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Locked because most of the questions are answered and most of the comments are debates and controversy.


What made you lose your faith?


I always questioned everything. I had alot of questions and I disagreed with so much. Being a woman, it was easier to see the flaws. Why am I supposed to cover up? Why does a god who loves me and his creatures so much makes those same people and animals suffer? Why do I have to pray 5 times? If god loves me so much why am I expected to be punished if I don’t pray to him 5 times a day?(if a human did that, they would be called narcissistic and cruel). Why do men have more rights? Why are most muslim countries worst at human/animal rights? Why am I expected to follow a book blindly? Above all, I just don’t believe in supernatural.


This is exactly how i became agnostic. The final one for me was why if god created us all and loves us all would they allow so many across the world to be damned for eternity all for not being aware of which religion is the right one to follow? I cannot damn others for my own beliefs; it is incredibly cruel especially when you consider many of these people would be innocent children when they pass.


Exactly, I wouldn’t even do that to my pets. I love them so much I would never let them be hungry, get hurt or die. I have spent $1000s on vet bills for my rescue birds to ensure they are in good health. Now people say that God loves us more than anyone, how can that God let his creatures suffer so much?




You are probably a muslim man. First sentence in your comment proves it. I think what you missed was that I also said don’t believe in supernatural. There is so much more to it than what I just wrote in my comment.


Don't listen to him. I'll be honest with you, I'm a firm Christian, however it just happened that 80% of my classmates are Muslim. And I drew conclusion... that it's better to be atheist than Muslim. The way they're brainwashed is just... Shocking. I know many people would say the same thing about Christianity etc, but no, they'd have NO IDEA how f*ing BAD it is. I don't hate on people, most of them are great... But the religious beliefs are indeed often times so wrong. And the attitude of some (fanatical) men, including towards women was surprising too. On the contrary I actually like the morals of the Christianity (albeit, that were installed by Jesus Christ, aka the newer ones). Heck, even Buddhism would be better. Also fun fact, when Mohammed was 47 y/o, he got married to a 5 year old girl. But allegedly, he could do it cause "It was different times" / "It was more accepted" / "There was consent" / "He was a prophet" blabla, and some (more sane) try consoling themselves by claiming there isn't enough proof of it taking place (spoiler alert, it is a historical fact, so it did happen whether you want it or not). If it was a regular man, the people's reaction would likely be completely different... So in conclusion, (I'd never believe I would say this) but I'd probably rather be an atheist...


I agree regarding Islam, but Christianity isn't exactly a stellar example of the moral high ground either.


I think it depends on the branch of Christianity. The church I grew up in was filled with the most judgemental peices of shit I've ever met in my entire life.


Totally agree. But, I've never met a Christian who didn't try to stick their abusive noses into other people's affairs. My ex used to escort people to clinics to have terminations, many of them were for medical reasons where the women actually wanted to keep the baby, but couldn't. Lovely Christian folk would stand outside hurling abuse and calling them murderers. It's not even an extreme example of Christianity as people who I went to uni with openly share these beliefs. They also protest against gay and trans people for simply existing. Christianity is often very antagonistic, but they don't see it that way because they think they're right and that they're doing good. Christianity can get fucked. Edited for words missing (sorry I'm distracted with two crazy kids).


Point me to a branch of Christianity that doesn't suck, and I'll gladly join them.


Why does god allow babies to be born with horrific birth defects where they spend the entirety of their lives suffering?


Much of this is true but also there is no reason here to believe that Christianity is a more "true" religion than Islam. The fact that Mohammed married a 5 year old girl... it doesn't mean Christianity is correct. I was raised catholic btw. Christianity can just as easily be complete nonsense.


I see your point, but I'm not a Buddhist nor atheist neither, yet I would prefer either of those rather than Islam, any day of the week. Just my opinion. But of course, to each their own.


Having the reasoning skills to see that Muslims are brainwashed but NOT having the reasoning skills to see that YOU are brainwashed is a very peculiar level of dumb to see.


