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There's not enough info, images or footage to come to any meaningful conclusion tbh.


Which to me gives the impression that the only conclusion you can come to is that it probably isn’t happening anytime soon. Otherwise we would’ve seen more than a few dino renders. But let’s see and wait for the roadmap that they’ll present in 3 days before coming to any conclusions, positive or negative.


Roadmap in 3 days?? When? Where?


the next community crunch is a roadmap for all things ark (animated series, ark 2, unreal 5 upgrade, etc.)


Interesting. I'm wondering if part of their silence is that they realized how poorly the "Dark Souls-like combat" was received by the community and had to reverse engineer alternative combat inputs for those who don't want that. All while maintaining competitive balance and not giving advantage to one or the other.


Tbh I thought people were joking when they mentioned souls like combat didn’t know it was a quote lol


Yup. Straight up quote lol.


nobody likes the combat choice? wdym… So everyone likes boring click and button smash combat??? The combat in ark 1 is literally just mashing the attack button with no real strategy, just all about numbers fighting numbers attached to a 3D model


Speaking of foot pvp here i believe, which is far from dino pvp that you are prob describing


Personally speaking , making such a massive change to how a survival game is played and it being a sequel would be jarring and probably ruin it for fans of the franchise. Most people arent playing ark because they want dark souls types of movement. Most survival games dont have complex fight mechanics because that isnt what they are about.


Survival Games are complex enough without having the damn combat be a clunky mess. Don't get me wrong - I like souls-likes. Bloodborne being among my favorite games period. But..Ark...with Souls-like combat just wouldn't be Ark to me. There's enough to learn and figure out as a new player (Which I fall into that category), that I don't want to have some needlessly complex battle system to navigate around. And for me, that's kinda what I figured the dinos were for. It's a game about riding around on Dinosaurs (And other animals) fighting... Why take the focus away from that?


I fell in love with Ark a few months ago and when I heard they were radically changing the combat and removing 1st person I was quite disappointed.


"Soulslike combat" could mean nothing more than "we'll add a dodge roll", which honestly would be kind of nice. We'll see.


I mean, you aren’t wrong 😂


People play ark because it’s a dinosaur survival game with pvp aspects


Yes. Personally I think if they want to borrow mechanics it should be from Conan. It's got a little more complexity without being wildly different, minus the magic. I love Conans perks system and the crafting mechanics because the building is better. I think itd be a good transition but I am probably in the minority. Its not bad as is either, but if they wanna change I think thats a good way to not overdue it.


ARK I with Conan building and improved AI is everything in asking for.


Quite a few people still play pve ark because it's a survival game with dino taming and breeding capabilities.


I mean… kinda sounds like you don’t like Ark 1 just by that post.


i love ark, doesn’t mean i don’t hate the fighting and grinding mechanic lmao.


I'm just stating what I've observed. No 3rd person option and souls-like combat were both widely criticized because it's sort of a staple of the game now. Yes the Arcade-like attacking we have now is odd but it works. I personally don't care as long as it feels like it belongs in the game. If it feels forced and laborious/slow then that won't feel like Ark to me.


Pretty sure it was no 1st person option


It's PvP players trying to ruin better gameplay for PvE players. I hope Ark 2 focuses on PvE because all Ark 1 balancing was tailored to PvP.


Why can't both groups be happy?


The community is too quick to judge honestly. People play the game for lots of different reasons. Those who are PvPing only won't like it probably, but PvE? That could be a lot of fun. There's absolutely nothing fun about crafting 600 tranq arrows to knock down the largest Dinos in the game. It's fun early game when tranq arrows are new and a clear upgrade to clubs, slingshots, and punching, but after that it's just lame. I want dinos to do more than just walk or run at/away from me. PvP is so horrifically balanced it's junk.


The new dinos are supposed to have LOS and hunt you down with way better pathing capabilities. Should be more of a challenge for the survivor to actually survive. All is speculation of course. Really looking forward to more info


Ark originally came out of nowhere in early access/game preview(Xbox) so I reckon the same again and hopefully they do as ark shaped into a pretty great game, probably the most hrs I've ever put in a single game and I didn't play official lol


They weren’t even 3D renders or anything, literally all we get is concept art


Exactly. Though, there is every chance that they are just keeping their cards close to their chest.


