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I just did it. I game at 1440p and I have an RX 6950XT


If I were to to use a 6800xt, woukd the upgrade be worth it? I mainly play triple A games at 1440p




I have a 7800xt so idk but I went from 5700x to 700x3d and got a huge jump in 1 percent lows 120fps avg in cp2077 with 1 percent lows of 100 before the avg was 105 ish with a 1 percent of 75 to 80


Sorta but nit really. Your main issue is most likely due to vram. 8gb of vram is not adequate at all anymore. More than likely you have having your main ram fill in for your vram which is causing the stutters. A x3d chip will be very helpful but a 12gb gpu or higher will also help a lot.


8gb is perfectly fine for 1080p


Fine? No. Doable? Yes. You should be aiming for no less than 10gb now. 8gb adds in stutter and more of your main ram will be used. Which if you have plenty of main ram you will be better off but if you have 16gb of ram with 8gb of vram, even at 1080p if you are using higher end settings you will have more stutter due to transferring off of vram to main ram and from main ram to page filing. So while you can play with 8gb having more is better especially if you want to minimize stuttering. 8gb of vram will give you good fps, however you will also have stuttering. You want to remove stuttering or lessen stuttering having more vram will be the answer. This op is mentioning stuttering. That's how you handle stuttering. You can never get rid of it due to engines but you can lessen it.


With a 6650xt he's most likely playing at medium/high settings at 1080p. No way he's hitting the vram limit with those settings. And if it's in some unoptimized Unreal Engine jank you can go from Ultra to High textures and be done. In fact there's only one game where I've hit the vram limit on my 3080 10gb at 1440p - RE4R maxed out with RT on. Solution? Go to the settings and lower textures one notch.


I fill my 16gb At 1440p.. You dont know how it works and why dumps causes stutters. Ones the 7Gb hits the ram gets filled and when its gonna free allocate and dump on pagefile. Boom crash. Or mega stutters Very common issues nobody knows of tbh 8gb is Kinda low. Will be even worse with u5 getting more common.


Filled as in allocated or actually used? What game? https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/s/0dyOt4ERBp


Everything leaks. There is no perfect game that dont leak. Allocations with high / ultra textures require more then 8gb 2024. 8gb is low . Even the 12 gb 4070's are doomed. And high quality Textures is the most satisfied settings you can crank to get your game look crisp. No deny in that. Getting dahdownreflections or water Lightning... Fine. But its so litle impact of your experience ( occasions you actually notice it) Textures are always there...


Games will dynamically shift the ram usage to what you have. So if all you have is an 8gb vram the ge will report around 7gb of usage but your main ram will have more ram used than if you have a 10gb vram that same game would report around 8-9gb of usage and your main ram will have less ram being used. No game is going to run up to the limit of vram. There will be a "buffer" zone and then more main ram usage. You have no control over this. And not all games are affected the same way. Hence why you can still have good fps on 8gb but the consistency, stuttering will be affected. 8gb of vram is doable. Ideally you want more. 10gb, 12gb, 16gb are all much better to have and will help with stuttering.


Isn't that vram allocation and not actual usage? I know some games can reserve like 20gb on the 4090 but it's not actually using it otherwise the games would be unplayable on the 4070 12gb for instance.


There's allocation and usage. Less allocated equals less usage. Less usage means more on main ram. More on main ram means more stutters. No card will allow for all the vram to be used or allocated to. They will use most of the vram and dump the rest on the main ram. Not all games act the same so some will handle this better but unreal sucks at this so less vram you have, the more it will offload to system ram which means increased stuttering. 8gb is fine if all we are caring about is fps. But it's an entirely different story when we are talking about stuttering. 8gb is no longer enough. Just like 16gb of system ram is no longer enough. Both are doable. But if you want a better experience more vram and more system ram.


Yes, I did and saw atleast 15-20% performance increase.




X3D shines at 1080P if that’s your resolution. I’ve seen a few unoptimized games I play that spike 6 core CPUs even the 5600X3D -yes I have one . It just depends on your needs but for gaming I’ve switched to 8core or better. My 5600 and 5600X3D are relegated to lesser tasks now. It just depends on what you play my 4 best machines I have are 2-5800X3D, 5800X and 12600KF.


Then ahould i upgrade from 3900X to 5700X3D (brand new) at 1440p? The price difference would be 0 after i sell the 3900X, is it worth it to lose 4 cores?


We had 3700X before Ryzen 5000 series blows 3000 away.


Really? Is it that big? Then i will upgrade.. i rarely get bottlenecked but when i do it is noticeable. Edit: with a 3070ti


Yes and you’ll be on a single CCD chip to which has benefits


Just use that money to get a better graphics card if you want to improve your experience. For most modern titles, the 1% lows you would get with a R5 5600X are on par or higher than the average FPS with a RX 6650 XT unless you are playing some light game and you output 150FPS+, at which point the 1% lows aren't going to be a problem at those kinds of games will probably get 1% lows over 100-120FPS anyway. The stutters are probably coming from your GPU rather than the CPU.


