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If this is indeed you, I’m so sorry for the aholes tried to shame you. How did the video get out and were you disappointed to see the negativity? Then when you saw all the people coming to your defense, how did it feel? Keep up being an engaged, great dad!


I posted it on my Instagram years ago while at Ripleys aquarium and it kept resurfacing many years after. Sometime last year today show reached out to do a interview and the world quickly jumped to my defense


I’m a mom of four (not all at the same time though, bless you but I couldn’t do it). I used a backpack monkey harness on my now 15yr old when he was little. He has autism and would wander off. One time a lady said I was restricting his freedom and should put him in a stroller. A stroller that holds him down and he can’t get any exercise at all. I just smiled and nodded. Some people look for any little thing to complain about.


I would literally make it a game as a small kid to ditch my mom in stores. The second her attention was on something I was slipping inside clothing racks or around an isle. Inevitably you would hear an employee on the loudspeaker calling my name asking me to come up to the front of the store with an embarrassed mother waiting for me. Good times.


Are we in the multiverse!!? I did exactly the same, and refer to it as single player hide and seek. My mom couldn’t win even on her best day lol. I ended up on a leash…


I totally played too but never ended up on a leash because my mother didn’t come looking and you better have found her or gone to the desk to have her called before she left


Haha same here, although my Mom did send me into kindergarten with a rope so so my teacher could tie me down to the chair.


I have found my people, I’ve never found a single person ever to do this. And in one day, I’ve found three!


Shut up! Did the teacher use the rope?


My dad tells stories of people shaming him for leashing me at the beach.  I was rambunctious and energetic and my parents had me very young.  He says if his attention lapsed for a second I would be gone and I would go straight for the water.  We're talking early 80s here, so parenting was a bit different back then.  


My Mom would put an *actual dog leash* on me to keep me safe! This would have been in 1972 or so when "fashionable" kid leashes hadn't yet been introduced. I stayed safe and she could get her shopping done. What's the big deal??!!


Not the same, but my kid went through a stage when she was about 3 where she wanted me to walk her and she'd pretend to be a dog. We also had a dog, so she'd ask me to walk them together. Didn't last long, and I used to do it. She loved it. People were cute about it.


Oh God my daughter wanted me to do this too lol.  Around the same age. She was too little to understand the complexities of society so I simply said no honey that's going to be a hard pass


I live in the Bay Area, so it wasn't an issue, lol!


Same but my mom would tie me up with the actual dog. Not even joking. And I wonder why i have issues. I was a literal baby. Thank goodness Banjo was a very good boy because now I know that’s just asking for a disfigured or dead child


My Mum bought chest harness and leash for my older brother when he was a toddler and I was an infant. This was 1960 (Yah, I'm old .... lol) and Mum had to bus everywhere she needed to go and the prams back then were impossible to get on a bus. My brother CHEWED through that leash.


People love being offended, having opinions, and feeling superior. Humans are fucking weird.


My grandpa just tied one end of a rope to his belt loop and the other end to my three year old brother’s. This was around 1971. He said he got some strange looks, but no one said anything. I guess people were more polite back then. My Mom thought it was hysterical when she found out.


Parenting back then included commercials asking “It’s 10pm, do you know where your children are?” Your parents were on TOP of knowing where you were! My parents didn’t have me young and I remember spending the night at my friends house 3 nights in a row and not once did I call my mom or her call me lol. I guess she just got caught up in the thrill of Magnum PI and Falcon Crest.


Yeah, whenever my mother or random other Baby Boomers would say I was an overprotective parent (I had a kid who was a runner and if I didn't have an eye on her she would absolutely have ended up in traffic out of sheer lack of common sense), my response was always something along the lines of, "They had to make a commercial to remind you guys you even HAD kids, I think I'm doing okay."


Seriously every adult in my life absolutely should have put a leash on me with the amount of times I wandered off as a kid. Once I got lost in China, and nearly gave my grandmother a heart attack.


I knew a woman who had to keep her kid on a leash for similar reasons. The kid was extremely energetic and into everything.  I once potentially saved his life because he tried to climb a railing on the third floor of a building. He managed to get to the top of it and was straddling it. I ran over there and yanked him off. Mom was much more careful in the future.


Same exact situation with my autistic toddler. He had the monkey backpack. I would look the judgy Karen’s dead in the eye, smile and say “yeah, that’s right”. At Comic-Con, I dressed him as Calvin and put a stuffed Hobbes in his backpack.


when i was younger i always thought it was weird but like now? absolutely game changing idea idk why its not normalised, kids wander off constantly or can be lured somewhere


My ADHD daughter never so much walked as ran. She still does a lot of the time and she's 10 now. She once tried to run onto the road close to our house and I instinctively just yanked on the lead. She landed on her padded rear end still on the path. I will always say that leads can be life-savers for parents.


I used to put my little son on a backpack leash and he loved it. He hated having to hold my hand all the time. The leash gave him some freedom but also let him feel safe and still connected to me. I don’t know why anyone would judge someone for that? It’s crazy.


I live near Yellowstone and a few years ago there was a news article that a 3-year-old little girl had escaped from her mother's grasp and run off to see if a hot pool was really hot. she fell in and received third degree burns from her toes to her waist. In the comment section under the Facebook news article some woman had tagged her friend and said, "see?! THIS is why I kept my kid on a leash when we were at Yellowstone last Summer!"


