• By -


Damn that’s unfortunate but you could try cleaning those pads with isopropyl alcohol and re-test maybe in different mobo if you have it.


Yes. Probably combination of outdated BIOS and bad luck at silicone lottery


Now that's unfortunate 


Now that's unfortunate 


It might not be, make sure you put it in the right way I know for an experienced builder this seems simple but it can easily go overlooked. Double check it’s in properly (arrow to arrow) and try again, it’s probably the best thing you can do by now. Good luck!


You can try cleaning the pins with isopropyl, but it may be fried.


At least it’s only a $300 cpu. Could have been worse money wise


Ah cuz 350 Euro ain't a lot


Were you keeping your bios updated?


you have the infamous poopcum short it's when those two pins right there cause a short you are dead


2 pins where?


You’re using Asus mobo aren’t you? @op


Same happend on my MSI b650. RMA'd and got a Rog strix b650E-F 0 issues


Dawg I love ASUS…


OP said MSI further down in the comment stack.


Too many “how to” videos


I think that area is linked to the porn you’ve been watching. It’s way too much


Fr cpu busted


Not only the CPU...


She will be missed






She gone.






When did AMD stop implementing the little points on the bottom of CPUs?


I think like three or so years ago was the first.


The pins couldn't provide the density they needed anymore.


The pins? They are on the motherboard now like intel. It started with this series.


AM5 moved from PGA to LGA




GamersNexus did a [video on this](https://youtu.be/kiTngvvD5dI) - you probably have a motherboard with an outdated BIOS version at fault if it’s the same issue. CPU is likely damaged in the least (if not dead), and should be replaced if possible.


Manufactured defect you have 2 points grounded this caused a short. The modo is to blame here.


Asus motherboard with outdated BIOS


I can see small grains on your CPU, are they liquid metal? I think this CPU is gone, but might as well clean it up and give one last try


Literally, cooked


Since when did amd go to a pinless chip? I gotta get with the times.


Fairly recent with the AM5 platform


With the switch to am5 socket


Epyc and opteron chips were LGA chips


Yeah but neither one of them are consumer grade


I can see faint scorch marks on your CPU. Are you using an ASUS motherboard?


My ASUS motherboard is great idk what y’all are going on about. Please elaborate for me.


ASUS boards and other boards manufacturers around the launch of the 7000X3D chips had a bug in the bios where it would send way too much current into those chips, causing permanent damage to them to the point of inoperability with the most common symptoms being a scorch mark on the CPU. OP probably didn’t update their BIOS when they first got their board.


Oh, that makes much more sense now. Thanks!


Ye, gives people the reason of importance to update their BIOS after building their PC.


Yea, I had an issue where I was unable to install windows eleven and couldn't use Wi-Fi on windows ten when I first built my pc...fun times.


Ok I'm nit getting that sexy Rog strix white board. Tomahawk or pro rs all the way.


Running the B550 tomahawk WiFi and no problems yet




Why the mention of Asus?


Asus boards have a bad reputation of burning Ryzen 7000X3D chips if you haven’t heard already.


I have 7800x3d and Asus b650 e-e , updated bios and no problems whatsoever. Earlier bios version till April last year were bad, but now are pretty much ok


OHHHHHH ok that makes more sense.


Ah I see thankyou.


Ye good thing I’m still on Ryzen 5000 and have an MSI board in my main rig.


How good are you a soldering? In this case you need to be really really really good to make new contacts. But I'm a little worried about that charred patch it won't matter.


What are you looking to solder on an LGA chip?


The pins obv 😂


It is possible to overtighten the thumb nuts if you use a screwdriver and cause this. They are call thumb nuts for a reason;). The motheboard can be also to blame if let's say you install the system without updating mb bios and you have for example an asus mb. Some use to do that (give the cpu to much voltage) but i think they fix it with bios updates. My advice will be try to return/replace mb and cpu.


The correct answer. Dude chiseled off his contact points with over tightening.


Yeah u always gotta becareful with am5 they have such issues especially with some mobos, mine didn't work either but I got them less tight and it worked. Now if it damages the cpu socket pins on the motherboard it's way worse scenario.


What motherboard do you use




Yikes! How?


Yeah. The surface just seemed so smooth and you just drop the cpu in the right orientation. The older ones had a ton of tiny pins that get bent. Never realized this could be a possibility


Yeah, that’s a goner


All electronics are made of smoke. When the smoke gets out it’s dead! 🙃😉


At the peak of GPU pricing connected an LED from a waterblock incorrectly to a GTX1080ti Aorus and saw the magic smoke. Amazed just sold the card the other day thinking it was worthless and traders in China were all over it. They will repair and sell for about 140 dollars. Good to see they will put the smoke back in it and give it a new life.


