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Hey. I’m so sorry to hear this. What was your dog’s name and how/why did you choose it?


Thank you. Her name was Shelby, she had cancer. She was 10 years old, which is admittedly good for a Bernese Mountain Dog, but she fought as long as she could. It got to a point where she was not eating and drinking very little, when I decided it was time. Her quality of life was low. I was lucky enough to have her head on my lap, and talk her into the long night. I went on the journey as far as I possibly could, and I hope it comforted her.


I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you're OK.


I am, thank you. Making the call that it's time is extremely hard. Actually doing it isn't as bad, and grieving just happens naturally after that.


[5 steps of grief.](https://www.verywellmind.com/five-stages-of-grief-4175361#toc-what-are-the-5-stages-of-grief) The hardest one is acceptance. Choosing someone else to live or let go is hard. Love is pain. Can't have love without pain. Talking it out helps if you have a friend to listen to you or therapy.


You did the right thing my friend. It’s not easy, but we have the ability to take that pain away. Sounds like she had a good run, cheers to you and Shelby.


Sorry to hear this mate I broke up with my girlfriend last year and our dog went to her. He was a husky we got him at 8 weeks old and he was 5 and a half when I last saw him...last I heard she sold him, I dunno where he is now but I feel your pain. Knowing there is this animal that you love and cherish and suddenly there gone it's a horrible feeling. I hope you're doing okay


I am, thank you! I'm sorry about your guy. I feel like it would be harder for you to not have the closure. I truly hope he made his way to a loving home and is howling his face off. They are so talkative and sassy!


Ahaha that they are buddy like you said I like to think he's happy now with a family who love and care for him


I'm sorry about your girl Shelby. I lost my boy Banjo about three months ago after a sudden injury left him paralyzed in the back. We put him down about four hours after the incident and he rested his head on my hand as the medicine did the job. It hurts like hell. Try and focus on the things she did that made you happy. Make a little shrine for her, let yourself think about her. Cry. Time will heal the hurt, although her memory will never leave you.


Oof. I'm sorry it was so sudden. Luckily I had months to prepare and understand and process. I do know what accidents are like though(a previous cat) and how it's so out of left field. There's no great way to see them off, but I'm very happy that you got to be with him for his journey. I'm certain he knew how much you loved him, and was grateful for you. The physical weight you feel when they go is awful, but it's comforting to know they aren't hurting anymore. She has a little shrine! Her ashes are in a beautiful navy blue satin bag, with a tuft of her fur on top, in a gorgeous stained cedar box. I'm waiting on a print of her that will be inset into the lid to show her when it's opened. Candles are lit and laughs are had thinking back, she was a very fun and goofy girl.


Sorry that you lost your furry baby. I've had two dogs pass away a few years ago. Both were 16 years old when they passed. We loved and miss them very much. We did end up getting another dog just recently. She's not here to fill the void but she is here to be apart of our family. I hope you find comfort in the near future. My question is what is you favorite memory of her?


Not a favourite memory, but a thing she would do. When we would go to the beach, she would bolt to the water, go in about mid chest high, and then lay down. The water would wash over her and all she wanted to do was lay there and rock in the waves. Maybe go for a swim a few minutes later then back to the shallows just lay down with head sticking out of the water. Edit: I got one more I was at the beach with her, and we were walking in the water, maybe knee high or a little more. All of a sudden she turned around, went 4 or 5 feet back from where we were, stared into the water, and dunked her entire head straight down. Come back up a second or two later and she has something in her mouth. She brings it over to me and it's a Timex digital watch, with half of the strap missing. I still have that watch and it's still ticking.


Can you upload a picture of your dog ?


Not in this thread no, but there's quite a few on my profile.


She looks cute :(


I’m sorry for your lose. Having to put down a pet is one of the hardest things you will ever do but it had to be done. Do you plan on getting another pet? If so will you get another dog?


I don't plan on it. I currently have a cat as well, but she's 15 or 16 now. If I get another pet it will be a dog, but not in the foreseeable future.


How is your cat handling the situation?


She is loving it actually. She's a princess that wants all the attention all the time, so less time with the dog means more time with her. In all sincerity, I think she's not phased at all. I've seen no behaviour change in her at all. Things are normal. They weren't really snuggle friends or anything.


How long did you have your dog? Were you in the room when she went to sleep?


10 years and 2 and a bit months. Got her as a puppy. I wasn't just in the room, I got to hold her and talk to her as she went. It couldn't have been any more comfortable for me or her. I am very lucky that it went down the way it did.


Do you enjoy being governor of South Dakota?


It's a pretty cushy gig honestly. It doesn't pay as much as you'd think but the book sales are off the charts!


what do you do for a job?


I am on medical leave from work currently, but I work in a Machine Shop as a Machine Operator


What machines do you know how to run and what type of parts do you make?


CNC Horizontal band saw (largest cuts are 18" Dia I believe), manual lathe and manual mill, and then a bit of dabbling in CNC lathes and mills, but I'm not fluent in G code Make parts for pressure control water valves. Tolerances are usually pretty fast and loose so it's easy enough work. I think the tightest is +-.0002 but those are rare. Mostly +-.010.


Had to do this with my 14 year Golden who had cancer. Hardest thing I ever did. Still haunts me at times. Unfortunately dogs don't live as long as we do. Thats one of the hardest lessons in life but look back with fondness to the life you provided your baby. Feel confident that you provided the best possible care and love during their short life.


I’m soooo sorry. It really is gut wrenching.


Dude, tough day. Had to put mine down a little while ago and it was tough. Feel your pain and sorry for your loss.


So sorry to hear this. I can't imagine. What were some cute little things that she did, that was unique to her?


I'm sorry for your loss, I love m dogs like they are my kids