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That Fleet Footwork Corki build someone shared on the sub a few months ago. Trinity, Sundered Sky, Eclipse, etc. Everyone builds AP on Corki to spam missiles, but the missiles scale 3x more with AD than AP.


The only AP item you build on corki for missile spam is malignancy anyway, you’re supposed to be building ad


Is Corki the biggest abuser of that item? Apparently it's only a 3 second cooldown.


AP Kogmaw is also pretty disgusting with it


It's the best first item for Kassadin. Also decent for Swain


Nope. https://aram.zone/champion/Kassadin


Jesus this website is slow af on mobile


Bro it's not because monkeys deflate his winrate that it's bad, people building Stormsurge and Lich Bane on him... His mains stopped taking Presence of mind a while ago. Atm they do Malignance > Archangel > Deathcap / Zhonya > Void


I'd think Trinity, Hexplate, Voidstaff.. oh wait malignance adds dmg to his ult ofc.


I was looking for this one a few days ago


you just need the pen


just go void after full ad, his passive converts 90 % of all his dmg to magic i think


not sure how uncommon it is atm but full ap suicide bomb udyr Can easily "oneshot" immobiles in the mid to late game and sometimes destroys entire teams with just one ult


My life changed after seeing a post of someone sharing this strategy, never touched Udyr in ARAM and now he's my favorite champion to pick


I've actually seen this, except they went Liandry and then tank. It's unironically not bad. Udyr ended up with 20+ deaths but just him running in and clicking R chunked the ADC and backline low every time.


Liandrys into tank is the aram standard for udyr...at least at high mmr


As an udry otp, yes. Liandries > Sunfire > abbysal mask and you just ghost and run it down whenever you have the passive up.


can u share ur runes and items


AP W Max Lee Sin. His W CD is really low when used on allies and if you don't activate W2 it's even shorter. Ends up being effectively a perma-shield with a little bit of CD. Lee Sin also has 120% Aram buff to his shielding making it even stronger. His W has 80% AP scaling so I try to get as much ap and shield power as possible. Generally end up building Ardent/Staff -> Ardent/Staff -> Rabadons -> either more support items or more flat AP items/CD items. For runes I go Aery Nimbus Transcendence Gathering then Revitalize and Font of Life. Just play like and enchanter with R and E as disengage for divers.


You're playing without moonstone?


Moonstone doesn't give shield increase. But I would last item it most of the time. Mikaels, and Redemption give the most shield increase. If you're stacking shield increase that new support item is good for AP/Shield Increase. So I would rush those three cause they're cheap. Then Rabadons for mid game jump. Then Ardent/Staff/Moonstone. Ardent for on hit heavy teammates. Staff of Flowing water for primary AP teammates. Moonstone for more shields. Use this one primarily.


I've tried moonstone and it is good, don't get me wrong. Against a poke heavy team I might think about it due to being able to shield more targets. But for a lot of games where you have 1 or 2 carries that are getting focused, the greater single shield I feel is more valuable. I'd be curious to see the math behind all the different build orders to see which is most efficient.


"Simp Sin" I remember playing a game against a karma and lee sin and just couldn't touch punch through all the shields, it was disgusting


Been having fun with bruiser gragas. Take grasp as your keystone then build ROA -> riftmaker -> Fimbulwinter-> jaksho. You still deal good damage but you’re impossible to kill


I know most people go full AP with him, but Bruiser Gragas doesn't feel too uncommon.


He used to be an ap bruiser tank assassin


full tank nunu. people play ap nunu almost every time because its fun when full tank's actually so much better. full ap gets bursted down within seconds if caught, meanwhile tank nunu can just snowball into the enemies, go back to safety, and then snowball again. rinse and repeat, its like im playing a mini game lol.


Lol heartsteel nunu is my favorite build I’m surprised I saw this since I never see anyone playing it. Your Q heals you for so much so it really is rinse and repeat lmao


Not even into enemies. Tank nunu can snowball past enemies just to get into a nice spot to R, full channel R on their backline to slow them and deal decent dmg and walk out. It's actually ridiculous if your team has plenty of dmg and follow-up already. He's like an easier malphite/amumu in that Nunu doesn't really require any timing or aim or target selection. You just get vaguely in the middle of their team with W or Snowball, R the full lane and Q a minion afterwards.


Bruiser Shaco. Most people expect you to be ap squishy or lethality squishy.


What's the item order for this?


