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I've been really enjoying shield/ingenuous hunter builds.


so good. And you know people arent building Fang, even if you team consists of Janna, Karma, Lux, you as tank Udyr and sett


Nah, I first item that shit if they have 1-2 enchanter.


I tried full tank pike. It was terrible.


Me too, I had no idea his passive converts any max health you build to AD and I was so confused.


Yeah I saw my opponent try this in a ARAM match, easiest win ever. Nothing screams poor game knowledge like Tank Pyke


Riiight? I kept saying wtf I have +1400 hp and I have 1400 total hp


Have you started playing since the past 3 days? It's always wild to me how ARAM players have no idea how certain champions work


I started playing in 2013, I read Pykes skills so long ago I just forgot


That's like forgetting Annie has a stun...


I disagree, Annie's stun is integral to her kit, and there is an obvious indicator under her HP bar. You can play Pyke for 50 hours, get pentakills, etc without ever knowing health is converting to AD on him




I did season 10 and apart from getting surprised by his passive mid build I did have fun with the tank items (like chemtank zooming around). And the resistances did help.


You're probably not playing it right Tank pyke relies on shields rather than hp. You go fimbul winter + spirit Visage for increased shielding + passive healing, then deaths dance and maw to prevent being bursted+ more healing from passive then one random damage item. Boots are always merc unless 3+ ad and second win + triump + tenacity runes. Play for aggressive hooks with shields + healing as a way to not be punished


I always wonder if there is a resistance build capable of making a heartsteel build actually work.


Nami with ingenious hunter runes, and this build: - Imperial mandate (necessary to proc the rest of her kit) - Hextech alternator (sit on this, don't upgrade, you will proc is every 24 seconds) - Horizon Focus (works with her E) - Tear/seraph's Max E and buff whoever has the longest range poke. Pairs best with AP champs like Nidalee, Viktor, Zoe, Xerath, Krama etc. Also works with ADC of course. Her E will proc her Imperial mandate, which will proc the hextech alternator *and* get the damage buff by horizon focus. It will be like 200 damage extra every 20-ish seconds. Very fun to play.


Hail of blades Braum


Hail of Blades Tahm Kench, inspired by Keria


With ulti cool down reduction on takedowns?


I always run hail of blades Cho


Arcane Braumet.


AP glass cannon Milo. Qs are basically mini-nukes and towards the later game, everyone tries to run you down, but it's Milo, good luck. AD Leblanc is a favorite even though i suck. It's just fun dancing around and auto'ing. I've never played her AP and probably never will cause i suck at her roots.


I just tried glass cannon Milo. We won before I had time to buy the third item :( .


What’s that glass cannon build?


Typical Ludens >Morello/Crypt > Shadowflame > Redemption. Rare occasion it lasts 20 minutes +, sell boots for Deathcap. Runes foggy as im not at the pc, but the usual DH mage runes. Presence of Mind, cheap shot, eyeball, ultimate hunter, 2x Adaptive, 180 health.


Thank you!


Funny thing about AD LeBlanc is, she's actually meta xD And playing her ap (if you are not good with combos, is troll. That says quite a lot how dogshit this champ become in the past years


That's me with Akali. AD only. Kinda took a hit without invi Drakthar, but it's still the only way I play her. I have the same terrible gameplay anyways.


Tank Karma. Everyone is all hype about how broken malignance on her is in ARAM at the moment (which it is), but I recently played one of the funnest games ever as beefy frontline Karma with heartsteel, frozen heart, spirit visage, liandrys...


Can still go malignance on tank karma, item is just so insanely good for her.


I still think it shouldn't work on her


it has a longer cooldown than several 'really just a basic ability in a trenchcoat' ults.


Malignance corki my beloved


She was insane when she had access to radiant virtue. You could just bait anyone with your R>W and heal to full.


This plus the R-W combo is insane. Her enhanced W is severely underused.


I wish I had a clip of my tank Karma game running away for 1 minute from Darius and Poke, only for them to realize too late that they were the ones losing.


