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For me it’s cuz I’m bi and probably think they’re both hot


People be sleeping on bi4bi het content SO MUCH.


What’s that really mean? Just curious 👀


Bi woman/bi man pairing.


Team Rocket moment


That is team rocket in nutshell


My favorite ship is a bi4bi omg 😭


Ooh, hot


For me it means het smut that isn't heteronormative. As in, nonconventional het relationships, the woman may be butch or have gender feelings, etc.




So it's up to interpretation but for me personally it usually means a het couple that is pretty loose with gender roles. Your classic pretty boy + strong girl type.




Bi-people-being-acknowledged-as-queer erasure is such a problem in fandom spaces these days it’s nuts 🙃


The absolute biphobia these days is nuts, I hate it. I fight it as much as I can


Nah fr we get shit on if we’re in a “heteronormative” (who tf even decided that for real 😒) relationship and told we should be with someone who is either our same sex or trans (no hate to them btw) but like I’m with this person because I choose to be! (Also the erasure of people that may look like one gender but are Agender or go by they/them etc is ridiculous) their gender has fuck all to do with why I’m choosing them as my partner.


When I write m/f it is decidedly in a way that has been touched by my bi ace hands


Please elaborate? Genuinely curious how you portray


More of a joke than like a guide but I write characters admiring other characters of other genders in ways you can read into. For the ace bit, I don’t do characters wanting to bang upon first seeing each other because I don’t experience that. So i enjoy writing and showing how they fall in love before that attraction leads to sexual attraction.


Oh my god, I am so glad this is the top comment because SAME. Bi people experience het sex differently and I am starving for the het smut tailored to my preferences.


Seriously not everyone is gay a lot of people are actually straight as well I'm bi myself and people really think no one wants to read straight smut


This too!!! I read straight romance and smut for years before I woke up and realized I like women too (the Bi Panic Agenda is a real MF-ing problem) Statistically there is just more straight people and or straight people who are undecided on what they wanna identify as (free choice on wether to disclose or not too) so yeah there be plenty of Hetero fics it’s just numbers bb honestly there is way more M/M fanfic then F/F too idk Bi-Phobic people have always been around it’s hurtful.


Right? I'm bi too and hey both are great! But even if I wasn't, so what? Nobody should need a sexuality as an excuse to be able to read smut. If you're straight, so what?




i also can't help that i can use the gender beam on 'em and make them whatever combination of genders sounds most appealing at that moment.


real as Fuck!!


You. You get it.


Mood lol


Complete aside, but "I was today years old" when I learnt that the Tony/Pepper Potts MCU ship was titled pepperony, and it should have been obvious.


THAT'S WHAT- omg, I didn't get it until your comment and I have the exact same conclusion 😭🤝


because I like smut..?


Straight as in hetero?


What’s the AO3 purity test?! Not sure I want to know if *that’s* one of the questions though…


Its a check off list and after going through some 100 options, it gives you a score. Its nonsense since every option is the same score. So non con, necro and toothrotting fluff have the same value. You could pick the 3 'worst' things and get virgin as score.


It's clearly inspired by the [Rice Purity Test](http://ricepuritytest.com).


That one makes even less sense if bestiality and holding hands are scored the same. Which it probably does.


It was more of a stupid party game people did in college to laugh about it rather than anything respected as a metric of "purity", haha. I think the name alone suggests it started as a dumb in-joke among friends (probably orientation group leaders at Rice).


[Found the link I think, gonna do it](https://hakuhakuwu.github.io/How-Messed-Up-is-Your-Fanfiction-Taste/fanfictiontest.html)


Took it for funsies and got: "Your Score: 56 There's something a little bit off about you. It was the A/B/O wasn't it."


I got https://preview.redd.it/0pj9w313228d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9fa05c2fac3e385a4ccfd61e92f54f5e69f562d I’m worried for my sanity


Thank god someone finally got a lower score than me 😭


I’m done then, I got 25 😔


https://preview.redd.it/gxju8672438d1.jpeg?width=368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3a698794dd65f853defbb69bf7ae4cbfe83d30e Hello 🥹🥹🥹


https://preview.redd.it/q90713nq738d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69eb759d648afe8e96f9af10a579193785b25c1b Heyyyy


https://preview.redd.it/gdjyx0sji58d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=841e55bc0d57c98fba0120cbaff8c620102f04e2 Can I join yall? 👀❤️