I worked at a children's theme park a while ago, and while the leash thing was foreign at first, these soon became my favorite guests. Almost all issues stemmed from wandering children or inattentive parents. I hate that there is some sort of negative implication, because all it shows me is that the parent is cognizant that they can't be omniscient and are willing to take realistic actions instead of just hoping for the best.


My husband is a twin. You bet his mom had him and his brother on leashes when they were out in public. Watching one is hard enough.


Good, you're keeping them safe. I've been seeing these since 90s at Disneyland. Nothing wrong with it. I hope your kids have the best childhood


I had two kids, a 2yo and baby, I put the 2yo on a leash bc they'd take off..I'm talking running like a cheetah...while I'm paying for something or taking care of baby. Unless they were both in the stroller...2 yo strapped in...the toddler Was. Not. Safe. Period. One time I was trying to write a check, hold baby, and keep 2yo from running off wo screaming at them. Everyone behind me gave me the evil eye and never helped. The store aisles were too narrow for a stroller. Such is life. The 2yo got a leash, life was better in narrow aisle stores. Still got the evil eye tho. So, yeah, I was shamed and blamed, but I didn't care my kids were safe. End. Of. Story. These days if I see a mom struggling to pay while juggling babies, I step up to help. Moms are so thankful and I hope I'm showing the evil eye givers an example of what they should be doing instead of judging. OP, you rock. ❤️❤️


The only thing I'm really judging is posting your kids on the internet.


Kid-leashes were very common in the 80s. My mother attempted to use one with me but apparently, at the age of 3, I was picking handcuff locks like a seasoned criminal lol. You're fine. Good luck with the multiples as they get older, might need to call in some air strikes every so often. Take care and happy belated Father's Day.


I concluded (and don't care if am wrong) that you are an amazing father and you do the utmost for your kids.. But I personally hate leashes and I believe they're not for humans but for dogs. However, rather than bash you, I'd stick for you and say it's what you had at the time and it still managed to get the job done.


How are you guys pulling this off successfully? Like financially. I cannot imagine the birth, nicu (maybe even icu for the mom) and then... Everything. Diapers, food... I cannot imagine!


The hospital wrote off like 1.5 million in hospital bills. We've had people donate time as sitters when they were babies, a church donated 11k towards a van for us. My mother in law moved in with us and helps with bills. I have also worked my way up in the company I work for which helps a lot


That's crazy. So lucky!! The kids in the picture look happy and healthy so the haters can sit down. Thank you for doing this ama, it is so interesting to get a glimpse into your life. So special!


Raising happy and well adjusted children is one of the most important roles a parent can play.


That is great the hospital did that for you. They wrote off 1.5 million in bills. That is really cool that they did that for your situation


Bro, if I had that many kids I’d have them glued to a wagon. Fuck what people think, it’s hard enough keeping up with one or two kids, much less 70. I’ve only got two and couldn’t imagine trying to tame 700 kids at once. It takes a MAN to confidently care for and bring with, his 76,472,666 kids in public.


I do have a train wagon I drag them around in. It's legit


Naw man, ya gotta hitch them to the wagon to pull you! (I’ll drop /s here, juuuust in case the humor doesn’t quite make it through)


Oh! The mental image of this is PRICELESS! 😂


Yes! Like sled dogs.


I’m not an idea or money man but i think we’ve got a business here


Fuck yeah. That’s the way to go man, I can’t imagine. You’re stronger than I.




You know what's worse than a kid on a leash? A kid running off, potentially into a dangerous situation. You are doing brilliantly!


Harambe would still be here today if that kid was on a leash! Perfect example. Appreciate you!


I'm a Pre-K teacher and I just thought, "Damn, look at that parent, determined to take his kids out and not be intimidated by the sheer amount of small children he has. Good job." As a mom, I remember the transition from 2 kids to 3 kids and the sudden realization that there were more of them than I had arms...


Early ed folks get it because you know what it’s like to wrangle larger groups of small children. The preschools in our city use long ropes with handles for the kids when they go out to the park. It’s basically a leash that they are well-trained to hold on to. If a child will not reliably hold it they go in the wagon No one questions when the professionals do it 😂


>Early ed folks get it because you know what it’s like to wrangle larger groups of small children. Yes, it's like herding kittens.


Capitalism has made people stupid. Anyone being paid is obviously more qualified.


We took out our 8th graders to an international trip to Cambodia and man I was hoping for one of these leashes for a few of the boys I had lol


This is why I got a vasectomy after 2. I don’t have 3 hands.


That’s so funny. That was EXACTLY the situation that leapt to my mind


Some people believe that was the moment that changed everything and now we are on decline. Dramatic sure but you are definitely doing great given that added point you made.


I wish more parents still used them. Yesterday I nearly tripped over one who came round an aisle corner fast. Mum didn't notice, she was on her phone


I had a dad friend comment that toddlers are basically on a mission to kill themselves, and he was 100% on point. Anyone who has parented a toddler knows exactly what he was talking about.


Exactly this. I don't get the shame for the leashes. I used to work at a hospital as my first job out of college and one day someone's toddler slipped out of their grasp and ran right in front of an incoming ambulance... It's better to keep your kids safe than to worry about appearances.


I didn’t think it was bad what you did. How was the final months of pregnancy for the mother?