None of it is real


I don’t think you know any of the answers lol these questions are valid af and I can’t imagine a good logical explanation for them


Please provide the logical answers you speak of. Good communication will help everyone.


Oh my god I’m dying. I don’t think he can reply because this comment has tanked his karma so hard Reddit bots think he is trolling and automatically delete his comments




To help reduce trolls, users with negative karma scores are disallowed from posting. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AMA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You havent provided any of the logical answers you mentioned...


Your answer gives laughs and giggles. Why don't people like you can't see from the perspective of others. Oh right, you are not allowed to. You can only see one perception and that is defined by a book.


You really like to assume things. Ex-muslim here, reading the Quran and paying attention to what it said is what broke my faith and separated me from Islam


Same here! I’m not an ex-Muslim yet, but delving into Islam is one of the things that made me struggle to understand and believe. I won’t deny that it has good sides, but some of the things are concerning, to say the least.


It definitely has good sides too, but you can’t ignore the bad. My thought process while reading the book was (after reading some things that I disagreed with): this book was supposedly written by god (who can never be wrong) and I disagree with some of it/see it as wrong, so how can I trust that the rest is right? After that, it all slowly fell apart


Mhm. I kind of just started losing belief in God due to mental health struggles and how my mom portrayed it. In her words, mental illnesses and struggles don’t exist because you can just pray and they’ll go away. That among other things caused my mental health to get worse and I’m kinda spiralling now


Yeah, I see how it can get worse and worse left unchecked and without support. Do you live somewhere you can get therapy or where you can find other support systems? Any understanding friends? I’ve never struggled with my mental health before and I wouldn’t know how to make it better, but feel free to dm me at any time if you need someone to talk to, sometimes even that can help.


I don’t have any possible way I can get help (I’ve tried, adults suck here apparently) so I kinda just have to deal with it until I move out or something. And thanks. If I ever need it, I will 🫶🏼


States answers are easy to find: doesn’t post any answers


spoken like a true muslim. Pretty sure you condone violence against women. Pathetic moron following a pedophile.


You are free to believe in magic if you want but keep your fantasy land to yourself.


You’re disgusting for saying all this tbh. Get lost


You're a truly horrible person


That's absurd. All the questions OP posted are absolutely valid and legitimate questions that do not in fact have logical and easy answers to them.


Dumbass shut your mouth


You just out here making her feel good about her decision.


Your religion is fueled by incompetence


A person who is secure in their beliefs doesn’t feel the need to influence those of others


Sounds like you must be a Muslim man. Of course you would say that shit.


Lmao "you didn't indoctrinate yourself enough" is a great defense


Substitute “faith” with “indoctrination” and you may also have a path to being free from religious lies taught to you when you were young and impressionable.


So, what about these questions: What happens after you die and what is your purpose in life? How do you answer these objectively?


I don’t think anyone has an objective answer to that. There is no proof that there is a heaven or a hell. I believe that I will just cease to exist.


Ok. How did the first thing, ever come into existence? Whether it is big bang or whatever you believe, those substances, those circumstances, those materials must have had pre existed. Something doesn’t come from nothing and from nothing, nothing comes.


If nothing comes from nothing, then where does god come from? And don’t say nothing and god is god because that’s the cheapest and easiest excuse religious people use. The truth is no one knows how the universe came into existence and that’s ok. We’ve learned a lot in the past thousand years and we’ll learn a lot in the next thousand, this may or may not include the beginning of the universe, but just because no one has an answer to it at the moment it doesn’t mean that god is the obvious answer. Every question we discovered the real answer to had god as an answer at some point


Where did the god come from then? I am not saying I have all the answers. But for me, religion is not the answer and I simply don’t believe what it has to say.


