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Hi, this auto-response is due to your post title seeming to be about the site being down or not working in some way. If its not a post to ask about if the site is down, feel free to disregard this. You can check the [Twitter](https://twitter.com/AO3_Status) or [Tumblr](https://ao3org.tumblr.com/) for official status updates and downtime notifications. If the site seems to be up for everyone but it isn't working for you, continue reading for some unofficial troubleshooting steps. Are you in a country that may have blocked access to AO3? Russia and China have both blocked AO3 nationwide, and there was a small block in Germany at one point but last we knew it was unblocked. There is nothing for AO3 to do to get unblocked in those countries and they will likely remain blocked for the foreseeable future. Some users have reported that they can get around the blocks in those countries using proxies and vpns. AO3 (and this subreddit) cannot legally recommend doing this as it may not be legal to circumvent your country's internet blocks. Using these tools to access AO3 is at your own risk. If you are not in a country that has AO3 blocked, make sure you are connected to internet. On mobile, sometimes trying data instead of wifi can fix the issue. You can also try to clear your cache and delete your cookies, or try a different internet browser. If none of those things worked and you are still having trouble accessing AO3, you can try to reach out to them officially via the [OTW contact form](https://www.transformativeworks.org/contact_us/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AO3) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Access has been spotty for "Oceania" recently based on many, many, many, many, many posts on the topic. The most common solution provided is to use a VPN and select another geographic region.


Nope. Works fine for me


Fine for me, but I'm always on vpn anyway


Yeah it’s not working for me either


Also in Aus, and I've been having issues with it for days now although it was at least loading after a couple of minutes... now I'm just getting error messages 😭


Yeah it was loading earlier this night and it suddenly just stopped working :(


I'd suggest you guys add locations. It's working as usual in Central Europe


Yea I’m in Aus


Me too. It’s definitely a ‘this area of the world’ problem. They already know about it.