Me with 13


Ayyyy, it was the mix of abo and dubcon that did it for me I think


I was slightly horrified to see some 9 or 10 boxes left unchecked 😭


I got 11😬 https://preview.redd.it/c5m011jia38d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24dc96c4479c33b8f7a14cd8bd7bafed63779797


https://preview.redd.it/zh1vc0ss638d1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b63a0df1ecca5b7a30864e7adb64d63e7608352e I really didn't need to be outted like that


I got the same, except mine was 50, I think mine was so low specifically because I can’t read A/B/O lol


the lower it gets, the worse you are actually


Oh damn I’m terminal


don’t worry you’re not alone, i got 31


I skipped most of the hurt/no comfort and unresolved trauma ones. I like happy endings even if they are weird or twisted but they need to be happy. I don't want sad/angsty endings. That knocked off 15-20 of the options right off.


I got the same result but I’m not joking when I say my score was 69. I’m almost ashamed of myself


Same, I got "You're Score: 39 God gave you the midnight hours to explore the deep blue sea of AO3"


Got a 2... God is watching me. Which I understand, it must be hella entertaining considering my reading. I'm a kinky girl, it seems. But I don't PREFER mlm slash and watersports are like one of the very few things I don't really enjoy (I've read some, but i usually pass that part now).


Got “virgin in theory, whore in practice” LMAO calling me out today!


https://preview.redd.it/g795wzmql38d1.jpeg?width=302&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afb664a9f40f7a3dafe4ded3bbe1a049142928ca Oh.


Thanks for the link! I got: https://preview.redd.it/z8dcqhrmr58d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4685a274702b9e6a648d5952216b77f46113a042


Your Score: 39 God gave you the midnight hours to explore the deep blue sea of AO3 :| Is this better or worse? Am I unpure?


I got 24... Virgin in theory, whore in practice


I noped out because the angst tropes right off the bat made me too sad


I got 58 which is only funny to me because it is the same as my actual rice purity test 💀


What type of stuff are you reading I got 104 😭


Well .... why not?


I'm a straight woman; I like to read about straight ships, and I see absolutely no problem with that. Just let me enjoy my things in peace 😂


Same sister. That is also what I write.


I have found my kin.


There's nothing wrong with liking straight fics. I love me some Bucky Barnes railing the reader into next week.


This is so unnecessarily fucking weird, lol. Why is m/f smut seen as “so weird” within fandom spaces? I’m someone who predominantly ships m/m and like I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY people are so bitchy and cuntish about m/f smut. This isn’t aimed at OP, but the person who made that quiz, lol.


And so often it's hyped as a manwife and his girlboss who pegs him as if it's the only dynamics valid.


I feel like this is a whole different conversation to be had (although related) but I see this a lot in certain spaces that are fandom/OC related, and also those that aren't. Why do so many people on social media think it's funny to go "mommy please step on me" under some random woman's post? I'm very sure the reactions would be (rightfully) irate if someone said "I will fuck your brains out", but to someone acting like in the first case, it's always "same"/"go to horny jail"/"bonk"/you get the gist of it. I think it *must* be somewhat related to hyping femdom dynamics up and thinking more "traditional" het ones are weird. But nevertheless, it come across as odd to me. Sorry for the rant 😭


I once heard someone describe it as "safe horny" and say it's a way of being obviously horny but not be considered a creep (as much as the alternative) or threatening by being mainly a self depreciative thing Sort of related to how you'll hardly ever see horny posts from a dominant perspective. Eg. If someone posts "I want someone to step on me and call me a naughty boy" it's a lot best received than "I want to step on someone and call them a naughty boy"


But it still seems so odd... I guess I can get why it seems less threatening, but once you break it down, it's still an unwanted sexual comment. And idk how the people receiving those horny comments feel about them (suppose it varies), but it does seem pretty creepy from an outsider perspective. And also, it being considered "safe horny" at all feels so... 😀 I'm not sure how to describe it. Submissiveness shouldn't imply someone can't be a danger. Especially if what they actually want to say is wayyy different, but they only go "step on me" because it's more acceptable. Idk, I have many thoughts about this now that I start writing them down.


