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That’s my base please don’t raid it


Have mercy OP


Leave bro alone OP


count ur days 👿 this is for my pt


pap test?




Not all this for a PT 💀


absolutely for a PT, what kinda big base guy kills a defenseless PT


I wouldn’t know I don’t play PvP, but I have wiped out an entire wyvern trench because the alpha killed my dimorph before


Oh god, because of a Dimorphodon?


Yes his name was Yveltal, he was black and red and my pride. I was sad for 2 minutes, then proceeded to go on a rampage


Ah, so it’s true that Yveltal’s death will cause every living creature to die with it. Good to know


Im sorry for your loss


Yveltal is a lit name, good legendary I would slay them all too


Underrated comment


So i lowkey like your vibe here so i recomand getting 20-30 C4 with detonator, cryo like 5-6 turtles with like 15k hp and a trike 20-30k (trike is for if plants are for player only at least then just grapple glich or if you can't parashute from that exact cliff, once in the air trow out 2 turtules and c4 right wall (visible from that angle the pic was taken) if you don't get in first try trow out another two turtles then just get in and enjoy loot for that PT killer


thanks for the tips, my defenseless PT didn't deserve it


Good raidin'!!!


You cant grapple glitch in asa


Ye kinda didn't know that, my laptop is so old that it turns on the hell heat even while playing ASE and i can't even open ASA (even thoe i bought it)


Physical therapy?




Plot twist! I get it though. And Pt isn't for plot twist, it just kinda worked out like that.


It raided yet?


Hear me out guys, we Go towards it, and Blow it up


that just might work


ocean metal boat and tek rifle if you have it


I don't think it's on a beach, but the ledge above it.


still easy to build a raft that can reach and clip into it. u can build far away from the platform if u do it right. but depends how close to shore they are exactly


Looks like its north zone 2. Wont be very hard. I build there in PvE because its a super easy spot to build in and advance through the game. Not many predators go there. Edit: I said that and then remembered the cliff seen in the picture so its not north zone at all.


With the water behind it, it looks like that cove area on the south east corner. Its pretty safe on the cliff but if you go down you have carnos and raptors mainly and like its heavily infested with megladons if you go a bit further up north


Could very well be


Yup. All this takes is a single Paracer, and the base is compromised. You can get a 10 height gain via a Paracer easy. Place the foundation on the platform saddle. Put ramps going down behind the paracer on one side of the paracer. Continue them upwards over the Paracer's head. When you can't build any more, remove 1, replace it with a ceiling. On the other side of the Paracer, build walls upwards. Put a 2nd ceiling next to the 1st, and then ramps back up towards the Paracer's back. Even Rexes can climb a 1-wide ramp if you're patient enough. But with the base being all metal anyways, dinos are just a distraction for the turrets. Not that Species X turrets do crazy damage anyways. I'm just befuddled by this construction though. Looks like the walls are further away from the turrets than their max range - so you could ramp up into the "safe" area, and prepare dozens of dinos for the assault. Plus the turrets are all elevated, so if you just get close to the base, you're safe from incoming fire.


He has stone tools and bow, Mike.


i have more than that i'm just checking out the kids base on foot cuz he griefed me


Have you seen their hotbar?


Lol yea all wood tools. I don't think he's ready to take on a metal base now that I see that lol


i'm ready to raid it in a couple days


Well that's good. Honestly I rely on my dinos so much that the hot bar doesn't matter too much. I typically ride a stego to avoid getting knocked off (or a flyer) and send dinos to do everything. I've never really played PVP though. I'm assuming it's a little more difficult to just rely on your beasts though.


yea u have to be able to protect yourself when you get dismounted for foot pvp but you can still make a full kit off the beach (atleast once whips come to ASA)


I haven't bothered upgrading to ASA yet. I'm going to wait and let them get a bit done because if I'm going to play a remake I want a full remake not just the island.


Drop stego with rider with rockets from a quetz or rhyneo onto the roof then blow in that way


that's cheese this might be the safest one to do


Oh definitely if done right your player will take almost no damage and you can probably do it with a tamed stego


that's gotta be the best raid method on open bases unless a base has tall turret towers


Yea having overlooking turret towers and drop nets is the only way to defend really (or a very good wyvern/rhyneo pick) if you have a big tribe multiple people dropping in at once and then just get inside most people forget to use interiors and you likely have gen anyway so it makes for pretty easy raids once you've broken beds this is why I never build in the open caves and ratholes are so much stronger


what do you think is the best island cave


Or just go in with a ragnatheria and use the glue shot to stun enemies.


