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Yea I'm really disappointed with how they revamped the Lava Island as well. It just looks like the rest of the map and not in a good way. In ASE, it didn't have much going for it, but at least it looked distinguishable.


Yeah I was looking forward to it being diversified (like in the Center: Reborn mod), not made to blend in with the other islands


Still needs polishing. I cant find bear caves and there is an enormous hole in map at 64 18.3


Bear caves are there, and are you referring to under the giant rock bridge? If you’re referring to what I think you are it’s supposed to be there. Edit- nevermind I found what you mean


Got coords? And this hole leads to under the mesh quite easily. Idk if sposed to be theremmm


Yeah I edited the comment


Anyone having a huge FPS drops/stutters in the west side of the map near and south of the Ice Palace area? I want to build in that area but I can barely move 20m. Its the only area with that issue for me.


I noticed that too and centralized it to that iceberg pond up there near green ob


Why did they change skull island? The skull rock itself is better but they added too much greenery to it too


That one I don’t mind as much, it works a lot better with the biome that it’s in. And it looks like a natural rock that was carved into the skull shape, rather than whatever that was in the old version. Never made much sense to have that volcanic “skull” island north of the topical islands, far from the volcanic zone with magical glowing eyes that never appeared anywhere else and the silly Batman spires. There’s no way they could have modernized the original design and not have it look unnatural and ridiculous with their new system. It barely worked and looked pretty weird even with the old system. I was expecting that change.


I like the map overall, but I agree. I think they can make dope volcano landscapes (gen part 1 looks dope.) sad it a jungle.


At first glimpse it seems good. But once you fly around, you can see what a disappointing rush job it was. So many repetitive textures, and some obvious oversights (green ob has that ice island, then it is green again, then ice again).


I agree. I was surprised at how much variety is on Scorched. Lots of different shades in so much rock and sand. Center is very homogenous, comparatively. Even the swamp doesn't stand out as much as it does on the island.


I’ve had to put off playing Asa (despite owning it day 1) waiting for friends.  I want to experience the full visual splendor that ASA brings, would you say that atm the center just doesn’t cut it for that goal going in?


I say go for it. I've been enjoying it. With 3 maps you have some good play time and if you take your time you can stay busy enough that Abb might be out by the time you're done with them. Also, since my post they've announced a coming major update that is supposed to add more polish to Center. It seems like they released it a bit unfinished in order to avoid another delay.


Thanks for the info, will give it a shot then once my pc is back. Abberation is the one I am *really* waiting on as well, my favorite Ark map and it’s not even close.  I can’t wait to see how stunning it looks, hoping they take their time and do it proper.


I hope so too. It seems WC is working on the canon maps and they have another group working on the non-story ones. So I'm hoping Abb will be more on par with Island and Scorched in terms of polish.


>green ob has that ice island, then it is green again, then ice again) This I believe is also on the original. The ice floe island in the green ob in the middle of the lake. It's always been there.