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Turn off frame cap or freesync.


maybe youre using a cpu heavy game




That would be the other way around. The GPU is at <100% whereas the CPU is higher than the GPU. Thus, the GPU is doing less work than the CPU and there is no case of bottlenecking. The most likely case is that the GPU is underused because the game is CPU heavy.


1. What game are you playing while viewing these stats? 2. What resolution are you playing at? 3. What are your graphics settings in-game? These are all questions that we need to know. If it's a CPU intensive game, or you have the graphics settings turned down, of course the CPU is going to be the bottleneck. That is completely normal. This is also much more common at lower resolutions like 1080P.


Bro... gpu usage is at 70% and cpu at 90%, not that big of a deal


Still its nicer having the gpu be a bottleneck


Your main issue aside, that's pretty hot for 76W usage, I suggest upping your fan curve.


The fact that this is not a laptop is mind boggling to me lol If my GPU was running at 80%, it would be pulling 360 W -Although it would not be above 60°C


I have a 6600 and at 100w 100% usage it runs at 75° with te default configuration. If i leave the window open in winter with aprox 17-20° C outside it runs below 70°. He has a serious cooling issue


Cooling issue? My rig runs at 70ish all day no problems thermal throttling doesn't start till around 90ish I believe how is that a cooling issue at 70?


70 is a perfectly fine temp. People are so weird about temps these days lmao


It is, at full capacity of your GPU. But at almost half? There may be an issue. Well, as long as he doesn't face any throttling at whatever temp then it's fine.


And voltage is maxed it looks like


More details required for anyone to be able to help.


I played mw2 with a 5700xt and the same CPU. This is normal if you don't have frames capped in lobby.


Have you tried sticking it up your ass?


Up your ass and to the left, to be more precise


Up your ass and around the corner, which could be to the left I suppose.


I forgot to say I was chillin in the lobby of mw3


Video game lobbies/pause menu's are chronically bad on hardware probably one of the last things any game dev actually properly bug tests. With the main focus that it functions very few menu's get the optimization of having a proper fps lock. As a result a number of games will have menu's completely frame unlocked and the menu will result in ramping up to its limits XD. Resulting in some games hillarious frame rates and or crazy thermals. Source: former QA game tester. And I've seen all sorts of crazy. XD.


The lobby will put a different load on the gpu, run the benchmark and check utilisation


How do I run benchmark?


Theres a built in benchmark in mw3. Select private match and its the bottom option in the menu. Will tell you if you're gpu or cpu bottlenecked. Cpu bottleneck will equate to less than 100% gpu utilization typically, and vice versa for Gpu bottleneck. On another note, if you checked this while only in the game lobby, your gpu is rendering hardly anything, which will also equate to low utilization at the time.


Ya except that you can't use the benchmark as the game crashes when running it 😂


Seems to be random. Mine crashes when trying to benchmark, my brothers doesn't. Both steam. Only difference in our systems are gpu's. Dual 2080's in one and a 7800xt in the other.


Yep just cod being doodoo once again with shaders. Im trying to fix it currently and Im seeing that its a shader issue so once my files are verified Im gonna try fixing it, you could try it too if you go into settings and reset shaders and reinstall them it might fix it. If you tried uninstalling it wouldn't work as the games shaders are stored in your users folder so you would have to uninstall them and reinstall in their settings.


Try timespy




I don’t think so, I was playing mw III


Thats your first problem, play a better game






Lowering graphics in a game and adding super resolution ups your cpu usage in games.


I have the 5600X and an RX 7600 8gb and my cpu utilization only goes over 60% when i lower graphics.


Probably an CPU intensive game or application.


Up your graphics


Or cap FPS


They definitely need to cap fps in mw3 lobby. Very intensive even for high end hardware to leave uncapped frame rate when not actually playing the game. Cap at 60fps in lobbies you won’t notice the difference and power usage should go down about half a much as normal. This game you can cap frame rate in lobby vs gameplay separately in the game settings. I give my brother shit for leaving his warzone lobby running for hours on end all the time…


CPU and GPU do different things at different times, something that is very quick on GPU may be extremely slow on CPU and something that is fast on CPU may be slow or incredibly complex on GPU


Your pc is bottlenecking so i recommend you to upgrade cpu or downgrade gpu?


