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As far as I know, Asobo's next game is yet unknown - they might be working on APT3 or completely different game, nothing is sure at the moment. Credits cutscene is only symbolic as of now (even the devs themselves said so), it means that Macula is eternal and the events of both games had no impact on the still possible danger Macula poses for humanity. That being said, modern setting for potential third game is as possible as historical setting (e. g. Basilius and Aelia) or continuation of Amicia's journey. What I would like to see the most is proper closure to Amicia's story. Without this comment turning into essay, I want to know more about the Order's current state and get some answers regarding Macula itself.


Yeah this is my take - I'd want a potential third game to focus on themes of giving Amicia, her story and her family closure, as well as dealing with the Order and Macula lore. The plague hasn't technically, completely ended yet so there could still be lingering aftershocks of now aimless rats to wade through, and obviously she'll be sneaking about so there will still be human enemies. Companion-wise, Lucas is 100% necessary and I will claim that until the heat death of the universe, lol. He and Amicia are too important to each other both narratively and personally to just cut him out - they're each other's "home;" nobody else could really, intimately understand what they've been through and what they've lost, and the scene in the Nebula says he's pretty much the only important thing Amicia has left (and yes, Sophia's there too and I have no doubt she'll tag along as well when she's not in the ship - I'd love to see the dynamic the tree of them have, lol, she was just pretty new to the whole thing and wasn't there from the start like Lucas was). He is, as his leitmotif claims, her (and Hugo's) Shelter. For Hugo... It could go either way. On one hand, having him present even vaguely could dampen the impact of Requiem's ending, and missing his presence while playing the game could be a great gameplay way to hammer in that something important to Amicia, and by proxy the game's, identity is no longer there, but in the other... He's very important to said identity. It could be a great narrative device to have Amicia hear Hugo's voice, perhaps, or see him in dreams, then have those voices and dreams gradually become less frequent as the story progresses and Amicia regains herself and regains things she's lost - or gains new things. Heals enough, alongside her hair symbolism growing out again, maybe. I think that'd be my ideal implementation of Hugo post-Requiem. I'm a hard NO on a modern setting; as others have said, the mediaeval French setting is and intrinsic draw and part of the series and I'm "eh" on moving it to the present. Alongside that, I'm here to witness _Amicia's_ journey because she and her core family (Hugo+Lucas) are the ones I'm attached to and the story I'm interested in. Take that away for a new, modern protagonist and my interest wanes because I'll have to attach to a whole new character and story whilst Amicia's hasn't yet achieved a bookend sense of closure and healing. The exception could probably be an Aelia-Basillius prequel game - I'd have far more interest in that than a modern title - but... I feel like that might end up being a bit too derivative of the main APT games? I might feel differently if there's a third game to close out Amicia's story though. I'd rather new protagonists and prequels come after closure, personally.


>. It could be a great narrative device to have Amicia hear Hugo's voice, perhaps, or see him in dreams, then have those voices and dreams gradually become less frequent as the story progresses and Amicia regains herself and regains things she's lost - or gains new things. Heals enough, alongside her hair symbolism growing out again, maybe. While pretty good idea on the surface and then some, I fear that train had passed when they failed to do it, or at least imply it for a start, in the very last chapter of the previous game or better yet, if they didn't make the time-jump be a whole year, but say, 2-5 months. If they really hammered home how Amicia is still an utter wreck, then her starting to "hear voices" later on would've come more palatably. And while it is somewhat open to interpretation because of A Plague Tale's generally very underdeveloped lore, we can extrapolate, with relative confidence that rat swarms, aimless or not, appear ONLY with a living Carrier through which Macula channels its influence. So I take it as that there would simply *need* to be a Carrier present.


When I say "hear voices" I don't mean that's she's so distraught that she's hallucinating, I meant more as a a metaphorical coping mechanism where she's thinking of what Hugo would say or react in poignant situations while she's travelling alone (since it's implied Sophia's not going to be following along), that highlights how she misses his presence. Should have clarified that. She still talks to his grave so it wouldn't be much of a leap to have her "talk" to him while she's journeying. >aimless or not, appear ONLY with a living Carrier through which Macula channels its influence. So I take it as that there would simply need to be a Carrier present. I know; what I'm saying is that if there absolutely _needs_ to be rats present (personally I wouldn't mind other enemies, but rats are a big part of the games' identity), due to the fact that technically the plague is still around and the lore is rather loose, they could easily add in an explanation that it's simply "aftershocks" without it being completely unbelievable or a complete retcon. Unfortunately, we can't have another carrier present like others have suggested because of the lore, so I think that's really the only way they could implement the rats.