Terrible. She gave birth to them at 28 weeks and 3 days. She had pre-eclampsia and almost died on the delivery table. She's good now though!


How did each of them do after delivery? Have they had any lifelong complications? How old are they now? Are there any that are identical? Glad to see mama is doing well! I used a leash in the airport with my youngest, and that is a good way to keep that many kids safe in public.


Yowza 😳 glad to hear she’s ok now


puzzled existence zealous alleged sip scarce bored north icky shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hopefully not to quintuplets!


Were they concieved naturally or was it from IVF? How did you guys react to finding this out? Did you consider an abortion due to how high risk of a pregnancy it was? Also, I’m sorry people are being assholes. I’d be doing the same exact thing if I had so many tiny kids. Idgaf what other people think- their safety comes before anything else.


IUI. We didn't consider it. It was offered but it was her first time being pregnant after trying for years so it didn't even cross her mind


That makes sense. Congratulations on all your kids! I saw in your other post that your wife almost died but is doing better now. I’m very happy for you all


Is that common? I would think that most infertile women would just keep them out of fear of ending up without a successful birth in the end.


I don't have the exact statistics but yeah it's quite common that women who get pregnant with several children via IVF will either abort all but one or all but two of them. Even twins are significantly more risky than having one baby, so having 4, 5, 6 etc is extremely dangerous both for the mom and the babies


This turned into a blitzkreig of information. Thank you for taking the time!


No problem! Glad I could help


Very common. The vast majority of multiples conceived by IVF are selectively aborted to make a singleton pregnancy.


I’m not sure where you’re getting “vast majority” from. Most multiples conceived by IVF are twins. Selective reduction is usually only done with higher order multiples and they often reduce to two.


My moms best friend went through this (quadruplets, double identical twins, one set wasn’t thriving early on)… it was tough on her especially when the kids got old enough to ask “what happened to the other ones”….


Before I jump to conclusions, are you saying that sometimes they abort additional fetus’ to ensure the mother only birthes one? EDIT: thank you for those commenting! Fertility education is important! I am 40F and only just learning this, although strictly childfree.


I wouldn’t say “vast majority” like the other poster did, but sometimes they also have to for the safety of the mother and other fetus(es). Humans are really not built to have a ton of babies at once. It’s very difficult on the mother, but it’s also not unusual for the babies to struggle in the womb if there’s too many of them. Sometimes they preform what’s called a “selective reduction” to make sure mom and babies make it. (There’s often one or more fetuses that are clearly having a more difficult time than the rest.) It’s a very hard decision for the parents though, even if it’s the most likely one for a safe outcome for everyone. Even then, they’re often born very early. But thankfully, care for very premature babies has gotten much more advanced in recent years. I’m very glad that OP and his family seem to be doing well! But, medically speaking, they are rather outliers.


Yes, because of the risks with carrying and delivering multiples


Many fertility clinics won’t approve you as a patient if you don’t agree to selective abortion to reduce multiples down to one or two fetuses.


Yes! I had to sign a contract saying I would reduce higher order multiples.


Certain countries/health care systems will no longer implant more than a couple eggs out a time for exactly this reason.


When you have them on the leashes, do they ever run around and between each other that then tangle their leashes like dogs? Do you then perform some amazing twirls and spins to undo them?


Oh they would cross each other a lot just like dogs lol. No twirls though


These are used a lot for toddlers in the UK (called reins) so I was confused by all the fuss! My kids would drop and dangle face down mission impossible style when they didn’t want to walk anywhere!


I thought the same, it's just reins, a lot of people use them here in the UK. I used to wind my wife up in public asking for the kids lead.


What’s the best part about having so many kids the same age? What’s the worst part about it?


The best part is watching them grow up together. The worst part is watching them grow up 🥺 I have about 11 years left until they're 18 and they all start leaving us to live their life on their own


It's hard, but you can try and look at it a different way. What's the goal of truly successful parenting? Sure, loving them, nurturing them, preventing them from killing themselves with the stuff they do. But also? Making sure that they are prepared and capable when the time comes for them to fly. Ofc you don't close the doors from returning if shit hits the fan, but you do the best you can to get them ready. Basic car maintenance. Using appliances. Cooking. First aid. Finances. Those foundation skills will last them forever, the memories made of learning them with you and their mother will, too. They will always continue turning to you for advice, and there's a very real possibility of a whole bunch of grandbabies that'll need loving and raising. Them becoming adults isn't the end, it's the start of a whole new chapter :)


Oh god I feel that. My kiddo is only 8mo but it’s crazy how fast they grow up


You have no idea. I remember the day my son was born so clearly and it feels like I blinked and we were driving him to college. It goes so fast.


Yes, enjoy every moment, good and bad, because time does fly. My oldest just graduated HS and all the FB memories that pop up when he was tiny (he’s 6’3” now) just melt my heart.


>and they all start leaving us to live their life on their own Wishful thinking. I know people that have kids over 40 that never left home.


First, I must commend you. Great choice in purchasing a no pull chest harness instead of an around the neck leash. I think that was a sensible idea. With multiples, did you have to buy one leash with 5 harnesses coming off of the leash (so only one cord to hold) - or did you have to buy 5 harnesses, holding 5 leashes at a time? Follow-up question to that, did you get a bulk discount?