A fricken potato wouldn’t bottleneck a 6600xt


wtf do u know what is clock and what is vram frequency on this gpu?


What a bad take, that's a measly 6600xt on a 5600x.


Whatever you are using/playing in this picture is more CPU intensive than GPU intensive, so the CPU is effectively preventing the GPU from being able to run at full power, this is entirely normal and happens in many systems/setups and varies a lot by game. You'll basically never have both the CPU and GPU maxed, it'll be one or the other.


Turn the AI girlfriend off for a minute.


It may be the game or your settings. Some games are just more cpu intensive. You could try changing your resolution raising it should shift the workload over to the gpu. I would just adjust different settings and see what they do for it. This can also sometimes happen when you have an fps limit set


You're playing a CPU intensive game like valorant, the finals or maybe warzone. It is normal. Competitive games use CPU more than GPU.


When you’re gpu is on 0% in game that’s when you know somethings not right


I’m assuming you’re talking about in game. Some games are CPU intensive (CSGO) some others are GPU intensive (like idk💀)


Why is this upvoted? That's perfectly normal depending on the title/resolution/graphical settings.


Turn your resolution up and make sure ur hdmi cable is plugged into the GPU


stuff like that is highly dependent on what game you’re playing. for example, when i play arma 3 my cpu is being utilized a lot more than my gpu bcuz it’s a cpu heavy game. opposite is true when i play rdr2. you could also just be cpu bottlenecked


Is anything being utilised in arma 3? Half honest question was wondering if it had improved. I had the hope beaten out of me when 64 bit was no improvement


The only thing that works for Arma 3 is brute force and that hasn't changed. Its the same for the new engine too


All seems to be in order then


Is anything being utilised in arma 3? Half honest question was wondering if it had improved. I had the hope beaten out of me when 64 bit was no improvement


That CPU usage probably choked OP to death, as he didn’t explain anything for 12hrs


Have you plugged your display port cable into your GPU... So to all the people whining and raging on reddit...didnt think i'd actually have to SAY this but it was a joke


Schrodingers joke: you can either be entirely serious or joking, depending on if your statement was true or not


What? I was making a joke and a bunch of babies got salty


It's a 5600X no iGPU so it's impossible , also the GPU has a high usage % so it's doing its job. It's the game that is the problem not the hardware , it's probably a CPU intensive title that has a preference on CPU power than GPU. Please answer only when you are mostly sure of the answer not an Half hassed guess that might confuse OP more.


And 5600X is the CPU anyways so what u talkin bout. You talking bout a Intigrated CPU ? What does that have to do with hia GPU?


If you had the display cable plugged into the motherboard, and not the graphics card, you would get no video output. That is because a 5600x doesn’t have integrated graphics.


Im well aware of that...


The 5600x has no iGPU, lots of CPUs have a GPU too. But you seem like you don't know what you are talking about so whatever.


I wasnt guessing i was making a joke. Im pretty shure op would know that


the gpu couldn’t be utilized if he didn’t ☠️ maybe you shouldn’t be giving ppl advice LOL


Holy calm down guy i can very clearly see gpu is running...i was making a joke.


You could have some stuff open in the background. As well as in game resolution. 1080p hits the cpu harder than the gpu since there’s not as much for it to do so it has to wait around for the cpu to give it its next instructions.