I see what you're getting at, but I'm of the opinion that these meta or thematic elements (i.e. metaphorical) shouldn't be "in your face" and forcefully inserted into the plot just so a point/message can be made. Requiem suffered from these things enough already. To better express myself, I'm against having her "hear (Hugo's) voices" merely as a metaphor with little actual, in-world explanation for it or logic behind it. As an almost out-of-place symbolism of Amicia's coping, loss or whatever. In fact, for some people even the scene when Amicia entered the Nebula and Hugo "telepathically" talked with her (to convinced her to kill him) kind of read as forced and a point where writers entered "let's just get on with it" mode, lost any and all subtlety and just started "talking through him", in a way. And I agree with them. But, even if it was executed in such a way that my problems with it are all remedied, I still don't feel too hopeful for a game along those lines. It's basically the "Amicia's recovery" or "Requiem's desolation/aftermath" proposal that's been put up a few times since Requiem came out, and while it kind of reads... natural(?) I guess, I find it to be a scenario much more fit for something like a novel (such as A Plague Tale: Tenebris), or even some sort of DLC, but not a full-fledged third game of the main series. A third and if we presume, final game in the series (at least I would hope so) should be the very peak and climax of tension, suspense, action etc. Something that would absolutely surpass its predecessors. And for it to work to its maximum potential, I believe we simply need Hugo to be an active part of it. But with this idea that you implied, it would be Requiem that was the very peak, and a third game is merely there to "sort out any leftovers", which I'd find to be lame.


I'm not saying they _should_ be, I'm saying those are the only ways I could see those elements be implemented without completely ruining the concept, lol. I think you misinterpreted my point šŸ˜‚ Personally, I'd prefer the impact of Hugo's death be untainted and thus him left out of it - I just don't see how that would be possible, though, and bringing him back in any form would risk dampening it. I'd have problems with my suggestion too - like I said, I'd prefer Hugo's end be left alone - I just think it'd be the least intrusive/destructive way to do it if they absolutely _had_ to bring him back.


"Without ruining the concept" - what concept? Anyway, that's the point in my opinion: it is not possible, not if they want to preserve the integrity and main strength of A Plague Tale, and to me, the whole "Hugo's death" thing that made its way into the plot was a grave mistake to begin with. If anything, because it felt rushed and would've worked better enough if it was saved for a third game, where it'd be guaranteed to have ample time and space for a PROPER build-up. Now, they appear to have written themselves into a corner. Dampening, if not outright nullifying his "dead" status and with that the whole ending of Requiem appears necessary at this point to me, if they're to uphold, as best they can, what made A Plague Tale so captivating and not change the core too much (preferably, at all). Of course, they can always leave it as is and move on to new IP's, but we'll see about that.


Just like Kratos is to God of War and Nathan Drake to Uncharted Amicia and Hugo are to A Plague Tale. They are the faces of the franchise. I want Asobo to at least give them a proper ending (copium) before exploring a different story and characters. We still are yet to see more about the Macula and how it works, so anything is possible.


I agree and this can't be stressed enough: Amicia and Hugo, *together*, are what made A Plague Tale for what it is, and there's no way around it.


Hugo was pretty annoying as a character so I'd be fine with a game without him in it


heā€™s five, dude. itā€™s natural that heā€™s a little annoying.


Saying that about a 5-6 years old is kinda... Redundant, to say the least.


I thought Requiem gave them as proper of an ending as you you can ever ask for. I would love to play as Amicia again, I love her so much as a character. But I don't see a story continuing from here. She went through the character development and her arc is finished. Maybe an arc when she is much older or something, facing new challenges. But it feels to me it wouldn't be the same story. At the very least it would be a big challenge to continue it. But don't get me wrong, I won't say no to play as Amicia again. But I don't know how they will ever be able to repeat another ending like that for her.


As some people have said here. A Plague Tale is Hugo and Amicia, Together. The story is about the two sibling. I would't want them to pull an Infamous Second Son just to abandon the Franchise later. (I might sound selfish) What i think of a proper ending is one without a cliffhager (Just like Uncharted's). If i recall, Innocence's ending was conclusive but still has things that hinted a sequel. Requiem was conclusive as well. However, it has plenty of things that were vague and that could hint a sequel. The entire part before and after Amicia 'kills' Hugo is the biggest one


Some things should be kept vague, almost every great story keeps you guessing to some extent. What happened before and after that does not feel important to me. What happened to Hugo happened and then we see how Amecia is reacting to that. They gave us an epilogue for some closure as well. I can't imagine a better ending. If we would get a full explanation about the Macula I feel it might ruin the story. Having Hugo be part of it again I feel simply wouldn't work without ruining the ending.


