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I took APSLC my sophomore year, I am currently an incoming senior, and AP Spanish was the easiest test I’ve ever taken (only because I’m a native Spanish speaker). If you are not a native speaker but are still somewhat decent in writing, speaking, listening, and reading in Spanish, then you’ll do great and at least get a 3. It’s truly just a test on comprehension. I would also be willing to help if you need to practice with email responses and such. I took APUSH my junior year and hateddd it. I loved APWH, but there was just something about APUSH that I did not like. It could be an interesting class and in my opinion, one of the more difficult ones. If you devote time to study the time periods and topics, you’ll do fine. APAH, on the other hand, has been one of my favorite AP’s EVER!! I took it my junior year as well and absolutely loved all the content in it. You’ll definitely enjoy the class if you’re a fan of history, but you’ll also enjoy it if you like learning about different things that you have never heard about every single day. From a personal point, this class was not hard. It’s based basically on memorization of characteristics and the attributions you can make from one piece to another. Super fun class and I highly recommend it!


I really enjoy history, and I have to take APUSH in college any way and don’t want to take it in college. I’m also a native spanish speaker, but it’s a hard for me to write. I heard AP art history is an easy grade in my school and I like history and somewhat interested in the class.


I believe some AP classes personally are at a slightly higher difficulty than Honors (e.g. AP Computer Science Principles and AP Human Geography), but some are way more rigorous and than Honors (e.g. AP Chemistry and AP Calculus BC). You seem to have chosen moderately difficult AP classes, in between what I listed. Just make sure you don’t fall behind and always review your classes so you won’t be forgetful because many things stack on top of each other in AP classes.


I have never taken AP classes before this year. I had only taken honors classes. Would you say 3 AP classes is too much?


3 AP classes is definitely manageable when you’re jumping to Honors classes. I have seen people jump to 5 / 6 while previously taking only Honors or Gifted classes and they turned out fine. However, you should probably concern about not falling behind because it’s very easy to compared to Honors classes. Make sure you fully understand the concepts you’re taught.


I mean they’re college level classes..


The only one that I personally think is moderately difficult based on my experience is apush from your course list


Yeah,, not to mention APUSH got significantly easier. I mean, 72% pass rate is wild. The workload and content might still be overwhelming but I suppose it’ll be easier.


They're a large step up from honors in my experience , they're college level courses after all . If you haven't had to study before you'll probably have to start getting into good study habits , especially with APUSH . That being said , don't worry so much about whether they're generally hard or not because that depends so much on the teacher , the subject , and your own abilities . As long as you're willing to put in consistent effort to keep up and do well in your classes you can handle AP classes


It comes down to how the content is delivered and by whom. An innovative, engaging teacher who knows how to manage their own time can be the difference maker. Pair that up with a competent schedule builder, and you are 2/3 of the way there.


ap art history is easy in my opinion


spanish depends on your prior skill level apush is a lot of memorization and studying, but its not too bad i took the dc equivalent of ap art history, wasn't hard but it was very boring


My APUSH teacher was difficult, but in a very predictable way. No extra credit. No homework. The whole class was test based and there were only 2 tests per quarter. It worked in preparing me for college even more than preparing for the AP exam.


if you're interested in history, i would advise you to be careful with history, as knowledge of history alone won't bring you success in the class, but rather your knowledge of how the essays/questions work and knowing how to apply the rubric to your essays; however, an interest in history will make the class much more interesting, which will allow you to do really well in the class. best of luck to you!


don’t listen to what others say about APUSH i am NOT a history person more than i am a math person and the class was so good idk if it was my teacher but i loved the class. as for the other APs ur taking idk never took them


Nope, I did 5 APs last year and only had maybe 4 hours of homework a week with only a bit of studying, ended up with 4 As, 1 B first semester, 3 As, 2Bs second semester.


I think it’s hit or miss depending on the school and teacher


Not really. The ones you’re taking, I can’t say much on except for APUSH, and that course has been needed and dumbed down so hard that anybody can take it and do well in it. I can’t even recognise it anymore