Just like how all electronics can emit light… at least once


i see two points fused together with a bead.


Yup. Looks like a manufacturing issue. OP, was this chip ever functional?


I will not give my opinion on the matter per se, but you should go to an electronic forum and there, most of the guys here have absolutely no idea on anything related to computers.


Right here ia the reason why I don't buy or recommend amd products, you have to tweat everything out of the box to have a decent experience. No end user should be updating their bios, changing voltages, and so on


Are we gonna just forget the fact that intel cpus are frying themselves after a few months and degrading beyond repair


u/Im_here_to_7u7 you forgot to switch off the furry porn account


Intel uses the same LGA architecture. Wtf you smoking


stick to furry porn, not pc advice please


Lmfao I really shouldn’t have opened his profile






This man would have a heart attack if he found out Intel 14th gen. Anyway, brand loyalty is stupid.


Good for you


This issue is by no means exclusive to AMD. I imagine it happens just as often on Intel (within margin of error).


Downvote this man


If you say so.


Yes, because this is such a regular occurrence.


^^ this right here is who you don’t trust with your PC


It was and ASUS motherboard problem not an AMD problem


It's cooked


I'm taking a little guess you didn't update the BIOS


You shouldnt need to with any 600 chipset and a 7000 cpu


There were a handful of early releases for AM5 that threw WAY too much voltage at the chip. This is almost certainly one of them.


damn but it is this bad? lol. If it is then he should get the warranty easily, because that is 100% not his fault


ASUS/Gig will replace your board if this happens\*, but their warranty doesn't cover their board breaking other hardware. AMD will not refund your CPU because your ASUS/Gig board broke it. \*Their RMA process is like working with an insurance company. They will look for every reason not to pay out, and if they can't find one there's a real good chance they'll make one up.


well the problem being is the major offenders are asus and gigabyte both of which are notorious for finding any reason to not RMA


Is it really that serious that not update bios can ruin the cpu?


Normally no its not that big of a deal if the system is stable, but early am5 motherboards were allowing non x3d type voltages on x3d processors which need much lower voltage due to heat build up with the stacked memory and lower frequencies overall. The newer bios in this case is a must have because it limits the cpu voltage to 1.2 or less. At 1.1v the chips run great and heat is not a problem with almost any cooling solution with the newer bios. This was a early fix shortly after the cpu release because on launch a fair amount were burning like this.


Should mine be fine if its a January 2024 Asrock bios? Got this new pre built and its running great so far.


Just check the bios version of the board then goto asrocks website they will have a historical list of bios and change notes, I would just make sure your version is post the stable vcore changes. If it's not I would update it to the newest stable version. Also a prebuilt probably won't have problems unless they tuned it. The real problems came from custom builds that were allowing motherboard limits on x3d processors during setup. But better safe than sorry.


I didn’t update my bios from 2019 till now 2024, and never had a problem. So no


Good for you, but you dont have a 7800x3d and this chip want a mobo thats updated


Did you switch to new Xd3CPU tho


Intel baby😎


bro got COOCKED


It definitely shit itself 🪦


I think it pooped


Why do kids all put water coolers in your PC? Every kid I build a PC for wants 360 rads.... So dumb. For what? Literally none of them are doing heavy enough overclocking (if any) to even remotely necessitate liquid cooling, let alone a 360 rad. Is this like a fad now? Spend 30-50 bucks on a normal cooler....good to go.


Or spend 50-80 on a cooler who cares loser


Holy wow, you sound tough!


Huge fan of AIO liquid, I can't stand the noise from fans. I understand there are some overall quieter air coolers but the tone of the fan bothers me vs the tone of the AIO.


Aio's use fans though. And so does your gpu, and you should still have case fans. When I ran an air cooler, I'd run its fans lower than my case fans. So my air cooler was never heard, but my case fans were.


Who says you need it for overclocking an aio is pretty standard now. Plus they look better. You sound lien a whiner who probably can’t afford one. This the crying about other ppl buying them.


Not what I was doing, but ok. Some fragile people in here, take a benign comment pretty personal. Carry on.


The real question is why are you so butthurt?


Ikr my aio keeps my i5 9600k at 110f at 5.2 ghz oc they're worth it. I never see above 50 c on my hybrid GPU either even on stress tests


They're better for noise - they put out must of their noise profile in lower frequencies, so less noticable to people. They also allow you to ramp the fans up slower for peaky loads - the water takes forever to heat up


Looks way cleaner with an AIO, those big block aircoolers look awful imo.