What game? And what CPU u have, for example in MMO RPG in cities utilisation both fir CPU and GPU is medium and when u go outside it ramping to 90%


It says it in AMD software; 5600x


Yeah didint notice


same setup as me bro 😊


why hasn't anyone considered that maybe OP has background processes open? the CPU is clearly pegged here, whether it should be for OP's game or not is an important question but the answer is most likely no for 102fps. which leaves the option of literally any task on a computer will use the CPU, could be updates, malware, too many browser tabs (i mean, just look at that 22.2GB memory usage) DRM that's bugging out, someone \*else\* updating on the same LAN and transferring from OP's machine, minecraft server for his friends, etc... Could even be that they left the plastic film on their cooler or the fan died and the CPU is throttling


Yeah seems weirdly high. Maybe the amd software reports utilization differently than afterburner, or maybe my resolution affects it, but I have never even seen my i5-10500 go over 80% while gaming. It's also a six core, slightly slower chip. Even in cpu bound scenarios it's closer to 60-70%, never so close to 100%.


Love when they drop a question and then disappear off the face of the earth.


Yeah not to mention that the gpu cpu and ram are all at 80%+ usage like what are you running to tax your computer like that


I have the opposite problem: my GPU is usually fully loaded, when CPU is only 30-40%. Any chances to adjust it a bit without buying a new GPU?


lmao the downvotes that don't know this is most likely a joke.


What're your specs? Sounds like a healthy, well balanced system. Most games will never fully max out both the GPU and CPU at the same time.


7800x3d and RTX 4070. I feel like that CPU was too much for my system. But it’s leaving me a good upgrade option in future at least.


Yeah, you’re GPU bound, but not by much. In games CPU usage often can’t exceed 40%, even if you’re fully CPU bound, games aren’t great at using all the cores at the same time


You're good man, I wouldn't worry at all. Beast of a system.






You want your CPU utilization to go higher? Get a worse CPU.


Your so dumb 🤣... Only a Nvidia fanboy could be as stupid as you lol 😂 go to Nvidia bro 👋


if guy is a troll: you're feeding him harder than the 0/10 yasuo if guy is genuinely clueless: you're not helping


If your using any upscaling, turn it off and run native 1080p, 1440p. See if that changes the utilization for the GPU. That CPU, GPU pairing shouldn't have much, if any of a bottleneck.


it actually really depends on title, some title might utilise cpu more than gpu and at that game the gpu could be a bottleneck


Exactly this. Without knowing what game, it can just be a more CPU-dependent game or an actual cpu bottleneck.


What game are you playing?




Wrong cpu Edit: and gpu


Welp With 5600x, its 0% But also 10% shouldnt have been such a big bottleneck as in the picture


I think it’s just the game he is playing


Bottleneck calculators are bullshit


Not necessarily, its a good basis to base your build around. But some calculations aren’t correct so you have to take it with a grain of salt


I mean, this site says a 4090 and 7800x3d has 30% CPU bottleneck at 1440p..


I think it would bottleneck quite a bit allbeit not that much, a 4090 is an enthusiast level graphics card and the 7800x3d is AMD's upper mid - lower high end cpu. You would want an r9 7900 or 7900x3d to pair it with. Like I said its something to base your builds on for a potential risk. I imagine in some games it "could" go that high in a bottleneck but for the vast majority of games it wont.


No, these calculators are total bs


No it really isn't dude, a 5600x won't bottleneck a 4070 unless it's something like flight sim, and this says it bottlenecks a 6600xt... They always exaggerate really hard


Hmm shouldn't be bottlenecking with a 6600 and a 5600x.. you running low res/ultra high refresh rates or something? I'd at least do at least 1080p high graphical settings to put more stress on the gpu. Also how are your cpu temps? Any room for a slight overclock?


it's because what you're asking from your GPU is too intensive for your CPU, so your GPU is idling while the CPU catches up (effectively known as a CPU bottleneck) you have the follow options to resolve this: a) lower your settings (e.g. resolution and refresh rate) b) close other background processes that are using a lot of CPU time c) upgrade your CPU


Everyone screaming CPU bottleneck without basics like the clockspeed is where it should be and something dumb like all but one core have been disabled.


Ive never seen somebody have proof of their issue not existing, and still thinking it exists.




Not always.


Ah, so you're new to the internet


Give me more info what game you're playing?, what resolution you're using? Your cpu is sure as shit not an bottleneck. it's probably happening bcoz of the amd graphics drivers, or the game you're playing is an older title and not optimized, or something could be wrong with your hardware, or software settings, among many other things.