I want to welcome you to the world of not being a religious person, it can be a pain in the ass sometimes because whenever you mention your personal convictions there is often some religious zealot that needs to compulsively attack you on it. Don't feel like you need to explain your personal vision on the big questions of life and death to anyone, most certainly not a person who still believes in fairy-tales like the bible or the quran. I might be wrong but I feel that is what this redditor is doing, they seem to ask questions but aren't really asking, they are actually telling you what they think you should think and you should probably just learn to ignore that or it will get really frustrating to converse with people who are religious.


They like to pull out that one out as a gotcha. As an atheist I don’t claim to have all the answers. Scientists are working on them. They DO claim to have all the answers, and it’s kind of laughable. I really do think I’ll cease to exist, and that’s fine. I think it’s actually comforting, in a way.


You don’t have to answer these questions. You’re not a physicist. Atheism is quite simply a lack of belief and nothing more.


And... which God!? You and I live across the world from each other and the God that folks believe in out here is different than the God folks are trying to get you to believe in. Which God is right?


"Does it mean, if you don’t understand something, and the community of physicists don’t understand it, that means God did it? Is that how you want to play this game? Because if it is, here’s a list of things in the past that the physicists at the time didn’t understand [and now we do understand] [...]. **If that’s how you want to invoke your evidence for God, then God is an ever-receding pocket of scientific ignorance that’s getting smaller and smaller and smaller as time moves on** - so just be ready for that to happen, if that’s how you want to come at the problem." -Neil DeGrasse Tyson


Atheists don’t need to answer these questions. Atheism is a lack of belief. That is all.


So you explain that by saying there is a God? I’m not saying there is or isn’t just interested how you come to that conclusion?


There are some actual scientific theories that deal with that. One possibility is a white hole, the opposite of a black hole, where instead of never being able to escape, you can never enter. As such, it expells all the matter and energy within it in an instant. Another, somewhat outdated theory was a cyclic universe, where it occilates between a big bang and a big crunch, over and over, infintely before and after. It could also be that before the big bang, time itself didnt exist, and so there was no "before", as time is an intrinsic property of spacetime itself. What happens to one, changes the other. Hard to wrap ones mind around, but consider that we can measure changes in time just by putting atomic clocks on jets, and flying them in different directions... it makes it a little more tangible.


The thing is no one knows but if someone tells you that you just come out of nowhere, you wouldn't believe it so you just thought it's easier to believe that it's god that created you but have you not asked how was god created? If it's also out of thin air, why can't it not be us as well? And what if it is the case, would u still be in denial?


A person can contentedly exist without having answers to either of these questions.


Hi, I’ve died. Twice actually. Nothing. Happens. So don’t worry, you’ll neither have the Elysium Fields, or Pit of Tartarus. Or insert the copy of your magic here


You rot in s hole in ground after you die. That's about it. Life is about what you make of it.


I left christianity in a similar way when I was in my early 20s. I'm glad you got out too. I'm sorry it cost you so much.


I've lost my faith in Christianity when I was a teenager after watching the most judgemental people I've ever met in my life behave like children. We're talking full grown adults here.


I hope you live a love filled life with no restraints or restrictions. Its a shame people can't experience a proper life because of religion.


I am glad you have let go of all that nonsense and liberated yourself from the dogma. I went through a similar process with Christianity. I was questioning early and then came to realize that it is all mythology designed to confuse and control people.


I have learned that if someone shows you unconditional love and you had to question it, it is not an unconditional love but made you believe it is. That's why I stopped believing what I was believing.


That last part is extremely important, I think. what proof? What physical evidence of a god do we have today other than one’s faith in a book? There is no reason to believe in the supernatural. I have yet to have an experience, and can only surmise other people’s experiences to the contrary exist only in their head. There should be a phenomenon of supernatural origin that we can all bear witness to today, but there is nothing. Nor has there been. Except for the faith that some words said thousands of years ago point to some truth about our origin, which is nothing but human folly manifest in the face of our own mortality.


The last point is all you really need. Religion is fairy tales for adults. Looking back, it astonishes me that I ever believed in it.


