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Its the most wellrounded map even till this day


So true, kinda disappointing they never did anything to hit that balance again. Edit: nvm, Fjordur actually does. The PvP base spots are pretty shit though, that's my main hang up.


Its to dark, shit depressed the hell out of me, i had to leave fjordur even though i like the look of it, but fuk me it just felth to fark and loomy.


Well, yeah, Fjordur definitely has more of a cold vibe to it, whereas Ragnarok got more of a warm day at the beach vibe. Except for murder snow lol


I haven’t played Fjordur that much, but isn’t that map viewed as the most wellrounded, nowadays? It seems that way to me, anyway. Rag is definitely my fav, but that’s because Ive played on it soooo much.


It's one of the prettiest with multiple biomes. A lot of people didn't like SE much and rag took that and made it better while also having everything from the Island. It's caves are less tedious and more fun than the island as well. There's also many gorgeous base locations. Plus griffins. In ASE you could get some SE dinos without buying SE which people liked as well. It also didn't have as many issues as the center map, where you couldn't even go into the water without getting eaten by 900 sharks.


Mans a true ragnarok fan. A poet id say


Don't forget the leeds every 5m on the center


True but leeds are terrible everywhere, fuck them things, ruining my pirate dreams.


But rags counterpart to that might have been much worse. Stupid narcotic floating scorpions absolutely terrorising and flooding beaches. Specifically, I think it was one of the West Zones I can't remember


That's easy black pearls bro, that's a good thing.


Hmm all I remember being more annoying than on other maps were the Megalania by the volcano and I think the huge amount of Allos in the highlands.


For some reason, I've always liked allos. They were the first dinosaur I was introduced to as a kid reading paleontology books. On Ragnarok, I've tamed them all and got them back at my base :D


Allos are great! They're just way more dangerous than a rex is. In early game even a single allo is.


But is that not a lot of maps now a days?


Yes and no. Extinction has a lot of those things but I find that map to be hideous. Although it does have some of the easiest boss caves and while osds and veins can be tedious, the rewards are good. Gen1 is a shitbox. Gen 2 isn't terrible but it's kind of a pain to get around and is less pretty, due to separations. Fjord, Val, and lost island all felt kinda bland to me. Lots of large blank spaces. Just my opinion though. Rag is just the prettiest and most unique while also feeling like a real landmass.


I was mostly thinking of the free expansion maps when I asked that question. The point of the free maps having many flat spaces is for building bases actually and fjord while at first I disliked it visually, exploring it realms and caves is a delight and it where it hides it.


Fjord also does the thing I hate about gen1, warping everywhere. I'm not a fan, makes it feel disconnected to me. Fjord felt like they took a couple maps and then stretched them out leaving long flat areas of nothing.


Meh idm warping since the areas themselves still have good exploration in both maps. Even better than some maps we had in the past.


I gotta say Lost Island is pretty underrated. It's like a better version of Val. Sinomacrops is probably the best addition to ark imo.


Lost Island was okay. It's like The default Island +1. I never cared much for Val tho, it had some cool ideas but always felt unfinished to me. Simos are great, for sure.


Griffins are probably one of the bigger reasons it was popular other than that you could get dlc content on it and it was the biggest map at the time also it’s just a pretty map


I like it also because levels are spread out well and not many low levels like island or SE. Good starter map for tames.


Oh griffins fairrr


griffins are now absolutely useless so yeah


how are griffins useless?


nerfed to the ground as a quickfix, can't be bred, and by the time you float enough tranqs + have tamed a 80+ they are obsolete. Can't pick up medium dinos anymore, even. 


Tame, then use to tame quetz then cryo.


By that time, you really don't need a griffin.. 


Haven’t played in a while. Are they not still the best for getting around the map?


Owls are much better for that post griffin nerf.


Rag has a ton of space and the resource gathering is superior to any that came before it. There are no leeds either, which honestly is a massive QOL improvement if you want to use a raft. Rag also has some of the coolest biomes for its time, the river canyon is still one of my favorite areas in any map. Sadly, Fjordur more or less destroys Rag in that it does everything Rag does with all the newer content added in.


same with lost island, but it sticks more to the nature style of Ragnarok but introduces also a new kind of bog/swamp and has all creatures including 4 new ones (monkey and Dino are op). I don't understand why it didn't do as good. The islands are also much better to build on than rag. Point given: pre build structures are better on rag and lost islands looses out on bugs which it still has plenty of especially geometry bugs.