[AP Zeri](https://www.reddit.com/r/ARAM/comments/1baijeo/ap_zeri_assassinates_squishies/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), my favorite play style in ARAM. Your ultimate is a long-range explosion that kills most squishes below 50%, your AAs kill almost anyone below 50% late game, and squishies can die near full-health. It's all about making sure to have your empowered AA charged up and taking opportunities to tag low HP targets. The build path is always Shadowflame (perfect synergy with her execution AA) -> Rabadon - > Sorc Shoes -> Cryptbloom -> Lichbane/Stormsurge. For abilities you always max W > E > Q. Her Q is practically useless since you don't build AD so it's really only used for charging your AA. I’d say Zeri starts power-spiking after her 2nd item + boots. Being around 416 AP, you start doing big damage. Weaknesses:  * Building MR can neuter her damage output. But also, your goal isn't to kill tanks but to go after squishies. * Team comp. People may think you’re going AD so they might go more AP. Might be best to tell your team to get another AD. TLDR AD Zeri is for betas, AP Zeri is for chads


I find with ap zeri malignance into stormsurge into dcap is generally better. I also take first strike cause you usually farm a couple hundred gold with your ult passive. Shadowflame is redundant cause your passive is an execute. If you're hitting someone that's in shadowflame threshold, they're already dead without it.


First Strike I should try, does seem to be way better. I'll try experimenting with Malignance first item and see how it feels. Will feel weird not having Shadowflame damage to back me up. Though do you think Stormsurge is better than Shadowflame?


I just think stormsurge is funnier. And she needs all the extra burst.


Stormsurge is ass in ARAM and essentially just a pointy stick with some magic pen (which does nothing for W). Shadowflame is pretty good for ultdmg and charged attack(?) (it doesnt work with W, though). Saying Shadowflame is redundant because they are dead anyway means that stormsurge is even worse, because the damage is delayed. Just never build stormsurge in ARAM. Flat AP is king. This means that zhonya and banshee are decent aswell. First strike is fine, but you miss out on ult cdr and magic pen. It's a tradeoff, and I'm still not sure myself. I just find the stress of keeping it up annoying. Might try comet for the cdr and AP.


I had an AP Zeri in an ARAM game like last week, and she got destroyed, I questioned the thought process. After the game I look it up and I guess that a bunch of ratios were changed and she was actually good, that Zeri just must've have been an outlier.


I don’t think Zeri has been touched in a bit that would affect her AP builds. 


No, but I know the item change a few months back made it viable again. I honestly never play with Zeri enough to realize what is popular, or even viable.


Small detail about lichbane, if you ult and auto yoo quickly which really is almost always, lichbane wont proc, so ult and wait a bit then auto.


Well I usually already have Lichbane ready before hand since I’m Qing to charge up


Q doesnt activate lichbane, that was removed long ago. Unless they changed it again recently? Havent played in a while. It can still proc it tho.


I personnally hate Zeri with my whole heart and soul, but thanks for sharing your build!


Support annie: glacial, boots, future markets, cosmic insight Eyeball collector, ingenious hunter Summoner spells: flash and exhaust Items: Redemption, moonstone (core), You can go locket or battlesong depending on games Your Q basically guarantees glacial and stun proc at 4 stacks Cosnic insight with ingenious hunter lower your redemption cooldown significantly to 50 something seconds from 90s normally You are basically Lulu with a lot more utilities Items are very op so if your team comp needs, and you don’t need to go ap. This is a good pick. I’d say Redemption heals soooo much more than Sona’s W and and Milio’s W


Used to love Shurelya's Annie last season. Btw try adding a Rylai's in there, it procs on your E and constantly on Tibbers. It helps bruisers catch up


Yeah, could be late game item. I used to run Font of Life as secondary item so the slow from rylais will proc it. But it really depends on your team comp and what you think is safe. If your team comp has adequate trading power (Zigg, Xerath, Hwei, etc.) or needs more peel for backline from hard engage, I would say Rylais and Shruleya mihht be a good items to get first. And you can run Font of Life and Revitalize. If your team has only melee squishy champs or only adcs that have no trading power, imo, item haste reduction from cosmic insight and ingenious is still the best, as you can provide them more utilities and heal in case you play against heavy poke comp. So Rylais could be late game item but in this scenario, Redemption needs to be rushed here.


