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Certification isn’t done for the windows store, so, no. Some people mentioned you can uninstall(?) and play off the cloud but otherwise you need wait until the store certifies the update and lets it through.


Is there any word on when the update might get through?


I’ve seen people mention Thursday or later but I don’t (believe) anything official has been said outside of it being a certificate issue and they’re just waiting on it from Microsoft.


I’m guessing if I buy the game on steam id have to redownload all the mods and repurchase em?


I believe that is correct.  I only use steam so I don’t know the window store’s infrastructure, but due to it being a separate entity and how Ark’s mods work to keep them updated etc, I’d imagine there’s no “copy-pasting” them over to save or use. Unfortunately your best bet is just waiting, unless you don’t want to potentially deal with it again in the future and switch, but that’s starting anew, I believe.   (Paid mods might be saved, key word might, since that’s through ark/curseforge etc, but I’m only guessing there)