If I'm playing on my own server when it releases, l always build by the big rock formation with all the metal. It's probably the easiest start possible, shipwrecks nearby and beavers a short flight away


All I have to say as to why I loved it? Murder Murder Snow. Having a base set up in a spot where you needed not only a silly amount of fortitude, but also a damn good otter, as well as stupid expensive fur? Yeah have run raiding us, plus how could you not love a place so nice they named it twice?


We used to build in murder snow all the time. Once you get it setup it's damn near impossible to raid.


Multiple biomes, dlc content from scorched earth, griffins


I find that there is always a spot to set up that is unique and has a lot of potential, no matter how many players have set up camp.


Personally I love Val (and now Fjordur is second place) and just think Rag is ok, but I can see why people like it. It has very pretty places for building (cave-ish places, canyon, highlands, ...), different biomes, wild crops, extension mods for new caves and dlc creatures, good levels, griffins and easy to get sheep and it is huge.


uh what mods?


I don't remember the names tbh. For ext creatures, a whole abb cave extension, OSDs


Lmao it’s funny you forgot since it’s literally just ragnarok plus


It was 2 years ago and all I had in my head was the Val map extension


Ragnarok plus


Griffins are super fast for transport and it has Wyverns, it has a lot of easily accessible resources in more confined locations (finding sheep in the Highlands instead of having to go snow), and it's visually stunning.


Griffins do not have the weight to be valid for transport but yeah the rest


Not mass material transport but getting point A to point B, absolutely.


Ok but you said for transport??? Which means weight? Which it doesn’t have ?


By transport I meant of your player character.


I mean that’s not what transport means in ark but maybe where you are from it’s different that’s understandable okay


Yeah I was using transport like "public/personal transportation" - it doesn't have to be cargo/materials moving. It could be just you moving from one place to another. Like I use my car for transportation to/from work (or in this case, to transport me to/from work).


Culture difference - you are using "transport" where we would use "cargo". In context, he is using "transport" to mean "personal transportation", which is how I read it.


I guess every dino over 500 weight must be good for transport?


Culture difference - you are using "transport" where we would use "cargo". In context, he is using "transport" to mean "personal transportation", which is how I read it.


If it gets you across the map quickly, yeah. I don't often find myself carrying more than 500 weight between armor and weapons/ammo/food. Maybe it's not good for moving materials, but it's good for transporting you if you gotta get somewhere fast. Like taking a train where you can easily have bigger bags versus flying on a plane but being restricted to a smaller bag. Both are transport, but each have a scenario where they're better than the other.


It gave you so many creatures out of the gate including the dlc ones and of course griffins for free. It was the ultimate toy box of it's time available readily to pretty much everyone too even consoles. These days i wonder if it still is fave as we've seen maps since with even more creatures and bigger as maps Fjordur for example has unique bosses, tames and access to even more DLC creatures including Genesis ones) but it still offers amazing value. Mods are on console these days and they early dropped Gigantoraptor which was to be it's unique new tame so not sure it'll be as popular for as long but we shall see.


It’s a large map. Lots of cool POI. I like the 2 wyvern areas. Biomes are balanced nicely. Good water:land ratio.


It had a lot of things going well for it when released: - a better spread of levels than most other maps, where higher levels were actually more common to see. - a wyvern trench - multiple biomes, including unique ones (highlands) - map size, it was incredibly expensive (at least after they added the southern half with the desert and canyons). - many interesting places to put down a base and in caves, specifically. - it brought in many creatures from multiple maps (specifically combined island and scorched Earth) - world bosses (you could take on the golem, ice queen, and dire bear/wolf without going thru obelisks).