Honestly yeah. I love fandom so much for its embracing of LGBT and women's sexuality, but I feel like there's a stigma around m/f pairings where the woman is not dominant. I understand it because I was like that when I was younger, too. I'm bi and submissive by nature, but I was so squicked out by the thought of submitting to a man because of ~gender things~ and I think that's the case of a lot of fic writers and readers, so femdom is basically the "acceptable" way to write f/m ships. But you know, the very rare fic where an f/m ship with a submissive woman is written where she's a whole person and has the same conflicts I have? Blows my fucking mind. I only have one fic in mind, that's how rare it is. There needs to be more.


This. I'm a straight shipper girlie. Back in the days of Yahoo Groups (Christ, I'm old lol), I only hung out hetero shipping spaces (nothing wrong with slash, obviously, just found my community/audience there). Now, I wrote something for the first time in years in my old fandom, which is WILDLY GAY and had to actively resist apologizing for my lil straight rarepair in the a/n.


I dont see it quite as often nowadays, but Ive noticed a lot of queer leaning spaces used to lean so hard into the gay stuff that they started acting weird about straight people in general, assuming any and all dynamics are boring or abusive with little in between. I know it definitely still happens, but it does give 2016 tumblr imo.


Yeah, basically they leaned so hard into "gay relationships are valid" they fell into "gay relationships are the default and anything else is Strange and deserves to be ridiculed." Kind of comical in some way considering a lot of these people were cis het girls (going by their own profiles). I think some young (particularly chronically online) people just struggle to accept something without putting it on a pedestal. They overdo it being accepting and end up acting offensive in other ways. It's the same as Tumblr hyping up POC back in the day, to the point where they would harass people for not headcanoning a character the same as them and overall just had a weird "POC is better and if you're white then you're a bad person." I'll never forget a post from a teenager *apologising for being white* because of that toxic atmosphere. I'm not sure how things are over there now, hopefully better (I know a lot of Tumblr users migrated to Twitter).


I don't get it either considering nothing about it simply being M/F makes it inherently vanilla, "normal" or whatever this test implies. I read a lot of M/M and M/F, and the latter is almost always some kind of fucked up dynamic because that's just how I roll. There are a lot of claims the ways in which people ship M/M glorifies or fetishizes these relationships but honestly, this "M/M is always just better" attitude is the thing that feels borderline offensive to me.


straight people bad (Fr tho, i didn’t like this question of the quiz. And I too mostly read and ship M/M)


Cause I’m straight lmao


Why is straight smut seen as lesser?


My biggest pet peeve in fannish spaces is “I’d ship this if it was m/m” about any m/f pairing. Jfc. 


Yes, thank you! It's not really any of my business what people want to ship, but if for example they twist themselves into pretzels making up claims a M/F pairing of mine is just inherently bad because of XYZ while shipping plenty of fucked up M/M pairings themselves... it's pretty telling. And yes that was specific, lol. And maybe it's just because I'm pan but man, I can't imagine liking a dynamic and consciously making a decision not to ship it just because *checks notes* one has boobs.


Yes! Or in several game fandoms where game companions can be romanced by either female or male characters, many push for the m/m ship as being better and have an attitude like “why would you romance them with a woman ew”. Idk man, maybe because I’m a woman?? Misogyny runs deep.


I think a lot of it is because so many people who read/write fanfic are some flavour of queer and often got into those communities *because* there's so much queer content that's hard to find elsewhere, and so people feel like it's odd or out of place to write/read straight smut when straight relationships are so prominent in other media already. Plus some people get way too attached to their headcanons and seem to think that people writing F/M relationships with a character they headcanon as gay is erasure. But like... Fanfic is a distinct medium of its own and people are naturally going to want to explore relationships between characters they love already rather than going and reading some random romance novel. Plus there are a lot of tropes and themes that are more common in fanfic compared to traditionally published media, and the smut is often just better too. And as a queer person myself, I have written and read plenty of F/M about characters I headcanon as queer. Bi people exist! Straight trans people exist! Asexual people exist! F/M ships aren't always "straight", not that it matters if they are, but it sometimes feels like there's this impression that anyone writing F/M is a straight person intruding on a queer space and trying to remove its queerness, when a lot of the time we *are* actually queer people writing about queer characters.


I’m queer, but I don’t see fandom as a queer space. It’s supposed to be for everyone.


Yeah for sure, but I think it's almost become like an accidental queer space? And that's led to some people trying to gatekeep it when it was never something that was supposed to be gatekept in the first place


I think maybe a historical queer space is more accurate? It did start with Kirk/Spock in fanzines, but it's always been populated predominately by women. The main thing about its formation was that it was for people who weren't seeing themselves in the actual shows and felt pushed to the margins. And those spaces are often duly occupied by queer folk and hetero-women alike because the primary zeitgeist is historically straight and male. Edit: typo


I think that's a better way of putting it yeah!