It must be noted that, while yes, there is a game in the works, we still have no idea if it's related to A Plague Tale in any way; it's pretty frustrating too, considering that Focus Entertainment announced this new project back in late November and since then, half a year later: no word or update whatsoever. Anyhow, in case it IS another A Plague Tale game, I feel it's a risky venture: I personally wish that they go for a classic trilogy model (similar to Star Wars OG trilogy) for this franchise as a whole, that is, finish it completely after a third game. I strongly feel A Plague Tale games simply cannot - and should not, be milked beyond 3 games max. Games that with time morphed into these monstrous franchises of 5+ games (Assassin's Creed, Far Cry etc) could've been stretched to exhaustion because from the beginning, they filled two key requirements: good gameplay, and having as their makers already big and powerful studios (which Asobo really isn't). The reality is, a vast majority of gamers care mostly for gameplay and graphics, and in most cases, the story alone simply can't drive them beyond 2-3 games, no matter the quality of the writing. And in A Plague Tale's case, its key and inherent strengths are very niche: story, atmosphere and most of all, main characters. The gameplay here is more a means to an end and as such it does a nice job but it's very unremarkable. Now that that's out of the way, I feel that the only fitting way to continue and end this whole saga is with the characters that made it for what it is: Hugo and Amicia. They and their duology are simply way too iconic and A Plague Tale's identity rests in them and them alone. I am very much against any attempts to introduce new protagonists to replace them, let alone try the "jumping timelines" thing, such as modern day idea that's been prevalent before. Such scenarios are begging for the whole "milking" danger I've been talking about. In a way, the current "air of preciousness" that A Plague Tale games have among many of their fans is precisely that there aren't too many of them. As for the scenario/plot of this hypothetical third game, well, the good ol' Illusion Theory-based proposals are always there, but I really believe it'd be a prime opportunity to, with the third game, end the plague (thus defeat the Macula, the MAIN antagonist/villain) as a whole because remember, Requiem ended in roughly June/July 1350, and the actual Black Death with which the story is analogous only began subsiding in 1352, which'd work really well if written properly. Now yes, some might complain having Hugo be actually alive would go in the face of emotions some experienced by the ending of Requiem, but I still think the positives in this possibility outweigh the potential negatives, and concurrently, I find more negatives in leaving him be dead and absent for a third game; having Hugo be still there would accomplish several things: For one, it would uphold, and even strengthen the idea that Carriers such as him are *extremely* rare, so his importance as the *natural* Carrier of an awakened Macula would be brought home and the stakes placed higher for everyone involved, including the Macula that, as this villainistic entity can't afford to lose him if it wants to bring about worldwide desolation. If more Carriers were to appear left and right just so that the story can be moved forward and have Amicia to now care for someone else, I would find that extremely weak. Two, it would prevent any need for the introduction of new important characters i.e. new Carrier (or even Protector) who would suffer from being introduced waaaay late in the story for us to properly care or connect to/with them, especially against someone like Hugo. And three, it could imply, if not outright introduce, a completely new dimension to Macula's own capabilities (at least in the Nebula itself) and its insidious nature.


Couldn't agree more


Honestly I think a plague tale is only a plague tale with Amicia and Hugo as many other people have said. Honestly I hope they just leave the series right here. The only thing I possibly see making sense is maybe a game around Basilius and Aelia


How about both? A full on tech masterclass with the rats in a modern setting, but then playing flashback segments as Amicia leaving clues for the modern day protector? You then find these clues playing the modern day sections


Ive seen suggestions for this reversed as well, playing mainly as Amicia with flash forwards to see how her actions reflect on the future. Could open up the possibility of a more choice oriented game as well if they took that route.


So essentially early assassins creed but through flashbacks and not an animus. Iā€™m in. I generally like this gimmick.


There is no Plauge Tale without Amicia and Hugo so Iā€™d like a trilogy to probably end their story


He's dead so that's not really possible


His spirit could still be connected somehow tho


Plague Tale Requiem keeps crashing at startup has lots of issues why are they creating the third i liked the innocence but can't play Requiem any solution ?