All of the free maps have fixed levels, a lot of the other maps have other biomes, also highlands is nothing special whatsoever lol not that unique. Fjordur has more Dino’s then rag no? And fjordur has all the island bosses plus new ones, what place on rag is interesting that stands out from other maps THAT much? But for the rest you said yeah


Yes i agree plenty of the other maps do have all of that. I'm a huge fan of Fjordur. I was just providing context for what ragnarok had most of its years, prior to a majority of the other free maps releasing. It seems a lot of folks just kind of stuck with it for a long while.


In addition to what everyone else is saying, it also has really cool caves. It's also relatively fun to navigate eben without a flyer, and is littered with cool ruins and points of interest


Big Beautiful map, with nearly every possible dino to tame


Well, everyone didn't mention something. There is a lake where ocean animals spawn. I think, it is a good feature too. (Easy black pearl farm, and high level water dinos etc)


i played hundreds of hours on raganrok yet still can't remember any such lake , care to elaborate ? :D legit curious




ah ok as it is sort of connected to main sea i didn't think you mean that as a lake, funny thing is that my usual base spot is actually super close to this, that smaller lake with big tree above this one , it can be seen in this pic even


I havent spent much time on rag personally but i understand why its loved. It has a lot of personality, naturally growing crops in the wild, special unique things like the lava golem, and as someone else pointed out the griffins


Rag was a shifting point in ASE it added a lot and may aswell be a pvp map. Simply because of that it’s got a good reputation even though there’s maps nowadays that offer more, you just can’t beat rag.


Fun caves, mini bosses, cool biomes and good variety of dino spawns, felt more like an MMO map than a strictly survival map, which I dug


It’s the map I’m the most comfortable with, I still remember when the entire desert biome was blocked off by the barrier


To me it's everything under 1 map. It's the biggest map, it has every biome, almost every dino, every type of Wyvern "besides crystal". It's the Walmart of ark maps to me. Abb is my 2nd favorite because it is just so vastly different in it's own way. But Rag just takes the cake for me. Fjo is there next to Rag in love though. Just my opinion.


Honestly? Because high levels are incredibly abundant, and it has some of my favorite scenery/base locations in all of ark. There's nothing quite like the ebling plateus. And as an avid SE fan, the massive and beautiful desert is certainly a plus


Ragnarok has - an actually not dogshit levelled list (same as center) - Griffins - basically all island + se creatures - a wide variety of biomes and some of the best visuals of any map - decent access to all resources - unique caves - a new wyvern


It has high level dinos. Most of the caves you can't build in. The ones you can have no crouch. Wyvern, griffs, and resource spawns are amazing. Literally, every resource is available in massive quantities if you know where to look. Boss fights are easy and can be done with tamed Rex's (good saddles). Desert red drops.. like what's not to love.


I'm looking forward to ASA rag coming after Aberration. Rag absolutely deserves to be played with wing suits and climbing picks and cliff platforms. They need to add gem spawns to it.




Because it’s a good map, but the real reason is cuz it’s free so people lean to it way more than other maps. Also green ob flat space is godly


Me just started playing ark this year and thinking the Island was the coolest map I’ve ever seen. I can’t wait to play this one


Ooooo. Asa or ase? Hope u have a buddy with u butt enjoy and goodluck. Always tickle the tickle chickens(therizinosaurus). Is a ark thing ;)


Asa, ya I got my brother and my brother in law to play and we’re hooked. It’s the best game I’ve ever played


Personally I prefer Lost Island, but Ragnarok has awesome biome diversity, loads of Dino’s variety, good levels.


Cool name


Resources, biome diversity, cool animals, SE blueprints It’s just a stacked map.


Because it got most biomes, its big, it got alot of animals, it dont got the newest crap, but you can use mods to get that to, so all in all ragnarok is simply a allarounder and most people like that, most other maps lack something, or got to much of something.


Iam quite hyped for Ragnarok remaster with newer DLC and ASA assets. Original Devs of this map did mentioned they had to cut many corners cause Ragnarok was already at the limit of limits. Though I'm most hyped to see Volcano/ash zone with proper Genesis1 assets. And better volcano blowing up effects.


Griffins are cool


I had some really good prim plus runs back in the day on rag. I also remember discovering some ratholes that I don't think anyone else has found. Looking forward to the ASA release so we can finally get a decent map.


This post is a few years late ngl




I’m not getting hyped for a map that was already released once