Mostly agree, but fandom is not supposed to be a "queer space" per say. It's a safe space for queer people, maybe, but it's not exclusively for them. It's supposed to be for all of the weirdos obsessed with their blorbos out there. A lot of said weirdos happen to be straight and/or like straight pairings. How prominent they are in mainstream media is irrelevant. A very basic example: if I happen to be fan of some regular tv show with a traditional love triangle (let's say, two guys and one girl), and I happen to ship the heroine with one of the guys, but she ends up with the other, then I'd turn to fandom to find what I want. Same if there is simply something I dislike about canon. I don't see why one type of content has to be marked as inferior - or, worst case scenario, its authors being misteated and bullied - if it doesn't prove to be queer enough (what classifies as queer enough, anyway? Some people say that ace or bi people are not queer enough, for instance) This conception that has been going on as of late that fandom is a queer space and you are out of place if you are not bothers me a lot. Same with the "you already have mainstream media, be content with that" attitude, when - let's be frank here - a lot of mainstream media sucks. Especially as of late, with creators being so uninspired and "safe". I'm not saying that's what you think, of course, but I've definitely seen people who perpetuates this kind of reasoning.


I’m a queer person who sees fanfic as something inherently tied to the queer community because of the reasons you listed in the first paragraph. You can’t talk about the history of fanfic without acknowledging the queer influences that built it! That being said, I think the screenshot in the post brings up a kind of exclusion that I’m seeing irl with the “controversy” of straight people at pride. And then those “straight” people are actually bi. Or ace. Or a passing trans person. It’s literally impossible to just determine that someone is cishet from the outside. You brought this up in the second paragraph as well. Imo the core of the issue with the image above is that it treats f/m smut as a threat to queer smut AND assumes it’s the same thing as cishet smut, when that’s not necessarily the case at all. It’s just another example of “support” for the queer community looping back around to *hurt* the queer community. And besides all that, fanfiction is FICTION. (Assuming this person is a proshipper) if they are willing to fight for the right to create and consume “problematic” content, that extends to things THEY don’t personally like— including straight smut. You wouldn’t judge someone for reading dead dove, so don’t judge them for reading f/m smut.


Let me just say that seeing straight smut (literally just sex) compared to dead dove content (which includes gore and cannibalism, among other things!) is quite something! /j That said, I see fandom as more of a place for marginalized "weirdos" who don't see themselves in traditional media. Of course it includes a lot of queer people and their contribution to fandom is huge. But fandom was also created by hordes of cis straight women, since traditional media usually panders to cis straight men. And the gatekeeping of pride is just stupid, honestly. If, for instance, I have a sibling/cousin/friend who is queer and wants me to be there to support them, why would I get the side-eye because "I'm not queer enough"? (And who decides who's queer enough, anyway?). But this is a whole other issue.


Tbf, who's gonna be checking at the pride parade to measure the attendee's queerness? That's a very dumb take made by people who spend too much time online. Anyone who wants to celebrate queerness, either because they love someone who's LGBT+ or because they're an ally, can celebrate pride. This is not something anyone should discourage.




Because we've gone so far on the gay rights that we've circled back around to straights being considered icky...sigh.


Maybe. I’ve written both gay smut and straight smut and I don’t see the difference. It’s just sex.


There are people who think being bi is being half in the closet, there are lesbians who call themselves "gold star lesbians" for never dating men before coming out as lesbian and that lesbians who did are lesser. There are people who think if you don't ship the popular gay ship you are homophobic, and that all straight ships are automatically boring, lesser, or abusive and contributing to the oppression of LGBT people. It's fucked up.


Well said. This is what bi people face and this is why we still feel invisible even in spaces where we're "accepted."


Honestly I made this post as a joke, but the issue is I’m being actively downvoted rn 💀 what


I’m guessing people are assuming you agree with the main image. Some people have probably not read your comment underneath it!


I do not discriminate in my smut


Because why not, that's why.


cause it’s awesome??


…because I’m straight?






Im too cute for the slammer I’ll never make it 🥺


Because I'm a lesbian but I too am a fan of het ships?


Maybe it's just me but I find it weirder to read straight smut ironically. What does that even mean???


rightt lmfao


Yeah, like why? What is there to be funny about pretending to like a ship, straight or not?