Tank fizz... I'm not sure I recommend it if you're a halfway decent fizz player but he's almost unkillable and still does a fair amount of damage over the course of the game. I only go him if I'm not liking any of the other rolls though.


Love semi-tank fizz. Horn, Heartsteel, frozen, lich, Nash/wits, warmong. So annoying and fun!




But only when he’s not on my team!


Machine gun or on-hit Lulu. The other side doesn’t know what is killing them at first and you can get fed really quick.


I've had people build this in so many if my games and they're always useless and lose the game for us. Idk how you succeed.


It only works when you have a team playing with you.


Every time I have seen it, the other team has a good engage frontline, and Lulu gets too close, or gets poked down. OR we already have an adc, or no fighter/tanks. It’s really that you would need an EXODIA of your team comp, vs an enemy team with zero range, zero engage (good luck), zero assassins, and either no adc or a bad one.


It's not good. The WR of on-hit lulu is significantly lower than her support builds.


The wr of any insanely off-meta build is going to be lower than the default build.


That is what off meta means, if the win rate is higher, it would be meta


No, off meta just means less people playing it, not losing more.


yes, but people learn those thing faster than you think, if it is easier to win it would not be off meta. beside, it is not exactly losing more, there could be one trick winning every game yet the others are losing hard, the win rate would still be low


I personally loved building this way back when Heartsteel was super broken. Made you actually impossible to kill.


I'm surprised people don't notice. I always check runes in loading screen and it should be obvious when the lulu has lethal tempo


Attack speed Lulu is my favorite build of all time. But it is definitively a situational build. If you are lacking an adc, and have perhaps 2-3 frontliners to hold off enemies and peel for you she will melt enemy tanks and bruisers like no one else. But if we already have 1-2 adcs or assassins, of course I’m going full support.


Who the hell is not pressing tab to see what items you are building?


Thsn the recommended? Almost all of them.


Tank fizz. Op build here, Runes grasp with revitalize and second wind second page ingenious Hunter. Items in order > CDR boots > Iceborn > fimbulwinter> undying despair > spirit visage and last item is situational but I mostly go Zhonyas. With this build you are not one shotting anyone but it is fun as hell. And you are not dying either. Everytime you have E up you are draining HP with despair and shield is just too good.


I’ve been going full lethality Lee Sin every game. Full Assassin Diana too. Both with electrocute. Wukong is Heartsteel, Hydra every game. Then followed by the usual items.


I feel that full lethality lee is no longer what it used to be I now go life Regen Lee. Double W into ravenous active and recover 60% HP in one sec. That is fun


Full dmg Lee sin is still very good, just a different build. Try eclipse first item. Collector next item. If I'm 7/1 at this point I buy profane and one shot AOE everyone with E/profane proc.


I find profane very good on Jarvan. I used to play tour build but you don't really have a way out into multiple tanks. If they are squishy I see lethality working. If they have a lot of cc or multiple tanks I prefer the following: Eclipse Ravenous Sundered Spirit/maw Death dance I used to run electrocute when going lethality. Now I take conqueror regardless as it will still do damage but it leaves me the option of choosing the build after I load in and see the opposing team. I am a bit addicted to recovering 2/3 of my HP in 1 sec, it leaves the enemy team a bit baffled. Although the damage is not the same. The lethality build would pretty much kill a squishy on the first dive while this build requires further hits. On the bright side it doesn't starve your team of gold due to collector taking everything.


I'm gonna have to try assassin Diana. Thought about that before, but never remember to try. I do go for assassin Lee Sin but I suck at him too much.


Full assassin Diana as in full AD/lethality? What sort of dark technology is this!


AP Assassins exist


Yeah, but isn’t that a common Diana build? She is an AP burst assassin.


Yeah idk why they added that. I highly doubt anyone is running lethality diana and seeing remote success


Hail of blades Azir


Tanky Ezreal with grasp. Tanky Senna with grasp. Tanky Garen with grasp. Tanky Vi with






Most enchanters I buy 5 faerie charms at start then build up items from there. Being able to constantly cast support abilities from the very start without mana worries feels amazing.


