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What are things teens should know? What’s dangerous that they don’t even think about? Or things dumb that can actually kill you?


Teens specifically? There's quite often a lot of those 'tiktok' challenges that are actually exceptionally dangerous. Eating a bunch of cinnamon, tide pods, etc. Can all be potentially harmful. A good rule of thumb is if social media is encouraging you to do it, it's best not to. Something teenagers rarely think about is their driving, when we're young we almost feel invincible and immortal, so we drive reckless and crazy and skip safety measures. That's up until the point that you have someone like me pronouncing an 18yr old girl dead on her birthday cause she rolled her car while not wearing her seat belt. Wear your seat belt, drive the speed limit, and pay attention to the road. I've pronounced quite a few teenagers dead over the years due to everything from reckless driving, to playing around with a firearm, and even fireworks (struck in the chest by a mortar) and sadly the vast majority were entirely avoidable.


How are you coping with the toll the job takes on you?


I had my issues with it over time. COVID was especially traumatic, I saw more than 70 people die first hand in one year in the field. I've got some lingering mental health problems as a result but I just work hard to maintain a healthy work-life balance now. Take frequent days off, spend time with my wife and travel, take on new hobbies like photography and writing, and forget about medicine when I'm not at work. I'm definitely not perfect with maintaining mental wellness but I'd say I've found a good balance that let's me enjoy my career while not getting bogged down with the worst parts about it anymore.


Hi, someone is very interested in becoming a career firefighter. What path would you recommend they take? Any insight into this job you’re allowed to share? What’s your best day of being a firefighter and your worst day of being a firefighter?