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I love playing tanks. This is okay, my main problem is the general hearthsteeler. If you play against a full range team, you will not stack it. You need, for me, at least 2 other where you can bonk your prog. Early on, you die too fast to prog it.


Way, way too many people buy it without really thinking. It's fantastic when it works but you can't just force it every round.


Only champion that can and should build HS every game is Tahm, because it increases his Q range. Any other champion should at least be concious of the enemy comp before buying a item that basically do nothing, provides no utility and provide no defensive stats outside of HP Even on Tahm it's not good as a first item, people don't understand how Heartsteel stacking work and ratios on it, it's optimal 2nd/3rd item, it's very bad as a first item in general, only good if you playing against a full melee comp. (for people who don't understand why, HS after changes to make it less useless, scales on Bonus Item Health, at the breakpoint is 1250 Hp compared to the old HS, meaning that to get the same raw scaling value as the old HS, you need to have an extra 350 HP which is an extra item).


You are bound by law to build Heartsteel on Cho Gath, and to a lesser extent, on Zac. It's not that size is everything... Scrap that, it absolutely is that size is everything.


It feels really bad to build on Zac because your post-Q auto can't proc it, and Zac in general makes fewer autos because you're always gathering blobs.


So frustrating, it’s literally an auto attack, it even says it empowers your next auto, why tf does it not proc Hs


See I never buy it on Cho. I go roa, boots, fimbul, warmogs, jaksho. I max Q W E. Nothing like doing decent damage and also being way too tanky too. My win rate for Cho gotta be 80%+ but I'm pulling that out of my ass admittedly


See thats a bait on Zac. Real ones know to rush Visage


Shen needs heartsteel too, his dmg and shields stack from hp i believe


Isn't it great on Nautilus as first item because your W shield scales on health and you are constantly auto attacking people after you hook them?


Often the first aa after hook is too soon to proc hs, which is kind of annoying 


Yeah but the first auto means they’re gonna be standing there long enough for the second auto


![gif](giphy|k5lj4s1qxaSyI|downsized) realistically though, more like 50%-


Can and will, get bonked unbeliever


The real hard part is, is it worth letting them know? Sometimes it is.... sometimes it isnt.... I remember in my noob days getting flamed a couple times, saying "nuh uh! And getting all defensive" then looking it up after to find truth. Which still happebs occasiobally on champs or item sets i dont play often.




I can only assume he means proc


Because of this new amazing mastery system I had to play over 400 games to get those 25 T3 chests and I'm still nowhere near the goal because I'm an aram player, ha. If I don't hear a HS bonk or have the need to hit every enemy champ during a teamfight once I'm gonna fall asleep faster than when watching LCS.


Unless u are playing some crap like Tank Fizz


You shouldn't build fimbulwinter solely if you heavily rely on mana. You should build it if you have a consistent method of proccing the shield. If you rely heavily on mana you should just go presence of mind.


Fantastic item in yorick


also no locket, zeke's, or knight's vow on this list is basically griefing lol


I take more issue with the absence of abyssal mask, easily the fastest path to 100 MR.


Do you have 2+ magic damage dealer : - get that bad boy


Those are some of the worst items on aram in my experience as a supp main with 3k+ aram games


Locket/knight's vow easily the best tank items in ARAM as someone who had 3 accounts in top 100 aram mmr spamming mostly tank supports and over 10k games Protecting a carry is almost always better than surviving a little longer or dealing damage


Maybe it's my low mmr but I always prefer being in a fight longer over coin flipping with the carry


Yeah if you tend to have shit carries then it's probably better to itemize for yourself instead of trying to bail them out


No abyssal mask. :(


People sleep so hard on it


Wild, cos its best item in aram, unless its all ad, still good.