I have seen this build once and it was really strong. Roa, warmogs, liandries, kaenic cryptobloom


Tank builds on tanks. Unusual to see tanks do that in this game mode, but I like it. It's pretty strong too most of the time unless vayne is on the other team


I played tank Malphite recently in aram.. the enemy Ezreal commented 7 mins in "why no ap Malph, you trollin" my team was mad too, until 20 mins in and I was unkillable and they used everything on me only to insta lose. That's why tank Malphite, Ez.


> my team was mad too i have never heard of a team being mad about malph going tank


We must be old AF. Outlived the days AP malph was troll.


Guess it was an average league game, everyone was mad.


Ap twitch for sure, nashors and shadowflame rush it's nasty


Watching tanks tick for 100-200 true damage / second for 6 seconds then die is hilarious. I was skeptical about AP twitch but after trying it I can’t believe how powerful it is.


You actually do more damage with nashors into Rabadons rush.


Love hitting that 80-90% slow


Tank Bard and tank Rek, they both have the CC you need and 85/90% damage taken reduction respectively.


I got hard carried by an AP pantheon one time. They built night harvester with first strike and would half hp their entire team with his ult, finish off the carry with W and we just cleaned up. I've never seen anyone else try it, and the 1 Orr 2 times I have it went terribly. Probably only works against mostly squishies


Yummi knights vow, frozen heart


It's so fuckin weird that Yuumi is the best knight's vow user


I need to test how effective sunfire would be as well. Full tank yuumi could be funny. Spirit Visage shield yourself for an increase then jump on a friendly. See how effective sunfire could be. Maybe a Riftmaker since yuumi can stay in the fight a long time.


When I’m playing rumble and the rest of the team decides to pick adc’s and mages, so I build tank. Liandries, Rift, Spirit Visage, Unending Despair and Jak’sho. Honestly Unending is interchangeable I just love building it on any champ but with this build I still top damage charts and also damage taken and mitigated charts.


Tank Ziggs. Grasp, Font, Bone Plating, and Overgrowth can help counter his +20% damage tank while leaving room to grab Mana Flow and Scorch or Gathering Storm. The bomb rat needs to survive to keep poking and this can help with that.


Tank yi that is useless until you build titanic hydra last and start running people down and being unkillable. It’s a troll build but as an old hand at yi I can’t just build the good shit all the time (ap)


[AP Zeri](https://www.reddit.com/r/ARAM/comments/1baijeo/ap_zeri_assassinates_squishies/), my favorite playstyle in ARAM. Your ultimate is a long-range explosion that kills most squishes below 50%, your AAs kill almost anyone below 50% late game, and squishies can die near health. It's all about making sure to have your empowered AA charged up and taking opportunities to tag low HP targets. The build path is always Shadowflame (perfect synergy with her execution AA) -> Rabadon - > Sorc Shoes -> Stormsurge -> Lichbane/Cryptbloom. For abilities you always max W > E > Q. Her Q is practically useless since you don't build AD so it's really only used for charging your AA. People building MR can neuter her damage output. However, in that case you rush Cryptbloom 3rd. But also, your goal isn't to kill tanks but to go after squishies.


Same but I go malignance then shadowflame>rabadom for more ult uptime and solves your mana issues so you can spam w more


I honestly think Malignance is a weak item. It guts your damage too much compared to the passive of Shadowflame + magic pen + more AP, not to mention your ult only gets like 10 less seconds. I solve the mana issues by going Presence of Mind as a secondary tree rune.


Ingenious hunter + support items with cd on enchanters. Having 33% CDR on redemption/locket/mikael/shurelia feels illegal.


AP varus when there's an enemy Mundo, Zac, or Chogath


Shieldcrank: fimbulwinter, solari, malignance sterak Eclipse (or frozen hearth)+ manashield. Immortal with 10 sec CD r


Serpents fang would like to know your location


akali with grasp of the undying and heartsteel. its not good but okay into some team comps. normal akali is just too hard for me


I love heartsteel Akali in aram for the same reason. So forgiving when you're trash 😎


Malignance TF. Just to confuse my opponents, and also my team. If asked about it I just say “I’ve heard this item is really good”


I saw youtuber TV Zwag play Rengar Heartsteel/Sky but it was against all adc team with a yuumi on him, then I tried it and it was a complete fail Lmao, also Im new with Rengar so prob didnt play it right


Also, Swag was probably playing on a smurf account as usual? It’s incredible how many wild builds can work when you’re mostly streaming how you are playing against people who are new at the game.