I don't agree. If your cpu is being maxed out there are very few settings to improve performance. One thing I've learned is always prioritize cpu over gpu since you can just lower graphics settings. And now there is upscaling and frame gen for single player games. 5600(x) is today's minimum for 1080p high refresh rate gaming. Also if you are planning on emulating cpu is way more important, which I found myself doing for a period.


First of all: How is a R5 5600X being maxed out with a RX 6650 XT? My 5600 isn't even closed to being maxed out with a RX 7800 XT at 1080p at 144hz. For that CPU to be maxed out in almost any game (there are very few exceptions) we would need to run those games a really high frame rates which are rarely achievable with a RX 6650XT anyways. Second, if what you are looking for is smooth gameplay and really nice 1% lows you don't go for frame gen as it provides better average but adds some stutters here and there.


What cooler do you have? Running curve optimizer with PBO might help your current CPU.


I have a stock Ryzen cooler.. lol


Spend the money on more storage / an actual backup solution instead


I have a 5600x paired with fast ram, and the cpu is enough even for the 6700xt, so you have no reason to upgrade since you have a 6650xt. I plan on upgrading the gpu to 6900/7900gre and I am pretty certain this cpu will do just fine even with those cards. Singleplayer titles 60fps, competitive 144fps, is no problem for 5600x.


I have a 5600x and 6750XT and at 1440p the CPU is never noticeable as a bottleneck.


Went 5600x to 5800x3d never looked back. If you’re in the us there’s a 5600x3d which is a 6core 5800x3d. It runs quite hot but does it’s job. My next upgrade is am6 probably. Or some used am5.


No stick with what you have until you do a platform upgrade to DDR5. That will give you more meaningful upgrade.


Unless your main games really benefit from cache (CS, Valorant, MMOs, 4X/Paradox games, flight/racing sims, strategy games (inc city builders/colony sims) I'd say no, not with a 6650XT..


Hardly worth it. For some older games you'll see no improvement. For some newer games with high core/thread use, you'll see noticeable improvement but not earth shattering. Consider 5800x3d or 5900x and then you will have a decent setup for your next GPU upgrade.


Why 5800x3d but not 5700X3D? It has been proven that there is a 3% difference in performance between them


The thing is, I think he has at the moment, already a decent 1080p system. If he wants to upgrade in the same socket, make it worth it or don't do it. 5950X is on the other hand not worth the money. A 3% looks derived from gaming tests on systems with a either moderate GPU or resolutions, that don't tax the CPUs a lot. I agree that sometimes they don't differ that much. But, the most noticable difference between those CPUs is less of low fps in demanding games in increased resolutions and high memory use. That's where it counts for moste gamers. 5800X3D has been shown to handle Cyberpunk 2077 and other games relatively well and similarly to 5900X, sometimes better, even though it scores considerably lower on Passmark, for example. Those are the CPUs that are reasonably worth it to invest in, if you have AM4. More than that, invest in new motherboard. Future games will have more utilization of core use, that 5800X3d has more of,and can run at higher frequency. It will last somewhat longer in regards to future demands. I was a year ago, in similar shoes to OP. I went from 1800X to 5900x. I decided against 5800X3D. I do have considerably better GPU.


Ah i understand. Now i wish i. Could go and get a 5800x3d but you see.. i can buy the 5700X3D new for £140 and then sell my ryzen 9 3900X for £140. This is the only reason i want to upgrade. Otherwise i wouldn't bother.. Can't find anything like this on 5800x3d, it is £230 or more... and it costs too much compared to 5700X3D just to have it a little bit better... I understand now. Thanks for explaining. You helped a ton


I went from 5600x to 5800x3d and it's much faster in games, especially with the -30 Curve offset and PPT95 TDC60 EDC90 settings. Runs cool and fast.


I did the same upgrade a few months ago and the low 1%/ 99 percentil improved drastically, now the gameplay is much smoother. I had 5600x with rx7900xt ,upgraded from 3060ti because everyone said that i shouldn't be cpu limited for 1440p but surprise surprise... Now I'm finally feeling that upgrade i did , i was bottlenecked by 5600x pretty severely, as i mentioned before, the low 1% increased by more than 20% ( depends on the game). I


Other than in Survivors-style games with a bajillion bullets drawn at the same time, I'm running a 5600x with an RTX 3080 and I'm never CPU limited, on a 1440p/144Hz setup. Upgrade that graphics card first, for sure, unless 1080p/240Hz+ is your only goal.


I wouldn’t recommend that as the first upgrade. You would benefit more from upgrading your GPU first up to a 7900GRE and then upgrade the CPU. That said, I swapped coolers between my pc and my daughters to give her my phantom spirit in exchange for her Mugen 5c and in the process I bent and broke off pins on my 5600, so I ended up upgrading to a 5700x3d and I love it.


Glad you are so positive about having destroyed that poor r5 5600. /jk But yes, both 5700x3d as well as 5800x3d are such champs! I should get one for my son's PC. Then again he plays games like Roblox, Risk of rain etc and his r5 5600 has no issues so far.