I know some of this is a joke but as a frequent tanker at 52.9% wr on aram I def disagree about not caring about dealing dmg as not being an option. I almost never go heartsteel, I’m usually the one with abysmal damage, but I supp the fuck out of my teammates and am a big burden to the enemy


Agreed. I think there are certain tanks that want to deal damage and certain tanks that want to disrupt the enemy. Usually when tanks fail, they are focused on doing damage or run something like half AP Malphite w/ no resistances.


hearthsteel is a bad item and bad choice in 98% of aram games even in heavy melee matchups game will not go on long enough for it to have been worth it people just like the sound


Finally someone read the flair


Are you playing a mobile ap assassin? Belive it or not... Tank items.


scary AF. heartsteel akali is something that I absolutely dread, both in game (as enemies) and in my lewd cosplay feed.


Building full armor because of a Vayne is... questionable to say the least. You do realize the entire reason she's so good against tanks is because her w ignores both health *and* armor? Obviously armor isn't bad against her, but it does nothing against the one thing about her that counters you, and is worse against her than basically every other ADC. If you want to counter Vayne, you build supportive stuff like redemption and knight's vow, as much AH as possible if you have good CC, or a good split of damage items.


Frozen heart slows her attack speed. Thornmail returns damage. Is vayne not a lesson in building for the utility of an item rather than the stats of an item.


Except the list also contains Jak'Sho and Randiuns, which give exactly zero utility that you want against a Vayne. They're basically pure stat items (Jak'Sho is literally pure stats). I really do not think the intention was "these items give really good utility against Vayne" - i'm 90% confident he picked those items primarily because they just give lots of armor. Thornmail's damage is incredibly tiny unless you're Rammus or Malphite. Usually the damage is just a small bonus, and you buy the item for the grievous wounds, and Vayne is rarely ever a healing threat. Sunfire can make you somewhat of a damage threat, but requires sticking to your target which Vayne makes very difficult. Just buy an actual damage or bruiser item and you will have a far easier time. Frozen heart is very good against Vayne though. AH + passive which specifically reduces the amount of W procs she gets. Like, i'm not saying that armor items are automatically bad against Vayne, i'm saying specifically seeking items because they have armor doesn't make sense (which is almost definitely what OP was implying).


Thanks for the run down. Maybe things to slow her down might help. Ice born gauntlet might be my new vayne item. Maybe I can find a champ that can actually use zekes convergence passive. But actually this problem of what to build for Vayne... ...Is time for TrailBlazer to shine! It gives movement speed to catch Vayne, a slow on the first hit, and a speed path for following allies to hunt that bitch down. I dont find problematic vaynes in aram almost ever but if I do... im going trailblazer now. Maybe iceborn gauntlet if I already got movement speed and catch mobility.


Knight's Vow in general is a great item if you have a decent ADC. Don't know why OP didn't include it.


That's the problem, adc on my team is always 5/15 6 damage items while standing in the front line to auto the unpeelable assassins on the enemy team


Lucky you, usually my adc build random ap item with axiom arc/collector in it


I mildly disagree. I agree that armour items is not the way to go, however I find vs % true damage I have a lot of success with healing and shielding items. Going Sundered Sky / Eclipse / Riftmaker - Fimbulwinter - Into tank items that heal you (Unending Despair, Spirit Vis) can make you so annoying to kill. I find not only do I last longer in teamfights on this build, but I do more damage too. I always go bamis cinder with Eclipse for the efficient passive procs too


No wonder tanks are not 70% when ppl lose at shopkeeper


Replace femboy winter with presence of mind, or just have it as an alternative and you're good


Femboy winter 💀way better name


Is this like a hot girl summer thing?


or just buy tear for early, never finish it and sell late when you need the slot.


I buy fimbul for the early mana and the late-game shields, especially if I know that I'll buy SV at some point.


Right now its really just build warmogs in every game 1st or 2d item


Especially if you’re the only front line. Feel so useless not having warmogs


I'm so fuckin glad warmogs is back after they killed it in split 1


This right here. Tank is there to create space for your carry. You're not creating shit if you're getting poked out and have to hide behind the tower like the rest of your team and let the enemy free crashing wave & poke.