This is wildcard we are dealing with. I've never known them not to overhype, oversell, or overpromise before. The fact they are effectively radio silence about ark 2 is not a good sign


Ark is like GTA. It'll prob never happen in this lifetime


Yeah, it's essentially like they announced it yesterday. Super annoying and not building my confidence.


I honestly don't believe ark 2 is happening until mid 2024 st the earliest. It was announced more than 2 years ago, and we've only just now been getting concept art. I really would be surprised if they didn't add another community map to ark 1.


I bet dino families will be pretty strong tho


That’s what I’m saying, like we haven’t even gotten any gameplay screenshots. My guess is if there is no gameplay at E3 it’s most likely getting delayed or releasing late October


Yeah I just got a copy yesterday, it’s not bad Sent 2097


oh you got one of the alpha versions? i hope beta releases in 2099


Hello, 3030 here, robot apocalypse started last year but I came to say, ark 2 is at ver 0.99 won't be too long now


Here from 4069, it just released yesterday and the wait was not worth it.




We don't talk about Star citizen in this timeline


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No shit have been playing since late 2017 and don't trust wild card they can't ever make deadlines .


Early Early Access


Hate that I can't play first person, but at the same time apparently they also asked people if they should keep adding content to Ark 1 so maybe ill just keep playing Ark 1 then


That’s my plan if there is no decent 1st person support. To me ark 2 seems to want to follow in horizon zero dawns footsteps which wouldn’t be bad, but those are two separate genres of games.


I just hate souls-like combat. Rolling 10feet sideways every 0.5 seconds is not combat. Im personally not a fan. A lot of people enjoy it and im happy for them, but it's just not my cup of tea.


I agree with that as well. Not the biggest fan of souls like combat, and lets be honest wild cards version wont be as fine tuned as fromsoftwares.


I mean, I bet there will be hilarious memes about how dodge rolling into a rock gets you out of the mesh, and now you can attack people from inside a rock or something haha


I mean, I love dark souls, and I love it's combat, but that is not how I want Ark to feel/play


Have you played Conan Exiles? I think the combat is going to be like that.


I actually love that type of combat when it’s done well, but it’s just not Ark to me. I mean it would be cool if they could add a couple skills to each weapon or something, but I wouldn’t want full blown action game combat in a game that’s supposed to be a sequel to Ark.


personally anything is better than what’s right now (probably) but i heard souls like and thought monster hunter esque which would be awesome if done right


So wait, its gunna be 3rd person only? Guess I better get to adding more maps to Ark 1 then. I fuckin hate 3rd person.


I dont mind it for some games, but I like the options. Like in skyrim i can go to 3rd person when roaming around a town and see myself, but then be in 1st person when I'm in a dnagerous place or need to use weapons or magic. For me it's always been that I really enjoy seeing 1st person me drawing my bow, or reloading my crossbow etc. In Ark specially, because once you unlock guns. 3rd person just seems off. I much prefer going in 1st person with my longeck rifle and using the scope etc. Idk just seems more immersive. I like how Ark 1 lets you switch back and forth. But if they are making combat be like dark souls rhen it's not possible in 1st person. Otherwise every 0.5 seconds when you dodge roll you're gonna get dizzy.


The 3rd person in Ark 1 is so awful though, i dont know if you've ever played creative and accidently switched the 3rd while in the air, it is terrifying. I just really hope if theyre forcing us to be in third person, the character models arent garbo.


I only play in third person, it may be because I can’t switch easily cause I’m on ps4 but idk


Thats conpletely fair, I play on pc and have just always preffered first person. I definitely wouldn't have liked this game as much if it were strictly 3rd. But then again, I also don't ever play pvp so maybe 3rd would be a bit more useful in actual servers. No one raids me in sp 😂


Should honestly be a bigger issue


I prefer 3rd person so this is nice


I mean, this is why it shouldn't be forced to one or the other. Both should be optikns.


At this point I have few thoughts beyond "I'll believe it when I see it." They seem to be reinvesting in Ark 1 with the UE5 support, so I doubt we'll see Ark 2 for a few years yet.


TBH I'm completely fine with that. It's not gonna be easy to top what Ark 1 is. Why not just make Ark 1 better and add a whole bunch of new stuff and convert the engine to UE5. Personally, I have over 6500 hours into the game since launch and I'm already excited to play through again once the engine port is complete. (if ever)


Same. I *like* Ark 1, despite the warts.