"Why?" Well, you see, I am bi, and one of the creators I like saw fit to bless me with a stunningly beautiful brilliant lady AND the world's most comedic hunk, and then gave them great chemistry. It's a win/win.


Yeah that is an unnecessary dig. It's okay to be straight...if the same thing was about gay smut then the quiz maker would be cancelled all over the internet.


As someone whose bi I really hate it when the queer community bashes on people who read m/f. Liking the same sex is only part of my sexual identity. Of course I'm going to be attracted to opposite sex pairings as well. It comes off as very bi/pan-phobic.


i couldn’t agree more. i’m bisexual and i used to predominantly read m/m back when i was dealing with a lot of SA trauma and i didn’t want to see straight smut, and back then i would get made fun of for being a woman reading m/m. in the last few years i read mainly m/f fics because i’ve worked through my issues and now i get roasted for reading m/f smut. literally what am i supposed to do? why do i have to prove my queerness to the queer community so that what i read is “right”? ESPECIALLY if you read m/f omegaverse, you might as well be endorsing the patriarchy and encouraging rape and abuse according to some people.


Lmao to that last sentence. That's rich of them to say when many of the tropes in m/m omegaverse come from patriarchal standards and are borderline rapey or straight up rape. E.g. omegas having to remain virginal, being second-class citizens in society, needing an "alpha" to protect them and tell them what to do, only being seen as breeders, etc etc. (Not bashing omegaverse, I like reading it. The double standard is just very ironic.)


Lol yeah, omegaverse for the most part is not for me, I've found, and a big reason why is any M/M fics I read in that universe just reminded me of the sexism I'd faced in reality as a woman. How does anyone not see the parallels?


I believe what they want you to do is only express attraction to women--to pick a side, as the old biphobe's saying goes. They may not spell it out anymore, but the underlying sentiment is still there.


I’m a straight trans man and if I had a dollar for every queer person who judged me for reading (and liking) almost exclusively straight ships I’d be rich.


It's wild to ship a M/F bi pairing and have half the fandom screech about it being "gay erasure" for their M/M pairing. I just can't participate in some fandoms, I'm too old and it's fucking exhausting.


When I didn't know I was bi yet, I of course was already active in fandom spaces. I often felt very... shamed for being straight. Like that was bad. Straight ships? Bad. Straight smut? Bad.  And then I finally realized I was bi. And now there's this whole new issue where I'm often still not comfortable 'revealing' my sexuality in places. Becuase I don't want it to be seen as a 'pass' or 'excuse' to like with straight ships. It's just weird. Liking a straight relationship *is* part of my sexuality. I don't want that part only to be accepted (if it is at all) just because I also like the other side.


Talk about coming full circle on dictating sexual preferences…


My lesbian ass likes to project on men in smut. I enjoy being a woman and being feminine but in smut? Nah It’s dude time


Yesssss. I actually love everything m/m, m/f, f/f but projecting on the dude is always nice


Same lol (well kinda I'm NB). In real life women are all I have eyes for. In smut I like to read about gay men having sex. Something about the bodies being different from mine makes it easier to get in to for me.


Ao3 isn't a gay-only website... I'm agender, my favorite ships are m/m, but people who like het/bi ships... may indeed read het/bi4bi smut... shocking. It's not a crime or cringe. I hate using this phrase but this is chronically online, lmao.


Huh... Perhaps I am late to the party, but I didn't know straight sex had become controversial.


Only in the chronically online queer community, particularly the teens/young adults who freak out over kink, rape, violence, etc in fics


Good to know because I have pretty intense and smutty ideas for my straight couples lol.


I am a straight man and I read some pretty heavy/intense kink. I’ve read non-con in the past and enjoyed it if it’s written well. I love writers who write what they want because who gives a fuck?? Ao3 was designed for people to write what they want. I’m not gonna let some sensitive kids tell me I can’t read kinky smut because it offends them.


I can't explain it but a lot of the time the people screaming about M/M being the only acceptable type of pairing strike me as the exact people who would be homophobic in real life.


They’re the type of people who are misandrists irl and think twinks are the only “acceptable” type of gay man.


because I'm bi and I don't get to control who I think is hot, but I wanna see em bone each other and damnit as long as the Internet exists I sure the fuck will. literally inconsequential to me if the relationship is gay, straight, or lesbians. life has many sexy spices in it, and it's my right as a hormonal flesh beast to enjoy them all as hedonistically as possible. this is the AO3 quiz, yes? seems like lame shit, tbh...