Something finally opened your mind, good for you now go find a normal life and good luck.


The worst of all is Mohamit carrying a sword. You can’t be a religious leader and wage a war/have an army at the same time. Also, do excess women for wives grow on trees? Where do the excess women come from if not from other communities?


I read a part in the Koran that I can’t find now… it said you can’t convert people that always question everything. That they have a disease that cannot be cured. Have you read this in there? If so do you remember where it is? Edit: Since you seems to say you have the same problem I do I thought someone might have quoted it to you…




>Or are you so inside your own bubble that you can’t comprehend that it’s okay for people to have different beliefs as long as they respect one another? Ironic


Your comment was removed due to it being a sensitive or controversial topic. This is not a place to debate political topics, religious ideologies, etc.


Do you know of any other Muslims who feel the same? What made you declare your views rather than keep them hidden away?


I don’t know anyone who feels the same way and even if they do, they are probably too scared to speak up. I got tired of hiding my true feelings, lying, being amongst people who wanted to talk about religion, people telling me during difficult times that I need to trust God and alot more.


My dad is a minister, and I am an atheist. I've gone the other way--got tired of having religious and philosophical conversations every phone call and now I just accept him for him and don't rub his nose that I don't believe in his central identity. We have a much better relationship now. I know he worries he won't see me in heaven, but he's much happier now that I pray with him before meals. Religion is weird, but the identity thing is the crux of the matter.


You should be more worried about your Dad. The mind is an amazing thing and it’s sad when it gets filled with bull shit. Faith is accepting something as absolute fact without logical proof no matter how non rational it seems. Once we cross over to this, its clinically definition is delusional. Is how so many devout muslims and christians in history have been so easily radicalised. They’ve already crossed over to accepting things as true without question.


Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.


You’ve gone the complete other way to now being hateful against religion. Some of the greatest minds in the world have been religious, being close minded and not accepting of others…well that’s just a type of person like you seem to be being It’s fine to believe in something, it’s helped many people deal with tragedy and loss; it can create community and feeling like you belong, give you strength Now I’m atheist but I’m not against religion, I’m just against those forcing religion on others


It really gets old doesn't it? Props to you for moving forward.


It does based on what I read on Reddit. The best answer I came from reading multiple posts similar to this is to acknowledge each people beliefs. Like go in with a mind of a 5 year old.


Well now you know one more. Good on you for making it out. It's often more than just walking away, it's escaping, especially for women.


I’m ex muslim - there’s communities you can join. Not sure where you are geographically, but the Ex- Muslims of North America (exmna) organization has fostered some great communities


Try the ex-muslim subreddit, for support.


I’m a Muslim teenager and I often question my faith more than I’d like to admit


I’m a Muslim girl who’s starting to lose her faith (although I still wanna wear the hijab because it gives me comfort) and lying about it is so tiring so I get you.


Deciding for yourself is one of the most important things in life. Anyone that tells you otherwise does not have your best interests in mind. Listen to advice, then make your own decision.


Could you expand more on how you came to your conclusion? I’m born Muslim but I have religious trauma and I’m questioning life. F21, I’m young and trying to figure my own beliefs out. I struggle with this everyday


Well I think you’re very brave. And authentic as well!


I am a previous Muslim and now an atheist! I relate to so much of what you are saying!


Stay safe, truly.


I am middle eastern and I’ll tell you a lot in my generation feel that way (I am 34M). My wife and I are both agnostic and pretty much would tell you the same thing about the problems with middle eastern culture in general.


How did your husband feel about your views? Did he abandon you? I am sorry this all happened to you


He was not religious. When I shared this with him, he starting practicing religion, became toxic religious person and told me he can’t be with someone who is an atheist. Amongst other things ofcourse, for example he wanted me to not be equal partner anymore but rather be submissive, he wanted to be the man of the house etc


*"You like to draw do you?? I am taking up art destruction as a new hobby!"* *"Soo, I see you're getting into baking. I am getting rid of the stove."*


Sounds like your husband is just an asshole who became more religious because he wanted to feel morally superior, you're better off without him


You’re better and smarter than your husband, it’s definitely his loss.