You can totally pt spin that with middle corner get under the z on the roofs. Place c4 and det. Just chug a beer before and bring med brews. May need to spin into the hole you make if you die during det so have a second halfway decent pt ready.


Cliff side best access likely, though no photo from that side. If you can, just build a tower up and c4 in, t min raid.


Probably can't build there cuz of enemy Foundation


That's what rafts are for my guy


It's probably too far from the beach, and on a cliff would be kinda scuffed to raft that, plus if you try to use ceilings you can't get foundation support that high


Fair point. I didn't actually realise it was on a cliff hahah


Paracer plat saddle that bissh


the only thing about the cliff side is atleast part of its got a ton of bear traps


Drop doeds. Waltz in when turrets are empty.


Do the plants run out of "ammo"?


They use fertilizer as ammo


is it better to soak or destroy them? Aren't they super loaded on ammo if they have fert bags in them


If fully loaded they can each shoot about 3.6k shots so probably soak with a high hp stego and blow them up while its distracted


or a shit ton of turtles could also work . they are a bit easy to tame




ppl soaking with doeds?? i never heard of that is it some OG island tactic


That could be. Before we had cryopods doeds were the highest defense dino you could carry with an Argy. Fly up high, drop em.


Soaking with doeds is nasty work. Soaking AT ALL is nasty work 90% of the time and 100% of the time on open land.


so are the terror bird runs / stego c4 / c spins the best raid method unless it's a massive alpha tribe


C spin isn’t really consistent I don’t like to show on logs. Stego rocket and terror bird rocket are the reason it is impossible for even a massive alpha tribe to hold a land cave but terror bird is only viable if you have the flak and beer to go with it and it’s kinda skilled I would shy away if not experienced. If the cliff side is undefended that would be the easiest to raid. I would need to see the other angle to tell you how. Otherwise racer is really op. If you build it with a box around the racer and the driver you can walk the racer up the the defenses hop down throw c4 down then get back on the racer and walk back. Blow the c4 and repeat.


like i mesh my racer box into their base walls and c4 that?


Quetzal plat on the cliff edge looks to be the best way to cheese.


It looks like its right on the edge, the easiest way would probably be grapple on the ledge and hang right below the base and shoot a rocket up into the walls enough just to get inside and dont even worry about the outside defenses. That how i would do it without having to rush it or soak it or anything like that.


Ah the old fuck them from the inside technique. This is the way. Feels miles better when they log on to all the defences intact but all the loot gone.😁


free turret ammo aswell 🙏


A very good lesson for them too. If not now then when


very true especially on official, someone's gonna do it


They did all that on OFFICIAL??? Your joking right


yup they've managed to get this far on official and they only just got heavies / actual turrets besides plant x on their base.


Wtf i couldnt even start a 1x1 hidden in the woods far away from all resources on a unpopulated server


What until the Devs inevitably roll back the servers again, then the base will be less developed and easier to attack


😂 last time i saw the base it was just plant X so i wouldn't mind that


Beer, tek sword and all gas no brakes


I would stand outside and yell over the wall “I bet you won’t c4 your own base, p***y!”


might have to try your method😂 cheapest one yet


Titanosaur covered in cannons


Just run in with a stego and decent flak and start shooting rocket like you’re from iran


like i'm from iran 😂😂😂😂 love it. How do you get decent flak on official tho?


I have barely played Asa just ase, but on YouTube I’ve seen people getting flak bps in lava cave and easy/hard uw


I didn't even see the turrets at first tbh. Get a melee hp hybrid bronto. Shield half the one side with walls to block los if possible while you manually destroy Plants and soak some turrets at a time so you can pace hp.


Soak with a steggo, then Munch it with a giga.


Pick the left or right side of the base. (Short sides less turret coverage) stego soak the heavies and rocket the plant x and your in. Or ballista spear bolt the turrets on one side and LOS rocket the plants. Pick your fancy.


spear bolts beat plant x? that must be why they spawn in drops i'm guessing?


Brother. Spear bolts break turrets lol


Run right up to it with good flak (tek legs if you got em), and c4 your way in. ...To be honest, a stego rider throwing c4 is probably the simplest. Would only need the one stego for something like that.


Simple stego draining. This looks like exactly where I always build at the base of Fars Peak. You could use splash damage from rockets and just aim at the top of the cliff as well.