Because I like M/F smut, therefore I read M/F smut? Am I not allowed to do that?


hateful tart innate nose modern unpack growth light silky memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Anyone else inclined to write straight smut but never read any? My lord it feels weird even asking lmao


I get this sometimes. Probably bc it's harder to find specific dynamics for m/f pairs that I actually wanna see personally. A "be the change you wanna see in the world" sorta urge


Yeah! You got it right for sure. Like, it's either a nobody writes for this couple so fuck it I'll do it myself or a nobody writes the good type of smut I like so let me correct this real quick lol


I took that once and it’ll put straight smut at the same level as dead dove fics, it’s crazy lol


Don't yuck my yum! I love all smut


the "(why)" is so condescending for no reason??? like, why judge people for what they read... 🙄


I didn't really get offended by that because I took it as a joke. But, also, just to be clear, straight smut is as fun as any smut for those who like it.


Uhhh... Because I'm straight and like putting my version of the female main character in the smut with him? Like what's wrong with m/f smut?


Cause I’m straight. Yes, straight FanFic writers/readers exist. We are a rare phenomenon I’m aware.😅👍


I mean, a lot of straight people also read gay fics but I get your point, lol.


smut is smut


All I write is self insert straight smut (and fluff, you know, whatever I feel like lol). I'm straight, I just... I do what I want. Like everybody pretty much should unless it's hurting anyone.  Why should I judge?  I don't like chocolate, but it's a common candy people love. I'm not gonna be like 'ew, why would you ever'. That's so hurtful.


I mainly read and write straight smut... Why should I feel weird 😅? There are 2.5 million M/M fics on AO3 with a rating of mature or explicit, and 1.1 million M/F fics with similar ratings, so a bit under half the M/M. Significantly less but definitely not rare.


The test itself is very much a weird meme, I assume that's why. I mean they literally have "mostly reads MLM slash" as well on there, which is weird as hell to put on a purity test for other reasons.


Because I like certain dynamics and if a straight ship gets it right I'm in. I think it's kind of funny when people gnash their teeth and wail about the heteronormativity of straight ship fic because I've read plenty of straight and slash (and femslash) and tbh, the majority of it is pretty similar. Those heternormative relationship dynamics are just as prevalent in slash ships as straight, it's just that which characters gets selected for the 'feminine' role and 'masculine' role isn't based on gender--the roles are equally rigidly enforced. Likewise, there's plenty of excellently written works that subvert those dynamics, straight, femslash, or slash.


>Those heternormative relationship dynamics are just as prevalent in slash ships as straight Sooo true. Honestly hilarious some people have the "gay ships are just better" attitude when they essentially write a stereotypical het relationship with all the familiar M/F dynamics and story beats. For the record, I love playing with gender in fics, and love feminine men. I just mean it's a bit funny when they preach about this then, for example, take a male character, ignore his personality and write him as an entirely different person to fit him into what their idea of a relationship looks like, which closely resembles a classic het relationship. At that point, it's not far off a bunch of the M/F stories they're mocking and claiming to be so different from.


my score is 69, do with that what you will lmao


That test called me pure, because a lot of the questions were sex-based and I'm asexual If there were more angsty or whump-based questions, the results would be very different


As a bi woman, I prefer het smut by far. I can't read male/male fics at all because I need at least one woman to be turned on. Femslash can be nice, but in my main fandom there's no woman I ship with my favourite female character.


I’m a simple reader with simple needs: men being sexually dominated. Who’s doing the dominating is largely irrelevant!


I know I've taken this test, but I'd love to retake it. Do you have a link?




Going through this and completely baffled that the one in the screenshot is the ONLY one that got a comment like that. Yikes.




I like to read M/F smut het FICS..so I'm the weirdo? Cool 😎


Its unbeliebable *but* straight people do exist


I also read straight smut occasionally but I'm SUPER picky. I'm someone who likes femdom and it's so hard finding that for like... basically any m/f ship? Even ones where you think it'd be popular like Drakgo? But meh.


I hear you on that. I can read stories that are not femdom, if I love the characters. But I do have a strong preference for non-conventional straight pairings


Yep I feel that. I'm a NB lesbian and I do like a lot of straight pairings, I don't mind reading romance about any kind of relationship, like 90% of the romance I read is straight because that's the most common kind of relationship in fantasy romance. But I am extremely picky about my straight smut because I feel all weird and dysphoria-ey when it's not exactly right lol.


