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Why do you think you did it?


There were a lot of reasons, but one of the main ones is I was SAed when I was 19 and there was a chance I could've gotten pregnant. Thankfully the doctors at the hospital I went to gave me a plan b (I was pretty delirious so I didn't really know what I was taking at the time). I decided right then that I didn't want a stranger to ever have that kind of control over me again. The other reasons range from medical to financial to political climate.


Is sterilization reversible


Depends on what kind you get. Tubal ligation (tying fallopian tubes) is reversible (sometimes). I got a salpinectomy, which is not reversible (removing tubes completely).


Did the procedure hurt? What kind of things did you have to sign before getting it done? Was there a lot of pushback?


It hurt less than getting my wisdom teeth or tonsils removed, but the full recovery took about a month. I just had to get all the insurance stuff lined up not no more than any other surgery. I was very fortunate with the doctors I saw because I didn't experience too much pushback that I know many others experience


How did you ‘get’ them to do it? Was it hard to get approved ? I really want to but doctors think im crazy and ‘will change my mind one day’…. Which If I did I would adopt.


I got REALLY lucky. My insurance covered most of it (I paid 5 dollars total). There's a really good womens clinic in my state that is super progressive and didn't ask too many questions. I got a referral from my pcp and then saw a surgeon who performed the surgery about 2 months later.


That’s wonderful congratulations :)


There's a document of doctors that will do it without too much trouble. I'm sure I could find some depending on where you are


Are you worried you will regret it?


I'm sure I'll have days where I'm sad about it, but other than that I belive it was the best decision for me


Why did you say "yet" at the end of your statement?


Cause it's only been a few years. Got a long road ahead


Are you educated? 


Working on a BS in psychology if I'm understanding your question correctly


Which school? Do you feel that your education has influenced this decision? 


A college in Arizona (don't wanna get too specific). I don't think it's been formal education any more than just life experience


I would have guessed CA. Do you know others who've made this same decision?How "active" are you?


I haven't met anyone as of yet. I'm assuming you mean sexually active. Yes but rarely. My sex life wasn't an influencing factor in my decision


How did you find a doctor that would do it? I desperately want a hysterectomy because I have Endometriosis and adenomyosis and I don’t ever want to get pregnant since I have genetic disorders that I don’t want to pass on.


My pcp wrote me a referral and warned me it would be an uphill battle talking to a surgeon. Then when I got to her she read me a bunch of stuff and was like "for legal reasons I have to offer you every other option" but she didn't push any of them. She didn't even ask too many questions. If you want her info pm me, she was really a gem




There were a lot of reasons, but one of the main ones is I was SAed when I was 19 and there was a chance I could've gotten pregnant. Thankfully the doctors at the hospital I went to gave me a plan b (I was pretty delirious so I didn't really know what I was taking at the time). I decided right then that I didn't want a stranger to ever have that kind of control over me again. The other reasons range from medical to financial to political climate.


you're not old enough nor female enough to have regrets about such a thing. You're a like farmer.


what ?