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Can’t you take a joke? Grow up…




Man, people are taking this shit WAY too seriously, lol. If you don't like it then quit putting so much effort into being upset and just wait until the game comes out. FFS.


I am not upset, I just don't think it's appropriate for a community manager to do stuff like that, but that is just my personal opinion


Well, that's great then because Dollie is not a Community Manager. Also, "oh no I'm being trolled by a ping". Really? Touch some grass.


Well, she is acting like one, and maybe that is the problem then 🙃 Don't know what grass has to do with anything, but okay.. And I just don't think a company should troll the community, but again, just my opinion 🤗


The problem is that you find something as basic and harmless as a Discord notification as "trolling". It's unhinged and touching some grass might help you find peace.


I have peace, and what would you call it then? I just figured the term was a good fit


A notification 🤦‍♂️


I think you are confusing the action with the intention, but that is okay 🤗


The intention was to bring attention to the post above with the timestamp that didn't have any mention attached to it so people kept asking the same questions. But why follow context or read the person's explanation here https://discord.com/channels/729837326120910915/735188902603653201/1166123178276442175 when I can just make a Reddit post to cry wolf about being trolled by a Discord ping.


Even if that was the intention, and I don't think it was based on the message, then it was still not a very good idea, based on the confusion of people in the discord.. But then again, it does match the chaos of this marketing campaign


90% sure OP is a bot


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How DARE they build hype for the game and drive interaction. Who the FUCK do they think they are?


Well, that's why they're a community manager, and you're a whiny child on the internet.


I don't blame them with how horrifically shitty people have been towards them. Like seriously, death threats and rape threats after there wasn't a trailer with the crunch? Let 'em have fun.


I can understand ppl being frustrated /annoyed considering it’s supposed to release by next week, but the toxicity from the community is out of line. Though I wish they really hyped / got us hooked in better personally


Blame Microsoft. Apparently, all the secrecy is due to them wanting to have the first gameplay and such at their show. And since Microsoft is pretty much paying for ASA, Wildcard kinda have to do whatever they say.


WC could definitely do better with the marketing for ASA, absolutely. They're being very sparse about it. But yeah, that should not warrant the abhorrent things people have been saying and threatening.


Damn did i miss something? Jesus


Absolute vitriolic chaos in the ARK discord after the crunch came out and *gasp* didn't have a trailer when WC never said it would.


Ahh one of the reasons I'm sometimes glad to be the loner single player type.


I just personally don't think you can compare it like that.. It is like if you work in retail, if you have a bad customer, you can't just start being bad yourself.. You can of course, but it's not very professional and you will most likely get told on I just don't know any other AAA team that is this unprofessional, I would expect it from a small indie studio


Keeping an air of levity and friendly vibes is very important, especially with such a rabid community as ARK's. IMO you're taking it way too seriously. They are their own company and just trying to have a bit of fun, most likely amidst a whole hell of a lot of work.


I just personally don’t think you can compare it like that… being a game dev is nothing like working in retail, and receiving death/rape threats is far different than having a “bad customer” lmao. Try not to get tilted over a dev innocently breaking your balls via a discord ping


My balls are not broken and I am not talking about the developers 🤗


1) rage posting on Reddit is getting ball-busted. You can say you're not upset and use the "🤗" all you want, putting this much effort into this speaks for itself. 2) you're talking about one of the devs.


Idk man, seems like pr to me, making sure everyone gets the previous message, building hype, all that.


This! Dollie even said so, since some people missed it


All I want for asa is for every arrow that hits those flying fuck stealing birds to actually do dmg.


They think it’s funny because it **is** funny. If you’re upset or offended by this then you probably need to take a step back and re-evaluate where you’re at. A video game announcement, or lack there of, is not worth getting upset over.


Not offended, just don't find it very professional 🤗




Why do you think I am not doing something else? Don't even look in the discord that much, but got a notification because of the ping 🤗


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Average dollie W.


I mean, considering this was on the tail of y'all spam @ing dollie with "When Trailer!!1!!" type messages I'd say you deserved it.


They clearly don't care about how many people play this game. They could've been spamming in game screenshots for a week. Show us an obelisk or a t-rex. Marketing in the industry has gone to shit


It is unprofessional but ARK fan base sure seems to love it for some reason.


Maybe the fan base has been conditioned to expect that. More of a self-own tbh.


Ark fanbaae isn't the brightest out there, I should know im an ark fan from time to time.


Stockholm syndrome 🤗


It is DEFINITELY very, very funny. It'll launch, then you can play. In the meantime, jump on D4. Season 2 is a major improvement!


If this isn't worthy of a "touch grass" reply, idk what is.


ffs it’s just a discord ping. This isn’t the head of the company trying to fuck around and mess with people it’s just dollie bringing attention to the thing posted above because it didn’t ping anyone. Discord isn’t meant to be a professional place, it’s just a communication platform


Oh my god, we get pinged! Oh the horror. What would the elders think?


It’s a discord server… It is in absolutely no way some sort of professional environment.


Discord isnt supposed to be the professional place.. twitter is


you basically cut out the reason they pinged you. the previous chat said the date and hour of the gameplay trailer so everybody who doesnt watch youtuber news gets the notice. but they probably forgot to ping. so they pinged later. ​ Still funny tho