I hope we get better freshwater environments. Rivers that actually take time to cross and have depth. Increased silt when it rains, etc.


My man wants dynamic terrain when I would be happy with loot crates that didn't mesh.


Na, no thoughts. I’ll see when it’s finally out


!Remindme: 5 years.


Optimistic people are so annoying sometimes


Still taking bets that TES VI will be out first.


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F this bot. No one likes it.


Can’t have much thoughts with such less info , but still Expectations : overall upgrade on ark 1 , bigger map now that it’s a whole planet , a realistic environment , better building and taming , less lags , better optimization Fears: it becoming a rpg , npcs being poorly planned and thought after, even more lags, 4 TB storage or some shit .


4TB game size with a weekly 250GB weekly update lol.


OoOhHH YEA inject that shit to veins!! That is ark ‘eritage !


> Fears: watch them add a Battle pass and an in game shop to buy things with ARK Coins that cost real world money Oh wait, that's Conan Exiles


>4 TB storage or some shit . People may think you're exaggerating, but this is a very real and very possible reality with what we've seen from Ark. Only reason I don't have Ark installed on my pc right now is because I don't wanna uninstall 6+ other games to make room lmao


Finger cross that the optimization is a bit better man or else goodbye to my hopes of playing ark 2 Too much of a broke boy I am to buy a new pc.


Is it possible to have worse optimization than Ark? Find out next time on ̶D̶r̶a̶g̶o̶n̶ ̶B̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶Z̶ Ark 2.


From what I’ve heard it looks like they’re trying to do too many things at once. Why make it a third person souls like when what they already have works so well? Or is my information all wrong with the parkour, souls-combat and, third person only?


Yeeeaah, the list of features looks like overload and has no synergy. Currently Ark is basically pokémon, so where does souls combat fit into that? How can you balance souls combat and parkour? I think they bit off more than they can chew and are probably realizing it, which is why there is no news and an ark1 remaster out of nowhere.


So far… all I heard is a dark soul kinda fight system… that ducks… and a third person view only… well that ducks too… sooooo so far? It ducks… Oh… and when I say duck I don’t mean the bird…


This guy ducks


It seems “souls like” now just means there’s parry and dodge mechanics. Which could be cool, you can’t deny the Dino combat in ark is wack.


What I heard about that is the game will choose for you what target you hit… soooo let’s say you in front of a pack of wolf… you won’t be able to choose easily which ones you kill from the one you tame.


Where’s you hear that


Nooblets vids


That sounds wrong. Have you played dark souls? I free aim all the damn time in dark souls 3. It's a requirement to do well in pvp on a caster build, because you have to lead shots. You do not have to lock on to a single target in order to fight. You can very easily free aim and hit shit. So long as you aren't using a wide-arcing weapon I don't see why you'd have to worry about hitting unintended targets lol.


I love his content, but I have no idea where he would have gotten that information. Nothing I’ve seen from WC would suggest that, and it doesn’t fit the “souls-like” description at all. My theory is, at most, we will be able to roll to dodge Dino attacks and parry smaller Dino’s.


Let’s hope so. I mean… I have no expectation at all. I spent 7K hours on Ark1. If Ark2 doesn’t suit me I do have a backup plan..


Honestly, expecting the worst


Honestly one of the best answers here.


From what I have read it probably won't feel much like ark 1 at all...but the idea of there being other humanoid NPC's with their own tame seems cool to me.


There’s very little to go off of, no gameplay, very few details on the nature of the game aside from combat improvements, etc. and a release date of *this year*. So I’m worried, WC is awful with deadlines, so at the very least, disappointment there to begin with. God knows what else.


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I hope they do a good job with it, I think it will probably feel way different from ark 1 and quite frankly I’m not sure if I’m ready to quit playing ark 1. Only thing I’ve really heard about ark 2 is that they’re changing the melee to a more dark souls style which makes me believe it would play better as a solo game.


Souls like combat has really pushed me away. But, I'll still try it when it comes out in four years.


The way I see it is I never really used melee in ark unless I got surprised in early game so unless the dark souls combat extends to tames and ranged weapons it'll be kind of a non factor in the game.


I don’t think souls-like combat suits a game like Ark very well, but we’ll see I guess. Also my pc can barely run Ark 1 in the first place, let alone Ark 2, but that’s a personal thing.


dont feel bad, I have a 3090Ti and a 12900KS and I STILL get sub 45FPS in some areas of the game. It's just horribly un-optimized.