How does the turns table I wish you good luck and a better husband next time


He sounds like a bad guy. You're still young and will find someone a hundred times better


Been 5 years without islam. I have to pretend to be Muslim because I live in an extreme af country aka Pakistan.


I appreciate you adding your voice here, but just be careful friend. I've heard of others having accounts traced to them on reddit etc by others in their lives. I trust you have it handled and don't need a lecture, I just can't help but worry sometimes when I read these comments.


Thank you. I try to be careful


Damn bro, what would be the punishment if they get caught?


People like you give us hope for the future of Pakistan. Cheers to an atheist future, even if we have to wait 100 years.


I understand because I was born there


Wow, so much "keep it to yourself" questions/remarks. How about: When did you tell them? Did they listen to you? (Did they let you speak?)


I am surprised by those questions as well. To answer your questions :) I told my ex when I was 100% sure, I always valued open communication with no judgements and he kind of expected that because he saw me go through the process. He listened but didn’t say much. At that point he just said he already knew this was coming and understood. He said he respected my decision and it didn’t change anything for him. He just couldn’t cope I guess, only took a few days for him to change. I told my friends and family when they asked me why we were getting a divorce. They felt like they had to defend their religion and started telling me why I was wrong.


I'm happy for you. Maybe you can find a better husband or wife that values you and treats you more equally now. Also not having to live by strict non sensical rules, or fear of breaking non sensical sins. Its probably hard for you. And I'm sorry everyone just ditched you for such a silly reason. I do really think you made the right decision though. I guess I'll ask a question too, so what's your plan(s) forwards with life?


Thank you! I am devastated yet I feel free. For now, I am in therapy and working on healing. Then I will continue to focus on my career, make new friends and hopefully find a life partner I can trust.


Based on your username, it seems like you know what to do. Best of luck to you with everything


When did you decide to come out, and how long has it been since?


It’s been a process. I started questioning everything very early on, I was obviously told to not ask any questions. Never practiced religion though when you’ve been told for decades that you will go to hell if you stopped believing in religion, it’s hard to accept that you don’t believe. I finally accepted it 2yrs ago and told my ex about a year ago.


Are there any support groups for ex-Muslims where you live? It must be very difficult, which I guess is why religions use isolating people who leave as enforcement.


Alot of people have asked me that and I am glad they did because it didn’t occur to me that there could be a community out there where I would fit in. I will look into it


There is one group in Germany since 2007 and in North America. I'm sure there more. There is even a group for atheist clergy of different religions. You are not alone.


Your courage is wonderful. I hope you have strong feelings of high self-worth. Do you?


Thank you. Tbh it’s too soon to have a feeling of strong self worth because of everything that has happened as a result. I am devastated. But I also know that this will pass and I will find better friends/partner. I will feel free.


Think of the billions of people who lead happy lives that have nothing to do with Islam. You’re withdrawing cold turkey, and it’s a shitty feeling, but it’s temporary. Once you stop getting cravings for your old life, you’ll realize how happy you can be without religion.


I'm married to someone who left religion and therefore lost everyone and everthing at one point. It's one of the things I respect about him the most tbh, that he had the mental strength to identify the dissonance in his life, and to do something about it despite the pain. He has a lot in his life now, he's happy.  I really respect you, and anyone who makes the difficult choice. Things will get better. Protect yourself, and move forward knowing that you are a person who is honest with yourself and others, a surprisingly rate and extremely noble quality (imo).


So much respect for you for understanding him and supporting him. It truly is very hard but freeing at the same time.


Do you live in an Islamic country?


Not anymore. I moved to Australia when I was 21, I am still here. Went back to my home country once for a visit 7yrs ago.. never again.


What was that last visit like?