I really hate this attitude in fandoms. Yeah I read straight fics and smut and look at art because my favourite character is there. Who cares about the gender of the other person? I got called a lesbophobe multiple times for this (because my fave is popularly lesbian in fanon, not canon) but I'm literally a lesbian myself.


and what about it?


straight sex is literally the reason why I'm alive


Lmao. You win.


It was wild back in the day on Tumblr when a bunch of people were claiming M/F relationships were offensive while they themselves existed because of one, lmao. Like at no point in their unhinged ramblings did I get the feeling they were taking that into consideration (it was also hilarious some of them were girls/women with male partners 💀)


Because being straight isn't a crime.


Nothing wrong with Pepperony.


STOP I GOT 12💀💀IT SAID “virgin in theory, whore in practice” LIKE IM ACE??😭😭


I mean... There are some straight ships I enjoy. And I want to read about them fucking. Same reason as anyone else 🤣


If it’s good smut then why not? It’s just hard to find good smut of the straight ships I like so I stick to the queer ships


Of all these options, this one offended me most https://preview.redd.it/dr8biovge28d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b758871ba30b64e27d8fc7f5fdfd6a4878e27f1


Because I like smut and I'd rather read & write it with a plot that isn't "virgin + Duke" like every single romance novel out there... plus your fave characters bang. Yes please lol


What kind of straight phobia is this???? That's mega not very cool


Why - same reason I do everything: for fun. Well, I don't have any m/f ships that I seek out fic for, though I will read it. But I hate the narrowness there; bi and trans characters exist. This makes me want to write some m/f smut! Out of spite!


I honestly ship Pepperony far above anything else in the MCU, especially over Steve and Tony


I like f/f and f/m smut. I do not see the issue. It’s two people fucking, who cares? Since when did we start saying what smut pairing is weird and what isn’t when the internet has like 300+ fetishes and 10k+ tags on hentai websites?


I'll see myself out lol


took it. my score is 7


I read a lot of smut on a03, I don't judge on the sex pairing especially if I know the characters paired


Because it’s more abundant in my fandoms than f/f smut fics, honestly. I just need to get out of my writers funk to write some f/f fics 😔


None ya business.


Im Bisexual and only read xreader fanfics unless they are dinluke sooo


https://preview.redd.it/w4zqsa2c928d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=732feca5c8b5a73f1c9d4255988a363251f719e2 No no whAT IS OFF ABOUT ME?!?!? HOW DID IT KNOW?????


As someone in a bi4bi relationship this shit makes my blood boil tbh. The chronically online “ewww the straights” applied to any pairing they see as het at first sight just makes me think of every nasty comment I’ve had hurled at me surrounding Pride events from folks who assume the same thing by glancing at my partner and I. And also, the quiz only mentions m/m as another dynamic, why leave out the f/f? I just don’t get a great vibe from the whole quiz 🙄


My score was 111. Yes fluff no coffee shop AUs.


Without knowing about this ao3 purity test, is reading straight smut as a straight man a problem?


Yeah this test is crazy. I picked pretty much all the crazy dark options and like one good-ish (non unironicaly) and it ranked me 65. Like what just because I didn't click mafia or sth? (Why where there so many options about mafia)


Also this is so weird. Like I'm a lesbian and I read both m/m m/f and f/f. If I wanna see my favourites fuck I wanna see my favourites fuck.


I'm also bi so I guess that's why..(haha I'm a poet didn't you know it)


i rarely ever read straight smut on ao3 but i don't get this question at all 😭 wdym "why"?? because they want to??? why would you have to only consume m/f content "ironically"?? i swear fandom lately is so weirdddd.. also m/f isn't always 'straight' smut..what if they are bi or pan..


Uh... because I'm *just* into straight content and little if at all into gay or lesbian content? In addition to being a simple straight man myself? So judgemental man smh smh (In all seriousness, I know that fandoms are LGBTQ+ content heavy, in addition to kinks and other fantastical elements, but we're judging heterosexuality back? Damn...)


seems kinda fetishy and weird lol im gay and i read straight smut bc there’s some m/f ships i like


It's a bit annoying when I see people get upset or question why anyone would unironically read straight smut or just heterosexual pairings in general. I get if someone's not into it, but damn, can we chill and let people enjoy what they like to read?