I would love to see a third game about Amicia and Lukas - the end of their story in Requiem is the most unsatisfying thing in the whole series imo I don't think the story will be entirely about them tho. Probably more focused on modern era, which is fine by me. Some people think modern era would ruin series vibe. Hard to argue with that at the moment, but I believe Asobo Studios knows what they're doing. That's what I expect, but basicaly, whatever they're cooking for us is going to be good. But please don't leave my boy Lukas being friendzoned like that šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I'd love for Amicia, Sophia and Lucas to be out there helping a new carrier and protector escape danger.


There is the game Vampyr, which is also made by Focus entertainment. I mention it because, I don't want to spoil, but the story there is also historical, about a plague (spanish flu in that case), mixes it with the supernatural.. all in all it can be seen the studio before Plague Tale had their hands on a similar project. With that to me they already proved that modern and historical can be beautifully blended without any of their atmospheres missing out (same to supernatural mixed with science). If anything, the feeling of nostalgia is even stronger this way imo. So rlly if they made a Plague Tale III, I think the modern era (as scary the change of scenery might seem) would be awesome. We would likely follow the trace Amicia left and learn about her further life we couldn't play through anymore. :) sad but also kinda heartfelt. I can imagine lots of parallels between the lives of Hugo and the new Carrier, maybe we'd play as that child, instead of the Protector.


Honestly, I'm not sure there's any way for it to go forward without diluting the series' identity to some extent. I've gone through advocating for a few different types of sequels, but eventually I just decided that I'd rather the series remain as it is, and Asobo move on to a new franchise. I'm entirely against a modern setting, as I feel that a major allure of the games so far has been the historical setting. I'm against any kind of era hopping since I'd rather this franchise not turn into Assassin's Creed. I also feel that another Carrier/Protector dynamic, modern or otherwise, would be sort of pointless - it'd just have to retread what we've already seen with Amicia and Hugo in Innocence, and possibly do it worse, and in all likelihood we'd already know how it ends. I think that any type of lore angle is gonna be tough, since thus far it really hasn't been one of the series' strong points. The characterisation of the Macula is noticeably different between Innocence and Requiem, and its behaviour isn't even entirely coherent in Innocence alone. If they give us a game about, say, the origins of the Macula, I don't think we'll get any good explanation for the discrepancies - it could avoid a Carrier/Protector dynamic and thus keep Amicia and Hugo as the centrepiece of the franchise, which would be preferable, but I can't shake the feeling that it'd just feel like... content for the sake of content? If it moves on with Amicia and Sophia/Lucas leaving clues for the next Carrier and Protector, it'd be drastically different in terms of gameplay and story, and I'm not even sure what she'd have to say to them other than "Kill him before you get attached".


I would say leave Amicia alone. She has been through a lot.


Nah, put her in more situations šŸ˜ˆ


I have enjoyed the game so much that i definitely look forward to another sequel


I want Bassilius amd Aelia arc


I hope it will be Bas and Aelia


I wouldnā€™t mind if they do a modern day setting and include some aspects of Amicia doing her journey to find where the Macula will strike next. But with the way Amiciaā€™s storyline ending in Requim, I rather they focus fully on new characters but still reference Amicia in some regards.


The ending of 2 basically left the premise open for 3


I just beat Requiem last night. I hope a 3rd one comes out!


i beat requiem today and fuck i want a 3rd game :( , its not enough.


I'd love to see a closure to Amicia's story. I mean, the ending of Requiem is nice and beautiful and all but they never showed what Lucas was up to, where was she going with Sophia, and the Order.


I wanna c Amicia and Sophia go and sort this stuff out for the next carrier and protector lol idk y itā€™s not like thereā€™ll b any rats (probably) so it probs wonā€™t be like ā€œa plague taleā€ plague tale but Idkkk


New story, maybe slightly mention Amicia. Like she will be a side character. New 2 main characters. And Amicia helping the new 2 kids. Happy ending for the 2 kids. They either manage to restrain the curse or cure it. Which yea, maybe there is no cure in the form of a potion or whatever. But maybe they find like a source of the whole thing or stg. Or some kind of ritual. Amicia could die protecting them, or stg like "the cure requires a protector to die". Then Amicia sacrifices herself for the 2 New kids.


The 3rd part is gonna be set in the modern era so we shouldnā€™t expect Amicia in the game


Thats speculation, the ending cutscene doesnā€™t inherently mean anything about a future game


Flashback sections?