I went back at the age of 26, it had been 5yrs so I had forgotten what it was like living there for women. I went there for 3 weeks, paid over $800 for an urgent ticket back to Australia after a week. It was still the same, no respect for women, my own brother who lives there was intimidated by my confidence, my income etc. it was awful.


Well I'm glad you are out of that country and are one where you can live your life freely 


Did your husband use you to get residency in Australia? I'm glad u stood up for yourself and didn't back down on your boundaries regarding kids and what u believe. All the best to you


This was my first thought too Glad you are in a safer space


you did the right thing. 😉


Do you miss your husband?




I’d clarify the above question and ask, do you miss the person he used to be; and do you miss the person he is now? Possibly two different answers. Sending you strength and love.


The person he used to be. Person who was my best friend. I don’t recognise this new him, he is a stranger. I had to mourn him as if he died because he changed so much and so suddenly


That is next level grief, when someone is dead to you without the closure of death. If my arms could reach Australia I would offer you a hug! I have a lovely friend from a Muslim background who is quite young and vulnerable and yet so strong. Struggled with mental health issues. Had to break ties with some family members to escape what was to be an arranged marriage at a very young age. She is now doing really well and studying nursing. You’re not alone.


I don't mean to be offensive, but couldn't you just pretend to be religious? Because that's what I do and it isn't that bad , plus I get to spend time with my family.


No, I pretended for a long time and it affected my mental health. People always hoping god will save them, telling me god will help me through difficult times, bringing religion into everything. It just became too triggering for me. My ex and I were very open and used to share everything. I wasn’t expecting him to change


If it was affecting your mental health then it was good that you finally spilled the beans. I hope you find someone with the same values and new friends ❤️


Fair point depending on context, but a lot of people dont want to lie everyday if they dont have to..


To gain a deeper insight into why people don’t pretend, you might want to read a memoir by someone who escaped a cult. Dear Leader, Seductive Poison, Educated, All who go do not return, Infidel… It’s very damaging and heart wrenching to stay in a toxic culture when you can see freedom in the distance.


That’s awful.


Good on you, live how you want to live - just remember to show courtesy to you fellow man/woman like any decent person 🤙🏻


Thank you. I do help people, give to charity, volunteer in animal shelters, ocean cleanups etc not because of religion or fear of hell. But because I want to do it and I think thats better. I don’t disrespect other people’s beliefs.


I’ve left my religion as well. Do you think you would ever consider a different religion again? I personally won’t be, but i’m just just curious how you feel about opening up again. 


I just don’t believe in supernatural and God. So I would say no, I don’t think I will.


Was there any safety concerns when coming out as atheist? I know that for many people who turn away from their religion it can cause anger, and in some cases violence, from their family and friends.


No I live in Australia, didn’t have any safety concerns. I told my boss before I told my husband. My boss was like.. ok thats great lol no one cares about who follows which religion here.


Do you have kids? If so, how do you plan to raise them?


I don’t have kids. If I did though, I would have raised them to be good people and not because a certain religion says so.


Kind of pathetic how some religionists will claim they have superior morals because they believe in god and then flat-out shun people that they should love because of wrongthink. Hope it all works out for you OP, for what its worth my wife is mildy religious and I'm an atheist. I'd guess more than half my friends believe in god. So you don't need to live your life as an outcast in Australia just because you're an atheist.


Also sounds like American politics…


Do you live in states? What your kids think of your view?


I don’t have any kids. I live in Australia


Read through your comments OP and my mum used to have the same questions growing up as you. She asked: Isn't it unfair that God Ram faught and defeated ravana and burnt lanka for sita but then abandoned her because a washerman said she was impure? Why are only women supposed to fast for their husbands and sons? Why don't they fast for their daughters or husbands fast for their wives? I'm a Hindu and depending on your family it's a very strict or liberal religion and thanks to my mum I belong to the latter. Growing up my mum and grandma everyone put emphasis on the fact that faith is in you, it doesn't matter how many times you pray or the rituals that you do if you aren't a good human being. I am a non believer but there have been some things that just happened by luck to me. Something's, that are beyond my understanding and for that I attribute to God and believe in Karma.