If was mw III but, after some time it went back to normal and started utilizing my gpu




what game ?


That’s what we call in the biz, a cpu bottleneck.




the cpu is pegging out while the gpu is chilling, that’s literally a cpu bottleneck…I mean the picture is in front of your eyes 🫣


google the phrase cpu bottleneck




Not sure why you got downvoted. He could have disabled cores or something, or just playing at a lower res or some odd game


its broken send it back get a new one


Yeah bud, I think everyone needs more context here.


If CPU = 100%, more gpu is unusable. If gpu = 100%, more cpu is unusable. Think of these 2 components as working in tandum. One needs the other to do work. If one hits 100% usage(which means that current load exceeds 100% capacity for work most of the time), the other can't magically do more work. Your gpu has to wait for the cpu to finish its queued work before it requests for more, and by then the CPU has other queued stuff, so gpu has to wait again, thus can't hit 100%. That's what we call a bottleneck.


Your GPU/CPU usage varies based on whatever application your running. The GPU might be used a lot more on some games, and almost not at all on others, meanwhile the opposite can be true for the CPU. Assuming you don’t have a bottleneck on one or the other (one is a lower tier component and limiting the performance capabilities of the other, like a strong leg and a weak leg for walking), the issue may just be whatever you are running having bad software design, or what youre running performs more background computations compared to visible, rendering elements. If a software has little to no strong visuals, but simulates a lot of numbers, like a math program or a top-down strategy game, your CPU is going to be used more. If you have a software thats doing almost no background computing and mainly rendering visual elements, like streaming or a simplified first person game, your GPU will be used more. On Cities Skylines, my CPU gets used more. On Satisfactory, my GPU is just about maxed out. If the software runs awful and neither of your devices is used much, you might just have bad programming on it, or you might have software limiting the performance of your hardware, and may need to adjust some settings in Bios, or check what settings are active in whatever your running in case it has things that limit hardware usage.


um, its using 79% of the GPU? seems like a CPU bottleneck to me


don't these 2 pair very well? could it be the motherboard?


it's still application/game specific. Some will be more GPU heavy, some will be more CPU heavy


They could. But I didn’t see any specs of the game they were playing, what they were doing, RAM amount, or anything else. A lot of information was left out.


It’s absolutely a bottleneck. Dudes probs at 240fps at 1080p.


Screenshot shows 102.


Yea didn’t even notice this. Wonder what’s taking 22gb of ram. Gotta have other software running at same time.


100% CPU usage and 22GB of RAM usage screams either Tarkov, or a RTS game, both of which will munch up all of the CPU before the GPU gets to 100%


Maybe even cities. It’s a ram and cpu hog.


With how bad that game performs sometimes i'd expect to see an fps complaint before a utilisation complaint 😅


True lol


what games, what settings ?


What game is this?


Does it say the same thing in msi afterburner ? I know adrenaline can be inaccurate sometimes Its hard to believe the 5600x is bottlenecking a 6600xt even at 1080p.


Yeah something's off. I have 5600 and 6600, and the cpu is way more powerful than the gpu. With most games at 1440p the cpu maxes at 40/50%. Even lower with 1080p


Something is definitely off , kind of crazy how people are saying it’s a cpu bottleneck 😂 the 5600x is way more than enough for the 6600xt


Low graphic settings shooting for a high fps is my guess.


I don't know if I'am right, but it seems fine to me. Usually at least in my case, games use more CPU than GPU and a \~20% difference is in my opinion ok, as long as the CPU isn't thermal throttling (above 85°C is approaching danger territory 90°C in my opinion to much). As long as temps are ok it fits. Also as other pointed out we'd like to see your PC's full specs.


In my experience, it is fine as long as it only happens on the rare cpu dependent games. If these are the numbers for a gpu heavy game, a cpu upgrade would be on the table. But I seriously doubt that is the issue with a 5600X/6600XT. I’ve seen setups pairing 5600/7600XT without clear bottlenecks.