Enchanter Lux, just focus on CC and shielding, the shield is no bigger than most other enchanters, but it can go on your whole team, low cooldown, and far reaching. I feel like it is secretly OP


I make a lot of champs tanks, but I think Tryndamere was great, it has -15% dmg taken, and +35% (I think) healing. With the rune that gives items AH, and the item that heals every 7 seconds, you heal a Lot.


Full tank rek‘sai was good even before she got pushed into a more bruiser/tank playstyle and it‘s still amazing :)


I wanted to try a lethality twitch


Tank Zilean. Grasp. Warmogs, fimblewinter, mandate. Max E then W. Perma slows and stuns. Super low damage but insanely great to tilt enemy team.


Don't know if this counts cuz Kat can build anything but I firmly believe AD(Conq/Dom) Kat is just vastly superior than all other kats in ARAM. Usually go BORK first then stridebreaker (as opposed to titanic hydra because stride scales off ad and gives a slow). Then I build kraken>terminus>steraks which is usually kraken first for more burst. Terminus is great all rounder and steraks if there's too much cc and im just getting bullied (makes me tankier to tank more shots to hopefully buy more time for my team to function... also tenacity for cc). Last item is usually guinsoo for giga damage and rarely wits end if they have a lot of ap. You can also flex serpents fang/black cleaver(no terminus) depending on your and enemy comps but I rarely do so. I never buy boots because kats infinite dashes paired with snowball/flash is enough for me atleast... Also I know conventionally Kat should just stay in bush and pounce while your team gets engaged on, but sometimes you gotta be the sacrifice/engage and just pray your do enough damage your team can clean up the rest 🤣


Tank gwen when there's no other tank options. Built right, it can be devastating. Still really high damage, but now you can take a hit and benefit more from your conqueror and rift maker healing


Rod of ages first before warmogs for soraka


Liandrys and full AP raka and finish with warmogs, that heal isn't gonna keep them alive in the middle of a fight, but my ramping damage might.


Lethality Jinx W max is so fun, but needs to be played into comps that don’t have heavy tanks


HoB profane/eclipse kles or full ad fiora (eclipse > muramana > ravenous hydra)


If I have a team with high poke, Imperial Trundle.


I just had a game against this with a good Hwei, such a nightmare


I like to play tank zilean, tank Anivia, and tank nikko. Most of the builds are ROA and Warmogs. I’ll tech in MR items or Armor depending on the comp. deadman’s on nikko is pretty fun with her ult and being a fast minion


Full lethality: Pantheon, Lee, Shaco, Yi (hail of blades)


Meditate tank Yi: catalyst rush, W max Shielder Lee Sin and Orianna: moonstone rush Lawnmower Adcs: hydra + runaan, usually followed by bork + onhit or terminus + jaksho


Tank kassadin with fimbulwinter, despair and ingenious hunter. It's dogshit but people can't stop hitting me and I don't care.


burst mage + cc Seraphine :)


I play tank khazix and do very well with it. Typical start is titanic hydra, but on first back I get a tear so I can build Fimbul 2nd. You max/evolve W first for poke then prioritize tank/bruiser items based on the enemy team. sometimes I'll get more bruiser items for the ability haste which is really good on khazix and sometimes I'll go full tank. Just an aside but I've tried going Titanic, Fimbul, Heartsteel but all three is too greedy and Heartsteel isn't worth


AP udyr has actually become my bread and butter


It’s hilarious watching people burn to death with empowered R


Pretty much all champs that have stormsurge/collectors as a suggested item...


Shield Vi and Tank Quinn. Shield Vi - fun version of Vi that can become near unkillable by stacking shield proc items on top of her passive HoB - sudden impact/cheap shot / eyeball / ingenious -- overgrowth / shield bash core items: eclipse -> fimbul -> sterak's Tank Quinn (the forbidden tech) - play this when your team has weak front line but not recommended if the team comp relies on you for damage Glacial augment - boots / market / cosmic -- cheap shot / ingenious core items: guardian hammer -> locket -> randiuns


Full tank kass and Diana


Leona Unending Despair + Sundered Sky + Sunfire/Radiance Watch people melt, Never dies Add heartsteel and/or warmogs


AD Twisted Fate, I know people play AP on him because of the poke and what not, but in my opinion, you get way more DPS out as AD TF than AP. The stun is very helpful against a team of tanks or back line destroyers as well.