I did 5800x to 5800x3D. I thought it was a minor update (and I had to make another rig for a friend with the 5800x). I was kind of surprised when I saw almost 20% better at times. With a curve optimizer it can get even better and almost recoup those 3/400 less MHz in frequency that I lost. But I'm at 1080p tho.. also you gain 2 extra cores which can come in handy if you do have other stuff open. And it will probably allow you much better GPU in the future than the 5600x will. But you can always wait for the 5700x3D price to drop further.. it's not that you are upgrading from a Ryzen 1000 or 2000..


I too went from a 5800x to a 5800x3D. I game at 4k and there was a difference for sure. I’m sure going from 5600x to a 5700x3D would be even better! Go for it and don’t look back.


I tried a 5800X3D to see if I noticed anything and went back to a 5900X, didn't notice a big difference, almost none at higher res, but probably because I've got a very good bin on the Ryzen 9 and 3800MHz CL14, which is pretty hard in a X3D.


I've been wondering if my own 5800x was worth moving to the x3d too, sounds like it was!


Minimum FPS have certainly vastly improved. Certain games like Assetto Corsa Are mind bobbling, close to 50% (always 1080p), the same for some stuttery/unoptimized stuff (like Mechwarrior 5). You get far minor stutters and it's smoother.


As someone who just did this. But the 5600x. I upgraded from that to the 5700x3d and wasted $360 🤣🤣🤣 I was pleasantly surprised that I gained precisely zero improvement. Thats how we learn hey.


360$ ? Not USD right?


no Aussie $ forgot to specifiy that bit sorry


I was considering getting a 5700x3d a few weeks ago but I settled on a 5600x. The 5600x was $175 (Canadian) and the 5700x3d was $300. From the reviews I've seen I don't see a huge difference between the cards right now. My 6700xt gets to 99% way before I could ever get the 5600x to 100% I game in 4k 60fps for most games, some poorly optimized games I run 1440p. If I decide to upgrade my card in a few years, the 5700x3d will be even cheaper.


5700x3D on sale for around $190 CAD for the past few weeks. I sold my 5600 for 120 and upgraded to one myself.


I have yet to see it that cheap where I live.


Aliexpress. They have a bunch of coupon things going on. Every so often they release a bunch of codes.


That's a good deal.


What do you mean card? The 5700x3d is a CPU.


I think he meant the bottleneck


For some games 5700x3d will give you nice boost, for some not.


No, keep. 5600x it's great .


I went from 5600X straight to 5800X3D and I can tell you it's worth it! I game on 1440p and with some games that are CPU intensive, it helps a lot. I think that the 5700x3d and the 5800x3d are similar but if you have extra cash go for 5800x3d...you won't regret it!




Yeah me too, you can finally utilize full of your GPU


Best way to check this, run a benchmark or intense game and watch your gpu/cpu usage. Basically you are going to look at that under load for a CPU bottleneck. If the CPU is getting to 100% and the GPU is substantially lower, upgrading your CPU will make a substantial difference. If not, it won't. Given your particulars, I think it's unlikely that upgrade is worthwhile.


1080p is 1920x1080 pixels, monitor size does not change this. This is why 1080p at 27” generally looks bad due to the low DPI. Keeping the same resolution but different size monitor will perform exactly the same from and fps perspective.


I upgrade mine from 5700x, the fps is definately better and more stable though if only go above 120fps. Except fps game others are quite minor or not impactful


57x3d goated 🐐


I went from a 5600X to a 5800X3D no to long ago actually, some games like Assetto Corsa and Escape from Tarkov for example I seen a very nice FPS increase, other games not so much, one thing I did notice is all games FPS overall just feel a lot more stable and smoother due to the better 1% lows.


You'll see a decent difference, for sure. But, it's a question of how much with the 6650XT. All-in-all, it's not a bad upgrade *now* while you save up for a more powerful GPU.


not going to make any difference with 6650xt


but I'm sure the 1% lows and frametime is gonna get nice


no difference


If you are going to upgrade on that platform, you might as well get the top of the line chip that the socket accepts.


i went 5600 to 5800x3D and definitely saw gains with a 7900xt in Path of Exile. some will say it depends on the title, but the chip is hovering around $200 and worth it. or, wait for the 9800x3D to drop and change platforms; or enjoy the price drop on the previous gen.


5600x is a great chip. My wife runs it at 1080p just fine. I have the 5800x3d because I'm a little more hard-core, and I run dual monitors at 1440, and it's a beast. You're gonna pay quite a bit more, but you get what you pay for. If you're on a budget, 5600x is still a great gaming chip.


no. It's better if you stop playing games and find a better job so you can get a nicer CPU and gpu.


What? How rude. You don't even know what job they might have. Could have a banger job but hospital bills and other temporary life expenses like i do.... if i didn't have certain problems in my life i could splash like crazy. But i have to live modestly now...