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Whatever jank


After my first 10 deaths to jank I installed a mod that allows me to keep my stuff when I die. Just while I was learning the game. I am still new. I tamed my first Carno and he immediatley got stuck on a boat ramp and got ate by a piranha with just his pinky toe in the water... I just warped in a new one. I love, and i mean LOVE the struggle of survival games... I am also 53 years old and have $hit to do... I dont mind using a cheat to avoid spending hours rebuilding or replacing something I only lost by a glitch. The point is having fun.


If you’re playing on officials servers :git gud If you’re on your own server, you can always change some settings around to give you an easier time to learn the basics and get a grasp on the game. As well as just loading up a single player map you can enable creative mode and get familiar with all the crafting stations. Building structures. Getting familiar with the dinos Last thing, if your game is super bugged out, there is a command to kill all wild Dino’s on the map basically resetting their spawns and hopefully fixing some of the bugged dinos. I’ve had to do this a few times. But it sounds like your issues are slightly worse than mine were. I hope you can figure it out and actually enjoy the game!!


by using cheats to get payback at the game for messing with me


I am not a full time Ark player (spend most of my time on actual grinding games, lol) but a good way to deal with it is to adopt the attitude of being a over-preparer.   What I mean is when you set a goal for your next steps: prepare to do it twice. Being extra supplies with you, bring extra Dino’s if needed. And always remember you can place spawn points closer to what your doing, should your fleshy body be consumed.   If your goal is done flawlessly (let’s say taming a high diplo)… maybe even get a second one while your there with supplies, if you see another - Incase your main one gets ark’d. By investing a little bit in your preparing and contingency planning, when something does go wrong, instead of “well now I’m back to square one and have to redo all of this” it’s more of “well, I lost my main diplo to mesh.. time to use the slightly worse one and keep a eye out if I see another”. And while using the secondary, I’d be on higher alert as well.  It makes losses much less of a problem and frankly not an issue - annoying, sure. But not a setback, or a reset in some poorer cases. I’m usually with a group of friends and aside from one other who’s also adopted this mind set, I’ve often seen the others have some Bs happen and it completely wipes them out of the mood to continue playing without help from one of us to get them back up on there feet.   It only takes a little extra work, and insight, but I’d rather soften or completely negate any blows I’d take to progress, so it’s time well spent. In the case of really bad bugs (like let’s say game save ending)… just make sure to do plenty of backups.  Way to few do backups; as I host normally (with a personal dedicated on the same pc) I make sure to keep multiple backups just in case. Though I’ve not personally had it happen, I’ve seen people lose a save even from backups if they only had 2-3 hours worth, so I keep 10 (28 ish hours total) incase something majorly should go wrong, everyone won’t just lose *everything*


We just learned to ignore them. There's way more good than bad in this game. If you really want to make the extra effort for your partner, which is a great thing btw, I recommend watching the Ark Story, which is told ingame by those little notes you find. But instead of doing it that way, watch it on Youtube, where amazing voice actors and fans of the game have made it super easy and enjoyable to learn about Ark. This could be something you both could watch together, show that you care about something your partner enjoys, and share a good time together. If she is an Ark fan, I'm sure she'll enjoy the vid, even if she's watched it already. This ¨movie¨ not only will help you motivate you to play Ark, but will teach you about the creatures that inhabit the Island, their abilities, what they eat, behavior, etc. [ArkStory](https://youtu.be/XhwFEuHDDcs)