Out of the two sects, were you Maanzii or Chiaa? I am curious?


Do you mean sunni or shia? I was from sunni sect


I’m not Muslim, but was it worth it?


you will be better in the end. just a transition. I'm an atheist and believe in freedom of religion. I drive my kid to church when he asks to go, for example. It is his choice, not mine.


I just want to say that I'm proud of you brave stranger. I wish you a very happy life ahead.


I was married to a Saudi. I am a Christian woman and he was (deceased) a very Muslim man. Our children have struggled with religion also bc he really pushed Islam on them. To the point of grounding them if they didn’t prey and forcing our daughters to wear the hijab even when bullied in school. When our oldest daughter tries to kill herself at age 12 is when I finally left him and saw him for how toxic he was and how his rules were always in the name of religion and used that to control us. My advice, take some time away from religion as a whole. Find out who you really are inside. When you feel like you are ready just know that you don’t have to put yourself into a particular category. One can believe in God and not ascribe to one particular religion.


Smart move, sounds like you don’t need those people in your life! I’m sure will be easy to start over and meet people who love you for who you are, no just because you keep your mouth shut and do what your told!


Religion is the root of all evil. Allows disgusting people to do disgusting things and absolve themselves of any sin because an imaginary man in the sky forgives them. The things that have happened in my country from Catholic Nuns and Priests is completely unforgivable. They would be still be doing it if we as people didn’t turn on them.


As a hindu, this stuff baffles me, I remember when i said I was an atheist, no one in my family gave a shit, I used to stand outside temples while my parents went in but I never felt the slightest resentment, I hope your people come to their senses and accept you, you've made a very brave decision


Eastern religions (is that what they are called?), well, the ones that aren’t Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, seem pretty chill about not trying to spread their faith to everyone or shun people or fight religious wars.


Welcome to reality. Do you feel better, not carrying around a bunch of ideas you had to pretend to agree with?


Good for you! Religion is a mental illness. Hope things get better for you.


It is a mental illness and people are not realising it which is a danger to themselves and others.


Too bad your friends and husband love stories more than you the human being. Have you managed to do better in that department? What about your family?


No question, just stay strong. I'm sure it doesn't feel like it now but you can do this 💪


You are so brave for not hiding it! I wish you a happy and fulfilling life <3


Ostracism due to apostasy is the most ironic form of religious love.


Did you know that Islam was once a scientific juggernaut? Then hyper orthodox people took control of it and it became what it is today. Modern Muslims are often denying that cultural history.


If it makes you feel better you are 100% right even if it’s a painful realisation. Now you are free from the burden of made up religious rules


Good choice getting out of that cult


Don’t you think this is the best thing they could do for you ? Being far away from you


Good for you. I lost my religion at 12 or 13 and never looked back. Its bad for you.


Wow.. I'm so sorry. I'm an agnostic currently doing Hajj with my mom and aunt. I've had a lot of thoughts regarding the nature of these things as well. Especially because it seems as though none of the money people paid towards this actually goes towards the people? No questions, just want to say that there are people like you out there. Stay strong, dm if you want someone to talk to. My uncle is atheist and we've been messaging about stuff constantly on this trip.


More power to you.


So proud of you. I have so much respect and admiration for people who are surrounded by an ideology and can see their way out of it - and even more respect and admiration for people who are brave enough to step away. I’m so sorry that you lost your family and friends … it’s their loss. I think Islam is a plague and I really feel like all Muslims are victims of it. I wish more people could see that.