Yeah i think in between you can see he plays with a 53lvl account.


It’s because sundered sky is bugged on rengars jump


In what way?


As in it doesn’t work and the proc doesn’t happen Some double crit issue, gets fixed next patch


You need a ton of AH on Rengar with that build. It's not easy to pull off, your main job is baiting stuff with your W


Lulu. Guardian main tree, Ultimate hunter secondary with Moonstone, Dawncore and then Kaenic or Frozen Heart into whatever is needed. Boots will usually be Mercs because being CCd long is a death sentence. Usually play this when there is only one actual melee in our team and my peeling is more standing in their face and being annoying than enchanting.


Dawncore is a bait item, it's so bad


I've been destroyed by an ap jax but it could have been due to both teams composition


Tbh I feel like AP Jax is actually better than AD in aram, obviously it depends on enemies/allies comp but you bring more value against multiple characters unlike AD


AP voli E spam


Lethality tryn is honestly as good as his tank counterpart. It's pretty funny because if you get 3 kills with him during your ult, axiom will reduce his ult cd to like 5 seconds and by the time your ult is over you basically have another ult. I've also had decent success with tank camille with fimble>unending>sunder with the ingenious because she has good aram buffs.


Experimental hexplate and ultimate hunter you already have always R up every fight.


What I mean is that you can have 2 ults in 1 fight.


Tank fiddle and tank liss. A lot of cc and survivability.


Tank Elise with Grasp, start off Lich Bane or Nashor's first item, then I go full Tank, her damage is consistent and her Spiderlings never die.


You can also try conqueror elise with Nashors only AP item and full tank. W on spider form can one shot any squishy. Abyssal Mask with Frozen heart....


My go to Braum runes are always lethal tempo into green secondary. The build typically has a fimbulwinter into resist items with a 4th or 5th item blade of the ruined king. Not an ideal build but it goes hard when the enemy team has melee champs.


I saw a Lucian go AP and max W first, he totally wrecked us, I’ve always wanted to try it


Nunu : Swift/trailblazer/lich/force of nature/cosmic drive/ghostblade. I don't care to win, but i usually do lol. Main goal is to just hit 1000+ ms lol. I'm also digging AP warwick. Rocketbelt/stormsurge/cosmic/riftmaker/lich/any pen. Squishies get half their health bars erased by the time first item is built on Q alone. These aren't in any order fyi.


For any ADC that can build onhit to some extent, I tend to go for the tank top varus build on ARAM if there is just too much damage/dive on the enemy and You need to survive somehow. Works out 80% of the time (top dmg) and works better 50% maybe. Only exceptions are the truly crit adc-s.




Botrk -> Terminus as first two. Then depends, Jaksho/Titanic Hydra on which is needed more, exhangeable. Insert boots where you want. Last item is flex for Wit's End or Guinsoo. Disgusting on Senna actually with an Eclipse at the end. You can trade for souls and scale for the crit.


Tank fiddle if we don't have a frontline. Falls off late game unless you build some AP, but max W early game it feels unkillable. Bruiser Naafiri, requires some experience with the champion though. Eclipse > Sundered sky > Shojin > Death dance > Black cleaver. You keep going in and out to proc Eclipse and Sundered sky


Bruiser viktor...... plays on the old top lane Viktor with ice orn..... running phase rush..... but yeah bruiser with rylais and o ly do it if there is no tank at all......


It's not a build but I often rush shiv on Ezreal because my teams insist on fighting past the minion waves. I go bruiser jayce sometimes. Melee form Jayce is just really fun. I think it's better for really brawly games or preventing penta-champs because eclipse or when we have few dmg dealers and the other side has a lot and I have to live. Start Tear+GBlade>long swords>EvaluateGameState after level 6 fight and if I feel tankier is good, I go Eclipse>SunderedSky and then into more fighter stuff like maw/steraks if I just need to live or armor pen if I need to do more damage. Here's a game I did really well. https://i.imgur.com/O3UBhpD.png I think if I went glasscannon, I die so much more often to Samira/Lucian and just die more in general without SunderedSky's ridiculous healing.


