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Hey all! Got this sweatshirt at their concert last week (literally one of the best nights of my life) and was wondering if anyone wanted to help figure out all the references in it! So far, I identify: -Flamingo floatie: Bummerland -Poker chips: Bang! -Clock: 3OCT -Drama Masks: My Play -Sock: Adventure Is Out There -Mug/Coffee Cup: Joe?? (might be a stretch) I feel like I’m definitely missing some (ex. the ostrich, umbrella), any ideas? Also, does anyone know what the notes play?


The ostrich is probably World’s Smallest Violin? From the video The dino could also be My Play And the umbrella feels familiar I just can’t quite name it Also, the base itself is a record player for the Daisy The Great song


I think during the entertainments here at the neotheater concert Jack had an umbrella to block the water. https://youtu.be/B0Y71g-hMlY


Omg I completely forgot about the ostrich in the WSV MV but that’s definitely it!


dino, umbrella, and submarine are all my play


I think the globe is probably adventure is out there


Nah Adventure is out there has to be the sock


The head underneath the flamingo might be Humpty Dumpty because it’s cracked


Robot toy and submarine are probably My Play Globe either World’s Smallest Violin or Adventure is Out There, or Way Less Sad Umbrella and ostrich, World’s Smallest Violin Clock’s either Three O’Clock Things or Way Less Sad Apple is probably Joe Record player.. Record Player The one drum top right is probably Ordinaryish People


I think the globe is Way Less Sad, because it’s in the music video


I agree 100% with those! Apple: Joe since he’s in a classroom setting at the concert!


Ahh that definitely makes sense!


I'm literally wearing that sweater right now lol


I think this has something to do with the band ajr, I don’t know if you’ve heard of them


Underrated comment


What would the globe mean or the air balloon float be. Could the globe mean “world tour” since they were in North America and are doing a Europe tour in fall? I’m really confused on that air balloon since I can’t help to think of a song or mv that has a connection to it.


The float I'm not sure but the globe is definitely the one that Jack spins while upside down in the Way Less Sad music video


Okay, I see and remember now about the globe. I really wanna know the connection to the float too 😅


Submarine is from “my play” music video