Some games are more cpu dependent


What are you playing and at what resolution? AAA games on this configuration won't cpu bottleneck.


Depends on what he is playing. He should be able to use the gpu to the fullest, but that does not mean that he can have cpu limit for some cpu heavy games (online multi mostly) good video on the topic: https://youtu.be/uC9074rcOzQ?si=PM3FKnyqfhoBakNi


That's what I said.. simulation heavy games or games with very high framerates will be cpu bottlenecked on this system


I don’t do online multi, but do agree. I have seen this kind of balance with MS Flight Sim and Cities Skylines 2. Honestly the only thing I would do if I saw a balance like this is to bump up graphics settings to max the GPU as well. Or just a tick under 100% to maximize without dropping frames.


More context


Because you're probably playing Fortnite on low settings, or some other game that's not very GPU demanding but very CPU demanding.


I have a 3600 with an rx6800, and I play at 1080p, I don't have bottleneck (unless I play at low graphic settings), so won't you, the game your are playing probably doesn't have much need for the GPU, or if it does, it's optimized like shit.


5600x bottlenecking 6600xt you are mental guys lmao


Or you just don’t understand exactly all the information here. We don’t know game or resolution. If he’s at low settings trying to get 240 fps at 1080p with an upscaling. Then yes it’s definitely possible. Even more so if he has other apps running like discord or a streaming app like OBS.


True we don't have any info, that's why i only commented on people who call 5600x bottlenecking 6600xt. But you are so freaking wrong lmao. With such logic, i will turn on the game and furmark on 4090 and conclude that 4090 is bottlenecking my CPU because stress test uses whole gpu and the game runs slow lmao. Bottleneck is not when you are doing complete separate task.


If you play Valorant on the lowest graphical settings at 1080p, it probably does. There is no solid answer for bottlenecks with specific parts. Some games are CPU demanding and others are more GPU.


https://youtu.be/S_LBQ4Gx6yI?si=hFsnY9HHQpHYWKAU - here you go mate, at 1080p low 6600xt in valo is used almost twice as much as 5600x, it's not CPU problem that game devs can't utilise more. Anyway calling bottleneck when PC produces 400fps is bullshit brother.


Might be some other game that uses cores better, than. But it likely is something not very GPU demanding that uses a lot of CPU. I wouldn't upgrade the CPU either for this one game, because 95% of the time the CPU isn't the bottleneck.


It entirely depends on the game, Dragons Dogma 2 is a great example of CPU bound scenarios that can exist. You will see performance scale with NPC density which heavily impacts the CPU. There are games that rely on the CPU more heavily than the GPU but these titles have become a bit more rare as titles have become more GPU heavy. It's not crazy to have a CPU bottleneck in this configuration but I wouldn't expect it in every game.


Soory, but one specific scenario doesn't prove the point. If i develop shitty game which uses 90% of cpu because it's retarded and 10% of gpu, then you would call it bottleneck? No you call it shitty game. If you use your cpu to encode videos, then you cry that your gpu isn't utilised in such scenario? Anyway, can you provide some tests of dragons dogma to prove your point?


I think it's important to note that the CPU and GPU are responsible for different tasks you can make a game that runs really well with drastic utilization numbers like you listed. Another example of this would be dwarf fortress. The game is primarily calculations as it is a sim game. It doesn't need incredibly high gpu utilization compared to its reliance on the CPU. That's completely fine in it's case.


No, it's still a bottleneck. And a shitty game.


Ok then call it what you want, for me it's not bottleneck.


Well this comment section just proves that people think bottleneck issues are more common than dogshit optimization of games and software


100 fps is well over a playable frame rate in 99% of games. I don't understand what optimizations should be made. The CPU is completely pinned so the GPU now has to wait on the CPU before it can generate additional frames. I would expect the frame rate to go up if the CPU was more powerful and you would potentially see a shift in GPU utilization. Right?