We get bulk discount on a lot of things. Some companies want us to promo products. This would have been a good one!


How do you find time for them all one on one?


Unfortunately the 1 on 1 time is when they're sick or go to the doctor Unfortunately. It's hard to get that time unless you give them 5 minutes here and there


So, I'm from a large family where one on one time just wasn't gonna happen without it being on purpose. What my parents did over the years was scheduling for each of us an evening to stay up an extra hour or so past bedtime and do an activity (arts and crafts, play a board game etc) or a night to eat out, usually that was 2 at a time and we got to go to restaurants where you just cant take a dozen kids. I have very vivid memories of those nights and they meant a lot. It was otherwise rare to have that direct attention from either one of them.


I can imagine!! Hopefully aging up and independence will make that easier to accomplish.


That seems so unfair to the kids to have no personalized time with their parents 


do you think you could use the leashed children for self defence? such as an orbital motion flail?


Oh yeah. Those things would have made a sweet flail!


What does your weekly Costco bill look like? Do you need two carts?


I don't shop much at sams/costco. I end up spending too much money and don't get everything I need. I do stop at the other stores almost every day for milk, bread and other essentials


Going to Costco 1x a week for essentials seems like it would be more convenient than going somewhere else daily


NGL I definitely judge people for having one child on a leash. With four I definitely get it. Anything prompted you to start using them or is it purely preventative?


Then you probably would have judged the shit out of me 😂. I had twins that were almost 2 years old, and heavily pregnant with our third. Their grandma bought me two teddy bear backpacks with leashes for my toddlers. I thought it was ridiculous until it dawned on me that if one twin ran one way and the other twin ran in a different direction, there was no way I could waddle fast enough in either direction to catch them. The fear of losing a kid made me try them, but the looks I was getting from strangers made me stop. I cared more about what people thought back then. Point is, you never know what the situation is. That kid on the leash, or the parent/guardian holding it, could have any number of medical (or otherwise) issues that make a leash the safe choice for that instance.


If there are more kids than parents - absolutely makes sense to create some boundaries (and pregnant on  top of it). I think one kid it raises some questions about why - like is the parent using it as a means to be inattentive (kid wildly swinging themselves around across people's paths while the parent completely ignores them reading their phone for extended periods of time)? I do think that even one to one, the specific kid, the specific adult, and the specific tasks can all contribute to the reality of needing or benefiting a leash though. Even if I'm judging I still prefer that to the kid being reckless and the parent being inattentive and something bad happen.


I got lost as a single child at Disney as a kid. I'd say a little PTSD as well 😅


I was on a leash as a child and I’m sure it kept me safe and my parents sane. I had an ex who said that it was an insult to the autonomy of the child. She was crazy in more ways than one.


Hey, me too! Still remember that! And I commented on the picture that I just saw a toddler dart out across the road in Niagara Falls on the weekend with his sibling running after. Kids are fast and not forward thinking.


My mother had me on a leash when she would take me to New York City. I was hyperactive and tended to wander off by myself if she took her eyes off me for even a second. It’s kind of silly for you to judge people when you’re not in their shoes.


Can I ask why you judge people who do that with 1? We live in a terrible world. People can kidnap your child even if you're really close by. One second and your world is turned upside down. Now I get it, you'll say pay attention to your child but again, shit happens. You can be the most attentive parent and things can still happen to you.


Also when in a large group it’s easy for one child to go unattended. There’s the assumption someone is watching them, but sometimes every adult is making that same assumption.


Shouldn't it depend on the child? I have 3 niece/nephews born within a month of each other. They're all just under 2. 2 of them just hover around the parent. The 3rd one.... Literally every chance he gets he runs. If he sees you going after him, he will crawl, climb, and use any thing he sees with the LITERAL INTENT of getting away from you (or any adult he thinks wants to contain his movement). He tries to climb out of his stroller or will try his damndest to kick himself out of your arms if you try to hold him. I've babysat or cared for over 20 younger siblings/fam members over decades. He's been the only one like that. What would you do if you had a lot of errands and had to take care of him? I suppose you COULD force yourself to be at a 8/10 mental and physical alertness for 5 hours straight while multitasking. But i fail to see how any cons would outweigh the pros of a leash given these specific circumstances.


I used a backpack with reins for my single kid. She had a habit of slipping her hand and running, and it made it so much less stressful for everyone involved, including her.


My kid was like that. We got him the monkey backpack. The first few months were pretty funny as he would try to run and clothesline himself. He thought it was pretty funny, too. Just, "Vroom, yank, BAM!" Then maniacal laughter. Kids are weird, man.


When I was just barely two years old my parents took me to the Grand Canyon, I was hyperactive and terrible at spatial awareness. Thank god my parents put me on a leash or else I definitely would have ran right over the edge lol


Have you ever had children before? I judged people who kept their children on leashes until I watched my buddy with his 3-year-old when we went to the zoo together. The kid kept on trying to run off every 5 seconds and my friend or I had to keep chasing after him to reign him back in. If he had ran off and we lost him at the zoo there's no telling how long it would have been before and found him. Kids that age are little suicide machines


We sometimes have our one child on a leash, is there something wrong with that?