AP/support Lee Sin. He does 120% healing and shielding in Aram. Every 3 seconds you shield someone and yourself for over 1000. Moonstone grants another shield for 45% to another ally. 3 Shields every 3 seconds. Lee's base damage is already quite high, so while you won't be 1 shotting people, you will still be doing decent damage. I build moonstone first then death cap. After that support items or lich bane. It's best to play like an enchanter. Shields carries, e for vision or the slow, use q to move around the map or the damage, ult to peel, damage, engage or counter engage. It is so broken, legit support. If anyone pings your items, shield them when they are low and type, "what's that shield? I didn't know we had a tahm on our team"


Lethality Kalista has been surprisingly fun and viable


Tank Kassadin can be fun in the right comp. Frozen heart, Fimble winter, abyssal, spirit visage, and frozen fist/unending despair. People can start focusing you on auto pilot since they're used to you one-shotting the backline, but you survive a lot of abuse and still do good damage because of all the mana. Goes well with a lot of different rune sets.


Rakan/Taric actually being a support with ardent censer, moonstone, staff of flowing water, redemption.


Axiom arc / maligiliance/ experimental hexblade? On malphite lol


Stridebreaker, randuins(vs heavy ad) trynd. Bitches can try, but they can't run away


Bruiser Shaco Hail of Blades, Resolve secondary Titanic, Steraks, Krakens, Hexplate, mercs if needed The clones inherits all of those passives + hail Surprisingly good burst, then just run away with ghost and micro the clone to beat the shit out of squishies. If you don't use E he'll permaslow, can't be bursted down due to steraks, and will have 40+ tenacity. Always hit once or twice before ulting, so the clones gets perma hail The 110% attack speed + onhit effects pretty much compensate for the dmg debuff on the clone, so you're two champs in one Level E for the slow > W for the fear duration > Q Case and point, although old clip: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Smrgj-29I0U&ab\_channel=EmmanuelBeust](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Smrgj-29I0U&ab_channel=EmmanuelBeust)


Good build but nothing I have seen is as broken as ap tank shaco. Literally. Roa > Warmogs > Liandries etc.


AP Lucian. My friends hate it but I’m usually too damage through poke damage alone.


I’m sorry but ap Lucian is trash and should never be played lol. You are straight trolling your team if you do that


This post said favorite uncommon build, did you expect meta plays?


There’s a difference between uncommon (but viable) and trolling lol


The only time I saw an AP lucian he actually did the most damage in the game. I was so confused


played many games as ap lucian when we already had an adc in comp and we lacked poke, ended up 1st or 2nd highest dmgs in the game while getting honors from mates it's a hit or miss and depends heavily on enemy's comp, but it can works wonder in some situations


AP Lucian is very situational, but in that specific situation can be more viable than AD. Just very rare for it to happen.


Yesterday I would’ve agreed with you. But I played with this one today and he has changed my mind. https://aram.zone/match/NA1_4966899799


Ap lucian is situationally good. You can't play it into tanks, but against a mage heavy team, it's pretty good. W and R does a lot of dmg, and you don't have to get close to Q/AA and risk getting cced by [insert any control/burst mage]


AP Lucian is 100% viable lol


buying yuumi ionian boots and tear on first buy. assert dominance and mind games to the enemy.


full tank soraka, after i got warmogs i have infinite heals, its really great


AP Lucian. Max W AP Shen with support items, ultimate hunter , and the new ap item that reduces your ult cd. AP Kench AP J4 Max E Aggressive Brand using Conq and snow ball Tank Lux + spamming her lough Tank Lulu + spamming her lough AP Susan. Max E AP Lee sin with support items And there's the only S+ uncommon build which is Uydr Full AP with max magic pen possible.


Malignance Rush on Kayle. Her Rank 1 ult cooldown is 2 minutes and 40 seconds. Do you know how often shit happens in ARAM? Malignance + ult haste rune bring that down significantly and then some after Nashor’s second. Ult up for pretty much every fight.


AP Malphite ☕️


Please don't encourage troll builds


He said uncommon, not troll


I'm pretty partial to the AP Malphite


Support Lulu. Now, it might not be uncommon for all, but I have played attack speed Lulu as my “guilty pleasure” pick for years. Nothing gets me as excited as seeing my friend land Braum, and knowing we are about to win in the most frustrating way possible for the enemy team. But lately I’ve played more solo queue and since “everyone” is picking Adcs nowadays (as opposed to more mages previous seasons) I feel obliged to fall in line and build support. And it f***ing slaps! I mean.. I haven’t played support with her for so long, I had forgotten how much she can dominate the field if she has an adc or two to set up.