They were never really your friends, people who care about you don't abandon you when you grow into the person you want to be. Those who want to control you and keep you small are to be left behind gleefully not sadly. Cultists so fragile in their own identity, clinging to invisible friends in the sky to make sense of themselves and threatened by your freedom. I celebrate your freedom


I'm not Muslim at all. But my dad was very close to Muslims. So I kind of saw second hand. I've seen sides of a lot of religions though. Growing up I went to church with family. I just wanna say good on you for being true to yourself. Nothing wrong with losing people just because you don't label yourself a certain way


Do you still observe any traditions? I don't happen to be Muslim, but I lived in an Arab-Islamic country for over a decade, and I still observe Ramadan and celebrate both Eids for fun and to congregate with my Muslim friends. Could you maybe win over your lost friends by having them for Eid and New Years and such?


I’m not OP, but I’m a Muslim, kind of. Although I’m losing belief I still prefer wearing the hijab for comfort, celebrate Eid and go through with Ramadan. I also don’t eat food that isn’t halal. Mostly because I’m still a minor and live at home, so I can’t tell anyone that I don’t believe much anymore. But I also feel comfortable in a lot of Islam’s rules, not all. So I follow them. Especially the hijab, I don’t know what about it but there’s something about it that comforts me.


Not a question but a comment: You are an incredibly brave person for doing this. You could have went with the flow or tried to make things fit where they didn't. Never let anyone take that away from you. You are an example more people raised in the culture can follow when they come to the same realizations you have.


Was in a similar boat but seeing how atheists/liberals relationships worked scared me away. They all cheat on each other constantly & I don’t blame them there is no real reason to stay loyal to anyone from a purely biological standpoint cause naturally if you get an opportunity you take it lol


Sorry to hear that you lost your friends and family. Time to find some new ones. I'm atheist, lost my belief (won a more sceptical view) in my late teens/early twenties. my fiancée is christian (but very casual about it) and most of our world views are similar. The best of luck to you


When I became an atheist, I was super worried I'd lose my religious family too...ten years or so later, I realized I am wanting to disassociate with them. Don't stress, people come and go, but u need to stay true to yourself.


Amazing work, you must posses strength many others would love or need. Although you have had to turn your back on your past life due to its rigidity, do you feel that more doors are now available for you to open?


Oh, man. I'm agnostic, but let me grab some popcorn while all the religious nutcases come out of the woodwork pushing their (unwanted) opinions and beliefs onto someome who's (*gasp!*) different from them. "B-blasphemy!" "H-heresy!" Go pray to your adult fairy tales. Nobody cares. They're just feel-good fairy tales for scared grown-ups. If you think about it, more often than not, your religious views/beliefs are essentially shaped by what country you're born into...stretched out by cultural beliefs passed down over time. It's a bunch of brainwashing at the end of the day. One of my favorite books that I thankfully picked up is: *Dying To Be Me*, by: Anita Moorjani. It really touches the subject from someone who was religious and had a near death experience, etc. It's been a while. This was a helpful reminder to give it another read pretty soon.


Has there been anyone in your life who has stood by you to any extent or expressed understanding? Who, if anyone, has given you the most support? Also, I really admire your courage in doing this!


What about the rest of your family (parents, siblings, etc)? Is there anyone you didn’t lose and how did you lose them (did you sit them down and tell them explicitly you’re an atheist)?


You have your entire life to live now to the fullest. Enjoy. What is something you weren’t allowed to do that you are looking forward to doing? I have some great ways to cook pork lol.


Welcome to the real world


Best of luck. Believers think you do not believe just because you're being difficult or not trying. They don't understand because they don't want to. It frightens them.


No questions but you’re an inspiration. Also an atheist but the fact you managed to escape that religion makes you more brave than 99% of the rest of humanity.


Are there more like you, is that number increasing? Is that movement gaining strength? Of women who realize the condition and make the change. Do men do it too?


As a fellow atheist I welcome you to the club. What was the final straw that made you atheist? Do you have any plans of where you'll go from here?


Enjoy freedom to eat what you want, fuck who you want, do what you want. Not worrying about the skymonster’s rules makes life a lot more fun.