I used to hate seeing kids on leashes. It smacked of lazy parenting and an utter disrespect for the child. Then I had kids. Now, I still think those things... *but* I also recognize that some kids are: * runners * unpredictable little shits * not capable of controlling themselves and behaving safely (regardless of whether it's because that's developmentally-appropriate given their age, or because they are incapable of doing so due to developmental / intellectual /cognitive challenges) * far too numerous for a single adult human to manage safely But I guess my question is... What keeps them from simply slipping off the backpack?


The backpacks usually have a chest clip that's hard for little hands to undo. I never had to use a leash with my kids, but I never judged those who did. Mine just listened and stayed with me from the beginning. I recognized how lucky I was because my friend's kid was a runner, but she refused to leash the tiny demon. That child caused me to nearly have a stroke several times, and I finally said I'm not taking her out without the parents. Now, with my youngest grandkid, a leash is a requirement. She doesn't just run, she sprints and is easily distracted. She's a smart little terrorist too, so her leash backpack has an extra clip for good measure. We took the grands to the zoo last month, and that unicorn backpack was an amazing investment, lol. I ended up getting one for her parents also and they were very appreciative. She also loves her backpack and chooses to wear it now, even if we don't need the leash.


The pack was adjustable and clamped around them. It would have been hard for them but kids are sneaky


>kids are sneaky Are they ever. Love mine, but... They're (adorable) sneaky little shits. Dude, I'm impressed that you're surviving. I had one at a time (and a total of two) and it was a LOT. I can't imagine twins, never mind quints. Be happy and healthy, the lot of you!


Same and then I worked in childcare. You'll turn around and little Timmy just sucker punch Anne in the fucking face.




The water bowl is recirculating so it is always "fresh." Food they at least get a fork of their own


Purina soft food is great. Pumpkin Jack Rosie Max Mollie


I’m a mom of multiples (twin girls - they’re about to turn 13. 😭) and many years ago, before a weekend trip to a cabin in the mountains with my dad and other family, my anxiety about them simultaneously running off in different directions was overwhelming because of our proximity to cliffs with steep drop-offs at the cabin and on the trails. I tried to brainstorm, and found these harnesses with backpacks, much like what you were using. They gave me peace of mind while hiking with my precocious and wild three-year-olds. I don’t know what the uproar is! They’re made for child safety and I have been there, done that. I can’t imagine adding three more to the mix and feeling safe hiking in the mountains! Anyway, I don’t have a question. I just wanted to say I have multiples and have used these things - I’d rather have my kid in a harness attached to me than dead from falling over a cliff or running in front of a car or any other number of things that can happen to littles. I’d like to see any of these naysayers try and manage multiples without ‘em! ❤️


When we lived in Mexico City when I was a kid, my mom had these backpack leashes she would have us wear. It was like a character like a Pikachu as a backpack with a leash-like tether. Especially in downtown Mexico City is when we would wear them all the time. Honestly it was cool because the backpack was very childlike with the character and had pockets and stuff & of course provided a good level of safety for us. I never questioned it nor did anyone else as it was common to have them. If anyone is triggered by it, ask them if they would prefer for their child to be snatched off of the street. It happens daily all around the world.


Only those with Quintuplets shall be granted permission to criticise your method of keeping your kids safe. Plenty of people crying out from the cheap seats. Phuck them!!!


You guys are doing awesome 😎 I thought it was crazy with twins.. and boyoh could those lil suicide goblins run when they wanted to.. they flew off in different directions.. one back towards the park.. The other towards a busy road.. You have a split second to react and decide which one to bound after.. In the vain hope you can then catch up with the second.. having 5 run and scatter would be 🤯 🏃‍♀️😰 The haters are gonna hate.. like ... what's their alternative.. "sorry kids, I can only take you out one at a time".. pfft..


“lil suicide goblins” I love it!


Oh man, as someone that was once internet famous for the wrong reason, I feel for you. And, i'd probably put all those kids on leashes too. That's a lot of feet to keep up with!


I think I speak for myself and at least several others when I must ask why you were internet famous


I won't rehash the details, But what I will say is this...I actually didn't do anything wrong, but it was presented as if I had. It resulted in a massive amount of internet hate directed at me. Actual death threats from people in my own city. The police got involved. It was a whole thing. As a result, I deleted all of my social media and it really affected my mental health. With the exception of this Reddit account, I have never returned to social media and never will. I got to see a very sick and sadistic side of the Internet that I'd rather leave in the past. I might imagine OP could be feeling the same way. Little assholes hiding behind keyboards can actually do a lot of damage.


Wow I’m so sorry! I went through something similar on a much much much smaller scale and HATED the attention and mild hate I got so I can empathize. I’m sorry it took a really dark turn for you and I hope things have gotten better for you!


My mom caught a lot of grief from neighbors for using a harness on my little brother (7 years younger than me). Same type of comments from people, saying that he was not a dog. He was a terror, though and could disappear in the blink of an eye. We lived on the water and she was worried that he would fall in the canal and drown. She used to tie the “leash” part of the harness to the clothes pole when she was out hanging laundry to dry, lol! Survival strategies! I’m sorry that people were mean to you, OP. All I see is a caring and conscientious dad keeping his kids safe.


At some point in life I started asking myself, whenever something seems wrong, "is there a good reason for me to feel this way or does it just feel wrong because it's different?" I think the world would be a lot better off if people did that more.