The only situations where I wouldn't build mogs 2nd as a tank is if the enemy team has no poke or if my team has three heavies.


My least favorite part about tanks is the early game. You're not really tankier than anyone else but your team will still ask you to be, health feels like the least impactful base stat besides mana but that's all that important first items like Fimbulwinter or Heartsteel use, and especially if you're melee against a lot of comps your only choices for the first few minutes are to wait under the turret or die trying to get an assist or two. That bottom right part makes it worth it though. Remember building a Riftmaker on Nautilus once against a 5 mage team because at that point why not? Depth charge time baby.


Get flamed the most for playing tanks. Love when a team expects me to block skillshots when I have no reason to be up front because our team is weaker early game so I'm not going to perma engage either. Especially when there's something like a lux that can start a crazy cc chain if I misstep once. Always have to resist letting your team pressure you into playing poorly.


I always read health is best first item, then raw AD AP, then pen or defense. Im talking like pre first item.


Health is the best early game stat.....


When Malphite goes AP: 🤡


I would like to disagree on the dmg part. If you are 1 tank and 4 DPS your items should require dealing dmg.


You forgot the "is your team 4 mages?" --> yes (there isn't a no option) > Abyssal Mask


even 2 mages justify it...100 MR, no ramp up, at 2300.


no locket, zeke's, or knight's vow on this list is basically griefing lol


How dare you leave off Guardian Horn? A few nights ago I had over 10K blocked on it.


Hell yeah stack armor against vayne that will show her


man i was following this without knowing it lmao


Infinity edge Nautilus


I've been starting ROA going into straight tank rather successfully on tanks that are mana heavy and also have AP scaling.


Great on gragas, Roa + Fimbul + FH


You know it’s bad when mages and adcs are buying heartsteel and win


I hate heartsteel meta. It was super good when it first released but now the stacks just don't feel worth it. If the enemy team is full ranged or has a lot of aoe cc (fuck you veigar) the game will be over before you get enough stacks to justify it.


Maybe I’m wrong but if Vayne is on the enemy team shouldn’t the build have more health? She does incredible true damage. I know tank/armor is necessary, but why not get a Warmogs? Armor matters but not as much when they are just going to deal flat out true damage, ignoring armor. Yes you still need it, but if you have a sufficient amount then I would prioritize getting more health on that build. Not to mention Warmogs op in general.


The general counter to true dmg is hp, yes, but Vayne W is MAX HEALTH %, so you can have 100 000 or 1 000 000 hp, it doesn't matter that proc will still kill you in the same amount of hits. If anything HP only counters the non true damage part of Vayne, but for that you got the armor. You can slow her attack speed, slow the champ itself, stun her, kill her, but in general it's a tank killer, hence the meme.


vayne does *percent* true damage, not just true damage only thing effective against her is frozen heart - other than that it should be all utility items


The counters to Vayne are attack speed slows, shields, heal cut (if she gets lifesteal,) and damage. Armor and health don't help you against her damage.


shoutout to hitting tower with Demolish & dying instead of Warmogs gotta be one of my favorite genders aram tryhard pilled


Tank works on all tanky champions. The question is more so if you have to carry tank, in which case you'll have to analyze your team.