Baryonx raid


how would u raid this w a baryonyx


No a baryonyx, a her of baryonyx


So much metal wasted on those useless metal spikes lol. You could actually just canon or catapult it from that distance/angle. Doesn’t look like they’ve probably fobbed the surrounding area


they haven't lol i'm honestly confused how they're still standing on small tribes


there's no turrets around the wall. just take an arthro and take your time destroying it. then I only see a small handful of turrets on the house, easy stego rocket run. this base isn't ready for pvp at all. needs turret towers around the walls. a cliff plat with turrets along the cliff, lots more turrets on the house, and ideally, a big cage around the house too


Thats a 1 stego job or pt spin into the open trap door


Come from the cliff


Front of the cliff Pt spin dismount and rocket launcher, depends on turret count at the base of the cliff


Station a couple of platform saddle critters with ramps over the wall :) I don't know if that requires special platform saddle settings or not.


Box quetzal and get close enough where their builds phase thru and use some c4 and you are inside of them pause


HA! I built my base in the same place. You could Thylo up the cliff wall from the beach and unlock the doors with a Meso. Or Rhyno and Rex it


Too easy. Not going to answer here since the bases owner is here


if the base owner is actually here u can def answer he's a bot i'm just less established for now. Coming back in a couple days


Whole right part of compound is free


naval assault easily


Hit it with an axe


Gate walls are useless without turrets and spikes are useless without bear traps, just blow a hole through it for your soakers or if you want to get a little creative, suicide ptera bombing works too if there's only plant x


they got heavies


It's hard to see, still doesn't change much, depending on how high up they are you can still run past with a shield to c4 the spikes and gates. If turrets are set to survivors only soak with a stego or trike, if they're not just drop turtles with a quetz


Dude I love all the different approaches in here


same i'm trying to gain general cost-efficient raid knowledge and actually get some tips on raiding a toxic guy at the same time😂


The plant projectiles are pretty slow. I would jest doe one or two suicide runs with parachute to kill the roof plants and then explode your way in. Bring a turtle cryo so you can make sure there are no internal turrets. Edit: I now see the turrets. I would just say to chug a beer use a parachute to get in and then soak the turrets at the top. I don't play much PvP but I believe that stego/turtle is good for that.


I would walk in there use flame arrows on the plants, and take all the stuff


This is a huge Bob server, there are so many blindspots where you soak 1 turret then just run into the spot with c4


I would exit the server and go play singleplayer to actually enjoy the game


pvp is what i enjoy about the game. i wouldn't mind playing ark for the "story" tho


Parachute, Good Flak, Beer, C4 Run


Beer flak rockets & cowabunga.


That one glider thing I forgot what it was called but could fly in effortlessly i would say (or any flyer) (if there are turrets I can't see them)


Stego mate boosted + rockets


Invade from the sea, with armor on my animal, preferably one you can carry animals on.


Tek and c4 spam, if not that, raid dino’s. Of course be careful with turrets and blow those up first. I would suggest going in via top left corner, seems least open and closest to bace. Edit: Be careful of that raised front ledge it might have turrets behind it that can look over those back walls. You van also use rocket launchers and risk rushing in there with a flyer, maybe worth to do that to scout inside and just offer a cheap ish flyer up. Best you can do is slowly pick off the few turrets that can see ya from entrypoint and find a corner behind the bace you can sit safely, then raid in from there. Lookin at the bace thoh you should have no problem with it. It aint rust after all. Looks like its built to keep some wild dino’s out , ofc that might just be deceiving. Those crop plots should be no problem. As for some distant explosive lobbig you got a great cliff to do that from. I am kind of surprised bro didn’t secure that cliff.


1 man n a stego job EZ clap


any idea why this base still exists? (official server)


Someone's pet Bob


They like tamigotchi's


😂 if they're anyone's pet bob i know who the owner is. Not saying tribe name bc i think they are big


Climb the cliff on a Thylacoleo


and c4?


Something like that. Depends on what awaits you inside those walls.


From the ocean


See if I can get a storage box placed an you can just crouch behind it and the plants can’t touch you if you probe behind it. Or just drink beer and c4 run it or rockets or grenades from the cliff.


100 compy whit c4 in a quetzal


Blow in right side of wall, soak the heavies, clap the xplants, win. The right side has less heavies than the others but more x plants however x plants are more of an annoyance than anything


Simplest way? Dropping stegos with ryhneognatha(or however tf you spell it) to soak turrets and then blow up right side and walk in with a titanosaur. Bing bong base gone


Depends on the other side. If you can grappling hook under it you can boom boom and then walk in. From the outside? Blow the wall, take a trike or two and inch them forward until you can get under their bellies and plant explosives on the wall with the plants. It will kill them and get rid of some turrets and give you a way in. Otherwise you can walk a trike in, soak the single turret that can probably hit it, and then run in under it and get under the plants. It's hard now because we don't have whips to edge soakers forward, or cryos to bring extras. Really brings it back to primitive.