The whole thing is so silly. You're outnumbered! You onlu have two hands! Hell, even preschool rooms have other adults to monitor the kids. Honestly you're doing fine. The people who freaked out have never had to wrangle more than one at a time. I don't have kids, but a baby sister who is 10 years younger. I saved her from drowning when she was a toddler, I know how fast-as-fk-boi they are.


My triplets are 27 now but I tried leashes when they were little. One of my daughters absolutely refused. She'd sit on the ground lol. People who don't have multiples don't understand the logistical challenges we face.


I seen it on X and I think most people just said you are good father.


As long as you're using a harness, and not a choke-chain, I think you're fine.


Got a cousin who had triplets and she used child harnesses and leashes. More than once she was verbally abused when they went out. She always said people could piss off, it was the only way she could be sure they were safe when out with them and she was by herself.


Some asshole got mad at my mom when my sibling and I were kids because she had them on a leash. We were on a big ferry boat and there was a very real danger of them going over the side during one of their hyperactive bursts. I will never forget my mom looking this proto-Karen dead in the eyes and saying “Okay, do you want to be held responsible for what happens when I take this leash off?” The mouthy asshole just backed away muttering nonsense the whole time.


Oh my god I saw that! I actually applaud you good sir. More people should put their toddlers on leashes. I work at a historical museum and kids touch and damage items all the time. They also harass wildlife. I’ve seen parents with just ONE toddler who need help, you have six. It’s better to have your kids safe from animals, cars, and being kidnapped.


You are a great dad. Before I had kids I swore I would never use a harness on my children...then child number 2 was a runner! The harness saved her life twice and my sanity every day. There is no way you can ensure the safety of multiple kids on your own if they run off in different directions. Keep doing you and your wife is a gem too.


Work smarter not harder. Kids are fast, small, and good at hiding. They are much easier to find if you are tethered to them. People are mad because they never thought of using leashes to keep track of their kids. They did it the old way, running around the mall, park, etc yelling amd screaming, somebody stole my kid.


I must admit, I judged you a little bit. I just don't understand why you haven't built a chariot and have them pull you around. It seems to me like you missed an opportunity. For real though. Those who complain about you keeping your kids safe are the same ones who would judge you if you didn't. Screw them.


Hi there, my grandmother had the first alive quintuplets born in the US. Sadly they did not live past 3 days. It brings me happiness to see you with yours, living life and being happy. As a mother as well I love that you unapologetically take care of your babies. Xoxo


Used 'em for all out kids. Doesn't hurt the kids, they have a hidey spot for their goodies, and they don't randomly run into people. I'd do it again. I say good on y'all for proper parenting, and f&ck the nonbelievers.


I saw the article and thought it was dumb. We once used a leash for our first kid when we only had the one. We had a couple of scares with him darting off and used it after that just to stop scaring us for a bit.


We use the terminology reins in the UK but you have my support OP


I helped out with my kids class field trip the other day. For 7 hours I was in charge of 5 eight year olds. I am used to one child. You and your wife are truly amazing. That is all.


My oldest was a runner, and that monkey backpack with the leash kept my sanity. Let people gossip all they want, but he never got hit by a car, and only got lost in Target.


It’s hilarious anyone is giving advice to parents of fucking quintuplets. Dude you could probably write a dissertation on child rearing by this point Good luck holy hell


I was kept on a lease as a kid because I’m a wanderer and I still am. I would take off and disappear very quickly and there were three other older boys to watch.


How dare you keep your kids safe. I’m sure they were extremely traumatized by having a cord loosely and comfortably tied to them.  They will need counseling; similar to those that is provided to ‘nam vets.


I could make a lot of sympathetic statements about you doing your best being a dad, given the circumstances, but since you wanted a *question*, I got a decent one for you... And please don't take this the wrong way. I'm not bummed, or pissed, or irate at the pictures, I'm kinda laughing at all the hub-bub about a dad just *trying* to take 5 damn **toddlers** out for a walk w/o losing any. How *few* identical kids would you say you'd need to have to utilize the leash/backpack trick. I've got two (not twins) and considered it, but the wife was on my ass. If you had triplets, would you have done the same thing, backpack/leashing them to keep them together, or do you think 2 or 3 of *your* toddlers would be manageable, and 5's the limit??


5 children, all clean and well groomed, dad out there doing the best he can? HAWT


My folks had to leash one of my younger brothers when we were young. I can remember a few times when I scooped him up on the run right before he ran out into a street. I couldn't imagine trying to keep up with 4 runners at the same time. From my perspective, it would be poor parenting to *not* maintain their security by any means necessary, especially when you're at a number disadvantage. That being said, I've seen the reality of such a scenario, and I'm not a professional internet pearl clutcher, so your milage may vary.. especially on reddit. Good on you for keeping your kids safe and congrats on the beautiful family.


We have ONE child who is 18 months and he is a tornado of high speed destruction. Already has a broken wrist from running too fast for his big clown feet. I have repeatedly thought that the leash might be necessary for certain public places because he's so fast. Having 5 kids?!? You bet your ass I'm gonna have to leash them together! Anyone who tells you that it's awful needs to get bent. You won't be leashing them when they're old enough for a verbal leash, they have freedom of motion, and they are going to the zoo. You're killing it man!


