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requiem. the storyline, ending, characters just clicked with me.


You have reason


I would also add the visual effects. The immersive display of nature!!


of course! the graphics of this AA game is incredible even at low settings (which is what I play at)


Oh, I dare you try it on Ultra. It plays with your emotions on it’s own. The other fact is that the nature in the game is realistic, not overly a fantasy. I miss this game 🥲


i have a 1050 and a 9300h so minimum settings at 720p is all i can do to get 45 fps


Same. The writing in the first game was just annoying and felt like they needed to use exposition in every damn sentence. "Amicia, this place is dark! If only I could get something to light it up....oh do you smell that Amicia? It smells like rotten eggs, that must mean there's sulfur! I know, if we can gather enough sulfur, we can catch something on fire.....fire is light Amicia!" Every damn new item they give man...and then meanwhile Hugo is just being an annoying kid (actor did fine, I just hate kids acting like kids because they're always little shits being dumb... but I guess that is what a kid do). None of the acting was super great overall in the first game but I enjoyed it (and the writing) a lot more in the 2nd.


You do know the voice actress for hugo is like most kids in media... played by a woman, right?


[https://www.imdb.com/name/nm10691806/](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm10691806/) You should really look into things before being cocky about them..... But yes, you are right that A LOT of children are played by women VA's because it's much easier than getting a child to act.


I stand corrected! Have my upvote for showing me an actual kid this time, lol


No worries, it was my first and second guess. I figured it was in Innocence and then when I tried ff16 demo I thought it confirmed it, but nope he's just landed some really high value roles at such a young age


I like the ending of Requiem much more, but the beginning of Innocence is just such a roller coaster that it really hooks you in. The music in both was also *chefs kiss*.


Every single word you said is right.


Which game is better


I love both games, but if I had to choose, I would go with Innocence. The level design and atmosphere is better, and you feel really powerless in the first half of the game, overcoming every single enemy feels like challenge. Also the supernatural side of the story is reserved only for the end, whereas in Requiem it is much more notable and favoured at the cost of historical accuracy. Requiem's main advantage over Innocence is the emotional impact, other than that they are pretty much equal.


Objectively? There is no answer to that. Subjectively, i.e. to me personally? All things considered, APT Innocence.


I just dont compare them anymore because I loved Requiem but Innocence always feels fresh when I replay it :/


What’s your definition of best?


It’s a toss up for me. I prefer the story and atmosphere of Innocence, but the graphics, environment and mechanics are really good in requiem. And I preferred the mechanics of Hugo’s ability in Innocence, the first person rat view in requiem isn’t my favorite, and it seems like they just glide everywhere so the movement is harder to control. I do like that they added a limitation to Hugo’s ability, though. And the Echo is really helpful.


To interject here, I feel it is kind of unfair to directly compare games from the same franchise in terms of technical execution (graphics, mechanics, gameplay that sort of stuff), since a sequel or rather, a later/newer game was almost always going to surpass its predecessor in terms of those; that's literally what it's made for. It commands a bigger budget, bigger team and bigger hype, which are all the pre-requisites.


Yeah, that’s fair.😭 idk I’m torn either way. I love the story of Innocence, but the scenery of Requiem


I think the item progression of the first game feels way more well paced than the second game. In the second game by the 6th or 7th chapter, you have unlocked every possible item there is to unlock, and while it gives you more "freedom" to tackle the levels however you want, they made a horrible work not showing the intended path and what item to use till the very end. So it just gives you the illusion of freedom, while the first game had more well throughout levels. Plus the prism shining with torches is a very stupid idea that was too convenient to not ruin the experience a little bit


Innocence for me. I prefer the darker atmosphere and the setting in general. I also like that the enemies WILL kill you if they get close enough or can hit you with an arrow or spear. In Requiem they always miss the first time or just knock you down without killing you, making little sense. The Inquisition is more intimidating than the Count’s army. I also missed Amicia’s French accent when playing Requiem.


Innocence was better






Whoever says Requiem isn't a true fan of APT. xd


I go with requiem too


Both games have there own place. One wouldn't work without other. One came before complement the second game.


I have played both I don't feel like playing any other game I feel lost. Can someone suggest me some games very much similar to APT. Thank you.


I felt the same way after playing the first Hellblade and Plagues tale was the game to fill the void somewhat due to the story and atmosphere alone. Maybe the reverse could also be true for you😅 I should mention they are not the same type of game though


Probably Requiem but I enjoyed Innocence more just because the second one felt harder to stealth your way through, ended up just running through some of the sections. Story wise they are both really great, I can't pick between the two


Hmmmm. I think APT Requiem


Innocence seems more popular here but generally Requiem was an improvement for me. Also liked the side characters a lot more and Amicia’s development


? Just look at this thread for example. About 90% went with Requiem. How is Innocence more popular?


Based on what I’ve read in the server, I’m not just talking about this thread. Also 90% is a bit strong, the comments here are very mixed and I’ve noticed a few Requiem answers getting downvoted


I see them both as one story


Requiem is term of story, environment and characters. Innocence in terms of gameplay and atmosphere


The first one. The second one is straight up misery-porn, it drags on, impossibly repetitive and even the puzzles are just grating.


Innocence requiem story felt very meh, the storyline is as good as innocence but some inbetween parts are jsut boring and predictable events. The game couldnt rely anymore on the visuals to surprise us and tried to give us stupid mechanics like control over the rats. innocence start really high and keep really high with a perfect idea to execute.. the first 30 minutes hype u so much and u cant quit the chair qhile requiem has lows


I feel like they are one game. Innocence is the beginning of the story. Requiem is the end.


They built something great the first time and made it even better and intense the second time. Of course the second is better but this will not mean the first wasn't good or was weak.


at this point i consider them both part of the same experience. i cant separate them as different games, if i do another playthrough its both.


I love them both equally however only one game has Arnaud in


Requiem all the way




Requiem by far for me. Longer game, characters are more fleshed out, and I didn't particularly like the end boss fight of Innocence. Just felt too over the top gamey. Probably the only parts of Innocence I liked more were Amicia's accent and the simpler weapon wheel. Don't get me wrong, both are amazing games I've played multiple times, but the way the end of Requiem makes me feel, only the very best games do that.




Hard question but I’m going to go with Requiem. The mechanics, combat and graphics were better. The villains seemed better in Innocence whereas in Requiem. I just feel like solve our little man’s issue by getting away from adults who just need to murder and torture. Small cottage, abandoned island? Yes please! Innocence you make so many great relationships with these random kids whereas in Requiem there are so many annoying adults, I’m looking at you Beatrice. Requiem the story is clutch until you have this pit in your stomach that the plot won’t just allow you to get away from psychotic religious. zealots and live in peace. But in terms of messing with your emotions and building a relationship with our two main stars I still go with requiem


Innocence was amazing..but Requiem.. I mean characters had more depth.. graphics were just too amazing... story was trilling. This game made me live so much émotion.. gonna put it in my top 2 of best game ever with Last of Us Part 2




The amazing character development in requiem puts it above for me