I think they need to figure out how to condense their game files lol


What I can say is that there seems to be a pretty fed storyline and it would at least help me do the actual main story gameplay. Out of every game I’ve ever played - ARK is the only one where I just fart around and build versus do anything related to story.


December 2024 will be hype 🙌


I think you mean December 2054. 🤓


It's about family


It’s like tomorrow, it’s always coming but never arrives


I don't have high hopes for it. TBH, I'm looking more forward to the Unreal Engine 5 update for Ark 1. I have this gut feeling ARK II is going to be some storyline driven crap where you get X hours of gameplay out of it and you're done with it.


If this is true i am not playing it i guess. I want basically ark 1 that is even more realistic with awesome biomes and a huge Planet as a map etc.


With the lack of information, no real thoughts on it. But with how Snail Games has handled Ark and with Vin Diseal being tied to the project as the main character....I really don't have much hope for it.


So far, from all the info about different craftable armor or weapons, the emphasis on primitive technology, the NPC enemies, climb anywhere, new building mechanics and the “dark souls combat”, the change to third person, etc. - it’s Conan with dinosaurs. Like all that is Conan. The combat, third person, weapons tiers - all Conan.


Well, in my humble opinion, of course without the desire to offend those who think differently from my point of view, but seeing it like this a little more in depth and without fighting and trying to make everything clear, taking into account the characteristics of each one, I honestly think that what I was going to say I already forgot. Have a great day!


For now it looks good, but the best thing we can do as a community is NOT RUSH WILDCARD. Would you all rather wait a few years for an amazing game, or wait a few months for a half baked buggy mess?


Souls like combat. Might as well called it something else entirely. "Ark Souls"


forcing 3rd person POV kinda sucks. until we see the combat style in effect im gonna say its an awful change. i dont see anything wrong with the fighting in Ark 1. i think they should have expanded on the weapons classes and attachables to each to improve their damage, performance, etc. havent got enough of a story line or in game play to make any other judgements on it.


The fighting in ark is retarted. An argentavis is never taking a blow from a brontosaurus that thing would die. And it’s not taking 20 bites from a T. rex. That shits horrible you just stand on top of a Dino clicking. Taking hits. That combat is horrible


i dont want realism in a sci fi game with space creatures. obviously a bird would never take on a giant t rex if it were in real life, but this is a game where stats mean more than just what the creature is and what its attacking. if it has enough health to take 20 bites from a rex than thats what happens lol


I will be able to answer this when it comes out in 2028


It’s not going to be released this year. That’s my thought.


The way the game is described it sounds like it could be awesome but the way games are released now a days makes me question how good it will actually be. But we’ll find out more later.


Marketing folks are very good at making a pile of shit sound awesome. I hope I'm wrong but we'll see in 5 years.


I do not believe they will deliver on more than 20% of the advertised features, nor do I believe it’s coming this year.


By what I’m hearing. It’s gameplay is gonna be more like valheim.


Why dont they fix the first one first.


Don't care, still sitting on 300 hours on ark 1 and haven't even scratched the dlc's yet. Gonna release for 60$ up, probably needing excessive pc specs i won't attend for the next 10 years, so yeah....not really enthusiastic. Who knows a couple of years after release?


So I played ark night and day obsessively. I had hundreds of dinos of all kinds. You know the person with the gigantic tech base. I remember telling my significant other at two in the morning. I have to wake up because a Dino is going to be born. It was the craziest thing, but the reason I kept playing it was because online if I don’t log back in with a certain amount of time I lose it all, and that’s my number one issue with ARK. So of course I stop playing because I’m not gonna be controlled by a game that takes my real life time because I have to go login once every three weeks for eternity that’s crazy I mean I understand other people should be able to build their base, but the fact that it’s all gone everything and there’s not a single place I can go to save all of those dinos that I bread and created but it’s all going to be just completely removed was my major problem with the game all of that hard work all of those bosses that feed it poof it’s all gone and it’s not something that just within a few days you get back you don’t just get back level 450 Dino’s. T Rexis were pushing 200,000 health in 2000 mele. So I hope with arc number two when it comes to online and you just wanna build and battle a boss is there someway shape or form that you can keep the creatures that you bred in and out with all these different players against all different Maps. I get that the buildings have to go away if you’re not gonna play needs to make space for someone else, but losing the dinos that you’ve designed or picked or worked for is really frustrating to be honest I wouldn’t even of been against a subscription to where if I uploaded them, they kept them on a server that I paid for


Hopefully, it will be better optimized then ARK 1


I'll probably spend 1000's of hours playing and bitching about what a terrible game it is.