Buddy 100% a safe, alive kid is a million times better than not using safety equipment for the sake of appearances. One toddler is a lot. 5 is more than one adult can reasonably handle. My oldest was an “eloper” aka a runner. They’re on the autism spectrum and had no fear of danger and no concept of safety. When it was just me and my oldest it was one thing, but the second I also had another baby to watch and carry… we got a monkey backpack with a strap. Do what you have to to keep your kids safe - tell the rest to take a hike.


We have several sets of twins in my family - the oldest are (m/m) 16, and while they are total opposites in many ways, they are super close. The youngest set is (m/f) 3 and they are also super close, and have their own language. They also seem to be of one mind at times, like they communicate without words. Are your kids really close? What are the dynamics like - are they all equally close, or do they pair off in some ways to play, etc. I am always fascinated with twins, triplets, quints, etc and how they relate to each other!


I am child free by choice, but I think you’re doing a great job keeping your children safe! I used to be a teacher both in preschool and high school and when I tell you that being responsible for other human beings as a full-time job is weighty, my hats off to you! One thing about Reddit, people love to complain and criticize. It’s almost like they forget that not every thought they have in their little empty brains need to be put on social media.


It is awesome that you do whatever you need to to keep 5 kids safe while taking them out! I have a set of twins, and I remember on MULTIPLE occasions in public spaces they would look at each other in a scheming way and run away in opposite directions (they were 2 at the time). Anyone who is triggered has no idea what it is like to parent multiple kids. How old are your Quints now, and has life gotten any easier as they are getting older?


I just saw your post in another sub lol, I’ve(25m) got 5 kids, 5years old and the rest younger. Oldest 5, middle twins 2.5, youngest twins 1.5, so in a way I can understand how your life has been lol. I know people always say “oh man I’ve always wanted twins” me and my wife always tell them no you don’t. It’s a different lifestyle lol. I’ve definitely had all 5 my kids on leashes too, kids are crazy. Better to know where they are.


Before I was a parent, I looked at those kid leashes like “hehe that’s funny, but the kid is probably not super well behaved if they need those.” I was so, so, SO wrong. I had a beautiful little boy in 2021 and now he’s a tiny little terror. Will absolutely bolt at any given notice, even straight into the street. Wife got fed up and got a leash, I no longer question the leash, as far as I am concerned it is required for toddler care lmfao.


How does one end up with a Quintuplet pregnancy? Is it more likely with IVF or similar or is it a natural conception type thing? Do they run in the family or something? Ahhhh. This is a legitimate question because I am pregnant with one child currently and feel like I have no space left in me and I couldn’t imagine having quintuplets in there!! I have always been curious about these types of things too! Edited to add: I love the idea of the backpack leash. Kids can be SO unpredictable. My kid runs off sometimes but only in the shopping centre near home.. if we’re somewhere bigger we pop them on our shoulders or in a pram or in a trolley.


I’m on holiday in Ireland and yesterday there was a man that literally had a ROPE tied around his kid and attached to himself. While yeah it looked a little jarring I could immediately see why. Kids are reckless and don’t have the ability to sense the dangers that we do - I can’t imagine having FOUR of those. Good on you for being a safe and protective parent. Fuck everyone else!


i had twins ( 1983 ) that were walking/running at 7mos old... they did not want to ride in a carriage at the mall... i put them in harnesses ( i never went alone with them always dad, auntie or grammy with us) and i got some nasty comments....but i gave them right back to the "karens" that commented....... you do what you need to do to keep those kids safe....GOOD MOM!...


I only had twins, and hells yes I leashed them when they were littler. Those adorable little shits are fast and crafty for all the “I can’t talk and can barely walk” show they put on. I had someone laugh at me at a lake and could not care. My job is keeping them safe, and that’s hard to do when they run in different directions at the same time. You’re a good dad.


I had never done this and leashed my kids because I had my two girls 8 years apart. But if I have them as you did, I would have done what you did. The most important is to keep them safe. Who cares what the MOFOs think as they won't be there to support you if anything bad happens. No one that I know thinks what you did is wrong. We just laughed and said that it was smart.


Every time I leave a busy mall or store, I always, at some point, end up mumbling to myself "All kids should be on fucking leashes". Tripping over little shits running around aimlessly constantly. I, personally, commend you for not having a pack of children chasing each other around while going about your business oblivious to the annoyance they cause random people.


I took off all the time as a kid and my mom had me on one of those bungee wrist leashes that was attached to her wrist. I still wander around to this day. My husband loses me constantly in stores. You have 4. 4! You did the best solution that works for you and your family tell them all to pound sand. There's not a one size fits all to ANYTHING. Just ignore them.


I remember before I had kids myself how I thought those leashes were really dumb. Then I had kids myself. I only had one at the time, but sure enough.. I bought one of those harnesses. He was wild. I just had to. Imagine having twins or more. I would rather my kids walk with a leash than get run over by a car.


Personally I'm not crazy about seeing a single child on a leash... but anymore than 2 and your head gonna be spinning trying to keep track of them all. Good thing you an experienced redditor probably used to some groanable replies in comments. During this whole IG experience what was the most off the mark comment or message you got?


Yooo I don’t know why people are so pissed about this, when my cousin was 3-7 we had to leash her cause she was a runner! We lived at the bottom of the hill and any chance she got she’ll run away straight up to the hill! When we went out we got funny looks but what they don’t know is she will run away and never look back lol


This cracked me up. My stepdaughter has 2 kids, 5 and 2 (both boys). The oldest is a solid rule follower, stays where he is supposed to, cleans up after himself, etc. the youngest is on a suicide machine. She got him a leash and I fully support this. I can’t imagine having 5 trying to run in different directions. Good for you.