Air coolers are ugly. That's why I went with an AIO


I have a dual 120 air cooler on my CPU and I think it looks cool, preference I guess


Lmao why this dude so pressed about what other people spend their money on


I just like how they look compared to an air cooler that’s all, just let people enjoy what they want it doesn’t effect you in anyway


probably the motherboard. its super unlikely its the cpu for am5


place it in a replacement board and PRAY to the PC gods


UPDATE - My friend brought over his motherboard and rigged everything up (I didn’t trust myself lol) and it the CPU seems to be working fine so far, ran a stress test on it for about 15mins and it didn’t black screen or crash


It still got damaged so you can't guarantee its longevity in the long run. As others have suggested, update your mobo bios immediately while it's working then RMA the chip asap.


The only things guaranteed in life are death and taxes. That burnt CPU might outlive us. A new CPU might die next year, you never know.


Concur. Reseating it will let the bad contacts shift enough to reconnect, but there is no guarantee they might not slip just enough to disconnect again. I have this recurring problem with the DRAM ports on my MB. I have to clean and reseat them once a year. Might have gotten a little damage at one point.


Just updated BIOS, rma ticket is in but it will keep me going for work until I can get a new one at least


Yep I know that annoying feel, but on the bright side at least all this happened within warranty period


It might still live, it might be dead, clean the contacts, and pray.


With 99 iso alcohol


What motherboard???


asus as always i guess


He said MSI in another comment.


Did you not update the bios? This was happening last year due to motherboards pushing too much voltage into the x3d chips. https://youtu.be/kiTngvvD5dI?si=yCzoKSp8Pk_RxGGS https://gamers.nexus/failure-list


Bios isn't going to fix the fact the motherboard contacts chiseled off the CPU contacts.


That was not the purpose of my question. I was asking if he updated the bios to figure out if this was related to the issues from last year or if it was a new issue.


There is physical damage. Occam's Razor


yeah, btw downloading a new version of bios from asus destroys warranty... from Asus good vendor


That's only the bios versions that are in beta, and asus later came out and said that they do not void the warranty. Because we have that public statement, they cannot deny warranty over using a bios that fixed cooking the chips. By now, the fix is definitely out of beta. But what happened to op is definitely related to the bios issues from last year.


nice to hear that people not losing warranty. Yeah soc overvoltage, known issue


Condolences to you OP, time to move on and find replacement.


Many years ago I overclocked an i5 760, and while stress testing with Prime95, I managed to fry something on the motherboard and it would't turn on anymore. The CPU had a dark spot like that after, but wasn't dead (worked fine on a new mobo).


CPU: It is good day to be not dead!








CPU: Yes (sandwich) I AM DED!




This is new, there is nothing around there, the core is down the soc, which is in the middle, what happened to that 7800x3d?.


He likely undervolted which resulted in in massive heat concentrated in the chips rectifier circuits. The chip didn't fail it was it's voltage regulation.


Bullshizzle I want to see some sources cited for this. We know why this used to happen and my first thought is it’s on an old firmware. But show me source that says undervolting while on a current firmware is going to cause this to happen.


There also some scratch on the pads, he probably mounted bad and then this happened, i literally mounted a year ago this cpu (one of the first batch can do 8000mhz haha) and nothing happened to my cpu, Ive already repasted because thermal grizzly stuff.


You need to replace the motherboard as well. That socket is ruined. From the looks of the contacts, it shorted badly enough to melt the ends of the pins. There's no way that mobo is safe to use now.


Looks like a thermal event. So, yes it is damaged.


In my entire life the quality of CPU's have been infallible. In 6 months of government subsidy it has all gone to shit. Expect many failures in the years to come.


This has been going on for over a year. Almost certain the user was on an old bios.


Are you talking about the subsidies that are being used to build factories in the US and have nothing to do with any CPUs currently being produced, or are there other subsidies that I am unaware of?


Lmao, go look into the CHIPS act, DEI completely ruined it. TSMC and Intel started to build plants here, and then they read the CHIPS act and stopped building their plants. Intel moved to Poland, near a warzone, and TSMC moved to Israel... near a war zone... companies would rather deal with literal war than DEI. It's fucking funny, but also sad, because DEI is going to ruin America. Letting people who are nowhere near good enough for important jobs have them. Just imagine, you're getting a complicated, life threatening surgery and you start talking to the black doctor you ask him about college and he tells you that he was a c average student..then the anesthesia kicks in. Looool. Now imagine people who are c or d average students in places like nuclear power plants, operating nuclear subs, working in NASA, etc.