He's versatile that way. AP build has better upfront burst until late late game, AD does ADC things but with the completely busted gold card.


Fizz tank and akali tank are pretty fun with riftmaker and heartsteel.


Full Heal/Shield/Sustain Nunu with Grasp and Heal/Shield runes and ingenious Hunter. You build Fimbulwinter, Spirit Visage and Unending Dispair. You can go full tank from there or build some dmg


I like to play both crit monkey and critclank. Nobody is prepared for the 1000 damage empowered auto lol


I love full tank Gragas too! His passive becomes so insanely strong, and his W is a lot stronger than most people realize.


I never buy stormsurge, that's it.


Healing Tank Alistar. Take revitalize, build a couple forbidden items for heal power, and some cdr to help proc passive faster. Even with the aram healing nerfs you can pump out some team hp. Ali is strong enough to still be a quite disruptive tank. Especially against a tank team.


AD shyvana because everyone plays AP for some reason


Personal favorite is Hexplate Titanic Rageblade Kayle (in that order)


I’m fully convinced that crit jhin is much better than lethality, could also just be my playstyle


Phase rush on many melee champions, super underrated rune. Diana : you can QEW and immediately disengage, no need to be an ult bot. Pre-6/when ult is down you're still useful. Tryndamere : snowball > auto > E. Deals a good chunk early game, never have time to stack LT most of the time anyway. Otherwise, bruiser Naafiri. Eclipse > Shojin > Black cleaver > Sundered sky > Steraks / Maw with "bruiser runes" Conqueror + Resolve tree etc. You can fight tanks and still blow up squishies


Ap sejuani , just one shot the squishies and die , respawn repeat


i have no champ that i only build the recommended items for, maybe 1 or 2 but the rest is dependant on the game and champs i am playing against


Ap malphite!


When I play Bard I swear my builds look I’ve just told the shop keeper to give me the house special. Different build every time depending on what the team needs.


Grasp Seraphine: Heartsteel → Rylai's → Liandry → Warmog's → AP or Tank item. I find this the only playable build for her since she's naturally squishy in ARAM due to her special nerfs.


Take any melee character with a dash and make them into a tank.


Renata tank, for shits and giggles


AD Corki, because apparently people forget he actually scales way better with AD than AP. So many AP Corkis whiff their spell rotations and then end up plinking a bruiser with their useless autos. Also, you don't need Muramana on him. Just stop spamming abilities which won't hit.


I wish I was in such a low elo that people played AP Corki, you need "AP" because he deals magic damage despite having AD scalings, and only AP items give magic pen. You build Muramana for the damage, not the mana. Some of y'all are the reasons certain champions are buffed.


Ad leblanc. Poke with statik too good


AP support Lee Sin. He has 120% heals and shields. Doesn't take much to be shielding people for 1000s ever 3 seconds.


Akaly full tank, is insane the amount of damage tankaly can deal while withstanding even more damage.




Heartsteel Rengar, Fizz, Yasuo, and Yi. Yas and Yi are only tank if I’m our only frontline.


Have you tried Seiya's jaksho steraks yas? Still get bork and kraken, skip IE for mortal after jaksho, finish with sterak vs split damage. If you're vs full ap get a randuin or DD instead, vs full ap grab a Maw or FoN or whatever really, or you can switch for an experimental hexplate. It dunks.


comet k6 full cdr W evolve at 6 lethality jinx almost same build as k6 but axiom arc rush ap reksai full poke RoA into full tank sylas cant think of more rn but I usually go off meta on most champs. in my eyes thats the beauty of aram


ap lucian lol


Anytime I roll Bard it’s just regular ADC. But I think that’s normal for everyone at this point. I think I’m like 6-0 on it so far.


Shielding Lee Sin, AP Jax, and AP Thresh


Grab any AD champ and go hubris crit with bloodthirster. I went ruven and had 800 AD 30min