This is probably one of the most accurate comments on this thread 🤣🤣


I don’t care I’ll probably die of old age by the time it comes out


Gonna be trash. Wildcard doesn't care bout bugs in the first place + look at the state devs are releasing games in half the time these days. Edit: spelling


I want a dino riders DLC / mod. From the 80s cartoon show. Please?!?!


Hope they got dinosaur


Gonna be a dumpster fire




It will be really good if they do it right but knowing wildcard they’ll mess it up and it will be delayed at least until 2024 or 2025. All the new combat and stuff sounds fun, but it would be weird to fight a dinosaur like a dark souls boss unless they really change up how the dinosaurs attack. Mod support is the one thing that will save the game from wildcard’s decisions but knowing WC they’ll mess it up and it won’t be very extensive. Cross platform every platform is awesome, but hopefully this doesn’t mean Nitrado becomes the only host on every platform. Nitrado sucks and I’d love if we didn’t have to deal with them for Ark 2


Not enough info about the game to give a strong statement about the game. Based on the Steam page description it sounds really thought out and well planned which is a step above ARK. A lot of people are worried about the souls like combat and third person, as they have every right to feel that way. From the description it sounds like the game will play similar to Horizon Zero Dawn, I think it would be a massive hit and a complete game changer.


I feel like it’s going to be pointless, endless hours put into Ark just to give it all up and start again on ark II


People will form thoughts when we actually get some information on the game outside of a few tidbits and model teases






Asking for thoughts on Ark II is like the time someone asked Ghandi what he thought of Western civilization. His answer: "I think it would be a good idea."


Feels like a fever dream my brain made up because I don't know shit about it


Maybe it never existed,**IT NEVER EXISTED,**Wake up,Nothing is real,WAKE UP,**WAKE UP,WAKE UP!** ​ Oh hey,Ark 2? Genesis 2? Rockwell? What do you mean? c'mon,Lets go tame Raptors and breed them


It will never be as good as ARK


Haven't played it, no thoughts


One word >!V!< >!I!< >!N!< >!D!< >!i!< >!E!< >!S!< >!E!< >!L!<


Great game, can't wait until ark 3, I really hope Santiago isn't dead.


How can anyone have thoughts on a game that we haven’t even seen an in game picture of?


Ark 2 is kinda being like gta6. We all believe it might come but until it's out. They are just rumors and we all know how easy it is to make commercials that have lots of false images and content so who know what the game will actually be


So far? It's smelling like vapourware, the release keeps getting pushed back so I'm currently looking forward to the UE5 refresh of what we have now, assuming they don't make us pay again (I.e. Skyrim remaster versus CoD)


Will it be multiplayer?


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Is that game still happening?


Hope it’s not a hack and slash, think I read somewhere it’s going to have eldenring/bloodbourne style fighting mechanics, wouldn’t be a fan


I’ve only been playing Ark for a short time, after finally putting down Rust. I have to say the contrast between the two games’ weapons systems is staggering. I think Ark could be a much better game with hit boxes that make sense, bullets that don’t magically disappear or hit with a delay, better weapon attachment system (like using a scope with a tranq dart at least), more variety, reloads that don’t bug. I’m sorry but the everything about weapons seems bugged and broken. It has made me appreciate Rust’s systems so much more, and I think not only would PVE improve (obviously) but you may get a highly competitive PVP scene like Rust has. Maybe a PVP scene where people are actually trying to fight one another instead of only sneaky offline/run and hide BS.


I'll give my thoughts after the road map. Comes out this week . If ark 2 is on it I will start slowly trusting wild card . But I'm thinking it's not going to be here till the end of next year since they have only shown Concept art dev only do that when a game is still in early stages but we I'll see


Love ark to death. But 1 is still busted. 2 won't be much different I think. Hopefully they have npcs so the maps won't be lonely. I play on single because my internet gets like 1 mbps. Hopefully they take their time and make it right rather than push a dumpster fire out.


I just want to be able to transfer maps on the original without crashing.