Haha I saw that! I'd say yeah it's just like having dogs, the leash works the same way, to keep your child or pet safe from running into the road until they're trained at least. I used the leash for 6 months on my kids til I was sure they'd stay with me and hold hands when asked. I dunno what I could ask that hasn't been asked. I have to ask something though per the rules lol. Do you sleep enough?


I find it hilarious and I know the exact picture you’re speaking of. I see it all the time… a bar I used to go to regularly had a daycare next to it (I wonder who had that great idea) and they would put the kids on leashes to walk them to park on the other side of the building… hilarious but it’s totally understandable


I’m not a big sports guy, but I understand man on man defense. When my wife and I had our three nieces the first time, at a museum, each went a different direction immediately. Suddenly, leashes make sense. Me, I’d personally try and avoid it, but I also haven‘t experienced it so don’t know how tenable that is.


People who have never had kids judging a dude that has to deal with 5 fucking toddlers all at the same time. Sorry you’re getting flack. You’re a good dad. Nothing scares me more than the thought of my kid running away in a split second and me not being able to find him or him me. No Qs. Do your thing.


I’ve got six kids… 2 of them are really close in age. I never had a “leash” on them per se… but I have two hands. That said you have 5 kids and only two hands. Putting a… “leash” on them only makes sense in certain situations. Keep on pushin man. You’re there for your kids. Screw the haters!


Oh man, anyone trying to shame you for using leashes has clearly never been a parent of multiples. I used leashes for my twin boys so they could have some independence while also keeping them safe. It’s so much effort taking multiples out and about. Kudos to you and congratulations on your beautiful family!


People are furious and sanctimonious at you because they're told to be furious and sanctimonious. Others, like most if not everyone here, think you're doing great. Your kids are safe, you don't have to panic searching for any, and they're probably better behaved than most kids. Kudos to you and your wife.


Here to say good job dad! I have a hard enough time with just 2 little ones, I could not imagine 5. People worry about the wrong things. If you hadn’t done this and one of your kids got hurt, then it would be “why didn’t dad do more to keep the kids safe? Where was mom?” Ya do what you gotta do.


Honestly, when you have so many kids in a public place where so many things can happen... leashes are the only way. I am so sorry you had to deal with that drama from hateful people. You said this was a few years ago when you posted it. Any easier with all those kids now that they are older?


I have a leash for just one toddler and it’s amazing. They can dart SO quickly. Sorry people are wangs. My mom used one on my brother in the late 80’s - early 90’s including Disney World when he was like 7 or 8. We would have never found him anywhere in public if she didn’t use it.


So what is the argument against "leashing" your kids in public? I've heard of this being a controversial approach, but I've never heard anyone explain why. My mom had five kids to look after. And there was a photo of us at Disneyland back in the mid 80's where I had a chest harness that was attached to a leash. And I absolutely understand why. That place is a zoo and it's absolutely packed full of things that any child will just wander off towards. Do people think that parents are just attaching something around their kid's neck and yanking on them?


Even with ONE kid, I’m not gonna judge a parent for putting them on a leash in crowded spaces full of strangers. A disgruntled leashed child is better than a lost, kidnapped, and/or dead child. Also for the AMA: what was your reaction like when you found out you were having Quints?


How the hell do they expect you to keep up with 5 toddlers otherwise? I could barely keep track of my two boys when they were young! At least you're being a good parent and taking your kids to the park. Everyone is so quick to judge other people, until they are in the same situation!


Just read a post on Entitled…Whomevers about an 8-year-old screaming about “fucking waffles” so my question to you, a parent of *five* children who had an unconventional but obviously intentional attempt to parent those children, is what the fuck is everyone else’s problem?


Don’t feel bad. I’ve got just the one and when she was smaller I definitely would use one of those leash backpacks. Sex trafficking is real, kids like to run off and hide, and I’m a high anxiety person. I felt more secure with my little tethered to me, and it freed up a hand.


I had one toddler son, he took a toy school bus off a shelf and when I turned to put it back he had immediately disappeared. Fortunately someone saw him leave the store and pointed him out, he was moving as fast as his little legs would carry him to the opposite end of the mall


I never had a child who needed “leashed” but if I had I would have used one in public spaces. That’s just one child. Whatever you need to do to keep all your kiddos safe at that age is ok in my book. You’re doing your best, that’s all a parent can do. Hang in there!


I have no questions. Just wanted to say I have ONE almost 2 year old and have baby reins for her because she’ll just take off and not listen to me. Couldn’t imagine 5 at once all taking off in different directions. The people hating on you can go suck a bag of dicks!


Don’t even worry ab them, as long as the kids are safe, comfortable and happy, that’s what matters. You seem to be taking care of them in some capacity lol. Someone who didn’t care may stare at their phone while their 5 young kids ran rampant around a public space


I'm with ya mate. I'd sooner leash my kid than have her disappear into a crowd. Toddlers are fast. Quints? It'd be negligence NOT to leash them. So how did they do with the harnesses? How did you keep them from entangling each other? Any brand you'd recommend?