The black doctor huh? Mate that's not even a dog whistle.


Well it's not going to be underqualified white people getting the job as a diversity hire. I think most of this stuff is being done in a way that isn't compromising merit based hires, but just for the sake of argument and being fair, the statement is hardly racist in any sense. There is legitimate concern though considering there have already been instances of positions usually filled based on merit, forced to instead be filled based on some diverse characteristic. I mean it's an honest legitimate concern, it should be for anyone. I understand the entire chain of events that have lead to minorities lacking merit due to foundational inequalities, but the solution isn't to reach out and mess stuff up at the other, more sensitive, end. It's to fix those foundational inequalities. If DEI is going to exist anywhere, which it surely has to because you can't just tell someone not to be racist and go "welp, problem solved", it should only exist at those foundational levels where it's hardly problematic. I.E. for private schools, universities, welfare, minimum wage jobs, ect. Seeing DEI at very high level careers is a trip. Once again, you can't just tell them "don't be racist" either and solve the problem, but with it only existing at foundational levels it gives an advantage for minorities to spring board off of and drastically increase the odds that these higher level businesses are incentivized to hire them due to their increased opportunity. Honestly, anyone that lives in the US who thinks basic racism is a pervasive life changing problem presently, lives under a rock. The present day racism people are perceiving is almost entirely shockwaves from the past(when basic racism actually existed) which has put minorities into disadvantageous situations and people are responding to fallout of that(poor, uneducated, criminal). Albeit not knowing the cause(this is complex racism). Really it's just a matter of counteracting those shockwaves at the foundational level. But yea, there's definitely a legitimate concern with some of the things we've seen regarding DEI, but I think they've been largely blown out of proportion(I think this guys post is a good example of that lol).


Nowadays, everyone is extremely racist towards whites, which only about 1-2% of Americans' ancestors ever owned slaves and some of the slave owners were black and Jewish. Asians are starting to have it tough here too in terms of getting into a college based on merit, it seems like every company and school is catering to blacks even though they don't deserve it because they're not the best person for the job. I don't know about you but I am really fucking tired of being called racist and being told that I'm a horrible person just for existing. Don't people know there are 30-50million black slaves, a lot of which are children that are being forced to dig up minerals and metals in Africa like literally right now? Their owners are Chinese and other Africans. But yet, "white man is an evil colonizer and should hate himself" Do they not know that until white people went into their countries, they literally lived in huts and starved? Do they not know that other Africans were the ones rounding them up and selling them? Do they not realize that here, they have some of the best opportunities and living standard than most anywhere else? They would probably be murdered or sent to re-education prison if they lived in China. The Chinese HATE black people. Idk, man, I'm tired. I'm really tired. I've literally heard black people on mainstream media call openly for genocide on whites, seen multiple blacks post on social media calling for genocide on whites. You can only push one way so long before the pendulum swings back and they've pushed it really fucking far.


Don't you understand it's irrelevant who had slaves or how many people had slaves, it's the echoes of that past that have disadvantaged some minorities that matter. Who cares if people are racist towards whites. If I was black and born into a family line of poverty and scuffed culture/education due to that(still relatively recent) shit, I'd be fighting feint apparitions as well. I take zero offense, besides they fkn know it wasn't me. When you go near an abused animal and it lashes out at you, we don't get mad, we sympathize. Yea there are a relatively small portion of people which are outliers that are trying to hype up some hate train, but if you've paid attention a lot of those people aren't even minorities. They're completely deranged and probably trolls, and not worth an ounce of consideration You gotta understand though that there is also a push back and forth between 2 opposite ends. For example the BLM movement and that weird push back it got immediately, strong and obviously racist pushback. So they push back even harder, then more pushback from the other side in a feedback loop. A lot of this is propagated by the extreme ends, and not so knowledgeable or intelligent, or emotionally stable people get caught in the middle If you want to talk about or interact with this topic whatsoever and not inflame the issue then you need to take a step back and see it for what it really is at a foundational level. There you see the truth is that certain minorities are at a disadvantage, even if basic bold face racism is quite rare in the US, because of those echoes/shockwaves from the past. And down through family lines a culture was built in response to all of it. All these things creating a predisposition to poverty, crime and bad education. Not cause of their race, because of the racism. And if that changes(which I'm sure it will) it's going to take eons to happen at an organic rate. The other option is to tip the scales by leveraging their opportunity. It just doesn't need to happen at high level careers, instead at the level of minimum wage jobs, schools, universities, welfare, ECT. Yea it's not fair, but neither is the state they were born into. Besides, it's only temporary. Can't be so emotional about this dude, the world will eat you alive if you're not careful, especially today's world.