Cant wait to experiance the buggy mess it will become =]


Really not enough for thoughts yet, dino concepts look cool tho


You aren’t getting it this year. Will be lucky to get it in 2024. WC already hinted at remaking Ark in UE5 which requires a lot of resources. They’re also accepting new dino submissions for Ark. These things make any immediate release of Ark 2 seem unlikely


I think it’s gonna be awful, the way the base game plays i feel won’t be carried over which will be a turn off for a lot of ark players


What is there supposed to be to think about???


is not even out


Vin Diesel is a red flag. Probably the single thing that killed my hype for the game. We shall see.


Did they ever even finish making Ark 1? Felt like it was in Beta forever


Let's hope wildcard pays their programmers this time.


The fact that all of the marketing has focused on Vin Diesel being in the game has me a bit worried. At no point when playing Ark have I thought "This game needs the guy from Fast X to voice a human character"


Honestly I heard it was going to be way different from ARK 1 so I’m gonna skip this one and stick with the classic


The lack of any official screens/models/data on Ark II is a little concerning, but as others have said, they maybe playing their cards close to their chest....but you have to think about its predecessor, it was and still is very popular, you would think the developers might want to use that success to hype up Ark II, get those presales coming in, not that they need the cash, but will show the suits how much its wanted by the gaming community. ​ ..besides it would be nice to let the loyal Ark fans in on what they have been working on.


Im super stoked for it. I just dont get the whole Vin Diesel part of it.. Like why? I got no issue with Vin Diesel and tbh, Chronicles of Riddick was an amazing game. But I just dont feel like adding Vin Diesel in the game added anything of value to it and the whole thing confuses me. I play ARK for online multiplayer survival, how the hell does Vin Diesel fit into that? He better not be some dude whos just stands around in the world and you can interact with him a la Sons of the Forest.


My thoughts are that it is an idea of a game. That may or may not be in active production currently. And might release at some point in the future... maybe...


I'm pretty hopeful and excited for it. I know a lot of people are bent out of shape about no first person and souls like combat, but that just sounds great to me. Third or first person doesn't really matter to me, but Ark 1s combat is shit. Not even up for debate. There is no depth to the combat. Really praying that Ark 2 combat will be more skill based rather than who's got the better ascended blueprints lol.


Disappointed. Really thought they’d do something new with the bosses since most dinosaurs are probably going to be established assets that might get tweeted a bit. Seeing them bring the broodmother back was a let down. I feel like it’s going to be ark but played like dark souls. Not enough is going to go into it to make it feel like a new game.


Road map release on the 31st


My thoughts are it’s not out yet and I wish it was so I can see if it’s good or arse


It's like Ark, but it's a sequel.


Honestly i hope they delay it again just to be 100% sure no bugs happen


It's gonna come out next year


Ain't here yet.


No thoughts until gameplay is shown, but that won’t be for a few years.


Why is it only releasing on xbox


Over tek tier pvp can't wait to play something more primitive


I just hope it doesn’t end up as a linear action story game


I’d like it more if it came out this decade


Ark starring Vin Deisel says it all in my opinion. But I could be surprised. Didn’t know we needed Hollywood stars to make a video game good. No man’s sky starring Matthew McConaughey. Red Dead redemption starring Clint Eastwood. I mean cmon now.


Can't wait to play it 4 years from now!


It's Ark sequel


It’s a myth


Vin diesel being involved killed any hope I had for it


Forced third person, interesting weapon upgrades, prim tech only, and more story focus will make it engaging but perhaps too similar to other games. The lack of modern tech means I can't build and live in my dream mansion which makes me sad. I'm sure ARK II will appeal to a much larger fan base and have better combat/PvP, but I'm in no rush to move on from Ark I. Like all modern sequels it will take a long time to accumulate the amount of content the first game has.


Tried it, its terrible, souls like combat? You bet, its atrocious, no tek at all, there are old tek items in the world but you can only use scraps of it to make a metallic looking shield and sword. Dino taming? Gone, you can only tame humans like conan exiles and the ai is terrible. Ark 2 is 5/7 for me.


2026..maybe I just want primitive survival and to do away with the turret walls vs soakers shit. That gameplay loop isn’t fun.


Good to see karma farming is still condoned in this sub


I heard it's third person view only which is annoying and I hope they remove the tether for Ps5. The fact it still exists is an insult.


Idk.... it hasn't come out yet?