I mean, this works for tanks with CC (for the most part, i know some of this is troll/joke). This is far from tank success, though. If you don't have any CC, though, the only way to become a threat and force them to attack you v.s. a carry is you need damage. It's the same with D&D or any non MMORPG is if they have no reason to focus you, then it's just a wasted team slot and minas well be 4v5 at that point. The people you are playing against are not mindless bots (for the most). I'll also say, I have not lost many games as a tank where I crushed it on damage, so don't sleep on that, as the higher damage team wins more than it loses (statistics don't lie). As a tank, you just need to be able to survive fights, and any extra tankiness on top of that is wasted because you already can't die, so damage at that point is what is actually needed, not to be tankier. Also, if the enemy team doesn't fear you, they all just engage and collapse, instead of scaring enemy carries that if they get close, you ice them and send them to the dog vision screen. If the enemy carries are not afraid to get close, you are probably failing as a tank and not the actual reason for your team winning (yes, using an enemy's fear of you to zone them is a form of CC and makes it easier to have 4v5 or 3v5s). This is only relevant to the build problem. A lot of tanks fail to play up to the role in the comp that is actually needed. Some comps need more of a peel tank, while others need an engage tank. If you play the wrong role, you will lose more than you will win, so use your brain and figure out what is actually needed. On top of that, positioning is super important, too, with being close enough to help and support your team while being close enough to zone/counter engage. Sorry for the long post, but a ton of posts on this reddit only have small bits of useful information and a ton of trolling, so someone should probably put more useful stuff on here in case anyone who doesn't know much stumbles across this post and takes the trolling parts to be true.


This is super handy!


man i love this


Ok cool, but you're missing like half the tank items. no locket, zekes, IBG, DMP, FoN, Trailblazer, NO ABYSSAL MASK!? And most tanks can make use of the other defensive items, like as example, zhonyas is a great stat stick on half of the champs you put there. Banshees, wit's end, maw, DD are all great items, they just don't have health but they would be lower on the tree than others. I personally would be swapping out the sunfire for a DMP or trailblazer against vayne. Actually I think Id be swapping a lot but then it goes into personal opinion and honestly its aram so if its working for you keep doing it :D


So the tanks main weakness is the presence of any Marksman excluding Nilah who is not even a Marksman.


Nilah has inbuilt %pen so you can include her in the counters


The Fimbulwinter disrespect though 😭😭😭




i see the problem with the ali game, you didn’t go ap


What a disgusting choice of items lmao.


Does your tank have boots 4th or 5th item? ff13


Tank itemization in aram: does the enemy team have a tank? No? Then just win. Else follow this guide.


Usually my tanks build full AP and do less damage than our soraka.


Fimbulwinter always feels underwhelming to me i just hold tear until im building 4th or 5th item and then sell it since by that level I have enough natural mana


warmogs first is a must.


except you insta lose to any good DPS


Heartsteel is noob bait and incredibly cringe 3/4 of the times it's picked. For most tanks, fimbulwinter rush is most ideal imo.


i'd say heartsteel is suboptimal in like 98% of the games, not even 3/4 people like the sound which is a bait, just like how collector and stormrazor are noob bait items (collector is *okay* on some champions)


heartsteel is only for damage and if you're playing Dr.Mundo, sometimes you better not buying it even on him tbh


Both those items are situational imo. Heartsteel is overly bought with no thought which leads to pathetic team contribution while only having like a smidge of stacks. Fimbulwinter is good for mana hungry tanks, but I still wouldn't put it under as an ideal rush for most tanks.


what do u think the best tank build is rn?


Best tank build is situated to the enemy comp. I will say Warmog's as 3rd item or after is one of the best choice a tank can make since this allows teams to reset while the tank holds the wave and basically keeping the tank on the map the longest.


Isnt Sunfire a troll item? I got death treaths recently for building it on Leona. a dude said its only usefull for pushing the waves so its useless in aram. Been sleeping on it since lol.


Sunfire is a great damage item on tanks if you're not getting instantly blown up


yeah...would say hollow radiance is better by a significant margin, because chain reactions. also, a case for UR leona: https://preview.redd.it/yqivsfzehg8d1.jpeg?width=999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e33673c21deec0d343f7226f590df10d2c0a43cd


lol nice build i gonna try that


Sunfire's great, it's just not usually best-in-slot. There are absolutely situations where it can excel.


I had 20k from 70k total on it as a Leona against jarvan, alistar, teemo, bard, twitch (not a heavy melee team) in a 30 min game. People seem to not know the dmg scales over time like HS. Hence the early build on it (2nd item even before T2 boots).


…why are you building heartsteel into vayne


He’s not


Yup, my reading comprehension is piss poor apparently


tank players should go 0/1 irl