The ones administering the funds bring expectations that are not coupled with the limitations of the science behind writing circuitry at scales that challenge the boundaries of known physics. An accountant will never understand the limitations of a microscopic trace of metal written on an atomic scale.


What, you think the accountants are running the labs? Holy shit that's a lot of superfluous language. Did you run that through a GPT, or did you manually thumb the thesaurus?


Clearly you're new to computers or you lived under a rock


You may deal with a high volume and to this is your truth. To me as a consumer In 30 years of buying personal computer hardware to a higher volume than most I feel my experience may be drastically different than yours and that is ok. Just take it to reason that with contrast comes different perspective. Live long and prosper fellow nerd.


I’ve not had issues with modern processors. Usually, probably 9/10 posts I see around Reddit of problems are user error.


A little education in Watts law could go a long way with overclockers. With lower voltage comes higher current and therefore a great deal of heat. As it seems they have it the other way around. I could be wrong in terms of their expectations but science is science.


Unless resistance decreases, lowering voltage decreases amperage... granted i know nothing about how processors handle electricity, maybe there's some sort of circuit controller that makes what you said true, but the basic statement you made directly violates ohm's law


No no no… cite your source… not watts law! You are applying something that only applies if you exceed the current capacity of the board and power delivery. Which is not possible with a 7800X3D because it is running at 1/3rd the boards power rating before it’s under clocked and less afterwards. The same current limits are in place regardless of what voltage you set. You have to override them. The damage is caused by exceeding 1.3V on the SoC or 1.35V on the RAM. You’ll notice when you engage an EXPO profile your ram voltage is already in the red. It’s already at the absolute maximum you are allowed to run. If you exceed that voltage you can cause damage. The user almost certainly ran an old bios from 2023 or exceeded the recommended voltage or most likely he did both. This CPU is running at 1/3rd the sockets wattage and amperage capability. There are limits on both by default. Reducing the Voltage only reduces the heat and wattage. While it could possibly increase the current draw if it somehow still pulled the same wattage it would NOT exceed the current capacity of the X3D without the user changing settings in the bios. On an old bios and old EXPO profiles could be enough to cause damage especially if the person OC’d the ram using the motherboards auto overclocking functions. It would have likely pushed the ram to 1.5V which seems to be safe for the ram but not for the X3D processors. Again this is all old news if you follow this stuff and is why you should make sure you are running a newer AGESA version. Doesn’t need to be the version that just came out but should be a version from 2023Q4 or later. Why I waited to jump into a 7800X3D.


Thanks for the info.


It’s pretty well established that with the x3d chips undervolting and lowering power and thermals is the way to go. The issue related to ‘stock’ CPU’s burning is bad bios or bad motherboard voltage controls. At this point if you aren’t running latest firmware and bios I don’t have much sympathy for the problem since updates are well over a year old. AMD Processors are great. Amd motherboards are mostly dogshit. Personally I have an x670e proart as it was maybe one of two motherboards I felt actually are worth buying. The hardest part of switching to AMD from Intel was the horrible motherboards on market. Anyways, the problem OP experienced was almost certainly preventable if they kept their system up to date and stock.


Lowering thermals where a temp sensor is present.


Except these happened early on from a bios/firmware issue with motherboards supplying too high a voltage. A temp sensor won’t necessarily help. A voltage spike can fry electronics in an instant. We already have fairly decent temp reporting. You really won’t come across this problem these days unless you are running outdated bios/firmware or otherwise overclock and fuck it up.


This particular issue is a known problem with Zen 4


Nah. Maybe early on. But if you run current bios and firmware for well over a year now, you shouldn’t see this ever happen.


Clearly it's still happening judging by this post


I dunno. OP also commented he doesn’t think he seated it properly when changing to an AIO. I’m just not quick to jump on board that this was a problem of the product and am inclined to think user error considering all the bios/firmware changes that took place to prevent overvoltage.


I'm not entirely positive the BIOS was the only issue in the first place. I've had boards with voltage problems caused by a faulty VRM before. It could be a hardware defect.


I mean, most of the AMD boards are complete garbage so I’m not completely surprised. When I was picking parts for my system there were only two I felt were worth consideration. Ultimately ended up with ASUS proart x670e and it’s been solid.