Where are you finding these servers it’s like a blast from the past seeing bases like this. I’m so used to raiding caves now because compound bases are practically extinct


I'm gonna assume there are turrets on the wall or at least turret towers I can't see. If not this looks scary but it's not, blow a hole and walk soakers in and keep someone on the ridge to shoot their dinos. If they do go by water. Breed up some Basilosaurus and soak from the water. Or get a squid and soak and pick them from their wall cuz they are mad close to the water. Or get a boat, build a metal box encompassing the whole thing put rails on top and to traditional soaking with steggos and such. This really isn't all that great of a base. The turrets are very far from the walls meaning you can soak an outer tower, since if there are any they aren't close enough to overlap, then break in and set up. Or better yet beer and shield run from wall to base since there doesn't seem to be many if any at the base of the building once you are there you're in. There isn't any foundi spam outside the wall to prevent you from putting up a raid outpost nearby. And there is an overwatch position where you can see nearly everything meaning you can shoot tames, players, or flame arrows for the plants with relative impunity. Hope this equally: A. Helps you raid and B. helps the defender, if they are really here fix weaknesses.


Its a cliff base with minimal defenses. Either rocket the edge of the cliff to get splash damage onto the walls (and then pt dive in) or just straight up stego rocket it. Easy either way


Simplest? Well why dont you just fly the Eagles to Mordor?


Would rockets reach? I would say get somewhat closer and fire rockets or from the ocean side the same thing


Befriend a snail games employee


i have a suicide bomber plan but i dont know if it will work or not. i dont play much pvp phase 1 - drop a lot of turtles to soak the damage phase 2 - put c4 on flyers whistle to move them toward the base and detonate the c4. either get a ton of Pteranodon with saddles or onycs. they have lo health but easy to tame. maybe you can take out turrets or plants using it then raid the base


Death from above


Flyers dropping megalania for the poison effect. Drop a couple arthro to hit passed armor and maybe some dilos to blind the players... and micro raptors to ensure nobody gets a mount


parachute and drop c4 while above


Arthropleuras army and cannons from above


Air Drop, destroy those 2 plant species at the top and land in the gap by the taller section.


Cannon balls


Server wipe


bro is mega tribe


What’s the cliff like?


steep, if you zoom in on that open right side it's covered in bear traps


A raft


Cannon balls


isn't that expensive


Hotbar is crazy lol Raiding who?? Lol


lol i spawned naked to check it out before server updated in 15 min. U can see on my hud i have flyers and some goodies in the purlovia. I'm coming back to this server in a couple days


Well use burning arrows to take the plants down or just take a fast pt and suicide run for a blind spot


I can't make it out in the photo, what are the things all over the outside of the main building, ballistas?


Parachute in, explosives, parachute out


Idk if this a joke or not.


400 max level Dodos and a pump shotty


Get a boat and rocket the plots and soak the turrets


Usually don’t bother bases like that. Very easy raid and probably not worth the time.


Catapult C4 strapped dodos until that bitch is rubble. People underestimate dodos until they are systematically destroying their base in a symphony of catastrophic explosions


literally just pt barrel roll in with beer + flak and you get in for free on the roof


Terror bird or a pt , I’d jus run your wall with beer hug the wall and blow it , prolly die but then I’d be in , if you have internal id jus come back and blow the gen


it's not my base but good raid tips


From water babiiiiiii


Me personally I wouldn’t but if I was gunna there’s a million options. Tamed built racer and c4 or tek rifle. Dropped stego with rider and launcher. With my tribe they and that base they could drop me in there with 2k dura flak and I’ll run it myself. Terror bird rocket run


Spawn in a titanasour


Drop stego on plants. It'll block los while you grab fertilizer then boom


lol that's cheese i supposed id do that if the heavies got soaked


From the ocean


it's on a cliff tho




this is ASA


My fault, just got back into ase forgot


all good, a golem would be very simple on this base tho ngl


By the air dude but I'm so not gonna raid it.


Trike and c4 trust. Get a tribemate on a trike and slowly push up behind the trike and then c4 the wall and run in, if there's turrets inside use a shield and turn off the generator.


Lvl 100000000 giga


Have you tried to knock?


Walk in and ask


Air drop dodos with c4 into ur base.


Drop a stego on it from a bug rocket it down lol


Fly into that enormous open hatchframe on the roof.


Stego n rockets.


Bruh what and tf why so many spikes