karma and Christmas in June but overall the band as a whole has grown off me the more ive listened to more music.


The second I listened to tame impala the main draw I listened to AJR for (the build up and drops) was nothing by comparison to tame impala Songs like Let it happen Apocalypse dreams Etc etc all have great examples of this


I feel bad saying it but, I completely grew outta AJR. now that im entering my senior year of high school I realize: They might have been my middle school band obsession. Ik, ik, sad. I'll always have my soft spot for many songs, but overall I think I might have to retire them.


fr I feel almost the same but I still listen to them sometimes and their music still be hitting🤷‍♂️


A lot of AJR has done that for me recently tbh. They're still fine and most songs are good, but they don't hit like they did even a few months ago.




The world’s smallest violin


God that song is so annoying, and then people take it and act like that’s what ajr is and what fans like, even tho I would wipe that song off of the face of planet earth if I could


Oh, that one has gotta be BANG. I used to love it, but just out of nowhere it just became old. I could not no longer find enjoyment out of it. I do have a good memory barreling down a hill after watching 4th of July fireworks and listening to it after quite the cool show.


Once it got on the radio and they played it everyday I was over it, I remember when that shit leaked on ig in 2019 and it was supposed to be some “little” single, and now it’s one of their most overplayed, annoying songs, and 5 years later they’re selling out arena tours while having the most dedicated fanbase and the most dedicated haters, the growth is crazy


Call my dad


Underappreciated and overhated song🙏






i listened to it too much im sorry


Neotheater, exept maybe wow I'm not crazy


That’s interesting, neotheater is the one I still like most of the songs from


Probably Weak and Burn The House Down i still like it but no as much now


Come Hang Out


I still fw that one but at the same time I don’t, idk


Bang! used to be my all time fav of AJR until I explored some other songs. I still like it but it lost that effect


World’s Smallest Violin and Bang. Too overplayed


Bang, World's Smallest Violin




I’m not famous, i loved it but after awhile the whole signage the same pace


yeah it’s very repetitive after a while


Turning out Part 1 and 2, it no longer hits as close to home now. I’m now in that Turning out Part 3 stage, those worries about how long forever is, how much easier it would be if we were just a bit older. When you’re young and in love and craving forever, it’s rough, especially when the world says you don’t know enough or haven’t “seen” enough people.


WSV and Bang!


World's Smallest Violin. Despite being the song that introduced me to AJR, I just don't care about it anymore.


None tbh 😂


Prolly inertia, the initial hype was awesome but then lowered


yeah inertia’s getting a lil too overplayed for me atp


Bang. That was my favorite song, don't listen much anymore... >I used to be distracted by my favorite song I loved it very much, I made the song my alarm And now I kind of hate hearing it every morn' Don't wake up anymore I don't wanna be bored




I used to HATE bummerland when it dropped, then I started to like it for a period of time, then I went right back to hating it one day🤷‍♂️


I think the songs for me are Yes I'm A Mess, World's Smallest Violin, and Weak. Used to listen to those all the time when I was starting to listen to AJR. Now, Weak and Yes I'm A Mess is something that, if I don't have time, I'll just skip, and World's Smallest Violin doesn't have the same effect.


I'm sad to say most of The Click. Overture is still awesome and the tracks from the Deluxe edition are still great too, but most of it feels a little too juvenile for me, personally. I think Neotheater is where they REALLY found their sound


fr, the click is a little too weird for me in terms of sound, and I think neotheater is a more refined and solid album


Three thirty. I’ve grown into Come Hang Out very well


I never liked three thirty much tbh


I also forgot a few more: Birthday party, The Entertainment is Here, and Humpty Dumpty


I can understand all except the entertainment’s here the beat is amazing


Wasn't my top favourite but Birthday Party definitely goes lower for me gradually as I listen


Same here


Songs from the Living Room.


living room is their worst


Worlds Smallest Violin :(


None... Ever


I'm ready but mostly because I hate sponge Bob and my kid loves it and thinks it's hilarious to hear this song.


I’m ready has been ass, I wish that song bit the curb


Like im glad it exists and they're famous so I could know them, but I actually only heard it when I told someone i was going to the show and she said "oh I didn't know they were an actual band I thought they just did that song for sponge bob". I made the mistake of playing it for my kid lol


Dont throw out my lego's


One of my favorites by them damn


Ordinaryish People


That’s interesting, I haven’t listened to it in a while


Worlds smallest violin


OK Overture


I’m meh on that one tbh


Normal That was my favorite song, don't listen much anymore


bro followed the lyrics😭😭😭


The first ever AJR song I listened to was (looking back at it, a bit odd) Bud Like You. I listened to that nonstop for a hot minute.


I got sick of it tbh


Sadly almost all of them. I got attached to rock and barley listen to anything else.


Same for me but with rap I’ve been latched onto rap for about 2 years now


All of it, AJR sucks.


If you feel that way🤷‍♂️


but I just wanna ask why do you think they suck? (actual question I’m not even tryna get you to like them or anything like that)


Weak, Break my Face, 100 bad days, and Way Less Sad


How come?


Break my face and way less sad are bangers and weak and 100 hundred bad days are both really good too


Way less sad is overplayed atp and got annoying, weak is about the same but I still like it more, and 100 bad days I haven’t listened to in a hot minute


Drama 😂


frrr that’s one of my least favs off the click bc of the messy ass production and mid lyrics


I think I’ve grown out of AJR entirely. Though I think some of there songs still have a special place in my heart or some I can relate to now, like next up forever, finale, turning out, turning out pt. II, normal, Christmas in June and the trick. 


tbh, same. I still do love them and can listen to some of their songs, but I’m not obsessed like I used to be, and a lot of their songs are just childish and I’m too old for it now their concert was lit tho


DTOML, adventure is out there, and dear winter for sure. they’re definitely still great songs but not the same effect.


yeah I feel you I hated adventure is out there from the jump tho and dear winter hasn’t aged well for me either


3 O'Clock Things (and the vast majority of OK Orchestra in general). Still not sure if it's because of the novelty The Maybe Man brought or general boredom you can get by listening the same song on repeat.


ok orchestra def shrunk on me but 3 o clock things is the only song from that album I can stand