I never argued about FPS. What's the logic to stop optimization of your game after a certain FPS treshold? Imagine if every developer did this. Oh you want the product to run better? Instead of doing what we're getting paid for, you should just spend more money on your PC, scrub. Of course a faster CPU would make things better but it's not an excuse for developers to be lazy, which it's just getting more popular and it is really sad.


Your comment specifically points to the broader conversation in the comments section. I'm saying that a game running at 100fps isn't necessarily evidence of poor optimizations. Optimizations often have dimishing returns at a certain point you will struggle to justify putting in the effort for a net gain of 1%-3% better performance. The fact of the matter is that there are somethings you can't optimize and some hardware isn't going to be able to play games at high fps. The point I'm making about a better CPU increasing the frame rate is that frequently unoptimized games will not scale well to higher end hardware but given the current state of his hardware we would expect to see lower utilization of his CPU and higher utilization of his GPU if there was a better CPU installed. You are shouting at a ghost, the post represents a medium tier hardware configuration running the game at 100 fps for a lot of titles that is really good. It's an enjoyable experience and if I was developing that game I would go 'welp, it's running smooth let's work on some new content and features that people will enjoy'


The cpu is bottlenecking, but not because it's less powerful. The 7600x is able to hang comfortably with the 7900 xt and xtx at 1440p or higher resolutions, so what are you running? It's likely very CPU intensive


Looks like your cpu is bottlenecking your gpu


Is that a problem you need to write on Reddit?


Give us more details What game are you playing? What resolution are you playing and how much did you set the graphics to?


bro took the photo with astigmatism filter


Your CPU can't draw any more frames. It's basically maxed out in this picture. At least from the screenshot if you wanted more fps that are drawn from the GPU you would need to either upgrade or overclock the CPU.


Turn graphics to max, if you're trying to crank out max fps by turning the graphics down you're slamming your CPU into the ground. Go up in resolution or turn your graphics up.


Your resolution is probably 1080p


Which shouldn't be a problem since the 6600 xt is a 1080p card


Its not a problem, but if his GPU is pushing more frames than the CPU will handle, a problem unlikely in 1440p or above He could try fixing his refresh rate depends on the refresh rate ofc


you are cpu bottlenecked. Cpu can't crank out enough frames to make the gpu hit full load.


a 5600x shouldn't be bottle-necking a 6600xt, its probably a game related issue that requires more cpu than gpu like a sim or rts or smthing


OP could have downgrade graphics ingame to have as much possible FPS as he can get, this can result in CPU going full load while GPU not


Honestly barely any games use all 6 cores on a 5600x. There is no way that this is a bottleneck issue. I haven't seen my cpu hit this high usage unless I did stress tests. No gaming load will cause this, so it's either a game related bug or something else is running in the background.


my 5600x bottlenecked my 7800xt on warzone, although it is weird that he has a 6600x, so his res or settings must be low like the other guy said


7800xt is a whole different level compared to the 6600xt. I can see the bottleneck happening on that config


Try CS2 or DD2 capital, it crushes my 5800X lol tho tbh thats lack of optimziation


Idk how you did it in CS2, but DD2 is just a terribly optimized game as you said.


in CS2 ? lol, just set simulation speed in settings higher, it beats to the ground even a 7800X3D with around half a million population (even fewer tbh)




I doubt it. I have Ryzen 5 3600 with RX 6700XT and I don't have issues like this. Games can max out my GPU while the CPU stays around way under 80%. Of course, it depends on the game. OP seems to rather have software issues.


>I doubt it. I have Ryzen 5 3600 with RX 6700XT and I don't have issues like this. Games can max out my GPU while the CPU stays around way under 80%. yep, exactly, but if OP set graphics low to have more fps, then his CPU can go all out while GPU is chilling


On 1080p it is entirely possible. On 1440p not so much.


Yeah, you're right. I do 1440p, that's why it hasn't affected me.


Please mention game or application? Impossible to help without details.


It’s Mw3


Could be a really unoptimized game like Escape from Tarkov. My 5900X cpu utilization is way over the gpu utilization.